Victor Fries X Reader
“You’re so cold” I said tentatively. He looked at me with his cold blue eyes,staring at me like it was the most beautiful thing he has ever heard anyone say. My green eyes stared into his, my hand still rested on his cheek. I had been in his cell for about 20 minutes now and could feel the cold turning my extremities numb, I didn’t have long.“Are you sure you want to do this? What if it-” I put my finger on his lips. “It will be okay Victor” I said. Frustrated he swatted my hand away from his lips. “I’ve already lost one person..” He froze ;) seeming to choose his next words wisely. “If I- I don’t know what I would do if I lost you too” My fingers slowly made their way down to the ‘on’ switch of his freeze gun with little shivers shaking my body. “You’re cold?” he said with a smirk. I nodded feeling the cold gnawing at my body replacing every bit of warmth with a dry painful feeling. Normally when he would sneak me out of my cell and into his the longest I could stay was 5 minutes, which mostly consisted of quick kisses, if they weren’t my lips would stick to his lip a tongue to an icy pole, so we improvised. An empty ache vibrated through my body It was beginning to become to much suddenly my legs gave out beneath me causing me to tumble to the hard icy floor. “Y/n” Victor said stroking my face. I pulled away fearing the burn his icy fingers would ignite on my sensitive skin. A look of pain entered his eyes at my reaction. “I’m going to miss those eyes” he said quickly kissing my lips. I began dipping in and out of consciousness fearing that it was to late and he wouldn’t change me. All of this was relieved when my blood turned into thick strands of red ice in my veins, no longer being able to keep my heart pumping. 
A cracking feeling that ripped through my insides lifted me out of my slumber. I gasped clutching my chest, letting the horrendous burning feeling take over my whole body.. “Y/n what’s the matter are you alright?” I felt two hands grab my arms and lift me up, setting me down on a table. “Y/n? You need to breathe.” I heard Victor say he was scrambling for something I couldn’t see, everything looked the same in his cell, blue and covered in ice. Weakly I reached out to him my breath seeming to escape me, my chest pumping nervously like it does when you’ve been under water to long. “Y/n breathe!” The foggy ceiling above me began to disappear bringing with it a haunting darkness. Little clinking noises sounded around me followed by Victors smooth voice. “No, no, this cannot happen again. I won’t let you take her as well” With the little strength I had left I blindly reached for him, everything in my body burning from lack of oxygen. The only relief was the warmth of his skin… the warmth of his skin? Before my brain could comprehend what that meant I was shocked into unconsciousness.
Victor and I had met when I was brought into Indian Hill after under going a horrible chemical explosion that I was caught up in walking home from work. The chemical blast killed everyone within a 100 mile radius, except me even though I was at the heart of it. Miss. Peabody wheeled me into my cell informing me that the world thought I was dead and I didn’t mean a damn thing to anybody anymore. Panic stricken I tried to explain to her about my pug, Monroe that was at my house alone but she didn’t listen. Her only response was to slam the metal door in my face, walking away like a coward. It was three  weeks into my stay before I realized the crystal blue eyes the stared from the other cell and by that time I had already become the little ball of rage I am today Victor never seemed to mind. We didn’t talk for the first time until weeks later, we would stare at each other trough the small window in our doors, I would wave at him nervously causing him to smirk and turn away. 
Soon after he would have a guard slip notes under my door and from there on we made our plan. I would become the same as him so metal doors and weak human skin could no longer keep us apart. 
A warm feeling slowly crept over my extremities replacing the pain I previously felt with a sense of normal relief. My eyes opened slowly revealing the same icy ceiling in perfect 20/20 vision, my lungs no longer burned while they fought for air. Lazily I propped myself on my elbows spotting Victor who had his head placed firmly on his frosted metal workbench. “Victor” I said. He didn’t answer being to occupied by a well needed rest. I swung my legs over the edge of the tble I was placed on noticing the blue-ish clor my skin had become. My eyes widened as I studied my legs then onto my arms which were the same color the only difference being the little snowflakes that clung sweetly to my skin Quickly I grabbed a strand of my hair revealing that it had turned a snowy white unlike the black it was before. My heart pounded in my chest, it worked. “Victor! It worked!” I said joyously. His head shot up still groggy from sleep. “What?” he said unsure until his eyes met mine. With a numb type motion he made his way over to me grabbing my face gently with his hands.. My eyes closed to the feeling of his skin on mine, it was pleasant and warm, unlike before the feeling of frost-bite no longer came when he touched me. . “It dosent hurt?”  I shook my head no happiness washing over me. “We did it” I said. Victor brushed my newly white hair back staring in blissful disbelief, we had done it I would never lose him and he would never lose me. His eyes locked on mine for a quick second until he softly leaned forward pressing his lips to mine. An extraordinary feeling slapped my body seeming to lighten my senses, no more pain. I pulled him closer wanting more of it. In agreeance his hands traveled up my spine, his right tangling itself in my hair and his left holding my upper back securely. 
“Well what do we have here?” A smug voice said on the other side of the door. Victor pulled away quickly grabbing his gun and positioning myself safely behind him. I peered over his shoulder saw the pink glasses that  Dr. Strange wore. Looking closer I saw that he was in his red warm suit that was usually warn when visiting Victor. Along side him was Miss Peabody who was quickly entering in the access code to open the door. “Don’t worry I won’t let anything happen to you.” He said to me carefully watching the doctors every move. “How fascinating” Dr.Strange said upon entering the room. “You’ve changed her to be like you” The Dr. stepped forward reaching out to grab my hand. Victor with the flick of his fingers turned on his gun. “You can’t hurt her, she’s to valuable for you to dispose of.” I smiled at Miss. Peabody showing her that I did mean something to the world, she only stared back dull faced, her brown eyes beating with discontent. 
Dr.Strange stepped back obediently letting out a breathe that was followed by a quick fog. “Of course Victor, as as you wish.. we will have your cell fitted for two then.” Victor sighed in relief smiling slightly at me. “Are you sure that’s a good idea” Miss Peabody said. “It might give them ideas..” Dr. Strange dismissed her words with a wave of his little hands. “Nonsense. Let us be going… You two kids behave” With that the exited the cell. Victor was still standing protectively in front of me eyeing the door. A thick fog rising up the cell due to the warm bodies that stood in it seconds before.
 “Well I think that went well” I said trying the deescalate the moment. The hiss of he his freeze gun loading responded to my words. “Victor what are you-” Suddenly he began blasting the door completely over with ice so no one could get in.. or out. “He’s planning something Y/N It’s all an act.” He turned to me his face so sturn. I smiled graciously at him and ran my hands through his hair. “So what if he is?” He closed his eyes taking in the sensation of hands running through his hair. “You are obviously the superior being out of the two. I know you can handle it. I trust you.” His blue eyes flashed open at my words, startled I dropped my hands, Did I say something wrong? His face changed to that of concern like he was searching my mind to see if the words I spoke rang true. I did trust him, he turned me into an ice princess and protected me from Strange without any falter. He was all I had now
His attention redirected itself to my hands that lay limp n my lap. He twisted his face with disappointment  like they weren’t supposed to be there. Slowly he grabbed both of my wrists and placed them on his shoulders moving them around like he wanted a back massage. I smiled at his once I realized he was looking at me again. “Dont stop please.” he said wrapping his arms tightly around my waist. 
