lawstaverse · 3 years
Hello, I am not ignoring the asks about Charlotte in my inbox; I am thinking very hard about them because I am still not decided... Answered to come.
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lawstaverse · 3 years
Is Asta close with the Blue Rose Knights since he's the little brother of their Captain? Like Sol for example?
Thank you for the ask I have been inactive for a while your faith is much appreciated!! I'll let Asta take this one.
"Honestly, I used to be closer with them when I was little. When my sister brought me to the base they were the nicest."
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"After I got really into my training, I didn't go as much. When I do, they don't really recognize me, hehe... Nowadays, they're kind of cold, or it goes a little bit like this..."
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(I actually laughed at how well this scene fit how I imagined their dynamic when I saw it. This is from Chapter 221 btw)
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lawstaverse · 4 years
The Size of the Clover Kingdom
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Hello, everyone! Here is a summary of my 20 page report on the size of the Clover Kingdom (Lovely map from the guidebook above).
Quick Stats:
Maximum dimensions: 163.5 x 136.5 miles
Area: 15,157 square miles
Population: 303,140 people
Population Density: 20 people/square mile
Knights per 100,000 people: >148.4 knights
How did I get these numbers?
Distances/Areas: I calculated the maximum distances one can see and hear, because the capital is visible and audible from Hage. I then looked at normal hiking speeds and applied them to Yuno and Asta’s journey to the entrance exam in the anime to narrow things down. Finally, I checked the numbers for other trips in the series to see if they made sense. I estimated Clover’s area as if it were an oval.
Population/Density/Knights: Once I had the size of the kingdom, I looked at Clover’s agricultural practices, compared them to real European Medieval Kingdoms’, and chose a population density that made sense. Tabata has given vague numbers for the amount of Magic Knights in Clover, so I used this information as well.
Interesting Points I Found while Researching all this:
Magic Regions and dungeons add interesting biomes to Clover that make it feel bigger, but make the land harder to farm.
When the Magic Knights used combo magic during the zombie invasion, it was really fast. Like… brooms can move at driving speeds. Those knights covered a trip that should probably take hours on broom in just the time it took for Asta to fight Rades.
We see meat in the series a lot, but not much livestock. Many of the Commoners and Peasants are borderline hunter/gatherers instead of medieval farmers.
With the population as small as it is, and with 500 years since Lumiere was alive, chances are high that almost everyone is related to him.
Numbers-wise, the Magic Knights look more like a police force than a military. But the numbers on this one are especially foggy, and magic makes it more complicated.
The Clover Kingdom is similar in size to modern day Switzerland or Bhutan and similar in population to Vanuatu.
This was a huge amount of work, so I hope someone can find it useful or interesting. Let me know if anyone sees any issues, or if you just want to discuss it!
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lawstaverse · 4 years
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POV: You’re being invited to a mixer
@cringeyvanillamilk and I did an art trade! This was so much fun! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧
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lawstaverse · 4 years
Is this blog Lawstaverse only and you’d prefer to receive unrelated asks on your main? Or is this blog a bit of a catch all regarding Black Clover asks? I’ve just got something I’m laughing about regarding one of your OCs and I’m not sure which blog to send the ask to
I try to keep this one stuff that fits in the lawstaverse au (even if it’s not directly about the main plot), so I can take oc asks on my main, @loafingdragon :D They’ll eventually get more mixed up, I know, but for now i’ll try to keep things from being confused and lawstaverse more or less chronological.
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lawstaverse · 4 years
Aaaand putting this here as well.
Hello everyone the Fire Vermillions are not from the Clover Kingdom. Details later.
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lawstaverse · 4 years
Hey ya’ll there might be a big slowdown because I just started my fall semester and I’m overwhelmed ;-; Thank you in advance for your patience!
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lawstaverse · 4 years
Taste of Your Own Medicine
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Part 2/2
Part 1
(Solid faces 1 (one) consequence. TW for near drowning/suffocation.)
Blood was rushing in her ears, and Asta’s objections faded behind her. Cursed Briar magic snaked through her veins with each beat of her heart. Charlotte knew her anger was compounding on itself. When she couldn’t control her emotions, her curse grew painful, and when her curse hurt her, it awoke a part of her that was always raw, indignant, overprotective, and unyielding. It was her and Asta against the world, and this part of her would bristle at any perceived attack. When it came to the royals, especially, this part of her always said betrayal was inevitable. The air crawled with her aggressive mana, and as she marched toward the castle, citizens scrambled out of the way.
