leeanna66-blog · 5 years
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January 2nd 2019 #pagan #Namaste #spirits #magic #angrls #tarot #spiritualguidance #archangels #ascendedmasters #fairies #animalspirits #Animalguides #medicinewoman #sharman #Clairvoyancy https://www.instagram.com/p/BsIq27_ndoI/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=b9xreyzgbn4a
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leeanna66-blog · 5 years
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January 1st 2019 #pagan #Namaste #spirits #magic #angrls #tarot #spiritualguidance #archangels #ascendedmasters #fairies #animalspirits #Animalguides #medicinewoman #sharman #Clairvoyancy https://www.instagram.com/p/BsIqqLrnJh4/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=13p1vhluyz5dc
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leeanna66-blog · 6 years
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Today’s Message 13/10/2018 MICROCOSM: Seascape A trying time lies ahead and you must keep your wits about you to ensure your own protection. Don’t allow yourself to be lulled into inaction by a false sense of security. Stay on your guard and be prepared to weather the storm. Blessings 🌹 tarot #psychic #tarotcards #horoscope #spiritualawakening #clairvoyant #spiritual #archangel #angels #fairies #spirits #namaste #pagan #oracle #oraclecards #twinflame #soulmate #dailyguidance #zodiac #spiritualguidance #mindbodysoul #spirituality #mindbodyspirit #divine #australia #gaia #runes #crystals https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo25h7xAApu/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1dc9zdc2eoav5
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leeanna66-blog · 6 years
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Today’s Message 12/10/2018 MICROCOSM: Seascape A trying time lies ahead and you must keep your wits about you to ensure your own protection. Don’t allow yourself to be lulled into inaction by a false sense of security. Stay on your guard and be prepared to weather the storm. Blessings 🌹 tarot #psychic #tarotcards #horoscope #spiritualawakening #clairvoyant #spiritual #archangel #angels #fairies #spirits #namaste #pagan #oracle #oraclecards #twinflame #soulmate #dailyguidance #zodiac #spiritualguidance #mindbodysoul #spirituality #mindbodyspirit #divine #australia #gaia #runes #crystals https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo0bdPrAIEl/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1hq2sppuovuea
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leeanna66-blog · 6 years
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October 2018 Romance... Love... Relationships ARIES Base Chakra: Known as the Base or Root Chakra, this energy centre is situated at the base of the spine and is most closely related to all of your earthly issues, such as survival, the physical body, issues of money, sustenance, safety, and shelter. Physical movement strengthens this chakra. Walk, dance, work in the garden –– do anything that will get you moving. By energising this chakra, you strengthen your right to “have”, and you will be blessed with the loving and supportive relationships that you truly deserve. Blessings❤️ tarot #psychic #tarotcards #horoscope #spiritualawakening #clairvoyant #spiritual #archangel #angels #fairies #spirits #namaste #pagan #oracle #oraclecards #twinflame #soulmate #dailyguidance #zodiac #spiritualguidance #mindbodysoul #spirituality #mindbodyspirit #divine #australia #gaia #runes #crystals https://www.instagram.com/p/BotWH-qAOwz/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=124b5gk4eizfo
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leeanna66-blog · 6 years
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OCTOBER 2018 Matters of the Heart, Love, Romance & Relationships LIBRA DARKEST FEARS: Having love in your life is crucial. When the relationship does not go as planned or when a desired relationship does not materialise, it’s easy to lose yourself in worry and doubt. You may even question your own worthiness. It’s easy to become obsessed with all of your darkest fears regarding love. Don’t let your anxiety paralyse you into a total state of in action. Dwelling on your worries only feeds them with energy, allowing them to consume you and overshadow everything else. Take a moment to determine what might be troubling your heart. Anxiety may be obvious or quite subtle. Once you identify it, decide if it is something you can resolve on your own or if you need assistance, and then take the appropriate action. If you’re determined that it’s a worry over which you have no control, ask spirit to help you release it. Blessings🌹 tarot #psychic #tarotcards #horoscope #spiritualawakening #clairvoyant #spiritual #archangel #angels #fairies #spirits #namaste #pagan #oracle #oraclecards #twinflame #soulmate #dailyguidance #zodiac #spiritualguidance #mindbodysoul #spirituality #mindbodyspirit #divine #australia #gaia #runes #crystals https://www.instagram.com/p/BotWAERgWMf/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=hg0dg9hxl2rn
