lcdid · 19 hours
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Tomato Basil Soup (x)
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lcdid · 5 days
i want to express myself. i want to speak somewhere. but where?
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lcdid · 5 days
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the colt revolver 1860 | source
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lcdid · 5 days
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Torii gate made up of 300 recycled speakers with bluetooth connection (2017) Location: Kamiyama, Japan but has since been destroyed by a typhoon in 2019
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lcdid · 18 days
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lcdid · 20 days
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lcdid · 1 month
Consider the subtleness of the sea; how its most dreaded creatures glide under water, unapparent for the most part, and treacherously hidden beneath the loveliest tints of azure. Consider also the devilish brilliance and beauty of many of its most remorseless tribes, as the dainty embellished shape of many species of sharks. Consider, once more, the universal cannibalism of the sea; all whose creatures prey upon each other, carrying on eternal war since the world began. Consider all this; and then turn to the green, gentle, and most docile earth; consider them both, the sea and the land; and do you not find a strange analogy to something in yourself? 
-Herman Melville, Moby Dick
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lcdid · 1 month
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Rigging and cross section of a whaler - in Moby Dick by Herman Melville
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lcdid · 2 months
Is your system color coded?
Hey y’all, after being on the DID side of tumblr for over four years, I’ve finally decided to ask the masses if this is something anyone else does? So both my partner system and I have alters separated by colors, but we each do it in different ways. While I won’t go into it too much, my partner’s alters are color coded by their “lineage,” color coding their trauma and who they’ve split from. For my alters, they’re color coded by personality. Specific colors tend to indicate certain personality traits within my alters, and while they might not all present them the same way, there tends to be some kind of overlap if they share a color. Can anyone relate? Do you guys have a color coding system too? Do you want me to go into more depth with mine?
If you said yes, please elaborate in replies or reblogs if you’re comfortable. And if you hit no but you’re organized in a different way you’re comfortable sharing do the same! I’m really curious
This is for traumagenic systems only as I am trying to see if I, a DID system dating another DID system, have an experience that is shared by other systems of similar formation. Please respect this
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lcdid · 2 months
Hey, shout out to systems with "frustrating" or "socially bad" traits.
systems who seem indecisive, "hot and cold", disloyal, dishonest, etc. to others due to subtle switches, passive influence, being median, amnesia barriers, etc. between headmates with very different opinions, wants, and moods
systems who have headmates with "scary" attributes/symptoms, like hallucinations, delusions, anger issues, hypersexuality, low/no empathy, selfishness, need for attention, etc. especially those afraid they're perpetuating the "evil alter" stereotype
systems who never know who's fronting. especially those with memory barriers, those who struggle with feeling any sense(s) of personhood, and/or those who struggle to keep close bonds with people due to this
systems who struggle with meltdowns, tantrums, outbursts, pathological demand avoidance, poor sense of social norms, and other tendencies/issues that make being social or just existing in public difficult
systems with fluctuating sexualities and/or triggers that make it difficult to remain with a partner/partners (or to date in the first place)
systems who infight in-system and have trouble making decisions without intense internal backlash
systems who have trouble keeping self care (and may go out of the house dirty/disheveled) due to other mental illness or due to frequent fronters being unmotivated, forgetful, or having sensory issues or triggers that interfere with self care tasks
systems whose "self defense" relies on people pleasing, avoiding stressors, getting overly defensive, or getting angrier than "reasonable"
You are loved, you are appreciated, you deserve to be a part of society, you deserve to be happy, you deserve to be understood and given patience... you deserve to be able to create, love, heal, be respected, be treated like your own age, to lead, to have a voice, to feel safe.
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lcdid · 2 months
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SOURCE (sorry I can't find a free version, I don't remember how I got the full PDF lol)
I just wanted to share this because I've always thought it was a neat chart and I figured sharing might resonate with other people/help them realize stuff/whatever :P
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lcdid · 2 months
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Owls create snow angel imprints while hunting in winter when they swoop down to catch mice or squirrels.
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lcdid · 2 months
If I let you get notifications of my switching on Simply Plural you are so special to me
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lcdid · 2 months
I'm sorry.
(volume warning?)
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lcdid · 3 months
emptying and reloading a gun with practiced efficiency so you think i'm an expert marksman but you later find out that's just how i stim
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lcdid · 3 months
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lcdid · 3 months
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instagram | fairynuffflowers
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