#// lea took this a little too seriously
prodigal-if · 2 years
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Prodigal is an up-and-coming Murder Mystery IF that depicts a tale of deceit, latent pain, and a hidden past that could either heal or completely destroy.
The Reaper— it’s a name that’s haunted you for a little over two decades now. One of the most infamous serial killers of the 20th Century, in New York City. Killing over 25 people, most believing the final tally is much more, and not getting caught until one fateful day. When you were the reason behind his arrest.
The Reaper— the boogeyman made flesh.
The Reaper— the man that made New York City hold its breath until his arrest.
The Reaper— your father.
You’ve tried getting past it, fighting through the darkness that always seems to follow you, and for the last few years you’ve been fairly successful; working for the FBI giving you just the distraction you needed. Being one of their top profilers, as you found it easy to get into the mind of a killer, you even started to believe that your past would stop haunting you.
Until you were fired for misconduct and you found yourself back in New York City, back where it all happened. Will you finally be able to find peace? Especially when you begin to work with the Major Crimes Unit of the NYPD?
Or was the boogeyman just waiting all this time to finally strike?
Customizable MC: name, nickname, some hobbies, appearance, sexuality, and gender. Other things will probably crop up as the story continues too.
Will you fight your demons or succumb to them?
Reconnect with your family after being away for so long. How much has changed? Will you be able to uncover things that are amiss?
Solve cases with the Major Crimes Unit, and solve a much deeper mystery that seems to always be lurking within the back of your mind.
Romance 1 of 4 potential options. Will they help you heal?
Don’t forget about the boogeyman…
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LINK — Prospective release Late March/Early April
Ross/Rose Garner
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Between Detective Bishop and Detective Garner, the latter is much more open to working with you than the former. With an open smile, that's only slightly tinged by weariness, they're willing to give you a chance and see where that takes them. Offering an olive branch, a helping hand, whenever you could use one. Will you be able to offer them something else in return?
Appearance: Detective Garner stands at a solid 5'10" with sharp blue eyes. Slightly curly, raven black hair complements their olive complexion, mixed with a light brown hue. They have a lithe body type.
Daniel/Danielle Bishop
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Detective Bishop isn't as open to you joining the Major Crimes Unit as a Consultant-- not because of any inherent dislike of you, though that may be there somewhere, but for the simple reason of not being as trusting as their partner and boss. Will you be able to crack through their defenses? To the person that's willing to quip an amused one-liner, or crack open a cold beer and hang out? Or will they forever remain a mystery to you?
Appearance: Detective Bishop stands at around 6'2" with closed-off gray eyes. Brown hair, with bits of golden highlights strewn throughout, brings out the fair complexion of their skin. They have an athletic body from years as an athlete beforehand.
Ethan/Emily Yang
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The mortician that helps the Major Crimes Unit with every case that comes their way. With an almost innocent quality about them, despite being surrounded by death on a daily basis, they couldn't help but be fascinated by you and your knowledge. Will you only ever share your scientific thoughts with them, and a joke or two, or will something else evolve as you continue to grow ever closer?
Appearance: Doctor Yang stands at a whopping height of 5'7" with intelligently kind brown eyes. Ebony black hairs brings out the porcelain hue of their skin. Along with the delicately slender quality of their body, Doctor Yang is surely a sight to behold.
Caleb/Carina Sinclair
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Your old partner in the FBI-- a person that took their job seriously, but you never believed that they'd leave you behind too. Their walls of ice, of stoicism and vast professionalism, had always fallen away for you and only you. They never looked at you like you were something broken because of your past. Will you ever find out the reason they left you behind? Or is it a case, a mystery, you're just never meant to solve?
Appearance: Special Agent Sinclair stands at a striking 6'5" with piercing green eyes-- the likes you've never seen before. Wavy, blonde hair complements the lightly tanned quality of their skin. Their muscular build, from hours spent training, barely being hidden by the standard issued suit for a Federal Agent.
Special: Can choose to have had a romantic entanglement with them in the past (something like FWBs).
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matchingbatbites · 2 years
Love Grows - Part 3
Y'all, this chapter fought with me so hard. It took a while to get something I'm actually happy with, but I got there eventually. This part is 2.4k of fluff to make up for the wait <3
Ao3 | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4
May '85
After that first time, Rosie becomes a regular attendee of Hellfire nights, and Andy even apologizes his way back into Eddie's good graces and earns a spot in the "Rosie Rotation". Once basketball season ends and there’s no need for Eddie to watch Rosie during games anymore, the group of boys only make it three weeks before they start complaining about the baby’s absence, and Eddie just rolls his eyes in mock annoyance.
He tells Steve about it, half-expecting the younger to just find it amusing, and he’s surprised when Steve actually starts bringing her by to visit. It’s not every week, more like every second or third, but it’s enough to keep the club members from complaining, and Eddie finds he enjoys getting to sequester Steve away behind the DM screen, letting him take a peek behind the curtain that no one else is allowed to breach.
By the end of the school year, Steve and Eddie have a decent friendship, or so Eddie hopes. With graduation behind them, they've bonded over Steve's college denials, and Eddie's failing senior year again , and it's been nice having someone outside his normal friend group to talk to about it, someone who understands what it feels like to fall short of success.
Steve’s dad officially cuts him off, and Eddie has a brief moment of panic before Steve reassures him that no , he’s not being kicked out, they’re letting him and Rosie stay at the house. (“They’d rather make sure the house is taken care of than kick me out.”) But Steve needs a job, and after applying to a few places at Starcourt, he gets a spot working at Scoops Ahoy.
He's meeting Steve at the mall so he can take Rosie while the younger is at work, and though Steve had complained to him about the required uniform, Eddie is sorely unprepared to see it in person. When Steve steps out of his car wearing that fucking sailor outfit, Eddie almost has to sit down from the wave of solid need that hits him as his little crush flares into full-blown desire. 
He takes a steadying breath and puts on a grin, gives a joking "Well, ahoy sailor!" and Steve rolls his eyes. 
"I know, it's fucking awful, but I needed a job fast and they were hiring."
Eddie laughs and follows Steve to the backseat, can’t help glancing down to see the way the blue shorts stretch over his ass when the younger leans in to grab Rosie’s carrier. “I dunno, Stevie. If anyone can make this work, it’s definitely you.”
“I appreciate the vote of confidence,” Steve says, and Eddie’s eyes snap back to appropriate areas when Steve straightens and offers the baby to him. “Though I’d feel better about it if I wasn’t dressed like fucking Donald Duck.” 
Eddie snickers at the idea and Steve gives him a very unamused look. “Sorry, sorry. Seriously though, you look fine,” he says, taking Rosie’s carrier and bringing it over to his car. He takes a second to buckle the girl into his passenger seat - not the safest, he knows, but he always drives extra careful when he has her. “Besides, at least you won’t be the only person there wearing a dorky sailor outfit. You have a coworker, right?”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right. I’m still gonna complain about it though.” Eddie turns to find Steve behind him, diaper bag in hand and seemingly resigned to his fate. “Do you have any plans for today?
Eddie shakes his head and takes the bag from him. “Nah, just watching nugget. Probably gonna take her back to the trailer, if that’s okay?” 
“Of course it is. You know I trust you with her,” Steve says with a smile, and fuck , the guy really doesn’t know what that one sentence does to Eddie. The fact that Steve trusts him with something as precious as his daughter is worth more to Eddie than anything else in the world. The sudden swell of emotion is too much, and Eddie needs to leave before he makes a fool of himself. 
“Thanks, Stevie,” he says, and he can’t resist reaching out and tugging on that dumb little tie on Steve’s shirt. “Well, have fun at work, sailor. Don’t let anyone throw you overboard.”
Steve gently smacks his hand away and rolls his eyes again. “Yeah, yeah. Don’t get into too much trouble with my kid, Eds.”
Eddie grins as he heads to his driver seat, calling out a final “Wouldn’t dream of it!”
He does bring Rosie back to the trailer, since he really doesn’t have anything else to do that day but watch her. When he walks through the door, he sees Wayne sitting on the couch, newspaper in hand, and the man looks up as Eddie enters. His eyes snap to the carrier in Eddie’s hand and he sets the paper down.
"Should I be concerned?"
Eddie shakes his head and sets down the diaper bag. "Don't worry, old man, Rosie isn't mine. She belongs to a friend." 
"A friend?" Wayne stands and walks over so he can peek inside the carrier, and Rosie looks up at him with her big hazel eyes.
"Yeah. Her mama didn't want her, and her dad is pulling double time as a single parent and a teen dad, so I'm gonna watch her a few days a week while he's at work." 
Wayne instantly softens and gives him a small smile as he reaches out, placing a hand on Eddie’s shoulder. "That's really nice of you, Ed. I’m proud of you.”
Eddie shrugs a little, suddenly feeling bashful under his uncle’s approval. “Yeah, well- Hey!” He says as Wayne takes the carrier from his hands.
“I’ll keep an eye on her while you wash those dishes you were supposed to do last night,” Wayne says, setting down the carrier before pulling Rosie out of it. Eddie rolls his eyes even as he smiles, and he takes off his jacket and heads over to the sink. 
He gets distracted often as he does the dishes, he can’t stop himself from glancing over to watch Wayne and Rosie. They’re on the nearby couch, and his uncle has the baby sat on his leg, facing him as he talks to her softly. Eddie’s heart aches as he sees Wayne’s big, work-worn hands holding her so carefully, his rough appearance juxtaposed against Rosie’s fragile softness.
The dishes get done pretty quickly, and once Eddie dries his hands he makes his way over to sit next to Wayne. Rosie looks up at him and smiles so wide her pacifier falls from her mouth, and Eddie chuckles as he grabs it before it can hit the floor. 
“She’s a sweet baby,” Wayne says, smiling down at the girl, and Eddie nods in agreement. There's a moment of silence before Eddie looks at his uncle.
“You know, grandpa Wayne has a nice ring to it.” 
Wayne scoffs a little, but Eddie can see the way his eyes shine at the idea. “I’m sure she already has enough grandparents spoiling her. No need for me to get in the way.”
Eddie hums and reaches over, takes one of Rosie’s tiny hands in his own and just cradles it between his thumb and forefinger. “Actually, not really. Her mom’s family is totally out of the picture, and Steve’s parents are pretty shitty. He said they didn’t even acknowledge her the last time they came home.”
The older man frowns, looks between his nephew and the baby. “Are you serious? They just ignored their own grandbaby?” he asks, watching as Rosie brings Eddie’s hand to her mouth so she can gnaw on one of his fingers.
“Like I said, they’re pretty shitty. She deserves to have at least one grandparent who cares about her, even if they’re not blood.”
Wayne stays silent and Eddie glances at him. “I’ll double check with Steve, if it’ll make you feel better, but I’m sure he won’t mind.”
“As long as you ask first,” the man says after a moment, and Eddie just beams.
June 85’
Eddie finds a new delight, and that's bringing Rosie to visit Steve at work. It's definitely because he doesn’t want to keep Rosie cooped up in the trailer all the time, and not because he has a chronic need to see Steve in those sailor shorts as often as possible.
Today he actually has a proper reason to go to the mall, because he wants to grab a few miniatures from the gaming shop that just opened not too far from the food court. At least, that’s what he tells himself as he pulls Rosie from the van, making a mental note that she’s going to outgrow her carseat soon. He leaves the carrier behind as he totes her inside, glances briefly into the gaming shop as he passes before heading on to Scoops Ahoy.
As Eddie approaches the counter, he bites back his usual, cheery greeting when he sees Steve standing there, hands and jaw both clenched as he stares at the sticky plastic. If Eddie knew him any less, he wouldn't notice the tears welling in his eyes, the tremble in his lower lip. Before he can ask, he hears whispers coming from a nearby table, just loud enough that Eddie knows the three teenage girls sitting there don't care about actually being heard.
"I heard that he was probably cheating on Nancy Wheeler with the baby's mother, it's the only way it makes sense." 
"You’re so right. I mean, he's always been a playboy, so I'm not surprised that he was two-timing a couple of poor, unsuspecting girls." 
Eddie sees red at the biting words. These girls have no idea what they're talking about, they don't know that Steve wouldn't even dream of doing something like that. He leans over the counter and presses Rosie into Steve’s hands, startling the younger out of his stupor, and drops the diaper bag onto the floor. 
"I’ll be right back," Eddie says before heading out of the shop. He goes to a nearby food stand and buys the largest cup of Hawaiian Punch they have, then carries it back to Scoops Ahoy. He takes off the lid as he approaches the girls, and they don’t pay him any attention at all - until he upturns the cup onto the table and sends a flood of Red 40 spilling across the surface and down onto their laps. All three girls scream and jump up, trying to minimize the damage done to their clothes, and Eddie feels so smug.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry,” he says, keeping his tone even and clearly unapologetic, and one of the girls turns to look at him, eyes blazing with fury. 
“What the fuck! What’s your fucking problem?!”
“Right now? You three shit-talking, pep-rally posers are my fucking problem. Just be happy it wasn’t a slushie.”
A different girl lets out a cry of anger as she grabs her ice cream and throws it at Eddie, hitting him square in the chest with it. He levels an unimpressed look at her and wipes the dessert off with his hand. “You ladies should probably get going before your clothes are stained beyond saving.”
As furious as they are, the three seem to agree as they quickly leave, but not without throwing a few more insults his way. He waves them off with a “Have a nice day!” then turns to see Robin now behind the counter instead of Steve, Rosie propped on her hip and a beaming smile on her face. 
“I’ll clean it up, I promise,” Eddie says as he makes his way back to the counter. 
"That was so awesome! I fucking hate those girls, they're always awful to Steve and they never tip," she says, and Eddie frowns. 
"Birdie, how long has this been going on?” 
Before Robin can answer, Steve appears from the back area with a bucket and mop, as well as a few hand towels, and Eddie rushes over to help him. They carry the supplies to the table, and Eddie wipes the juice onto the floor as Steve mops it up, the two working in tandem to clean up Eddie’s mess as Robin keeps an eye on Rosie.
“I’m sorry about this,” Eddie says after a few minutes of silence. “I was just… pissed off, and I wasn’t thinking, and this is the only thing I could think of to do that didn’t involve me throwing punches at girls.”
Steve hums softly, waits a moment before saying “I’m not upset. I just… You didn’t have to do that, you know.”
Eddie steps over, wrings out the rag into the mop bucket. “I wasn’t going to let them sit there and talk shit about you Steve. You’re stepping up and raising Rosie by yourself, and… You don’t deserve that. 
“Well, not all by myself.” Steve has a soft smile as he leans over and nudges his shoulder against Eddie’s. “You’ve done more than your fair share, I think.”
The blush that floods Eddie’s face matches the red still covering the floor and he quickly turns, almost trips as he goes back to the booth, and he hears Steve chuckle behind him. By the time the mess is completely cleaned up, Eddie’s hands are stained a soft pink even after a few washes in the employee sink.
“I should probably go before I cause any more damage to your place of employment.” he says, slinging Rosie’s bag over his shoulder. 
“I dunno, I kind of enjoy the free entertainment,” Robin chimes in, and Steve rolls his eyes as he takes Rosie from her. “Okay, next time you can spend ten minutes cleaning up Hawaiian Punch.”
Eddie groans and scrubs his stained hands over his face. “I’m never gonna live this down, am I?” he asks, and Robin grins. “Definitely not.”
He groans again, definitely over-exaggerating at this point just to make Robin laugh, and glances over to see Steve place a kiss to Rosie’s chubby cheek. “Alright, nugget, we gotta get back to work,” Steve says, and like a sixth sense, a group of four teens walk into the shop. Robin greets them as Steve hands Rosie over with a final peck.
“Hey,” Eddie says softly as he takes the baby and props her on his hip. “Call me before you leave and I’ll order us a pizza or something. Consider it an apology for my 'Shining' moment.” 
And his knees go weak when Steve gives him that soft smile and nods. “I think I could accept that apology.”
Tag list:
@luciana-rowan @bidisastersworld @little-gae-shit @thehumblefigtree @lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcarin @estrellami-1 @shrimply-a-menace @anaibis @livelaughlexa @vampireinthesun @zerokrox-blog @mackdaddyofheimlichcountyy @idea-less-author @thegingerrapunzel @fantasyfr3ak @stevesbipanic @electrick-marionnett @tuesdaycats @seths-rogens @flustratedcas @qomrades @artiststarme @death-the-elf @itsanarrum @linkydinky06 @jaywhohasthegay @aboredowl @maya-custodios-dionach @swimmingbirdrunningrock @awkotaco24 @themardlonk @messrs-weasley @sly-bananabread @panicatthediaz @justforthedead89 @whalesharksart @eerielake @smolbasilboy @freyaforestafay @gleek4twd @gayngerthings @newtstabber @lucasrightarm @huskysarelife @i-must-potato @thegingervulcan @novelnovella @ryebread375 @stardustonpages
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gamerbearmira · 9 months
Alma...vampire...sad :(
GUYS WHAT IF. THR SAD AGAIN :((( no but uhhhh thus idea has been stuck in my head. Gotta do more for this au. Maybe some HB later, idk. Definitely working on writing and some art, its just taking a while 😭 Writing wise, I'm probably going to also post some Giant Siren (Alma and Antonio), and then some magical precure au because I found art that I just??? Hadn't shared i'm pretty sure.
