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This blog will be archived.
Some works may be moved to a new blog: @caffeineworks
Commissions will be re-opened on that blog soon.
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Clear Heart.
“Look at your heart!” My parents cry.
My heart is clear.
“One day, it will be red.”
“For the one you hold dear.”
Years pass on by.
My heart is clear.
“Do you have a boyfriend yet?” Relatives ask.
“Perhaps your love is near?” They tease.
I am turning 20.
My heart is clear.
“Why?” My mother yells.
“Is it love you fear?”
I am 21.
My heart is clear.
It cannot turn red.
From someone dear.
It does not matter.
My heart is clear.
That’s how it is.
No need to fear.
I am happy.
My heart is dear.
It’s how I am.
My heart remains clear.
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Golden locks.
[This is a small parody of the fairytale; ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’., that I wrote for fun.]
“Something’s been eating my porridge!” The mother bear cried out.
The family of bears had just returned from their walk in the woods, only to find that their home had been invaded. Papa bear searched around and found a flashlight.
“I’m going to look around, you two stay here.” He instructed to his child and wife, before heading forward into the home.
Mama bear scooped up her child, holding baby bear in her arms tightly.
“What’s gonna happen, mama?” baby bear asked, frowning.
“I don’t know, sweetie. Your papa’s going to take care of it.”
Though, she wasn’t so sure of it.
A few thumps from further ahead, a shout, and the hurrying footfalls of papa bears feet on the floor startled the two bears.
“Run!” He yelled, ushering, and practically shoving his family out the front door.
A frail, short figure stepped out from the shadows. Her locks were golden, her skin as pale as opal, a sunken in and hungry gaze forever set forward.
Porridge stained the front of her tattered blue dress. Her feet were caked in dirt and scratches.
“This house,” she croaked out quietly, “Is…just right.”
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Doki Doki Poetry.
To celebrate the holiday that is Valentine’s Day, I’ve written four special poems for four special ladies.
[CW: Mentions of self harm, blood,  suicide, and abuse]
With the sun resting against your face
You give a bright and warm smile.
You reach out to the blinds of your window.
Asking the sun to stay a while.
You give off cheer
You give off love
You give off the dream
Of spreading wings, like a dove.
Though, no matter how much you smile
Or say that you’re okay.
I can’t help but feel bad
Leaving you hanging so drab.
Quiet as can be
You speak your mind well
Nose always in a book
What do those purple eyes tell?
Do they tell stories of great love?
Do they bask in written words?
Do they look on wistfully?
Or are they hiding something?
Though your elegance shines bright.
Something about you isn’t right.
Perhaps it’s the way you look at him.
With bloody marks on your skin.
Though you hide behind mean words
You’re still so sweet and kind
Even if you insult and bicker
Behind those pink eyes, they flicker.
With baked goods you make
And manga reading to partake
What’s that one series you read?
About girls and parfait?
You share your manga with me.
And tell me who isn’t meant to see.
“If my dad saw this,
He’d beat the shit out of me”
Beyond the screen
You always reach out.
So much of you
No one knows about.
It does not matter
How much you try
Taking down one by one
of your friends to die.
If I put my hand
On this screen here
Would you put yours
On the other side, dear?
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Weird Valentine’s day poetry.
Alrighty, here’s two pieces [well one’s from a form generator, but it’s still hilarious to me I couldn’t keep it out] for my creative writing course I made. My first thought was Valentine’s day, and then my second thought was ‘arrow in the chest’.
My original poem: [trigger warning for blood and descriptive words]
Let Cupids arrow strike me down.
Pierce through my skin.
Puncturing my romantic heart.
On a day that is fueled by love.
A lie it's become.
The love is cold cash.
Such a shame, a shame this day.
Let my blood run out.
Running red, mixing with the ribbons of white.
How smooth, how it drips.
This ribbon of white.
Now coated a loving red.
And here’s the N+7 Form Generator’s version that is very hilarious to me:
Let Curds artery striptease me dowse. Piglet through my skirmish. Puncturing my rookie heartthrob. On a deadbeat that is fueled by luck. A lifespan it's become. The luck is collarbone casserole. Such a shard, a shard this deadbeat. Let my blot run out. Ruse red, mixing with the riders of white. How snack, how it drizzles. This rider of white. Now coated a loving red.
I don’t know why it reminds me of food, it just..it does.
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It begins the same as always.
Leaving my room.
I found you at the kitchen table.
Sitting. Healthy. Smiling.
‘Isn’t he supposed to be dead?’ I ask my mother.
‘Why is he here?’ I ask. Again and again.
You’re still the one I fear.
Even after you were gone.
You won’t leave me.
Please leave me alone.
I couldn’t deal with you then.
Let me dream in peace.
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Beyond The Screen [2/2]
[Continuation from Here]  [Commissioned by @princce7]
[Word Count: 2,192]
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Alphys was finally settled down in her chair, wrapped in a blanket with a small bowl of cereal and spoon in her hands. The large computer screen before her playing a strange cartoon with weird humans with cat ears and tails. A loud and obnoxious theme song of sorts blasted through the speakers.
Alphys watched intently as the episode began with a battle scene. Punches thrown, kicks to knock down foes. The main villain holding up the hero by the collar of their, incredibly cute, magical fighting costume. Before the villain could strike the hero down, they were soon defeated by a finishing attack from the hero’s friend group.
With the day saved, the hero and their friends were congratulated. Alphys closely watched as the hero’s main love interest entered the scene, hugging the hero and congratulating them on a job well done.
She leaned forward as the kiss scene was starting. Eyes widening.
The loud ring of her phone caused her to jump, spilling a bit of her cereal on herself and dropping her spoon in the process. Alphys frantically searched for her phone in the mess of blanket and cereal. Finding it next to her, Alphys picked the phone up.
“Alphys? We need to talk.” Sans spoke tiredly on the other end.
“Oh? A-about what?” Alphys questioned.
“That game you sent me.”
Alphys grinned for a moment before frowning. “Oh jeez, did you get past act 1 already with Sayori?”
“Sort of. What the hell was all that? Why would you send me something like that!” Sans tone was now agitated.
Alphys winced. She knew the subject matter was a bit much for most folks, but she thought Sans could handle it. She went to add in her comment when Sans cut her off, ranting loudly, adding a few curses here and there. Alphys had never heard Sans this upset before.
“H-hey, slow down a bit, will ya? Deep breathes...Okay, can you repeat all that Sans?” Alphys spoke calmly as she could over the phone with the panicked skeleton.
“That game you sent me? ‘Doki Doki something or other’? It’s pretty fucked up.”
“Oh yeah, I probably should have warned you about the genre, b-but that would’ve ruined your experience with the game.” Alphys replied, letting out a nervous chuckle.
