#discord harassment
ssreeder · 2 years
This is a threat
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Don’t you dare. That goes for you too @relatable-ninja
*spray bottle emoji*
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redtail-lol · 10 months
Discord users please do me a favor. I'm usually anti harassment but we need to make an exception for companies and we all need to harass the fuck out of discord for their new update changing the UI and visuals unnecessarily in a way that makes nothing easier and everything worse. The only way we can make them change it back is by flooding their inboxes with "reverse your latest update now you ruined discord" and I need it changed back now. Email them. Email them a scathing review on how much the new UI and visuals suck and tell them you want the changes reverted. Right now.
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aqua-cultured · 1 year
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so it looks like Blood Libel: The Videogame is gonna be doing more twitch drops, so remember to unsubscribe from any streamers who are stooping so low as to work with T*rf Supreme - and to let them know exactly why you are if you feel comfortable doing so
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fandxmslxt69 · 6 months
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Hello friends!
As March comes to an end (my birth month wooo) I thought it would be a fun idea to have a little hang out during the last week! So from March 25 - 31 we are PARTYING !
Sort of!
My askbox is open to all sorts of silly dilly fun time! This is my first little hang out so PLEASE BE KIND TO ME i'm just a silly girl who wants to make friends and have some fun! I'm also hoping this might get me back into writing!
Yes, the poster is all Loki NO HE'S NOT THE CENTRE OF ATTENTION!! Here's a little info I guess (I am just winging this as we speak, it is not very thought out):
Rules & Info
The event will run from 03/25 to 03/31 - you can send in as many asks and hang out as much as you would like!!! No I will not kill you if you drop a hello in my askbox start of April - to be honest, I love friends so I won't ever turn anyone away
You can stop by my askbox to say hi, share some thoughts (or thots...) tell me anything, or play a game! (will talk about that in a bit)
Anyyyyoneeee is welcome I don't care if we aren't mutuals or we don't even talk, STOP BY AND SAY HI :D If you are rude or disrespectful in any way, I will kick your butt and break your nose.
This is a positive, fun zone. I just want to have my fun and mind my business, please don't be trying to cause problems. I'm a relatively small blog so thankfully no one really looks my way but I've had some bumps in the past.
Fuck, marry, kill - send me any three characters that you want me to decide a fate for....oh my god please don't make me kill anyone I love dearly....
Blurbs!! - send me a little prompt/kink/thought & a character and I will try SOOOOO HARD to put out a little itty bitty something of writing! Like 500 words or so!! Can be fluffy or smutty. Angst is not allowed unless its just a LITTLE sad and with lots of fluffy stuff after
Character Association - tell me about yourself and let me give you a character. This is literally my favourite game ever, and I swear I'm super good at it
Book Recs - tell me your reading vibes/popular tropes you like and I will give you FIVE (not one, not two, but FIVE!!!) book recs because I like talking about books. If you show up talking about non fiction, then sorry but I am not your gal at all.
Chat - Come talk!! Come chat!! Come say hi and giggle with me about anything!! Come be crazy with me over narratives and themes and character arcs!!! Tell me about school or your day, your OCs, latest WIPs or anything currently on your mind!
Okay that's all I could come up with but literally any and all games are free game. I am keeping this as chill and lowkey as possible.
You guys already KNOW my vibes and what I'm around and what I'm not, so feel free to send anything! I float around Marvel/DC (just send in any character and if I don't vibe with it I'll just let you know or leave it unanswered), I think it's obviously I'm Oscar Isaac obsessed....um. Pretty much anything. It's free game and I'll put my foot down if I'm down okay with something or don't want to answer :D
I'm..about to tag some friends...if that's okay...
@divine-knight-hand @romanarose @sarahscribbles @lokischambermaid @lokisgoodgirl @sailorholly @in-som-niyah @fictive-sl0th @mischief2sarawr @saturn-rings-writes @superficialdomina @planetwaynez...and I can't remember anyone else now I'm sorry LMAO
PS: If you're worried whether I'm comfy or not or familiar with a character or not, just send it in anyway and we'll figure it out from there!