Anyyywayyy. I love Alma but. Where's the fun and letting her be happy? Lets throw some more angst at her!!!!1!1!1!
Alma held Antonio, staring out the window. Her eyes were unfocused, glazed almost, as she sat in that chair, staring at the moon. She didn't know how long she had been sitting there. She had lost track of time.
This was because of her. All of just like how Pedro's death was her fault. If she had been more careful if she hadn't been exposed...
Then maybe that stake wouldn't have pierced Pedro's heart. Maybe it would've pierced hers. They would've had a chance at a normal life.
And she thought she was careful. She helped lead the village, the one place she thought she and her children would be safe. And while none of them, and originally, none of her grandchildren had been affected...somehow someone found out. Someone spread rumors, spread lies. She wasn't a monster, at least...she wasn't trying to be. She was trying to survive in a cruel world that hated people, creatures, like her.
And Alma's family had suffered the consequences. It was her and her nietos now. And she would do anything to protect them. Just like how many others like her would do the same. And even if that meant changing them, taking those poor children, and turning them into monsters like her, then so be it. Whatever it took to keep them alive...or at least on this Earth with her. She just couldn't bear to see them suffer anymore than they had to.
Alma turned her head, looking towards the interior of the room. She had brought them to the room just above her own. It was the only safe place right now. Because not even the nursery was sade. Well, it probably was, but she couldn't leave them alone there. at least here she could watch them. Watch them with tears in her eyes as their cherubic faces contort in pain and suffering because of her. Their bodies curled in on themselves as they barely handled what was happening to them. But she had to. It was the only way.
The centuries-old woman heard gentle cooing, and she looked down at the baby in her arms. He was curled close, and his eyes began to open. His eyelids fluttered. Alma held back choked sobs as she looked at Antonio.
His eyes were red, a deep shade of red, rather than the dark brown they used to be. He blinked up curiously at his abuela, his tiny hand gripping her now shaky finger. He pouted for a moment, squirming in discomfort. She immediately knew what was wrong, she had expected it.
She a solemn laugh, and she held him closer, cooing gently. "Are you hungry mi vida?" Alma said softly and Antonio simply babbled softly, holding her finger a bit tighter. Alma stood, her black shawl draped over her shoulders as she practically glided across the room, her footsteps gentle and quiet. "Your siblings and primas will awaken soon. Let's go get them some bl-...em, food, and some for you too, hm?"
Antonio snuggled closer to Alma, ellicting a sad laugh from her. For the first time in a while, she left the room, though she couldn't help but glance back. Hopefully this time, she would be able to keep them safe this time. She wouldn't fail. She couldn't. Not a third time.
You know what they say 3rd times a charm :DD I'm just kidding but seriously. The grandkids in this au are a little sheltered (as are a lot of other vampire kids, like Mariano). Not even cause of them sunburn, but because of what happened to Alma and the adults and. Her being paranoid for a while. At least until Antonio got a lil older.
Also??? Debating on whether to keep this in canon time (mid 1900s) or. Throw it back a few centuries for the sake of. ☆Fashion☆ and redesigns and wanting to make Alma really mf old. Idk, what do y'all think????
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heartlessfujoshi · 2 months
The Way It Was - An AkuSai one shot
Title: The Way It Was Fandom: Kingdom Hearts Pairing: Akusai (Axel x Saïx) Rating: General (Angst and Feels) Word Count: ~ 1,710
Summary: Axel gets assigned to a mission that brings back many memories - a painful reminder of why he is in the position he is in. 
A/N: Happy AkuSai Day! :D Please enjoy this angst that I wrote to honor the blessed day. 
Opening an obsidian portal, Axel stormed off, upset as all could be. He charged through the portal, and wound up back in the Grey Area, because of course he couldn’t be bothered to actually make the portal go to his bedroom. Why would he want to do that, when he could easily wind up in the Grey Area. It was like everything was against him at this moment. 
“Uh oh. Someone doesn’t look happy, do they?” Xigbar was sitting on one of the couches, looking at the same newspaper he’d been looking at in the morning. 
“Shut up.” Axel spit out, not bothering to turn around as the bane of his existence was there. He could feel their eyes on his back, no doubt with a slight tilt to their head, wondering what could have caused him to be so angry in the first place. 
“Ouch, Princess.” Xigbar shuffled the newspaper, and set it down. “What’s got your panties all in a bunch right now?” 
He didn’t bother to say anything, as he knew that the Freeshooter was looking for an opportunity to antagonize him. No, he needed to get out of the Grey Area, and get out of there fast. He stormed through the Castle That Never Was, and finally made it to where he should have RTC’d to, but his head had been so in it that he had wound up back where he had started. 
“So STUPID.” He shouted, shaking his gloved fists into the air. He could feel the fire within him itching to get out, and so he sent a blast of flames out towards his window, shouting out a few obscene words. He took a few deep breaths, and felt his shoulders relax only a little. While it had felt good to get that out of his system, he was still on the edge of losing it again. 
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a portal appear in his room. He knew immediately who would be walking through it, and seriously contemplated opening another portal to take himself away. But it was too late. 
“You are in a foul mood.” Saïx commented, looking slightly perturbed by his appearance. “What is the matter?” 
“You damn well know what the matter is!” He narrowed his eyes at Saïx, who was his supposed best friend. His best friend, and the one person that knew him better than anyone else. “You sent me there on purpose!” 
“It was not my decision.” 
“Bullshit!” He yelled at him. Saïx didn’t flinch, didn’t step back, nor did he show any sign of emotion towards him. “You sent me there on PURPOSE.” 
Golden eyes stared at him with a look of indifference in them. “I told you, I did not send you there. I do not create these missions. These are generated by the Superior and-” 
“Shut the fuck up, Isa.” Axel waved him off, his anger continuing to boil as he listened to his friend drone on. “I don’t need this. Not right now.” 
“Why won’t you tell me why you’re like this?” 
“I don’t see why I should.” He glared at Saïx, who was now going over to the small couch in his room. “Don’t you dare sit down.” 
As if defying him, Saïx took a seat while staring right at him. One of his chakrams manifested in his hand, and he spun it, heat flowing through the palm of his hand as he glared at Saïx. “Put that away.” 
Axel knew he couldn’t say no to that command. His chakram disappeared, the flames disappearing with it. He went and sat down next to Saïx on the couch, knowing that he was going to demand he sit down next to him. Might as well do it before he’s told to. 
“Now, what is the matter?” There was genuine concern in Saïx’ voice now, which caused conflict within Axel. “Talk to me, Lea.” 
“I hate going to home.” His voice was small. Words, short. His chest ached as he thought about seeing Radiant Garden, forever tarnished by their experiments, and now known as Hollow Bastion. “Why does he send me there? To punish me??” 
A gloved hand touched his knee, and he closed his eyes, letting that gentle touch wash over his senses. “It is not only you who bears the pain of going back there.” Saïx’ voice was as soft as his was. As if they were afraid to speak too loud, lest someone in the Castle heard what they were discussing. As if it were forbidden. 
His gloved hand fell naturally on to the top of Saïx’. “It’s awful there, Isa. The Heartless - they’re out of control.” 
“The keyblade wielder will go there soon.” Their gloved fingers intertwined. Axel closed his eyes, and let the healing touches of Saïx take over his entire arm. He wished they could take the gloves off, if only for a few minutes, but that would put them at risk of the Darkness that they used. “He will fix things.” 
“Doubtful.” Axel sighed. “I don’t want to go back there, Isa.” 
“If it were in my power, I would never send you on a mission there, Lea.” 
They sat in silence for a long while, both staring at their joined hands. Axel wanted to pull Saïx into his arms, and wanted to steal the comfort that only his friend could bring to him. But they had both decided that it would be a bad idea to engage in that kind of touch, as it would be a slippery slope. Neither of them could afford to go down that path - not right now. Not when things were beginning to change, what with the keyblade wielder finally coming into the fray. 
Axel was going to pull his hand away first when he felt the couch shift, and saw Saïx stand up, pulling his arm up with him. He went freely, the two of them standing face to face, their fingers still holding tight to each other. Without a word, Saïx stepped forward, and rested his cheek against Axel’s chest, allowing him to put his arms around him. Their fingers slipped apart, but it gave Axel the opportunity to hug Saïx close to his body. 
“I don’t want to do this anymore, Lea.” Saïx whispered, his arms now wrapped around his back. “Can’t we go back to the way it was?” 
If there was one thing he wished they could do, it would be to return to that moment in time before getting killed by the Heartless and becoming the Nobodies that they were. The anger he’d felt upon returning to the Castle had all but evaporated, and had been replaced with melancholy. As he held Saïx close, he rested his cheek against the top of his head. “I wish we could, Isa.” 
“At least we’re together.” Golden eyes stared up at him, Axel hating that his friend’s blue eyes were gone. But he lived with the change, as he knew it bothered Saïx as well. That was the curse he bore, being a devoted disciple of their Superior. To be in the inner circle, so that they could be in the know. 
He cupped his face, and offered him a sad smile. “I’m never leaving you, Isa. We’re in this together until the end.” 
“I know you won’t.” 
Axel returned his arm to be around Saïx, the two of them holding each other for a few more minutes, neither wanting to let go of this solid connection that they shared. There were no other members that understood what they had been through together. There was no need for them to know. 
Saïx pulled away from him, then opened another portal in the bedroom. “I have to go.” 
“I know.” 
“Please - don’t be mad if you’re sent there again. I hate seeing you so upset.” Saïx stepped towards the swirling Darkness. “I’ll do what I can, but sometimes it might not work.” 
“Thank you. And I’ll try for you, Isa.” Axel meant it. He would try and leave his anger behind, as it wasn’t fair to him. “See you again soon?” 
“You will.” Saïx went into the portal, but not before looking back at Axel and giving him a smile that he fondly remembered from their days back in Radiant Garden. 
Walking over to his window, he stared out at the ever present night of the World That Never Was. He would try for Saïx, because he hated thinking about making him sad. If there was one thing he never wanted to do, it was make Saïx sad. They were already told they couldn’t feel emotions, but Axel knew that that was a lie. He still had a wealth of feelings, from the anger he’d felt today, to the love he was feeling now as he saw the portal disappear from his view. It’s what made them different from the other Nobodies - being able to remember those human emotions. 
Axel left his room and went back up to the Grey Area, figuring he owed Xigbar an explanation. The Freeshooter was still seated on the couch, and looked up when he came in. “Ah, there you are.” Xigbar’s one good eye gleamed with mirth. “Are you feeling better now, Princess?” 
He glanced over at Saïx, who was talking to the Moogle that had set up shop in the Grey Area, the two of them meeting gazes for the quickest second, and then the connection ended. “I am.” Axel took a seat next to him, and reached for the newspaper. “So, how’s your day been, Xig?” 
“My day has been shit.” He listened to Xigbar rant for a bit, his eyes returning to Saïx, who he caught looking at him a few times. He could still feel him in his arms, holding each other close as they both sought comfort from one another. If he were to return to Hollow Bastion, Axel would do his best to control his behavior. Or, maybe he wouldn’t, as it did get Saïx to come to his room to check on him. Smirking, he leaned back and gave his full attention to Xigbar, who droned on and on but it didn’t bother Axel in the slightest. 
Cross-posted to AO3
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blackhakumen · 1 year
Mini Fanfic #1130: Lockhart and Strife's Sparring Class (SSBU X FF7 X Kingdom Hearts)
8:01 a.m. at Smash Gym Center..............
Dedede: (Walking in the Halls with Escargoon While Grumbling) ('Clicks Teeth') Man, I can't believe this. It took me weeks building up visible arm muscles and it all went waste losing that dumb arm wrestling match!
Escargoon: Oh, don't be such a grouch, De. Think of this like a regularly workout schedule that could help get you through the day.
Dedede: (Rolls his Eyes) Yeah. A year long workout schedule with blondie and little miss heaven hands working my ass down to the wire for lord knows how long.....
Escargoon: You only got like, what? Three hours in the morning left? I'm sure it won't last long.
Dedede: Yeah, we'll see.
The duo stops walking for a second as they notice a familiar face walking out of a two divided door in front of them
Lea: ('Sigh') Was not expecting to reach fifteen sit ups today, but- (Notices Dedede and Escargoon in his Point of Voice Before Putting on a Bright Smile) Oh, 'sup, you guys. Good morning.
Escargoon: (Smiles Back at Lea Along With Dedede) Good morning to you too, Lea.
Dedede: Hey, man! What brings you all the way up here?
Lea: (Points at the Doors Behind Him) I promised the teach and Namine that I would join them on their training session in there. (Walks Over to the Water Fountain and Pours Water Inside his Bottle) Kinda wish we didn't have come here this early in the morning, but.....(Shrugs) It's whatever.
Escargoon: (Takes a Look at The Paper Printed Sign that Reads "Lockhart's Training Program 8-11 a.m." Taped on One of the Doors in Front of Him) Sp this is where you guys go for your workout sessions?
Lea: Yep. 'Heard the room itself hasn't been used all that much before Tifa and Cloud came by and use it for themselves. Why, you guys are joining us today?
Escargoon: Nah, just Dedede here. (Forms a Teasing Like Smirk on his Face) He lost a game of arm wrestling to Daisy the other day, so he has to come here and workout with you guys for the rest of the year.
Lea: (Starts Snickering) Seriously?
Dedede: (Glares at Both Escargoon and Lea) 'Ey, in my defense, that girl uses her elephant throughout the whole thing to give her her that edge in the first place. I was robbed and cheated!
Escargoon: Uh-huh. And last I checked, you challenged her when she was ALREADY turned into an elephant from the getgo.
Lea: Yeah, I don't see how that classified as cheating if that's the case.
Dedede: (Scoffs While Crossing his Arms and Turning Away) Yeah, well, I'm still the motion that she only won by luck and handicap. Without either of those in her disposal, I would've beaten her under a minute!
?????: No shame in admitting your losses there, De.
The trio turns to see Cloud, Tifa, Aqua, and Namine walking out of the training room to greet their newest recruits.
Cloud: (Smirks a Bit at Dedede's in Particular) Especially when you still have your end of the bargain to fulfill.
Aqua/Namine: (Happily Waves Hello to the Ex King of Dreamland) Good morning!~
Tifa: (Smiles Brightly While Clasping her Hands Together) It's so nice to have you here with us today, De!~ And here I thought you were never gonna show.
Dedede: Yeah, I wouldn't have missed for the world. Y'all would kill me before I try to do that.
Cloud: (Crosses his Arms while Scoffing) Oh please. We're not that barbaric. We would drag you here if anything.
Tifa: (Pouts at her Boyfriend) Cloud, don't be rude.
Dedede: Yeah, tell 'im, sis!
Tifa: I could easily carry him out of his room to here myself. Maybe use the air horns to wake him up just in case.
Dedede: (Smiles Falters Down into an Annoyed Frown) Nevermind, y'all are made for each other....
Cloud/Tifa: (Smiles Softly at Dedede) Thank you.
Dedede: (Comically Glares at the Couple) That ain't, no way, a complete compliment!
Tifa: (Giggles Softly) Alright, alright. Let's get training session started before we start wasting time here, everyone. (Starts Going Back Inside the Training Room with Cloud Following Behind)
Cloud: The sooner we get started, the quicker we leave, eh, De?
Dedede: Yeah, you better mean that, you no good, cocky.....(Starts Grumbling to Himself as Him and Escargoon Goes Inside the Room as Well)
Namine: (Turns Aqua and Lea) He seems nice.
Few Minutes Inside the Training Room Later.............
Small, but visible sparks begins to fly as Cloud and Lea spar with one another by using their respective weapons.
Cloud: (Clashes his Buster Sword With Lea's Bond of Flame Keyblade) I gotta say, Lea. (Counters Lea's Blade Attacks with His Before Clashing Again) You're not too shabby with that Keyblade of yours.
Lea: Why, thank you, Strife!~ (Effortlessly Dodges Cloud's Attack) Still a bit on the rusty side, but I got most of this this Keyblade Warrior mentality jogged down and memorized. (Tries Taking a Swing at Cloud With his Keyblade
Cloud: (Dodges the Attack by Jumping Himself Back) You sure about that?