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Scarecrow. Jonathan Crane X Reader
I thought I would try to reach out and write about different characters for a change. Sorry if it is a disgrace :) 
Everything seemed to be going as planned, Jonathan had created a more potent strain of his fear toxin that was only activated when caught on fire, leaving the people of Gotham to breathe in their.. fear? or so he says. When he first told me of his plan I grew confused. “Jon how will you execute this plan of yours.” He only smiled lifting my chin with his index finger to connect my lips to his. “You will see when the time comes my dear.” He had his men rent out apartments all over the city stocking them full with barrels of his toxin as well as explosives. He was going to blow it all up on May 8th at 9:30pm during the windy season in Gotham.  
I waited in our house my nerves eating away at my rationality, it was 9:20pm leaving only ten minutes until Gotham was “Saved” If anything was going to go bad it would be now. My mind raced with possibilities that would take Jonathan away from me. What if he was killed by one of the people he created? or taken by the bat? I bit at my nails walking around the room he had me locked up in for three days now, not for malicious purposes but “To save you from those out there when the time comes” Naively I agreed to it not knowing he would be gone that entire time leaving me completely alone. I shivered looking at the clock 9:29.
 “You will hear it love. You will hear the bomb go off followed by screams that’s how you will know I succeeded” I heard his voice snaking around in my ear like some sort of nightmare. Usually I longed to hear his smooth voice but now it only brought me fear.. Being the man he is I suppose it would bring him happiness knowing that. It was 931 now no explosions. My heart shuttered bringing tears to my eyes. “Oh god no” I collapsed to my knees feeling the cherry oak wood boards grind against my bones. My sorrow was stolen by the vibrating of my phone off of the study desk. Weakly my legs carried me to it. The message was from Jonathan which read. “Scared you didn’t I ;)” A smile broke free on my face “Son of a bitch” I laughed chucking the phone a crossed the room I bit my lip giggling to myself. How dull my life would be if he hadn’t have graced it. Suddenly a boom exploded sounding to be right next to my head, I didn’t have time to comprehend why it had sounded so close due to my body being thrown against one of our many bookshelves. My eyes fuzzed in and out of consciousness only being able to identify the smoke that came hurtling in through the gaping hole in the wall.
“Where did you find her” was the first thing I heard when I woke up followed by unclear sources of light. I tried to move my arms and legs but they seemed to be restricted. “Jon?” I said loudly hoping he was in the room. “Her face needs to be covered don’t you understand what this could do to her!” I heard a nightmarish voice screech. Suddenly the scene around me cleared and I could see the what seemed to be vast fields of nothing. I was completely alone in a land of pure white only being able to hear those terrible voices. “Maybe it’s time for a taste of your own medicine Crane” A darker voice said. “Please somebody answer me! I can’t take being here!” Tears rolled down my face again. There was no answer only the two voices morphing into one horrible fluctuations of noise. 
Panicking I looked for a way out trying to scope out some sort of reason for this environment but there was none. There was no doors no windows only endless white surrounding me, “Get me out of here someone please!” I screamed feeling the reason that I had previously been looking for slip away. Being left alone was my greatest fear ever since my dad locked me in the basement on accident, it had only been an accident but I remember the darkness closing around me as he shut the door leaving my imagination the run free. I tried to remember the feeling of relief I felt once he opened the door again having remembered I was down there but I couldn’t my thoughts were slipping away from me. “Dad?” I said when at what I assumed to be the end of the whiteness a black storm of some sort rushed towards me. My eyes struggled to stay open enough to see the storms unraveling, even as something was shaking me quiet violently I was taken away into the blackness.
Y/n had slumped over on the floor, her brain having snapped from the intense amount of trauma she had just taken part in. The Bat had snatched her from our house exposing her lungs to the most potent strain of my fear toxin I had ever created. He brought her to the warehouse I was cooped up in tossing her on the floor like some proud hunters kill. She was writhing and crying out for help, help from the delusions of being completely alone even though I was positioned right next to her attempting to contact her, attempting to coo words into her ear that would assure her that I was there. I had screamed at Batman telling she was innocent and didn’t need to experience my creation, her face needed to be covered or the women I loved would disappear for good. He just smirked telling me I needed a taste of my own medicine.
 In my pocket I always kept a syringe of  the toxin in case of up close confrontations like this one, his bat mask wouldn’t protect him this time. With a snarl I dug the needle deep into his neck. He groaned punching me strongly in the face, knocking me off of my feet. Blood dripped out of my mouth as I watched him struggle to the floor bringing me to the situation I was in now. “Let’s go my dear.” I said to her. I slipping my arms easily under her, she was incredibly light which made the lifting process easy. In my lab I kept an abundant stash of an antidote for moments such as this but something told me that it was to late. She was lost in the vast cavities of her fear stricken brain. 
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Bruce X Reader Part 6
It was an unusual bright and sunny day in Gotham Bruce and I had taken Maddox to the Martha and Thomas Wayne playground but a couple blocks from the pent house. I sat on a patch of soft green grass under a tree, the shade proving to be a safe haven from the hot sun. Bruce and Maddox were chasing each other around the playground equipment. Maddox wearing a nice pair of jeans and a Batman shirt (courtesy of the masked crusader himself) of course Maddox didn’t know Bruce was The Batman but it was all in good fun. Bruce was wearing his usual suit and tie having thrown his suit jacket on me when the heat proved to be too much. “Hold still!” Bruce yelled grabbing at Maddox’s little ankles that stood  good three feet above him. Casually Maddox would slide his foot closer to Bruce but pull away when he attempted to grab it. “Oh yeah?” Bruce said pulling himself up onto the play set, bringing Maddox and him on the same level. Maddox shrieked with laughter taking off in the direction of the slides. Bruce laughed in a healthy being the happiest I had ever seen him.
Feeling good I glanced down at my diamond plated watch Bruce had brought me from France, it was 12:30pm. Maddox didn’t know it but he would be seeing his father in just an hour and a half. Bruce thought it best to bring Maddox out to have a good time just in case he had a negative reaction to the news. Bruce’s yell of victory snapped me out of my head. He held Maddox up like a trophy over his head, both of them laughing madly, Maddox’s little laugh resembling his fathers.”What time is it darling?” Bruce shouted setting Maddox down “Yeah Darling!” the little one mocked. Bruce mad a face at him then smiled like a proud father. “You watch it” I waited for them to be done until I shouted “12:45!” Bruce nodded sunlight reflecting off his rich brown hair slowly he made his way down the red play set lifting Maddox’s small body down once he had reached the ground.
They both walked towards me Maddox breaking out in a full spring when Bruce hinted that there could have been a possible race by pretending to lunge into a run. He didn’t instead handsomely brushing his hair back smiling down at me. Maddox rested his hand on the sturdy tree trunk above me breathing heavily. “Did he wipe ya’ out x?” I said smiling Bruce came up shortly helping me up. “Dang right I did. Don’t forget it kid” Bruce pointed at him winking. Quickly after he kissed me roughly wrapping his arms tightly around me Bruce was a lot happier having Maddox around. “Sure thing old man” Maddox whispered to himself his childish lisp peeking through. Bruce pulled away from my lips with a smile “Oh really” Maddox nodded getting ready to bolt if Bruce decided to run at him. Instead Bruce placed his hand on his head shaking his hair around. “We will see about that.. let’s go honey” he shouted back at me. “Yes sir” I said saluting him while bending to gather all of our belongings they so thoughtfully left me with.
