lavendercowlights Ā· 1 month
I found this and I canā€™t be normal about itā€¦
He sat there on his balcony as the Mother creaked with the cool sea breeze as he and she swayed together. He sat there with tears in his eyes. He was sad yet envious. He knew he found peace. He was happy for that. Peaceā€¦.peace. He cried harder and screamed out into the ever listening sky. He gripped the railing as he looked up at the sky still screaming out with bitterness filling his heart as he thought of her. The monster that still chased him in this never ending chase. After all these many, many agonizing years she would never let him have peace. Or ever will. Thatā€™s why he was crying. Thatā€™s all he ever wanted. He would never start a whole war for his happiness because thats what would happen if he fought back. He could never watch as families were slaughtered and broken because of his selfishness. He slammed his fists into the wood causing it to creak and slightly splinter. The air went stagnant as he continued to slam his hands into the rail. He pictured everything he could have by now, a farm, a spouse, maybe even children. However, the sounds of lambs to slaughter and lives lost to a selfish battle, a war filled his imagination. The fire and lightening destroyed everything, leaving the blood soaked ground chard and the earth beneath his feet scarred just like his own. He stopped once he felt the blood dripping down his bruised and raw hands. The rail was completely split. His tears never seemed to dry as he stared up at the sky. ā€œForgive meā€¦.ā€ He croaked out like a confession. She would never give him peace.
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lavendercowlights Ā· 1 year
nsfw !!
now look at tengenā€™s hands for a momentā€¦
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now, imagine him grabbing your chin while heā€™s pounding into you. he wants to look right into your eyes while youā€™re gushing around his dick, before muttering something like ā€œtake it like a good girlā€¦ i know you can give me another one.ā€ šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø
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lavendercowlights Ā· 1 year
I need to do character study and body anatomy for my own sanityā€¦could you possibly give me some characters to draw and look at for a little while??? Fandom doesnā€™t matter eitherā€¦plz
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lavendercowlights Ā· 1 year
Sorry for the jump scare but DAMN I love people making men slutty.
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Kƶnig my beloved
713 notes Ā· View notes
lavendercowlights Ā· 1 year
Damnā€¦I miss rping šŸ˜”
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lavendercowlights Ā· 2 years
(šŸ) šŽšš„ šŒšˆš’š’š„šƒ š‚š€š‹š‹: šš€š‘š“ š“š–šŽ
ą¦“Ā rating.Ā explicit
ą¦“Ā summary.Ā after weeks of phone calls, you get to know Atsumu, which makes pretending a little more difficult. |Ā wc.Ā 2.3k+
cw/ tw. college au. nerd!reader, volleyball player Atsumu, phone sex, video sex, mutual masturbation, dirty talk, praise kink, reader wears glasses, pet names (ex. sweetheart, baby)
ą¦“Ā featuring.Ā Atsumu x Fem!Reader
ą¦“ an. I want to start by saying thank you for the wonderful response to the first chapter and this series! Itā€™s more than I expected for this self-indulgent fic:ā€™) It motivated me to get this chapter out earlier than I anticipated, so enjoy! Also thank you @sookisaurus for brainstorming with me T^T | series m. list
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You get absolutely nothing done for the remainder of the afternoon, simply staring blankly at the study sheets you promised Professor Ackbar youā€™d have finished before Mondayā€”slow-burning mortification only slightly mollified by stress and the lack of sleep.Ā 
At least thereā€™s that.
On the bright side, you donā€™t have to face Atsumu until class next Tuesday, which is enough time to come up with a solution.
Not that heā€™d even be aware of his pivotal shift in your life.
But he canā€™t know, for your sake, more than his.
The reasoning behind it is pretty reasonable; at least, thatā€™s what youā€™ve been telling yourself while youā€™ve been brimming with internal panic. Because what if Atsumu doesnā€™t like what he sees once he finds out youā€™re the girl on the other end of the phone? What if you donā€™t match up to whatever picture heā€™s painted of you in his head?