Cloud creates a beam like shockwave from his Buster Sword and shoots it towards his opponent. It wasn't long for red haired fighter to slice up the shockwave in half and explodes behind him with one, fiery strike and a flashy, heart-throbbed pose to boot.
Lea: As sure as the blazing, fiery sun, baby!
Escargoon: (Watches Everything Goes Down on the Sidelines With the Other) The wording could use a little more work, but his pose is a nice touch, not gonna lie.
Dedede: (Turns to Namine) Has he always been this cocky?
Namine: (Smiles Sheepishly at Dedede) More or less.
Aqua: (Gives Her Student/Friend a Stern, Motherly Glare) Now it's not the time show off, Lea! Keep focusing on the match!
Lea: (Turns to Aqua While Sparring With Cloud) Will you relax already, Teach? I got this under contr-
Cloud uses his Buster Sword to knock Lea's Keyblade from out of his hands and sends it flying to the other side of the room, causing the Keyblade Warrior in training to nervously turns his had towards his now disappearing weapon before turning back to his smirking opponent.
Cloud: You were saying?
Lea: Uhhhhhhhhhhhh........(Slowly Puts on an Awkward Grin on his Face) Well fought?-Ack!
Lea gets swept under his feet by his opponent, causing him to fall face down onto the flood.
Lea groans a bit in pain as he is then greeted to Cloud looking down at him while pointing the tip of his Buster Sword at his face.
Cloud: Likewise. But maybe heed yor teacher's advice and take it a little more seriously next time, yeah? Without showing off? (Moves his Sword to the Side andvHolds Out a Hand For Lea)
Lea: (Sighs Before Accepting Cloud's Assistance on Helping Himself Back Up on his Feet) Will do, boss.
Cloud: (Turns to Aqua) Oh and Aqua? You mind refraining yourself from all the scolding a bit back there? I know you're his teacher and all, but still.....
Aqua: (Blushes in Embarrassment) O-Of course! (Quickly Bows to Cloud) I'm so sorry!
Tifa: (Gives Her Froend a Sheepish Smile) It's no harm done, really.
Loud, booming noise continously occurs as two new combatants, Tifa and Aqua, sparring one another as they warp back and forth around the room before they decided to stop and take a short breather
Tifa: (Starts Panting a Bit While Wiping the Sweat Off Her Forehead by Using her Arm) ('Whew') You surprise me, Aqua!~ I didn't take you for the tough, straight-forward type fighter.
Aqua: (Let's Out a Sigh Before Forming a Bit of a Sheepish Smile on her Face) I'm not always like this in most battles. I just wanted to give you a worth-while challenge is all.
Tifa: Well, aren't you the sweetest~ (Puts on a Friendly, Competitive Smirk on her Face) As a token of my gratitude, I'll be giving this match of our my all as well, if you don't mind.
Aqua: You're more than welcome to do so by all means. (Smirks Back at Tifa) I'm starting to enjoy not holding anything back for once.
Tifa: Ditto.
And with thay, the two combatants resume back to their fast paced sparring match, leaving almost everyone else on the sidelines dumbfounded by everything's going on.
Lea: What is even happening right now?......
Cloud: I couldn't tell you even if I have tiniest bit of clue.
Namine: (Pays Close Attention to the Sarring Match in Front of Her) They're counteracting each other's attacks.
Lea: (Throws Both his Hands Out With a Surprised, Exaggerated Look on his Face) With THAT much spoed!?
Namine: (Turns to Lea With a Bright, Excited Smile on her Face) I know. right?~ Isn't this an incredible sight to behold?~
Cloud: Incredible is putting it loosely.
Dedede: (Couldn't Believe What is Going on Right Now) I thought this was supposed to be simple sparring match, not some intense Smash bout! Those two are gonna end up breaking something if they don't cool it!
Escargoon: (Turns to Dedede) You're gonna step in and tell 'em that yourself?
Dedede: And get my ass eviscerated out this building quicker than you can say "Yolo"? Hard pass!
Cloud: Let's just form a agreement not to tick either of them off going forward.
Everyone: Agreed.
Dedede: ...........Really? (Turns To Cloud While Pointing at Namine Standing a Few Feets in Front of Him) This is supposed to be my sparring partner?
Cloud: For the time being, yes. (Forms a Bit if a Wise-Cracking Smirk on his Face) Unless you're chicken.
Dedede: (Glares at Cloud) Boy, hush, I ain't no chicken. I'm just want a fair opponent to fight. (Turns to Escargoon) Why don't you come up here and spar with me instead, 'Cargoon?
Escargoon: No can do, De. I'm more of a lover than I am a fighter.
Dedede: (Glares at Old Friend) Lover my ass! I've seen you went to town with that one guy from the bar once.
Escargoon: Yeah, in self-defense. I'm not as fight crazy as you guys in those Smash Tournament you always take part of! (Turns to Cloud) No offense.
Cloud: (Casually Shrugs) None taken on my end.
Namine: (Puffs her Cheeks Up a Little Bit With a Very Determined Look in her Eyes) With all due respect, your majesty, I'm more capable and experienced in fighting than I look.
Dedede: (Turns Back to Namine While Letting Out a Sigh) I know you are, baby girl, but I've been in this tournament business for God knows how long at this point and-
Tifa: (Gives Dedede a Darken Glare on her Face Along With Aqua Next to Her as She Cracks Both her Knuckles Slowly One by One) Dedede.....Are you implying that my very own student is too weak to fight you?
Aqua: I sure hope for YOUR sake, that it's not the case. (Summons her Rainfell Keyblade and Tightens it's Grip)
Lea silently scoots himself away from the potential carnage beside him.
Dedede: (Immediately Gets Startled by the Ladies' Dark and Cold Hearted Gesture Before Quickly Turning Back to his Sparring Partner with a Bright, Terrified Smile on his Face) O-O-On second thought, forget what I was about to say. I'm happy to have you as my sparring partner. In fact, how about landing the first hit on your Uncle De here, huh?
Namine: (Eyes Widened a Bit in Genuine Surprise) Really? You won't mind?
Dedede: 'Couse, I won't mind. I ain't in no rush to get outta here,so give me ya very best shot, kid.
Namine: (Happily Nodded in Agreement) Right! (Takes a Very Deep Breath Before Getting into her Fighting Stance) Okay. (Rushes Over to Dedede) Here I......
Dedede: I doubt you'll do that much of damage on me, but-
Namine: GO!
Before he could finish his sentence, the sharp, feeling of pain begins to wrings it's ugly head towards the forner king of Dreamland as Namine delivers a direct flying kick towards his stomach hard enough to cause send him rolling backwards until he eventually and instantly got back up on his feet in a wobbly, pain-filled sense.
Dedede: (Dizzyily Holds his Finger Up) SeE? NOt a LoT oF dAm.....aGeeeeee......(Falls Back Down on the Ground)
Cloud: (Eyes Widens Along with Everyone Else) Woah.
Namine: (Taken Abback at What Just Happened) I did it......(Smiles Brightly) I've master the kick without losing balance!~
Tifa: (Happily Gotten Up From her Seat and Makes her Way Towanda her Student) Namine, that was amazing!~ Did you came up with that kick yourself?
Namine: (Happily Nodded) Mmhmm, last week. I thought about naming an attack involving around it, but I haven't come up with anything yet.
Tifa: I'm sure you'll come up with something worth memorizing. I'll be more than happy to help out if you want.
The teacher and student duo then hears the groaning pain of a beaten down King Dedede.
Tifa: Right after we heal Dedede up first.
Namine: (Quickly Nodded in Agreement) R-Right. We're coming, Mr. Dedede! (Rushes Over to Dedede Along With Tifa to his Aid)
Cloud: (Still Surprised by What Just Happened) Well. That happened.
Lea: I dunno if I should be proud or terrified right now?
Aqua: (Smiles Softly) I would be lying if I say I wasn't a tad bit worried. But it makes me very happy and proud to see how Namine gotten so far.
Cloud: (Smiles a Bit) Yeah, the kid did good. It's a shame I didn't capture all pf this on film.
Escargoon: (Forms a Devish Smirk on his Face While Holding his Phone Up) Don't worry, Cloud. I got you covered. (Presses Something on his Phone) Send.
Meanwhile at The Smash Mansion: Luigi and Daisy's Room........
Daisy: (Bursts Out Laighing at the Video Sent to Her) AHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Lilith: (Looks at the Video While Laying Next to Daisy on One Side) Awww~ He's all tuckered out..... (Turns to Luigi) He'll be fine, right?
Luigi: (Gives Lilith a Reassuring Smile While Laying Next to Daisy on the Other Side) I think so. He is the King of Dreamland after all. Or....rather Former King of Dreamland.
Lilith: How did he lost that position as king anyways?
Luigi: I....don't think I remembered why.....Let's ask him when he feels better. And when he doesn't get in a bad mood.
Lilith: (Smiles Brightly) Do'kay!~
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ebitchwriting · 2 years
Dragged Into The Blood
Summary: Never staying in one place for long, nearly every year, Lea Anderson was used to impermanence, chaos, and having to leave everything behind at the drop of a hat. Lea never expected that she would be kidnapped and wake up in a rusted, decrepit prison cell because of a madman's delusional belief in eugenics and cleansing the Earth of imperfection. By herself, with only the clothing on her back, she will have to rely on luck and logic to escape before she's killed or worse.
Warnings: Waking from dying, graphic description of killing, gore, blood, self-destructive and self-loathing thoughts, guns.
I welcome constructive criticism as that is the only way I, as a writer, can improve. Please follow my writing blog as well as my story on A03, and if you want to see what the original story was, check it out on Fanfiction.net(link in rules, also goes by the same name). Do not leave hateful comments or suicide bait, and if that is an action you seriously think is appropriate to take, step away from the screen and take a good long while(preferably with therapy) to process why you think it's in any way an appropriate action to take.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17.
Chapter Two: The Escape
The first breath Lea took after waking was stale, harsh, and painfully filled her lungs to the brim, desperately breathing in as fast as possible and promptly sent herself into an equally as intense and stale coughing fit. Every breath she took burned. It burned her sinuses and her esophagus. Yet, simultaneously, it brought the sweetest relief, soothing the aches in her body. Slowly but surely, Lea felt her strength build back up. Soon enough, Lea could feel her lungs relax, and her breathing returned to its regular, steady rhythm. Lea heaved out a sigh, feeling boneless and cold. Her headache pounded away at her temples, making Lea hiss and hold her head as she slowly but steadily pushed herself up from the ground and onto her feet.
"What the fuck just happened..." Lea groaned out to herself, immediately wincing at the noise. "It doesn't make sense. Did I die? Was I being overdramatic? No... I felt that... that can't be imagined..." Lea continued to talk to herself as she walked towards the prison door, her volume now more of a whisper that barely echoed in the room. Her heart still raced with adrenaline at the memory of her death, and she could feel her mind lagging and stuttering at processing what had just happened. "Fuck!" She growled out, punching the wall, then freezing as she felt the barrier give in to her fist, bending and creaking with an unbearably high-pitched and loud screech. Her eyes widened at the noise as she whipped her head towards her fist, which was unmistakably inside the wall. When she removed her first, she noticed that the deep dent left a perfect imprint, leaving her befuddled and staring at the wall for several minutes, trying to process what happened.
Looking back at the door, she tilted her head, lost in the chaos of her thoughts, before shrugging and taking a step back, shifting her feet back into her fighting stance and sending a front kick next to the lock. Further to her surprise, especially with her shaky and weak state, the prison door not only opened but flew back against the wall of the other room. The cacophony of the metal slamming against metal echoed throughout the halls, sending a fresh dose of adrenaline to Lea's heart.
"Shit!" Lea shouted out, just a little too loudly, sending another dose of adrenaline. Lea dove under the box spring in a panic, holding her breath, anticipating the mysterious stranger coming back and injecting something else. She waited for as long as she could hold her breath, an impressive six minutes, before slowly crawling out from underneath. "I'm alone? Why am I alone? That's so fucking stupid. If they're experimenting on me, you'd think they'd keep me under constant supervision. Dumbasses..." Lea grumbled to herself, peeking outside the door to ensure she was truly alone. Surprisingly, she was not located in an abandoned prison as she initially hypothesized. In fact, she was being held in a haphazard and abandoned laboratory.
Carefully stepping out, the teenager ensured each step she took was silent or as silent as possible to avoid attracting anyone. Lea slowly but surely made her way to the crumpled, poor excuse of a prison door on the opposite side of the room. There was a perfect imprint of her foot's impact against the door, right next to the keyhole. The door was undeniably nothing more than scrap metal at this point. Looking back to where Lea was being held captive, next to the opening was a giant, bulbous metal fist protruding outwards.
'... It can't be a dream, then... but there's no way I will find information in this mess...'
Lea craned over to the far left behind her and slowly scanned the laboratory until she reached her right. Ahead of her were more locked prison doors, all eerily silent except for the faint and distant moan of deliriousness coming from the farthest door. Closer to her right were strewn papers, broken vials, syringes, and broken-down carts. There was a possible exit coming from her right. Just as she was about to go down that path, she noticed under the carts behind her was an assault rifle, specifically an AK-74. Lea grabbed it, ejecting the magazine to see that the gun had conveniently been barely used.
"Alright, if this is some sort of goddamn test, you're not being very discreet." Lea snarked to herself, but just a little bit too loudly as the pained moaning out from a distance morphed into a strangled, inhuman noise and started sprinting towards her. A pit fell in her stomach as a man with decaying grey teeth, filmy and empty red eyes, and an ax in his left hand darted out of the farthest prison towards her. "What the fucking hell is this shit?" Lea questioned, her tone trembling with fear and confusion. She quickly inspected the safety pin to see if it was off, lifted the gun, and aimed the gun at him. Her gut twisted painfully with dread.
"Stop, I'm not with them!" Lea shouted in desperation, hoping he was just startled. The man leaned as far back as he could and threw the ax at Lea to no avail. Lea quickly jumped to her left, dodging the axe. The man promptly collided with her, slamming her against the wall, jaws snapping at her as if he were trying to bite her throat out. Without thinking, she swung her arms up, grabbed his head, and smashed his head against it. The man limply slumped down to the floor, silent save for the blood dripping out of his mouth to the floor. Just as quickly as she did it, she clapped her hands against her mouth, eyes wide, and her gut was twisting and turning at the guilt eating away.
'... Fuck, I just killed someone without even trying to subdue him... What if he just needed help, or were just scared?... Dad trained you better than this... How could you do this?... Pathetic, cruel, evil... You just killed him because it was easier, you bitch...'
Lea's thoughts continued to attack her, making her choke out a sob as she fell to her knees, clutching at her chest, tears falling freely from her eyes.
"Stop, stop, stop, stop..." Lea muttered to herself through each poorly suppressed sob. "I can't stay here... I have to get out. That's the only thing I should focus on right now." She tried to reason with herself, wiping away the tears that refused to stop. Finally, breathing heavily, she forces herself to stand back up. She grabs the gun she dropped earlier, wiping away her tears again, and starts towards the exit again. Thoughts of the mysterious stranger popped into her mind again, and all the grief and guilt that plagues her mind nearly instantaneously transformed into an unbridled rage, making her arms shake and her heart sizzle.
"Alright, you Neo-wanna-be," Lea snarled, "let the games begin." She steps through the door, determined to escape and reclaim her freedom.