Charlotte slowed as she approached and rubbed her gloved hands together. She could feel her mana like something physical rolling beneath her skin, and she tried to ease the prickling pain. We’re not alone, she reminded herself. Taking a deep breath, she remembered Yami’s words. ‘It probably wouldn’t hurt to ask someone for help once in a while… Our Magic Knight squads are full of people you can rely on.’ Her mana slowly eased. Despite the persistent suspicion and anger that had made its home inside her, Charlotte had come to think of Fuegoleon as a friend. She couldn’t imagine him hurting Asta or being irresponsible with his training, and the injuries Asta had were unlike any she had ever seen the Vermillions inflict. The pain of her curse faded. She would approach this calmly. 
But that changed when she heard Solid’s impetuous voice ring through the streets. “And THAT’s how you show who’s in charge, Noelle!” The remark was accented by a splash. Gaze snapping down an alley, Charlotte could see him gesturing broadly with a wand on the next street. “That pathetic cursed Roselei never saw me coming!” He let out a boisterous laugh. “The only downside is that his blood got on me.” He brushed at his light Silva robes.
Fury pulsed inside Charlotte at the sight of her brother’s blood; it had hit Solid in a splatter, dotting his sleeve. She stalked down the alley toward the pair.
“You’re so strong, big brother,” Noelle chirped, scampering along after him. She let out an unconvincing chuckle. “But… but did we have to come all the way out here?”
“DiD wE hAvE tO cOmE aLl ThE wAy OuT hErE?” he mocked. “What, do you want to get caught?”
Charlotte’s curse flared beneath her skin. Her blood pounded in her veins. She saw red. Not another word from the children’s mouths reached her as her pace quickened. Her expression felt broken; it could not possibly display how she felt inside. Her hands were eerily steady as she removed one of her magic gloves.
Solid let out a startled yelp as Charlotte’s hand landed on his shoulder. In the moment she touched him, her curse entangled his magic- not a permanent hold, but one he would feel soon enough. 
He darted out from under her hand and spun to point his wand at his attacker. Noelle, alerted by his cry, scrambled for cover behind him. Charlotte watched the realization replace surprise in his eyes, before his expression settled on incensed. “How dare you touch me!” His tween voice cracked, killing any chance he thought he had at being intimidating. His brows pulled together, and his eyes took on a wet sheen.
She opted to remain silent.
The tears built up in his eyes and spilled over. He wiped them away and opened his mouth, but the boy couldn’t manage to cough up a word. Sweat rolled down his skin and wet his clothing. The wand slipped from his hand as he brought it to his chest. Tears rolling in a stream down his face, Solid doubled over. He put a hand over his mouth, but water ran between his fingers as he coughed up a mouthful of it. He hiccuped and gurgled, struggling to make room for air in his lungs. He tried one last time to scream. Instead of sound, water poured from his open mouth and pooled on the cobblestone.
Charlotte had never seen the curse work so quickly, but she had never seen it work with so much mana before; some royals already had more mana than they could handle. Their children, especially, often struggled to contain it as is, and Charlotte’s curse made it that much more eager to outgrow its possessor.
“Solid!” Noelle screamed. She fell to her knees and clutched onto him as he collapsed into a rapidly growing puddle. Water poured from his eyes, his nose, his mouth, even his pores. It filled the cracks between the stones and flowed over. The pool had nearly reached Charlotte’s shoes before Noelle looked up at her with horror.
The little girl’s tear-filled eyes snapped Charlotte back to her senses. With just a little tap like that, the curse’s effect on Solid shouldn’t last long, but she was starting to fear that it didn’t need to. Regret slammed her. She took a step forward, moving to help. 
Noelle threw herself desperately over Solid’s struggling form. The pool around them swirled with her efforts to make it defend them. Shaking like a leaf, she cried, “Stay away!”
Just as his face started to pale, the curse lost its grip on Solid. His mana settled, the water running from his face slowed to a trickle, and he managed his first gasp in a worrying amount of time. It was followed by violent coughing. Noelle supported him as he emptied his lungs and then his stomach onto the stone. She watched the knight hovering over them with intermittent glances like she was expecting some sort of follow-up attack.