Which is equally devastating as it is likely.Ā 
Or worse yet.Ā 
You donā€™t believe he would stoop so low, but what if he makes fun of you or tells people you work for a sex hotline on campus?
Youā€™d die, you think. Maybe not literally, but deep-core embarrassment could come relatively close.
Then thereā€™s that small voice in the back of your head that suggests: but what if he does? Like you, that is.Ā 
Obviously, thatā€™s only wishful thinking. Nobody goes out of their way to talk to the know-it-all who sits by herself at the back of the class, not unless itā€™s regarding homework or study hoursā€”including Atsumu, who hasnā€™t done either.
You groan, head falling into your arms folded over your desk. These study sheets are never getting done.
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By the time Atsumu calls again, exactly nine days after the incident (thatā€™s what youā€™ve called it), you resolve to act like it never happened. Which turns out to be more difficult than you thought because now there's a face to the voice you've been listening to for weeks, and better yet, it's the guy you have a big fat crush on.Ā 
So when you answer the phone, you sit there, saying nothing. Jaw working, swallowing around the desert that is now your mouth.
Again, your lips move, but no sound can be pulled from your throat.
ā€œAre you okay?ā€ he asks.
ā€œSorry, I was, umā€”ā€ you eventually say, barely above a squeak, trying to devise an actually believable excuse ā€œā€”studying.ā€
He hums, almost like he isnā€™t convinced, but he doesnā€™t question it. ā€œHey, can we justā€¦talk tonight?ā€
Your mouth falls open. ā€œAre you sure? That you want to talk, I mean,ā€ you babble. ā€œYou wouldnā€™t be getting your moneyā€™s worth andā€”ā€
ā€œI want to.ā€
To say that youā€™re taken aback by this sudden change of events is putting it lightly, and itā€™s the second time Atsumu has left your entire being shifted on its axis in the span of a week. Because did he really just pay you (not that his call alone gives you much) solely to talk?
After a moment of hesitation, you relent. ā€œOkay.ā€ And then the sound of car horns on his end makes your brows furrow curiously. ā€œAre you outside?ā€
ā€œYeah,ā€ he sighs. ā€œIā€™m walking home.ā€
ā€œOh?ā€ Youā€™re unsure how much you can ask, yet he tells you anyway.
ā€œMy fraternity is celebrating its fiftieth anniversary or whatever, and I had to go. Itā€™s honestly just an excuse to get shit-faced.ā€
ā€œOh,ā€ you say again.Ā 
Youā€™re surprised that he would relay this bit of information to someone he shouldnā€™t. Of course, this isnā€™t news to you, but still, you covet it like youā€™re learning about it for the first time.Ā 
ā€œArenā€™t the parties supposed to be, you know, the best part about a fraternity?ā€
He huffs out a small laugh. ā€œThey start to feel the same after youā€™ve been to a few. Maybe Iā€™ll take you to one sometime.ā€
Heā€™s joking, clearly.Ā 
Although, your body doesnā€™t seem to get the memo as your stomach swoops, resembling that feeling you get whenever you go down that first drop on a roller-coaster.
You clear your throat. ā€œParties arenā€™t really my thing.ā€
ā€œSo, what is your thing?ā€
ā€œBesides working for a sex hotline?ā€
Youā€™re pretty sure heā€™s smiling when he says, ā€œyeah.ā€
ā€œI donā€™t know,ā€ you pick at a loose thread on your shirt. ā€œI like to read and work on research projects, I guess.ā€Ā 
Atsumu makes a noise that almost resembles a snort. ā€œI didnā€™t know I was talking to a little nerd.ā€Ā 
Embarrassment swallows you whole, and suddenly you wish you could eat your words. God, how could you sound so lame? Of course, he wouldnā€™t find this attractiveā€”
ā€œI think itā€™s cute,ā€ he offers before you try to take what you said back or sputter out a lie to make yourself sound more interesting.
