krixa15 · 2 years
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krixa15 · 2 years
magick mulled apple cider
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autumn is upon us; this is a recipe for a mulled cider that will bring you magick coziness, prosperity and warmth this season. you will need:
☾ 2 quarts of apple cider (honoring the departed)
☾ ½ cup brown sugar
☾ 1 tsp whole cloves (exorcism, love, protection)
☾ pinch of nutmeg (protection, prosperity)
☾ 3 cinnamon sticks (power, prosperity, passion)
☾ 6-7 whole cardamom pods (love)
☾ 1 orange slice (abundance, happiness)
combine everything in a pot and bring to boiling; cover with lid and simmer on low-medium heat for 20 minutes. stir clockwise now and then. strain out the herbs and enjoy warm on a rainy evening. if you’d like, light brown, black and/or red candles to make your cider drinking into a little ritual.
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krixa15 · 2 years
Hello! Can I ask about your "children shouldn't be given adult responsibility" post? (genuine question) Instinctively I agree as I believe children should be treated like human beings but not like adults, but I am confused on what you mean by adult responsability. Could you clarify? Thank you for your time, and have a nice day!
When I was younger, folks seemed pretty comfortable with telling me I was "an old soul", or, "acted like an adult". I was a sharp kid with a large vocabulary who spent a lot of time reading quietly, so I guess the perception was that I was therefore more "grown up" than other kids my age.
Which, you know, made an otherwise lonely and isolated child feel pretty important and special, so it was easy for me to feel flattered when it signed me up for extra responsibilities.
I was six when I was first left alone to take care of the baby. I was seven when I got my first summer job. I was eight when I was put in charge of my own chicken coop; feeding, cleaning, buying feed and all.
I was special, I was different, I was "treated like a grown up". I was proud of that.
Then I got older, and more tired, and the limitations stayed the same while the responsibilities and expectations kept piling up.
No, I couldn't stay home while my family went on an overnight trip, I was too young for that.
But the adults were both out somewhere overnight? Sure, I could take care of two younger kids, cook dinner, put them to bed by 8 and have them off to school in the morning.
I remember, once things began to decline, repeating rather often: 
"Either give me adult responsibilities and adult privileges, or child responsibilities and child privileges. Don't give me child privileges and adult responsibilities- either I'm an adult or a kid. Make up your mind."
It turns out that "adult responsibilities" isn't quite the same thing as "adult respect".
But even if it was, though- even if I was treated with all the benefits and freedoms of adulthood alongside all the work, I was still a kid. 
Kids need free time. Kids need sleep. Kids need to *not* have to lay awake at night wondering what they're going to make for school lunches, or how they're going to cook dinner for six when the stovetop burners went out.
And it's not necessarily because they can't handle the pressure, but because there should be Actual Adults in their life doing those things. If not for the labour aspect, but for the respect and security of it.
My parent says I can't wear shoes in the house? Why do they care? I'm the one who mops the floors.
I'm not allowed to stay home alone? What, you trust me with your baby but you don't trust me with your house?
The family pet died and I'm tasked with burying it? Cool, grief is isolated and nobody cares, and when I'm scared or in pain, the authority figures in my life will be distant and emotionally unavailable. I have no reason to believe anyone will support me through emotional hardship in the future.
When it comes to responsibility, its not so much a question of, "can the child handle the work?", but, "what precedent is this setting for their perception of the future?", and, "What is this teaching them about actual adults?"
A child who sits quietly and draws is no more an adult than a child who eats glue and sticks pens up their nose, but both deserve to be respected as people, and both deserve to feel as though the adults in their lives are stable, reliable, secure, and have their best interests in mind.
Responsibility is not the same as respect, and there is a mile of difference between "can" and "should". 
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krixa15 · 2 years
The Eight Sabbats Part 3
Note: please let me know in dms or in the comments if I missed something, or got something wrong! My point of making posts like these is to inform, but sometimes my research and information can be incorrect itself! Please let me know! <3 Part 4 is coming out soon.
The eight sabbats/the wheel of the year are holidays around the year, generally celebrated by pagans, witches, or wiccans. The sabbats/holidays divide the year into eight equal parts that mark the beginning and mid-points of each season. *The pictures included are not mine*
Ostara - Around March 21st
Ostara is the spring equinox, 2nd of 3 fertility festivals. A time where spring grows more visible in nature. The sabbat was named after goddess Eostre, germanic goddess of dawn, and spring.
