#workplace trends
boardwalkindia · 1 month
What’s Next: Workplace Trends for 2024
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The aftermath of the worldwide issues of 2020 continues to shape the professional environment. To name a few, there has been a move toward remote work, a focus on employee well-being, and an acceleration of digital change. To be robust and competitive in the face of these developments, businesses everywhere are rethinking their approaches. Examining the top 15 workplace trends for 2024, this article provides organisations with guidance on navigating the nature of work in the future.
1. The Hybrid Work Model
The hybrid work style is quickly replacing the traditional workplace trends as the new standard. This strategy gives employees freedom and allows organisations to keep an office presence by combining remote work and office attendance. This paradigm is made possible in large part by technology, which guarantees smooth productivity and collaboration wherever it is.
2. Prioritising Employee Health and Safety
Following the pandemic, employee health and safety have become paramount. Employers are taking extensive steps to guarantee secure workplace trends, such as following health regulations and utilising technology to facilitate contactless communication. Creating a culture of trust among employees requires open and honest communication regarding safety procedures.
3. Embracing Diversity and Inclusion
More than ever, there is a call for diversity and inclusion. Businesses are realising the benefits of having a diverse workforce and are acting to guarantee that everyone has equal opportunity. This entails developing diversity departments, instituting inclusive policies, and making a concerted effort to eradicate workplace trends inequity. A varied crew fosters creativity and productivity in addition to enhancing company culture.
4. The Upskilling Imperative
The talents needed to succeed change with the business environment. To keep ahead of the curve, organisations and employees alike are putting a lot of emphasis on reskilling and upskilling. This trend emphasises the value of ongoing learning and development since it is driven by changes in the nature of work and technological improvements.
5. Accelerating Digital Transformation
Digital transformation is now required rather than a choice, that’s new in the list of workplace trends. Businesses are using digital tools and procedures more quickly in order to boost productivity, enhance customer satisfaction, and encourage innovation. This calls for investments in technology as well as a culture transformation toward change acceptance.
6. Centralising Communication
The increasing number of communication tools available has made a centralised platform necessary. Workflows may be streamlined, information overload can be decreased, and collaboration can be enhanced with a unified communication system. This is especially crucial in hybrid workplace trends, where efficient communication is essential.
7. Fostering Work-Life Balance
Work-life balance requires more attention because the boundaries between work and personal life are becoming more hazy. Companies are looking for ways to help staff members achieve a healthy balance because they understand how important it is to productivity and well-being. Among the tactics being used are promoting time off, providing mental health assistance, and offering flexible working hours.
8. Investing in Employee Well-being
Beyond just physical health, employee well-being also includes mental and emotional health. Businesses are spending money on all-inclusive well-being initiatives that provide assistance with stress reduction, mental health, and general wellness. Talent attraction and retention are becoming increasingly dependent on this all-encompassing approach to employee health.
9. Advancing Gender Equality
Gender equality continues to be a crucial concern, and the epidemic has made things more difficult for working-age women. Employers are proactively supporting female workers by offering flexible work schedules, child care assistance, and leadership development programs.
10. Valuing Soft Skills
Soft skills like empathy, problem-solving, and communication are becoming more and more crucial in an increasingly automated society. Businesses are realising how important these workplace trends and abilities are for developing cohesive teams, improving customer service, and exercising effective leadership.
Source Link :  https://boardwalkindia.com/whats-next-workplace-trends-for-2024/
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bmdu01 · 3 months
Neetish Sarda's Journey to Hospitality Excellence: A Story of Passion and Perseverance
Introduction:** - Neetish Sarda's ascent to prominence in the hospitality sector is evidence of his steadfast dedication to quality and originality.
Passion, dedication, and an unwavering quest of perfection have defined Sarda's journey, which began with modest beginnings and resulted in a legacy of extraordinary service.
Initial Chapters: Neetish Sarda, who was born with an entrepreneurial mentality, set out to change the hospitality industry when he was very young. His initial business, Smartworks, a renowned provider of coworking spaces, served as a springboard for his subsequent pursuits and demonstrated his dedication to upending conventional wisdom.
Entrying the World of Luxurious Hospitality: With the establishment of The Hive, a cutting-edge boutique hotel brand, Sarda entered the luxury hospitality market in recognition of the changing needs of contemporary travelers. With painstaking attention to detail and a love of crafting immersive experiences, The Hive immediately won praise for its unique charm and unmatched hospitality.
