Secret Crush On You (Spoiler)
I have to admit that it was difficult for me to start watching this series, I saw that many people said that it was cringy and I knew a little about the plot and it became a bit uncomfortable for me. Still I wanted to give it a try and after 3 attempts to see the first chapter I finally saw it complete😃​
The first chapters are a bit hard to swallow but I didn't feel as much cringe as people make it seem. I like that the script bothers to make it clear that what Toh is doing is not right and at the same time shows that Toh has never really broken any limits. It is a series that does not have a complicated plot and that focuses on the evolution of the characters and their relationships
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There is something "curious" that I noticed while watching the series and that is that Nuea is a very simple character indeed. Nuea likes Toh and all his actions are based on that, that's it. Which I like because as he says in chapter 13: he is a normal and simple person, don't idealize him. I feel like this is more geared towards the audience than Toh
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And with the issue of collecting things, we see it as something shady and we leave him as the weirdo and the one who needs therapy but Nuea has proven to be even more outgoing than Toh and it amuses me that no one notices.
The main couple is not my favorite but I find them cute and I like the level of communication and understanding they have. Something basic in a relationship but not many BL have it
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Going to the other couples:
SkyJao: Sky is one of my favorite characters🥰​, from the beginning he is serious with Jao but at the same time he respects his space and his times. Many of us thought at first that he was going to be the typical character that follows his love interest everywhere and that he would force him to do things (as happens in many series🙄). However, he limited himself to transporting Jao ​​in his car and preparing him food and then when he saw Jao more comfortable, he was encouraged to do more things, always respecting Jao's space. Even on his first time he waited for the latter to make the first move. Regarding Jao, I loved that he was firm from the beginning and did not fall to Sky so quickly. I like the roles of this couple because they are completely unexpected because you expect it to be the other way around.
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TouchDaisy: I would have loved to see more of them. Both as a couple and individually. Touch has all the earmarks of stealing the show if only he had appeared more. He has a gentle personality and I like that he doesn't beat around the bush. He was always very direct with Daisy and it shows in the way he smiles at her that he is madly in love🥺​ Regarding Daisy, for me it was a bit of a rushed scene and it was easy for her to be herself again. I'm a non-binary person and it's not as easy as "my crush said I'm fine so I'm back to me" in a matter of microseconds. I feel that this process should have been dealt more calmly and in depth😞
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And I also liked the other couples. I think this show has the most lgbtq+ inclusion yet and in a non-comedy way. In addition to dealing with issues such as: gender identity, loving oneself, trusting your partner, etc.
Although I have flattered a large part of the series, I am not going to give it an excessive note😕 It didn't seem to have a logical structure, there were a lot of random events and it has a couple of clichés that I don't like (hubby/wifey, possessiveness, etc). As a plot, it doesn't has much either and the issue of Toh being half a stalker is sometimes forgotten and in the end they take it very lightly. The fact that he collects things is not a big deal, but the way he did it or that he even had Nuea blankets on his bed and that he imagined intimate things does seem to me. There are many aspects of Toh's acting that I wish had been talked about, but I'm still satisfied with the ending and I'm glad I didn't give it up.
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KinnPorsche (Spoilers)
Let's see, I didn't want to watch the series at first because I felt that the fandom idealizes toxicity too much to the point of not taking seriously sensitive topics covered in this series, which made me think that at first not even the series took it seriously😕​ But as always happens, it is rather the fanatical people who make everything nefarious. I experienced it at the time with kpop and I experience it again now. Kinnporsche is a very good series and beyond the romance and the relationships between the characters, the plot is very good on its own. Especially coming to the end of the series with the whole theme of Nampheung, Gun and Korn. I think this was just a simple introduction to everything that could come in a second season because there are definitely many secrets and lies to discover yet
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I'm not sure whether to read the book since my experience has shown me that BL books are usually quite disastrous and things that perhaps in the series I doubt a little about their purpose or morality in the book could come to displease me a lot😬​
So far it is my general opinion of the series, I take into account that it is classified as +21 and that morality cannot be strictly judged considering that it is a series about mafia. However, some facts should not be overlooked just like that and this is what I wanted to talk about.
