laoprince · 3 years
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laoprince · 3 years
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laoprince · 3 years
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Sbai (sabai/sebai/pha biang) is a shawl-like garment or breast cloth used in Cambodia, Laos, and Thailand mostly by women, while in coastal Sumatra and Malay peninsula, the same term is used to described as only a long, broad shawl draped around the shoulders. It was derived from the Indian sari.
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laoprince · 3 years
apollo and hyacinthos in paintings. 🍃🌷
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laoprince · 3 years
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The Death of Hyacinthus
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laoprince · 3 years
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Romeo and Juliet - 1884 - Frank Bernard Dicksee
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laoprince · 3 years
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laoprince · 3 years
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Nine of Swords. Art by Tee Lim Eng, from The Southeast Asian Myths & Stories Tarot.
Laos is a Buddhist country and one of the stories which was originally from Sri Lanka is widely regarded as a legend of the country. The Mahavamsa story.
According to Mahavamsa, the king of Vanga married the daughter of the king of Kalinga. The couple had a daughter named Suppadevi, who was prophesied to copulate with the king of beasts. As an adult, Princess Suppadevi left Vanga to seek an independent life. She joined a caravan headed for Magadha, but it was attacked by Sinha (“lion”) in a forest of the Lala region. The Mahavamsa mentions the “Sinha” as an animal, but some modern interpreters state that Sinha was the name of a beastly outlaw man living in the jungle.
Suppadevi fled during the attack, but encountered Sinha again. Sinha was attracted to her, and she also caressed him, thinking of the prophecy. Sinha kept Suppadevi locked in a cave, and had two children with her: a son named Sinhabahu (or Sihabahu; “lion-armed”) and a daughter named Sinhasivali (or Sihasivali). When the children grew up, Suppadevi escaped with them to Vanga. They met a general who happened to be a cousin of Suppadevi, and later married her. Meanwhile, Sinha started ravaging villages in an attempt to find his missing family. The King of Vanga announced a reward for anyone who could kill Sinha. Sinhabahu killed his own father to claim the reward. By the time Sinhabahu returned to the capital, the King of Vanga had died. Sinhabhau was declared the new king by the ministers, but he later handed over the kingship to his mother’s husband, the general. He went back to his birthplace in Lala, and founded the city of Sinhapura.
Sinhabahu married his sister Sinhasivali, and the couple had 32 sons in form of 16 pairs of twins. Vijaya was their eldest son, followed by his twin Sumitta. Vijaya and his followers were expelled from Sinhapura for their violent deeds against the citizens. During their exile, they reached the present-day Sri Lanka, where they found the Kingdom of Tambapanni. Meanwhile, in Sinhapura, Sumitta succeeded his father as the king. Before an heirless Vijaya died in Lanka, he sent a letter to Sumitta, asking him to come to Lanka and govern the new kingdom. Sumitta was too old to go to Lanka, so he sent his youngest son Panduvasdeva…
The nine of swords is a card which refers to facing of nightmares and fears. The card depicts the Sinha man lion who is a man beast and the lion is king of beast. Suppadevi who is a lady with a dark prophecy to be copulated with the king of beasts. Hence trying to flee the prophecy, she ran away from home. Yet was still destined to meet Sinha. It is the facing up to the fact of a fear and making it reality. Though sometimes matters in life can be cruel, we need to face up to it and perhaps it would not be such a bad thing.
The meeting of a Beauty and a Beast resulted in love and children. Perhaps the reality of the matter may not be so bad and resulted in a different matter all together. Face you fears and reality. It may not be so bad.
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laoprince · 3 years
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LUNAR ECLIPSE THAT TOOK PLACE ON NOV 19,2021 was a special eclipse , a legendary one I would say due to so that it was the longest lunar eclipse in over 500 years.
Phra Rahu is the deity within Thai-Lao🇹🇭🇱🇦 cultural beliefs that is the God of eclipses/darkness , a demonic god who devours both sun and moon he invokes fear and chaos during eclipses . Fireworks are set off to scare his energy away as well as laying offering to appease him,to receive blessings. He Accepts gifts of Black food and drinks such as black chickens and even dark liquor . His sacred number is 8 so offerings are usually given with his eight favorite foods . Buddhist monks will recite his sacred Khatas (spells) to invoke protection . He takes on the form of a serpent.