Dedication to Innovation: - Sarda's success is rooted in his steadfast dedication to innovation and individualized care. Every element of The Hive showcases Sarda's commitment to excellence, from specially designed amenities catered to the discriminating guest to carefully chosen decor that capture the essence of the location.
Overcoming Obstacles: - Sarda's path has been paved with obstacles typical of the cutthroat hotel sector. But despite shifting circumstances, The Hive has prospered thanks to his tenacity and insight into consumer needs, setting new standards for opulent hospitality.
Involvement in the Community and Philanthropy: - Beyond its commercial achievements, Sarda is still dedicated to supporting sustainability and charitable causes in the community. Beyond the boundaries of his commercial endeavors, he is committed to making a good difference in people's lives and leaving a lasting legacy for society.
Model for Up-and-Coming Leaders: Both seasoned businesspeople and prospective entrepreneurs can learn from Neetish Sarda's story. His tale serves as a reminder of the value of zeal, tenacity, and a dedication to quality in achieving success in the fast-paced hospitality industry.
Result: - Neetish Sarda's journey serves as an inspiration as he continues to explore new frontiers in hospitality. Sarda's tale serves as a reminder that anything is achievable with hard work and perseverance, as well as a passion for creativity and a never-ending quest of perfection.
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lauriejmccabe · 6 months
2024 Top 10 SMB Technology Trends From SMB Group
2024 Top 10 SMB Technology Trends From @SMBGroup #smb #technology #trends #2024
Happy New Year! We hope you enjoyed the holidays, and wish you a happy and healthy 2024. Here at SMB Group, we are ringing in the new year by sharing our annual SMB Group Top 10 SMB Technology Trends, required reading for SMBs (small and medium businesses), and for the vendors that serve them. Our Top 10 SMB Technology Trends offers a view of key technology and related trends, examined through…
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norfloxacin1 · 6 months
This article challenges the traditional narrative of a midlife crisis for professionals over 35. It argues that in the current economic climate, where companies prioritize stability and efficiency over rapid growth, experienced professionals offer valuable assets like rich social experience, extensive industry contacts, high degree of professionalism, and more sophisticated skills. These qualities make them well-positioned to thrive in the "age of certainty" characterized by cautious business decisions and a focus on long-term value creation. The article concludes with a message of encouragement for midlife professionals, urging them to hold on and embrace the potential for a career explosion.
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reginafasold · 1 year
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Managers and industry experts across the globe are brainstorming about the things that are going to define workculture in 2023. There is no doubt that the last year was full of ups and downs for corporates throughout the year and some people are wary about the things they will encounter in 2023. This is why having an idea about the workplace trends in 2023 is going to help you out. Have a look at the infographics to know the workplace trends that will dominate 2023.
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johnfeldmann · 1 year
It seems the #quiet hashtag trend isn’t going away any time soon, and we’ll continue to see clever alliterative terms describing workplace practices that have existed for years. Let’s look at what the future holds as we venture through the silent era.
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ralphiesaces · 2 years
lost focus and had a consensual workplace relationship
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dockaspbrak · 5 months
i think the stock market in its entirety is such a flop....back to grain markets.
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creativeusermeme · 11 months
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wolf OR-7 from post-colonial love poems by natalie diaz // splitter, linnea paskow // phantom pain by caitlin conlon // the night belongs to lovers, ilaria @ratsandlilies.art // blood by hozier // love and pain (vampire), edvard munch
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mbrainspaz · 2 months
Coworkers from social media: hey do you wanna fight somebody?
Me: what
Coworkers: look, it’s this video trend where two people pretend to square up to fight!
Me: looks more like a dance.
Coworkers: ok it is more of a dance.
Me (who’s done ballet and ballroom dancing): sorry, I can’t dance.