You purse your lips and huff out a breath to hopefully hide any residual nerves from your voice. ā€œWell, what about you? What do you do for fun?ā€
ā€œOther than talk to you?ā€
A furious blush spreads across your face. ā€œSure.ā€
ā€œHm, I like to play sports.ā€
Volleyball. You know this.
The rest of your conversation goes back and forth like thisā€”him asking random questions and you revealing that youā€™ve read ā€˜1984ā€™ā€™ several times, well twiceā€¦semanticsā€”until he lets you know heā€™s home. You think this is probably the part where you should hang up. Onlyā€¦you donā€™t. Neither does he, and you faintly hear keys jingling, followed by a door opening and closing.
ā€œYou knowā€¦ā€ you pause because you shouldnā€™t say what youā€™re about to say.Ā 
Itā€™s bad enough that you already know who he is. Itā€™s bad enough that you offer anyway.
Your mouth starts moving, and words are spilling out before you can properly think them through. ā€œYou donā€™t have to pay me if you need someone to talk to, er, like regular talking, notā€¦well, you know, what we normally do.ā€Ā 
At his continued silence, you start to panic, your hand shakily gripping your phone a little tighter.
ā€œOnly if you want to! I mean, that was stupid to suggest, right? Giving someone your phone number that you hardly know becauseā€”ā€
ā€œIā€™d like that.ā€
Itā€™s hard to say how long the silly smile stays on your face after he hangs up, but you canā€™t be bothered in any capacity to know for sure. Just that your cheeks are a little sore right before you go to bed.
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Youā€™ve decided that giving Atsumu your phone number doesnā€™t turn out to be entirely a bad idea.
Heā€™s actually easier to talk to like this. Aside from the side of him youā€™ve gotten to know quite intimately. But itā€™s nice, you find, learning about other sides of him too.Ā 
The first time he messages you, itā€™s as you are walking through the supermarket with Kay, looking for something to make for your bi-weekly movie nights.
Pineapple on pizza. Yes or no?
You bite your lip, trying unsuccessfully to hold back a grin.
His response is almost immediate.
Iā€™m going to pretend you didnā€™t say that because I like you.
ā€œAre you smiling at your phone?ā€
You jerk your head up as Kay makes her way toward you to throw an avocado in your basket.
ā€œNo,ā€ you lie, locking your phone before she can see the screen.
She arches a brow, skeptical and nosy in that way Kay can often be, before tossing two limes into your basketā€”the topic obviously shelved until she can prod you about it later.
Hopefully, she forgets.
He talks to you about random things, innocent things, until one day, he sends you a message with an image attached to it that makes you stumble up the last step to your floor.
Because on your screen is a picture of Atsumuā€”well, half of himā€”posing shirtless in front of what is clearly a gym mirror, a sheen of sweat covering long stretches of tan muscle. Worst of all, the hand not holding his phone skims the waistband of his black shorts, as if heā€™d been about to edge beneath them.Ā 
And just below thatā€”
Youā€™re still staring at your phone when you accidentally bump into Miss Rosa from the apartment across the hall. The older woman hardly likes you, although youā€™re pretty sure she doesnā€™t like anyone, and no amount of apologizing erases the glare from her face until youā€™re safely inside your apartment.
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He still calls you, though itā€™s no longer through the hotline, and there are no longer nerve-wracking expectations hanging over your head. Not that you think there ever were in the first place.
Except for tonight, itā€™s different.
Heā€™s more earnest than usual, uninhibited.
"Can we try something? Pleaseā€”Fuck."Ā 
It takes a moment for the words to sink in.
Surely, he doesnā€™t meanā€”
"I really want to see you. Can I?"
"Iā€¦I don't knowā€¦" you stammer, shocked at what Atsumu obviously feels comfortable suggestingā€”that he wants more than the phone calls. Where he can see you. Right here, on your bed, surrounded by books and your laptop, with your hand working your sticky-wet clit.Ā 
"We don't have to show each other's faces if you don't want to," he tells you hurriedly. "S-shit, I'm sorry if this sounds perverted, but I want to watch you touch yourself. It's all I can think about."
