bicolor-art · 4 years
eeee i just wanna say im a huge fan of your art and loved your aj fanfiction the phantom king. your art inspires me to one day become as great an artist as you! it has also inspired my own aj fanfiction series im working on. just wanna say thanks!
omg that means so much to me, thank you ;w; <3<3
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Here’s an MS paint Skrilliant for u!! I still hold that comic near and dear to my heart and I’m glad its not lost to the sands of time lol
hope ur having a good day!! Sorry answering this took so long, this ask genuinely made me so happy I kinda just kept looking at it in my inbox lmao
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Did you ever kill anyone?
Yeah man /j
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not-charming · 4 years
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Flamet the heron! She belongs to @kittyycandiezzpresents !!
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hey dipshit can you stop fucking posting in the scarlet devil tags no one wants to see your pathetic excuses for pro shipping when looking up touhou characters; also you're fucking 17 act your age, take the L and stop spam tagging people for a singular callout post are you actually fucking fetal?
Ok first of all I wanna thank you for not hiding behind an anon like certain others, congratulations on being the first genuine blog to insult me directly! But based on the familiar term “are you actually fucking fetal?” I may have to disqualify you :(
Anyways, I’m posting in the scarlet devil tags as the user who made the “callout post” also goes by “scarlet devil”. I’ve had a plans to change the tags later since the beginning—only it’s been dragged out longer than a week due to physical health problems which caused me to subtract two days from the original February 25th deadline. The deadline is now back to the 27th—today—they’ll be changed using the mass post editor come 6 PM (EST), I’ve got an alarm set already.
As for “acting my age” I think I’m acting more appropriate than these grown adults (18-21) calling me and my 16yo gf out for some fictional character art they didn’t like…not to mention the actions they’ve displayed in the server before and after my ban.
There is nothing wrong with calling out harmful behavior, but making a callout post over two users who aren’t hurting nor aim to do anything and had our material tagged accordingly? IMO that’s harassment, we weren’t doing anything to anyone. @th06 should’ve just followed her own logic of “block and move on”. Not to mention the possible dangerous implications (intentional or not!) that we support incest, are child groomers and antisemitic—those are things that warrant a visible response.
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the tags on the pinned post and all relating to it on my blog no longer have a determined “tag appropriation” date due to physical health issues--i am aiming for february 27th, but this is susceptible to change. The current tags were to ensure visibility to all who may have seen @th06′s post. Please do not harass anyone showcased in the incident.
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It is now past 6 PM (EST) and I am preparing to edit the tags on all discourse relating to @th06. My alarm actually went off in the middle of dealing with more responses and I apologize for the delay. I’ve been dealing with this nonstop for over a week now, I had to stretch the original deadline two days more due to some physical health problems so February 25th was changed to February 27th. This has been going on since the 18th so it’s now been 9 days. I’m ecstatic to say that I’m no longer responding to any asks or reblogs relating to this after 9 days of writing, editing, listening and info gatherings.
I still have tons of info I haven’t uploaded yet, so you may see new posts or edits relating to this—but I will no longer be responding or answering asks.
As an aspiring content creator or to any aspiring content creator reading this, we need to realize that cancel culture and harassment are just going to be a prominent part our lives unfortunately due to the world we live in, so we’re just going to have to accept it and make sure not to let it take up any unnecessary amounts of time off our lives (I personally recommend 1 week).
I’ve given this fiasco a 9 day run and am more than happy to be semi-signing off!
See y’all! ~ ★
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May not be able to fix tags in time for the 25th, my physical health isn’t doing well.
This may be deleted depending on how I heal.
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17 is practically an adult. You are not a child. There's no reason to constantly reiterate that you're a minor, unless you WANT to be treated like a kid.
The age of adulthood in the US is 18. I am 17, therefore a minor. I never said I was a child. By law--or at least regarding COPPA--a child is anyone under 13, if you are over 13 you are not a child but still a minor. I am not an adult, this incident went as far back as october 7th (only 1 month and 2 days after I turned 17). 17 year olds are still minors by US law--you are not an adult in this country until you are 18 years of age.
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good thing you've been watching wordgirl it really helps you sound competent as you try to explain why incest is really cool. also your proship sludge is able to be found in the general UB funkey's tab on tumblr, which means that anyone of any age or background can find your weird shit.
I’m having trouble finding where I explained why incest is cool, could you show me? And as for the tags in the response they would’ve be tagged accordingly after a week, but due to health reasons its now undetermined while aiming for february 27th. The reason they’re not there is so all that may have seen @th06’s post will be notified of the true story. It’s actually one of the latest posts on my blog. The original images that started this were tagged accordingly, you can find a tutorial on how to blacklist posts here.
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what does any of this have to do with embodiment of scarlet devil
Thank you for being polite! Scarlet devil just happens to be a name @th06 goes by, it has nothing to do with the touhou fandom. I added the tag to bring more visibility to the situation and the deadline to change them is today, unfortunately I’m currently dealing with much ruder asks and reblogs that are preventing me from doing it faster, and just make me have to add more of these tags to make sure those are visible. I wonder how long it’ll take them to stop.
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"i dont support incest i just produce and support content showing it in a positive light!" legit what u sound like 💀💀💀 im just tryin 2 look at funkey guys not ur dumb ass scrambling for any excuse to go "ADMIN ABUSE!!!1!!111!" bozo
I do not support incest, I support the idea of content creators having freedom to create what they want as long as it doesn’t or intend to hurt others. I view it in the same light as glorifying gore through “aesthetic” art and especially through aesthetics such as neon gore, pastel and candy gore. Also I’m more than sure their behavior counts as admin abuse.