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visionthefox · 6 months
Based on the most recent episodes I had a little bit of a rant and I was wondering what people thought, but I do not like how much of a doormat Sun is treated as by others, it has gotten better for him in that New Moon is nicer to him, includes him in more things, and listens more, even apologizes to him, Lunar is also nicer and starting to become more mature, Earth from the start was considerate and respectful of him for the most part, but that's about it, Moon often says Sun is smart but he rarely gets the chance to apply it, he had so much magical potential that he blew a massive crater in the ground without thinking but that was never realized, and he mastered star power by himself to the point he blasted old Eclipse with the Star through the portal and put new Bloodmoon on the back foot when cornered and yet nobody really bats an eye at that, he's often the butt of a joke with Monty and Puppet, the other glamrocks don't care even when they remember he exists, not even new Bloodmoon feared him despite being killed by him until Sun zapped him in the face, and then we have people like Eclipse, the Creator, and others constantly calling him stupid or "the dumb one", and this came to a head when Eclipse came to Sun's home and just barged in, insulting him, making fun of him and his grief of Solar, treating him as a joke and not listening to him, shrugging off everything Sun said, he just broke in and took whatever he wanted from where Solar died rather than explaining himself and had fun pushing Sun around in his own home while he was at it, Eclipse has bitten the bullet and listened to the others, like Moon telling him to not kill Ruin and Eclipse actually listening, or Eclipse hearing out Earth's explanation for her feelings surrounding Ruin and Solar, he might even be scared of Lunar because Lunar electrocuted him into oblivion, and yet when it comes to Sun he still treats him as the worm beneath his boot, to be pulled apart and bullied for a good laugh, nevermind the Creator who's always been terrible but who is even more flamboyant and blasé about it than before, and he loves constantly reminding everyone he thinks Sun is stupid and worthless, it's frustrating that even when Sun shows his anger and makes his boundaries clear, tells people no, many just do not respect him enough to listen or care, they just do whatever they're going to do anyways, or in the case of their enemies they think he's a non-factor, a joke, not a threat to take seriously even though Sun is smart and has star power and used to have magic, considering everything Sun's faced, put up with, and survived(he hasn't died!...Yet), he more than deserves the respect and to be taken seriously, at least that's my take
for the most part I do agree- I feel like .. and ok. I love Solar- dont get me wrong- I love that dude so much-- but something I need to agree even when I hate it- is that he took Sun's spot light from the show..
when he and Moon talked to create something to kill Eclipse, Moon had promised to keep Sun with him. let him in with any plan and never left him aside like old Moon did.. yet he clearly put Solar first rather than his own so called brother?
look.. Sun has A LOT of potential- he has changed so much yet.. as you said- is just the joke .. sure his family listen. but- do they Respect him? like the do with Moon?
Earth I bet she loves him, Lunar? is complicated- Lunar never said sorry from comparing Sun to Eclipse- much less now from being a hypocrite over the "killing Eclipse is the best option" - much less for putting his own trauma as a factor when Sun was the FIRST Victim- YET- was mature enough to put emotions aside from the better ..
Lunar cares for Sun.. but does he think he's capable? or he is just still that scary cat he got used to see back in november?
Moon only let Sun joing in way too late-- because he must think Sun IS stupid, in some level-
Sun is FAR from stupid- he is no tech smart yet because old moon never allowed him to learn- and he is insecure about his own inteligence- yet time and time again he had prove to be smarter than anyone else.
he is- as you said- STRONGER- he has magic.. why does he never used it again? did they forgot about it? is Lunar now the ONLY one allowed to use his magic? we know Moon gain his powers back but he refuse to use it (also never saw the ep- I know is there)
BloodMoon? we know those two arent the most smart ones. thet ARE smart- but often driven by pure emotions.. only after getting hit badly they do act more cautions.. specially now the work for Stitch.. and he did beat them up too.. BloodMoon is a whole can that needs its own post- I DO agree the twins should have learned.. but eh
with Eclipse.. is complicated- as I dont think Sun meant any of what he said- he was in the stage of anger when Eclipse showed up. is easy to put the blame on someone you dont like.. even when- that person did warned you..
Eclipse is an asshole. a sassy bastard- you make a point. he does listen to Moon in not killing ruin. but doesnt listen to Sun when walking in the house..
yet.. with Moon? he does insult him a bit- called him pathetic and such.. with Sun? the most he does is slight tease.. I dont recall him calling Sun anything too mean.. because I feel Eclipse knows better.. Moon may be too dull to act on emotions- Sun? Eclipse knows Sun better than anyone.. he knows Sun better than New Moon..
sure he does walk inside the house gets his info. yet noticed how despite it all.. he kept distance and didnt stayed to hurt nor insult him much.. again. this is on what I remember.. I may be wrong but I keep Eclipse is the only one who does "respect him" as much respect the burned cheeto can show..
everyone else? oh those dont even care for Sun unless they need him .. and even then, is so clear they dont deeply care.. THE SHOW doesnt seems to care
I dont fully buy that the robot with generalized anxiety - workalcoholic - who used to try to be useful. Suddenly he is alone at home, drinking wine as if it were water. with his cats, not at all feeling like a 0 while Moon and Solar work together- Lunar barely speaks to him. and Earth treats him with the most basic of respect.. all alone in a island , no friends. no one to talk to..
I feels thats the issue here. the few Times Sun did do something big , the show acts like he lost his mind Lock him in a bunker! he's nuts! or hes just the dumb one! dont even let him talk his mind out! no one listen anyways!..
Sun used to be a important piece in the show.. now he cant seem to have a ep centred on HIm. not him in the ep as a side character. no no I mean A SUN CENTRED EP..
you posted this ask yesterday, today is lore day.. I dont think they will care to show is Sun. rather. it may be the twins chatting but Moon mostly --
anyways. yea- I mostly agree with ya anon <3 thanks for the ramble <3 come back soon!
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Hey y'all! So, for just under a year, I've had a review for the Season 6 finale of The Good Doctor sitting in my drafts. There's barely anything, and I've never had the motivation to get around to it, so I'm going to do a really quick one here. I'll try and do a more in depth one with that draft in the future, but the finale season (😭😭💔) premieres in a couple of days, and I want it out before then. I'm super busy and tired so I don't have the energy for the full thing lol, so here's just something to ease my mind.
I'm sad to see Danny go :(. I'm glad he's doing what's best for him and that he's not mad at Jordan (because yeesh I understood him but that hurt me, hurt on all sides lol), but I'll miss him </3. Maybe one day he'll come back :') (although in current context I doubt it buuut you never know). And poor Jordan too 😭.
Also thank goodness Jerome and Jared are okay xD. I mean okay is a relative term here but yk. Anyway, I'm so glad they're okay we went through enough this episode 😭❤️ xD.
AAAHHHHH PARK AND MORGAN ARE BACK TOGETHER!!! WHOOO YAYYY FINALLYYYY!!! They took their sweet time huh xD. Like, the show lol. Still, they're gonna be a family together :'DD I'm so happy. They're adorable, I love them <33.
:OO Andrews is quitting! That's wild tbh. I mean good for him, and Dalisay too, but dang xD. Brave move man, lol. You better hope it works out xD, with her I mean. But nah, I'm happy for them :DD.
Iirc Lim and Glassman were with the patient who couldn't move or was almost brain dead or something like that, and I'm so glad they found a way to help her improve :'). I'm proud of them <3.
I don't remember who was on the case with him but I remember Asher's patient's father (I believe) died and I felt so bad for him 😭. Poor Asher :(. And poor the guy's family! They just kept doing heartbreaking things this episode xdd. Also the little Asher and Jerome moment at the beginning of the episode <33 my lovelies.
AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SHAUN AND LEA HAD THEIR BABY :'DDDDD!!! I'M SO HAPPY FOR THEM HOLY CRAP 😭😭❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰😭❤️😍🤩🥳🥳🥳🥳❤️. AND THEY NAMED HIM STEVE AARON AAAAAHHHHHHHH 😭😭😭😭😭💔❤️❤️❤️❤️!!! I'm not okay thank you very much <333. I love them all so much :'))).
Y'all can't/don't believe how much I'm stressin. Again, I do not deserve this xd.
Anyway but him sending the gift was so cute 😭😭😭💔💔❤️❤️❤️. But just aUOAGH he was SO CLOSE TO GOING INNNN-
Once again, I don't deserve this <3.
xD But seriously, even if the hat part made me SAD, I loved the whole storyline <33. And I am so glad Glassman sent a gift xd. They'll make up eventually :')). It would be absolutely WILD if they didn't, and it will be pain until they do, but I'm sure they will lol.
Anyway!! There was a lot of drama between people this season (though there always has to be), and sometimes it was stressful, but I really enjoyed this season. There were so many great moments and I just love all these characters so much <333. And let's not forget the new characters!! Danny and Dani (I still find it absolutely wild that they never addressed that btw lol) were icons, and I was sad to see both of them go but they were really good for their time on <3. They were both super unique and I also loved seeing a disabled character in Dani :D. Her journey helping Lim with her own journey was amazing, and I kind of relate as a disabled person <3. And Danny was also super great, it was nice to see him stick to his reasons and decisions a lot. For a one season character he was really complex and I like that :)). Also his relationship with Jordan was great <333. It was also wild to see Kalu return this season lol!! It took some adjusting (though I enjoyed that time too) but I love having him back :DD. I love all of these guys so much and I can't wait for next season <333.
Sooo yeah!! I absolutely loved this episode, it was so dramatic and so good. I'm so excited for the next season!
This has been my review for. . .
The Good Doctor, Season 6, Episode 22: Love's Labor
I loved it, it was such a culmination of the season. I'm scared of the drama but also so excited for it, and everything else about next season. I'll be back then for my review of. . .
The Good Doctor, Season 7
See you then!!
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allthingslea · 2 years
September Recap
Oh my, September was a rollercoaster of emotions. There were definitely some ups and some downs, and a lot of learnings and memories to go along with it.
September 2nd- We were invited to a gala along with the Ferrer family. We were both dressed up, matching! The event was fun, there were lots of food, people, and prizes. At first I was surprised that I was invided to that event when I had no business there at all. Yet, there I was, and I kind of felt like family.
September 6th- I felt sick. Turns out, I tested positive for covid. boo. The thing that sucks the most is that we would have been watching Joji on Sept 7th. We were so looking forward to that too because it would have been Lea's first concert, and we would be going with my coworkers. However, yup, I got sick, so I sold my tickets to Jimmy. From September 6th until I got better, Lea stuck with me to keep me company. I guess that took a toll on her and I needed her too much to a point where on Thursday, September 15, she wanted to talk in person, seriously.
September 15th... I picked her up after work, and there was this uneasy, heavy tension. She kissed me like normal, she hugged me like normal, but there was a different look in her eyes. She had something to say, but she couldn't say it. So we drove to Tsawwassen Mills parking lot to talk. We arrived, and sat at the back seat. I asked her what's on her mind, and she says that she wanted to break up. "One thing is for sure, I love you. But I think it's unfair," she said. She says it's unfair because for us two and for people on my side, we are in a relationship, but with her family, it's complicated- and I suppose this is bothered her a lot. I said that's okay for me, that we just need to hold on until she finishes school. But she kept insisting that it felt unfair. I tried my best to comfort her, but her face was sunk and sullen. I told her, "let's not break up. Let's give it some time, go to church on Sunday, then we'll talk. Okay?" And she agreed. The moment was tense and emotional, that, well, I cried. Hard. I gave her a tight hug while tears were coming down of my eyes, and she started crying too. We both cried for a few minutes, until we got interrupted by Ate Malou's call, asking where she is, because they still have a party to go to that evening. After the call, we both hurried, and I drove and parked at a park near her house. We both agreed and promised not to break up yet, and meet up and talk on Sunday, while I would give her some time and space to think. As I dropped her off and she started walking, she gave me a call, thanking me for meeting up with her. We stayed on the phone until she got to the house. During my drive home, my head was full of thoughts, and scenarios were competing with each other. When I got home, I didn't want to go to my room yet, so I walked to the church. I was hoping to pray, but ironically, there was a wedding. Instead, I walked at the oval. Throughout my walk, Lea was at the party. I conditioned myself that I wouldn't talk to her much and wouldn't hear from her for a while, yet when I message her, she instantly replies. That night, we talked all night past midnight. Same thing with Friday and Saturday night. Like I said, I was prepared to give her all the space she needed, but all of Friday, we were on FaceTime while I was working from home and while she was doing online classes. Friday afternoon, she mentioned that she had a talk with her classmate Donna, and she realized what made her upset. Lea typed it out and sent it to me, and we would go over it on Sunday. Perhaps I will add that at the end of this entry. During the time between Thursday to Sunday, for some reason, it felt like a reset- just like the times when we were still talking. We laughed a lot, we talked a lot, and we enjoyed each other's presence. Sunday morning, I picked her up and drove to the church. We were a little early so I asked if she wanted to talk in the backseat. We both noticed that in the past few days hat we planned to have space between us, we got closer to each other instead. We went over and discussed the long message she sent me about her feelings, and we both agreed on compromises. It is true, we both love each other dearly, it was just a stressful time. At the end of the day, proper communication kept us together.
During the same day, things actually got steamy in the backseat. We have been trying for a while, but it just didn't go in. But that day, it did. Since then, it has been a common thing when we meet. September 22nd was when we actually got comfortable, and September 29th was touching- fireworks happened on both sides at the same time.
It is true when they say that it takes one to get lost, to be found. It takes something to be taken away for one to realize its true value. Lea and I are witnesses to this. We almost lost our relationship, but because of that we are closer to each other than ever before. I pray that moving forward, we only get closer to each other.
---------------------Lea's thoughts are below---------------------
Love, the thought of breaking up with you really started Wednesday night. Kasi nga I had a realization that I can’t fully commit dun sa relationship na meron tayo. And that it would be very unfair to you and sa sarili ko din.
You know I’m new to this relationship thing. I’ve never let anyone in my life, just you. So I dont have any idea what I want or don't want in a relationship. This is all new to me.
Before meeting you, I really like being alone. When I met you, I realized that having someone beside me is as enjoyable, if not better. But these past few days, I miss being alone. I realized that alone time was necessary for me. It’s some sort of a recharge hehe.I understand that you needed company when you were sick and I am so glad that it was me you wanted. But I don’t like that I am on the phone with you all the time. THE REASON IS BECAUSE I feel bad when I can’t respond to you nor when we don't really talk. I also realized that I get to talk less with my family in the Philippines. I need alone time (all by myself talaga) to recharge, too… I badly need it for my mental health. I understand that you really needed company and I’m sorry kasi sa state ko ngayon, di ko lagi maibibigay yun sayo.
Location sharing? Hmm, that’s okay with me naman. I understand your side. I am the type of person that does not usually send/text updates on where I am going. but I think it’s taking a toll on me. Nung di ko naon mobile data ko, you called me. At the time, I was laughing at it. But then lately, it dawned on me that what I wanted is a partner and friend, and not a parent.
Communication? I think at first, that is what we are best at. Thank you for always being honest with me. I try my best to communicate better with you pero ganun talaga, siguro sa sulat lang ako magaling. OH that’s why I need alone time, too. So that I can filter out my thoughts. But I find myself recently not telling you everything that is on my mind. And It’s making me so sad.
Love, I think you’re really an INFJ-A as in ASSERTIVE. Lol kasi gagawin mo talaga kung ano sinasabi/gusto mo eh. I admire you for that. But there were times that I hoped you were less like that. Yung sa paghatid sakin sa bahay nung holiday (one Monday). I told you na wag mo na lang ako ihatid. I think that was the start actually.
I think another thing that bothers me was when you decided to go to the Blackpink concert with Sam. I’m 101% okay with that and I support you because you love BP and for the first time, may mahihingan ako ng exclusive videos ng concert ng BP. HAHAHA But I also had a realization when I talked with Mariel, she asked me bakit di ako nagseselos. And I told her na with all the things that my dad did, I have this notion that if a guy decides to cheat, then I can’t do anything about it. No one can prevent it. And besides that, it will never be my fault. And I trust you. She was your friend even before you met me. I told her that. But then Mariel asked me, too, kung tinanong mo ba ako kung okay ako dun. And I said, yes, you did. But then I realized din na maybe that text you sent me was just to inform me na pupunta ka with just her. I think what bothers me really is how we communicate now. I am not being 100% honest either.
Most importantly, I feel so much guilt from all the lies I’ve said. I can’t keep lying to my family. At this point, guilt is eating me alive.
The bottomline is I’m starting to doubt my decision to start a relationship right away. I think I went too fast. Cause when I said yes to you, the only thing on my mind that time was I want to be with you and that I love you. But since I am new to this, I realized that for a relationship to work, hindi lang dapat love. You must be ready to fully commit everything. And I can’t promise that just yet.
What I really wanted? To be honest, I want to play out what we keep on saying, what my family, and what your parents are saying - that we are bestfriends/ friends. But that would mean, we’ll end up the relationship that we have. There would be changes. and that would be unfair to you…
so yun talaga ang nasa isip ko.
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leaparrish · 7 years
What is something that everyone looks stupid doing?
Pretty sure if anybody’s a racist jerk, it makes them look pretty stupid. Or sexist, that’s also stupid.
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missymurphy1985 · 3 years
The Deal - Part 2 (Tommy Shelby X fem!reader)
Warning - smut / domestic violence / breeding kink
Taglist @queenshelby @margoo0 @being-worthy @peakyscillian @peakyciills @janelongxox @elenavampire21 @ysmmsy @cloudofdisney @lauren-raines-x @misscarolineshelby @screemqueen @peaky-cillian @misselsbells06 @datewithgianni @heidimoreton @jardinsecos @bitchwhytho @gypsy-girl-08 @smailaway @persephonehemingway @theamuz
Every weekday for two weeks you'd been bent over Thomas Shelby MP's desk, his hand over your mouth, his cock pounding you from here into oblivion.
