korean-with-haneul · 9 months
Who am I?
Hello everyone ! This is an introduction video of myself
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korean-with-haneul · 11 months
Days of the week in korean
안녕하세요 여러분! Hello everyone ! Today's video is about days of the week in korean
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korean-with-haneul · 11 months
Describing all the 4 seasons ' 계절' in Korean
Hello everyone ! Today's video is about describing all the 4 seasons ' 계절' in Korean
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korean-with-haneul · 11 months
All the 4 seasons ' 계절' in Korean
Hello guys! Today's video is about all the 4 seasons ' 계절' in Korean
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korean-with-haneul · 11 months
Hidden Meanings Behind 기 Words in Korean devices, tools
Hello guys!! Today we gonna see the Hidden Meanings Behind 기 Words in Korean devices, tools
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korean-with-haneul · 1 year
Past tense 과거 시제
You’ll get the rule, examples and practices to do
Polite form: Verb stem +았/었/였+어요
Very polite: Verb stem +았/었/였+습니다
Casual: Verb stem +았/었/였+어
Verb stem : verb - 다
★필요하다: To need 필요하
★내리다 : To get off 내리
★(잠을) 자다 : To sleep 잠을 자
★결혼하다: To get married 렬혼하
★보이다: To be seen, to be visible 보이
★바꾸다 : To change 바꾸
★놀다: To play, to hang out 놀 … 등
~If the verb stem's last vowel is ㅏ or ㅗ : then 았어(요) is used
Examples (예문) :
★만나다 ( to meet)=>만나 만났어요
저는 지난 주말에 친구를 만났어요 I met my friend last weekend
★가다 (to go)=> 가 갔어요
저는 카페에 갔어요 I went to the café
★오다 (to come)=> 오 왔어요
집에 왔어요 I came home
~If the verb stem's last vowel is Not ㅏor ㅗ: then 었어(요) is used
Examples (예문) :
★주다 (to give)=>주 줬어요
아빠가 저한테 선물을 줬어요 My dad gave me a gift/ a present
★마시다 (to drink)=> 마시 마셨어요 (마시+었어=마셨어 )
커피를 마셨어요 I drank coffee
★먹다(to eat) => 먹 먹었어요
딸기 케이크를 먹었어요 I ate strawberry cake
★웃다 (to smile, to laugh ) => 웃 웃었어요
친구가 웃었어요 My friend smiled
★보이다 (to be seen, be visible ) =>보이 보였어요
그 케이드라마에 한국 음식이 맛있게 보였어요 Korean food looked so delicious in that kdrama
~If the verb stem ends with 하 you add 였어요 (하+였어요 =했어요) To put it simply 하changes to 해
Examples (예문) :
★사랑하다 (to love)=> 사랑하 사랑했어요
저는 너를 사랑했어요 I loved you
★요리하다 (to cook) => 요리하 요리했어요
저는 점심을 요리했어요 I cooked lunch
★공부하다 (to study)=> 공부하 공부했어요
하루종일 한국어를 공부했어요 I studied korean all day
~So how can we turn the past tense to formal?
Verb stem +았/었/였+습니다 Instead of 어요, (Verb stem +았/었/였+어요) we replace it with 습니다
★필요하다: To need 필요했습니다
★내리다 : To get off 내렸습니다
★잠을 자다 : To sleep 잠을 잤습니다
★결혼하다: To get married 렬혼했습니다
★보이다: To be seen, to be visible 보였습니다
★바꾸다 : To change 바꿨습니다
★놀다: To play, to hang out 놀았습니다
Practice (연습) :
★I ate an apple
먹다: To eat 저는 사과를 …..
★Last week I drank water every morning
마시다: To drink 지난 주에 저는 맨날 물을 …..
★I drove a car
운정하다:To drive 저는 차를 …..
★I gave present to my friends
주다:to give 저는 제 친구에게 선물을 …..
★I studied korean
공부하다 :To study 저는 한국어를 ….
★I woke up and then I drank water
일어나다: To get up, to wake up 물을 마시다:To drink water 저는 ….
★I studied math and then slept
수학을 공부하다: To study math 잠을 자다: To sleep 저는….
