#c blake
diioonysus · 6 months
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women in art: titania
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midnightsun-if · 7 months
Who fell first, and who fell harder with each RO?
Koda: He fell first without even realizing it. It was as natural as breathing at the end of the day.
Scarlett: The MC fell first and she fell harder (or you were both in the same place all along and it just took her a moment to figure that out).
Cyrus/Cyra: They fell harder— not even afraid that they’d hit the ground while doing so as they knew you’d be there to greet them.
Quinn: Their wolf fell first and they fell harder as Quinn wanted to be sure that they, their human side, wasn’t just being influenced by their lupine one.
Caden: They fell at a sedate pace, taking in the sights and allowing themself to truly come to terms with what’s happening. Sometimes they may have shifted up a bit, but they would inevitably end up on the ground with you.
Sloane: They fell harder… But perhaps they also fell first too… Their emotions are sort of all over the place, but they’re content on where they end up landing all the same. Doesn’t matter how long it took to actually fall.
Blake: They took a tumbling dive down a gigantic flight of stairs, got whacked over the head, and then proceeded to be oblivious that they had fallen in the first place and didn’t just find a new, more painful, way to travel.
Reginald/Regina: They fell first without question. How could they not when in the face of you? There’s nothing in this world that could have stopped them.
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bdk1902 · 2 months
Emerald: My ass is better!
Blake: No! Mine is!
Jaune walks in, staring at them fighting.
Jaune: why are they fighting?
Yang: They’re comparing which ass is better. Obviously, I’m on Blake’s.
Ruby: But Em has more bounce to it.
Weiss: This is such childish behavior.
Yang: Is it because you have no curves on both sides?
Weiss: Shush!!
Jaune: Ladies. Ladies. I know how to handle this. *Jaune walks up to the bootiful beauties*
Emerald: And another thing! Y-Jaune what are you doing?
Blake: Please stay out of this.
Jaune grabbed both of their hands, and guide them to his butt, make them squeeze each cheek, and left with just one sentence.
Jaune: I win.
That left many girls speechless, including Blake and Emerald who just felt like they have touched the Holy Grail.
Emerald/Blake: Dibs on sleeping with him! No! I said it first! Race you to there! Jinx! Double Jinx! *both dash to where Jaune headed*
Yang: …What the fuck just happened?
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knockeddeadv5 · 1 year
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Megan Blake Irwin by Cameron Hammond
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howlingday · 6 months
Imagine Jaune as Scott Sterling(from Studio C). How funny would that be? Pyrrha would probably sue the coach and let Nora beat up the team.
Oobleck: Welcome back to our coverage of the game between Teams RWBY and JNPR.
Port: If you're just joining us today, you've missed most of an unbelievably well fought match between two incredible teams tonight. It has all come down to the final, penalty shots. All it takes is enough points for either team. Here comes the kick...
Pyrrha: (Kicks, Scores goal)
Oobleck: OH! SPECTACULAR! Team JNPR's star player, Pyrrha Nikos, has just landed a goal for her team, so now the burden rests on Team JNPR's goal-keeper, Jaune Arc.
Port: Here he comes. A fine lad with nerves of steel. He's got more hanging over him than the city of Mantle right now.
Oobleck: Indeed, and it seems the fans are showing their appreciation for it. Yang Xiao Long places the ball on the spot, getting ready.
Port: That girl literally has a cannon for a leg, and here she comes! Winding up for the shot and-
Yang: (Kicks)
Jaune: (Pelted in the face)
Oobleck: We clocked that at a stunning 116 kilometers per hour!
Port: Now that's a lot of, er, miles per hour!
Oobleck: Even with aura, there is no chance that young man's nose isn't broken right now.
Port: Oh, indeed!
Jaune: (Dazed)
Goodwitch: (Shining a light in his face, Nods, Leaves)
Port: Now it seems Team JNPR's coach, Professor Goodwitch, is examining him and deems him fit for duty after a short rest. Sadly, he's not out of the woods yet.
Oobleck: On his feet now, a bit shaken.
Port: But not stirred!