Dizzy with relief, Charlotte retreated to lean against the wall of the alleyway. It occurred to her that they would feel safer if she let them recover alone, but she wanted to be sure that Solid didn’t need help. She had wanted to scare him, but this was too close a call.
Solid finally pushed himself to his feet. He tottered, fawn-like, for just a moment before regaining his footing and sparing Charlotte a wild-eyed glared. Noelle pressed herself to his side and clung to his shirt. Shoving her away, he spat, “Y-you’ll regret this!”
Charlotte pulled on her glove and opened her mouth to speak. 
Both the Silvas flinched. Snatching Noelle’s hand, Solid turned and darted for the castle, leaving his wand behind.
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lawstaverse · 4 years
Taste of Your Own Medicine
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Part 1/2
Part 2
(Charlotte finds out that her little brother has been hiding some pretty serious conflicts from her when she catches him sneaking home from training. Asta is 9, and Charlotte 21.)
“I can’t believe he sent you home in this condition,” Charlotte tilted Asta’s chin up and examined his marred face. Her mana writhed sharp beneath her gloved fingertips, but she knew Asta was safe from it. No, what had her fighting to keep her voice level was something else.
Her little brother was covered in scrapes and bruises. The scratches were especially bad, slashed across his arms and legs deeply enough to leave Asta bloodied and exhausted. She had run into him on her way out to a mission as he crept in a back door of House Roselei, and he had tried to slip past her without a word. Her heart had quickened at the sight of his bloody clothing and tousled hair. He dripped with sweat. Had he been mugged on his way home? She had wondered for just a moment before discarding the idea. He didn’t dress well enough to attract attention when he trained; few people took him as a Roselei at first or even second glance.
But the alternative was worse. The Vermillions had never let him return to her like this. Fuegoleon assured her that they were being responsible, that he wouldn’t be seriously hurt, and that they would heal him if he got anything more than light bruises. When he had first started training with them, she had observed. When she found their care satisfactory, she had left them to their methods. By now she thought she could trust them enough not to check each time he came home. But if they thought this was acceptable, she was afraid what else they had put him through when she relaxed her vigilance.
“Hey, it’s fine.” Asta tugged his chin out of her grip and wiped the blood from his brow. It was oozing from a gash over one eye. “It’s just from training.”
“It is not fine,” Charlotte forced her voice to be even. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath. “They have no right to treat you like this, no matter their status.” She grasped his hand and marched inside. 
It didn’t escape her attention that he was unusually somber. He didn’t put on his usual smile until she sent for a doctor, and by then it was far too late for her to believe it was sincere. “Come on, this is nothing-”
“Sit down and wait for the doctor,” she commanded. “I am going to speak with Fuegoleon.”
His eyes widened. “Th-this isn’t his fault!”
“Then whose fault is it?” 
He shrunk under her leer; it wasn’t him she was mad at, but there was no one else to receive the look, and she couldn’t keep the feelings out of her expression any longer. 
“I just got caught off guard. I’ll be stronger next time,” he insisted.
“How often are you ‘caught off guard’?”
He scratched the back of his head and looked away.
Charlotte clenched her fist. Turning on her heel, she trod out. His objections fell behind her as she told the closest servant, “Inform the Blue Rose Knights that I cannot join them today. Something’s come up.”
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lawstaverse · 4 years
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Another outfit, based on Asta's wizard king fantasy in episode 3! This took longer to find than I thought it would. And then the second one is just another drawing of Asta in armor for me to practice. I like the wings thingies on his shirt in the first one but they give off mild Silva vibes that I think he might avoid on principle lol.
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lawstaverse · 4 years
My sibling suggested that I put my original black clover posts on this blog because it's easier to interact with than my main. I guess I'll reblog them from my main to here. Not specifically lawstaverse, but canon I suppose.
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I decided to color code the Royal family tree Mimosa gave us because I see a lot of confusion as to how the Vermillions and Silvas are related. Everyone here inherits all their colors from their parents(representing genes irl). Anyone who provides new genes gets new colors. If people share colors, then they are related. Acier and her older sister, and Papa Vermilion and his younger brother have split colors to represent that they have parents above the cutoff (it turned out being unnecessary, but eh.) 