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the-meme-monarch · 6 days
huh sorry for disappearing for like a day and a half. a weird guy appeared
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mushroomjar · 3 months
I don't like the way you guys talk about Palestinians asking for donations. I don't like it.
I had to see someone make MULTIPLE posts bitching and moaning about how people need to stop sending them asks asking for them to reblog their donation posts, that they'd just be blocking them from now on, and that they didn't care if they were vetted because they still found the act of sending asks to get reblogs on their donation links suspicious, even if they were in a dire situation. They even went as far as to say that they got an ask, deleted it, and then they got another ask from the same person, and accused the person of sending another ask to purposefully "get under their skin"
I don't know man, have you considered that being a victim of ongoing genocide will make you ask for help in whatever way you can? And sometimes that involves sending random blogs asks to see if they can donate or at the very least share your donation links? A Palestinian reaches out to you multiple times because they need help and your response is to whine about getting donation links in your inbox? I wish I had your problems
Also the thing about "getting the exact same ask from the exact same blog multiple times"... uh, duh? First of all, they're probably reaching out to dozens of blogs daily, do you think they're gonna type up a new paragraph for each blog they reach out to? Second of all, maybe they reached out to you multiple times because a. They really really really need the help and b. What, do you think they're gonna see your URL/blog and be like "oh! I already reached out to this blog, I'm not gonna send them another ask"? Or do you think they'll be like "this person has been reblogging other people's donation posts, maybe they'll reblog mine too"?
Like I understand being suspicious about getting sent donation links to your inbox, but literally all you have to do is check if the blog's been vetted by other bloggers? It's as easy as searching for their URL on tumblr sometimes, it literally takes less than a minute or two. And that's what bothers you? That's what you're complaining about? Find a real problem!!!
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butwhatifidothis · 1 month
Harassment is horrible, it's terrible mods in this Discord aren't doing anything.
But on the other hand, what about you? You harassed a person over *fanfiction* ( to the point it's the 4th tag who shows up on your blog ). Yet, all your harassment is still there out of the open. You haven't really seriously apologized, especially to them. You're still quite active on fe3h discourse while he had to remove himself from many public online space.
How is this fair?
You're rightfully upset about harassment towards members of your community, there should be *serious* amends made... But how can you hold double standards like that?
I haven't followed the discourse closely because it's so awful, why are you all so hateful? Because you just seems like one of the "bad guy" in this story along with Raxis and the other. I'm not saying you're the same, but you're not really better than those you criticize either, and the same apply for the other blog who participed in your harassment... It's just horrible all around. You're all drowning in a cesspool of toxicity and it's making you all worst people than you actually are.
I hope you, and people around you, will at least receive amend over the harm caused to them. I hope you stop receiving troll, death threat and any other type of hate message you probably still receive. But I hope you'll sincerely recognize your faults and fully amend to them too.
Look, I know you probably mean some kind of well and that you likely spent a long time thinking over this message, so I'm going to lay it out as simply as I can:
I have never once interacted with Cap'n himself, and I have repeatedly told anyone reading my posts to do the same. This is unlike the people who have harassed me and others, who went out of their way to make sure we saw what they were saying about us. This includes publicly admitting to using alts to go around our blocks of them so that they can keep interacting with us directly
Very quickly into critiquing Cap'n's work, a primary focus became pointing out the problematic rhetoric he was spreading with his incredibly influential, incredibly popular fanfic. This includes the justification of holding racist rhetoric, the anti-miscegenation rhetoric, the infantilization of women, the demonization of men, the justification of imperialism, and more, all which appear very quickly into the story and stay prominent throughout the story. The people who have harassed me and others, meanwhile, either deny this rhetoric exists in their circles or outright hold this rhetoric themselves. This includes the use and defense of genocide apologetics.
This post is the first time I have talked about Cap'n in over a year, and the last time I posted any notes on his fic was over a year and a half ago. This is unlike the people who have harassed me and others, who have engaged in harassing behaviors as recently as this week (as of Aug 18 2024).