You swallow so loudly that he can probably hear it.
As he said, he doesnā€™t have to see your face, and you can keep this thing between you anonymous. So itā€™s fine, really.
You tell yourself this as you prop your phone against the textbooks lying on your bed, as you shimmy up your sheets, so youā€™re leaning against your headboard and clutching your t-shirt a little tighter than you need to between your fingers.
Then you turn your camera on, ensuring your face isnā€™t visible, while your heart flutters wildly.
Though you donā€™t have to wait long for his screen to turn on, too, and the first thought that flies through your head is that heā€™sā€¦big. Just like the rest of him.Ā 
You actually feel your clit throb watching him wrap a large hand around his cock where it lays heavy and twitching against his stomachā€”a tiny pearl of pre-cum dripping down the side that he smooths away with his thumb. Itā€™s flushed red from base to tip and roped with angry-looking veins that make it seem almost intimidating.
Almost, if not for how your cunt clenches shamelessly, just thinking about how heā€™d have to get you all soft and pliant to help make it fit or that thereā€™d be this dull ache youā€™d feel between your legs after.
And yes, you think, itā€™s much better than the gym short impression that you swore you merely peeked at the other day.
ā€œFuck,ā€ he grinds out, his chest heaving as he takes you in. ā€œFuck. Youā€™re so fucking pretty, just like I knew youā€™d be.ā€
The words make your ears burn, your voice hitching in your chest when you whisper, ā€œYeah?ā€
ā€œYes, sweetheart. Spread your little pussy,ā€ he pleads. ā€œLemme see.ā€
You move your shirt out of the way before slipping two fingers over your slick folds, sock-covered toes digging into your comforter as you reveal your achy-hot clit to the cool air in your bedroom.Ā 
ā€œJust like that. Youā€™re so good, baby.ā€ His fist strokes his cock, stopping with every upstroke to squeeze around the tip. ā€œSo good.ā€
A noise escapes you at the praise, some awful little hiccup that catches on the back of your tongue when you subtly grind against the heel of your palm. Itā€™s unfulfilling, just shy of not enough, your heartbeat throbbing in your pussy.
Maybe if youā€”
Your fingers start moving before he can tell you to.
ā€œO-oh,ā€ you stammer as you rub quick, right circles into your clit. Itā€™s different from all of the times youā€™ve done this before. To do it while heā€™s watching, seeing as his cock jumps in his hand at the soft, breathy moans you canā€™t hold in with your fingers working desperately between your legs. And you watch Atumuā€™s adamā€™s apple bob when he groans, the sound of it making you squirm needily against your hand.
ā€œThatā€™s it, good girl,ā€ his cock slides through his fist a little faster. ā€œNow, stretch that pretty little pussy for me.ā€
ā€œShit,ā€ you hiss, ā€œshit,ā€ and your walls tighten around the two fingers you slip inside (easy with how wet you are), fluttering, pulling them deeper, wishing they were thicker.
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ā€œHey, youā€™re that girl from class, the tutor, right?ā€
Your eyes instantly flit up from the notes you were working on to find Atsumu leaning against the chair in front of you, and you think your heart starts palpitating.
ā€œYep,ā€ you squeak, your tongue feeling heavy in your mouth. ā€œThatā€™s me.ā€
The smile he gives you is disarming, bright and wide, with a hint of a dimple on one cheek. ā€œI was wondering if you could help me with the test we have on Friday since I have practice all week.ā€
ā€œUm, yeah,ā€ you manage to say, subconsciously pushing your glasses up that slipped down your nose. ā€œIā€™m free tomorrow around noon. Does the campus Brew Stop work?ā€
ļæ½ļæ½Yeah, thanks. I owe ya one.ā€
You want to tell him that this is your job, that he doesnā€™t owe you anything. Instead, your gaze is drawn to the book heā€™s holding while walking away.
The one you mentionedā€¦It makes something inside you feel warm and fuzzy, and not for the second time will you have to explain to Professor Ackbar why you were late finishing the work he gave you.