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laoprince · 3 years
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Princess Anne in Laos in 1987
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laoprince · 3 years
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Four of Swords. Art by Ong Zhi Jian, from The Southeast Asian Myths & Stories Tarot.
In the Laos, there is a spirit of Deity Known as the Phi Fa.
Phi Fa is a guardian for the country of Laos and there is a ritual which is known as the Phi Fa ritual which is for blessing a person after he or she has recovered from a serious illness. It is to give thanks to the spirit as well as request for protection from ill fortune and bad health. The shaman is the medium who will contact Phi Fa and invite the spirit to participate in the ritual.
There will be musicians, dancing and chanting involved. Dancers in traditional costumes and traditional Laos musical instruments are used. One instrument is the Khaen, a bamboo mouth organ. It is the primary instrument for the ritual. A phing, a traditional guitar as well as drums and small bells and cymbals. The Chanting which is used is similar to Mor Lam and the traditional music of Lao and northeast Thailand. Phi Fa ritual dancers around the sacrificial altar and the dance will last a full night. The Phi Fa will come and bless the dancers and the person who has recovered from the illness and will bless all with good fortune. The ritual is needed to treat mental disordered patients or those who suffer from Psychosomatic illnesses. The ritual also unites all family members. It gives family members a moment to reflect if they have done anything which is indecent or immoral.
Upon the descent of the Phi Fa, everyone will go into a trance and shake unconsciously and lose their consciousness. Phi Fa will also give the participants ideas on how to treat the patients and then leave for Heaven. The Four of swords is a card for reflection and to heal the mind. A meditative card to temporarily pause time and to think of solutions. Like the Phi Fa ritual, everyone gave time to participate in this ritual to rethink what they had done and perhaps improve in the future.
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laoprince · 3 years
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The golden facade of Wat Ho Pha Bang Temple, Luang Prabang, Laos
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laoprince · 3 years
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Four of Cups. Art by Wendy Yu, from The Southeast Asian Myths & Stories Tarot.
Ashoka the Great, a king of the South India, ruled over a territory which stretched from Afghanistan in the west to Bangladesh in the East. He ruled over the entire Indian subcontinent and his capital was Pataliputra. A great war occurred against the state of Kalinga which resulted in more than 100,000 deaths and sending countless more into exile or slavery.
After the Kalinga War, he had a vision of Gautama Buddha in a dream and converted to Buddhism. Many Dharma Pillars were erected and Buddhist monks were sent to Sri Lanka and other parts of Asia to build monuments in his name.
Laos was one of the countries which received the building of a monument. Five arhat monks travelled from Pataliputra with a holy relic of Lord Buddha and was received by the Local King.
The Local King was a man of the local spiritual shamanistic religions and did not understand about compassion and mercy. He felt that might was right. However. as he knew about the strength of Ashoka, he allowed the monks to build the Stupa, named as Pha That Luang.
The vision of Ashoka was not completed till many centuries later, when King Setthathirat of Laos, relocated his main city to Vientiane. He was riding past the ruins of Pha That Luang and a bright beam of light shot from the heavens as a form of a rainbow illuminating the ancient Stupa.
Taking it as an auspicious sign, the King rebuilt the temple in glory and receiving the blessings of the Buddha, the kingdom prospered.
The four of cups shows the vision of the king Ashoka as he sent his monks to Vientiane. However, as the current king of that time was unable to fully see the vision of the king Ashoka, the monument was not fully complete.
Four of cups is a card of opportunities and of new chances. Not everyone will decide that an opportunity is right even it if was offered to you. Realising which opportunity is right and seizing on it; may result in success beyond imagination.
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laoprince · 3 years
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laoprince · 3 years
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Sbai (sabai/sebai/pha biang) is a shawl-like garment or breast cloth used in Cambodia, Laos, and Thailand mostly by women, while in coastal Sumatra and Malay peninsula, the same term is used to described as only a long, broad shawl draped around the shoulders. It was derived from the Indian sari.
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laoprince · 3 years
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"There's no barb. We don't use bait either."
"It looks just like a little firefly."
"Yes, but the light is rarely used. My teacher takes his rest early, and I dare not venture out when it's dark."
The Unseen River / Giòng sông không nhìn thấy (2020) dir. Phạm Ngọc Lân
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