I looked in front of me to see Bruce and Maddox sprinting to the car in a probable race. “boys” I sighed to myself. After of minutes of walking through grueling heat I  made it to the air conditioned SUV. Alfred casually smiled at me when I got in the back. “Hello Mrs. Carson lovely day out” I nodded my cheeks flushed. Bruce and Maddox were talking out of breath but excited about something.. I didn’t listen long enough to pick up on the topic of conversation. Things went quiet quickly most likely the exhaustion setting in on the boys. My eyes flashed at the time It was 1:00. I looked at Bruce who was gazing carefully at me, I smiled blushing a little. “Should we tell him now?” He nodded slightly leaning for a tender kiss, that I didn’t want to end but it did when he started to address Maddox. “Hey X?” he said lightly. Maddox turned to him his young eyes bright. “I’m not going to sugar coat this but at 1;30 you’re going to be meeting with your... father” Bruce quivered “At 1:30 today” Maddox looked quickly to me a little bit of panic on his face. I nodded wishing Bruce would have been a little more sensitive with the news. “I will be with you the whole time Maddox” He just nodded his little head staring blankly out the window.  I looked at Bruce worry smearing a crossed my face.
Maddox swung his legs nervously as he sat in the chair in front of my desk as I checked him in as a ‘therapeutic visitor’ I sighed my name quickly becoming a little nervous myself Joker was so unpredictable sometimes, I didn’t know how it would end. I looked at Maddox smiling “Are you ready?” he nodded swiping his hair he insisted Bruce comb back like he did his own when attending an important meeting. He wore little dress pants and a button up shirt looking more like the son of Bruce Wayne than The Joker’s. I lead him out of the office and down the long grey hallway until we reached he door that lead into the therapy room. Joker was sitting in the usual metal chair his arm tightly bound by a straight jacket. His face read nervousness now that he thought no one was watching him. I knelt down hugging Maddox tightly, he was visibly upset and touching the ‘J’ tattoo on his face. “It’s going to be okay X I promise. “ He nodded sadly holding my hand as I stood up. Slowly I beeped the scanner allowing us in. The bodyguards acknowledging my presence left the room. Joker at the sight of his son inhaled loudly staring him down then looked t me with a smile. Maddox stared at his father like he was a loaded weapon stuck directly in his face. “Maddox, Maddox” Joker whispered to himself before banging his head off of the table with a smile. “Is that how you greet your old man boy?!” he said Maddox smiled running to him hugging him tightly. Joker rested his head on the boys small shoulders smiling to himself. I did the same as I straightened out the paper work. Maddox pulled up a chair placing it right next to his fathers “So doc how does this work are you going to plague My son and I with deep questions?” He laughed looking down at Maddox to see if he was smiling as well. He was. “No” I replied putting all of my paperwork “Seeing that you two are getting along just fine I am going to go get coffee while you two visit for a half an hour. Sound good?” Both of them nodded with the same enthusiasm. I beeped myself out of the room. “behave now” I yelled back the guard shut the door tightly behind me. “Watch him. He doesn't seem to be n a hostile state but you know how he is. Both of the guards nodded with a grunt staring at my butt as I walked down to my office to finish the paperwork.  There wasn’t a lot of it to be done I just had to sighn my name at the bottom of two of the papers and I would be done. Of course I was going to drag it on longer than that.
I stopped myself fearing I was beginning to sympathize to much with The Joker. He was the man that had tortured Bruce o no end during his nights on the town. Seeming his only mission in life was to take away the man I loved the most and I wanted to hug him and apologies for his bumpy life? My head shook but the feeling didn’t. I was going to talk to Joker after his visit with Maddox was over. Picking up the office phone that sat on the edge of my desk I dialed the number to the penthouses home phone. Alfred answered within two rings, the man was good. “Good day Mrs. Lillian” I smiled “Hello Alfred in say-” I looked up at the clock reading 1;45 “Twenty minutes could you drive down to the asylum and pick-up Maddox? Maybe on the way home debrief with him about the visit with his father he is having?” Alfred gasped. “Certainly it my pleasure. “ I smiled “Thank you see you soon” he returned the goodbye and hung up the phone. signing the last two papers. It worried having Maddox near his father, he was more susceptible to his fathers homicidal idealizations especially if him and his father were on good terms. I wanted nothing for the best for that little man and I know it would crush Bruce having to lock him up in Arkham just like he had his father. This situation was becoming ar more difficut then I had ever intended. While wrapped up in my thoughts I had lost track of time. A call to my office came in. “Hello?” I answered “It’s Alfred it the yound master ready?” I scrambled up “Yes I will get him for you” In a rush I hung up the phone dashing down the hallway. Joker’s laugh filled the entire hallway. I peaked in Maddox was dancing or something to that effect sending Joker into a laughing fit. I beeped the door intruding on their cession. “I’m sorry boys but time is up. Joker after I bring X to our butler I would like to debrief with you. If that is okay?” Joker nodded watching me rush Maddox to get his things. Before we left through Maddox ran over to his father teary eyed hugging him around the waist very tightly. Joker’s face looked shocked when the six year old said “I will miss you daddy.” then just as fast as he had come Maddox left with me out of the door. i shouted back to the guards. “Don’t take him back our cession isn’t through.” the guard nodded at me as we continued towards the door. “How was it Maddox?” I asked out of breathe for no reason. he wiped tears from his eyes. “It was good” I gave him a side hug beeping the door open. Alfred waited outside holding the door open for Maddox just as he had done the first month of Bruce and I’s wedding because Bruce was to scared someone would come after me. “Go home with Alfred okay X?” He nodded sadly walking down the stairs. Sadness wallowed in my heart as I watched him for a quick second before shutting the door and running back down the hallway.
The guard on the right beeped me in when I was too out of breathe to find my own badge. Stepping in the room I regained my composure. “What did you call him before you left?” Joker asked suspiciously. I blushed “X, Bruce and I call him X” He leaned back satisfied with that answer. “Cute.” I ignored his sass continuing on. “How did your visit go?” He sighed annoyed like something else was on his mind. “Were you going to tell me my...” He shivered closing his eyes. My heart thumped knowing exactly what he was going to say. “Look I’m sorry I didn’t tell you she was alive Joker it seemed to dangerous for Maddox.” He found out Carmen was in the hospital. He looked confused at me and I looked the same way back. “Who’s this she you speak of?” My cheeks blushed I had completely given it away he didn’t even know until I opened my big mouth. “I was just going to say why didn’t you tell me my boy was a natural born entertainer but this proves to be far more interesting... So please continue.” He stared at me not in a hateful way but with a glimmer of hope. “It’s Carmen- They were able to revive her” He froze like he didn’t expect the answer.”Carmen.. my flower” HE whispered banging his head off of the table. “How long have you know doc. Don’t lie” he closed his eyes shushing me with his fingers. “Oh no don’t lie that will get you in so much more trouble.” I sighed. “I’ve known since the beginning I visited her in the hospital a few days ago.” He started to chuckle his face in pain “Does the little one know? I’m I the odd sheep out!? Oh Doc if you let my little kitten sit alone and think that we forgot about her-” I shook my head “No he doesn't she’s to dangerous” he laughed loudly “And I’m not! I know she’s here it all makes sense now. They wouldn’t be able to keep my precious girl anywhere else... guards I’m done with my visit.” He yelled an evil smile acrosssed his face. The guards wheeled him out he stared at me the entire time.
As soon as he left I rushed back to my office dialing up Bruce telling him everything I had just begun. He replied calmly he wouldn’t be able to get to us. He would pack up everything and relocate us to a secret penthouse he had elsewhere in the city. I shouldn’t worry we all make mistakes. I hung up the phone saying to myself that everything would be okay but something inside me wanted to say otherwise.