★I drank milk and I ate fruits
우유 마시다: To drink milk 과일을 먹다:To eat fruits 저는…..
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korean-with-haneul · 1 year
Vocabulary related to studies ( études,الدراسات ):
School's vocabulary (학교의 어휘, Vocabulaire de l'école,مفردات المدرسة ) :
★School :학교, école, المدرسة
★Primary school :초등학교, école primaire, المدرسة الابتدائية
★Middle school:중학교, collège, المدرسة الإعدادية
★High school: 고등학교, Le lycée, المدرسة الثانوية
★University : 대학교, Université, الجامعة
★Private school (private academy) : 학원, école privée, مدرسة خاصة
★Teacher: 선생님, enseignant/Professeur, المعلم
★Student : 학생, étudiant, الطالب
★College student : 대학생, étudiant à l'université, طالب جامعي
★Primary schooler:초등학생, élève, تلميذ ابتدائي
★Middle schooler:중학생, étudiant en collège, تلميذ المدرسة المتوسطة
★High schooler: 고등학생, étudiant au lycée, تلميذ المدرسة الثانوية
★A graduated student : 졸업생, diplômé, طالب متخرج
Expressions to use these vocab with (표현) :
★저는…… 이에요
I am a… je suis… أنا …
★제 여동생이……. 이에요
my younger sister is a… Ma sœur est… اختي الصغرى …
★제 남동생이 …. 에 다녀요. 제 남동생이 …… 에 가요
My younger brother goes to….. Mon frère va à …. أخي الأصغر يذهب إلى
★선생님이 잘 설명해요
the teacher explains well Le professeur explique bien. يشرح المدرس جيدا
★Classroom :교실, classe, حجرة الدراسة
★notebook : 공책, cahier, دفتر الملاحظات
★dictionary :서전, dictionnaire, القاموس
★desk: 책상, bureau, مكتب
★chair : 의자, chaise, كرسي
★Homework : 숙제, devoirs, الواجب المنزلي
★Black board: 칠판, tableau noir, السبورة السوداء
★Chalk: 분필, La craie, الطباشير
★Pen: 펜, stylo, القلم
★Pencil: 연필, Crayon, قلم رصاص
★Eraser/rubber:지우게, gomme, ممحاة
★Paper:종이, papier, ورق
★Book: 책, livre, كتاب
★Drawing: 그림, dessin, الرسم
★Pencil case: 필통, la trousse, مقلمة
Expressions (표현) :
★교실에…. 이/가 있어요
in the classroom there's… Dans la classe, il y'a… في الفصل هناك …
★제가…… 이/가 있어요
I have a/an….. J'ai… لدي / …..
★책상 위에……. 이/가 있는데요
on the desk there is…. Il y a… sur le bureau. على المكتب هناك ….
★책상 밑에는…. 이/가 있어요
under the desk there is… Sous le bureau, il y'a… . تحت المكتب يوجد …
★Test/exam: 시험, test/examen, الاختبار / الامتحان
★Vacation: 방학, les vacances, إجازة
★Study abroad: 유학, Étudier à l'étranger, الدراسة في الخارج
★Questions:질문, questions, الأسئلة
★Handwriting:글씨, L'écriture, خط يد
★Problem: 문제, problème, المشكلة
Expressions (표현) :
★내일 시험이 볼 거예요 내일 시험이 있어요
I'm having an exam tomorrow J'ai un examen demain. سأواجه امتحان غدا
★제가 시험에 합격했어요
I succeeded in the exam J'ai réussi l'examen. نجحت في الامتحان
★제가 시험에 떨어졌어요
I failed the exam J'ai échoué à l'examen. فشلت في الامتحان
★다음 주에는 방학이 있어요
I have a vacation next week La semaine prochaine, c'est les vacances. لدي إجازة الأسبوع المقبل
★다음 달에는 방학이 있어요
I have a vacation next month J'ai des vacances le mois prochain. لدي إجازة الشهر المقبل
★Language studies:어학, étude de langues, دراسات اللغة
★Math:수학, Les mathématiques, الرياضيات
★Science:과학, science,علم
★History:역사, L'histoire, التاريخ
★Music:음악, musique, الموسيقى
★Foreign languages:외국어, langues étrangères, اللغات الأجنبية
★Physics :물리학, physique, الفيزياء
★Geography :지리, géographie, الجغرافيا
★Art:미술, L'art, الفن
★Biology: 생물학, biologie, علم الأحياء
Expressions (표현) :
★…… 이/가 어려워요
(subject's name) is hard …… est difficile. …… صعب.