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leeanna66-blog · 6 years
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Matters of the Heart... Love...Romance...Relationship OCTOBER 2018 LEO REST AND RECONSIDER: Sometimes the struggle to create and maintain harmonious and fulfilling relationships just seems like too much work. You put forth your best effort and give more than your share, and find that there are still issues to be dealt with. You’re tired, and, at times, you just want to give up. The message is to persevere. You may have been disappointed or hurt in the past. Know that those past sorrows have made you stronger, even though you don’t feel that way at the moment. This is a good time to briefly step away from any conflict or issues around love. Give yourself some space to relax and replenish your energy. Continuous effort stresses the body and dulls the mind. You need to rest and reconsider your methods. Once you’ve recharged yourself, you’ll be stronger, clear headed, and confident, ready to move forward once again with new ideas about how to improve your situation. Blessings🌹 tarot #psychic #tarotcards #horoscope #spiritualawakening #clairvoyant #spiritual #archangel #angels #fairies #spirits #namaste #pagan #oracle #oraclecards #twinflame #soulmate #dailyguidance #zodiac #spiritualguidance #mindbodysoul #spirituality #mindbodyspirit #divine #australia #gaia #runes #crystals https://www.instagram.com/p/BotV3XWgwBS/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1nsjko5lket6u
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leeanna66-blog · 6 years
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Matters of the heart..Love...Romance...Relationship OCTOBER 2018 PISCES & AQUARIUS SEEK THE TRUTH: Intuition is a powerful ally, and now is a good time to follow and trust your inner promptings. Maybe that all is not as it seems in some of your relationships. Usual psychic senses to determine which of your associations maybe questionable. Trusting what you’re into Wishon is saying right now. As much as you’d like to trust these people or this person, it’s important to question their motives. Be cautious about sharing your most private thoughts and feelings in order to avoid allowing yourself to be placed in a vulnerable position. Be diligent in psychically scanning your interactions for possible deception. Be wary of one-sided relationships in which the other person is not participating fully or is avoiding obligations and responsibilities. Now is the ideal opportunity to get to the bottom of this behaviour. And certainly at all times, be sure that your role in your relationships is aboveboard and based on honesty. Blessings🌹 tarot #psychic #tarotcards #horoscope #spiritualawakening #clairvoyant #spiritual #archangel #angels #fairies #spirits #namaste #pagan #oracle #oraclecards #twinflame #soulmate #dailyguidance #zodiac #spiritualguidance #mindbodysoul #spirituality #mindbodyspirit #divine #australia #gaia #runes #crystals https://www.instagram.com/p/BotVppYAipe/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=40gkwdgkmntv
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leeanna66-blog · 6 years
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Matters of the Heart... Love...Romance...Relationship OCTOBER 2018 SAGITTARIUS HEART CHAKRA: Parallel to the heart, the heart chakra represents unconditional love, compassion, harmony, relationships and healing. It’s believed to be the link between mind, body, and soul. To activate this chakra, take a moment to send from your heart loving, healing energy in the form of blue and green waves – blue for peace, green for healing. Send this to everyone and everything, unconditionally. This love will be returned to you for your own healing. Blessings🌹 tarot #psychic #tarotcards #horoscope #spiritualawakening #clairvoyant #spiritual #archangel #angels #fairies #spirits #namaste #pagan #oracle #oraclecards #twinflame #soulmate #dailyguidance #zodiac #spiritualguidance #mindbodysoul #spirituality #mindbodyspirit #divine #australia #gaia #runes #crystals https://www.instagram.com/p/BotVUe-AcwE/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=18osqpuneaj5i
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leeanna66-blog · 6 years