Oobleck/Port: HAHAHAHA!
Port: This crowd absolutely loves this young man.
Oobleck: He returns to his team, who welcome him back as a hero. And now comes another penalty kick, and scoring here would make it two nil. Nora Valkyrie approaches the ball with determination!
Nora: (Kicks, Misses goal)
Port: She hits high and wide, way off target!
Oobleck: She must have thought she was playing Mantle Football and attempting a field goal!
Port: Wrong kind of football, I'd say! And back now to Jaune Arc, looking a bit worse for wear, but ready for round two.
Oobleck: The shot takes a moment, but here comes Belladonna!
Blake: (Kicks)
Jaune: (Beaned in the schnozz)
Port: Jaune Arc with the fantastic dive! The ball flies straight through the air and his hands and whacks Jaune Arc right in the sniffer!
Oobleck: Looking again on the instant replay and OH! EVERY EXCRUCIATING DETAIL IS CAPTURED PERFECTLY IN HIGH-DEFINITION PERFECTION! Clocked in at 129 kilometers per hour.
Port: Arc does not look well. Two wonderful saves compounding two DEFINITE concussions.
Goodwitch: (Carries Jaune on shoulder)
Jaune: (Falls, Dragged away)
Oobleck: This seems to be the end of Jaune Arc's performance tonight.
Port: Indeed, as his coach pulls him through the grass and off the field, like a large-breasted lioness dragging a gazelle with a broken nose across the savannah.
Oobleck: Adieu, Jaune Arc. Adieu.
Port: JNPR now with their third PK. Weiss bouncing at the goal like an infant. The crowd holds their breath as Valkyrie moves in... OH! Very anticlimactic there. Let's see who they got to replace Jaune Ar-
Oobleck/Port: JAUNE ARC!
Oobleck: Jaune Arc is still in the game! Oh my, and it seems he's taken a very odd tactic now!
Port: He seems to be in the fetal position, covering his face.
Oobleck: Not a recommended technique, but here it co- Oh, wait! It seems Weiss Schnee is stopping to tie her shoe.
Port: Ho ho! And that's why you do a double-knot, kids!
Oobleck: Arc, still waiting for the kick to happen. He's probably wondering when the-
Jaune: (Looks up)
Weiss: (Kicks, Pops him in the beak)
Port: The ball strikes Arc right in the face, further crushing his nostrils into thin slits! He must be breathing only blood by now! He's going to look like one of those cartoon characters that just ran into a frying pan while they were chasing after a mouse!
Oobleck: I don't even care that we missed Lie Ren's attempt! Let's go back to-
Oobleck/Port: JAUNE ARC!
Port: THE MAN!
Oobleck: THE MYTH!
Oobleck/Port: THE LEGEND!
Jaune: (Stumbling to the goal, Bloodied and battered)
Port: I can't wait to see Arc and his catlike face reflexes!
Oobleck: Absolutely incredible, though I must say that Arc does not look well at all lying on the ground there.
Port: Well, you know athletes. They like to add a bit of drama to their performances.
Jaune: (Picked up by Ren and Nora)
Port: Are they taking him out?
Pyrrha: (Runs out with chair)
Oobleck: They brought him a chair! A bold move by their coach!
Jaune: (Reaches for his team leaving)
Oobleck: This is basically a gimme! Ruby Rose has to literally kick it anywhere that isn't where Jaune Arc is!
Port: There is no way Team RWBY can mess up this shot!
Jaune: (Begging Ruby)
Ruby: (Kicks, Craters his face)
Port: THIS MAN CAN DO NO WRONG! Just look at him in this instant replay, begging for mercy when it should be mercy begging for him!
Oobleck: He has looked Death in the eye and said, "Take your best shot!" To which Death replies with repeated punches to Arc's face! Just over and over and over again!
Port: If Team JNPR make this final shot, it's all over! But-
Port: No! Pyrrha Nikos misses, clearly too distracted by the wounds her partner, Jaune Arc, has sustained in this game! Speaking of, it's time we go back to-
Oobleck/Port: JAUNE! ARC!
Port: His face is like a brick wall!