The hare and eggs are 2 main symbols of Ostara. The hare represents fertility and abundance, the egg represents potential and the beginning of life.
Ostara is the perfect opportunity to work magick for love, prosperity, and gains of any kind. Harness the energy of the lengthening days to fuel desires and bring forth new projects. We reset priorities and regain balance.
Themes - Abundance, balance, cycles, fertility, new life
Symbols - Butterflies, eggs, seeds, hare, wildflowers
Colors - Green, pink, white, yellow
Food/herbs - Acorns, chocolate, eggs, fresh fruit, honey, honeysuckle, hot cross buns, roses
To do - Color eggs, plant seeds, start something new, nature walk
Spells - Balance, fertility, growth, renewal, sexuality
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krixa15 · 2 years
The Eight Sabbats Part 4
Note: please let me know in dms or in the comments if I missed something, or got something wrong! My point of making posts like these is to inform, but sometimes my research and information can be incorrect itself! Please let me know! <3 Part 5 is coming out soon.
The eight sabbats/the wheel of the year are holidays around the year, generally celebrated by pagans, witches, or wiccans. The sabbats/holidays divide the year into eight equal parts that mark the beginning and mid-points of each season. *The pictures included are not mine*
Litha - June 20th - 22nd
Litha counts as the first days of Summer, held around June 21st. It is the longest day of the year. Litha is the day when the Sun God is at the peak of his power, and slowly descends until his rebirth at Yule.
Outdoor rituals are common for Litha, it is a joyful sabbat. Alike Beltane, bonfires are a big part of Litha's celebrations. To represent the strength of the Sun/the fire element at this time of the year. A time for celebration to look at what you've achieved. This is also a day for inner power and finding light within yourself.
Themes - Abundance, celebration, fulfillment, light, joy
Symbols - Fire, flowers, the oak, the sun
Colors - Blue, gold, green, orange, red, yellow
Food/Herbs - Ale, anise, apples, honey, ice cream, lavender, lemons, mead, mistletoe, rose, summerfruit, vervain, whipped cream, wine
To do - Make a bonfire, handfasting, watch the sunrise
Spells - Happiness, health, love, luck, protection, relationships
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krixa15 · 2 years
The Eight Sabbats Part 2
Note: please let me know in dms or in the comments if I missed something, or got something wrong! My point of making posts like these is to inform, but sometimes my research and information can be incorrect itself! Please let me know! <3 Part 3 is coming out soon.
The eight sabbats/the wheel of the year are holidays around the year, generally celebrated by pagans, witches, or wiccans. The sabbats/holidays divide the year into eight equal parts that mark the beginning and mid-points of each season. *The pictures included are not mine*
Imbolc - February 1st - 2nd
Imbolc marks the mid-point of the winter season. The first of three fertility festivals, Imbolc is a time of rebirth, hope, and fertility.
For ancestors, Imbolc was the beginning of the ground thaw. The time to prepare for planting season. For a witch, it is also a time for preparation. We clean and bless our environment, review our goals and our progress, and ensure that our tools are attuned for our use. A great time to clean up and get a "fresh start." Imbolc is also sacred to the Celtic goddess Brigid. The goddess of motherhood and fertility. Many Imbolc rituals honor Brigid with candle light, poems, and woven ornaments.
Imbolc is an opportunity to purify your intentions and reconnect with spirit guides. Light candles, open windows, and wash the floors to cast out the last "gloom" of winter. Some also use divination for the year's harvest.
Themes - Starting fresh, conception, creativity, inspiration, cleansing, renewal.
Symbols - Brigid's Cross, sheep, sunwheel, white flowers.
Colors - Blue, brown, green, pink, red, white, yellow.
Food/Herbs - Winter veggies, seeds, blackberries, sunflowers, cinnamon, spicy food.
To do - Bake, clean, light candles, make Brigid's Cross, plant seeds.
Spells - Blessings, cleansing, fertility, luck, wishing, protection.
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krixa15 · 2 years
⛤History of Mabon⛤
The Mabon or Autumn Equinox is a holiday that takes place from the 21st of September to the 24th of the same month.
⛤The autumn equinox divides day and night equally - here we should all take a moment to pay homage to the impending darkness.