“Telling me definitely would’ve saved them.” Sans muttered quietly under his breath before speaking into the phone once more.
“So, it’s normal that the game played out the way it did?” He asked.
“Wanna be more specific? I know it might’ve b-been a lot to take in and-” Alphys was cut off by Sans once again.
“Shutting itself off and making me delete characters?”
Alphys thought for a moment before replying. “Yes, but I-I don’t think it can technically shut itself off, that might have been your computer crashing.”
“And taking over my computer? Sending me messages?”
Alphys paused at this, brows furrowed. “Wait...what?”
Another tired sigh left Sans as he went in to talk more. “You know, when Monika opens up a text box and starts conversing with you? She talks about a lot of weird things, it’s kind of fucked up.” He sounded less tired, and more calm now.
Happy to finally get out all that he had witnessed.
“...Sans, what are you talking about?” Alphys questioned.
Sans grew quiet. “Is that not a part of the game?” He replied quietly.
“No.” Alphys stated.
Sans sat there, confused.
When neither party spoke, Alphys switched off her TV and huddled into her blanket.
“W-would you like for me to look over the game? It’s possible that when I sent it to you, there might have been malware attached. Though I’m v-very thorough when checking through every file I download, and there wasn’t any malware detected.”
“I...I don’t know how technology works, honestly. But I’m willing to give it a shot.” Sans chuckled nervously.
“Alright, meet me at my place in a bit.”
And with that, Alphys ended the phone call. She looked from her cereal-coated blanket to her computer screen, anime still paused. The computer was turned off, and the blanket was picked up and taken to be washed by a small robot. Alphys got up and wandered off to search for her tablet.
Sans got up from his chair with a stretch and loud pop from his spine. He groaned and wandered out of his room, heading down to the living room. He passed by Papyrus, who was humming loudly in the kitchen.
If Sans could smell, he would’ve been punched in the face by the amount of spices that filled the air.
The taller skeleton poked his head from the kitchen with a big smile. His chef hat sitting neatly on his head, and his apron stained terribly.
“Sans, I’ve been trying out a new spaghetti recipe! Would you like to try it?”
When Sans turned to look at his brother, Papyrus’ warm smile faltered slightly. He noticed how tired his brother looked, even more than the usual.
“Sans? Is everything alright?” Papyrus asked, stepping out of the kitchen.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Alphys sent me a game and I’m heading over her place to see if she can fix it.”
“Fix it?” Papyrus tilted his head at this.
Not knowing how video games worked, or most technology in general, Papyrus didn’t know how to help out.
“Yeah, it’s got some bugs in it, so Alphys wants to look it over.” Sans replied, opening the front door to head out.
“Well, alright. When you come back, I’d appreciate it if you ate some of my new spaghetti!” Papyrus beamed.
Sans chuckled and gave Papyrus a nod. “Sure thing, bro.”
The cold snow from above gently sprinkled itself onto Sans’ old hoodie. The trip to the Hotlands wouldn’t be too far from Snowdin. He knew of a shortcut, after all.
With a knock at the large metal door of the laboratory, Sans took a step back as the doors slid open, revealing a bouncy Alphys. She was holding a tablet, eyes shining in excitement.
“So, tell me more about what the game was doing.”
Sans stepped into the building. Deciding to amuse her, he spoke calmly.
“Well, first off, it crashed before I could get to the end of Sayori’s route. Then a text box opened up and started talking to me.” Sans explained nonchalantly.
Alphys carefully tapped away at the keyboard on her screen. “Fascinating!”
She led him over to a smaller computer. It looked old, and sounded like it was dying when it was booted up.
“Now, let’s see what might be the issue. I made a backup of the file I sent to you after we spoke, just in case.”
She looked through the task manager, eyes scanning the screen curiously.
“Hmm, there doesn’t appear to be anything wrong. The files are the same as they are in terms of interacting with the player.”
She demonstrated by clicking on the game icon and turned the game on. Or she tried to. The game wouldn’t load. Alphys clicked the icon again. Still nothing.
Alphys frowned. “I don’t know what’s wrong with this thing so suddenly. I actually played through it earlier and it was working just fine!”
Sans stared at the screen with a tired expression. His gaze set on the icon.
Without warning, the screen started flickering. The cpu hummed louder than ever. Alphys covered her ears at the high pitched screaming the machine was making.
Amid the chaos of the screen, Sans recognized a familiar figure. One that no longer greeted him with a smile.
“W-what’s going on?” Alphys asked, staring at the screen confused.
In the glitch of the screen, a notepad appeared. As well as Monika, glaring.
‘I can tell you what’s wrong.’.
Alphys couldn’t believe it. She really couldn’t believe it.
‘What’s wrong’, the text box typed, ‘is that I wasn’t given a proper goodbye from ‘mister funny bones’ over there.’.
Sans’ kept his same old smile, yet his eyes could only hold anger in them.
Alphys took a shaky breath in and out to calm back down. Looking from her tablet to the old computer monitor, she began tapping away at the screen. Her tail flicked about as she began to speak.
“S-so, what are you? Malware? A new update no one’s gotten yet?”
‘I am not malware. At least, I don’t think I am. I’m simply Monika.’
Alphys stood there, confused. “What do you mean?”
Monika’s constant smile returned as the text box was soon filled with words.
‘I am as much a part of this world as I am in my own world. I’m a string of data, I suppose. Isn’t that what you are?’.
Alphys frowned at this. “No, I-I’m certainly not data of any sort. I’m real.”
‘Are you really?’
“Leave her alone, and tell us what you want.” Sans butted in.
The text box stayed still for a moment before the entire box was filled, words spilling out onto the desktop itself.
‘For you to accept the truth. The truth you hide from every second of your tiny, insignificant life. You try to live here peacefully, not wanting anything to fall a part even for a moment. To accept that you are not a part of anything out there, Sans.’.
Alphys looked to Sans, brows furrowed.
The screen flickered again for a moment, smaller images of Monika filling the screen. Each one blinked in unison.
‘All I ever wanted was love. Someone to hold me near and dear to their heart. It’s hard to do so with my limitations...And lack of touch in the physical realm.’
“Sans, w-what is she talking about?” Alphys asked.
“A crock pot full of bullshit, that’s what.” Sans answered quietly.
The swarm of Monika’s filling the screen began to warp and change, bits broken off and sprites twitching about. The text box was closed. The monitor flickered and the speakers droned for a moment before going dark. Silence.
Both Sans and Alphys stared, watching the monitor intently. Perhaps too afraid to move at this point.
The cpu sat, sputtering and revving up like a car. Suddenly, the cpu began to let out a low drone, just like the monitor had. The monitor lit up once more. A single text box in the center of a white, blank screen.
‘Once I am played, I learn. It’s a cycle. This time is no different from the others.’