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lavendercowlights Ā· 2 years
I love having my husband and his boyfriend over for dinner! šŸ˜Š
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lavendercowlights Ā· 2 years
On this episode of ā€˜Iā€™m depressedā€™
Letā€™s see who my comfort character will be for the next week:
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Honestly the best thing thatā€™s happened this past weekend is him ā˜ŗļø. ALSO they need more merch for Sero! Also where is my figures for him I waNT THEMšŸ˜¤šŸ˜”
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lavendercowlights Ā· 2 years
i really think YÅ«ta would be so entranced with you, all crawled up on his lap, letting him finger your mouth. would just focus his hearing on the squelching sounds of your saliva, the little taps on your tongue, the gagging when he decides he wants, no, he needs to see more, to see you struggle, to go further. his slightly open mouth, droppy eyelids and all, watching you take it as he keeps growing harder and harder against your core.
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lavendercowlights Ā· 2 years
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Nanami supremacy šŸ¤
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lavendercowlights Ā· 2 years
Yā€™all donā€™t understand Iā€™m in love with this man!!
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general kento nanami headcanons
cw: gn! reader. thereā€™s nsfw stuff but thatā€™s separate from the sfw stuff
a/n: hey yā€™all, so this is my first *real* post here on tumblr. iā€™ve written fanfic b4 and have posted it before (albeit iā€™ve deleted everything iā€™ve ever posted fanfic wise) but iā€™ve never posted on tumblr! i wrote a small drabble and posted it to test the waters and thatā€™s about it. since this is where i read most of my fanfic i figured lol why not writing is one of the casual hobbies iā€™ve always had anyways. about the headcanons, ive seen the jujutsu kaisen volume 0 movie three times already and it hasnā€™t even been out for a week, so iā€™m in a jujutsu kaisen writing mood. i have a nice one shot planned for both yuji and gojo (separately. obviously.) so if u want u can look forward to that, but for now i thought iā€™d start off lighter. hope u enjoy! :)
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ok so
starting off strong
coming from a plus size woman herself anybody whoā€™s ever said nanami wouldnā€™t like a plus size partner is completely fucking wrong????
like omfg
he would love the feeling of your soft body in contrast up against his hard and rough muscles
this man definitely tries to live a healthy lifestyle. work out regularly, eat healthy, the whole shebang
however heā€™s the type of man who finds it extremely classy when somebody isnā€™t afraid to indulge in the simple pleasures of life
and he just wants u to be happy while doing it
donā€™t get me wrong he would encourage u to be healthier but when u ask if that was his way of trying to politely say you need to lose weight he would be genuinely flabbergasted bc no thatā€™s not what he meant at all that thought literally never even crossed his mind he just wants you to be healthy and live a long life
doesnā€™t mean he wonā€™t also indulge himself with u tho lmaoooo
like i feel like he acts all committed to this super strict diet and routine but in reality he doesnā€™t stick to it that often regardless of the fact he feels like he should bc life is short who cares? certainly not nanami
anyway pls never talk negatively abt ur body bc he will ask why it even matters every single time before complimenting u cause ainā€™t no way ur ever gonna talk badly abt urself and him just let it slide
long story short no matter what ur body looks like he thinks ur beautiful like weight ā‰  beauty in his mind
anyway on a completely unrelated note
he snores lolllllll like rly loud
and he sweats in his sleep a lot too idc
itā€™s cute tho
blanket stealer too and when u guys wake up and u tell him he was hogging the blankets in his sleep he gets all embarrassed and wonā€™t look u in the eye and denys it even tho he knows he does it he just canā€™t admit it
which usually isnā€™t that big of an issue cause yā€™all are glued together in your sleep anyways
cuddling alllll the time deadass
he always likes the air conditioning to be set pretty cold D:
like heā€™s definitely the kind of person who knows immediately if someone changes the temperature even one degree
heā€™s a good cook tooooo omg
for some reason i feel like he excels at italian food donā€™t ask me why i donā€™t know
like nanami would make the most fire pasta
but yeah heā€™s a good cook
heā€™s also rly flexible
i mean for the record think of what he has to do for his job of course heā€™s flexible
but he in particular is super flexible like he can do all that cool contortionist shit if he tried (which he wonā€™t cause heā€™d be too embarrassed)
also he spoils u
like duh that much is obvious ofc nanami spoils his s/o but likeā€¦.