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Thank you all for reading more to come Same Bat-time Same bat-Channel!
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Bruce Wayne X Reader Part 5
Hi you’ve reached Dr. Y/N Lillian Carson, I’m not here right now but if you could leave your name, your phone number and a message I will gladly get back to you. Stay bright 
Good morning Darling or in your case goodnight. I am going to be coming back a little earlier than planned the business I had to attend to went smoother than Luscious and I planned. Also you haven’t changed your last name on here? You’ve been a Wayne for quite some time. I love you see you soon.  
Half awake I listened to the voice message Bruce had left me nine hours previous. Which made me happy. He had been gone for a week with little words spoke to any of us about his progress, a habit of his. It was 9:30 in the morning much later than I usually sleep in during the weekends. Everything was still and calm around me the only noise coming from the living area where Alfred was wandering around doing whatever he did with his time as well as the usual street noise. I smiled at the thought of Alfred, he had always been so kind. Thankful for him to be around serving as the only family Bruce had left. I got up putting on my rob making my way out to Alfred. Pure sunlight shined in from behind me warming up my back as I walked down the hallway. “Good morning Alfred” I chimed. He looked ti me from the book case he was dusting with an old smile. “Ah Good morning Mrs. Lillian. Did you sleep well” I nodded walking over the the tea station Bruce had installed in the living room, primarily for Alfred. “I did and you?” He nodded sitting down on the plush red chair with a grown looking a crossed the room. “Oh I certainly did. It’s quite quiet without Master Wayne around. Well besides Master Maddox he wild that one.” He looked up up me with affection “But very well mannered” I grabbed a cup off of the cup rack stuck in a bag of black tea replying to Alfred as I pored my water. “He is a sweet boy” I smiled. When I was done I joined Alfred in sitting in the identical chair a crossed form him.”How has he been doing as of late?” I inquired stirring my tea. He paused for a moment to gather his sentence. “He’s doing quite well in school, very smart as I imagine his father would be I’d imagine. I don’t know much about his mother though.” I nodded approving of what he said thinking of all the times I had met with the Clown Prince observing as he blabbered on finding intricate ways to avoid my questions. Where as Carmen sat quietly and still a crossed from me, shaking slightly not a word leaving her mouth. “His mother was a hard case” I said picturing her black hair and pale face. Her green eyes suspicious as they watched me talk. The lines in his face grew more curious as he got up to make a cup of tea as well. “What is her story. If you don’t mind me asking?” I kept sitting forward as I spoke. “Well as I said before her name if Carmen she’s a paranoid schizophrenic who si on constant suicide watch due to her frequent attempts.” Alfred sat down he face forming a frown at her condition. “Her entire past had been made up of abuse after abuse and trauma after trauma. She was first institutionalized when she was twelve in California for killing her foster parents and has been in and out of prisons and Asylums ever sense.” The old man shook his head “Who is he most like, do you think?” I sighed mulling Maddox’s parents around in my head searching for the answer I had wondered about many times before. “In terms of looks he has his fathers eyes and his mothers hair- also very good looking like the both of them. His personality though is more similar to his mothers. He’s quiet and reserved...”
We both went quiet mulling the information around in our heads. Both of us worrying about the most likely outcome of having two unhinged parents. “DO you think the boy will turn out like that?” Alfred asked me seeming more vulnerable than I had ever seen him. I took a large gulp of my tea imagining sweet little Maddox sulking in a room a knife in his hand ready to slash the pale flesh on his wrists to end the misery that was shoved onto him. I shook my head to get rid of the daydream. “Not if he is in a safe environment. He’s had less trauma than his father and certainly less trauma than his mother. It will be hard for him but I have hope.” Please by my answer Alfred smiled replying in a whisper that seemed to brighten up the whole room. “As do I master Lillian. As do I” Together we sat in silence sipping our tea and taking in the smell room around us. Unlike Wayne manor the penthouse smelled like new carpet  instead of old books. It was simply set up two love seats and a couch surrounded by cream colored carpet. A black TV sat off to the side around it clear windows that gave a 150 degree view of Gotham.  Suddenly the telephone rang. I went to retrieve it but Alfred ushered me to stay seated.His footsteps echoed away followed by his British accent saying “Hello Alfred speaking” There was momentarily silence followed by “Ah yes I will retrieve her for you, Mrs. Lillian phone for you” I smiled knowing he should have just let me answer the phone. Getting up I grabbed the phone nodding my head in thanks. “Hello Y/N here” 
“Hi this is Dr. Mathews for Gotham General. We have a patient by the name of Carmen white here”  My heart thudded a little of her name “Due to her being a past patient of your. We would like it if you could come down to assess her. She’s reached a point where she is stable enough to leave the hospital.” I nodded knowing she would have to go back to Arkham being it the only capable psych. hospital in the country. “What time do you need me there?” the doctor paused confused by my tone of voice. “Soon as possible.” I sighed answering “I will be done in 30 minutes.” The doctor said thank you before hanging up the phone. My legs sluggishly lifted my off the coach. “Alfred I have an appointment I need to be going to. It’s unexpected.” before I disappeared into my room I heard him reply “Yes Mrs. Lillian “ 
Quickly I got ready used to the time crunch of sudden appointments. Not bothering with any make-up I put on a professional looking black outfit and ripped a brush through my hair then I was off to the garage and on onto the streets of Gotham city. Gotham general was much closer to the penthouse than Arkham so I was able to reach it in a solid twenty minutes, not bad for the usual horrendous city traffic. Walking through the hospital and in the direction of intensive treatment my brain dreaded the stare of her injured dead eyes or how still she sat watching your every move as if you were going to attack her right then and there. I didn’t want to but it was a necessary job to be done. I walked up to the secretary’s desk with a false smile. “Hello I’m Dr. Wayne here to see a patient” The secretary looked up at me from typing on her computer. “Sure thing I know just who you’ve come for. I will call up Dr. Matthews” I nodded to say thank you sitting down to wait of the tan chairs pressed up against the matching colored walls. 
Occupying myself with a fashion magazine in front of me. There was a particularly interesting article about new positions to use to have hotter sex I thought would excite Bruce but I had my attention stolen away when I heard my name called, to soon the get to the juicy details. “Dr. Wayne. Thank you for coming own on such short notice” I got up smiling assuring him it was no bother. He led me into to back room that was lined with cell looking rooms, a nurse’s station in the middle. “So we’re going to be in room 233 on the left here” He stepped in front of me unlocking the deadbolt with a key hanging from his badge. Inside two beefy guards stood beside of Carmen’s bed. She had been strapped down along the waist, legs, ankle and wrists. Her composure remained calm becoming used to this sort of procedure. I smiled ready to face the horror. “Hello Miss. Carmen. Do you remember me? I’m Dr. Wayne” She nodded softly looking at me “I’m not talking with these thugs in the room especially him” Her pale finger pointed harshly at Dr. Mathews who dropped his head immediately. “I’m sure that can be arranged” I eyed Dr. Matthews who ushered the guards out avoiding my gaze. Once they had left I sat down in the chair somewhat close to the bed. “Okay were going to do a simple psych. eval. So we can determine you’re current state. You will be going back to Arkham but we need these kind of reports on file.” Her eyes connected to the ceiling  “Where’s my man?” She said her California sass thick. I hesitated for a moment not sure what to tell her. The truth? “You will not be in contact with him any longer Carmen. I’m sorry to say this to you but it is for the best” She looked at me horrified her pale green eyes widening. Violently her limbs began jerking around in the restraints. She screamed knowing her efforts were futile. Full tears ran down her beautiful face. Empathy rang through my bones. “Yo people are evil. I need him! I need him!” She sobbed Gently I put my hand on hers she pulled away snapping. “Dont touch me with your sympathetic glance .You get to go home to your man but I.. I...” Carmen began hyperventilating freezing in her bed. “Doctor!” I called out of the door. “It’s urgent!” Dr. Matthew rushed in with a shot in his hand. “Dr. Wayne please step back” Compliant I did Watching. “Okay Miss Carmen I’m going to give you a shot that will calm you down” He stuck the needle in her arm pumping the clear liquid into her veins.