★…. 이/가 쉬워요
(subject name) is easy …. est facile. …. سهل.
★….. 이/가 재미있어요
(subject's name) is interesting /fun ….. est intéressante. ………. ممتع
★저는 ….. 을/를 공부할 거예요.
I will study (subject's name) Je vais étudier… سأدرس ……..
★….. 이/가 지루해요
(subject's name) is so boring ….. est ennuyant. …. ممل للغاية
★저는 ….. 을/를 잘 이해했어요
I understood (subject's name) very well J'ai bien compris… فهمت …… جيدًا
★저는 ….. 을/를 못 이해해요
I can't understand (subject's name) Je ne comprends pas… لا أستطيع أن أفهم ……
★…… 을/를 복습해야 돼요
I need to review (subject's name) Je dois reviser…. أحتاج إلى مراجعة …..
Verbs realted to studies:
★배우다: to learn, apprendre , تعلم
★공부하다: to study, étudier, درس
★가르치다: to teach, enseigner, تعلم
★대답하다: to answer,répondre, رد
★쓰다: to write/to use, écrire, كتب
★검색하다/ 찾아보다: to search for/ to look for, Rechercher, بحث
★연습하다:to practice, pratiquer , مارس
★복습하다:to review/to revise, reviser, راجع
★듣다: to listen, Écouter, استمع
★읽다: to read, lire, قرا
★설명하다: to explain, expliquer, شرح
★이해하다: to understand, comprendre, فهم
★물어보다/ 질문하다/ 물다: to ask,demander, سأل
★학교에 다니다: to attend school, aller à l'école, ذهب إلى المدرسة
★알다: To know, savoir, عرف
★어렵다 :to be hard/difficult, difficile, صعبً
★쉽다: to be easy, simple, سهل
★피곤하다: to be tired, fatiqué, متعبً
★힘들다: to be hard/to require effort, dur, صعبً
★재미있다: to be fun, to be interesting, intéressant, ممتعً
★지루하다:to be boring, ennuyant, مملً
★크다:to be big, grand, كبيرً
★작다: to be small, petit,صغيرً
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korean-with-haneul · 1 year
Future tense 미래 시제
You'll get the rule, examples and practices to do
Polite form: Verb stem + (으) ㄹ 거예요
Very polite: Verb stem + (으) ㄹ 겁니다
Casual: Verb stem + (으) ㄹ 거야
Verb stem : verb - 다
★가다: To go 가
★오다: To come 오
★자다: To sleep 자
★사랑하다: to love 사랑하
★만나다: To meet 만나
★보다: To see 보
★읽다: To read 읽
… 등
~If the verb stem ends with a vowel, then ㄹ 거예요 is used
Examples (예문) :
★만나다 ( to meet)=>만나 만날 거예요
저는 주말에 친구를 만날 거예요. I will meet my friend on the weekend
★가다 (to go)=> 가 갈 거예요
저는 카페에 갈 거예요. I'm going to the café ( I will go to café)
★오다 (to come)=> 오 올 거예요
집에 올 거예요. I'm coming home
★주다 (to give)=>주 줄 거예요.
아빠가 저한테 선물을 줄 거예요. My dad will give me a gift
★마시다 (to drink)=> 마시 마실 거예요
커피를 마실 거예요. I will drink coffee
★사랑하다 (to love)=> 사랑하 사랑할 거예요.
저는 너를 항상 사랑할 거예요 I will always love you
★요리하다 (to cook) => 요리하 요리할 거예요
저는 점심을 요리할 거예요. I will cook lunch
★공부하다 (to study)=> 공부하 공부할 거예요
한국어를 공부할 거예요. I will study korean
~If the verb stem ends with a consonant, then 을 거예요 is used
Examples 예문:
★앉다 (to sit down)=> 앉 앉을 거예요
여기 앉을 거예요. I'm going to sit here
★먹다(to eat) => 먹 먹을 거예요.