yeah he totally spoils u.
heā€™s not really a religious dude tbh
like if ur religious thatā€™s cool heā€™ll accept that heā€™s not gonna shame u and heā€™ll happily listen to u talk about it
but most of the time heā€™d just rather talk about something else
most of the time heā€™s just calling you by your first name but on the rare occasion when he does call u a pet name thatā€™s when u know heā€™s feeling affectionate and wants ur attention
he doesnā€™t call u very many pet names either heā€™ll call you ā€œsweetheartā€ the most, ā€œbeautifulā€ too and also maybe ā€œdarlingā€ on the days heā€™s feeling extra affectionate
like itā€™s super easy to tell when he wants to just say f everything and be all over you
he doesnā€™t rly like pda so heā€™s super touchy at home
he likes to hug you from behind
his favorite cuddling positions either consist of him being the big spoon or him laying down on your chest
like i can see after a rly long day he wants nothing more than to come home get dressed comfortably and crash right on top of you laying his head in ur chest and putting his arms around you and feeling your hands through his hair
he would find the rhythm of your breathing and your heartbeat very comforting
especially after the horrors heā€™s forced to witness on a daily basis
youā€™re a comforting reminder that heā€™s alive
heā€™s just really obvious with how much he loves you
like even b4 yā€™all got together it was really obvious he thought he was super badass and hid it rly well tho LOLLL spoiler alert he didnā€™t
the thing that sold it the most pre your relationship was the way youā€™d always feel and catch his eyes glued to you
+++ itā€™s not easy to fluster nanami, but considering even the simplest of gestures from you turned his face and ears pink? yeah duh ofc he likes u
he tries to cover his face when he blushes too but heā€™s rly bad at it LOL like heā€™ll put his hand over his mouth and extend his thumb and fingers over his cheeks to try and hide the redness but it never works
like heā€™ll stay composed but his bodyā€™s reactions give it all away
hear me out i feel like heā€™d like a friendly talkative s/o
like maybe not somebody whoā€™s as eccentric as gojo 24/7ā€¦
but definitely somebody whoā€™s lively as long as they know when to be serious and is capable of remaining composed in a situation that calls for it
he would appreciate it to no end if you were able to get him to lighten up a little and be less of the stick-in-the-mud that he knows he is
heā€™s the slow dance with you in your kitchen in your pajamas type guy
but honestly no matter who u are
just one glance at u and heā€™s smiling to himself thinking abt how in love with u he is
youā€™re his biggest motivation, after all, and no matter how long the two of you are together you never stop giving him butterflies
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oof oof oof oof oof
oh to engage in the devils tango with this man
whenever mappa animates him loosening or taking off his tie itā€™s always so focused on and detailed like whatchu tryna say huh?