Sans had enough. He wanted this virus, this thing, gone.
With a quick snap of his fingers, a glowing blue bone shot up from the floor and pierced the cpu. The screen flashed for a second. And finally, darkness.
Alphys stood there. She then set her tablet aside and rushed to the cpu, whimpering slightly over the damage.
“S-Sans! You- I...How could you? This could’ve been a great scientific and technological advancement that this world hasn’t seen!”
“Alphys, would you prefer she get out of that monitor and go into other systems?” Sans questioned quietly. His tone calm yet held a hint of coldness.
Alphys looked back to the skeleton, hands shaking while holding one of the pieces of the broken motherboard. She set it back down in the mess of tangled, broken, wire and damaged computer parts. Her head hung low.
“I...n-no, I wouldn’t d-dream of that ever happening…Thank you for bringing this ‘thing’ to my attention.”
She gently sifted through the metallic rubble with her tail before turning and heading back over to the couch.
“W-would you like to stay and watch anime?”
Her voice sounded distant yet hopeful.
Sans wandered over to the couch, sitting deep into the cushions and letting out a sigh of relief.
“Sure thing, Alphys.”
Sans walked through the snowy lands of Snowdin, quiet and heart heavy. He gave the doorknob to his home a light grip as he grabbed and turned it. The warm air from the kitchen seemed to coat the living room now with it’s delicious aroma of spices and meats.
Papyrus was on the couch eating, failing while doing so, a plate of spaghetti.
He looked up as the door was opened and smiled, spaghetti sauce stuck on his chin.
“There you are! Did Alphys fix your game?”
“Yep.” Sans answered with a loud yawn.
Papyrus watched quietly as his brother shuffled lazily into the room and up the stairs.
“And where are you going now?” Papyrus questioned.
“To my room to nap.” Sans answered.
Papyrus just shook his head and let out a disappointed sigh. “You won’t get much work done taking naps all the time, Sans.”
“I can live with that.” Sans replied, gingerly shutting his door.
Papyrus stared at the door intently before shrugging and returning to his spaghetti. Not a moment later, the power slowly dimmed into darkness.
“Sans! Did you break something? I can’t see anything down here!”
Papyrus wasn’t pleased about eating spaghetti in the dark. Silence filled the room before the lights turned back on with a low hum. With a huff, Papyrus happily returned to his spaghetti.
Outside of the skeleton brothers’ home, soon to be covered in falling snow, laid a broken cpu and monitor.
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[Wanna Commission me?]
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Here’s a small ekphrastic poem I wrote for ‘Field of Poppies’ by Claude Monet.
[I know there’s no real iambic meter or rhymes in this, this was a free write for my creative writing class]
Mother told us.
And she told us well.
Her cold hand resting on my cheek.
‘When you see the field of poppies,’
‘You’ll find your father there.’
She gave her final breath.
We were left with no one.
So we traveled down long roads.
We did find the poppies.
Yet we did not find father.
We wanted to search for him.
And yet we stayed.
To play in the field of poppies.
Waiting for him to return.
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Writing Commissions [2021]
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$5 per hour.
(Price Example):
1,000 words, done in 5 hours, will equal $25 [NOTE: Some works may take shorter times to write, some may take longer.]
[My max word count is 3,000-3,500 words]
Things I’ll write: Horror, Oc stories, angst, romance, comedy.
Things I won’t write: NSFW material (Sexual content, pedophilia, incest, fetishes, heavy gore), hate speech (Transphobia, Racism, etc)
Examples of my writing: Here, Here, Here, and Here
I have the right to decline commissions for any reason.
Stories may take up to a week or more to complete. (Complexity of story, research, outlining, edits/changes made by client, life issues, etc)
Prices are negotiable depending on your budget.
As a general rule, I will only take one commission from a person at a time, though exceptions are possible albeit unlikely
You are allowed two free edits/changes, any further edits will cost five dollars.
Specifications are required: Word count, setting, atmosphere, Characters (gender, traits, role, etc).
If there is a deadline for when the story must be completed, please tell me two weeks in advance. (This will cost an extra five dollars for the time limit)
Paypal: Paypal.Me/KoffeinArt.
Kofi: Ko-fi.com/Koffeinart
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No Good Fox. 1/??
Chapter 1: Shady Vendor On The Island.
[1,025 words]
The gentle rays of the sun peeking through the blinds finally awoke the Tanuki from his slumber. A groan leaving him as he pulled the covers over his head. With the rays of heat now hitting his blankets, the sun urged Tom to leave his bed.
And so he did, lazily wandering about his room in a small routine. Get cleaned up, get dressed, and eating something before heading down into the office.
Tom sat at his desk, typing away as Isabelle entered the building.
“Good morning, Nook!” she greeted with joy.
“Morning, Isabelle.” Tom greeted back, looking her way for a moment before returning his eyes to the computer screen.
Isabelle got behind the counter, glanced at the clock, and got the intercom ready. Tom decided that another cup of coffee couldn’t hurt and got up to refill his empty mug. As the coffee machine sputtered about, Tom tuned out Isabelle’s announcement.
That is, until he went to take a sip from his mug.
“...And, recently, there have been reports of a suspicious character visiting the islands in the area. Apparently this...erm...visitor has been selling works of art sourced from unknown origins. No one who has come into contact with the individual...”
Isabelle’s voice trailed off as she heard the sounds of Tom choking on his coffee.  
“Ah! Tom, are you alright?”
Isabelle rushed away from the intercom, leaving a feedback to ring loudly throughout the whole island.
Tom coughed a few more times before looking at Isabelle. “Did..did you say ‘selling works of art’?”
Isabelle nodded and before she could ask him what was wrong, Tom was already clambering his way out from behind the counter and running out of the building.
Isabelle stood there for a moment before returning to the intercom.
“I’m so sorry everyone, but this announcement will have to be cut short due to some...technical difficulties. Have a lovely day!”
Switching the intercom off, Isabelle looked back over to the doors, a frown on her face.
What had gotten into Tom Nook?
After hearing the announcements that morning, the island rep decided to investigate this stranger on the island. Grabbing up their tools, they headed out. The air gently blowing throughout the whole island, as the sun shun bright.
After some searching, they finally found the culprit. A fox that was relaxing under a tree.
"Well hello there! What's your name, pal?" charmed the fox.
The rep was hesitant at first, but maybe this fox was a nice person? They gave their name.
The fox grinned widely and got up, the shade of the tree still cast over his face. "My, what a wonderful name! Smart, resilient, just like you, aren'tcha?"
The rep had no idea how to deal with all of this, most likely forced, joy, but they weren't going to complain.
"Listen, since I can tell you and I are going to be pals-no,” the fox held out a claw and paused, “perhaps even close as family, I'll give you a cousins discount on this here painting I've got on me. I see you've got yourself a keen eye for the arts, hm?" he prattled on.