딸기 케이크 먹을 거예요. I am going to eat strawberry cake
★웃다 (to smile, to laugh ) => 웃 웃을 거예요
항상 웃을 거예요. I will always smile
★없다 (to not have, to not be at (place) ) => 없 없을 거예요
다음 주에 집에 없을 거예요 I won't be home next week.
~If the verb stem ends with ㄹ then you just add 거예요 to it
Examples (예문):
★놀다 (to play, hang out) =>놀 놀 거예요
제가 친구랑 같이 놀 거예요. I will hang out with my friends
★살다 (to live)=> 살 살 거예요.
내년에 한국에 살 거예요 Next year I'm going to live in Korea
★팔다 (to sell)=>팔 팔 거예요
제 핸드폰을 팔 거예요. I am going to sell my phone
★울다 ( to cry) => 울 울 거예요
내가 원하면 울거야 I'll cry if I want to
Practice 연습:
★I will drink some water
to drink: 마시다 나는 물을 ….
★I will work out daily from now on
to work out: 운동하다 이제부터 매일 ….
★I will buy stickers
to buy: 사다 스티커를 ….
★I will give presents to my friends To give: 주다 친구들에게 선물을 ….
★I will study korean this afternoon
to study: 공부하다 오늘 오후에 한국어를 ……
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korean-with-haneul · 1 year
Let's talk about hobbies (in korean)! 취미에 대해 말합시다! (loisirs, الهوايات)
How to ask and answers questions about hobbies, Comment poser et répondre aux questions sur les loisirs, كيف تسأل وتجيب على الأسئلة المتعلقة بالهوايات:
❀취미가 뭐예요?
What is your hobby? /What are your hobbies? Quel est votre passe-temps ? /Quels sont vos loisirs? ما هي هوايتك؟ / ما هي هواياتك؟
❀뭘 하는 걸 좋아해요?
What do you like to do? qu'est-ce que tu aimes faire ? ماذا تحب ان تفعل؟
❀….. 는 걸 좋아해요?
Do you like…. ? Tu aimes…. ? هل تحب ….؟
❀재미로 뭘 하는 걸 좋아해요?
What do you like to do for fun/ as a hobby? Qu'aimez-vous faire pour vous amuser? ماذا تحب أن تفعل كهواية؟ ماذا تحب أن تفعل كهواية؟
❀시간 남을 때 뭐 해요?
What do you do in your free time? Que faites-vous pendant votre temps libre? ماذا تفعل في وقت فراغك؟
❀자유시간 있을 때 뭐하는 걸 좋아해요?
What do you like to do in your free time? Qu'est-ce que vous aimez faire pendant ton temps libre? ماذا تحب ان تفعل في وقت فراغك؟
❀스포츠를 할 수 있어요?
Can you do any sports? Faites-vous du sport? هل تمارس أي رياضة؟
❀V-는 거 좋아해요?