Your menses were due any day now and frankly, you were terrified.
Terrified of being pregnant.
Terrified of not being pregnant.
You had period pain. Which was never a good sign. Your breasts were tender. Also not good. You were hungry. Constantly.
But there was no bleeding.
Until this morning.
Oswald had returned from a business trip that morning, and you greeted him as normal at the door, taking his coat and bag. He didn't kiss you when he saw you. Standard. He didn't embrace you. Normal.
He did ask about your period and you faltered a little, your eyes watering.
You knew what was coming.
You were supposed to have been in Tommy's office that week but you'd cancelled it due to your circumstances, but also the way you looked... There was no way you could go. If he saw you like that he'd kill Moseley before the 'job' was done and you couldn't risk it. Unlike your husband, Tommy was understanding when you called him while Oswald was out shooting deer. He even wished you good health, and gave you the recipe for a gypsy herbal remedy his sister and aunt used to ease the pain.
Tommy was working in London all of the following week, giving you time to heal.
Your darling husband had arranged a meeting at the house the following weekend. Your eye was open now at least, not as swollen. The bruise easily covered by makeup. The cut on your lip disguised by red lipstick. The bruises on your ribs were no issue - Tommy never fully undressed you anyway, not that he'd risk anything while his colleagues and party leader were so close...
"Did the remedy work?" He asked quietly as you took his coat at the door of your house. You nodded, a gentle smile on your lips. His eyes looked over your face and a stern look appeared in them. You shook your head quickly.
"Don't." You mumbled, and he pursed his lips in anger. He nodded though, a silent promise not to cause a scene. He headed into Oswald's office and the door was closed behind him as you breathed a sigh of relief.
Later that afternoon, you were cleaning in the kitchen. Oswald would never let you live the life of lazy luxury like most wives - you were to earn your keep as much as the other women in the house. You looked out the window and saw Tommy walking through the back garden, his eyes under his flat cap meeting yours. He signalled subtly for you to come out, and walked over to the annex at the side of your house, usually reserved for guests staying over. Your latest guest had left just a few weeks ago, some German diplomat with a name that made you laugh, sounding far too similar to a small rodent for you to ever take him seriously.
You went through the side door from your kitchen into the annex, locking it behind you after checking no one spotted you. He was sat on the bed, hands clutching the bedsheets and his eyes full of rage.
"He spent twenty minutes bragging. Telling us how he beat you with his belt. A cane. His fists. The other men were lapping it up like fucking dogs y/n..." He seethed.
"Welcome to my world, Thomas. And you wonder why I want him dead."
"We need to get this done, soon."
"I'm sorry..." He looked up at you, his fury replaced by a look of concern.
"No. No. Don't you ever say sorry - this isn't your fault. We keep trying, eh? Keep trying..."
"Tomorrow, 2pm?"
"No." He stood up and walked over to you. His hand brushed against your cheek softly, just underneath your bruised eye. He winced at it, before leaning in gently to kiss it, his lips feeling tender and loving, nothing like the heated kisses you'd received up to now from him.
His lips moved down to meet yours, and he pulled you close to him.
"Where does your mother live?"
"Tell him your mother is sick. You need to tend to her for a few days. My brother had a house there, it's still owned by me."
"He'd never believe me."
"Your protection are on my payroll. Who do you think their loyalty lies with eh?"
"I'm fertile this week, he'll never let me go..." Tommy's lips were suddenly on your neck, his hands around your waist.
"He has his way tonight, then tomorrow you meet me in Lichfield, and I have you all week - my cock buried inside you, over and over, making you scream my name as loud as you like," You groaned as you felt his hands roaming over your back, his hips pressing against you, you could feel his hard length against your stomach.
His hands hitched your dress up as he pushed you towards the chest of drawers against the back wall.
"We can't do this here, stop..."
"Can you feel how hard I am for you? I've not touched myself for two weeks, saving every drop for you.." his voice was slowly destroying any doubts you had, as you opened your legs and felt him pull his trousers down.
"Make it quick," you grinned as he pulled your panties to one side and lined himself up against your folds. Slotting in like a missing jigsaw piece, a quiet gasp exchanged between you.
"Too loud, come here," you felt yourself be carried over to the sofa, where he sat down, you were still speared on his cock.
"Ride me - you'll have to get used to this when you're too round for me to fuck you," he growled, holding onto your hips and guiding you. His hands cascading over your clothed stomach, making your heart flutter. You'd never done this - Oswald had always liked the control.
The new position felt incredible - deeper than he'd ever been, you could feel him pressed against your cervix. His cock twitching already.
"Bounce on me - take what you need from me..." Happily complying with his request, you felt an orgasm building quickly, it always did when he was inside you and the last two weeks had been torture without him. You found a good rhythm, grinding over him, picking up the speed.
"So beautiful, y/n, riding my cock."
"Tom.. I'm gonna cum.."
"So am I, cum with me," he gave a quiet groan, his face buried against your chest. Your body shook as you came, feeling his cock empty inside you. You clamped onto him, desperate to keep as much of it inside you as possible.
"So deep, so deep..." You groaned, feeling it coat your walls.
"I have a good feeling about that one," he grinned.
"Does that mean we don't need our week away?"
"Fuck no, need to make sure, don't we? Let's get you cleaned up."
Ten minutes later, he was out the door, back to Arrow House. Your husband had left with one of the other cronies, according to your maid. The maid he was fucking when he wasn't trying to impregnate you. One of them, anyway.
Funny how NONE of you were pregnant, why didn't you see it before? How could ALL of you be infertile?
You took a deep breath, ready to call your mother and explain the plan. Since your father's death a few months earlier, she had become close to you again. She'd always hated Moseley, and hated your father for handing her daughter to him like a lamb to slaughter. You knew she'd back you up, and give you a solid alibi.
Now to bathe away the scent of Tommy before your husband got home...
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The Pros & Cons of Falling in Love
Chapter One: From Up In Lights
Chapter one chapter two chapter three
All my work is 18+.
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You’re never gonna love me, so what’s the use? What’s the point in playing a game you’re gonna lose? What’s the point in saying you love me like a friend?- Marina, Lies
She was nearly twenty-one when he offered to take her virginity.
She was perfectly acceptable looking, she supposed; five foot and one quarter of an inch with long, curly dark red hair and and eyes that were such a dark brown they were almost black. She was, however, curvier than was popular. But still, not ugly. She could’ve had sex, if she wanted.
But of course she was a virgin. Her mother was a domestic abuse survivor and Lea and her two sisters had attended all-girls schools all their lives.
“You want to what?”
“Take your virginity,” Tim repeated. “I don’t want anyone else to do it. I don’t trust anyone else to treat you the way you deserve. I know I won’t hurt you, and I know I’ll be careful with you. And, I mean, I do love you, just… as a friend.”
Not the way I love you, her mind added for him.
Not that she’d ever tell him that, of course.
“I didn’t know you, uh…” she gulped. “I didn’t know you saw me as, like. A girl.”
“What?” he laughed. “Of course I know you’re a girl. It’s not like I don’t, y’know, want you. Of course I do, you’re fucking gorgeous and I’d love to—“ he cut himself off. “Look, I just… I want you to have a really special first time, with someone who really cares about you. You deserve that. If it’s me, I know it’ll be with someone who cares about you. I want you to feel cared for, because you are.”
Was it worth it? She’d wanted to kiss him, to touch him, for so, so long, it felt like; she was so desperately in love with him, but…
He’d never love her back. She knew that. She knew.
And that was okay. It was okay. If she could have him —however she could have him—, she’d take what she could get.
“Okay,” Lea agreed softly.
“Okay?” he questioned, raising his eyebrows. “You’d like me to, then? If you’re not, y’know, attracted to me or something, I promise I won’t be offended.”
She blushed, nodding. “I want you to.”
“So you are attracted to me?” he wanted to know, taking a step closer and smirking.
“That’s hardly relevant, Chalamet. I agreed,” she said, crossing her arms beneath her breasts, which pulled her shirt down slightly, incidentally revealing more of her cleavage.
He glanced down at it briefly.
Huh. He’d always been so respectful and never looked at her, as far as she knew —at least not like that—, so it hadn’t occurred to her that he might find her attractive.
“When do you want to do this?” Tim finally asked.
She shrugged, trying to downplay her elation that this was happening, that he wanted her at all. “Whenever you feel like, I guess?”
He stared at her for several seconds.
“So… now, then?”
She lurched back slightly in shock. “Now? Really?”
He nodded, his expression serious. “I would very much like to have you now, if you’re ready. If not, I don’t mind waiting.”
“W— wow,” she stuttered nervously. “Where did this, uh… what’s up with this intensity?”
He took another step towards her. “Have you not seen yourself?”
She had most certainly not expected that.
“If you had asked me to,” he went on, his gaze burning, “I would’ve ripped your clothes off as soon as I met you.”
“Seriously?” she squeaked.
He nodded. “You’re really fucking hot. If you want me, too, I’ll— god, I’ll worship you.”
Lea was floored.
“Alright,” she said slowly. “But I think we should establish some ground rules.”
He raised an eyebrow at her, smirking a little. “Where’s the fun in that?”
Ignoring him, she said, “No cuddling afterwards.” She ticked off one finger. “No sleeping in the same bed, either.” Another finger. “And most importantly, no kissing.”
He stared at her in bewilderment. “Uh. No.”
“No?” she asked, incredulous. “What do you mean ‘no’?”
“I mean,” he said slowly, “That if we do this, you are absolutely going to spend the night with me, I am absolutely going to hold you, and there is no way in hell I’m passing up the chance to kiss you,” he finished. “Sorry, not happening.”
“It’s supposed to be impersonal!” she insisted, throwing her hands up into the air.
“Taking my best friend’s virginity is the furthest thing in the world from impersonal,” he told her firmly.
Tim kissing her. Tim holding her. Tim falling asleep next to her. Waking up in his arms. God, they were dreams she’d had for months, but…
Fuck it.
“Fine,” she sighed.
He smirked.
“Good. When? Now, or do you want to wait? We’re already at my apartment, so if you want to now, we can.”
She twirled a curl around her finger awkwardly, biting her lip. “I mean… if you want to now, that’s fine. It’s a Friday, so I can… I can stay the night…”
He grinned, closing the last of the distance between them and cupping her cheeks in his hands. “Can I kiss you, baby?”
“‘Baby’?” she squeaked. He’d never called her that before.
“Yeah,” he said softly, brushing his thumb over her bottom lip slowly. “You’re mine tonight.”
Her knees nearly buckled at that.
I’ve always been yours, her heart whispered.
“You can kiss me,” she agreed, her voice barely audible. “If you want.”
He smiled, leaning down and pressing his lips to hers.
She could’ve sworn she burst into fireworks; bright and colorful and exploding in ways she’d never seen before.
He pulled back after several seconds, staring down at her flushed face. He smiled again, leaning back down and kissing her more firmly this time.
“Kiss me back, beautiful. Just do what I do,” he murmured against her lips when she stood there motionless.
Trying her best to mimic him, her confidence was boosted when he moaned a little, threading his hand into her hair and pulling her closer by the waist.
Before she knew what was happening, his tongue was in her mouth and she was whimpering against him, winding her arms around his neck.
She hadn’t known kissing could feel this good. It felt amazing. He felt amazing.
She wanted to touch him, feel his bare skin against hers. She’d seen the majority of his body in his movies, but not all of it, and she wanted to see every inch of him.
If this was all she’d ever have of him, if this was as close as she would ever get to him loving her the way she loved him, she was going to cherish every fucking second.
Trailing kisses down her neck, he cupped her breasts, squeezing them gently.
“I’ve been thinking about touching you like this for so long,” he breathed against the skin of her throat before he took it in his mouth and started to suck.
She moaned, unable to help herself. “R— really?”
Pulling back from her, he nodded, taking her hand and bringing it up to his lips. “Come to bed with me, Lea.”
She nodded back, wide-eyed, and he led her by the hand into his bedroom. Her legs were trembling slightly, her bare feet unsteady on his hardwood floors. Even her hand was shaking in his; just a little.
Guiding her to the bed, he pulled her down with him. She fell onto her back, and he climbed over her and resumed kissing her neck.
“Don’t be nervous, sweetheart,” he murmured against her skin. “I’ll take care of you.”
“I know,” she breathed.
He didn’t love her the way she loved him, but she didn’t doubt that he cared for her.
“I wanna make you cum,” he told her, hiking up her skirt and pressing himself against her core. “I wanna make you scream my name.”
Running her hands up and down his chest, feeling the slight muscle definition beneath the fabric of his shirt and reveling in the fact that she was getting to touch him in this way.
“I don’t think you’ll have much trouble with that,” Lea confessed, blushing furiously. He ground himself against her, and she moaned. “God, that feels good.”
“Yeah?” he asked, watching her with those eyes. She thought she might drown in them, but fuck, what a way to die. “I want you so bad, Lea. Do you feel me? Do you feel how bad I want you?”
She nodded. “I want you, too. I’ve never felt anything like this before, oh my god—“
Tim was rubbing against her, stimulating her clit through their clothes, and she couldn’t seem to stop moaning.
“I’m gonna make you feel amazing, I promise,” he swore, kissing her hungrily.
“You’re already doing that,” she gasped out, lifting her hips to grind her pelvis against his.
“Mmm,” he hummed against her lips. “Just wait till I make you cum. You ever had an orgasm before?”
Lea nodded, embarrassed.
“Don’t suppose you’ve ever thought about me, said my name when you cum,” he said casually, like he was talking about the weather.
“Of course I have,” she whimpered, tangling her fingers in his hair, his hips grinding against hers. “I can’t help it, you’re just— you’re so— oh god that feels good—“
He cupped her cheek.
“Fuck, I wanna hear you say my name when you cum.” Then he cupped her cheek and said, “I’m what, baby?”
“You’re just so goddamn sexy,” she whined. “I felt so guilty every time, but I couldn’t help myself, you just popped into my mind—“
Tim lifted himself off of her slightly, reaching between her legs to feel her over her panties.
“Fucking drenched, aren’t you?” he growled into her mouth. “I like that you think about me when you touch yourself. I’d kill to see that.”
“Tim,” she moaned as he rubbed her. “Oh my god—“
“Can I take your clothes off, sweet girl?” he pleaded softly. “I wanna see you. I wanna lick you.”
Lick her? Oh god, yes.
Nodding jerkily, she sat up and helped him pull her shirt and skirt off, her bra and panties following shortly after.
He was way too good at unhooking her bra. Weren’t guys supposed to struggle with that sort of thing? He didn’t, though, only needing one try to get it undone within a few seconds.
“You really seem to know what you’re doing,” Lea pointed out as her clothes were dropped to the floor.
He shrugged. “Been awhile since I’ve been with a virgin, though, honestly.”
She blinked. “How long?”
He stared off into space, thinking. “Nine years, almost, I think? Something like that. I was one, too, so…”
She’d been eleven nine years ago.
“Uh…” she gulped. “How many girls, exactly, if you don’t mind me asking?”
He thought for a few seconds again. “Twenty-two.”
Lea choked on her own saliva. “Twenty-two?!” She propped herself up on both elbows.
“Well… yeah,” he confirmed hesitantly. “I can’t really do relationships; haven’t tried since Lily-Rose, and I hadn’t tried much before her, either, just because I travel so much, y’know? I didn’t wanna risk hurting anyone.”
She sighed, her love for him swelling until she thought it might burst forth from her chest.
I'm fairly certain you’re going to rip me to shreds, and you’ll never even realize you’ve done it, she thought. What she said, however, was, “You’re a really good guy, Tim.”
He blushed. “I just… it’s not that I don’t want to find someone. It’s just not feasible for me right now, y’know?”
“Yeah.” And she did. Not that he’d ever want her, choose her. She was sure that, when the time came, he’d pick some tall, rich, famous, talented, blonde, skinny model.
Never her.
She was his friend —his best friend, even— and now she was a girl he was going to sleep with, too, but she’d never be anything more than that.
He cupped her cheek again, kissing her slowly, his tongue brushing against hers. She moaned into his mouth, pulling him closer.
“Lea,” he said softly. Her eyes fluttered open. “I want to make you feel good, sweetheart,” he told her, fingers rubbing over her clit again, though it was bare now. “May I?”
“You can do anything you want to me,” she whispered.
He paused, looking at her seriously. “You shouldn’t give me that kind of power.”
“Why not?”
“Because you’ve never done this before, and there’s a lot I’ve fantasized about doing to you,” he confessed. “I don’t want to risk overwhelming you, and if you give me blanket permission like that, it makes it kind of difficult for me to keep control of myself.”