We also thank the sunset light, as we store this year's crop of crops.
The Druids call this celebration, Mea'n Fo'mhair, and honor the Green Man, the God of the Forest, by offering libations to the trees.
On this holiday it is appropriate to dress in elegant clothes and dine and celebrate in luxurious surroundings.
It is time to finish the old jobs and prepare for a period of rest, relaxation and reflection.
⛤ Pagans celebrate the aging Goddess as she passes from Mother to Crone, and her consort, the Lord, as she prepares for death and rebirth.
⛤The feast of the autumn equinox is also known by other names: Feast of the second harvest, Feast of Wine, Feast of Avalon, Autumn Equinox, or Cornucopia.
The Teutonic name, Winter Finding, spans a period of time between Mabon and October 15, which is the New Year in Old Norse.
The Romans celebrated a festival dedicated to Pomona, the goddess of fruit and growing things.
However, the most famous ancient myth comes from Greece. The autumn equinox marks Persephone's return to the underworld:
⛤In ancient Greek mythology, the beginning of the fall is closely linked to the story of the abduction of Persephone, also called Kore or Cora. Daughter of Demeter, goddess of earth and fertility, she was kidnapped and taken to the underworld to become the wife of Hades, the god-king of the underworld. After a period of mourning and struggle, Demeter eventually brought her daughter back from Hades to the light, but only for six months of the year. Each fall, Persephone must return to the underworld to spend six months with Hades. During these months, Nature withdraws.
⛤Mabon is a relatively modern neo-pagan celebration, which takes place around the September equinox.
⛤In the 1970s, the American author Aidan Kelley gave new names to the six pagan holidays rooted in the ancient Celtic tradition and added two new celebrations proper to the September and March equinox.
These holidays are celebrations based on the cycles of the sun.
⛤Inspired by a proper name derived from the Welsh word mab / map, meaning "son" or "boy", Kelly chose Mabon as the name for the autumn equinox celebration, and founded the ceremony he had composed for the festival in the Greek myth of Persephone.
⛤Mabon celebrates the second harvest and the start of winter preparations, and it's time to respect the impending darkness while giving thanks in the sunlight.
⛤Druids and pagans also flock to Stonehenge, the famous 5,000-year-old site in Wiltshire, and Castlerigg, another megalithic stone circle near Keswick, Cumbria, to watch the equinox dawn.
⛤The Christian church replaced many pagan celebrations with Christian observances. The most famous is Christmas, which replaced the ancient Yule festival around the December solstice.
⛤The closest Christian celebration to the September equinox is Michaelmas, also known as the feast of St. Michael and all angels, on September 29th. In this period, the feast of St. Michael is mainly observed in the Catholic church.
⛤Centuries ago in England, the time around the feast of St. Michael also had a commercial side: servants were paid wages after the harvest and workers looked for new jobs at job fairs that also became a place for celebrations.
⛤Mabon is a time full of magic, all connected to the changing seasons of the earth, this is the Second Harvest, the Fruit Harvest and the Great Thanksgiving.
⛤The Goddess is radiant and the God eventually dies with her gift of pure love with the cutting of the last grain. As the grain is harvested in abundance during Lammas and reaches completion, we enjoy the abundance of fruits and vegetables at this time.
⛤It is time to thank the waning sun for the richness of the harvest that has been bestowed on us.
⛤Sometimes it seems like every Holiday calls for thanks, and it really is: every spin of the Wheel brings both inner and outer gifts and insights, so Mabon is a celebration and also a period of rest after harvest work.
⛤In terms of your life path, it is time to reap what you have sown, time to look at the hopes and aspirations of Imbolc and Ostara and reflect on how they have manifested.
⛤It is time to complete projects, to clear out and leave what is no longer wanted or needed as we prepare for the descent, so that winter can offer a time for reflection and peace.
⛤And it's time to plant seeds of new ideas and hopes that lie dormant but nurtured in the dark, until spring returns.
I'll be posting more Mabon related content during the week so stay tuned for spells, rituals, prayers, history and affirmations!
Hopefully, you'll have a great Celebration this year too!
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krixa15 · 2 years
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krixa15 · 2 years
The Eight Sabbats part 1
Note: please let me know in dms or in the comments if I missed something, or got something wrong! My point of making posts like these is to inform, but sometimes my research and information can be incorrect itself! Please let me know! <3 Part 2 is coming out soon.