Oobleck: A brick wall that can feel only pain and cries a lot!
Port: Wait a minute... I see Team RWBY's star kicker, Penny Polendina, but where's Jaune Arc?
Oobleck: ...Oh! It seems Arc is crawling away from the goal! WHAT IS HE DOING?!
Penny: (Kicks exactly where she needs to)
Jaune: (...Words cannot describe the calamity of what just happened. At least, they fail to accurately depict what could be described as what really happened. The only accuracy that could be described in this space is that there was physical contact between Jaune Arc's face and a large, head-sized ball, and that there was a lot of bodily fluids that resulted from this contact, and that Jaune Arc was in so much pain that it's likely he passed out or away, though it's also just as likely that he didn't.)
Oobleck: ICAN'TBELIEVEIT! LOOKATTHAT! HE'SDONETHEIMPOSSIBLE! He was hit just right! What incredible instincts he had to just crawl away from the goal like that!
Port: His team rushes to the field, happy as a lark, as they all slide in and accidentally kick Jaune Arc in the face!
Oobleck: And now his team his carrying him off and away on an orange stretch of victory, glory, and emergency medical attention! Jaune Arc and his face of steel have won it all!
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littleeliza-lotte · 2 years
“If you know ya know.”
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lgbtqreads · 7 months
Most Anticipated LGBTQ+ Romances of 2024
Young Adult Okay, Cupid by Mason Deaver (January 2nd) As a cupid, Jude thinks they understand love a little bit more than the average human. It makes sense — Jude’s been studying love their whole teen life. And, yes, there have been some bumps in the road, and they’re currently on probation for doing something that they absolutely, definitely shouldn’t have done… but they’re ready to prove they…
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may the best bait win! propaganda under the cut:
bellamy and clarke:
They start off as a rivals-to-lovers kind of arc, the actors are married and have a kid in addition to (allegedly) being friends with benefits in the early seasons They have multiple intense romantic moments even while they're with other people, the actors were told to play them romantically and have spoken up about it, and are now married, they once won a "sexiest moment" award despite it just being him pushing her hair back, they get married in the books, they constantly tell each other that they need each other, and call themselves "the head and the heart"
they get married in the books the actors were told to play them romantically for seven years, but in the final season, clarke KILLS bellamy because the showrunner hated his teen girl fanbase. they also had multiple almost-love confessions, and constantly said things like "i need you" and called themselves "the head and the heart"
"m/f pairs who have some kind of weird fucking thing going on that is never explicitly named platonic or romantic" "couples whose romance is teased but never confirmed as such" No matter how much the showrunner tries to deny it, it was quite obvious from the beginning that Clarke and Bellamy were supposed to end up together. But then Clexa happened, and the massive backlash to Lexa's death (understandable) pretty much killed any chance they could manifest that romance. I'm okay with that, because it allows Bellarke a complexity that most straight pairings don't have. But the chemistry, and the chemistry was strong - so strong that the actors got married!
They're canon in the books the show is based on, and their plot seemed like it would be a slow burn enemies to friends to lovers, but the producer actively made fun of fans for shipping it and ended the series with clarke killing bellamy.
janeway and chakotay:
Janeway is the Captain of a Starfleet ship lost so far from home it will take decades to reach. Chakotay is the Captain of a Maquis (rebel) ship also lost there. They decide to work together to get home and combine their crews when the Maquis ship is destroyed, and Chakotay becomes her second-in-command. Because of the seriousness of the situation, Janeway feels that she cannot afford the distraction of a romance and so they never get together. They have NO personal space and look longingly at each other quite often and one episode has them forced to abandon ship potentially forever and they live together in a little house and he builds her a bathtub because she complains about not having one and they share a romantically charged massage where he tells her a made up story about a warrior and the woman who inspired him which he openly admits is made up and actually about them. Also he holds her while she cries about their chance of going back to the ship being destroyed. In a different episode she “dies” and he cradled her body while weeping about it. They also have candlelit dinners regularly and she lent him a copy of the book her ex-fiancé gave her, and every time the show conspires to make one temporarily unaware of the other, they flirt hardcore. An episode designed to show how they wouldn’t work as a couple only makes more people ship them. Also a young version of Janeway meets older Chakotay via time travel and asks him if they’re together in the future despite her being engaged at that point. He declined to answer directly.
they have a lot of Tension thruout the series & a very deep relationship, but Janeway has someone waiting for her back home & Chakotay ends up in a romance plot with another person in the last season (that I personally felt came from out of nowhere but whatever) I rooted for them! I rooted for a str8 couple! I did not care that Janeway had someone waiting for her back home even tho I usually do! but I did not care! they deserved to fuck!