It has been explicitly said by those close to Cap'n that my notes, while upsetting him, had no part in him leaning away from social media more, unlike what you say here. This is unlike the people who have harassed me and others, who have driven off multiple people from social media and have openly patted themselves on the back for doing so, justifying their harassment by saying the people they've harassed off social media deserved it.
I have kept my critiques strictly on this Tumblr, as have most of the people who have talked about Cap'n's fic. This is unlike the people who have harassed me and others, who have spread their harassment on places such as Twitter, Reddit, and TVTropes.
I have refrained from ever accusing Cap'n of ever holding any bigoted views himself, and have made it a repeated point to say that his problematic writing is far more likely due to ignorance of the subjects involved rather than outright malice. This is unlike the people who have harassed me and others, who have accused many of us as people of being sexist, racist, homophobic, etc. based off of nothing. This includes accusing at least one of us of actual crimes against actual people with no proof and on multiple sites such as the popular and public Edelgard Discord and on Reddit.
People who said they were in contact with Cap'n (as in, mods of the Discord server that Cap'n was once in, the same server that has the mod that uses genocide apologetics) have been told that I was willing to remove parts of my notes that he found too attacking or harsh, and they've been told that I would outright remove all of my posts regarding Cap'n period if he would talk to me directly and we could discuss the implications and rhetoric he had accidentally written into his story. While I do understand him not wanting to do the latter (as it involves directly talking to me), he hadn't even done the former (which does not involve directly talking to me and only involves relaying messages through his friends). And with all of the above on top of that, it gives me the impression that he feels less like "this person is harassing me and that is giving my anxiety" and more "this person is critiquing me and I don't like that." While he has every right to feel the latter, we aren't going to sit here and say that's the same as the former.
So, nonnie, to answer why I am "hateful," as you put it: I don't like stories that unironically say being two races mean you don't belong to either race being influential in a fandom, as a mixed-race woman. I don't like stories that have characters of color only be used as props for the author's favorite little white girl to be influential in fandom, as a person of color. I don't like stories saying that women just want to go back to being innocent pure little girls and not be the wilted tainted flowers they are now to be influential in a fandom, as a woman. I don't like stories that lay the blame of all the world's suffering on the shoulders of a race of people who've barely survived a genocide to be influential in a fandom, as a person with a modicum of knowledge on where that rhetoric inevitably leads to. I don't like stories saying that men who don't bow down to women will almost certainly become rapist pigs or otherwise terrorizing monsters to be influential in a fandom, as someone who rejects sexism of all forms. I don't like stories that liken the violent conquests of imperialism to the blooming of flowers, or that say that imperialism is the only way for the "good" culture to help everyone - actual, genuine rhetoric used to justify actual, genuine imperialism - to be influential in a fandom, as someone who has read any history book ever.
And I don't like how all of this and more have clearly been normalized in big 3H fandom circles and how this has led to multiple people getting harassed, in no small part due to Cap'n's influence on the fandom at large.
I'm sorry if Cap'n doesn't like me pointing out the bigotry he had engraved throughout his story, and I'm sorry if I'm not going to be convinced that me doing that is the same as people's deliberate and long-standing attempts to chase people out of the fandom for saying they don't like Edelgard in the one way they allow anyone to like her, and I'm sorry that me calling out the racism people are engaging in and are hiding behind the shield of "discourse" seems to bother you so much, but I think I've explained why I'm not exactly that sorry well enough. Hope this answers your question <3
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the-jordas-trials · 1 year
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[rises up from the deep holding a milkshake and fries] i L I V E
and i bring fanart of a fanfic, while this isnt based on anything that happened (or possibly anything that happens later), i felt like i'd just crack my fingers anyway! behold the Scrimblos! No Significant Harassment, Looks To The Moon and Five Pebbles the fic the designs are based off is Taking It As Is by @nerdydowntherabbithole which if you adore rainworld, read it because OUGH emotions, if you like Moon experiencing Violence, Pebbles being picked up like a child or Sig just about ready to snap the both of them in half like a twix? that fics your best bet!