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Matters of the Heart... Love..Romance...Relationship OCTOBER 2018 CANCER FEELING ALONE: True love and emotional support may seem lacking at this time. This is a period of feeling lonely or abandon. You may think that no one understands you or your needs, even cares about you. Perhaps someone you turn to for support has deserted you or are hoped-for love has rejected you. Your insecurities may rise to the surface to overwhelm you at this time. All that you desire may seem unobtainable. Don’t let your confidence be shaken. There are lessons in everything, and know that this difficult period is only temporary. Also seek the support of those friends and family who are there for you. Help is at hand –– you just don’t see it. Be careful because depression feeds upon itself. Lift yourself out of it by doing something physical –– take a walk, exercise, sing, or even volunteer your time. You will feel better and, in doing so, will attract happiness into your life. Blessings🌹 tarot #psychic #tarotcards #horoscope #spiritualawakening #clairvoyant #spiritual #archangel #angels #fairies #spirits #namaste #pagan #oracle #oraclecards #twinflame #soulmate #dailyguidance #zodiac #spiritualguidance #mindbodysoul #spirituality #mindbodyspirit #divine #australia #gaia #runes #crystals https://www.instagram.com/p/BotVEcgAZPS/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1lynkoj4q2a8c
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leeanna66-blog · 6 years
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Matters of the Heart..Love...Romance..Relationship OCTOBER 2018 GEMINI SPREAD YOUR WINGS: Energies of expansion are around you now and, because of this, you may be feeling restless and uncertain. Your mind and soul are ready to soar, but you may be feeling confined by certain relationships or certain aspects of them. Although they may be comfortable and feel safe, it’s possible they don’t quite fulfill your needs. Even the desire to be in a relationship can be restricting because it becomes your focus and you forget to live your life to the fullest. See your loved ones in a different light. For the time being, set aside any difficulties. Focus on humorous and loving aspects, and think of creative ways to add more laughter to your life. The more joy you add, the greater the energy level and the higher the vibration, bringing in beautifully renewed vitality. Let your relationship sparkle. Blessings🌹 tarot #psychic #tarotcards #horoscope #spiritualawakening #clairvoyant #spiritual #archangel #angels #fairies #spirits #namaste #pagan #oracle #oraclecards #twinflame #soulmate #dailyguidance #zodiac #spiritualguidance #mindbodysoul #spirituality #mindbodyspirit #divine #australia #gaia #runes #crystals https://www.instagram.com/p/BotU4y_A7Wu/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=kpxhs2c8dtzf
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leeanna66-blog · 6 years
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Matters of the Heart..Love...Relationship...Romance OCTOBER 2018 TAURUS CHALLENGING TIMES: Human ego can be helpful when it provides us with a sense of self, value, and purpose. However, the ego can also lead to problems when it seeks to build itself up at the expense of others. Quarrelsome energies may be in the air at this time. You may find yourself either instigating disagreements or being pulled into them by others. Step back and examine the real issues behind the conflict. You may find that it’s more about being right than it is about what is right. You may also find a relationship to be more challenging than usual, sensing an underlying power struggle even though surface energies appear to be calm. Use your intuition and intellect to ascertain what’s happening. While competition can be stimulating, it’s disruptive to a relationship. You can avoid this by thinking before you speak or act, and by coming from a place of honesty and love. Blessings🌹 https://www.instagram.com/p/BotUtypAFpW/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19hkjai5rcayz
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leeanna66-blog · 6 years
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Matters of the Heart..Love..Romance..Relationship OCTOBER 2018 SCORPIO LOVE: Take some time to examine your relationship with others as well as yourself. Are you coming from a place of love? It’s important to empathise, remain nonjudgemental, and love people for who they are. The same applies to your relationship with yourself. There’s an opportunity now to bring your being into a harmonious whole. Forgive your faults and rejoice in your perfect uniqueness. It may also be time to examine the choices you make regarding matters of the heart. Are you choosing to be have people in your life who support and empower you? Surround yourself only with those who encourage and sustain you, and who push or guide you to be all that you truly can be. This will help you value yourself and raise your vibration to that of unconditional love. There may also be an opportunity for a new romance, for improving existing romance, or for healing I just home in a minute this relationship. Says the synergy and take action quotation. If you’re looking for a new romance, make yourself available and be open. See it and feel it in your life right now! This will raise