knowtoomuch 2 years
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knowtoomuch 2 years
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knowtoomuch 2 years
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Nothing to see here
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knowtoomuch 5 years
Any old heads still alive..
Tumblr got Myspaced .. or everyone died from getting offended
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knowtoomuch 6 years
Yep. Have not posted here forever. Came back just to post this. Fucking noob.
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knowtoomuch 7 years
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Quite a few people have asked me about how to apply #encryption to their phone so I'll explain the few things you need to do to secure your data in this post and comments. Will take a sec to format it all so check back for comments as I post. Does the average person need to do this? Imo. Yes. Phones get lost.. Stolen etc all tarmoire. Encrypting and securing your data doesn't mean you're a criminal.. It means you want to protect yourself from criminals. Few things.. I do not use an iPhone myself but will provide up to date methods to secure one.. Secondly with extremely sensitive data the best place to keep it is OFFLINE. Steps will come I.
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knowtoomuch 7 years
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Tell us why you're really fucking mad. K thnx. President selling out to the enemy. Pretty much a traitor. "Alt right" Nazis flying enemy flag /desecrating US flag with enemy flag.. Yet the silent protest is what bothers you? Righhtttt. #racists #nazisympathizers #altright #kek #kaepernick #protest #activism #nflprotest #football #politics #trump #traitor #usflag #wokeup #wakeup #plsstop #nerfracism #nerftrump #nerfrussia #meme #photoedit #hacktivism #treason #impeachthemall
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knowtoomuch 7 years
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More #religiousartwork containing #spacecrafts as a #ufo appears to be projecting a beam over this women's head. #art #sacred #ancient #spaceship #chariotsoffire #chariotsofthegods #elohim #anunnaki #aliens #ultraterrestrial #extraterrestrial
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knowtoomuch 7 years
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I Blame the #ironbanner or #ironbannana if you will. Look at that effiency tho. Feel free to add me on #xboxone gt shanksynatra #destiny2
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knowtoomuch 7 years
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So I went full on #destiny #nerd in Target today. Got the hat two pairs of socks and the #vaultofglass #titan action figure. I want to take the #gjllarhorn and #hungjury out and play with them and inspect the armor and the #helmofsaint14 but must resist the temptation
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knowtoomuch 7 years
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These "adult" coloring books helped me survive the hurricane. This one represented the sacral chakra which is why there is orange. It's element is fire. And its focus is connecting our creativity.. Sexuality and passion for life. I did ok. Haha
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knowtoomuch 7 years
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Remember as i said in the book of enoch there is scientific and mathematical data #planets as described in the #bookofenoch #cosmic #celestial #theuniverse #thebible #religion #spirituality #ancienttexts #sacredtexts #jupiter #earth #mercury #mars #sun #thesolarsystem
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knowtoomuch 7 years
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#enoch #bookofenoch #metatron #angels #aliens #elohim #anunnaki #ufo #spaceship #chariotsofthegods #chariotsoffire #crystal #crystals #portals #spaceportal #religion #spirituality #thebible #ancienttexts #sacredtexts
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knowtoomuch 7 years
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#chariotsofthegods is next. I read a few #sitchin before I read this so I felt like I could have wrote it myself. Lol. Read it in a day or two. I still think this is an important book because not everyone has the attention span or mental capacity to read the 12th planet or end of days because all sitchin books are like 900 pages long and this one is only like 300. It doesn't wander as deep into ancient cultures and events for chapters.. It really just gets to the point. If you want to read and learn about ancient aliens/, gods/Anunnaki and thats it. This is more for u than sitchin's books. Thats also why this one sold so many copies.. It's not a hard read and it's important that everyone get to learn about those stories and this is something anyone can read in a few days to a week.
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knowtoomuch 7 years
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I found out about this book when I saw a conspiracy theory site post a picture of Hillary Clinton getting off a plane and she had this book in her hand. Anyways its a really great book and one of my favorites. It attacks the subject of god.. A higher power.. Aliens.. Anunnaki.. Eloheem.. From many different angles. Math.. Science.. Astronomy.. Astrology.. History.. Spirituality.. Are all parts of the discussion as author Paul Davies tries to answer a question older than the made up concept of time itself... #AreWeAlone?
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knowtoomuch 7 years
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This is another great man. If only we had a leader half as great at leading as X was. His entire life.. The background he came from.. His transformations. His awakenings. All this things are great for any individual to learn from regardless of race or religion. The circumstances surrounding his death are still debated today.. Was he killed by the feds.. Or the NOI.. I believe a combination of both. After his pilgrimage to mecca.. When he came back and decided he would work with all who fought oppression.. Even if they werent black or Muslim.. At that moment he was on the verge of being one of the most powerful leaders history has ever seen, IMO at least. And it was at that moment the powers that be decided he was too powerful to let live. He would have lead a great revolution that would have saved us from most the tyranny we see now. Another more than great man murdered by the US government for offering the people the thing that this country supposedly represents. Freedom. Read the book if you havent. Rest in power Hajj Malik el-Shabazz聽aka #MalcolmX
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knowtoomuch 7 years
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Back to the books. First read this when I was like 17. Wouldn't say it changed the way I thought about this world and country. It more so validated all my suspicions and feelings. William Cooper traded his life to give us this information. He knew what the consequences would he.. But he wrote it anyway. Funny thing tho as much as I'm into aliens now when I first read the book I disregarded those chapters. My how Ive changed since then. Rest in power Mr. Cooper. And thank you for your service not only to this country.. But to humanity. #beholdapalehorse
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