Do you like… ? Aimez-vous… ? هل تحب… ؟
❀V-는 제 취미예요
…… is my hobby …… est mon passe-temps …… هي هوايتي
❀제 취미는 N-이에요/예요
My hobby is …… Mon passe-temps est …… …… هوايتي هي
It's……. C'est ….. إنه ……
취미 Hobbies :
★reading: 독서 lecture , القراءة
★cooking: 요리, 요리하는 것 cuisine , الطبخ
★watching movies: 영화보기 regarder des films, مشاهدة الافلام
★watching TV: 티비를 보기, 티비 보는 것 regarder la télévision, مشاهدة التلفاز
★watching dramas: 드라마보기 regarder des drames/series, مشاهدة الدراما
★surfing Internet: 인터넷하기 surfer sur Internet, تصفح الإنترنت
★language learning: 언어 베우기 apprentissage des langues, تعلم اللغة
★blogging: 블로깅 bloguer,
★spending time with friends: 친구하고 시간을 보내기 passer du temps avec des amis, قضاء الوقت مع الأصدقاء
★listening to music: 음악듣기, 음막 듣는 것 écouter de la musique, الاستماع إلى الموسيقى
★singing: 노래하기, 노래하는 거 chant, الغناء
★playing the piano: 피아노 치는 것 jouer du piano, العزف على البيانو
★playing the guitar: 기타를 치는 것 jouer de la guitare, العزف على الجيتار
★playing the drums: 드럼 치는 것 jouer de la batterie, العزف على الطبول
★playing violin: 바이올린 치는 것 jouer du violon, العزف على الكمان
★drawing, painting: 그림 그리기, 그림 그리는 것 dessin, peinture, الرسم
★pottery: 도예 하는것 poterie , الفخار
★calligraphy: 서예 하는 것 calligraphie, فن الخط
★sewing: 바느질 couture, الخياطة
★knitting, crochet: 뜨개질 tricoter, crochet, حياكة كروشيه
★photography: 사진 찍기, 사진을 찍는 것 photographie , التصوير الفوتوغرافي
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korean-with-haneul · 1 year
Days of the week in korean 요일 (and more)
✺Monday: 월요일, Lundi, الاثنين 월:moon, month; lune, mois ; القمر ، الشهر
난 월요일이 싫어. I don't like Mondays. أنا أكره يوم الاثنين انا لا احب ��لاثنين. Je n'aime pas les lundis
✺Tuesday: 화요일, Mardi, الثلاثاء 화: fire, anger; feu, rage; نار ، غضب
그 프로젝트는 화요일 에 이미 완료되었습니다. The project was already finished on Tuesday. تم الانتهاء من المشروع بالفعل يوم الثلاثاء Le projet était déjà terminé mardi.
✺Wednesday: 수요일, Mercredi, الأربعاء 수: water, number; eau, numéro; الماء ،عدد
Ali 삼촌이 수요일에 방문할 거예요. Uncle Ali nwill visit on Wednesday. العم علي سيزور يوم الأربعاء. L'oncle Ali viendra mercredi.
✺Thursday: 목요일, Jeudi, 목: wood, neck/throat; bois, nuque/gorge; خشب ، رقبة / حلق
오늘은 목요일입니다. Today is Thursday. اليوم هو الخميس. Aujourd'hui, c'est jeudi.
✺Friday: 금요일, Vendredi, الجمعة 금: gold; or; ذهب
오늘은 무슨 요일이에요? 오늘은 금요일이예요. What day is it today? Today is Friday. ماهو اليوم؟ اليوم الجمعة. Quel jour sommes-nous aujourd'hui ? Aujourd'hui, c'est vendredi.
✺Saturday: 토요일 , Samedi, السبت토: soil, terre, تربة
토요일은 많은 사람들에게 있어 여가를 즐기며 휴식하는 날입니다. Saturday is a day for many people to enjoy themselves and relax. بالنسبة لكثير من الناس ، يعتبر يوم السبت يومًا للراحة والاسترخاء. Samedi, c'est un jour de repos pour beaucoup de gens, tout en profitant de leurs loisirs.
✺Sunday: 일요일 , Dimanche, الأحد 일: day, job/work, a matter; jour, travail; يوم: العمل ، مسألة
오늘 일요일인데도 일하러 가야 돼요. Although it's Sunday today, I have to go to work. على الرغم من أن اليوم هو الأحد ، يجب أن أذهب إلى العمل. Même si c'est dimanche, je dois aller travailler.