Carmen didn’t wake up for another hour. When she did she was calm complaining lights about auditory hallucinations of her abusive fathers voice. She responded well to my sympathy which I was pleased about. Able to continue on with her Psych evaluation  I asked the basic questions of how her mental state is, if she was having any thoughts of suicide or harming others, her answer was yes as usual. When we finished up I wrote a discharge form instructing her to be taken to the intensive treatment wing of Arkham to keep her as far away from Joker of I could. 
I left feeling uneasy. Joker had been prone to breaking out of his cell and wandering the hospital at night, not causing a ruckus just wandering. What’s to say he wouldn’t make his way to her wing and see her sleeping in her cell. His precious flower who he thought had wilted away blooming fully in front of him. Before I unlocked my car I shook the thought out of my mind. There was a lesser chance of her slaughtering innocent people in Arkham so the chance had to be taken. The car ride home seemed to take for hours even though I was only twenty minutes away. It had become dark out so everything became just a blur of yelling and streaming lights. As I pulled into the garage my head was spinning from it, my vision being blotted light that scarred them. Sluggishly I got out locking my car and opening the door. 
To my surprise Bruce was there holding flowers in his hand. I smiled wrapping my arms around his shoulders giving him a kiss- pressing harder when I felt all the stress and worry melt away. Without saying hello to Alfred or Maddox Bruce carried me into the bed room dropping me on the bed. I giggled at him noticing that he had crushed the bouquet all over his suit. His eyes shining bright he brushed them off smiling as he laid on top of me gently kissing my neck then to my ear.
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Thank you all for reading :) To be continued Same Bat-time Same Bat-Channel
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Bruce x Reader  Part 4
Maddox walked clumsily next to me his innocent blue eyes connected to the grocery store floor. The refrigerator was well stocked but he hadn’t been out of the house since the day he was brought to the penthouse. You could see the cabin fever setting in whenever he gazed out the window as if the outside world was a long lost lover so reasonably Bruce and I had become concerned.. “Maddox would you like anything specific? He looked at me with lost eyes shaking his head “no” I smiled at him accepting his answer shocked Joker had produced such a quiet and humble son; which differed so much from his flashy and ridiculous personality. I headed towards to check-out line only  few bags of candy in the plastic basket I carried. Maddox followed closely behind me. “Did you give daddy my letter?” I smiled at his sweet voice, turning my head to answer. “I am going to give it to him today at our visit” a little smile rose on his face. “Do you think he will write me back?” he said innocent hope in his voice. I nodded replying “yes” knowing that if Joker wouldn’t write back I was well prepared to convince Bruce to write a fake Joker letter for him, he was to sweet of a boy to have his heart broke again. We got to our turn to check out, the total coming to 11.50, I paid in cash and we made our way out to my personal Lamborghini  Huracan RWD coup that I had bought after ten years of saving 100 dollars out of each of my paychecks, it was my favorite car. Bruce had advised me to take the black SUV but I declined knowing Joker had his own Lamborghini and that mine could possibly bring little Maddox closer to home, Bruce nodded in agreement. 
On our way home Maddox was quiet as usual but making a slightly disgusted face at the song that played on the radio. “You don’t like this song Maddox?” He smiled blushing a little. “No way” he replied. I ushered towards the radio station “Have at it pick what you like” He jumped for it turning the sleep black radio dial until he found the station he preferred. Hardcore rap started blaring from the speakers Maddox bobbing his little head along with it while his eyes searched the city observing all the people we zoomed by. I smiled to myself knowing that this is the station Joker would blast as himself, Carmen and Maddox mad their way illegally through Gotham to raise hell. Maddox had his fathers smile and eyes but most of him from his hair to his personalities mimicked his mothers- something I wasn’t sure to deem as good or not. 
I pulled into the garage under the pent house met by Bruce eyeballing the car once hearing the loud music. He smiled slightly and waved at Maddox. He smiled returning the gesture before unbuckling his seat-belt and running to Bruce’s side. “Did you hear that Mr. Bruce?” Maddox said delight smeared all over his face. Bruce nodded smiling wider. I made my way out of the car locking the doors behind me. My footsteps making a hallow echoing sound in the all cement room. “I sure did. Those were some pretty funky jams.” Maddox nodded “Yep and I got to pick the radio station!” he said jamming his thumb into his chest. “Well you have excellent taste in music my friend” Excitement seemed to well up inside of Maddox’s little body when hearing that. He laughed crazily before bolting into the house chanting “Alfred, Alfred!” most likely going to share the happy news. 
My eyes lingered on the twenty cars that surrounded us before going in for a kiss. Our lips connected and I could feel that Bruce was in a pleasant mood, he always was before leaving on a business trip. Sadness filled me I didn’t want him to leave but when duty calls Bruce came running. I made my way past him to go inside but he caught my arm pulling me gently back. “What’s up Doc?” he said in his smooth voice. I faked a smile to avoid talking about my feelings... something your average therapist/psychiatrist would never dare to say. “You know just going to put today's gatherings away” He nodded smiling at me looking deep into my eyes. “Don’t worry I won’t be gone to long I can’t leave the best-” He cut himself off seeming like he caught himself saying a bad word. “What dear?” I said hoping he would say something romantic but as normal he just shook his head smiling. “Never mind love” He said kissing my forehead. “I will be back in a week or two” he said looking intently at me. I squirmed under his gaze and focused on the  crack in the wall behind him. “I love you” his voice quivered with sincerity. I blushed “I love you too Bruce.” 
“Take care of Maddox and Alfred for me my lacking presence will be a great loss to them” he winked at me before getting into his car. Smiling and blushing at my husband’s charm I didn’t pay attention to which vehicle he had chosen. Instead I stood love-struck watching him drive out of the garage. Already missing him I walked calmly into the house. Alfred and Maddox were in the kitchen munching happily on sandwiches. “Well look at you two cuties” I said rustling Maddox’s hair. I cast a glance at the clock it was 10:30am; my second cession with the Joker was at 11:30. Quickly I sprinted back to my room to shower and change out of the jeans and t-shirt I was wearing and into a floor length long sleeved black dress. Due to my position at the asylum I was not allowed to participate in restraints so I could wear whatever, professional, attire I liked. I put on a little bit of make up grabbed my badge and name tag and walked briskly for the door. “I have an appointment boys so I will be back! Be safe for me please.” Alfred smiled handsomely at me while Maddox stared at me not moving. “I will give it to him don’t worry” He looked down smiling happy I remembered. 
