knightsofeclipse · 18 hours
Burnout burnout burnout
I got the scene in The Spin the Bottle Plot that had stumped me but now I have to get my brain back in gear to continue.
It took a month, y’all. I was struggling with what to do with this scene for a month.
I’m just so creatively fried right now and I hate it. I thought sims were being dramatic when they said doing creative things would exacerbate creative burnout. Have I learned my lesson in that regard, no, but I have acknowledged it and that’s something.
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knightsofeclipse · 2 days
combine your first real fandom with your current one to create a terrible, terrible au
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knightsofeclipse · 3 days
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//Absurdly helpful for people writing royal characters and/or characters who interact with royalty and members of the nobility.
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knightsofeclipse · 3 days
Btw don't shut up you're not annoying
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knightsofeclipse · 4 days
what farming items in mmorpgs has taught me: i used to think using ice trays to make ice cubes was free but after thinking about it i have to pay the electric bill to power the freezer so every moment that i’m not freezing new trays of ice cubes is a moment that i’m underutilizing the freezer and increasing the cost of ice cubes. i have to constantly swap out ice trays for new ice cubes on an hourly rotation on a 24 hour basis or else i won’t produce the maximum amount of ice cubes possible and will underutilize the full potential of my electric bill. i need to stop using all other appliances and utilities in my home to make more ice cubes
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knightsofeclipse · 4 days
All of my brain cells for the last week have gone into modding Baldur’s Gate 3.
I just uninstalled BG3 last night because I so irrevocably borked it that clean slate was my only option.
I still have to uninstall and reinstall the mod manager because I borked that too…
It has been a bad time. Why can’t hyperfixations cooperate? I just want to make characters and experience chaos in Faerun. I mean, I’d also like to be writing but this took all of my brain cells to get this much done. And for what? None of it even works 😭😭 If I wasn’t so dead set on my plans for BG3 I’d just go fix my Skyrim that I also borked last time I tried to mod it…
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knightsofeclipse · 4 days
making a whole separate post so i dont just ramble in the tags of my tecna art actually
scrolled around the tecna tag here and got reminded of how pissed i am by winx brushing off her saving the ENTIRE UNIVERSE in s3
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IDC IF THIS IS A KIDS SHOW THINK OF THE ANGST POTENTIAL. tecna can't be around highly cold areas anymore because it reminds her of the omega dimension. if she stays somewhere cold too long she starts to hyperventilate and panic and feel claustrophobic. and you know what's a cold area. zenith.
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knightsofeclipse · 8 days
When I’m struck with an idea, sometimes I have the brilliance to write it down.
Most of the time I jot down what I have with no context. Just a scene, an exchange of dialogue, a back of the book style summary even.
Other times I leave myself incredibly helpful notes that just say things like “character a/character b idk figure it out later” or “werewolves get moonburn”
These are both real notes I’ve left myself.
What all of these examples have in common is I don’t remember where I was going with any of them. I have some really neat scenes that live in a vacuum because idk where they came from or where they are going. And unless I find the context, they will probably forever live in these vacuums.
So I might post some later. That’s all this was gearing up to 😅😅
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knightsofeclipse · 8 days
"i’m a writer" really just means i spend most of my time procrastinating, overthinking, and wondering why i’m doing this to myself
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knightsofeclipse · 9 days
I'm not descending into madness. I am ascending into madness!
I'm reaching heights of insanity you well-adjusted people couldn't dream of!
I am looking down on you all from my throne of crazy and you look like ants!
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knightsofeclipse · 14 days
I'm crawling out of the sewer to say it again: don't let anyone stop you from writing what you want to write.
Don't let people saying your writing is too 'self indulgent' stop you.
Don't let people saying your writing is 'not original enough' stop you.
Don't let people saying 'you shouldn't write this' stop you.
Write what compels you.
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knightsofeclipse · 14 days
the idea of consuming two conflicting things that promise to do the opposite of each other has always been hilarious to me. there’s a liquid shot-based sleep aid called 6 hour sleep and as soon as I saw it i immediately imagined mixing it and a 5 hour energy together for a 1 hour nap
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knightsofeclipse · 14 days
I think… writing wise…
All my problems would be solved if I just drown the pirate
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knightsofeclipse · 14 days
I am running from my problems. I don’t exactly know what my problems are — probably just depression — but that’s besides the point.
And how I’m choosing to run is jumping from project to project. Each time I hit a hurdle I just jump ship.
I’ve been through like 5 different projects in the last 24hrs…
It’s like the moment I feel something from my writing I have to get as far away from it as possible.
I am feeling the things these scenes are supposed to make me feel. I am doing a good job.
I just can’t handle it…
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knightsofeclipse · 14 days
people always say "you need to know the rules to break them!" but honestly, you could just write what your brain and fingers want to write, let the story pour out, and then figure out the rules later—if you even feel like it. creativity isn’t about following a manual, it’s about making something that feels right to you.
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knightsofeclipse · 15 days
Ok, just a be sad kinda day then…
Today is a be sad about my OCs kinda day I guess
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knightsofeclipse · 15 days
Today is a be sad about my OCs kinda day I guess
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