Other related words (d'autres mots, كلمات أخرى ذات صلة):
★평일: weekday, jour de la semaine, يوم من أيام الأسبوع
★주중: weekdays, jours de la semaine, أيام الأسبوع
★주말: weekend, week-end, عطلة نهاية الأسبوع
★요일: Day of the week, Jour de la semaine, يوم الأسبوع
★주일: weekdays, Jours de la semaine, أيام الأسبوع So when you add numbers (sino-Korean system) :
*일주일:one week, une semaine, أسبوع *이주일: 2 weeks, 2 semaines, أسبوعان *삼주일: 3 weeks, 3 semaines, ثلاثة أسابيع
★지난주: last week, la semaine dernière, الأسبوع الماضي
★지난주말: last weekend, le week-end dernier, نهاية الأسبوع الماضي
*지난 is the verb 지나다: to go by, to pass by,passer, يمر . So it literally means: the week/weekend that went by (Cela signifie donc littéralement : la semaine/le week-end qui s'est écoulé, لذلك فهي تعني حرفيا: الأسبوع / نهاية الأسبوع التي مرت)
★다음주: next week, la semaine prochaine, الأسبوع المقبل
★다음주말: next weekend, le week-end prochain, نهاية الأسبوع المقبل
*다음:next, following, then.., suivant, puis..., التالي ، ثم
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korean-with-haneul · 1 year
Colours in Korean 색깔
I'll share colors in Korean, English, French and Arabic
★검정색/ 까만색/ 검은색: Black, Noir, أسود
★갈색: Brown, Marron, بني
★빨간색: Red, Rouge, أحمر
★주황색/ 오렌지색: Orange, برتقالي
★노란색: Yellow, Jaune, أصفر
★금색: Gold, Doré/Or, ذهبي
★초록색/녹색: Green, Vert, أخضر
★파란색: Blue, bleu, أزرق
★하늘색: Sky Blue, bleu ciel, أزرق سماوي
★보라색: Purple, Violet, أرجواني/بنفسجي
★분홍색/ 핑크색: Pink, Rose, وردي
★회색: Grey, Gris, رمادي
★은색: Silver, Argenté, فضي
★하얀색/ 흰색: White, Blanc, أبيض
Other Vocabulary:
★부드러운색: Soft color, couleurs douces, لون ناعم
★선명한색: Vivid color, Couleurs vives, ألوان زاهية
★어두운색: Dark color, Couleur foncée, لون غامق
★밝은색: Light color, couleur claire, لون فاتح
★파스텔톤의색 Pastel tone colours, Couleurs pastel, ألوان الباستيل
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korean-with-haneul · 1 year
Present tense 현재 시제
Verb stem +아/어/여요 아요 어요 여요
You'll get the rule, examples and practices to do
Verb stem : verb - 다
★가다: To go 가
★오다: To come 오
★자다: To sleep 자
★사랑하다: to love 사랑하
★만나다: To meet 만나
★보다: To see 보
★읽다: To read 읽
★놀다: To play, to hang out 놀
★쉬다: To rest, relax, take a rest ?
★생각하다:To think ?
★공부하다:to study ?
★말하다:To talk, speak ?
★입다:To wear (clothes) ? … 등
~If the verb stem's last vowel is ㅏ or ㅗ : then 아(요) is used
Examples (예문) :
★만나다 =>만나 만나요
저는 주말에 친구를 항상 만나요 I alway meet my friend on the weekend
★가다 => 가 가요
저는 카페에 가요 I'm going to the café (lit: I go to café)
★앉다 => 앉 (to sit down) 앉아요
여기 앉아요 Sit here
★오다 => 오 와요
집에 와요 I'm coming home
★보다:To see ?
★자다:to sleep ?
★좋다:To be good, nice ?
~If the verb stem's last vowel is Not ㅏor ㅗ: then 어(요) is used
Examples 예문:
★주다=>주 줘요
아빠가 저한테 선물을 줘요 My dad is giving me a gift
★먹다 => 먹 먹어요
딸기 케이크 먹어요 I am eating strawberry cake
★마시다 => 마시 마셔 (마시+어=마셔)
커피를 마셔요 I drink coffee
★웃다 (to smile, to laugh ) => 웃 웃어요
항상 웃어요 Always smile
★보이다 (to be seen, be visible ) =>보이 보여요
한국 음식이 맛있게 보여요 Korean food looks delicious
★재미있다:To be fun, interesting, ?
★힘들다:To be hard, tough ?
★쉬다: To rest, relax ?
~If the verb stem ends with 하 you add 여요 (하+여요 =햐요 To put it simply 하 changes to 해
Examples (예문):
★사랑하다 => 사랑하 사랑해
저는 너를 사랑해요 I love you
★요리하다 => 요리하 요리해요
저는 점심을 요리해요 I cook lunch
★공부하다 => 공부하 공부해요
한국어를 공부해요 I study korean
★말하다 :To speak, talk ?
★운동하다:To work out ?
★하다: To do ?