“Why would you need to keep control of yourself?” she asked breathily. “What if I don’t want you to?”
He groaned, burying his face in the crook of her neck. “Because I don’t want to hurt you.”
“I’ll tell you if you hurt me,” she told him. “I don’t want you to control yourself.”
“I’ll get lost in you, Lea,” he warned sharply.
“So? I’m already lost in you,” she whispered back.
He made a sound of frustration. “Fuck,” he said suddenly, crashing his lips to hers with a kind of desperation she hadn’t known existed. Squeezing her breasts and pinching her nipples, he slipped his tongue into her mouth again.
Lea moaned, tugging lightly at his hair without realizing it.
“These are perfect,” he informed her, squeezing her breasts again. “Everything about you is fucking perfect. God, you’re so sexy, I want you so bad.”
“I want you, too,” she whined, arching her back, loving the feeling of his hands on her.
How could something —anything— feel so good?
“Can I lick you, baby?” he pleaded. “I wanna make you cum.”
She would’ve been a whole lot more embarrassed if she wasn’t so far gone. However, her mind was too clouded with desire, with need for him, for her to comprehend anything but how incredible he was making her feel and how desperately she wanted him inside her.
Nodding vigorously, she watched as he sat up, stripping his shirt off. She (tragically) didn’t have much time to admire him, though, because then he was lowering himself between her legs and sliding a finger into her almost immediately.
“Holy shit,” he murmured, staring at her core in abject wonder. “You’re so wet you could probably take me now.” With that, he added another finger, thrusting them both in and out of her and rubbing her clit with his thumb.
“Oh my god,” she moaned.
“Feel good, gorgeous?” he breathed, his breath fanning over flushed skin as he pumped her.
Lea shut her eyes tightly and nodded.
“No, beautiful,” he told her then. “Look at me. I want you to watch me pleasure you.”
Holy fucking shit, was everything he said and did sexy as hell?
She obeyed, though, opening her eyes and meeting his gaze. His pupils were blown, leaving only a sliver of green that was almost glowing.
She whimpered as he rubbed her clit.
“I’m gonna lick you now, okay?”
Lea nodded.
And then he fucking attacked her.
The second his thumb was removed, his tongue was on her, flicking over her clit harshly.
She yelped, her hips bucking against him. He reached up with his free hand, holding her pelvis down and thrusting his fingers in and out of her, curling them upwards each time.
“Ah, ah, fuck, so good—“
He stopped lapping at her long enough to growl, “Say my name. All of it. Beg for me.”
“Timothée,” she whined. “Don’t stop, please don’t stop, it feels so good—“
He grunted in acknowledgement, flicking his tongue over her more firmly and thrusting his fingers more harshly.
“Yes, fuck, yes—“
Then he wrapped his lips around her clit and sucked, continuing to flick his tongue over it the entire time.
“Tim!” she screamed. She was close; she could feel it. She was so fucking close. “I wanna cum, I’m so close, please—“
He curled his fingers, fucking her with them and continuing to abuse her clit, watching her the entire time.
Finally, something inside her snapped, and she exploded, moaning his name so loudly it was nearly a scream.
She was still panting, trying to catch her breath, when he surged up, wiping his mouth quickly and kissing her with a ferocity that should’ve scared her but only served to make her want him more.
She kissed him back enthusiastically, her desire not having abated in the slightest.
“That was so fucking hot,” Tim said lowly, sitting back up and yanking his pants and boxers down in one swift movement. “That was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. I wanna watch you cum for the rest of my life.”
Lea whimpered, glancing down between his legs.
Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. Holy fucking shit. He’s gonna split me open.
It was long and it was thick and he was going to kill her.
He must’ve read her face, because he paused. “What’s wrong?”
She blinked. “Uhh… you sure that’ll work? Like. Fit, I mean?”
He stared at her, then laughed softly. “Yes, it’ll fit.”
She glanced down at it again. “Yeah, I’m not so sure about that. I think you might put me in the hospital if you try.”
Laughing outright at this point, Tim said, “Well, thank you, but no, it’ll work. I promise. It might hurt a bit at first, but it’ll work.”
She furrowed her brow suspiciously. “You’re positive?”
He nodded, still grinning. “Yes, I’m positive. Don’t you trust me?”
She nibbled her lip. “Yeah, alright.”
His grin widened. “Good. I think I’m going to lose my fucking mind if I don’t get to have you.”
Lea’s core throbbed.
“Is this gonna ruin our friendship?”
He paused, his hand having started trailing up her thigh.
“Why would it?”
“Well,” she hedged, “I don’t wanna lose you. You’re important to me, and I don’t wanna lose that.”
He cupped her cheeks. “You won’t,” he promised softly. “How I feel about you isn’t gonna change.”
Yeah, she was afraid of that.
But then he was kissing her again, reaching between her legs again. She was sensitive, so incredibly sensitive, but his touch felt so good.
“Please,” Lea begged. “I need you, please—“
“I know, baby,” he murmured, kissing her cheek affectionately. “Let me get a condom, alright?”
“No,” she gasped. “No, I wanna feel you, please let me feel you, I need it, I need it.” She was babbling, pleading, and it was probably somewhat pathetic, but she didn’t care. “I’m on birth control, I have been for years, and I don’t have anything, I swear, I want all of you, please—“
“Shh,” he said softly, cupping her cheeks. “It’s okay, I trust you. If you’re comfortable with it, then obviously I’d love to.”
“Thank god,” she groaned in relief, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him against her again. “I’m so empty, Tim, I need you, please.”
“I know, sweetheart,” he said softly, lining himself up against her entrance. “I know what you need. I’ll take care of you.”
“Inside me,” she begged, whimpering and biting her lip. “Please, I’m so empty.”
He slid his tip inside of her, and she was so wet it was almost effortless.
It started to sting after a bit, once he got to a certain point, and he stopped, only resuming once she’d adjusted, and repeating this until he was fully inside her.
Tim was panting, his jaw clenched and his brow furrowed in concentration. He buried his face in the crook of her neck, desperately trying to restrain himself.
“Holy shit,” he breathed against her neck. “You feel amazing. Holy shit.”
It was strange; she felt full, complete, like her entire life had led to this exact moment, there in his apartment, with her arms around him and his breath fanning over her flushed skin.
She wanted to tell him she loved him, wanted to kiss every one of his freckles and whisper her adoration into his skin, tell him he was her everything. She didn’t, though. She held it in, the way she’d always done.
“Tell me when I can move, okay?”
“Okay,” she whispered back, her mind still reeling.
Tim was inside of her. They were having sex. Well, okay, he wasn’t moving at that exact second, but his dick was in her, and she loved him all the more for it.
The pain had lessened, and his breathing was labored, as if he was struggling.
“Tim,” she said quietly. “It, um… it doesn’t hurt anymore.”
His head shot up. “Can I move?”
“Gently, please,” she said with a nod.
Propping himself up on his hands, he pulled out of her slowly before sliding back in.
It didn’t hurt, but it didn’t feel good, either. She trusted him, though, and there had to be a reason people raved about this, right?
And anyway, Tim was clearly enjoying himself; he was letting out quiet little moans of pleasure, like he was trying to suppress them.
“You don’t have to try and be quiet,” she told him softly. “How am I supposed to know it feels good if you’re quiet?”
“I don’t want to scare you,” he grunted with another slow thrust.
“You won’t,” Lea insisted gently. “Don’t hold back for my sake.”
He groaned again, holding her close to him and continuing to move within her.
Something changed deep inside of her; a slight twinge, maybe, and it started to feel rather pleasant.
“A— ah,” she breathed, closing her eyes.
Tim cupped her cheek. “No, baby. Look at me. Please look at me.” She did so, and it was difficult because she was so very, very close to him, and she loved him so much, and it was tremendously overwhelming to have both at the same time.
He was looking at her intently, though, with passion burning in his eyes. “You’re so beautiful,” he told her, kissing her softly. “And you feel so good. You’re perfect.”
“I’m not,” she insisted.
“You are. You’re perfect. These—“ he cupped her breasts– “are perfect. Your face is perfect. And the way you feel around me?” He kissed her again, his thrusts becoming more and more pleasurable for her. “Fucking perfect.”
Her breathing quickened, and he noticed.
“Are you okay?” he panted. “How does it feel?”
She hesitated, unsure on how to answer. “I’m not… sure,” she confessed. “It’s strange.”
“Good strange or bad strange?”
“I don’t know,” she told him. “But I want you to keep going.”
He nodded, kissing her again. She returned it, and he sucked her tongue and bit her lip and massaged her breast.
Before long, she was gasping into his mouth and lifting her hips slightly to meet his, her core clenching around him.
“Fuck,” he groaned. “You’re so tight, oh my god, Lea—“
“Don’t stop,” she whimpered. “Please don’t stop.”
“Tell me if it feels good,” he pleaded with another thrust.
“It does,” she gasped, kissing him desperately. And it did. Once she was used to it, it was the most exquisite thing she’d ever felt in her life. “Please don’t stop.”
He kissed her back, his chest against hers and his fingers tangling in her hair. “I won’t,” he swore against her lips. “God, why didn’t we do this sooner?”
She shook her head, lifting her hips to meet his again. “I wish we had, fuck—“
“Tell me how good I feel, baby,” he commanded softly. “I wanna hear it.”
“Really, really good,” she told him, planting her feet firmly on the mattress and lifting her pelvis up to meet his repeatedly. “Oh god, I want— I want— fuck—“
“What do you want, Lea?” he wanted to know. “Tell me. I’ll take care of you, I’ll give you anything. Just tell me what you want.”
I want you to love me back.
“Harder,” she said. “I want it harder.”
“Fuck,” he cursed. “Are you— are you sure?”
Nodding vigorously, she gripped his arms, feeling the muscles beneath the skin flexing with the effort to restrain himself.
“Don’t hold back,” Lea insisted. “However you want me. Please.”
He stared at her for several seconds, then clutched her close to him and started to snap his hips against hers.
She didn’t know what she expected it to feel like, but it certainly wasn’t that.
As a result, she nearly screamed.
“Am I hurting you?” he panted into her neck.
“No,” Lea gasped out. “You feel so good, please don’t stop. I want more,” she begged. “I want more of you, please.”
He lifted his head and kissed her like he was starving to death and she was the only thing that could save him, continuing to pound into her relentlessly.
“Lea,” he groaned into her mouth. “Lea, baby, fuck—“
He sat up on his knees, pulling her hips with him and thrusting roughly.
The new angle had her seeing stars. “Ah, ah, ah— don’t stop, fuck, just like that—“
“There you go, sweetheart,” Tim panted, watching her breasts bounce from the force of his thrusts and reaching down to grasp one, pinching her nipple as he did so. “You take me so well.”
She arched her back, craving him like a drug. “More,” she moaned loudly. “More, please, it feels so good—“
“I know,” he told her, thrusting into her harder. “I know. Lea, my sweet Lea, fuck—“
“Yours,” she said dazedly. “I’m yours.”
“Good girl,” he praised, sliding a hand down her body to rub her clit as a reward. “Say my name, baby. Please. I’ll make you cum if you do,” he promised.
“Timothée,” she moaned without hesitation. “Timothée, Timothée, Timothée, please, so good, so good, god—“
“That’s it,” he said breathlessly, rubbing her clit hard and fast. “That’s my girl. Feel so fucking good, take me so well, fuck, just like that, take it just like that—“
Her hands roamed his chest. God, he was perfect. She’d never get enough.
“Yes,” she hissed, arching her back. “Don’t stop, don’t stop, please—“
“Say my name again, Lea,” he demanded, snapping his hips to hers roughly and rubbing her clit faster. “Say my name when you cum.”
“Tim,” she practically screamed, too far gone to say the whole thing. “I’m gonna— I’m gonna— ommigod I’m gonna cum, you’re gonna make me cum, fuck—“
“That’s it,” he praised, slamming into her harder and harder. “Cum for me, baby. Cum for me while I fuck you.”
Her hands fell to her sides, clenching in his sheets so tightly her knuckles turned white. Her toes curled, her body tensed, and she screamed his name.
His hand left her clit when it ended, but he didn’t stop fucking her.
“You’re so fucking hot when you cum,” he panted.
His skin was glistening and his hair was stuck to his forehead, but his eyes were glowing, his hands gripping her hips tightly, still pounding into her.
The nonstop stimulation had her craving another orgasm. She’d never needed two before.
“I wanna cum again,” she gasped out. “Please make me cum again, Tim.”
“Good girl, asking so nicely,” he praised softly, snapping his hips to hers. “You take my cock so well, Lea.”
“Please,” the girl in question whimpered, clinging to him.
He reached between them again, rubbing her still sensitive clit. She moaned again, louder this time, already close.
“Fuck!” she screamed. “Oh, fuck, Tim, don’t stop, don’t stop, harder, do me harder, fuck—“
He obliged her, fucking her hard and fast, the sound of skin against skin filling the room.
“Cum,” he demanded. “Fucking cum, let me feel it.”
Lea nodded jerkily.
“I’m gonna,” she promised. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum.”
“Say my name,” he insisted. “Say my fucking name.”
“Tim,” she moaned. “I’m cumming, Timothée, I’m gonna cum, fuck, harder, harder, harder—“
Her second orgasm was just as strong, and he still kept fucking her.
“I’m close,” he warned sharply. “Holy fuck, Lea, take me just like that—“
And then he made a sound like he was in pain, almost, before collapsing on top of her, panting.
They lay there for several minutes, trying to catch their breath, him pressing soft kisses to her collarbone and nuzzling her affectionately.
Finally, he pulled himself out of her and cleaned her up before taking her back into his arms and kissing her forehead.
“Was it alright?” he asked quietly, stroking her cheek.
She blushed, nodding. “I liked it.”
“A lot, by the sound of things,” he teased with a grin.
“Shut up,” she told him, looking down, her blush deepening.
“Hey.” He lifted her chin up and looked into her eyes. “I liked how much you enjoyed yourself.”
She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think.
I love you.
She nodded her understanding and allowed herself to be cuddled against his chest for a few minutes.
“Tim?” she said after awhile.
She looked up at him. “Is it, um… well, I mean, I don’t know if that was any good, like, comparatively,” she admitted nervously.
“It was amazing,” he cut in.
“Oh.” She blinked. “Well. Uh. Is it… is it always like that?”
“No,” he said simply. “It’s never like that.”
“Oh,” she said again.
He kissed her shoulder and pulled her back against his chest.
“Go to sleep, Lea.”
She tried not to dwell on how much easier it was to do that when she was in his arms.
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 3 years
Mind The Gap: One
Summary: In an age of Heroes, there's always one more Villain. Can Shang- Chi handle his girlfriend needing to walk a Hero's Journey of her own? And how will he handle the two of you not being the only "people" in your relationship?
“Where are you?”
“I’m safe- well. Relatively speaking.”
“Y/N-” He tightened his grip on the phone like it was a life line. Like if he clung on hard enough, he could find you somehow.
“I promise to explain it all when I get back,” you say slowly, in what you hope is a relaxed tone of voice. It’s a little had to do with a desert Eagle pointed directly at your nose but for Shang-Chi, to keep him out of this you’d try.
“Please,” he whispered. He could hear the difference in your tone. It wasn’t your usual easy going voice. The one that filled him with a sense of calm. There was a sharpness. And under current he’d only heard once before. And it made the hair stand up on the back of his neck.
“Tell Katy I’m sorry I have to miss Karaoke night,” you try, hoping to break his concentration. “I have to go, I love you.”
And before he can get anything else out, the line goes dead. The line goes dead and he can feel a hollow ache in his chest. One that tells him you’re in trouble. Big trouble. And without being able to keep you on the phone, there’s no telling where you went.
“She’s smart,” Xialing said frowning. “Either she’s done this before or she was warned. But we couldn’t get a fix on her.”
“She’s an archive,” Shang Chi said, trying not to sound bitter, “Smart is an understatement.” He folded his arms and looked over Xailing’s shoulder frowning. There had to be a pattern. Something had to make sense. You were a creature of habit. Very particular habits. When you ate and when you slept was a strict schedule. And on the run you’d be trying to hold on to something… Unless that was all part of your cover, too.
“What happens if-”
Shang- Chi felt his head jerk up and his eyes narrow, making Katy flinch reflexively, “If we can’t find her?” he finished.
Katy nodded hesitantly and he exhaled slowly trying to rein in his temper, “I don’t know, but it can’t be good.”
You toss your phone away carelessly and listen to the sound of a heavy boot crushing it under heel and scattering the pieces. But still, you don’t look away from the man pointing a gun at you.
“Not bad for a librarian… A little on the nose don’t you think?” he scoffed.