My drives to the Asylum were often peaceful. Today rain cloud had showed their face coating the town in unexpected drizzles but still the drive was all together nice. When I arrived at Arkham I was met by my assistant, a young ginger headed boy, who was carrying an umbrella above him. “Good day Mrs. Wayne!” He cheesed covering my with the umbrella as I got out of the car. “Good day Rodney” I smiled. He was a good kind. “How have my patients been today?” I asked casually as we walked he would know little to none about any of my patients but I felt it nice to include him. “Nothing new that I have heard” he said focusing on missing the rain puddles that spotted the pavement. “Joker had a melt down yesterday and broke a guards leg but that’s about it” He smiled getting the door for me. Graciously I said “thank you” and stepped in; Waiting for him as he closed the umbrella. “Joker is a tricky one sometimes”  I said when he finally stepped by my side. We walked together silently down the long grey halls before he stepped into his office stating he had paperwork to busy himself with. I nodded glad he was leaving due to the fact I was five minutes late for my cession. I bolted the few feet left to my office threw my purse on my desk and snatched Joker’s files out of a large metal filing cabinet. 
My office door slammed behind me and I bolted down the familiar hallway stopping briefly to straighten myself out before entering the therapy. Joker would have a fit out laughter if he say me frazzled. “Hello Mr. Joker I apologies for being late.” He had a scowl no his face but replied in a peasant tone. “It’s no hassle Dr.” I looked at the guards ushering them out. Joker carefully watched them as they exited out of the grey dull room. “You should really spruce this place up Dr. there is nothing therapeutic about grey walls and a metal table.” He smiled weakly trying to keep up his usual act but it was obvious he was slipping. I nodded agreeing with him. The room wasn’t that pleasant to be in. “I will see what I can do.” I replied opening up his tan folder the card Maddox had written him lay on top. Joker leaned forward peering it. “what’s that Dr?” I smiled at his reaction playing it off. “Oh this?” I held up the card. Joker looked at it something like longing played in his eyes. He nodded. “Maddox wrote it for you. He’s a sweet boy” Joker looked at me seeming to not know how to reply- he struggled with understanding his emotions, he was even worst at vocalizing them. I opened the envelop and slid it a crossed the table. 
His eyes lingered over it but due to the straight jacket he wore he wasn’t able to open it. I was going to undue his restraints knowing it wasn’t the safest thing to do but by doing so some sort of trust could be formed between him and I. “Joker I need you to sit still okay. If you make any attempt to attack me you will be shot. Got it?” He looked at me confused as I walked behind him. I began fidgeting with the jacket. “Oh Doctor” he growled “Buy me a drink first” I smirked at his comment getting the straps to come loose around him. My legs brought me back to my seat straight jacket in hand. Joker began devouring the note with his eyes seeming to read it over and over again. His chest rising and falling with the quickening of his breathe. Twenty minutes had passed before he looked up at me new life in his eyes. Dramatically he stretched out in his chair positioning himself in a player way. His mouth formed into a grin. “Thank you Dr.” I smiled taking out my green note pad preparing myself for his reaction when I brought up Carmen again. It was seemingly painful for him but I needed to get to the center of him which seemed to be her.  “Okay Mr. Joker I am going to cut to the chase what was your relationship with Carmen.” His eyes narrowed as he sat up scooting himself closer to the table. Clenching his tattooed fists on the table. “Why is that relevant to my broken mind Dr. hmm?” He said in an attempt to change the subject. 
I sat back pressing my lips together. “Because I know you have a strong.. attachment to the girl and from observing your reaction to the last time I spoke her name she seems to have great influence in your life.” He looked unimpressed at me as he snaked his hands around on the smooth metal table. I observed then they were scarred and tattooed. On his right wrist he had ‘Carmen’ tattooed surrounded by little blue flowers a elegant pistol below the letters. I looked to his left wrist and saw Maddox surrounded by the same blue flowers only a baby rattle sat where the pistol did below Carmen’s name. “Your right doctor you caught me” he put his hands up smiling. “She’s my.. salvation. The ground she walks on is my will to live.” He trailed off seeming to fight with himself for a moment “The boy is the only living thing left of that brat” he slammed his fist down on the table laughing hysterically. Guilt raised up inside of me for lying to him but I had to remember who he was. He had killed hundreds of people, people who didn’t deserve to die. He hurt people he stole, he manipulated all for what seemed to him as fun. Still a part of me wanted to tell him Carmen was alive. 
I sighed. “Did you know she was dead before our previous cession?” He winced at the word ‘dead’ shaking his head ‘no’ slowly. Seeing that he was opening up I took a chance to ask what I had been dying to know. “So what happened that night?” He dropped his head onto the metal table growling his fingers gripped the edge of the table turning his knuckles more white than they already were. “The hide-out got busted because of silly men and their ignorance.” He gritted his teeth not looking at me but I gave him an encouraging nod anyway. “The bitch got taken because she was trying to coo the little brat out from under his bed because he was...” He sat up a look of disgust on his face and in a mocking tone. “Scared” I wrote down as minimal as I could which seemed to please Joker. “Who busted your hide-out?” I asked in a pleasant tone. He scoffed laughing. “A pathetic little man” I pressed further “Where was Carmen taken?” His head began to shake in a rhythmic motion before bouncing it off the table. I jumped back but calmed when he sat up laughing. “They took he back to their cave” He twirled his fingers around dramatically setting up the situation. “They kept the bitch in a little box taking their turns with her until she was a sobbing pile of pathetic..” He gritted his teeth harder standing up and punching the wall behind him, letting him go hoping it was somewhat helpful to his situation.
 I looked him over he was wearing the asylums signature grey sweat pants and sweatshirt. He was still fit and well toned probably keeping up with his fitness in his free time to ease the pain of losing the only people he probably cared about in his own damaged way. He brushed his hair back with his hands even though it flopped back to the green mess it had become laughing gently he turned to me his blue eyes stained with defeat. He had gotten a ‘c’ tattooed under left eye and a noose dropping down next to his ear on the same side. “Frosty found her naked, shivering like a little puppy.” His eyes cast themselves down longingly to the floor “Was Maddox there?” I pipped in knowing the answer. “Yes he was.” His eyes turned cold, hateful at the words I spoke. “I showed him- grabbed him by the neck” Joker acted out the situation while talking “ and I said ‘junior look what you did to your mom? how could a son do such a thing to the creature that brought you life’’ 
“What did Maddox do when you told him that?” Joker laughed at my question sitting down in his seat his eye narrowing and his mouth wrapping into a grin. “Oh he cried ‘I’m sorry, I’m sorry’ and gently caressed her head whispering like a little snake into her ear all the way until we arrived at the warehouse.” The cruel Joker everyone came to know came out of his shell reminding me why he was here. “Then at the warehouse- well you know the rest of that Dr.” I nodded say at him. “I think that should be all for today Mr. Joker” He looked at me shocked “That’s it!?” I was taken back by his reaction. “Was there anything else you wanted to talk about?” He huffed in his seat crossing his arms “I told you everything for yo little coppy friends and you don’t offer anything in return?? Now that’s such poor manners for a educated lady like yourself” 
My initial thought was he wanted to exchange the information which was a big no-no. “What is it you want?” I asked walking over to re-apply his straight jacket. Silently he sat feeling my hands on his body. “To see Maddox” He mumbled. I ushered the guards in to take him away. “I can do that for you Mr. Joker. Now have a safe day.” He looked at me in awe. before the wheeled him out. Exhausted I sat down at the table writing down every scrap of information I could remember. 