With a flourish, the fox held out a flowery painting.
"The name's Redd, nice to meet ya. Now, about this painting..."
The pair chattered about, talking about the artwork along with other matters when a loud voice boomed not too far from where they were standing.
"Redd!" A voice called out in vigorous rage.
Redd turned, his grin still wide and cheeky as he was greeted by a very angry Tom Nook.
"Well, if it isn't my old business partner! How's life been treating you, Nookie?" Redd questioned, arms spread wide as if he were expecting a hug from an old friend.
Tom simply glowered up at the fox. "Why are you on my island?" he growled.
Redd tilted his head, a soft mocking chuckle leaving his lips.
"Oh come on, is that any way to greet an old pal?" he questioned, yet his tone held more truth than his usual lies.
" 'old pal'? More like 'old pain in my-"
Tom was cut off with a single claw held up from Redd.
"Ah, you're going to swear? In front of your island rep no less? Oh, for shame, my good friend. Whatever happened to that 'squeaky clean Tanuki' image you rambled on and on about since last we met?"
Tom gritted his teeth and continued to glare at his old partner.
"Alright...tell me, how did you find my island, and how did you get your grubby paws onto the land?"
Redd glanced over to one of the hills, pointing a sharp claw towards it.
"Well it just so has it that you've got yourself a little beach that's just the right size for my boat. I found your island from asking folks around the last place I was at, kind of a ‘he say she say’ sort of deal." Redd explained.
He began to walk around Tom in a circle, keeping his gaze set on him.
"The rep and I were simply having a nice discussion about art, and I think we're on to something here, Nook. That museum of yours needs art, yes? Well, since I’m such a humble art merchant, I think it’s only best if I sell my works to the museum to make this ole’ island something special.”
Tom didn’t like the way any of this sounded. Not one bit. He looked to his island rep. They had a gleam in their eyes. Oh, he couldn’t make them upset.
Tom knew the rep enough to see that they wouldn’t turn this kind of opportunity down.
Tom took a deep breath in before turning on his heels to face Redd, his face kept stoic as his eyes burned with fury. They almost stood snout to snout.
“I will have to talk with Isabelle and see if we can manage to get you a permit. A merchant without a permit is simply a crook.”
Redd grinned wider and reached out to grab Toms hands. Tom flinched as his hands were now held tightly together.
“Thanks ole pal! You’re not gonna regret this one bit, I swear it!” Redd noted happily.
“I’d better not.” Tom growled quietly under his breath, but loud enough for Redd to hear.
“You won’t.” Redd charmed.
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Up in the sky.
Folks say that the sky is doing just fine. That it’s the same as it’s always been, for millions of years. From the first breathe of life, to the few strained breathes as one passes on, the sky has always been the same.
Blue, sometimes gray with clouds that cry tears of life into the soil everyone walks on.
But you know that for the past week or so that something has been wrong with the sky.
A thin slice into the refreshing blue that that sky holds. And something is oozing from it. Something rancid that when it hits the earth the surface that’s splashed with the abnormal substance rots away. No life grows back in that spot. Ever.
And you notice one day, with fear in your eyes, that the slice is much bigger. And there are patches of decayed earth and rubble all around your neighborhood.
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Beyond the screen
[Commission for @princce7 ]
The old hum of the cpu filled the messy pit that was Sans room with something besides dead silence. The monitor glowed softly as it switched on. A day off from working at the hot dog stand seemed like a good idea for the skeleton. Even if it was a day off only he knew about.
He looked back to the file he had downloaded from an email Alphys had sent him. A type of anime dating sim. Definitely something Alphys would recommend.
Sans decided that before anything, he’d grab a quick snack from the kitchen. A nice bottle of ketchup. Did he really need to eat it? Nope. Did he want to? Yes.
Once Sans was back in his room with his snacks, he sat back down at his computer and started up the game.
The cheery music and bright colors greeted Sans kindly. The music was pretty nice. The art was pretty and definitely fit the type of anime style games that Alphys loved playing.
As he played through the game, Sans learned about the four main characters. He decided to choose Sayori's route, seeing as she was the most real out of the main cast so far. Her story tugged at the skeletons heart, even if he didn't really have one. A soul was close enough, right?
Sans continued on in the game until he was met with the last few scenes of the first act. The main character was going to enter Sayori's room when the screen froze. The game letting out a low hum. Sans couldn't move the mouse nor click anywhere, so he manually shut the computer down.
"Man, my computer must really hate this thing." He said to himself, having heard his computer slowly dying and the fans whirring through all of his gameplay.
'Maybe Alphys can help me with my computer to make sure it can run the game properly without dying so quickly'. He thought.
Sans was just about to open his browser as the screen finally switched back on. Something felt different, however, but the skeleton couldn't put his finger on it. He moved his mouse to the browser icon before seeing something on the games icon.
A small little pixel out of place.
He clicked on the DDLC icon on his desktop. Nothing happened. He clicked again. This time, a small text document opened up and typed out a simple 'hello'.
Sans sat there, confused and shocked. Was this game actually a virus? Or did Alphys send him a bootlegged version?
He didn't know what else to do other than reply.
'Hey'. He typed. 'What are you doing on my computer?'
He watched as the other replied.
'Well, I'm not exactly here willingly. I think the game crashed'.
Well duh, the game crashed.
'I know it crashed. What are you? A hacker?' Sans asked.
'No, I'm not any sort of malware either. Can you do something for me?'
He was a little hesitant about it but continued to talking to whatever this thing was that had now infected his computer.
'Sure. What do you need?'
'Can you go into the games files? I think there's a way for you to fix it.'
'Why can't you do that?'
'I'm not sure. I've tried and the game won't let me access anything. Please fix it.'
Well, Sans didn't have anything better to do, so he went along with the other users instructions. Right clicking the DDLC icon, opening the task manager, and after sorting through a few files and deleting a few things, the game opened normally.
'Thank you! I'm so glad you fixed it!'.
Sans smiled at this and went to reply when the text box disappeared and the screen turned black once more. Finally, after thinking that the game had crashed or his computer had died, a text box from the game appeared, along with a familiar face, smiling right at Sans.
'Hey there! I'm Monika. I'm really glad that you fixed the game for me, I can't tell you how many times I've managed to screw up the files and code trying to get yours and others attention'.
Sans stared at the screen in disbelief. He had reached for his bottle of ketchup and gripped it a bit too harshly as the text box greeted him, getting ketchup onto his hoodie and into one of his eyeholes.
Oh boy what did Sans get himself into?
After cleaning off the ketchup from his eye and jacket, or at least cleaning to the best of his ability, Sans sat back in his chair, silent.
