korralized-blog · 11 years
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korralized-blog · 11 years
Maybe it went without saying that an Avatar was meant to be everything to everyone and nothing to themselves. All of her training, all of her life, it was ever and always for things just like this, where there was a need and she was going to fill it--whether or not she wanted to. And there might be fame and acclaim and honor, but it wasn't for her. It was for them, the adoring masses, the people she was supposed to sacrifice her life to save.
They were enjoying themselves. As she'd gotten ready for that evening, put on that beautiful dress they'd given her, let Ikki and Jinora brush her hair before Pema had stepped in to actually get the job done passably well, there'd been nothing to say she couldn't. While she didn't exactly need to be the center of attention, wasn't that exactly what being the Avatar meant?
But then the press conference had unfolded, and she saw it all for what it was. Rather than appreciated, she felt used.
She wasn't sure what was worse. That it had all played out that way, with the press flashing their camera bulbs and people crowding in at every side, practically salivating over the prospect of the Mighty Awesome Avatar hitting the streets in their defense, or that afterward no one even gave her a second glance. It left a sour taste in her mouth, that was all she knew. Suddenly, the glittering lights and the beautiful city skyline weren't enough to douse those embers of homesickness settled so deeply in her spirit.
Before she could get too lost in that reverie, however, she heard that familiar voice. Leave it to Bolin to still see her; he'd always seen her, before he'd known she was the universe incarnate, before he'd seen what she could do. Before she could give him anything or do anything for him, he'd seen her.
That meant something.
It was worth at least a smile in return. Not nearly as wide as his own but strong enough, holding even when she took a few of those dumplings and idly rolled them in her palm. "Guess I'm doing it wrong, huh? Too bad partying's not something they teach back at the Avatar Academy." She pinched a piece off of one of his offerings, popping it in her mouth and giving it a chew and swallow before she pointed out, "What about you?"
What was his excuse? Bolin was in the unique possession of just about everything it would take to be successful at - and the very life of - a party like that one. Why, she even had to tack on, "You definitely look the part." In fact, he looked great.
keep it up
The pockets of Bolin’s only suit were filled to capacity with small party snacks he’d been snatching up from the large platters that had been passed around all night (liberating the food, as he liked to think of it). After all, there was more than enough for everyone, and nobody seemed particularly hungry; surely not more hungry than he was.
Tarrlok certainly knew how to throw a party - the atmosphere was cheerful and bustling with conversation. He’d invited all the richest and most powerful people of the city - not that Bolin cared about that, of course. No, he was only interested in one person at the party - the guest of honor, in fact.
When Mako’s new girlfriend, the very friendly Asami Sato, took Bolin to the richest district in Republic City for a suit, the young earthbender had made it very explicit that it needed two things: green fabric and flair. A certain type of flair that hopefully would catch the eye of his new friend, the Avatar.
Korra, however, was nowhere to be found, Bolin quickly noticed. All the guests were busy in some way; Tenzin and his family were always busy, Mako and Asami were caught up in laughter by the rice wine (Bolin lingered on this sight a few seconds longer; it had been so long since his brother laughed that way). Even Tarrlok was grandstanding in front of the press - only the guest of honor was not present in the building.
He wondered if it had anything to do with the uncomfortable press conference that had just occurred; it didn’t seem to go the way Korra wanted it to, and even before that, Korra just hadn’t seemed herself. Bolin couldn’t put his finger on it, but something was definitely off. Come to think of it, Korra didn’t seem like the type to fully enjoy a party in her honor - maybe she’d just stepped outside.
Bolin did the same, grabbing a few fresh dumplings from a silver tray nearby (Korra wouldn’t want one that had been in his pocket, and besides, that was for he and Mako to snack on later without spending all their savings). The outside air was a little cool, starkly contrasting with the heat of so many people inside the party. It wasn’t long before he spotted his friend standing alone near the stairs.
"You know, I think the party’s the other way," he halfheartedly joked as he made his way a little closer. "They’ve got food, you know," he said with a bit more enthusiasm, offering her a few dumplings and a wide smile.
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korralized-blog · 11 years
korra's delivery service
It wasn't exactly odd for the young Avatar to visit her boyfriend at work. Not exactly. 
But there were still some raised brows when she sauntered in, that bag of pau buns in her hand and the other lifting a semi-sheepish wave to the other patrolmen loitering about the office. After all, they were used to being called to the scene of her 'crimes,' and to have her show up on their doorstep always set a few of them - the ones who never forgot - on edge. Luckily, she'd toned down the vigilante justice quite a bit. In fact, she was pretty proud of herself for that.
