lastnightsterror · 10 months
Last night I dreamt a doll tortured me for hours
I sat up in bed, just waking up to the sound of my alarm. My bed seemed so much larger and after I lost the "just waking up haze" I realized everything was much larger. Including my phone which was blaring my alarm.
I crawled over to it and turned it off, the phone was about as tall as me. I didn't question it much, mostly I just wanted a way down. I ended up crawling down my sheets to the floor, the climb was difficult and like swinging on a rope in terms of steadiness. Finally I get to the bottom and try to yell for someone to come help me. No one comes of course.
I glance under the bed and see a doll. I don't remember owning a doll like her though. It's a rag dog, stitched together and clearly it was very loved and played with often for a long time. She had curly orange yarn hair and button eyes. A wide smile is stitched onto her blushing cheeks.
I feel uneasy seeing it, I couldn't quite place why. Then it's head looks up, the light shines off the buttons and glows like the eyes of a cat. I stare and sit silently and as still as I physically can.
The doll rises to its feet, shakily and in sharp jittery movements. As it does I feel panic rise in my chest, the feeling was practically crushing me. In a split second it quickly charges towards me, the stitches making its mouth tear open an unnatural amount as it screeches like a demon.
I shriek and try to run. I look back occasionally to see it chasing me. It felt like I was running to no where. I couldn't catch my breath but I couldn't stop running. I knew this thing would hurt me if it caught me.
But my efforts were for nothing, it manages to grab my ankles and drag me away as I scream and sob. I shriek for it to let me go and start apologizing, I'm still unsure why. It holds me down and wraps its raggedy hand around my wrist. It starts to pull and pull and pull, harder then I thought anyone could.
I scream as I feel my skin stretch and start to rip, like paper. Blood spurts out and covers the doll as my muscles tear and my tendons snap like a weak rubber band. My flesh was ripping apart as I hyperventilated and begged for it to stop. But if this awful thing had ears it couldn't hear me. Finally with a bit of wiggling the bone snaps and my scream becomes almost silent.
It stares at me as I tremble and try to crawl away. Before I can get far it grabs me and drags me back, lifting a needle and thread. I shake my head no and try to push it away with my other hand but it's useless. I'm easily overpowered as the needle is forced into my shoulder. In and out.. in and out.. in and out..crossing and connecting and linking my arm back into my shoulder while tears drip down my face.
Once it's finally finished, she starts to pull off my arm all over again. I eventually give up fighting and let it continue. It happens again... and again... and again... eventually I hear my alarm and all I could think was that the repetitive noise was the last thing I needed.
It turned out this was my real alarm, I woke up out of breath and horrified. My arm hurt and my head was spinning for about 30 minutes before I could process it enough to get up and try to be fictional. This one really messed with me, it was hard to go through the day like it didn't happen when it felt so real.
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lastnightsterror · 11 months
Last night I dreamt I was killed by a copy cat creature
I was at my girlfriend's house, we hang out every Wednesday so that was fine. She was just in a weird mood though. She kept making strange out of place comments and then laughing off my confusion.
She called her dog the wrong name, she loves her dog! She started to brush her hair and I asked if I could do it. That isn't weird for us, it's normal for her to sit in front of me and let me brush her hair. It's soft and I find it relaxing. But she just looked at me like I was a weirdo so I apologized.
Things like that continued to happen and I genuinely felt like I was going crazy, maybe I'd dreamed up all those habits? It didn't really matter, over all we still laughed together and had fun. She offered for me to spend the night and for some reason it made my gut sink. I didn't know why but I ignored it and agreed, sleep overs are always fun.
While hanging out she kept getting hungry, we ate almost every hour. I couldn't eat anymore and usually she struggles to eat without both of us eating at the same time but she wasn't having that issue. She was hungry and she would eat anything.
After we laid down I just closed my eyes to try and fall asleep. I felt her get out of bed and assumed she was going to the bathroom. When she took way longer then usual I got out of bed to check on her and maybe make fun of her.
I made my way down the hallway, I looked at the bathroom door but it was wide open with no one inside so I continued on towards where her kitchen would be. I was about to flick on the light before I heard a strange growling sound. I peaked around the corner to see if something got in the house.
She was hunched over the fridge eating raw beef from the package. There were other food containers destroyed and tossed to the ground. The tile was covered in blood, maybe from the raw meat she was tearing into.
It took me a moment before I realized it wasn't quite her. She was skinny as a twig, her spine jutting out through her skin anywhere where it was visible. She just seemed stretched, her back hunched up high enough to be visible over the fridge door. Her arms were long enough he elbows were touching the ground while her thin fingers stuck into the raw ground beef.
I gasped. I regretted it immediately but I gasped. Her head slowly raised, her stretched out neck crackled as it struggled to hold her skull up. Her mouth was agape, her teeth were all different lengths but all of them more then 2 inches. They were thin and dripping in meat and blood. I tried to run back to the room. What would that have done anyway? I'd just be cornered there anyway.
I guess it didn't really matter that she was so fast, that she caught me right away. I was tackled to the ground and my phone fell out in front of me. I screamed as I felt claws holding my shoulders down and before I could beg blunt dug into my back. I don't know why I didn't notice it before but I had tons of messages I didn't see. All from my girlfriend.
"Good morning"
"Are we still hanging out today?"
"Are you okay?"
"Where are you?"
"Your mom said you left the house already where are you?"
"I'm getting worried"
Tons of messages in this tone.
I tried so hard to reach the phone. In my mind if I could then I'd be able to call her and she'd rescue me. I could feel that it had dug deep enough it reached my spine and in one bite my entire body was rushed with more pain then I'd ever felt in my life as this creature crushed my spine in its horrible teeth. I couldn't feel my legs anymore. I screamed and cried and begged for help, I don't know from who.
I woke up sobbing my eyes out, I couldn't feel my legs properly for about 10 minutes after waking up and my back hurt. I could feel the blood on my skin. My blood. It took me a while to get together the courage to pick up my phone and sit up to get out of bed. I'm alright though, on with the day!
I get to go see barbie today so I have something exciting to help me get out of bed
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