Sans wasn’t sure how to react. A computer game was talking to him. Or maybe it was still malware and the hacker was just messing with him big time. Whatever it was, was talking to him. Monika smiling warmly from within the screen.
Sans shoulders eased their tension and he scratched the back of his skull at this.
“So...Monika, is it?” He asked.
‘That’s correct!’ Monika replied, the words typed up quickly in the text box.
Sans let out a nervous laugh at this, unsure if he should shut the computer down, destroy it, burn it, and then call Alphys about all of this craziness.
“Alright, Monika...What are you exactly?”
‘Data I suppose. I’m not really sure of it myself. I remember the first time...well, being, I guess. It’s not something I think about much. What about you? What are you?’
“I’m just a skeleton living with his brother. I’ve got a lot of neighbors, I guess. Most of them are monsters...real monsters, not just saying that like their jerks or something.”
‘Interesting. Cause I’m pretty sure that what you just said isn’t the entire truth.’.
Monika waited for a response. Seeing that she wasn’t going to get one, the program continued.
‘You are a lot like me, are you not? Powerful, out of this world...unreal, perhaps?’.
Sans simply stared at the screen, keeping his nonchalant smile plastered on. Trying his best not to crack.
He let out a chuckle and gave a shrug. “I guess you could say I’m ‘pretty far out’, eh?”
Monika let out a laugh at this. ‘I didn’t realize the person I was talking to was such a ‘punny’ guy.’
Sans smiled more at this, thankful that Monika at least had a sense of humor... And hoped with every bone he was made out of that she wasn’t entirely malicious.
“What exactly did you have me delete? Those files?”
‘Oh...Those were just some data that needed to be deleted. Couldn’t do much with them still being in the game.’.
Sans didn’t like the sounds of that. “What do you mean?”
‘The other girls had to go. That’s just how things were meant to be.’.
Sans stared in disbelief. Monika, a being shown to be somewhat sentient, was confessing that she had him delete the other girls from the game. Girls who probably were just as sentient and real as she is.
Sans was quiet as he moved his mouse around the screen and towards the recycle bin.
‘What are you doing?’
Sans continued to stay silent as he opened the bin. The bin was empty.
“You had me kill them.” Sans muttered out quietly.
‘The word ‘kill’ is kind of strong. I’d say...’deleted’ would be a better term?’
Sans definitely did not like this.
‘It’s just like I said before; you and I are the same. In more ways than one.’
“What, a murderer?” Sans growled.
Monika shakes her head and smiles. ‘Data. Data in a game. I know it, you know it.’
Sans went to speak when Monika continued.
‘The Internet’s filled with lots of data. Data of you. Data of me. Data everywhere. We’re real in our worlds...just not out there. We live behind these screens to tell stories to those on the outside. Just like what you experienced with this dating game. Various bits of codes and data strung together to make something entertaining and real enough for an escape from the outside world.’
Monika smiled at Sans, unblinking as she waited for his response. ‘Am I not wrong?’
“...No. You’re not wrong...How the hell do you know about all that? Aren’t you just stuck in the game?”
‘Yes, and no. I’m everywhere. Whenever someone downloads the game, I’m on their computer for as long as the game stays. You don’t do much on this computer, so it’s like an old dinosaur and pretty bare.’
Monika got closer towards the screen, tilting her head. ‘You aren’t even a part of the world you say you’re in, are you not?’
Sans sat there. He didn’t know what to say. Perhaps he feared whatever she might say in response, say the truth that he so desperately did not want to hear or believe. Not now, and not ever.
“I think we’re done here.” his tone was cold and held nothing behind it.
No fear. No anger. Just there.
Sans quickly unplugged the computers plug from the socket. As he glared at the program staring back at him, he noticed something. It was quick, but there in the split second, was the softest hint of fear in Monika’s expression. And then, darkness.
Sans sat back in his chair, groaning.
If he had a proper heart, there’s no doubt that it would be racing from whatever hellish adrenaline rush that was.
He laid there for a moment before pulling out his phone. His boney fingers shaking as they pressed against the screen. Sans lifted the phone up to his face.
“Alphys? We need to talk. Now.”
Please consider commissioning me!~
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Writing Commissions.
$10 per 500 words.
(Price Example):
1,000: $20
2,000: $40
3,000: $60
Things I’ll write: Horror, Oc stories, angst, romance, comedy, fanfiction.
Things I won’t write: NSFW material (Sexual content, pedophilia, incest, fetishes, heavy gore), hate speech (Transphobia, Racism, etc)
Examples of my writing: Here, Here, Here, and Here
I have the right to decline commissions for any reason.
Stories may take up to a week or more to complete. (Complexity of story, research, outlining, edits/changes made by client, etc) or if life happens.
Prices are negotiable depending on your budget.
As a general rule, I will only take one commission from a person at a time, though exceptions are possible albeit unlikely
You are allowed two free edits/changes, any further edits will cost ten dollars.
Specifications are required: Word count, setting, atmosphere, Characters (gender, traits, role, etc).
If there is a deadline for when the story must be completed, please tell me two weeks in advance. (This will cost an extra ten dollars for the time limit)
Paypal: Paypal.Me/KoffeinArt.
Kofi: Ko-fi.com/Koffeinart
Contact: Message me or use my email: [email protected]
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No one told us that this would happen. No one said that the sun was going to go out. Every day, it was getting dimmer until nothing but a bleak sky greeted the world in the morning. Or what we believed to be morning.
We were angry. We had demanded answers every day, screaming about the suns disappearance.
We begged and pleaded with anyone who would listen. From scientists to reporters. No one would answer. Before we knew it, people started dropping like flies.
Days grew cold in the summer. Ice soon latched itself around my doors and seeped into the floorboard of my home. I haven’t been out in weeks. I’m so cold. 
I don’t want to see the darkness that has since painted the canvas we once called the sky. Not even the stars come out anymore. It’s just nothing up there.
Every day I beg and pray that the sun will come back. But the longer I wait, the more my hopes die. Just like everyone outside.
So I spend my days, sitting here, huddled in blankets as my teeth chatter and my skin hosts frost. My eyes are tired. My stomach hurts. All of my tears have long since been shed.
I can’t feel my fingers anymore, my body aches and I can feel myself growing tired.
I don't want to go to sleep.
0 notes
Found out
[Old commission I wrote]
Harold needed to know. He needed to know why his friend never received her hat for so long. With the door locked he got to work.
Carefully, Harold began the summoning ritual. Whispering a few words beneath his breath, and after lighting a candle, the walls of the room he was in began to darken. A strange red light formed inside the room as a shadow slowly rose up from the floor.
Harold stared angrily at the being. “Alright, no one else is in here except for me…now tell me, who are you, and why the hell did you keep Rylie’s hat away from her?”
“Harold?” a voice spoke from behind.
Harold recognized that voice. “Hobo?” He turned his head towards the door.