As you can see, The flower Vermillions are related to everyone(cousins with the fire Vermillions and the Silvas we know), but the Fire Vermillions and the Silvas are not related to each other by blood. The relationship between the fire Vermillions and the Silvas could be described as “Cousins-in-law,” which might be why the wiki considers them “cousins” or “distantly related.” However, this isn’t a title that is commonly used. One would just consider them friends/acquaintances irl. The fact that their families would intermarry implies that they don’t share any recent ancestors.
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lawstaverse · 4 years
Hey, ya’ll, here’s my first ever AMV! I think that this song fits the Silvas very well, and @thespiralgrimoire and I have talked about it a lot, so I decided to make this. This video is mainly about how none of the Silvas could ever really be honest and deal with their mother’s death in a healthy way. The ways they coped were, frankly, not very good, but Noelle at least got better~
Not an idea exclusive to lawstaverse at all, but yknow.
The song is False Confidence by Noah Kahan, and the anime is Black Clover. The program I used was Olive.
This took a long time. Especially the end, which came out a bit weak, but overall, I think it’s good! Some of the clips are lower quality than others because I was working with what I could get. I used Olive to make it; it’s the only program light enough for my laptop to handle lol. 
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lawstaverse · 4 years
Yeah I'll def put that on my list! I've got to practice drawing kids and babies!
(sorry for the repeat messages, i reblogged to wrong blog)
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Two more Asta outfits! The first is based on Vermillion robes (it's mostly the same, but I imagine it would differ most notably in color. Lighter blue with silver stripes, maybe?) Also has a double sided rose pin on the collar. Maybe I would add rose cufflinks, too? The second outfit has him dressed like the other guys we spot in House Roselei. His legs got away from me in these ones. Asta ended up with real thick thighs but that's sort of just a habit I have with most characters... They're not really the interesting parts of the outfits, anyway! Let me know what you think!
Did y'all know Leopold has pointy shoes? I did not.
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lawstaverse · 4 years
Definitely! :D tag me so I can see?
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Here are some new outfit options for Asta! These are outfits Charlotte has worn, changed just enough to fit him. They're definitely harder to draw than his usual clothing. I like how the armor with the chest plate came out, but I'm not sure if it's really his style? I'll definitely be drawing more, so let me know what y'all think! Also send me suggestions!
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lawstaverse · 4 years
Oh all the outfits look so good! I’m still really digging the armor one but the Vermillion one I can totally see Leo giving to Asta (with family permission of course) because “you’re one of us Asta!!” So those would make some great training or formal clothes. I bet Charlotte has a matching set that Mereo bullied her into. Speaking of Charlotte, I think she’s most likely the reason behind the armor as much in a “MY BIG SIS IS SO COOL!” as a “LIKE HELL MY BABY BROTHER IS FIGHTING WITHOUT GEAR”
The armor is my favorite so far, too! Lol I like to imagine that some of the things captains wear have some practical purposes, like maybe the Vermillion's are fire resistant, maybe the Silva's are light and dry off quickly, and of course Charlotte is wearing sensible armor because she's regularly surrounded by sharp thorns (and because it's a good idea in general omg why doesn't anyone else wear armor.)
The idea of Leo giving him the Vermillion outfit to show him he's part of the family is so sweet 😭
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lawstaverse · 4 years
hey guess who posted this set to the wrong blog??
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Two more Asta outfits! The first is based on Vermillion robes (it's mostly the same, but I imagine it would differ most notably in color. Lighter blue with silver stripes, maybe?) Also has a double sided rose pin on the collar. Maybe I would add rose cufflinks, too? The second outfit has him dressed like the other guys we spot in House Roselei. His legs got away from me in these ones. Asta ended up with real thick thighs but that's sort of just a habit I have with most characters... They're not really the interesting parts of the outfits, anyway! Let me know what you think!
Did y'all know Leopold has pointy shoes? I did not.
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lawstaverse · 4 years
I really love what you did with Asta's outfit! I never seen him dress battle ready before! I also love the long hair and braid as well! I'm curious what he'd look like with a fire Vermillion inspired outfit!
Thank you! I didn't consciously give him that hair. It came to me in the dream that inspired this au, so I'm really glad you like it!
A Vermillion inspired outfit is definitely on my list! Hopefully I'll have some drawings done tonight!
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