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e-adlirez · 8 months
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“I’m gonna give you a chance to run, and go tell every single person who you know about what just happened today. I want you to tell Rat, I want you to tell everybody. This… this is what I’m capable of now.”
Crappy drawing I made as quickly as I could, I dunno exactly all the lore in the Content SMP but one too many @doctor4t videos has done this to me and my curiosity—
c!Lux belongs to @luxintrus and c!Blake belongs to @winsweep
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hiskayaa · 1 year
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Ojitos Lindos
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zahri-melitor · 3 months
Okay reasons why Gail Simone’s Secret Six (2005, 2006, 2008) is totally worth your time:
Do you enjoy Suicide Squad 1987 but want something written a bit more modern? With no Harley Quinn in it?
Would you prefer your selection of B and C list cringe fail villains to be trying their best to be working legally as mercenaries but also be the absolute worst at morality?
Do you want it to read something that is complete ship bait in every possible direction because the entire cast picked up a document headed ‘found family’ and are all wildly misinterpreting it in different ways? (While also in the middle of an argument over what is family, and do we like our families anyway?)
Is your idea of the peak ship dynamics for the title to be between characters who are very specifically not doing it on panel and in fact are very much doing other people, while still radiating homoerotic tension off the charts whenever they’re in the same room or talking about the other?
Do you enjoy reading a comic with this level of queer coding and queer bait, with the full knowledge that the writing and art team are doing it deliberately for their OWN entertainment as much as the audience’s?
Would you like the team's inability to actually count to six be a running plot point?
Also if you like Flatline as a character - I REALLY want you to meet Jeannette.
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rusted-pipe-of-wisdom · 2 months
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litany against trust
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midnightsun-if · 3 months
What would the Ros' reaction be like when killing someone to protect Mc?
Koda: "I'm sorry it had to come to this," he murmurs, gently lowering the body to the ground. The sentiment coming from anyone else would have rung false, but a sincerity lurks within his soft brown gaze that made the bittersweet truth all the more apparent. He knows that if it ever came down to protecting his mate or not taking a life, he'd choose his mate every time, but that didn't make the heaviness on his chest any lighter. "My mama always taught me that you only kill what you need to. Never more than that, because the universe will be unbalanced, and it'll end up righting itself by coming back to haunt you." Koda shakes his head, brow furrowed. "I'm sorry that your death became a necessity."
Scarlett: Blood had never tasted so sweet. Droplets of crimson fall down alabaster fingers as Scarlett grips what remained of the throat she had just torn out, a snarl etched across an elegant face, full lips pulled back in the beginning of a primal growl, fangs coated in red. "Did you think that I wouldn't hunt you? That I wouldn't tear this world apart in order to find the insolent little worm that thought it was okay to harm her?" Her grip tightens, delighting in the strangled gurgle of pain the action causes, as she brings the insipid creature closer. "Your gravest error, besides hurting her, was thinking you'd ever be able to escape. I would let cities turn to ash if it meant I could bask in the warmth the fire cast with her by my side. I would bring ruin and damnation upon the gods themselves, even if it meant I was cast to hell, because I would know what it felt like to have heaven in my arms." Scarlett cocks her head to the side, the ghost of a sardonic smirk appearing briefly. "Taking your life? Is the smallest of sacrifices that I'm willing to make for my heart."