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Bruce Wayne X Reader Part 3
I clicked Joker’s paperwork off of the top of my desk arranging them so they would neat and orderly, tucking the Letter Maddox had written for his father in my back pocket. It was a small envelope decorated with hearts and gun, a family holding hands on the front of it. This would be my first time in months meeting with the clown so it would be interesting if he made any progress or had progressively gotten worst. Then again nothing ever really changed with him. He was a difficult case but easy to predict except when it came to the girl, Carmen. He seemed to care for her becoming protective of her at times, tending to her emotional needs and making her feel wanted. I bit the inside of my cheek before beeping my way out of my office and walking down the long stretch of the asylums grey hallway that would lead me to the farthest door on the right. The therapy room. 
With fall in full bloom the weather had become a little chillier than usual So I was wearing a black pair of tight fitting pants as well as a petite black turtle neck. My hair was loosely curled and trickled down my shoulders. I arrived at the door peeking in the lowly lit room two body guards were standing behind the clown he was strapped tightly into a straight jacket, green hair, face tattoos all of it was the same the only difference being he wasn’t wearing his regular Cheshire grin. 
Furrowing my eyebrows together I beeped the scanner and pushed open the door, smiling brightly at him as I walked to my end of the table. “Well good morning Mr. Joker how has your stay been?” His chilling blue eyes glared up at me. “Just magnificent Dr.” He replied in a weak tone. “Well that’s good to hear” As I took out my notes and guidelines J eyeballed the guards softly snarling t them whenever they met him gaze. I ushered them out to ease the environment, complaint they nodded their heads and left standing outside of the door. J’s shoulders seemed to relax a bit with the two men gone. “So to start out our session we will start with community then-” He grew irritated cracking his neck to the right and then to the left. “Cut the crap Dr.” he snarled moving agitated in his chair. “How’s my boy?” His eyes squinted and he began to breathe heavier. 
A pang of sympathy bounced around my heart when I thought of Maddox’s tattooed little face asking sadly to write him a letter. “Dr?!” Joker yelled at me seeming to hyperventilate for a moment. “He is doing well. He stays with my husband and I” The room around us seemed to close in making way for a feeling of claustrophobia. J’s eyes softened but they still peered deeply into me pleading for.. comfort? “He lives in your house with Bruce?” I shivered slightly hearing him say Bruce’s name. “Yes he does. It’s a safe place for him. Our butler has been home schooling him and he’s doing quite well. He’s very intelligent.” J leaned back in his chair sighing with relief. “Good orphans take care of other orphans you know Dr” He began to smiling. 
As chilling as his smile may be it lighted up the room seeing him act as his normal self. I nodded smiling softly. “Let’s touch on that subject shall we?” His smiled widened. “Sure thing Mrs.Wayne Play with my broken mind” I opened up my notebook reading through the questions I wanted to ask him. “What happened the night you were caught by the police.” He growled at my questioned. “You mean the Bat?” I nodded annoyed with his tone. “Yes The Batman” Satisfied he continued on leaning casually forward so his chest was resting on the metal table. “You see, Dr. it was bring your child to work day and I didn’t want the little brat to be disappointed you see so I gave one of my apes bad directions knowing the bat would catch wind of it. I just wanted my little boy to witness what I do Dr.” he slapped his hands smiling tightly, letting out a loud laugh. “The poor kid was wrapped up in a shoot out and taken before I could get my hands on him!! How that sound huh? Pretty doll?” He leaned back in his chair displaying more movement then he ever had in our past meetings.
 I looked down my list of questions setting my eyes on one that may be treading a little to close to a possible trigger. My eyes met his he was still smiling waiting for the next question. “What about Carmen?” I said trying to keep a pleasant tone. His smile faded away slowly and his eyes narrowed in on mine. “How do you?” He growled bouncing his head off of the table screaming “Don’t say her name!” The guards opened the door I smiled at them to show that everything was okay. He had random outbursts like this before normally ending in fits of laughter not rage. “The batman found Carmen and your son, Maddox-” he raised his head painfully up looking at me with a tired and terrorized face. You could tell in his demeanor he wanted me to stop. 
Slowly he repeated Maddox and Carmen’s names to himself. “in a closet after you had been taken away from the warehouse at 12:30 Pm. Maddox was clinging onto Carmen who-” I thought for a minute part of me wanting to say she was alive but knew it was best not to say. “Was pronounced dead two hours later from self asphyxiation”  He head fell onto the table, lethargically he rolled his head back and forth groaning uncomfortably. “Take me back to my cell Dr.” I head back a smile surprised to hear the words come out of his mouth. “Okay I can do that. Get some rest.” I lightly stroke his head whistling for the guards. Knowing the drill they took The Joker out of the room. He sat limply in his chair staring into nothing as they wheeled him away. 
Bruce and I went out to one of the many restaurants he own that night. It was a one based on French cuisine, I wasn’t a huge fan but his eye always lit up when the many kinds of bread was brought. He would look t me and say. “Look at that Y/N, it’s the finest bread in Gotham” I would raise my eyebrows and smile agreeing sarcastically. Bruce tonight was quieter than usual. “What’s wrong dear?’ I said slurping up some of my baked Camembert noisily. He smiled chuckling lightly. “I’ll be going out of town for a few days and I need you to stay with Maddox and Alfred.” I put my spoon down exhaling loudly annoyed. “What for?” He took a drink and looked handsomely into the crowd of people. It was poorly lit so he had to squint to clearly see anything. “Wayne enterprises is hosting a fund raiser in Paris and I am expected to make an appearance.” I nodded avoiding eye contact my feelings hurt and suspicious that he wouldn’t invite me. I let the feelings remain docile it was no use fighting. It was never a good idea to fight with him before he left town. The remainder of the night we ate quietly both avoiding any contact. When we got home Bruce played a board game happily with Maddox. I sat on the coach drinking tea watching them. 
The tattoo on Maddox’s face was beginning to scab over causing him to scratch frantically. “Honey” I said grabbing his hand softly. “You shouldn’t scratch it” He put his hand down stubbornly “But it itches, bad!” I nodded understanding where he was coming from even though I didn’t have any tattoos of my own. “I understand the but you don’t want it to get infected” He just shrugged being distracted when he realized Bruce was winning the game. “You sneaky man!” He explained outraged. I laughed talking my place back on the coach falling asleep soon after. 
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Thank you for reading all :) 
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Bruce Wayne X Reader Part 2
Maddox sat in front of me nervously kicking his little feet. “How old are you Mr. Maddox?” I said calmly to appeal to his childish level. He bit the right corner of his lip looking clumsily up at me. “I’m 6″ I smiled trailing my fingers along the leather chair I sat on. “Wow You’re almost grown up”  He smiled brightly showing perfect white teeth. I wrote down on my note pad.
 ‘White teeth- no sighs of neglect.Possible abuse noted by the tattoo on face. Slight scarring no infection noted.’
 He perked up trying to look at my notepad. “mind your business I joked. He blushed sitting back in his chair. His blue eyes wandered my office. The back wall was made up of windows giving him a view of the upper class side of Gotham. There was art work hanging on the walls along with pictures Bruce and I had taken together over the years. “You must like pictures miss?” I nodded agreeing with his statement. “I do, pictures give me great joy. They are like a blast from the past. Do you have any pictures you like” He made a humming noise with his mouth like he was thinking deeply. “Well.. There is one picture of mamma that I stole from daddy’s meeting room. I got it in my pocket. Ya wanna see?” I nodded respectfully waiting as he fished the picture out of his pocket. 
Slowly he pulled out a wrinkled piece of photo paper handing it over to me. It was a picture of Carmen looking lightly down at a pink flower, it was sunny out in the picture. I handed it back to him noticing how nervous he eyes became as I held the photo “Is that your mother? Shes very beautiful” He smiled holding the picture closely to him. “Yep that’s mamma. She's dead now.” 
