knowledgecity-blog1 · 6 years
In 2019, we can expect to see employers encouraging employees to unplug more, consolidation of workplace wellness resources, healthier snack offerings and more flexible workplace wellness offerings.
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knowledgecity-blog1 · 6 years
Accidents happen, but a business with a good contingency plan will be better prepared for the unexpected. 
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knowledgecity-blog1 · 6 years
Has work felt increasingly like a radioactive lead weight around your neck for the past couple of months – sapping your energy and crushing your enthusiasm until it’s all you can do to drag yourself into work and just get through each day? You could be experiencing job burnout.
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knowledgecity-blog1 · 6 years
New employees strive to learn as much as they can to become competent and successful, but this isn’t always enough. In these cases, it is in a manager’s best interest to notice where additional help is necessary.
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knowledgecity-blog1 · 6 years
While most organizations understand the importance of initial job training, many neglect investing in continued training and development and pay a high price in lost talent, productivity and profits.
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knowledgecity-blog1 · 6 years
Here are five biggest workforce trends coming your way in 2019 and how to prepare for them.
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knowledgecity-blog1 · 6 years
When you are faced with anything but a choice between two options, that standard checklist always falls short. Grid analysis is an effective way to quickly decide between several options when many factors need to be considered. 
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knowledgecity-blog1 · 6 years
Are you ready to meet the challenges of compliance training in 2019 head-on to get the most out of your learning and development initiatives? 
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knowledgecity-blog1 · 6 years
Developing skills to bridge your industry's skills gap could prove to be your secret to successfully landing a new job in the new year.
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knowledgecity-blog1 · 6 years
Strategic business goals set by companies fail 70 percent of the time. The problem is that team members can’t translate the goals into their actions. Learn how to create systems that will help you achieve your end goals.
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knowledgecity-blog1 · 6 years
There are no secret shortcuts or magical remedies to reach the next level in your career. However, here are three ways you can leverage perseverance, thoughtfulness and flexibility to ensure continual success.
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knowledgecity-blog1 · 6 years
Everyone experiences moment of doubt and job anxiety. How you manage these feelings can differentiate yourself from your peers and shape your career path. Resolve to leverage your professional fears toward professional success in the new year.
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knowledgecity-blog1 · 6 years
Like many others, the approaching New Year may have you considering your professional future and the possibility of making some positive changes. Right now, it’s job seekers’ market, so it’s an ideal time to make a career move. 
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knowledgecity-blog1 · 6 years
While most medical jobs require high levels of education and training, U.S. News shows that the years of education will pay off in salary and job stability.
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knowledgecity-blog1 · 6 years
The holidays will always come with some additional stress. However, if you remember to unplug, plan, exercise and relax, you can start the New Year refreshed and ready for the challenges to 
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knowledgecity-blog1 · 6 years
Effective communication in the workplace leads to positive workflow and higher productivity. It provides clear direction, so each member of your teams is aware of expectations and can consciously deliver on them. 
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knowledgecity-blog1 · 6 years
Overuse has pushed the term “employee engagement” into the realm buzzwords – a vast, empty expanse of concepts that are devoid of any real meaning. But engagement has irrefutable concrete benefits.
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