your vibration and attract that new love to you. If you’re looking to improve an existing romance, then maybe it’s time to be creative — a weekend getaway, a romantic dinner, or simply telling the person how much you love and appreciate them. To heal a disharmonious relationship, open a dialogue. Let the person know that you value the relationship and want to improve it. Blessings🌹 tarot #psychic #tarotcards #horoscope #spiritualawakening #clairvoyant #spiritual #archangel #angels #fairies #spirits #namaste #pagan #oracle #oraclecards #twinflame #soulmate #dailyguidance #zodiac #spiritualguidance #mindbodysoul #spirituality #mindbodyspirit #divine #australia #gaia #runes #crystals https://www.instagram.com/p/BotUd5mgkJW/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1t9fz3wm6rj2b
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leeanna66-blog · 6 years
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Matters of the Heart..Love..Romance..Relationship OCTOBER 2018 CAPRICORN DEDICATED EFFORT: Creating and maintaining satisfying relationships takes effort and diligence. You’ve shown that you have what it takes and that you’re dedicated. Through your life’s experiences, you’ve learned some valuable interpersonal skills. Use these tools to continue to nurture your relationships with family, friends, and your partner. It’s easy to lose focus, especially when situations become difficult. However, you have the integrity and discipline to continue to work at improving your relationships with others. You’re efforts will be rewarded! This is a good time to learn more about the people you’re currently in a relationship with. The more you understand a person’s beliefs, the easier it is to comprehend the motives behind his or her actions. The greater understanding will go far in fostering better communication. Learning new communication skills would also be useful at this time. You have what it takes to sustain positive, loving, supportive relationships. Keep up the good work! Blessings 🌹 tarot #psychic #tarotcards #horoscope #spiritualawakening #clairvoyant #spiritual #archangel #angels #fairies #spirits #namaste #pagan #oracle #oraclecards #twinflame #soulmate #dailyguidance #zodiac #spiritualguidance #mindbodysoul #spirituality #mindbodyspirit #divine #australia #gaia #runes #crystals https://www.instagram.com/p/BotUSAvApgi/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=tjtj5sxobusu
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leeanna66-blog · 6 years
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Matters of the Heart..Love..Romance..Relationship OCTOBER 2018 VIRGO SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA: This Chakra is located above the naval area and just below the rib cage. It represents power, vitality, willpower, self-esteem and confidence. This Chakra is associated with clairsentience (inner feelings), which is the major psychic reception area. To strengthen this chakra, try this breathing exercise: Close your eyes, and as you inhale deeply through your nose, breathe in the colour yellow. See it coming from a glowing, brilliant sun; send this vital energy to your Solar Plexus. Exhale through your mouth all energies that don’t serve you. Believe that you can have the relationship you desire, and you will! Blessings 🌹 tarot #psychic #tarotcards #horoscope #spiritualawakening #clairvoyant #spiritual #archangel #angels #fairies #spirits #namaste #pagan #oracle #oraclecards #twinflame #soulmate #dailyguidance #zodiac #spiritualguidance #mindbodysoul #spirituality #mindbodyspirit #divine #australia #gaia #runes #crystals https://www.instagram.com/p/BotUGTRAcHp/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19ylws5gpjygi
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leeanna66-blog · 6 years
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Today’s Message 9/10/2018 HOPE tarot #psychic #tarotcards #horoscope #spiritualawakening #clairvoyant #spiritual #archangel #angels #fairies #spirits #namaste #pagan #oracle #oraclecards #twinflame #soulmate #dailyguidance #zodiac #spiritualguidance #mindbodysoul #spirituality #mindbodyspirit #divine #australia #gaia #runes #crystals https://www.instagram.com/p/BotBNGXAuq8/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=16axtvqe8dlqn
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leeanna66-blog · 6 years
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Today’s Message 8/10/2018 HOPE tarot #psychic #tarotcards #horoscope #spiritualawakening #clairvoyant #spiritual #archangel #angels #fairies #spirits #namaste #pagan #oracle #oraclecards #twinflame #soulmate #dailyguidance #zodiac #spiritualguidance #mindbodysoul #spirituality #mindbodyspirit #divine #australia #gaia #runes #crystals https://www.instagram.com/p/BoqDJehA1aj/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1vvnk52m0ccuq
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