You force yourself into a nonchalant shrug and smile a little, “The best place to hide is in plain sight. At least some of the time.”
And that’s the last thing you managed to get out before that Desert Eagle cracked across the side of your face, sending you into the dark once more.
Wenwu watched his son pace, trying to stem the tide of panic. Your phone had gone from ringing out to nothing. Straight to voice mail.
“You got me, leave a message. Or don’t. Whatever.”
“Does she have enemies?”
Shang-Chi exhaled slowly and took a deep breath, “None. At least none that I know about. She avoided the snap but… There’s a bit of time before she wound up in the City she doesn’t really talk about.”
“So she could have enemies?”
He stopped and carded his fingers through his hair, “If not enemies because of who she is then… maybe because of what she is.”
“What she is?”
Shang Chi nodded reluctantly. He wasn’t even sure he completely understood. He only knew that your brother had warned him. Told him that there were things you could do that were… rare. That might attract attention. And he wasn’t sure if he could share that information. Even if it might bring you home. He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. For all he knew you could be dying. You could be dead and it could already be too late. But if there was a chance… No matter how small, he could take your anger. He could take you never speaking to him again. As long as he knew you were alive.
She’s an- an Archive,” he said slowly. “At least. That’s what the world knows them as now, I guess.”
He watched in apprehension as he saw his Father’s eyes widen in understanding and it was clear that he’d met, or at least heard of the Archives before.
“What does she hold?” he asked, seriously.
“Secrets. Things that are hidden.”
Even as Shang-Chi heard himself say the words, he knew he didn’t understand, not really. That had been what your Brother had told him. Quickly. Quietly. While you were distracted with a tea kettle and getting out the mugs. And even his most intense searches could turn up no information.
“Secrets?” Wenwu repeated, “Such as?”
And all Shang-Chi could do was shrug. He’d seen you at work. Your fingers brushing the spines of books. Tenderly. Almost lovingly. And he’d thought that it was cute. That it was an extension of your curiosity. A love of knowing. He thought of the way you’d told him once that Libraries were where you felt at home. Where you felt safe. He thought of the evenings when he came to walk you home. The serenity in the security lights. The way you smiled at him. And his chest throbbed. The secrets you knew probably didn’t include any martial arts.
“I don’t know,” he admitted, leaning heavily against the table, hanging his head. “The only information I have came second hand from her brother. And even then, he only told me that she isn’t human. At least not all human.”
He didn’t like to think about it. And he didn’t like to think about the distance he tried to put between you when he found out. Or how that distance had lead him here. The reaction that had made you avoid coming to him for help. He felt the hand on the back of his neck. But it didn’t register. Not really. In the back of his head, he could hear you. A casual fact. Things about Aliester Crowley. Or Agrippa. Or the Knights Templar.
You’d always written off questions about it as being a weird kid. Or by reminding people that you had a doctorate in Anthropology. But it wasn’t… It never felt like that. It felt like you had just… said it.
Shang Chi didn’t need to be looking at his father to know he was frowning. Thinking. “If we can’t get to her, I need to try to call her brother.”
“What is her brother?”
“An engineer,” Shang Chi said smiling a little. And a former Marine. But he was going to keep that to himself. He had a hunch that your best chance wasn’t going to involve his Father going on a recruiting mission simultaneously.
Wenwu’s frown deepened but he nodded as he watched his son pull a card from his wallet and dial the number.
“We have a problem,” Shang Chi said quickly, “Y/N is missing.”
“Missing missing or went camping for a couple days?”
“Missing, Missing,” he clarified, “I got a phone call an hour ago and she hung up before we could trace it.”
“Let me call you back-”
And the line went dead before he could say more. “Shit,” he hissed. He wasn’t sure what Pandora’s box had been opened with that phone call. And he hated bumbling around in the dark. He hated not knowing if you were safe. If you were hurt.
“He said he’d call back,” Katy said helpfully, “Maybe he’s calling family.”
“I don’t know if there’s any family to call,” he said pinching the bridge of his nose. He could kick himself for not pressing you for answers. He hadn’t because he’d not been prepared to give you any. He still wasn’t sure he wanted to drag you into his life but. It was looking more and more like he might not have any choice.
When the phone in his hand rang he almost dropped it and had to fumble with it for a second before he could answer, “Kai-”
“I’m assuming you aren’t alone,” the other man said shortly, “I’ll text you the coordinates. Get there as quickly as you can. I’m not sure if we’re going to extract her or clean up the mess. Those idiots have a tiger by the tail and they don’t even know it.”
The call ended and all Shang-Chi could do was stare at the phone for a second, “What the fu-”
“Y/N,” Katy demanded, “Our Y/N? The dirty chai loving, vintage wearing Y/N that cried for 30 minutes at the end of the brave little toaster?”
“Evidently-” he sighed, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Does anyone else here have a secret badass origin story?” she yelped, “What the hell?”
The coordinates were, So far as anyone could tell, in the middle of nothing. A waste land of tall grass and trails left by herds of cattle in Montana.
But, even without asking he knew he was in the right place. There was a palpable sense of… mayhem in the air. Like the feeling before a nasty storm. Rising anxiety and energy crackling on the wind. Everyone was affected and everyone was quiet.
It wasn’t until they got closer that Shang-Chi and Katy could pick Kai out of the small knot of people. And it was something of a comfort that he looked relaxed. Or at least unconcerned.
“Hey,” Kai said taking a slow drag off his cigarette and exhaling a cloud of smoke towards the sky. He didn’t seem the least Perturbed that Shang-Chi hadn’t come alone. Or that they were all dressed for a fight.
“We’re waiting,” Kai said shrugging. “She’s got to take the vortex apart. Then we mop up whatever comes out of it.”
Almost on cue, a Motor Cycle comes roaring over the flat ground as an explosion rattled the ground beneath their feet. “2 hell hounds and at least a baker's dozen in demons, grades 4 to 2.” The words sound like they're coming from you but. You don’t look like you. Skin coated in soot and eyes shining like silver in moonlight. It makes Shang-chi want to shake you.
“Y/N-” He starts, but when you look at him, he doesn’t know what to say. Or where to start.
“You’ll know what it is when you see it,” you say, spitting a mouthful of blood into the grass. “Take it down quickly. Headshots. If it doesn’t go down run for me. Demons don’t play. And, I make better bait. The rest of you are kinda like designer purses. Nice to have but ultimately disposable.”
“Is the vortex closed?” Kai asked grinding the cigarette out with his heel.
“With half the Golden Dagger on the other side of it. Everyone else scattered before I could get anything else for Lea.”
And then there wasn’t time for you to answer anything else. As the small hoard surged into the open field, Kai almost lazily tossed you the other sword he’d had strapped across his back and it was all a blur.
You were a blur. Almost preternaturally fast as you dismembered the bodies that hurtled towards you. It wasn’t until the last demon crackled on the fire that you crumpled like paper, sagging heavily against Shang-Chi who had made his way to your side.
“Shi-” he caught you, if only just. The dead weight taking him by surprise. And the warmth of the blood running over his hands. He could only gasp before the rest of Kai’s team descended like a plague of helpful locusts, loading you quickly onto the nearest stretcher and starting to try and repair the damage.
“I wonder how long she was out,” Kai mused, lighting another cigarette. “Or if she remembers anything. She doesn’t always.”
Shang- Chi opened his mouth to ask, wiping blood off his lip with the back of his hand, but Kai only shook his head. “She told you she’d explain. Let her do it.”
“Will she be okay?” He heard himself ask, but as he watched you loaded into a helicopter, nothing felt real. He’d just watched you dismember a demon. You’d looked at him… But hadn’t seen him. You didn’t look at him like you even knew who he was.
“She will,” Kai answered, looking at him sympathetically. “It takes time… but. The Archive has a vested interest in keeping her alive.”
“You look like hell.”
“Gee thanks,” you sigh, wincing as you try and sit up straighter. “You should see the other guy.”
“I did,” he said. And he can’t stop the frown when he looks down at your hands. They’re clean now. No trace of the black blood you’d been coated in. You looked like you. Your eyes were the same color that they’d always been.
“I’m sorry that I lied,” you tell him. “That I didn’t come clean when you came back from Ta-lo with Katy. I just… I guess I was still holding out hope that I could be normal.” You look away from him, taking a deep breath. “Becoming an Archive… I always hoped it wouldn’t be me. And then it was. And it was… it was a blessing and a curse.”
“You weren’t born an Archive?”
You shake your head and exhale slowly, “I was born a witch. If Lea and my grandmother can be believed, the most powerful witch born into this family in 400 years. I became An Archive when I was 12.” You swallow hard and take the hand that reaches for yours. “It- I remember the pain. I don’t remember much from before. I remember smoke and screaming. And I remember… I remember hunters and- and- when I woke up I was here.”
Shang-Chi squeezed your hand and reached up to touch your cheek, wiping away tears with his thumb. He’d been ready to be angry. He’d been hurt. But now all he wanted was to pull you closer. “The scars on your back-”
“I’ve been told it’s best that I don’t know,” you murmur. “Lea- She knows but.” You stop and take another deep breath.
For a moment, there is silence. It stretches out around the two of you while Shang-Chi digests those pieces of information and you try to try to put together a coherent explanation. Beyond the door, you can hear voices mingling in the kitchen. Katy. Kai. Lea. Wenwu. Xialing. Cousins. Your Grandmother. Both familiar and strange.
“What’s the last thing you remember?” Shang- Chi asked quietly.
“Calling you… I know I told you I’d explain I just- I don’t know how.”
Shang-Chi smiles a little, “It’s probably harder given there’s a lot you don’t remember.”
“A little,” you murmur. “Sometimes, the Archive condescends to tell me what they’ve been doing with my body but other times? It feels a little like waking up from closing down the Karaoke bar.”
“How much time are you missing now?”
“A day. Maybe two. I’m not sure.”
“What’s the longest time span you don’t remember?”
“Close to a year,” you sigh. “If my physical body is in danger, The Archive will take the driver’s seat until the danger has passed OR It’s deemed that I can handle it on my own… Now that I’m older and I’ve grown into the powers I was given I spend a lot more time driving.”
“Even when you’re with me?”
“The Archive seems to think it can trust you. Though if it’s just with my physical body or with the things we know I’m not sure. Sometimes it views those things as one and the same.”
“Do you- I mean. When we’re alone?”
“You mean when we’re having sex?” The blush that blooms over his cheeks makes you smile a little. “I mean. The Archive lives in my head. Sometimes it has notes though… I don’t know how it would know-”
You nod and roll your eyes. And even if he’s confused and a little offended, he can’t help but chuckle, “What kind of notes?”
“Ugh-” you groan, “No. We’re not humoring the freeloader in my head.”
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blackhakumen · 1 year
Mini Fanfic #1094: My Lea (Kingdom Hearts)
11:15 p.m. Inside of Lockhart's Bar.......
'Cell Phone Ringing'
Isa: (Uses the Bar's Phone to Answers the Call) You've reached the Lockhart's Bar establishment. How may we help this evening?
????: (On the Other Line with an Old British Accent) Yes, my wife and I would like to order one of your finest burgers and drinks your establishment has to offer~
????: (Joining in on That Said Line With British Accent of Her Own) And all the crispy fries you could give us, dearie~
Isa: (Sighs as He Easily Recognizes Their Voices) Hello, Roxas and Xion.....
Roxas: Ah man. You already figured us out?
Xion: What gave our it away?
Isa: Your frequent prank calls here are starting to become more predictable and frail as of late.
Xion: (Starts Pouting on the Other Line) Um rude much? Our prank calls happens to be top notch quality if entertainment, thank you very much!
Roxas: Yeah! But no, seriously, are you gonna bring us something back after you get off?
Isa: (Starts Looking Around the Half Empty Bar) Considering how we actually have a slow day for once, I'll see what I can do.
Roxas: Sweet.
Xion: We love you, Isa!~
Isa: (Rolls his Eyes a Bit) Yes, yes, I love you too. Now, would you mind telling me what you all are doing at the moment, besides bothering me my line of work?
Barret: (Walks Out From the Kitchen) Dishes are finally cleaned and accounted for, Isa my man. (Notices Isa Calling Someone on Their Bar Phone) Someone's on the line?
Isa: (Turns to His Co-worker) Only Roxas and Xion, making yet another subpar prank call.
Xion: (On the Other Line) Heyyy!
Roxas:: We heard that!
Barret: (Chuckles Lightly) Really now! Tell 'em Uncle Barret I say "Hey" for me, will ya?
Isa: (Points the Phone Towards Barret's Point of View) You can tell them that yourself.
Roxas/Xion: Hi, Uncle Barret!~
Barret: (Smiles Brightly as He Speaks Thru the Phone In Front of Him) Hey there, kids! What y'all doing tonight?
Xion: Watching a movie. And don't worry, Isa, it's not Coco this time.
Isa: (Turns to Barret) Lea gets overly emotional every time he sees it.
Barret: (Snickers a Bit) I don't blame him. That movie can make any grown man shed a tear, me included.
Roxas: Yeah, no kidding. But instead, we're watching "My Girl."
'Record Scratch'
Isa/Barret: (Eyes Begins to Widened) My Girl!?
Xion: Yeah. It's this old movie about a girl's misadventures in the summertime. You guys don't like it or something?
Isa: No, no. It's a good movie, great even, but uh.....Question: How far are you three in the movie exactly?
Roxas: (Looks Back on the Screen) I think we're on the forest part- Oh shit!
Xion: Roxas, what are you- ('GASPS') Oh my gosh!
Barret: 'Ey, what's happening over there?
Roxas: A swarm of bees are attacking Thomas right now!
Xion: He's ALLERGIC to bees!
Roxas: (Franticing on the Other Line) Ah man, there HAS to be some kind miracle to step or- OH GOD, HE'S DIED
Barret: (Solemnly Shakes his Head) That poor little boy died way too soon.....
Isa: Kids, where's Lea right now?
Roxas: In the room checking out his phone I think? He suppose to be back the Living room by now.
Isa: Alright, well, whatever you, skip that part entirely before he comes back.
Roxas: Already on it-
'Door Opens on the Other Line'
Lea: I'm back! Sorry I took too long in there, I-......Who died?
Roxas: Uhh....An old....family member?
Xion: Thomas died!!
Lea: I'm sorry- WHAT!? FOUR EYES IS DEAD!? WHEN!? HOW!?
Xion: In the forest! Swarmed by bees!
Roxas: (Sighs on the Other Line) Xion, you seriously can't go a minute without telling him all of that?
Xion: I can't help it, okay!? And you know as well as I do that I'm not as good as a liar as you are!
Roxas: ('Sigh') Fair.
Lea: So they just killed that poor kid off.....And the girl didn't know about until now!?
Roxas: What do you- Huh. I guess not.
Lea: Oh God, she's crushed right now......And yeah, where is his glasses?....('Sniff') He can't SEE without his glasses, man, come on!
Isa: ('Sigh') And so it begins.....
Lea: He wanted to be an acrobat.....('Sniff') So bad.....So freaking bad.....
Xion: We know, Axel. We know.....
Barret: Well, damn, that scene already messed him up badly.
Isa: (Hears his Phone Viberating Insode the Pocket of his Pants Before Taking it Out From There) You're about to witness the half the it. (Answers the Call) Hello?
Lea: (Already Tearing Up on the Other Line) ('Sniff') I-I-saaa.....
Isa: Good evening, Lea. I take it you've seen the death scene from that My Girl movie you're watching.
Lea: (Tearfully Nodded)
Isa: And now you're a wreck because of it.
Lea: Thomas wanted to be acrobat growing, Isa......('Sniff') And now he's gone.....
Isa: Yes, it's unfortunate. But life has proven time and time again that it could be a cruel mistress on occasions.
Lea: Yeah...('Sniff') No fooling. ('Sniff') I-Isa?
Isa: Yes, Lea?
Lea: ('Sniff') I don't say it asuch as I should, but....('Sniff') I really do love you, man! ('Sniff') Like a WHOLE lot!!
Isa: (Snickers a Bit) Lea, you already told me that before I left the apartment earlier.
Lea: I know that! I just....('Sniff') Wanted to show how much you mean to me is all....('Sniff') A whole lot by the way!
Isa: (Smiles a Little) And I appericate it sincerely.
Lea: Good. ('Sniff') Now is Barret with you right now? ('Sniff') I wanna talk to him.
Isa: He's right beside me actually. (Gives Barret his Phone) Lea wants to speak with you.
Barret: (Simply Nodded) Got it. (Answers the Call) 'Ey there, Lea! (Let's Out a Chuckle) You doing okay?