Cyrus/Cyra: A Healer. You're a Healer. The words ring through their mind, sounding vaguely like their grandfather, as they stare at the body in front of them, blood staining the ground in a horrific display; a shade that matched the brilliant vermillion hue that their own eyes had become, soft gold being eclipsed by fiery red. A Healer. You're a Healer. It's a sentiment that echoes tauntingly as they watch the light leave the other's eyes, a grim melancholy settling over them because they know that a single drop of a golden tear would have prevented it. "I am," they whisper, their grip on the still pristine fabric of their pants tightening further. "I am a Healer but before that, before anything, I am theirs."
Quinn: Should have made them suffer. Made them scream. Their wolf snarls, clearly angry at the lack of Quinn's "proper" response to the threat that had been imposed upon their mate. "Enough," Quinn orders, a growl working its way into their voice. They could envision their wolf clearly; the large form pacing in the mental prison Quinn had entrapped it in. "We're not like our family. We're better. We do not do what they would have done." Sapphire blue eyes glint dangerously underneath the moonlight, a sharpness hardening the usually calm expression. They know their words would do little to appease their wolf -- not when it was in hunt mode -- but Quinn would never let themself become what they had once been. "Besides," they continue, their eyes taking in the mangled form before them. "I think we made them suffer plenty."
Caden: Despite their personal feelings on the individual perishing before them, Caden would never forsake their sworn duty -- something that had given them a purpose for so long; their only one, if they were being honest with themself. Until you came along. Silver eyes, a haunting shade of argent in the moonlight, meet the dimming gaze of the person they had just killed, an icy chill working itself out from their chest as they grasp a slackening cheek. "It's alright," they intone, voice carrying sharply across the gentle breeze, wrapping itself within the very sounds of nature. "You can rest now."
Sloane: Harsh breaths escape chapped lips, almost panting due to the exertion, as bloodily bruised fists continue to slam into the figure that had tried to take their everything from them. They had already lost their home once; they weren't about to let some asshole, with a superiority complex and a penchant to not know what was good for them, take the one they had only just found. Stop. Enough. The command from their wolf, harsh in its softness, would normally be ignored, shrugged off like an annoying gnat that still persisted to invade their personal space, but their bone-deep tiredness, coupled by their own fears, causes them to finally halt their movements. Hazel eyes honing in on the mess they had made, but they can't bring themself to feel too bad. Not if it meant that you'd be okay, that you'd be safe, due to their actions.
Blake: A small grimace flits across their features, violet eyes narrowed in disgust as they observe the small flecks of red that had suddenly decided to reside on their silk shirt. "That's just unsanitary," they mutter, sending a sharp glare towards the still form before them. "It didn't have to happen, you know? Wouldn't have cared if you had gone after anyone else, but you had to go after them." They settle on their haunches, a snarl twisting their typically docile expression. "And that?" Blake shakes their head; blonde curls being displaced on their forehead. "That is simply unforgivable."
Reginald/Regina: "I-I'm s-sorry. I'm so sorry." The knife, still stained a nauseating crimson, falls from their laxed grip, the clatter of it striking the ground only a dulcet sound compared to the static that had begun to build within their ears. Nausea swirled within their stomach, anguish squeezing their throat in a vice grip, as tears steadily begin to make a trail down their face. Pain, unlike anything they had ever felt before, rips through their chest like the knife had only done a moment before to the figure laying prone on the ground. I had to do it. I had to protect them. I didn't have a choice. They slowly sink to the ground, shaking hands tearing at their hair. I didn't have a choice. I didn't have a choice. I didn't have a cho--
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peachyspaceslvt · 1 year
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SAVAGES (2012) dir. Oliver Stone
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knockeddeadv5 · 1 year
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Megan Blake Irwin by Cameron Hammond
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howlingday · 6 months
In regards to this post.
Studio C also made a volleyball sequel to their Scott Sterling video; link
You know what you must do Howling….
Oobleck: Welcome back to our coverage of another game between Teams RWBY and JNPR.
Port: If you're just joining us, it's been a roller coaster of emotions with both teams tied at two sets a piece, and the victor will be the Champions of Beacon Academy.
Oobleck: JNPR only needing to get the edge by two points with their team captain, Jaune Arc-
Port: Love that man!