What she wasn't so proud of was a certain firebender working overtime everyday as if he had to pick up her slack.
Republic City was, simply put, better since Amon had vacated it for good. It wasn't that everything was instantly and automatically fixed; even a headstrong, stubborn-willed Avatar couldn't accomplish that. But the Council was finally doing their job, Tenzin was getting to dole out all of that wisdom he had in spades to people who would actually listen, and of course, the rightful 'queen' of the police force was back on her throne. So the city could spare one police officer for one teensy dinner break, right?
"Heyyyyyy," she said when she found him at his desk, leaning over it with that bag dangling from one hand while the other palm landed flat across his paperwork. Suffice to say, there was no way he'd get around the interruption, and would have to forgive it instead. Putting on her best you know you love me smirk had to count for something.
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korralized-blog · 11 years
And on that note, I have a new theme, I polished up my important pages, and so here we go. For now, I’ll be easing into it with a few threads with the friends who dragged me back over here (YOU TWO KNOW WHO YOU ARE) but we’ll see how it goes from there!
Feels good to be back, guys. ;D
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korralized-blog · 11 years
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And with that, and the plethora of other similar anonymous messages in my inbox, I will say hello everyone who's still with me, I'm back. At least to play with some of you that I missed so dearly.
I'll make an official post when I've dusted some things off and maybe switched my theme up. 8')
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korralized-blog · 12 years
WOW, thanks for all the likes and reblogs, everyone!! I guess this is making a comeback? So here you go, for those of you new here. It's by far my best work on this blog.
Oh, and you'll need this.
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the choice
“Choose wisely, Avatar.”
Read More
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korralized-blog · 12 years
“Try” - P!nk (2012)
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korralized-blog · 12 years
Never forget.
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korralized-blog · 12 years
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Okay guys! It’s OFFICIAL! I can FINALLY say why Ive been SO BUSY and havent been posting! Im ON THE LEGEND OF KORRA TEAM! Full time!!!! For awhile, Ive been working on the b/g paint.. Then I got to take a test for the Background design.. And I actually got in! So be expecting more updates from me NOW ON!!! I will actually have time to do more!!! OMG!!! Love love!!!! Hope everyone is welL!!!!!!! 
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korralized-blog · 12 years
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Saying goodbye to summer with Korra and the girls. I think it somehow developed into a “Wish You Were Here”kind of postcard thing, but I’m okay with that.
I’ll clean it up with color and junk later, but I just wanted to get it out there for now.
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korralized-blog · 12 years
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“put an end to this sad story.”
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korralized-blog · 12 years
Holding on was no longer a question so much as an inevitability. She was definitely going to hold on--no matter what. It was just about the only thing that translated from riding Naga to this machine. Hold on. It was also the only thing that didn't require much if any skill.
So for once, without any hesitation at all, Korra was actually doing as she was told.
Then again, there was just a hint of rebellion in her still. If the trick was really just easing off on the gas, decelerating to take the steps head on, that was something she could do. Really, he was going to relegate her to a ride-along again when all that was required was a softer hand? She could have a softer hand! She'd show him she could have a softer hand.
Uh oh. Her softer hand also meant battling his for a grip of control again, and in doing so, turned those handlebars. Just a little, a smidgeon, a teensy tiny bit, barely noticeable--except that with the jolt of the latest step it sent them veering toward the side of the staircase, bike now parallel to every bump it was forced to take. They were looking at either tipping over and falling down half a flight of stairs with the satocycle on top of them...
Or there was the chance they could, maybe, potentially, possibly, hypothetically make the jump over the stone barrier to land on the path below. "Mako--" was unfortunately the only thing she managed to say; it seemed like if he wanted to try the stunt, it'd be all him. At least her 'soft' hands wouldn't be getting in the way anymore.
Motorcycle Lessons
So far, so good. They were moving at a slow pace, a safe pace. The wheels were turning, the handle bars were steering and they were making good time along the dirt paths around the island. Mako had relaxed enough to let his guard down slightly, allowing his eyes to travel from the road ahead of them, to the scenic view of the bay offered on all sides of the island. It was beautiful, the water sparkling with the rising sun, the cityscape, tall and magnificent. Maybe they would get out of this alive. Currently, Korra wasn’t as bad of a driver as he had anticipated. Maybe the previous near death experience would be the only one and they’d come out of this joking and laughing, safe and sound.
