larryphanlinson · 5 years
dan referring to phil in his coming out video: Actual Soulmate phil referring to dan in his coming out video: people spending the night
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larryphanlinson · 6 years
happy anniversary of uma thurman watching.. something
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larryphanlinson · 6 years
It’s that time of year to say no to the Salvation Army.
Never forget they let a Trans woman die instead of helping her.
Never forget they have tossed entire families on the street for having an LGBT child.
Never forget they tell non Christian families that unless they convert they will not help them.
Never forget that the Salvation Army is bigoted and hateful, many of the bell ringers routinely heckle and harass LGBT couples.
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larryphanlinson · 6 years
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larryphanlinson · 6 years
2018 is almost over and all I gotta say is what the fuck was that
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larryphanlinson · 6 years
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larryphanlinson · 6 years
Yes yes yes yes
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anyone please ask your crush out like this
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larryphanlinson · 6 years
There’ll be a new chapter soon. I haven’t forgotten. I’ve just been busy with school. 
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larryphanlinson · 6 years
One of my biggest pet peeves is how ads are now made to look like the actors are beauty gurus or vloggers on youtube.
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larryphanlinson · 6 years
Dear Evan Hansen, terribly explained by me
Anybody Have A Map: oh this is a bop I’m sure this is going to be a fun musical :)
For Forever: this is not nearly as fun as i thought it was going to be
Sincerely Me: ‘CAUSE ALL THAT IT TAKES IS A LITTLE RE!!!! IN!!!! VEN!!!! TION!!!!!
Requiem: why did I listen to this why is this so SAD
If I Could Tell Her: see, this is really sweet and I love it but at what point does she realize that her brother never actually said any of this???
Disappear: oh okay this is getting good again!!
You Will Be Found: I know exactly why I’m crying in the club right now and it’s this gotdamn musical
To Break In A Glove: hmm. not fun. don’t like this.
Only Us: I’m calling it right now, things are about to go straight to shit
Good For You: I FUCKING called it (jokes aside, this is the meanest bop I’ve heard in YEARS and I love it)
Words Fail: I have literally never been this upset in my entire life
So Big/So Small: okay, now I’m less upset but I’m crying harder and I didn’t know that was possible
Finale: what no come back don’t be over I need more right now
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larryphanlinson · 6 years
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[gay panic]
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larryphanlinson · 6 years
New Chapter
4: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15641067/chapters/36938253
Start at the beginning: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15641067/chapters/36324192
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larryphanlinson · 6 years
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dnp merch designs lockscreens (480 x 800 px)
please reblog if you’re using them!
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larryphanlinson · 6 years
New chapter
There’s still a problem with the notes at the end but i’m not gonna try to fix it.
Start at the beginning: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15641067/chapters/36324192
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larryphanlinson · 6 years
I hope y’all know that a dom/sub relationship is not the only relationship that exists. Some posts I see on here are kind of frightening, especially when I go to their page and see the person who wrote the post is 14-18 years old. While I know some of the posts are jokes, some seem very serious and make it seem as though someone HAS to be submissive and someone HAS to be dominant in a relationship. For other kids and teens out there that only look to tumblr for what a relationship should be, please stop now! And please, everyone else, stop making it seem like every relationship has a dom and a sub.
Also: PLEASE stop acting like anytime someone says “shhh” or “calm down” and the other person does it means they’re in a dom/sub relationship.
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larryphanlinson · 6 years
You deserve someone who wants to give you a fucking text back, ya know? Someone who wants you, only you, and makes you feel wanted. Someone who can’t help but message you first thing in the morning when the sun is coming through the curtain, and they’re barely waking. Someone who wants to spend their drunken Friday nights with you, but also their lazy Sundays. Someone who holds their one-person umbrella right above you when it’s pouring down, so that you’re sheltered, even if it means they get soaked through. You deserve someone who thinks of you, often. Someone who calls you on the phone at the end of a long day, because they want to hear the sound of your voice before they drift off to sleep. Someone who makes plans with you on a Tuesday evening, because the weekend is just too far away, and who cares if we have to go to work the next day. Someone who says definitely, not maybe, and follows through. You deserve to hear a song on the radio that makes you melt on the inside at the thought of this someone. Someone who could watch you sleeping for hours at a time, and be perfectly content in the grace and stillness of that moment. Someone who steals a kiss when you’re mid-sentence and least expecting to find their lips. Someone who will happily pig out on pizza with you in bed, and not judge the sweatpants & top knot look you’re sporting. Someone who is just that into you. You deserve someone who challenges the both of you constantly; someone who makes you strive to be better each day, because they’re trying to be better too. Someone you can count on to stick around when the shit hits the fan, which it will. Someone who chooses to lift you up, always. You deserve magic, and fireworks…You deserve someone who will always be careful with your heart, because they know just how fragile it already was before they held it. Someone who’s heart aches whenever yours does. Someone who wakes up next to you each day feeling like they’ve hit the jackpot, over and over again, and thinking what on earth did they do in their past life to be so damn lucky. You deserve someone’s complete attention. Someone who looks at you, and I mean really sees you, and all of the beauty you hold. You deserve to be someone’s first choice. Someone’s best friend. Someone’s partner in crime. Someone’s everything. You deserve to be loved; and loved extraordinarily well. And to be told that you are loved, every single day
– Thought Catalog
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larryphanlinson · 6 years
my cashier: anything else for you sir? me: uh, i. um sara bareilles in my head: i wanna see you be brave me: can i have some ketchup pls .
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