Practice 연습:
★I eat an apple
먹다: To eat 저는 사과를 …..
★I drink water every morning
마시다: To drink 저는 맨날 물을 …..
★I drive my car
운정하다:To drive 저는 차를 …..
★I give present to my friends
주다:to give 저는 제 친구에게 선물을 …..
★I often study korean
공부하다 :To study 저는 한국어를 자주….
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korean-with-haneul · 1 year
Useful Korean vocabulary
I will share some useful vocab in English, Arabic and Frensh
◕문법: Grammar ,القواعد, grammaire
◕어휘: Vocabulary , مفردات, vocabulaire
◕명사: Noun , اسم, nom
◕동사: Verbs , فعل, verbe
◕형명사: Adjectives / descriptive verbs, الصفات ,adjectif
◕부사: Adverb ,ظرف حال, adverbe
◕글자: Letter,حرف, lettre
◕모음: Vowel, حرف علة,voyelle
◕결합된모음: Combined vowels, الحروف المتحركه المركبه, voyelles combinées
◕자음: Consonant, حرف ساكن, Consonne
◕쌍자음: Double consonants, الحروف الساكنه المركبه, Consonne double
◕단어: Word, كلمات, mots
◕동의어: Synonym, مرادفات, synonymes
◕반대어: Antonym, متضادات , antonyme
◕활용: Conjugation, تصريف الافعال, conjugaison,
◕대명사: pronoun,الظمير, pronom
◕받침 : (When the syllable, character ends with a consonant),باتشيم
◕음절: Syllables, مقطع لفضي, syllabe
◕대화: Dialogue, محادثه
◕발음: Pronunciation, النطق, Prononciation
◕쓰기: Writing, كتابه, écriture
◕읽기: Reading ,قراءة , lecture
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korean-with-haneul · 1 year
korean vocab: Fruits, veggies and nuts
◕과일 어휘 : Fruits vocabulary
❀사과: apple ❀바나나: banana ❀포도: grapes ❀살구: apricot ❀자몽: grapefruit ❀자두: plumb ❀라임: lime ❀레몬: lemon ❀배: pear ❀귤: tangerine ❀딸기: strawberry ❀수박: watermelon ❀산딸기: raspberry ❀복송아: peach ❀파인애플: pineapple ❀석류: pomegranate ❀블루베리: Blueberry
Practice time :
★저는 (fruit name) 을/를 먹었어요 I ate (fruit)
★(fruit name) 이/가 너무 맛있어요 (fruit name) is very delicious
★저는 (fruit name) 을/를 아주 좋아해요 I like (fruit name) a lot
★제가 (fruit name) 을/를 제일 좋아해요 I like (fruit name) the most
★제일/가장 좋아하는 과일은 (fruit name) 이예요/예요 My favorite fruit is (fruit name)
◕야채 어휘 :Vegetables vocabulay
❀양파: Onion ❀마늘: Garlic ❀생강: Ginger ❀당근: Carrot ❀토마토: Tomatoes ❀감자: Potatoes ❀양배추: Cabbage ❀배추: Chinese Cabbage ❀시금치: Spinach ❀옥수수: Corn ❀무: Radish ❀껍질콩: Green Beans ❀피망: Bell Pepper ❀버섯: Mushrooms ❀고구마: Sweet Potato ❀호박: Pumpkin ❀순무: Turnip ❀고추: Red Pepper
Practice time (연습) :
★엄마가 (야채) 을/를 좋아해요 My mom like (veggie name)
★제가 (야채) 을/를 싫어해요. I hate (veggie name)
★어제는 (여채)을/를 먹었어요 Yesterday (we) ate (vegetables name)
★(야채)이/가 맛있어요 (vegetable name) is tasty
★저는 (야채)을/를 못 먹어요 I can't eat (veggie name)
◕견과 어휘: Nuts vocabulay
❀아몬드: Almond ❀땅콩: Peanut ❀호두: Walnut ❀밤: Chestnut ❀잣: Pine nut ❀캐슈넛: Cashew Nut
대화 :Dialogue
A: B씨가장 좋아하는 야채는 뭐예요? What is your favourite vegetable Miss B?