The eight sabbats/the wheel of the year are holidays around the year, generally celebrated by pagans, witches, or wiccans. The sabbats/holidays divide the year into eight equal parts that mark the beginning and mid-points of each season. *The pictures included are not mine*
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Solstice: The time (happens 2x a year) in which the sun reaches it's maximum/minimum destination. Marked by the longest and shortest days. June 21st and December 22nd.
Equinox: The time (happens 2x a year) in which the sun crosses the celestial equator, when day and night are at equal length.
Yuletide - December 21st-January 1st
Yuletide (yool - tide) or Yule takes place on the winter solstice, the shortest day and the longest night of the year. This is a time of joy as it is the starting point for light to enter the world again. Yule is a great time for home magick, personal magick, family quality time, and celebration. Short days of work and long nights of dreaming. Set intentions, make new plans, appreciate your work of the seasons before this.
Common traditions with Yuletide is to light candles on December 20th (Mid-Winter's Eve) to herald the return of the Sun. Another, the Yule log. Which is burned (often in a fire place) to represent the light that can be found in darkness. A piece of the log is traditionally saved to start the new year's fire.
Themes- Introspection, hope, rebirth, reflection, family, transformation, celebration.
Symbols- Bells, evergreen, gifts, ivy, mistletoe, wreath, yule log.
Colors- Gold, green, red, silver, white.
Food/Herbs- Apple cider, cinnamon, egg nog, gingerbread, nuts, pine, roast beef, rosemary, sage, wine, wintergreen.
To do- Burn Yule log, decorate, tell stories, wrap presents, spend time with family, burn a candle.
Good spells- Hope, happiness, love (not necessarily romantic), friendship, peace, bonds, prosperity.
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krixa15 · 2 years
Reading candle flames and soot!
tall/strong flame: lots of energy; barriers coming down; quick, happy results are likely. small/steady flame: less energy (still good!); positive results likely/may be delayed. stay focused on your goals! small/weak flame: flickering and bending is generally a sign something is not working; timing may be off; asking for something unfavorable; if flame falters and dies, it's a sign your spell won't be granted at this time. high/dancing flame: possible chaotic energy; successful spell, possibly with some complications/other wills may be working against you. rapidly flickering: dims and brightens; spirits are present; usually indicates success and that your message was heard. blue flame: a sign of spiritual presence; higher spiritual beings have taken an interest in your spell; power added to the spell. popping and stuttering: noisy candles indicate that outside forces are present; communication w/spirits; can mean interference or sending a message to you/increase concentration on the spell. flame suddenly goes out: spell has been extinguished by outside forces; usually means spell did not work; sit and rethink/meditate longer. candle won't light: possible wick issue or this spell won't work for your purposes; the outcome is outside your control; try again after reconsidering your intention and cleansing/smudging your space. -- black pieces in wax: (unintentional) black debris signifies unintended consequences; more spell work may be required; karmic baggage/guilt. Try some cleaning up. black soot on glass: signals negative energy/interference. black soot on top of the jar only: negative opposition has likely been overcome. black soot entire/majority of jar: spell unsuccessful; may need to cleanse and repeat work another time. white soot on glass: rare, represents spiritual communication and assistance. candle forms tunnel/crater in middle: incomplete candle burns w/lots of leftover wax isn't a good sign; will/focus too weak; ineffective energy to complete the task; spell blocked. candle explodes/container breaks/cracks: dramatic endings in candle magick are a sign your spell has been stopped by a higher power and you shouldn't be doing that spell work; reconsider intention/spell.
wax left in the container: lots of wax left on the bottom or sides of the candle container can indicate blockages to the success of your spell; might need to cleanse space and try again.
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krixa15 · 2 years
Incense Meanings
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Acacia: Burned with sandalwood to stimulate the psychic powers.
African Violet: Protection and to promote spirituality within the home.
Allspice: Attract both good luck and money.
Aloes: Attract good fortune, love, spiritual vibrations, and strength.
Althea: Protection and to stimulate the psychic powers.
Amber: Love, comfort, happiness and healing
Ambergris: Burn for dreams and aphrodisiac
Angelica: Protection, harmony, integration, insight and understanding, stability and meditation
Anise seeds: Meditation and emotional balance incense.