S3xual 4ss4ult: unfortunately this is shown quite a lot and in a romanticized way even, not so much on the series, it is rather the fans. Recall that Kinn and Porsche's first time is when the latter was under the influence of drugs. In the series it is shown how P was very affected because obviously being in a conscious state he would not have done it. Kinn, despite knowing P's condition, took advantage of him and knew perfectly well that he was wrong. They in the series solved it in their own way and if P forgave him there is no reason to do bad blood but that does not mean that it should be taken lightly. I've seen a lot of comments like "Vegas set up P for Kinn" or "Vegas helping as usual". They do comedy about how V's character gets P drunk or drugs to take advantage of him but it's K who ends up doing it
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And speaking of V, in this field it was not only against Porsche but also against Pete. In the monastery he touched his ass and once he was kidnapped he also did other things to him. Yes, it is true that in the first time there was consent (for me this is not entirely clear because Pete could have developed Stockholm Syndrome and have been manipulated in some way to accept. I am also not saying that Vegas has done it intentionally)
And this brings me to topic 2
Vegas: This character is a big deal for me, again not so much because of the show but because of the fans. I don't hate him, I don't love him, I don't forgive some things, I don't resent him. It's a process to get to know this character and his intentions. Know to what extent he is a sociopath and to what extent it is his father's fault. However, to idealize and romanticize it in the way that it has been done is not good at all. They forget too easily what he has done or even try to excuse him. It frustrates me to think that if the actor wasn't handsome or attractive they would hate the character. 
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Just because it is a series or fiction does not mean that you have to turn a deaf ear, you have to have a minimum awareness of what you see and what kind of content or ideas you want to promote on social media. Because yes, there may be people who are very aware of everything wrong with this character and just want to make humor, but there are also other people who are really that blind or even people who have been through situations like this and are traumatized to see how something that has affected a lot now it´s romanticized. Without forgetting that in social media there are minors, whether you like it or not, you have to have a minimum of responsibility with what is published.
That's all I wanted to say about the series, I may get a lot of hate for some things but I don't care. It's a good series but the fandom ruins the vision of it a bit.
PS: Very good work of the actors, it was wonderful to see. Especially Bible for playing a character as complicated as Vegas
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Semantic Error (Spoilers)
It's definitely the best Korean BL I've ever seen 🥺 I was going to watch an episode and then go to sleep but it got me hooked enough to watch all 8 episodes in a row 😅 Its duration makes me quite sad, I hope they make a second season 😔✋
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Now, not everything is good. It's gotten to a point where I know there's going to be something wrong with romance fiction 😕 In this case it was the beginning. The series has shown in a comical and even romantic way harassment or bullying. It made me want to cry thinking about what it would be like to be in Sangwoo's skin, it would make me very angry and helpless. He even woke up earlier and the nose bleed was probably due to stress. I would have liked a well made apology from Jaeyoung or for the series to really show the seriousness of the situation. It is for this reason that I don't usually like enemies to lovers trope
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However, I still stand by what I said that it is a good series. Especially since they "solve" the interaction of the characters in their own way, since all the key moments are initiated by Sangwoo. Jaeyoung shows his intentions all the time unlike Chu. That Sangwoo starts is the ultimate show of consentment between the two 🤗
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  The series has an excellent quality where the LGTB is treated very naturally. In spite of everything, a forced relationship is not noticeable because from the beginning there is chemistry between the two protagonists. The skinship looks real and even they recommended including more
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In summary, although it started out a bit murky, it progressed in a good way and became a series of high quality 💖 I will read the manhwa as it can help me understand some things better.
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Rating: 8.5/10 P.S: I'm weak at ¨hyung¨ moments 😖
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Theo look, I read The Little Prince too xd
Sólo quiero que se tomen en serio mis desgracias.
El principito
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Enchanté (Spoilers)
Let´s be clear here. I didn´t give a f*ck about the whole plot, I only watched because of the chemistry between Force and Book (and because of Akk <3 <3)
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So the series per se wasnt something amazing or new, very predictible and at the end it really felt like it was rushed. Like, a lot of things happened in just 2 episodes. 
I would have liked some character development on Theo, he just did whatever he wanted and no one care. He is a spoiled kid🙄
And I really love Akk so it just didn´t feel okay the low self steem and dignity he had😔
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I guess it was a good ending(? But just imagine how amazing it would have been if Theo hadn't left. That he would have gone back to Akk and told him: I can't do this to you twice
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Now, as a point in favor. The influence of The Little Prince is clear so it is quite faithful to the book that the characters are like that. The only purpose of the fox was to serve the little prince, he was only happy if he was with him and The Little Prince never really cared about the fox, he loved the rose. It could be said that the rose is his family or even himself, but Akk never entered his priorities
In conclusion, for me this series was a 6.5/10
PD: Natee and the other guy at the end were really cute 🥺
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Próximas series para ver
-Vice Versa, sí a todo menos al divorcio
-Never too late, no me convencía pero luego del trailer todo Gucci
Y ya no se que más ver, tengo los estándares muy altos por culpa de BBS xd
-The eclipse, intentaré verla pero posiblemente mi estabilidad emocional me diga: ps no, mi ciela
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Bad Buddy (Spoilers)
I´m so in love with this series and the characters 😭
Now this is how a Bl series have to be. There is no toxicity, no dumb position stereotypes, no ¨I am straight but a like one man¨ trope. Is just so natural this relationship, it didn´t make me cringe once.
