lesbian-rambler · 6 years
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To celebrate the release of How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World on February 1, why not download your own paper versions of Toothless and the Light Fury? And if you have a smartphone, they also breathe fire!
Here’s what you need:
Printables of the  Toothless  and  Light Fury  templates (Download and print)
Scissors to cut them out 
A smart phone
Click here to get your tickets now!
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lesbian-rambler · 6 years
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anyone please ask your crush out like this
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lesbian-rambler · 6 years
i love looking back on shit i did as a kid and realizing… oh that was gay. i was a lesbian child
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lesbian-rambler · 6 years
If your family doesn't accept your sexuality or gender identity, I am now your family and I love you.
Im still open if ya wanna talk❤💛💚💙💜
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lesbian-rambler · 6 years
Just so you know
So guys just so you know I have two tumblrs, this one and the one which is called @aelishe. So if you have that account following you it's me. If you see a reply from that one then it's me. :)
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lesbian-rambler · 6 years
What it means to be in a poly triad:
•Long nights of being smushed on a bed with your partners, never wanting it to end
•The three of you holding hands out in public, despite the confusing faces around you
•Memes, lots of memes
•Separate dates with both of your partners (and also dates with the three of you too, which are the best)
•Wondering: “Who’s arm is that?”
•Being there for each other, and loving each other unconditionally
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lesbian-rambler · 6 years
Reminder that you can still be polyamorous if you:
-are single -are only seeing one person -are in a closed group -only date casually -are a virgin -are asexual -are aromantic -not out about being non-monogamous -feel comfortable with monogamy as well -have never dated before -are still questioning your identity
You are valid as hell!
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lesbian-rambler · 6 years
I was so happy to find your blog, I’ve been trying to find someone else out there in a polyamorous relationship that wasn’t just an excuse to sleep with everyone. I’m in a triad with my husband & our girlfriend. I feel like we keep going through some really really tough times; we’re stretched super thin emotionally and mentally, but I couldn’t imagine my life without them. I’ve just started to become confidant enough to share with others, & being honest is helping my mental state a lot💖💜💙
I’m glad you found us! We have also been through some really tough times and sometimes we’re so exhausted, and we feel the same way. I couldn’t imagine a moment without them ❤❤❤
Sometimes we have a few days/weeks between answering asks on here, but I’m available daily on my personal blog @peculiar-persephone if you ever need/want to talk!
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lesbian-rambler · 6 years
“polyamory is like having a cake and eating it too”
Actually it’s more like eating multiple cakes. Not everyone have the stomach for it. I just really like cake.
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lesbian-rambler · 6 years
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lesbian-rambler · 6 years
snorting while laughing is the purest sound and it’s not weird or gross
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lesbian-rambler · 6 years
Our families know now
So on Wednesday both of my girls took the jump and told their families about me. I'd already met two of Princess's family so I knew they were close to telling them and they had said all along they didn't care if every one knew.
For me it was slightly different, my parents had a hard time with my sexuality let alone being told I was with two girls. However because we've been discussing our future and how we see this relationship going, for example, moving in together is a very high possibility. I decided to take the leap and tell my parents, that happened yesterday and they reacted as well as could be expected.
I've still got my parents house to go back to, they don't and won't accept it, they doubt it's a long term thing. However I'm an adult who will make their own decisions and if I'm happy they can't say much.
All I know is I'm glad I had my girls to go to, I drove up and stayed with them. Cuddled together watching Disney. Their support and encouragement has lead me to be the person I want to be with no hidden secrets and I'm so happy and relieved. I love my girls more than anything in this world.
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lesbian-rambler · 6 years
The catchphrases of the polyamorous community are “So?” and “And?”
“But you’re dating someone.” “So?”
“He isn’t single.” “And?”
“I wish I could date you but I have a partner.” “So?”
“There are four of you!?” “And?”
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lesbian-rambler · 6 years
“Did I tell you this story already?”
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lesbian-rambler · 6 years
people have lots of reasons that polyamory won’t work but so far the biggest issue we have is that when one of us says “babe” the other two both look over
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lesbian-rambler · 6 years
The hardest thing
Being in a throuple/triad can be a struggle, especially when you've entered into a relationship with an already established engaged couple. That's not the hardest part though. The hardest part isn't that there's three of us, it isn't that we're all over thinkers and at least two of us have mental health problems, the hardest part isn't that we can't be completely open around our family about us. The hardest thing is that I live away from them, I have to wait till the weekend to see them and when one of them is having a bad day or is ill and all I want to do is snuggle down in a blanket fort watching movies with them, make it better for them and I can't. It hurts and it sucks and I'm sat there just hoping that tomorrow they will feel better, hoping that they know if I could be there I would be.
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lesbian-rambler · 6 years
If you are wondering if you might be polaymorous, if you’re questioning monogamy, if you’re unsure about whether your experience counts as polyamorous, if you’ve had the same day dream about that friend of yours over and over again despite being really happy in your relationship, don’t be afraid to ask someone. If you don’t know someone who’s polyamorous, because its very likely nobody is out to you, ask someone on line who runs a blog like this one. People are happy to help you sort through your feelings, concerns, hopes, and fears. People like to help each other, they really do.
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