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damnprecious · 8 months
I can't believe Citizen Soldier has been added to my workplace's playlist
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I can’t be the only one who can’t stand the recent trend taking of to call burnout ‘exploitation’. Like it’s good in theory and all but when it comes down to it, there’s always going to be some of us who simply can’t cope with what’s seen as a societally ‘reasonable’ level of demands. Like I’m still sifting through things hanging over me going back a decade or more to when I was a literal child. I guess you could blame the years-long intense burnout I’m experiencing on my educational institutions who thought I was gifted and had me perform at high levels in multiple things while keeping up with as many things as everyone else. On society who decided this is the way we treat kids, to set them up for the grind as adults (even though it mostly does the opposite). On my family who didn’t know what the kind of energy I had to ration out was or what my triggers and drains were. But the truth is in so many ways I was sheltered from exploitation and my parents made sure of it. The truth is I didn’t have to work through high school or do any extracurriculars and I was actually encouraged to drop some.
Even now, half of the demands that hold over me still come from my own ideas, because since I was young I had too many and couldn’t keep them in my head: I had to do them. The truth is I never showed signs of needing a break until long past when lasting damage was done, and I was dumb and passionate as teens and young adults are supposed to be, and had anyone tried to warn me to slow down, I would feel like they were taking my autonomy away and work even harder. This is what happened, I’m not exaggerating. Yes I was working to earn connection that I shouldn’t’ve gone without, but you can’t police connection and ensure everyone gives it: many people simply don’t know how to give it. It’s a paradigm shift: when we prioritise connection exploitation is ridiculous as a concept. We see everyone as human. We empathise and those of us who have love to give aren’t banished to only ever express it in fandoms, but are a beacon of social capital to society as we’re mentored and our capacity is built to share it. It’s the same way (and this is an oversimplification, I am aware of that, it’s only an example and not the point of the post) indigenous societies have thrived on the land for millennia caring for it through connection. We thrive when we care for our workers the same way: souls we steward and share in the good works of. Elsewise you end up with rules and standards and for those of us who can’t live up to them, too bad, everyone else did everything right so we end up believing that the ones who are doing it wrong are us.
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madfoolish · 1 year
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kitkatt0430 · 1 year
Tales of Symphonia was the first game I played in the Tales series which I've been hooked on ever since. It was probably the first video game i played with queer coding in it, most notably in the form of Zelos Wilder absolutely flirting with Lloyd.
The game came out originally on the Game Cube and it had two disks so I knew when I rented it the first time that I was not gonna finish it before I had to return the game. I wasn't really sure what I was getting into play style-wise, but the description on the back of the game sounded like the kind of fantasy novels I loved to read so I figured it was worth giving a try. I was hooked.
I was in high school at the time and my sister was off at college so it was fairly easy to negotiate having the tiny tv brought up to my room and to bring up the GameCube too. My parents were likely replaying something on the N64 (Ocarina of Time or Banjo Kazooie maybe?) so they were fine with me playing in my room since they trusted me to get my homework done on time.
It was definitely a near thing, though. But I didn't want them taking away the tv + video games in my room privileges. So homework was done.
Anyway, I convinced my parents to let me rent the game for another week after the first week was done and they did. But they wouldn't just buy the game for me. My mom wasn't super thrilled with it since during week number 2 of renting I did have to bring the GameCube back down since Mom wanted to play... Starfox Adventures? Maybe? Could have been Windwaker. Whatever. And, uh, during my turn to play she may have heard Lloyd drop the very few big cuss word in the game when he called someone a bastard. (Actually might be the only time a cuss word of that magnitude is used, but it has been a while since I last played.) So she didn't want to buy it for me and dad was like 'convince your mom'.
But Grandma sent me money for my birthday that year. So guess who used their birthday money to buy Tales of Symphonia for themself and just got an amused, if somewhat frustrated, sigh from their mother about it? Hahahaha
I've replayed that game so many times and I still adore it. There's a lot of cliches, but it's very much a cliches done well type storyline that subverts expectations in interesting ways. There's so many layers to everything in the game. And also if the right titles get earned you can use the characters as dress up dolls.
It's at it's core a game about everyone having the right to live. No matter how different they may be. And that's something worth fighting for, be it for one person or a whole world. I mean... is there any wonder I got obsessed with this game when that's its message?
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petersphotography · 1 year
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sodexoindiaa · 2 years
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Top tech HR Trends
Sodexo India provides a bouquet of 100+ service offerings to various corporates, healthcare organisations, manufacturing locations and schools and universities. There are top hr trends in which HR had the unenviable task of providing a similar and exciting experience to all the employees, irrespective of their workstation.
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