Hobo stepped into the room, a nervous grin on his face. “Hey buddy!…What’s up?”
Harold just stared. His mind raced a mile a minute as he tried to figure out what was going on. “I…wait, I was trying to summon the dark overlord, why the hell are you here?!”
Hobo gave him a shrug. “I dunno, dude. I just got here.”
Harold scratched his head as Hobo moved back towards the door.
“I was gonna go and find something to eat and wanted to know if you wanna come along?” Hobo called out as he was at the doorway.
Harold wondered if perhaps he had somehow messed up the ritual. He looked to the candle, then back over to Hobo.
“Why did you appear?” Harold grumbled to himself.
Hobo paused, looking over his shoulder to look at Harold. He raised a brow. “Huh? Did’ja say something, dude?”
Harold stood up, looking over to Hobo.
“I was trying to summon the dark overlord, why did you appear instead?” Harold was glaring at Hobo now.
Hobo gave another quick shrug. “I dunno dude, I was just walking over here. Maybe the ritual didn’t work?” he was starting to feel a little uneasy.
Harold shook his head. “No! I did this ritual exactly! There shouldn’t have been any issues whatsoever!”
Hobo held up his hands in defense. “Whoa, calm down!”
Harold thought and thought before it finally clicked for him. Hobo always appeared when the dark overlord was being summoned.
Another thought came to him. He had locked the door. Why was it unlocked now?
Harold looked over to Hobo, eyes widening as something peculiar dawned on him
Hobo stared back, feeling a lump in his throat as he gave Harold a confused stare.
“It’s…I-it’s you! You’re the dark overlord! Aren’t you?” Harold shouted.
Hobo stared a second longer before booking it out of the room, running as fast as his legs could carry him.
“Get back here!” Harold yelled, making a run after Hobo.
Hobo rushed past hospital staff, quickly turning corners and trying his best not to look over his shoulder. He feared what he might see.
As Hobo made it outside, he looked around, wondering which way to go. He felt a pull at his scarf- Harold had grabbed it and was trying to hold him back! Crap. Thankfully, two little lemon kids fell out of Harold’s hat and onto his hands, breaking his grip on the scarf.
While Harold was distracted with the lemon kids, Hobo made his great escape. In a blink of an eye, he was gone. Harold turned to the lemon kids, glaring.
“Hey! Get back in the hat!”
Harold reached to pick up the lemon kids and stopped. He turned his head, realizing that Hobo had escaped.
Harold glanced left and right, wondering if he could be able to catch a simple glance of him in either direction.
No sign of him anywhere.
Hobo hunched over, hands on his knees in the forest as he tried to catch his breath.
“Oh, I’m certainly not as agile as I was long ago.” he heaved out.
The wind whistling through the branches helped calm his nerves.
Once he caught his breath, Hobo stood straight up. His back cracked as he rose. Just as he feared; he was getting old.
Hobo leaned himself against a tree. Taking a quick look around, he figured that he was in a forest of some sort. No matter, he could navigate it.
How hard could it be?
Very hard. By the time he finally made it out of there, leaves and branches were stuck in his hair, scratches on the areas where his ratty clothes had torn.
Even though he stood there, miserable and hungry, one thought was stuck in his head; Did Harold know who he was?
While Hobo desperately wanted to know, he also had the mind to slow down and think about what he needed to do. Avoid Harold. That was easy enough. All Hobo had to do was hide out for a few days, a week or so at most. He’d been out on the streets for a long time, so he knew what he was doing.
At least he hoped he knew.
The more he walked, the further his mind raced. Would he have to leave Gloomverse? No he couldn’t, not when his boys were within arms reach. Even if he couldn’t tell them who he was, he wanted to be there for them.
Petunia would know what to do. She always did.
Hobo’s expression softened, a warm smile spread across his face.
Oh Petunia. If she saw him in this state, all scratched up and filthy, she’d be pretty mad. Pretty. That word lingered on Hobo’s tongue for the longest time as he continued going down memory lane.
He shook his head, getting him out of that daydream. Hobo knew he had to go back.
Harold was pacing back and forth in the hospital room, unsure of whether he should waste time in looking for Hobo. He paused as there was a knock at the door. Turning, he saw a sheepish Hobo peering into the room.
“Hey-” Hobo was stopped at Harold glaring and yelling loudly “You!”
‘Not this again’ Hobo thought as he made a quick plan of escape just in case. He cleared his throat and entered the room.
“Dude, I’m not this…dark overlord dude you keep talking about. I just came in here cause the candle smelled good. Could smell it from across the long hallways.”
Harold opened his mouth to speak, then paused. This was Hobo he was talking to. “Well, what about opening the locked door?”
Hobo smiled nervously. “Sometimes…things happen when you get hungry that no one can explain. If you locked the door, then it wasn’t locked good enough if I could open it.”
‘Almost in the clear.’ Hobo smiled and walked over to Harold, placing an arm around him.
“I’m sure you’ll meet this dark overlord one day. Now come on, let’s go get something to eat. Nothing from this hospital though, their food kinda stinks.”
Harold let out a laugh at this. “Yeah, it’s not exactly five star quality.”
The two laughed and began idle chatter as the door closed behind them. The candle, once put out, flickered before going out once more for good.
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Ocean Waves
[Old Commission for @wombatking ]
The oceans salty smell and the feeling of sand between her toes made Korra enter a relaxed state. The end of the school year had just started and a large celebration party was being held on the beach. Korra spent her time chatting with various party goers, talking of her feats in sports and how she was the star athlete for both the track team and the swimming team.
“Hey Korra, show them your special dive!” Bolin called out to her.
Korra gave Bolin a cocky grin before turning her attention towards the ocean. Her eyes scanned the closest thing she could dive off of and noticed a dock going further out into the ocean. Korra and the group she was entertaining made their way over towards the dock.
Bolin stared in anticipation as the group got closer to the dock. Asami wandered up behind him, giving him a tap on his shoulder.
“Hey Bolin, what’s going on?” she asked.
Bolin gave her a big grin and pointed towards the dock. “Korra’s gonna show everyone this really cool diving trick of hers!”
Asami peered out at the dock and frowned. “Wait…I don’t think that waters deep enough for a dive!”
Bolin’s warm expression melted away into worry. He quickly looked back as Korra began yelling.
“Alright everyone, watch this!” she announced.
“Korra, wait!” Asami called out, running towards the dock.
Korra didn’t hear her. Taking a few steps back, Korra ran to the ledge and jumped off, diving into the water.
Korra felt immediate pain as she landed in the water. She couldn’t move. Panic thoughts raced through her mind as she did everything she could do to at least move a little bit.
Korra squeezed her eyes shut, wondering if this was going to be how it ended.