Basil: exorcise and protect against evil entities such as demons and unfriendly ghosts, and to attract fidelity, love, good luck, sympathy, and wealth. This is also an excellent incense to use when performing love divinations.  Also burn for concentration, assertiveness, decisiveness, trust, integrity, enthusiasm, mental clarity, cheerfulness, confidence and courage
Bay: Facilitate the psychic powers, and to induce prophetic dream-visions.
Bayberry: Attract money and also burned for protection, happiness and control
Benzoin: Purification, astral projection, clears negative energy, emotional balance, eases sadness, depression, weariness, grief, anger, anxiety and to attract prosperity
Bergamot: Money, prosperity, uplifting of spirits, joy, protection, concentration, alertness, confidence, balance, strength, courage, motivation and assertiveness
Bistort: Burned often with frankincense as a powerful incense to aid divination.
Bracken: Burned in outdoor fires to magickally produce rain.
Cardamom: Mental clarity, concentration, confidence, courage, enthusiasm and motivation
Carnation: protection, strength, healing, love and lust
Cedar: Purification, to stimulate or strengthen the psychic powers, attract love, prevent nightmares, and heal various ailments, including head colds.
Cedarwood: Healing, purification, protection, money, balance, grounding, clarity, insight and wisdom
Chamomile: Harmony, peace, calm, spiritual and inner peace
Cinnamon: Protection and to attract money, wealth, prosperity, business success, stimulate or strengthen the psychic powers, and aid in healing.  Also burned for stimulation, strength and lust
Citron: Burned in rituals to aid healing and also to strengthen the psychic powers.
Citronella: Cleansing, warding off, healing and exorcism
Clove: Dispel negativity, purify sacred and magickal spaces, attract money, and stop or prevent the spread of gossip. Also burn for pain relief, intellectual stimulation, business success, wealth, prosperity, divination, exorcism, protection, eases fears, improves memory and focus
Coconut: Protection
Copal: Purification, uplifting spirits, protection, exorcism, spirituality and to attract love.
Cypress: Strength, comfort, healing, eases anxiety, stress, self-assurance, confidence, physical vitality, willpower and concentration
Damiana: Facilitate psychic visions.
Dittany of Crete: Conjure spirits and to aid in divination, astral projection, especially when mixed with equal parts of benzoin, sandalwood, and vanilla.
Dragon's Blood: Dispel negativity, exorcise evil supernatural entities, courage, purification, attract love, and restore male potency. Many Witches also burn dragon's blood for protection when spell casting and invoking. When added to other incenses, dragon's blood makes their magickal powers all the stronger.
Elecampane: Strengthen the clairvoyant powers and scrying abilities-divination by gazing.
Eucalyptus: Healing, purification and protection
Fern: Burned in outdoor fires to magickally produce rain. Also used to exorcise evil supernatural entities.
Frankincense: Dispel negativity, spirituality, purify magickal spaces, consecration, protect against evil, exorcism, aid meditation, astral strength, induce psychic visions, courage, protection, attract good luck, and honor Pagan deities.
Fumitory: Exorcise demons, poltergeists, and evil supernatural entities.
Galangal: Break the curses cast by sorcerers.
Gardenia: Peace, love and healing
Ginger: Wealth, lust, love and magical power
Ginseng root: keep wicked spirits at bay, and for protection against all forms of evil.
Gotu Kola: Burned to aid meditation.
Heather: Conjure beneficial spirits, and to magickally produce rain.
Hibiscus Flowers: Attract love, lust and also for divination.
Honey Suckle: Attract money, happiness, friendship and healing
Horehound: Burned as an offertory incense to the ancient Egyptian god Horus.
Hyacinth: Happiness and protection
Jasmine: Attract love and money, and also to induce dreams of a prophectic nature, purification, wisdom and astral projection
Juniper: stimulate or increase the psychic powers, and also to break curses, exorcism and hexes cast by evil sorcerers. It is also burned for calming, protection and healing.
Lavender: Induce rest and sleep, and to attract love-especially of a man. Also burned for cleansing, healing, happiness and relaxation
Lemon: Healing, love and purification
Lemongrass: Mental clarity
Lilac: Stimulate or increase the psychic powers, and to attract harmony into ones life.
Lotus: Elevate mood, protection, spirituality, healing and meditation
Mace: Stimulate or increase the psychic powers.