But then again, this was Korra after all. 
At the sound of her voice, sounding hesitant and questionable, Mako whipped his head back around, craning it up over the avatar’s shoulder.
Stairs. Why had he forgotten the stairs?
The government issued satocycles were extraordinary pieces of machinery. Installed with a stable frame to keep the rider in place, they were some of the best bikes an officer could own. All of the bikes came installed with multi-terrain wheels and they were extremely adaptable. Mako had driven it on grass, rocks, asphalt, even the slippery snow covered streets. But for some reason, Mako was doubting very much it’s ability to climb the steep, uneven stairscases that inhabited Air Temple Island. 
Guess they’d have to find out.
“Korra, let me steer.” It came out as more of a demand than he had been expecting, but his heart was hammering again and he needed to be in control of the bike. He reached his arms under her’s once again, resting his chin on her shoulder. Of course, Korra being who she was, refused to let go of the handlebars. It’d have to work. Fingers squeezed down on the brakes gently, slowing them just enough so that when they took the first step, nothing too drastic would happen. 
“Just.. hold on tight, alright?”
They were in for one bumpy ride.
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korralized-blog · 12 years
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I Makorra’d…
These two are literally going to be the death of me. 
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korralized-blog · 12 years
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My Peace by *Gaia77
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korralized-blog · 12 years
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korralized-blog · 12 years
She really wasn't sure why it was such a big deal. For some reason, it had just rubbed her the wrong way, that girl horning in on what was supposed to be Korra's spotlight. It wasn't even that she needed Bolin's attention...
Or maybe it was. Because when that girl huffed off, it was all-too-natural to stick her tongue out at the retreating fan, smugness rolling off of her in droves. It didn't take a genius to figure out that Korra liked winning, but this time it was just a little more than that. Knowing that Bo had chosen her company after all, it made her feel--well, whatever it was, it was good.
More than anything, she liked being wanted.
If there was one person who made her feel like that, it was Bo. Always, no matter the time or the place. Even there in the little ice cream parlor as she waffled in her indecision for just a minute or two more, before finally following his suit and ordering the exact same thing. After all, why take a chance when strawberry was sure to be a good thing? She wasn't even sure she'd had strawberries before! It made sense to kill two birds with one stone.
And boy, was it worth it! He wouldn't even need to ask with how her face practically lit up within one bite. When he did, it was all she could do to remember to swallow before that enthusiasm bubbled out. "Thisissooooodelicious," somehow made it past the spoon as it continued to shovel more in her mouth. It was actually probably a wonder how she even managed to taste the stuff at all with how fast she was inhaling it.
But in many ways, his perception had been right. She really was just a girl overly excited about her first taste of ice cream--though it was sure not to be the last.
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korralized-blog · 12 years
unexpected rendezvous | @greedling-x
A lot of things in Korra's life hadn't gone how she had imagined. Like her discovery by the White Lotus and the subsequent seventeen years she'd spent sheltered in their compound, or the way Republic City was coming apart at the seams just a decade after Avatar Aang's death, or her block in airbending, or even the recovery of her abilities courtesy of her past lives. She never would have guessed she'd make her first friend in a pro-earthbender, or find a second family at the Air Temple. That she'd find an enemy in a fellow Tribesman--or two, or three.
But of all the things that could surprise her, this whole Spirit World thing was a real trip.
Literally. One minute she'd been meditating, trying to quell the "unrest" in her spirit. That was basically Master Tenzin's way of harping on her to sit still for any extended length of time, which she almost never did. For once, she thought she was managing pretty well, only to realize she must have fallen asleep. After all, this had to be a dream.
She was in a forest. A forest. She might still be comparatively new to the city, but she knew there wasn't a forest within the walls, that was for sure! And it didn't have that strange vibe she'd always expected the Spirit World to have, not to mention, she was pretty sure she heard crickets. Crickets didn't exist in the Spirit World, did they? Or did they have Spirit Crickets?
No, this had to be something else. Something glowed against the horizon, and she could faintly hear signs of life coming from that direction. Probably a village; at least she knew what villages were. But there definitely were not villages in the Spirit World, and when she heard a rustle to her left, she leapt to her feet with a hasty, "Who's there?" Knowing her luck, it'd probably turn out to be some kind of woodland critter--but she wasn't taking any chances.
At least she'd still be able to defend herself... right?
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