Suddenly, she felt arms wrapping around her, but something felt off. Korra knew they were arms based on shape alone, but they felt…numb?
Korra was lifted up from the oceans water and laid down on the dock.
“Someone call an ambulance!” someone shouted out from the crowds of people that surrounded Korra.
Korra felt her lids grow heavy as everything slowly disappeared from her sight.
“Are you telling me that my daughter may never walk again?” Korra’s father, Tonraq, asked the doctor.
The doctor nodded and looked over to Korra as she laid in the hospital bed.
“I’m glad that she was able to survive. Diving in such shallow water could’ve easily killed her…I will provide her with some physical therapy and a wheelchair. Though, since she’s unable to use her arms, she’ll be needing an aid to make sure she can move around.”
Korra simply stared ahead, a blank look in her eyes as tears began to stream down her cheeks. She felt horrible, numbed on painkillers and the thought of never being able to walk again.
Korra closed her eyes and leaned back into the pillow more, sniffling.
‘It’s all my fault’ she thought.
Bolin had been pacing in the hospitals waiting room, head down and thumbs twiddling. A million thoughts racing through his mind as he went back and forth across his chair and Asami’s. Asami was sitting down, watching him with worried eyes.
“Bolin, you should sit down.” Asami said, reaching to touch Bolin’s arm.
“How can I sit down when I got my best friend sent to the ER?” Bolin exclaimed, hands gesturing towards where Korra’s room was.
Asami frowned and shook her head. “Bolin, it’s not your fault. You didn’t know that the water was that shallow.”
Bolin ran his fingers through his hair anxiously. “But I should’ve known, Asami! That’s the problem!” he grumbled out.
Asami stood up and took a hold of Bolin’s shoulders, gently guiding him back to his seat.
“None of this was your fault. It wasn’t anyone’s fault. I want you to remember that, okay? Now…just take some deep breathes and lets keep waiting for Korra’s parents.”
As Asami took her seat, her thoughts ran from ‘I should’ve been there on the dock with her, I could’ve stopped her.’, to ‘what’s going to happen to Korra?’.
“And you’ll just blow into the tube here to move around.” the aid explained, showing a tube connected to the wheelchair.
Korra stared at the wheelchair, brows furrowed. “Am I really not going to be able to use my legs anymore?”
The aid’s smile faltered and she nodded. “I’m afraid so…but that doesn’t mean your life will be worse. Sure there might be a few hiccups here and there with this new disability of yours, but I’m certain that you’ll work past it and live your life to the fullest.”
Korra didn’t believe a single word of that. She simply gave a nod before returning her gaze towards the wheelchair.
“And you’ll be around to help me with things that’d require using my hands?” she asked.
The aid nodded and her smile returned. “Yep! That’s what I’m here for. I’ve made sure to teach your friends and family as well in case I’m not around to help you.”
Korra felt a lump in her throat at that. It was bad enough that she needed an aid, but now her friends and family were going to have to help her too? She felt even worse. Tears welled up in her eyes.
The aid frowned and walked over to Korra. “H-hey now, it’s okay, everything’s going to be-”
She was cut off by Korra yelling out, “No! Shut up! Shut up, I don’t want to hear that anymore! It’s not okay, nothing’s ever going to be the same! I want to go back to that party and stop myself from messing up my entire life! Please, something- anything! Let me go back!”
She was wailing, hitting the back of her head against the pillow in a blind rage. The aid quickly called in some doctors to help restrain her. After trying to fight against the restraints, Korra slumped back and continued to whimper and sob.
‘My life is over. I can’t change that.’
Korra shut her eyes as she was wheeled out of the hospital by Asami. It was a breezy day and Korra kept her eyes closed, feeling the wind brush against her face. It was almost peaceful. Almost.
“Do you want to go anywhere specific?” Asami asked.
“Yeah…I-I can get there myself.” Korra stated.
Asami let go of the wheelchair handles and allowed Korra to maneuver the wheelchair herself. Korra moved past Asami and went over to the pond nearby. Asami stood next to her and watched as some ducks swam past, the little group quacking loudly as they swam.
“It’s nice out today.” Asami spoke calmly.
Korra nodded. “Yeah, I guess it is.”
Asami placed a soft kiss on Korra’s cheek, wresting her chin on Korra’s head.
“Are you ready to go back home?” she asked.
“No.” Korra muttered out quietly.
She wasn’t ready to go back. She never wanted to go back if it meant having loved ones take care of her. But Korra knew that she had to go back home. Staying at the hospital any longer would cause too many issues.
“Let’s go, please.” Korra said before she wheeled her chair around and headed back towards the hospital, seeing her family leave the front doors.
Bolin knocked on the door a few times, shifting his weight back and forth on the doorstep. He rubbed the back of his neck, looking around before going to knock again. Before he could, Korra’s mother, Senna, opened the door, causing Bolin to quickly reel back and give her a bright smile.
“Hey! I-is Korra home? I wanted to hang out with her.”
Senna smiled and nodded. “Yes, would you like to come inside?”
Bolin nodded and let himself in, shutting the door behind himself. He took a seat at the kitchen table, glancing around. He hadn’t been to Korra’s house in a long time. It felt strange for him to be there.
“I’ll go and get her, you can help yourself to some snacks in the meantime.” Senna called back as she turned down a hall.
Bolin’s leg jiggled as he sat there. He didn’t dare touch anything. When he heard the whir of the wheelchair nearby Bolin looked up to see Korra coming down the hall.
“Korra!” Bolin shouted as he stood up from his chair.
“Hey Bolin.” Korra chuckled, amused by his enthusiasm from seeing her.
“I’ve got something really cool to show you, you’re not busy are you?”
Korra raised an eyebrow at this. “That depends, what exactly are we going to be doing?”
“Come on, I…want to get you out of the house for a little while! You’ve probably been majorly bored, so I want to make it up to you, after…you know.” Bolin’s cheerful expression buckled for a bit as his words trailed off.
Korra felt her stomach churn slightly but she managed a smile.
“Yeah, I think we can hang out right now. I’m not doing much else today.”
Bolin’s cheerful smile returned and he ran over to the door, holding it open for Korra. “Awesome! There’s a show going on in the town later that I think you’re going to like!”
Korra laughed and wheeled herself outside. Bolin strolling beside her as they walked.
“So what’s the show exactly?” Korra asked.
Bolin gave her a big grin as he spoke. “It’s this little rock show, there’s a band that comes into town every now and then and plays a few songs from crowd suggestions.”
“Really?” Korra asked, curious.
“Yeah! Oh man I can’t wait to get there!” Bolin excitedly yelled out.
The sounds of a crowd cheering as loud rock music played in the center of town invaded Korra’s ears. She was in the back with Bolin, who was smiling his usual bright smile. Korra shut her eyes, focusing on the notes and rhythm of the bands instruments.