Lea: Kind of? ('Sniff') I'm still crying my eyes out, but it'll pass eventually. ('Sniff') Probably. ('Sniff') B-But anyways! I wanted to let you know that you're the most badass poppa bear I've ever met so far and I'm REALLY glad that we're friends!
Barret: (Starts Smiling Brightly) 'Appericate you, my man! I for one, think you're a badass Fire Mom.
Lea: Isa told you about that, didn't he?
Barret: It was your kids actually. I think it suits ya.
Lea: Of course it does. ('Sniff') Well, I don't wanna keep wasting more of your time than I already have, so....('Sniff') If you'll excuse me, I'm gonna call up everyone else right now.
Barret: (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion at Isa) Call up everyone else?
Isa: I'll explain later. (Gets his Phone Back From Barret) I wish you the best of luck, Lea.
Lea: Thank you. ('Sniff') I love you! ('Sniff') Again!
Isa: Love you too. Later. (Ends the Call From his Phone and Resume his Call with Xion and Roxas on the Bar's Phone) Make sure Lea doesn't go too overboard on his calls, okay?
Roxas: Yeah, we'll try.
Xion: We love you again, Isa!~
Isa: I love you too. Have a goodnight. (Ends Another Call Before Letting Out a Sigh)
Barret: So what? Does he call everyone he knows and tell 'em how he feels and shit?
Isa: More or less. As random as it seems, it's nice to see him let out his true feelings out every once and a while. It's a shame we're not there to witness it in person. We would've find a kick out of it along the way.
Barret: It supposed to get sillier down the line?
Isa: In more ways than one.
To Be Continued......
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placebogirl7 · 2 years
Camel Tea Time: the ultimate fanfiction for all the fans of the FBI agent (April Fool)
Today in the Redstarling server on Discord we decided to pretend we were a Camel fanbase server 🤣 @miskatsura suggested to write a fanfiction dedicated to Camel, to show our love for him 🤣 This is what came out of my mind (please consider that this story has been written only for fun, no serious intent. It's just a trash fanfiction to joke, so do not take it seriously):
That day Camel woke up very early (as he used to do every day). It was a sunny morning and he wanted to take advantage of this to run the long stairs he liked so much, just to take a tasty fruit juice after the hard work. On the top of the stairs there was a fancy little cafè in which they made very good food and drinks, he had discovered it by chance and now he couldn’t stop to go there as soon as he stopped his daily physical exercise session. While he was taking a sip of his fresh kiwi and peach juice, his phone rang. He took it out of the pocket and read the name on the display: it was Akai-san.
- Moshi moshi? Akai-san?- he answered.
- Good morning, Camel. I need to ask you a favor-
Akai-san always asked him favors, even not pleasant ones, but in the end he didn’t care too much: he was very loyal towards him and he was happy any time he could help his friend. Furthermore, he still felt guilty for what happened to Akai’s ex girlfriend, so helping him was is way to pay his debt.
- Sure- he accepted.
- I need you to take my car to the petrol station and refuel it. Then take it to the car wash, I noticed it’s a bit dirty. I guess Jodie hasn’t cleaned it recently-
- I need to go change my clothes before, then I’ll take the car to the petrol station and the car wash-
- Where you training on the stairs?-
- Yes-
- I thought so-
Before he could reply, Akai hung up the phone. Sometimes he had the impression that his friend teased him because of his devotion to the physical exercise. He quickly finished the juice, paid the bill and left the cafè. He went home to have a shower and put on cleaned clothes and took Akai’s car to the petrol station first. After having refueled it, he went to the car wash. He sat and waited until the car was finally shining, then he left to return to the FBI meeting point. While he was driving along the road in the center of Beika, his attention was caught by a nice ice cream shop at the right side of the road. Since the temperature was already hot, he decided to have a little break before going to work. He parked the car next to the sidewalk and lined up with the other people, waiting for his turn to come. Suddenly he heard a familiar voice behind his back.
- Agent Camel-
He turned and saw the little detective Conan Edogawa with his friends.
- Oh, Conan-kun-
- What are you doing here?- asked the kid.
- I’m having an ice cream. They seem good and the weather is hot in this period- he answered, a bit embarrassed.
The conversation was interrupted by the ice cream shop maid, who asked him what tastes did he want. He ordered and paid his ice cream, said goodbye to Conan and his friends and returned to the car. Before getting into it, he took his time to finish the ice cream: he didn’t want to dirty Akai’s car again. The group of kids went out of the shop with their respective ice creams in their hands. When they saw he was still there, they approached him again.
- Wow, what a beautiful car!- exclaimed Mitsuiko, amazed by the red Mustang.
- I want to drive a car like this when I grow up- said Genta, walking around it to admire every detail.
- It’s a fast car, you have to be careful- he answered smiling.
- I can go wherever I want with this car, as fast as Kamen Yaiba!-
The overweight kid spread his arms with a violent gesture, excited by the idea of looking like a superhero with that car. Unfortunately, his ice cream slipped from his hands and it flew directly on the car hood. Camel opened wide his mouth and eyes, looking horrified at the ice cream which was melting all over the hood, leaving a pastel yellow stain.
- Oh no, Genta! Look at what you did!- Yumi scolded him.
- I’m sorry, I didn’t want to- the kid lowered his head.
- What a pity! The car was so clean- replied Mitsuiko.
He was speechless and unable to react. He had to return again to the car wash and pay again to clean the car. All with his money.
- What’s happening here?-
That voice made his blood run cold. He turned a bit and saw Akai-san disguised as Subaru, who was staring at the car with his indecipherable gaze. He really liked his Mustang, so probably he was angry to see the ice cream on it. He swallowed hard and prayed all the saints to be still alive at the end of that day.
- Subaru-san- said Conan, surprised.
- Genta has thrown his ice cream on Agent Camel’s car- answered Yumi.
- I’m sorry- said again the overweighted kid.
- It was unintentional- Conan tried to justify his friend.
- I guess it’s not a big problem- replied Subaru - Camel can go to wash it-
He looked at him while saying those words and Camel felt like he was dying. Shivers run down his spine and he couldn’t say anything.
- I-I’ll g-go!- he finally managed to say, stuttering.
Without even saying goodbye, he run into the car and left the Detective Boys and Akai-san, driving fast to the car wash. That morning he arrived late to work and James scolded him. He felt bad for all the day and the only thing he wanted was to go home and sleep. For many people that would have been just an unlucky day to forget, but for him…that was a normal day in Camel’s life.
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ny-nymeria · 3 years
Heaven and Earth: Part 14
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Part 14: Happy Birthday!
"Did you know that Buddhism originated in a place called Indus valley?"
Since the star plasma vessel mission was a failure, you and the rest of the students were given a short break off from assigned missions. You rest your body against the cool patio wall, reading a book you took from the school's archives. Gojo had placed his head in your lap, white hair splayed out across his temple as he lazily scrolled through his phone. The last few weeks had the two of you busy saving Megumi and his sister, and things had finally settled down after the arrangements were finalized.
You held up the book to Gojo's face, pointing to a portrait of Buddha. "I think the origin of Jujutsu sorcery has to do something with that location! There's so many stories of ancient gods, mythical creatures...."
The sorcerer hummed, putting his phone down onto the wooden floor before reaching for a strand of your hair to twirl in his fingers. "Hmm... Maybe these creatures were actually curses. Maybe the first Jujutsu sorcerers were there, too."
Closing the book and placed it to your side you yawned, feeling sluggish this hot mid-day. The cicadas were chirping their summer tune, the leaves against the trees rustled whenever a gentle gust of wind blew through the nearby forrest.
Gojo sat up and ran his hand through his hair, "I'm starting to get lazy from this break."
"You're right... What day is it, anyway?" You asking with half lidded eyes.
"It's Friday." Gojo looked blankly as he continued scrolling through his phone.
"Huh... I think it's my birthday."
Gojo dropped his phone.
"It's YOUR birthday!?"
You laughed sheepishly, "I guess I lost track since we've been arranging things for Megumi-kun, I never really celebrate it anyway."
Gojo was dumbfounded. Each year, the Gojo clan welcomed his December birthday with a prestigious celebration. He would be showered gifts and good fortune, particularly being the heir of the clan and the inheritor the powerful Six Eyes and Limitless technique. All he knew was celebrations; in fact, he loved them. Why didn't you love them too?
"We have to celebrate, I'm going to tell everyone—"
You pressed your hands in his chest, "No, we don't. Seriously! Birthdays aren't a big deal." Leaning over to kiss him on his cheek, "Besides, 'Toru... I have what I want already."
Gojo pouted, brows furrowed in frustration. You got up and left the room to go use the restroom; washed your face in the sink, then pressed and patted your face in the mirror; looking at your reflection before striking an idea.
"Satoru, we should go visit Suguru for ramen! We haven't seen him in awhile!" You called out from the bathroom.
When you returned to your room you noticed Gojo disappeared. He must have secretly waited for a moment you were indisposed to leave without your notice. A note hand scribbled onto a small piece of paper on your pillow,
Gone to see Suguru,
definitely not scheming things.
He was definitely scheming things.
You went back to your bathroom and took your time to take a shower; you blowdried your hair and slip into something casual: a summer dress. Turning to your side to look at yourself in the mirror and your hair grew since your arrival; it flowed elegantly down your back, making you realize time has passed since moving to Tokyo. You decided to use this time to finish another book from the archives, not expecting to be bothered until your phone chimes a few hours later. When you look over you see it's a text from yours truly:
Satoru: Go to the farthest left side of the school,
a little up the mountains.
Look for a minka in the forrest.
Raising your eyebrows to the cryptic text message but decided to trust the sorcerer, you placed sandals on and walked to the farthest back corner of the school, an area you thought of going to until your boyfriend's instructions. A back entrance way led to a rock pathway. The forrest wood was thick; partially bamboo at first, then eventually leading to an open area to a larger forrest. In front of you was the minka, a traditional Japanese home, that Gojo had written in his text. You walked through the entrance's stone archway which had a family crest and kanji engraved in stone:
You texted Gojo:
Me: Are you going to murder me now?"
(Gojo typing...)
Gojo: Haha, very funny
Gojo: If that were the case, I would've totally murdered you by now.
You rolled your eyes, about to write another text message when you heard someone open the inner front gate. "Come in!" Gojo stood before you in a black scoop neck shirt and black pants; his hair down and eyes revealed through the white strands of hair. He moved to the side and outstretched his arm, sliding it to your waist as you walked in.
"What is this place?" You took off your shoes and looked around, admiring the decorated walls with various paintings, artifacts and scrolls written in ancient looking kanji.
"This is the Gojo clan's estate at the school." You  were surprised, "I guess the Gojo clan really was one of the legendary clans."
"Yup! I live here since I am the only student that is from the clan. You're my first guest..." you were in a large hallway which lead to various rooms. You felt his arm slide away from your waist and heard his voice trailed into the kitchen.
"Please make yourself at home! Dinner will be ready soon."
You could smell something cooking in the kitchen. "Dinner?" You walked through a large hallway which lead to a living room; a large wooden dinning room table already with two place-settings and a bouquet of flowers, your fingers gently traced the pedals of one of the flowers.
"Satoru, why'd you do thi-"
He walked into the room with an apron over his shirt, a big grin plastered on his face. He brought over two plates over; a large swirl of delicious looking pasta each in the center of the plates. He placed one in front of you, "Enjoy," taking off the apron and sitting across from you, flashing a smile.
"You made this??"
He sat proudly at you, starting to swirl pasta onto his fork. "You didn't think I could cook?"
You swirled your fork in the the pasta, taking a bite to eat. It. was. delicious. You held your cheek in pleasure as Gojo happily watched as he ate. "So...?"
"It's so good, Satoru." He smiled and continued to eat his plate of pasta. "I knew you didn't want a big celebration, but I couldn't not do anything,"
After you were finished, he took your plate away and asked you to wait. When he returned, he brought over a small plate, with a small, delicate looking cake with candle in top, a "Happy Birthday y/n," piped which chocolate on top.
Gojo came behind you, "This is from my favorite patisserie," he lit the candle as the small flame ignited and danced on top of the wick, "you know, the one you like."
He wrapped his arms around you and shifted his face moved to the side of yours, "Make a wish, y/n," he whispered, his hair tickling your ear. You closed your eyes and blew out the candle. You sat in the dimly lit room with him. Before you could open your eyes up you felt his lips kiss your neck; he placed one hand up to cradle your jaw from the edge of your chin to the corner near your ear, softly trailing kisses down the other side of your jawline as you inhaled deeply from his touches.
"Should we eat cake now?" He murmured, you breathlessly nodded as you felt him chuckle from your wordless response. He moved over to sit next to you, offering two forks. "Let's just dig in!" The both of you decided to forego cutting slices to devouring the cake without rules or end... Well, Gojo had most of it.
"Do you ever get sick of sweets?" You inquired the sorcerer, who had just finished the last bit of cake. "Absolutely not, it's brain food!" You laughed as you knew he was actually being serious. The two of you got up to wash plates in the kitchen; Gojo went away for a bit as you dried and placed the plates back into the upper cabinet. You then felt strong arms lift you up as your chest heaved; Gojo had picked you up bridal style.
"Where are we going?" he walked you down another hallway and into another room; a large open space with a king sized bed dimly lit and against the back wall.
"My bedroom."
He laid you on his bed gently. You could feel a blush creep across your face as Gojo crawled over you until his body hovered yours like a giant shadow. He lowed his head to pepper you with kisses across your neck. You softly groaned, feeling his teeth graze your skin with each passing kiss, feeling his lips suck lightly at your neck as his fingers traced your collarbone. His hands graze sides of your chest, his thumbs just barely touching the sides of your breasts before travelled to your lower back, squeezing your ass and conjuring a soft moan from your lips as you arched your back upwards, your chest grazing his. You felt Gojo's breathing hitch; he moved away a bit, his face looking over to yours.
"We don't have to do anything tonight..." he paused, rubbing his thumb on your chin. His eyes staring at yours looked like deep pools of blue. "I want you to feel comfortable here with me."
Laying there quietly, stilled and amazed at how considerate he was especially since most people thought how inconsiderate the young man was. In your experience, most men had taken unwanted advances towards you without permission; yet the young man next to you made you feel seen, safe, and heard.
Kissing his lips gently, you embraced the sorcerer. "Thank you, Satoru. This is fine," he nodded and laid down next to you.
You felt sleepy, resting your head on his chest, "Tired?" He said softly, looking down at you. "Its from all the pasta," you chuckled.
"You can stay over, if you want."
You blushed, "You sure?"
He nodded; he offered to show you to the bathroom and offered one of his oversized t-shirts on the towel rack. You borrowed a new toothbrush and quickly did your night routine. You slipped his shirt over your body, as it hung loosely on your body. You blushed, thinking this was the least amount of clothing you've worn with Gojo, or any guy for that matter. When you returned to his bedroom, you could see Gojo sitting on the bed, his back turned from you. He had already taken his pants off, revealing black boxer briefs. He pulled his shirt off from behind, turning to see you. You blushed immediately, clutching the end seams of the shirt you wore.
He looked up at you with a smirk, "What's wrong?"
"N-nothing..." you looked to the ground. He continued to smirk and ushered you over. You crawled into the bed and into his embrace, you body pressed against his. You could feel the warmth radiate his sculpted body, his breathing low and deep. Your chest pressed up against his as you heard him sigh peacefully. He lowered his head to fit into the crook of your neck, breathing in your scent. He placed his arm behind your head and his hand on-top of your head, taking some hair into his fingers and running his fingers through. "I've been meaning to ask you something..." He sounded nervous, his hand rest in your hipbone tracing circles on your lower stomach.
"Will you be my girlfriend, y/n?"
You looked up at him, his eyes looking towards yours. It took you awhile to register the words that left his lips; you blinked a few times then opened your mouth; but no words came out. He waited for your response, eyes looking restless as the silence concerned him.
He looked worried and continued, "I know I should've asked sooner, I'm sorr-"
You pressed your forehead onto his, "Yes," you said softly, gently kissing the sorcerer, wrapping your arms around his neck and chest as he wrapped his arms around your waist. He kissed you softly while using one hand to turn off the lights; the night sky visible from a large sunroof above the ceiling. The starry night illuminated the bed and your bodies; he kissed you on your forehead once more, sighing in contentment.
That night, the pillow talk started with stories of your childhoods then sweet nothings that new lovers spew. Your words dripped like honey for him. He told you that you were the most beautiful girl he ever seen; that you were his earth that grounded his being and love that ended his drought.
You whispered your loving thoughts to him; that he was your heaven on this earth, the highest feeling of love you've ever felt. The two of your bodies tangled in each other's embrace. You slowly drifted to sleep, hearing the last words of him saying "Happy Birthday, y/n."
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