Oobleck: Don't we all? -trying desperately to hold their position at the top, otherwise it's all over. Pyrrha Nikos ready to serve what may be the last game of her professional career.
Port: And here! We! Go!
Oobleck: Excellent serve!
Port: RWBY setting up the spike and-
Jaune: (Pounded in the forehead)
Port: Deflected!
Oobleck: Right into Jaune Arc's face!
Port: And JNPR ties it with Team RWBY! Unbelievable!
Oobleck: Fasten your seatbelts, ladies and gentlemen; Jaune Arc's face has entered the game!
Port: Just look at this instant replay! The angle at which Arc deflects the ball is nothing short of perfection!
Oobleck: Like watching a master painter masterfully painting his masterpiece... with his face!
Port: JNPR now on the prowl to take the lead with Nikos serving again! Team RWBY setting up a devastating return to the lead, and here it comes-
Jaune: (Nostrils pounded in, Slumps)
Port: Arc makes a tremendous save!
Oobleck: But it's not over yet as Team RWBY set up again for another spike, not wasting any opportunity to-
Jaune: (On his knees, Face pounded)
Oobleck: Welcome to the heavyweight bout between Arc's face versus everything else!
Port: He looks like he could be pray on his knees!
Oobleck: The peaceful visage of TBI!
Port: We are ALL witnesses!
Oobleck: TESTIFY~!
Port: LET US ALL FEAST ON THE SWEET NECTAR! Of instant replay!
Oobleck: Just a perfect defense; the pinnacle of the word sacrifice.
Port: The ball flies right past the blocker, into Arc's awaiting face, back over the net, and then back into Arc's face like an obese homing Nevermore!
Jaune: (Stumbling about, Blind)
Nora: (Turns him to the net)
Oobleck: That man will leave here today, knowing he gave up everything he could! ...if he leaves at all .The crowd is on their feet, cheering for their hero, Jaune Arc!
Port: Much like the days of my youth when I held the entire Kingdom of Atlas on my back, so too does Jaune Arc carry the weight of his opponents upon his face!
Oobleck: JNPR has come back from the brink to put this one into the history books!
Port: It's one point for JNPR, can RWBY push past the Arc's defense to-
Jaune: (Knocked prone by Yang)
Port: Arc blocks it!
Port: Team RWBY deliver another spike to The Man!
Jaune: (Hit again by Blake)
Oobleck: The myth!
Jaune: (And again by Weiss)
Oobleck/Port: THE LEGEND!
Jaune: (...)
Nora: (Grabs Jaune's legs)
Pyrrha: (Grabs Jaune's arm)
Ren: (Grabs Jaune's other arm)
Port: His teammates haul him to his feet!
Oobleck/Port: NO!
Port: They raise him to his everywhere!
Jaune: (Jaune, I know that you're still... recovering, but please. The team needs you. I need you. So please, just this once... Just one more time, the world needs Jaune Arc on the court. Besides, this is a totally different game than what we were playing before. I doubt you'll have to worry about being hit in the face, especially since you've got a whole team around you to provide backup. Now come on, there world's waiting for you...)
Oobleck: HE'SDONEIT! ICAN'TBELIEVEIT! JAUNEARC! He's been taken through the air like a defensive angel!
Ozpin: (Fuming, Tosses over chair)
Port: An angel with the face of a devil!
Oobleck: Let's get an instant replay!
Oobleck: One is the loneliest number!
Port: Two tickets to paradise!
Oobleck: Three times a lady!
Oobleck/Port: FOOOOOOOOOR-
Ruby: (Slow-mo punching the ball into Jaune's face)
Port: The crowd charges the court, and the people are weeping!
Oobleck: The tears of joy~!
Port: The Schnees are Schneeting!
Oobleck: Pound sign Jaune Arc~!
Port: The hospitals are preparing to receive the man himself!
Oobleck: The fifth relic himself!
Port: The great! Wall! of Jaune Arc!
Oobleck: I tell you, when the Brothers comes back, I want to be in a bunker made of Jaune Arc's face!
Port: Until next time...
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