Mastic: Conjure beneficial spirits, stimulate or increase the psychic powers, and intensify sexual desires. The magickal powers of other incenses are greatly increased when a bit of mastic is added.
Mesquite: Magickal powers of all healing incenses are greatly increased when mesquite is added
Mint: Increase sexual desire, exorcise evil supernatural entities, conjure beneficial spirits, and attract money. Mint incense also possesses strong healing vibrations and protective powers.
Musk: Aphrodisiac, prosperity, courage
Myrrh: Burned (often with frankincense) for purification, consecration, healing, exorcism, and banishing evil. Myrrh is also aids meditation rituals, and was commonly burned on alters in ancient Egypt as an offering to deities Isis and Ra.
Nutmeg: Aid meditation, stimulate or increase the psychic powers, and to attract prosperity.
Oakmoss: Money and attraction
Orange: Divination, love, luck and money
Patchouli: Attract money, love, growth, mastery, sensuality and also to promote fertility.
Peppermint: Energy, mental stimulant, exorcism and healing
Pine: Purification, and to banish negative energies, exorcise evil supernatural entities, and attract money, as well as to break hexes and return them to their senders. Also burned for grounding, strength, cleansing and healing
Poppy seeds: Promote female fertility, and to attract love, good luck, and money.
Rose: Increase courage, induce prophetic dreams, house blessing, fertility, healing and attract love. Rose incense is used in all forms of love enchantment and possesses the strongest love vibration of any magickal incense.
Rose Geranium: Courage and protection
Rosemary: Purify, aid in healing, prevent nightmares, preserve youthfulness, dispel depression, attract fairy folk, and promote restful sleep and pleasant dreams.
Rue: Help restore health.
Sage: Protection against all forms of evil. It is also burned to purify sacred spaces and ritual tools. Plus it is great for promoting wisdom, clarity, attract money, and aid in the healing the body, mind, and soul.
Sage Brush: Aid healing, and to banish negative energies and evil supernatural entities.
Sandalwood: Exorcise demons and evil ghosts, conjure beneficial spirits, and promote spiritual awareness. Sandalwood incense is also used by many Witches for protection, astral projection, healing rituals and in wish-magick.
Solomon's Seal: Mainly as an offertory incense to ancient Pagan deities
Star Anise Seeds: Stimulate or increase the psychic powers
Strawberry: Attract love and for luck.
Sweetgrass: Conjure beneficial spirits prior to spell casting.
Sweet pea: Friendship, love and courage
Thyme: Purification of magickal spaces prior to rituals, to aid in healing, and to attract good health.
Vanilla: Attract love, increase sexual desire, and improve the powers of the mind.
Vervain: Exorcise evil supernatural entities.
Vetivert: Break curses, exorcism, for protection against black magick and thieves, money, peace and love.
Violet: Break curses, exorcism, for protection against black magick and thieves, money, peace and love.
Willow: Avert evil, attract love, and promote healing. It is also used by many Witches as an offertory incense for Pagan lunar deities.
Wisteria: Protection against all forms of evil.
Wormwood: Protection against all forms of evil.
Yarrow: Courage, exorcism
Ylang Ylang: Love, harmony and euphoria
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krixa15 · 2 years
Good shit for later
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krixa15 · 2 years
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looked up my symptoms on webmd and it turns out i have an ancient ancestral curse that has been passed down my bloodline for generations
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krixa15 · 2 years
I finished colors I hope I did him justice 📖📚📘
Sketches by @lunarlexicon on twiter
#krixa15 #sketch #zexion #khzexion #ienzo #khienzo #hk #kingdomhearts #Trending
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krixa15 · 2 years
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So, I made moon water last night. Unfortunately the jar shattered today. The good news, however? I have a shiv BLESSED BY THE MOON.
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krixa15 · 2 years
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Hiromu Arakawa just gets me, y’know
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krixa15 · 2 years
Here she is. Krixa/rika. The 15th member of organization 13 (my kingdom hearts oc).she favors her circle blade, from a hulahoop she loved as a kid. Kind of like a selfie this is jump rope. All the green bits are a fake bang situation. I'll draw her with her hair down soon.
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#org13 #myart #MyArtwork #trending #KHDR
#KH20th #kh2 #kh3 #hk4 #khbbs #kh5832
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