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katyspersonal · 3 months
Another side of how dumb people starting and fueling the online dramas clearly forgot how humans work is complete unawareness about how human brain works. It isn't JUST the fact that they're always so goddamn shocked that people can make mistakes all of their lives and think they exposed some huge evil!
But whenever a very strong backlash launches at a person and they hear all kinds of damning accusations of -isms and -phobias, obviously their brain will stop functioning normally from raw panic! Biologically it will prioritize own "survival" rather than some intricacies about politics and/or humanities. So NATURALLY in this state an apology will be super clumsy and poor, or they might start to defend themselves, or attack back, or simply run away. tAkInG AcCoUnTaBiLiTy uwu is very far from their current priority when they have to worry about their career if not life ruined in literal days! (Let's not even dive into the topic of how almost never any of the dumb shit they said online in ignorance actually harmed anyone, witch-hunters just like to play victims because it gives them power over other people's fates)
"But in that case why won't they simply step away from the internet so they can calm down first and come up with a good and responsive reaction? 🥺" Wow! This is a really good idea! :) It sounds like a very rational choice, doesn't it? :))) Would not that be just great if a brain under panic was able to come up with a rational solutions on the fly? :)))) Especially great if online dramas stopped spreading THIS fast, so every minute of "just stepping away to think" didn't feel like putting oneself into even MORE danger? :)))))))
Fucking pricks, all of these people. "Good intentions lead to hell" but the ones in hell are victims of their witch-hunting, not the culprits.
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our-lesboy-experience · 5 months
yesterday i put "fuck off if you don't fuck with lesboys" in my discord bio and today i realized i was kicked from a server and banned by the owner because of it 😭
i get that people don't like us very much but omg nobody said anything to me as to why i was kicked until i got into contact with one of the people from the server💔💔
kicking someone out because they have a queer identity you don't like.....but then it's still just "im not queerphobic!!!1!1!1!"
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minerwarfare-suzuya · 5 months
Previous posting discussing Arion:
Twitter Thread
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midiosaamor · 2 months
need ways to mentally torture a friend (online) any ideas?
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doostyaudi · 4 months
I wish the madness combat Fandom was as nice to be in on any other social media, it's nice here, but nowhere else is
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thatfilthyanimal · 6 months
Fandom warning: Baegels / "Patch City" Discord
I've been informed that Baegels resurfaced to try to RP with Megamind fans again and because I'm sure people won't know: she has a long fandom history of being controlling, threats of doxxing, ban-evading, making multiple accounts to stalk people, and harassing people. RP-wise her solution to having to interact even vaguely with people she disliked (such as me) was to declare an RP event that would literally split Metro City in half, and she then isolated users that stuck with her and made them feel afraid to RP with anyone she disliked or else be discarded by her/her characters that had long history together. People have come forward about this years after the fact claiming that her actions caused them horrible mental distress that continues to effect them, and causes them to still avoid the fandom even now after so many years. For some context, Tumblr Metrocity, as we called it, was largely walk-in-walk-out-as-needed, open to anyone, and unmoderated because it literally couldn't be, as it was public and open to anyone on Tumblr who made an account to join it. Fandom "events" were always optional to all players-- unless you were Baegels, I guess. This is part of what makes the "Metro City split" so wild to talk about. Frankly, I'm baffled she thinks she's wanted, here. Hi Baegels, I absolutely did not forget you or the people you hurt. :) I have an old tag for her, which should tell you all you need to know for how much this person pissed people off. She's one of the few people on a VERY small list of permabanned users on my own server, The Evil Lair, which generally means "this person has hurt multiple people / caused large amounts of fandom distress". This is very much not a one-person beef. I've been here since 2010 in this fandom so I've uhhhhh seen some shit! And this was some shit! Be careful out there. <3
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dipndotz · 2 years
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bunch of random doodles i never posted
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corset · 1 year
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The creature attacks
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