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hi! the scarlet devil tag is for an unrelated game, could u drop it from unrelated posts? most of us are just browsing it to look for art
I’m sorry for any trouble caused, this isn’t directed at all fans of the game but towards those who may have seen the post by the blog going by the same name (@th06). I have thought about the fact that uninvolved people may see this, but due to not only harassment instead of following her own logic of “block and move on”, there are things in the document that may suggest/imply (not even intentionally) that not only I, but my girlfriend as well—support incest, are child groomers and are antisemitic—something that needs to be addressed asap and made public. I know that this will indeed cause discomfort for those not involved in this, so I had made plans to remove unrelated tags and add proper ones after a week (February 25th). Due to the sheer amount of posts relating to this they’ll most likely be privated/saved to drafts come the 25th, and may not return until sometime after. Due to the escalation of recent health issues, this date is no longer the deadline, it is now an undetermined date due to fluctuation of the symptoms--but i am aiming for february 27th now. I am only doing this in self defense/addressing dangerous allegations and I apologize for any discomfort. But @th06, if this is you—you have brought this on yourself for not practicing what you preach.
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L + ratio + stop defending your hitler jokes + your little partner literally posted it in a publicly accessable tag for the game + your ban was a long time coming + change your diaper + you are literally fetal
I’m not sure how defending a subtle joke not intended to harm anyone in a server that hosted others consisting of a slur, had adults dogpiling 2 minors and one sending death threats. And I have apologized in a previous post for offending anyone. My partner posted their art under the appropriate tags which can be blacklisted using this link. And honestly after the slur joke incident I stopped caring about the server, I only stuck around for updates. I could care less about being banned and I appreciate the prioritizing of my mental health it did for me.
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Another response to @th06, part 5
PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, PART 4 and finally part 5 (here! You’ve reached the end!)
Validity test footage of waggs words r slur joke
And before I finally end this point, I want to repost the hypocritical Hiroshima bombing joke that was made later—a month later.
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I cannot change what you post on your blog, I can only try to allow more insight to the situation, others who have seen it and respond myself. The posts that followed your warning were not made to order a takedown—but more to defend and answer. We cannot control others or what they post, it is not up to others to create your safespace—safespaces are created by blocking and blacklisting.
Once again I will say the blocking of harmless users should not be made a public announcement, it’s straight up uncalled for harassment and violates your own policy of “block and move on”. I suggest you simply block me and @magicalcardinal if you do not want to see our content, proship or not. Another thing I want to say is that regardless of fan works of ub funkeys you find on tumblr.com, this platform is 13+ and will always have content that is not suitable for all audiences—no matter how g-pg you want to keep your dashboard there will always be content above that rating as tumblr was made for teens and up. There will be things that unsettle you in any fandom period.
This is exactly why we have blocking and blacklisting features—to create a space safe for ourselves.
Have a good day (/gen), and please put more thought into callout posts before making them in the future if dealing with the outcome takes too much out of your time.
PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, PART 4 and finally part 5 (here! You’ve reached the end!)
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Another response to @th06, part 4
PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, part 4 (here!) AND FINALLY PART 5
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Decided to add my own pic with the comment: “Close enough”
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“What” and “????” Are responses to another raiders coming back in to spam the n word or f slur—I forgot what it was…still just a huge facepalm to allowing the r word to stay while going frantic over this. I have no idea what the intent of the raiders were—but it just seemed more like trolling than a hate crime (they did @ bone but I’m not sure if it was bone and bone alone iirc)—so more slur joke hypocrisy. They weren’t aiming it at anyone specifically and just spammed it out of the blue—more of a “funny because I can lol” type joke—the same if not almost the same as entering the r word into waggs words of all things.
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“I’m like 99% sure that’s his alt”
I’m mostly sure Ryan is again talking about the raiders, but they do not have pronoun roles (mine were in my bio, but they may not have been looked at) so i can’t be completely sure—still iffy (for good reason) about who this was directed at due to this server’s seeming targeting of me.
“i’m going to ask that everyone try and refrain from posting in this channel for at least an hour while us staff try and get everything cleaned up on our end, we’re sorry about the mess, and none of us are perfect, so please give us time while everything is sorted. stay safe, and remember to be kind to each other! if you have moderation inquiries, please message staff directly to avoid creating a problem with other users.”
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Lucia, i wouldn’t have had to argue with the staff in chat if the staff weren’t already harassing me there in the first place...
and at the bottom you can see the snippets shown in the original response, silver only getting told to add a warning for the slur while i suffered a 1 week ban for a subtle joke and retaliating against the staff harassing me in the first place.
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“You’re okay silver 👍 I appreciate you at least spoiled it in the first place” “well, a spoiler doesn’t really do all that much if you don’t know what you’re clicking on beforehand” “tysm for spoilering! and ya like legion said ur good”
Also before anyone lectures me on the n word and f slur being worse than the r word--they are all targeted towards people who have things they may have (sexuality can be fluid) been born with, cannot change and must live with for the rest of their lives--how is it any different?
New footage of the r word joke that confused me on what humor was and wasn’t allowed in the server below.
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Validity test video of the vague hitler joke argument
PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, part 4 (here!) AND FINALLY PART 5
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