I stoped watching bl´s and I think this was the best way for my returning.
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Ohm and Nanon deserve all of the acting awards of the world, I spent a whole f*cking week sad because of their acting in episode 11 and then it was all a prank 🤡
Also, Nanon, you did amazing, sweetie. Is incredible how this is his first bl but it dindt feel uncomfortable to him 🤧
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And YES, I love how the girls in this series are not the typical girl for a bl. They are the best girls
Bad Buddy my fav bl and I don´t think that would change some day
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Taekook in skirt😍
I really love the designs I made for the clothes but they don't seem as Tae and Jungkook at all, I have to make them more Jungkook and Tae😅
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Anyways I'm proud of this😋
When I have time I'm going to do them again and the rest of bts💜
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I´m back
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So... I left tumblr because the school sent me a lot of homework. But 2 months ago my school ended but I didnt feel in the mood to post things.
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This is a edit/fanart Taekook, I hope you like it
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TXT Puma meme
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I´m not the type of person that does this kind of stuff but I had to do it XD.
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My new youtube channel
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I posted a speedpaint of this fanart that I made for Dahyun´s birthday.
My channel is: Jensen Ferrish.
I hope you give me a chance and you see the speed paint.
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So a few days ago I didn´t even like bts, now I´m in love with them.
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I am doing outfits based on Fake Love MV.
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Here some examples👆.
I want to make a digital speed paint but I  am not sure...😕
Anyways, please support my uncle (he is the reason why I gave an opportunity to them) with his youtube channel: 
His channel is about fanarts an their are really cool😊.
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Why r u? the series Last Ep
My cheeks hurt for smile all the time.
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The kisses, the stares, the feelings all of that were PERFECT.
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I had to record this, is perfection🥰
I like all their scenes. I like how different they are from TutorFighter.
This couple is sweet and cute so their s*x scene was very good for me☺
And the that little tear of Zon was full emotion🥺
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In all of th bl drama that I saw, no one make me scream like this.
I saw couples kissing with ice in their mouth but this two guys said: F*CK ICE BRING THE NECKLACE😂😂
I literally melt with this two couples.
I wanted to see more about the others couples😢
I hope a second season focused on them😖
I still enjoyed the show and the meaning of true love they wanted to show🥰🥰
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2gether the series Ep10 (spoilers)
I liked that the Tine's brother drama was solved in just one ep I hate that type of drama.
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Tine and Sarawat didn't do things as kiss and those stuffs but I love the little hugs and the teasing.
Sometimes it seemed that they were Bright and Win not the characters😂😂
I couldn't stop laughing with Man and his failed attempts to flirt with Type.
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It hurted when Mil said that he like Phukong but as a brother.
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Next episode: I don't know what will happen in the next episode unlike the previous ones because I stopped reading the novel right here🤔🤔
Mil please stop fooling around and accept that you feel something for Phukong.
PS: the reason why I stopped reading the novel was that I didn't like how it was written the first time but in the series they didn't show the first time.
I wonder if they will do it later🤔🤔
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Soooooo yeah, I fell into the black hole called tik tok😂😂
I will be uploading videos related to bl so if you wanna follow me there you are more than invited🥰🥰
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So I was going to do a wallpaper about 2gether the series but I made a mistake with my program🙃.
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As you can see the first size I made it´s smaller than the size I wanted to do.
My question is: Do you like the wallpaper? Do you want me to correct the size?🤔
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Why r u the series Ep12 (spoilers)
Again i´m crying...But this time is for happiness.
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This episode was a roller coaster: it was pain, it was anger, it was happiness, it was cuteness...
In this episode I fell in love deeply with Fighter😍😍. He showed his vulnerable side and he also begged for his father to let him love Tutor; for me that´s a big signal of love.
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I liked seeing the other couples🥰🥰.
 Japan and Tan are the cutest couple for me, their love is too pure.
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 Dew and Blue´s relationship is weird...at firs the hated each other but now they have a good relation and, when Blue invited Dew get into his house, seems like they have something else than just friends.
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Zon and Sai didn´t have much screen time but in the next episode...😏😏
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Last episode fot Tor and Fight was all about pain. This one had it too but in the end they were back together.
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