B: 저는 아스파라거스를 좋아해요. A씨는? I like Asparagus. And you Miss A?
A: 저는 고추를 좋아HE요. C씨는? I like Red pepper. And you C? C: 저는… I like…
Practice (연습) :
★(00)을/를 좋아해요 I like (00)
★(00)을/를 싫어해요 I hate (00)
★제가 (마늘)을 싫어해요 I hate garlic)
★(00) 알러지가 있어요 I have an allergy to (00)
★(00)을/를 못 먹어요 I can't eat (00)
★(00)은/는 셔요 (시다) (00) is sour
★(00)은/는 달아요 (달다) (00) is sweet
★(00)은/는 매워요 (맵다) (00) is sour
★(00)은/는 써요 (쓰다) (00) are bitter
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korean-with-haneul · 1 year
Korean Pronunciation tip#13
«의» different pronouciations :
for pounoucitation you can watch these 2 shorts:
◕[의] as first syllable is pronounced normally
✺의사: doctor
의사가 뭐래? What did the doctor say?
뭐래 is the shortened form of : 뭐라고 했어요
✺의자: chair
의자 좀 뒤로 젖혀도 되겠습니까? Do you mind if I lean back on the chair?
✺의각: the angle
✺의미: meaning
의미가 없다고 생각해요. I think it is meaningless.
◕[에] if it's in the end of a word
✺한국의 문화: korean culture (한국에)
✺아이의 우유: the baby's milk (아이에)
한국: korea 문화:culture 아이: baby 우유: milk
◕[이] when with other consonants or in the middle of a word
✺희다is pronouced as [히다]: \!/ this is not a real word \!/
✺무늬is pronouced as [무니]: pattern 
꽃무늬 드레스 있습니다 I have a dress with floral patterns
✺희망: is pronouced as [히망]: hope 
희망을 잃지 마세요. Don't give up hope. Don't lose hope.
✺동의어 is pronouced as [동이어]: synonym
이 단어의 동의어는 무엇입니까? What synonyms are there for this word?
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korean-with-haneul · 1 year
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korean-with-haneul · 1 year
korean vocab: jobs
Professions: 직업
❀의사: doctor
의사가 되는 것은 스트레스예요. Being a doctor is stressful.
❀학생: student
학생이 몇 명이나 있어요? How many students are there?
❀선생님: teacher
제일 좋아하는 선생님은 누구예요? Who is your favorite teacher?
선생님 can also be used with someone unknown to you, you don't know his profession but he's clearly older than you and you wanna be polite and respectful , you can also see it combined with 의사; 의사 on its own mean doctor as the profession , but 의사선생님 is how you call a doctor
❀점원: clerk, shop assistant, sales clerck
점원 has the word 점 which related to shop, stores so 점원 is someone who is working in a shop. 원 is related to worker, employee
for example :
은행원: bank clerk (은행: bank)
회사원: company worker, office worker (회사: company)
여자가 점원에게 이야기하고 있어요. The woman is talking to the clerk.
❀기술자: technician
네트워크 기술자 면허증이 있으시죠, 그렇죠? You're a certified network technician, aren't you?
❀요리사: cook
요리사가 되는 자격증이 없어요. I don't have a license to be a cook.
요리: cooking
❀경찰관: police man
경찰관이 그 범인의 뒤를 쫓았어요. A police officer chased after the criminal.
❀소방관: fire fighter
소방관 업무는 매우 위험하지만 보람이 있어요. A firefighter work is so dangerous but worthwhile.
❀주부: housewife
아버지는 회사원이고 어머니는 주부입니다. My father is an office worker and my mother is a housewife.
❀운전기사: driver
운전기사가 버스 옆에 서 있다. The driver is standing by the bus.
❀농부: farmer
농부들은 쌀을 생산해요. Farmers produce rice.
❀어부: fisher person
가뭄은 농부와 어부에게 심각한 문제가 됩니다. A drought is a big problem for farmers and fishermen.
❀공무원: civil officer/servant, public officer:official, government employee
왜 공무원 시험을 택한 거죠? Why did you decide to take the civil service exam?
공무: government affairs, official business
❀간호사: Nurse
간호사, 빨리 와 줘요! Nurse, come quickly!
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