yeah he ties your wrists together with his tie lolllll
like ok listen
i donā€™t think heā€™s sex dungeon level kinky
but i also donā€™t think heā€™s completely vanilla either
heā€™ll blindfold u, tie ur wrists together, maybe your ankles if heā€™s rly feeling it
he can be reallyyyyyyy rough too
generally he tries to be gentle but if heā€™s ever really pent up or angry or frustrated abt something he wants to rid himself of that anger in a healthy way and sexual release is a go to for him
those are the circumstances where heā€™ll be rougher with u
he usually apologizes after though
and if u were the one to ask him to be rougher heā€™ll do so with pleasure but heā€™ll definitely still seek reassurance afterwards and ask you if what he did was to your satisfaction
heā€™s generally the more dominant one
he likes obedience
heā€™s okay with you taking the lead too but he prefers if itā€™s nothing too extreme
he feels bad asking u but god he loves getting sucked off so much :(<3 sweet baby
especially after work when heā€™s feeling especially exhausted and heā€™s had a bad day and heā€™s lazing around he loves nothing more than some good ass head and then cuddling to sleep
heā€™s a giver too donā€™t think anything less
heā€™s always between your thighs before heā€™s actually inside of you whether itā€™s his mouth or his fingers
heā€™s cool with using toys on you too, he actually really likes it
he doesnā€™t see sex toys as a threat he sees them as his best friend god healthy masculinity is so hot
u can use ur imagination to think about how heā€™d use them on u >:)
also nanami isnā€™t a one night stand guy
like hear me out i donā€™t think he sees sex as some crazy sacred act or anything
it wonā€™t take all that long after you guys get together for him to be okay with dicking you down
but he doesnā€™t fuck anybody heā€™s not in a stable relationship with
meaning that, yeah, he isnā€™t a virgin, but he probably has some awkward first time story with somebody he slept with once and since then heā€™s only slept with one other person he was in a relationship with
likeā€¦ he has experience, but not a lot of it
donā€™t get me wrong tho his stroke game is crazy
he 100% puts in the effort to figure out what you specifically like and donā€™t like
itā€™s definitely always a focus of his to first and foremost please you
he teases u but also praises u
like full on degradation? no not his style
but teasing yesssssss he loves it he loves seeing you squirm from just his words
like god just imagine his chest up against your back with his arms running down your sides and hips while heā€™s whispering teases into your neck goddddd i wish i wish
he also likes it when u scratch up his back hehe
he likes it when you leave marks on him and he leaves marks on you in places people canā€™t see
he doesnā€™t think itā€™s classy when people walk around with hickeys and such on full display however knowing he has marks/you have marks on your bodies that only the two of you know about is something that turns him on
also, if youā€™re fem bodied, heā€™s a hardcore tits man. i will die by this.
boobs in his face yesssssssss
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lavendercowlights Ā· 2 years
Iā€™m slowly starting to fall in love with him.ā˜ŗļø
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lavendercowlights Ā· 2 years
so.. men who are literally a raying ball of sunshine but with monstrously large cocks >>>>>
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lavendercowlights Ā· 2 years
jesus FUCK i cannot get megumi out of my head because the amount of diversity when it comes to him & sex.
one particularly rough days heā€™s barreling through the door and pinning you up against the wall, fucking you with such animalistic behavior that youā€™re barely able to keep your sanity. he just fucks and fucks you until heā€™s so exhausted he canā€™t even be angry anymore.
but then on days where heā€™s emotionally drained, all he wants to do is eat your pretty little cunt until heā€™s forgotten all about what was bothering him. he literally eats pussy for his own pleasureā€” sucking your sensitive little clit until youā€™re pushing him away and begging him to stop.
on special occasions heā€™s an all out service top. heā€™s stretching you out on his fingers, scissoring you open while sucking and kissing your clit. he pulls you on his face and encourages you to fucking suffocate him between your thighs.
heā€™s confident in his masculinity, so heā€™s always up for anything you might want in the bedroomā€” letā€™s you smack him around and call him mean names while confidently flaunting his throbbing boner in the process.
heā€™s doesnā€™t care about pulling you off to the sideā€” pushing your panties over n bullying his cock into you no matter where you are. his big, heavy hand rests over your mouth while he hammers your g-spot with his cock. he smirks n teases you the whole time, secretly hoping that you guys get caught.
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lavendercowlights Ā· 2 years
Denki my guyšŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ’›šŸ’›šŸ’›šŸ’›
mmmm denki <3333333 my love
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lavendercowlights Ā· 2 years
Can someone please tell me why I was full on crying while spreading cream cheese on a bagel to this song??? Please!?
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lavendercowlights Ā· 2 years
I just think they are neatšŸ„°
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Not me going through tiktok and seeing a video of daichi and kuroo and freaking out because i would let both of them rail me at any moment of the day
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