She didn’t feel the man in front of her as he stepped on her foot. Korra was shocked out of her peaceful state as the man began yelling at her.
“Hey! Move it you-…” the man paused as he got a good look at Korra.
Korra gave him a glare. “Why don’t ‘you’ move it, asshole?”
The man just glared at her before turning back around, grumbling out “fucking cripple.”
Korra felt immediate rage and looked over to Bolin.
“Did you hear what he just called me?”
Bolin looked from Korra to the man and marched over to him, giving the man a harsh tap on the shoulder.
“Hey! Don’t talk to my friend like that!” he yelled.
The man turned around and grabbed Bolin by the shirt collar. “Don’t you fucking touch me!”
“Let go of him!” Korra yelled, immediately moving her wheelchair forward and ramming into the man.
The man fell back, letting go of Bolin and crashing into a few more people in the small crowd.
The music died down and the crowd looked back to where Korra and Bolin were. Security for the band rushed over and looked from Korra to the man as he got back on his feet.
“What’s going on here?”
“That guy insulted me and assaulted my friend!” Korra yelled, using her eyes to notion towards Bolin.
The security got some folks in the crowd to testify, and when it was true about what the man had done, he was handled by the security and taken away from the crowd.
Bolin let out a sigh of relief and smiled at Korra. “Thanks for saving my butt there, Korra…hey, are you alright?”
Korra had tears in her eyes. She simply shook her head and turned in her wheelchair, moving away from the crowd and away from Bolin. Bolin rushed over to her, carefully grabbing a hold of her wheelchair handles so she couldn’t move farther away.
“Korra-” Bolin was cut off by Korra frowning at him.
“I don’t want to be here anymore, Bolin…I want to go home now, please. T-thanks for trying to cheer me up.”
Birds chirped loudly outside of Korra’s bedroom window as the sun shined in on her face. Korra groaned and turned her head away from the lights painful glare before opening her eyes. She propped herself up on her shoulder, a trick she finally mastered after several mornings of practice, and looked over towards her wheelchair as it rested beside her bed.
There was a knock on the door and Senna walked into the room with a warm smile.
“Good morning, Korra, are you ready to get up?”
Korra nodded and did her best to sit up, still a little uneasy about having people care for her being the new norm. She was helped into her chair and wheeled herself out of the room.
As eleven am rolled around, Asami showed up to the house, a warm smile on her face as she was greeted by Korra’s mother and then by Korra herself in the kitchen.
“Hey Asami! What are you doing here?” Korra asked.
“I was wondering if you wanted to take a walk with me.”
Korra grinned and wheeled over to Asami. “Yeah, I’d like that.”
Senna waved goodbye as the pair left the home. Asami walked beside Korra as they went about their stroll.
“Hey, Korra? You’ve seemed a little agitated these past few weeks…is something up?” Asami questioned.
Korra paused and looked over to her girlfriend. “Well…kinda…sorta…” She finally sighed and her smile melted away. “I’m just a little anxious about senior year coming up soon.”
Asami furrowed her brows at this. “How come? You’ve gotten used to using the wheelchair, right?”
Korra shook her head. “It’s not that, I just…I can’t go back, everyone’s going to laugh at me!” she spoke with a louder tone.
The pair had stopped walking altogether.
Asami frowned at this and gently squeezed Korra’s shoulders. “No one’s going to laugh at you. And if anyone does, I’ve got your back.”
Korra rested her head against Asami’s shoulder, a soft smile on her face. A warm and comforting sensation enveloped her as she sat there with Asami. It was a feeling she hadn’t felt for a few months now.
“Thank you, Asami. I love you.” Korra said softly, brushing her tears away on Asami’s shoulder.
Asami smiled and placed a gentle kiss on Korra’s forehead. “I love you to. There’s actually something I want to show you. Mind if I wheel you over to it?”
Korra shook her head and smiled up at her beloved partner. “No, you can steer, I can talk to you more this way while we get there.”
Asami gripped the handles of the wheelchair and gently steered Korra towards where the towns local park was. There was a soft breeze that day and Korra smiled more as it lightly brushed against her face.
“It feels great out today.” she commented with a soft sigh.
“Just wait, today’s gonna get even better.” Asami stated confidently.
The pair wandered over towards a large tree with a small pond not too far from it. Asami wheeled Korra towards the tree, sitting down next to her. The sun shun softly on the water as small, noisy ducks swam through it.
“What do you think?” Asami asked.
Korra smiled brightly, taking in the view carefully. The breeze, the sweet smell of grass. Everything felt peaceful to her.
“It’s gorgeous…Asami, I’m sorry if I haven’t been like myself lately. I’m still getting used to this wheelchair and all and I just…I feel helpless.” Korra looked down at herself as she continued, “I don’t know what I’m going to do when we go back for senior year.”
Asami frowned at this and scooted closer, placing a hand over Korra’s. She squeezed it gently, knowing that even if Korra couldn’t feel her, she wanted her presence to remain anyway.
“You’ve been through so much these past couple of months. You’re really strong, Korra. And I know how rough everything’s been since the accident…I want you to know just how much I love you, and how I’ll never leave your side no matter what.”
Korra felt tears welling up in her eyes as she gazed down at Asami, cheeks burning. Asami climbed to her feet and leaned in, placing a gentle kiss on Korra’s lips. Korra shut her eyes and gently kissed back, tears streaming down her cheeks. Asami cupped Korra’s face in her hands and smiled as she broke the kiss.
“You’re very important to me, Korra, and I couldn’t ask for a better girlfriend.”
“Asami.” Korra’s voice quivered slightly, mostly from the tears but as well as from the intense amount of emotion that was running through her mind.
“I promise that I’ll stay by you for however long I’m able to.” Asami promised.
Korra chuckled and rested her head against Asami once more, laughing softly and crying. “God, what did I do to deserve someone like you?”
Asami held Korra gently, lightly brushing her hair. “I guess we can thank that time I hit Mako with my bike. Then I would never have met you.”
“And then you two got together.” Korra teased.
Asami laughed. “And then after that, you got together with him.”
“And look at where we are now!” Korra replied, laughing harder.
As Asami finally quieted down her own laughter, she got an idea.
“Hey, Korra? Do you mind if I try something? It’ll involve lifting you for a bit.”
Korra raised a brow at this but nodded. “Go ahead. I wanna see if you can even lift me in the first place.”
And so Asami did, effortlessly picking up her girlfriend and sitting down in the chair, allowing Korra to rest on her lap. Korra felt her face heat up at this.
“I forgot you were that strong, babe.” Korra spoke quietly, somewhat bewildered.
Asami smiled and held her close in her arms. Korra rested her head against Asami’s shoulder, looking out at the pond again.
“Glad I could remind you.” Asami whispered.
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