A punch of sadness rang through me, seeing a similar looking pain raise up in Maddox’s eyes just as Bruce’s does when he speaks of his parents, which was very uncommon. “I’m sorry to hear that Maddox that must be hard for you. How did she pass if you don’t mind me asking?” His forehead wrinkled up and he began nervously fiddling with his fingers. “Well mamma always tries to kill herself an’ when daddy and mamma got in a fight in a warehouse she stole daddy’s belt and wrapped it around her neck like this-” He pretended his arm was the belt modeling his mother tightening the belt around her neck. I nodded feeling sympathy for him arise. “I was still out with daddy when she did that then daddy got mad and threw me in the room with her and I tried to save her” He shrugged his shoulders giving me time to jot down more notes. 
“How did you try to save her Maddox?” I asked. He dropped his head down. “ I was hugging her and saying’ you okay mamma, I love you mamma”   An odd silence feel between us, taking my Que I closed my notebook. “That’s all we will do for today alright?” I smiled He nodded sadly hopping off of the coach that he was sitting on. The clicks of his small feet made their way to the door as I entered my notes into the Arkham database. The footsteps suddenly stopped at the door. “Is everything okay?” I asked him. He was staring at the ground his hand placed lightly on the door frame. “Can I write a letter to daddy?” I stared at him for a moment knowing that the chances of Joker even taking the time to read the letter let alone reply to it was slim to none. “Sure Mr. would you like to do it now.” 
He shook his head slowly. “Not right now” I quietly said okay and watched him continue on out of the door. Bruce came in from the office next door having been listening to Maddox and I’s conversation, a immediate HIPPA violation. “Why did you think Carmen tried to kill herself in the middle of an operation?” I shrugged thinking deeper on her character. He looked handsome being dressed in normal clothes, just jeans and a white t-shirt. I got up from my chair setting my glasses down on the desk wrapping my arms around his waist. “Well she has very low impulse control as well as manic depression, paranoid schizophrenic and blah blah blah “Joker probably put her under to much pressure and she cracked. This isn’t her first time attempting suicide.” Bruce nodded his eyes following the mid-day Gotham traffic. “What did they refer to her for awhile?” he said causing me to crack a smile. The dramatic news headings flashed through my mind. “Wasn’t it noose girl?” He laughed loudly scaring me slightly. “Noose girl” He repeated back to himself. “That’s right” Our laughs faded out slowly and he turned around to face me. Our lips connected for a sweet second. “He’s a good kid” I smiled at him nodding my head. “A good kid just a bad situation” 
He nodded looking aside for a minute like he was thinking about his own life. I touched his cheek bringing his head up so he could see my smile. His past always seemed to rope him back into the dark places of his mind. “Did he say anything about the tattoo?” I shook my head ‘No’ then replied. “I meet with Joker for a therapy session I will mention it to him oh and also Maddox wants to write a letter to him” Bruce closed his eyes. “What is your thoughts on that Doctor?” He said smoothly kissing my neck. Chills rushed up and down my skin “W-Well” I stuttered feeling his lips lightly suck on my neck. “I say he should go for it. Maybe Joker has changed.” Bruce scoffed smiling into the small of my neck. “Maybe” he whispered walking towards the door leaving me standing alone. I rolled my eyes planning how I would toy with him later tonight when we were in bed.. maybe with a mesh bodysuit or nothing at all. 
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Hello :) So this is my story from my Joker fan fiction blog that I am going to continue on my new Bruce Wayne fan fiction blog. 
Thanks for reading :) 
Batman X Reader
Hello all this is a little different from what I normally do but… I had an idea and I wanted to try it out. So I took this from the reader being with Bruce Wayne and the character named Carmen, from my previous story called Carmen and mashed them together. Give it a chance and leave me some feed back if you want. It’s greatly appreciated. I won’t be continuing  this unless requested. Until next time Same bat-time! Same bat-channel!
Bruce jumped up suddenly in bed running his hand down his face then shaking his head. I brushed sleep off of my eyes and turned to see if he was okay. He had nightmares almost every night, every night he slept that is. I rolled over in our bed fluffy white blankets on my body to look at him. He was sitting on the bed in his underwear with his feet firmly placed on the ground breathing heavily. My arms found their way around his waist and I buried my head between him leg and stomach. He lightly dropped his hand on my shoulder tracing small circles with his index finger. “Another nightmare?” I said He sighed getting up. “I don’t want to talk about it.” He stood up and walked out of the door leaving my feeling hurt knowing he would reject me like that. It was fair to assume I wouldn’t be seeing him anytime soon.
I sat on the bed looking out of the large windows that surrounded the room thinking. He had been in a typical scuffle with the Joker but  something had happened this time, different from the usual times. He wouldn’t say but it left him with multiple dark purple bruises and long gashes littering his toned body as well as a rope burn on his neck. I only sat quietly listening to what he was comfortable with telling me, no matter how concerned it made me with Bruce I learned it’s best not to push. I pushed the thoughts away not wanting to work myself up instead focusing on how quiet the night was. Gotham was usually a hustling and bustling city but tonight there were only the distant sirens and the seldom yelling from a drunkard somewhere in the city. Bruce’s penthouse was in the nicer part of town so it was possible the town was as it always was but I was disconnected. I sighed not liking the feeling of ignorance. 
There was a gentle rasping at the door. I perked up hoping it was Bruce. “Yes? Come in?” Alfred pushed open the door smiling tiredly “Mr. Wayne left this for you” He handed me a small white envelope  I smiled back taking the letter. “Go get some sleep Alfred” He nodded seeming to drag his feet as he walked out of the door. He was bothered by the slump Bruce had been in as well.  I dropped my body back down on the bed opening my envelope. “Y/n” had been written neatly in black pen on the front, the inside lettering looking the same. 
‘Dear Y/N,
Take off work tomorrow I would like to spend a day together. I’m sorry for waking you tonight, please do try and get some more sleep. 
Love, Bruce 
I closed my eyes feeling a little relief come over me. Even though I was swamped with meeting and paperwork at the asylum taking one day off wouldn’t hurt especially if this would mean Bruce opening up to me. Lightly I placed the letter on the nightstand on my side of the bed then letting my eyes close. Sweet images danced through my mind as I slept.
I felt a tender shaking on my right shoulder followed by his soft deep voice. “Y/n? I think it’s time to wake up.” I opened my eyes to be connected with his brown ones. I smiled lazily “Good morning” he nodded slightly. “Good morning” He replied back with a soft smile. I sat up in bed feeling the cold air bite at my shoulder. “Where did you go last night?” I asked looking him over. He was dressed in a black dress pants and a white button up shirt. “I was taking care of a few things” I nodded an awkward silence falling between us. I laughed trying to kill it. “I’m going to shower and get dressed. Then we can go out okay?” He nodded his brown eyes looking away in sadness. Exhaling harshly I got up tip-toeing a crossed the cold tiles to the bathroom. I heard Bruce snicker from behind brightening things up. “Y/n there’s someone here I want you to meet once you’ve finished getting ready” I nodded simply relying okay but something clicked in my brain. Bruce never allowed anyone individual person in the penthouse, ever. Only if there was a fund raiser or some sort of social gathering but never on their own. I locked the bathroom door turning on the water trying to brush the bad thoughts away but it kept coming back. “Could it have been another women? I thought to myself immediately feeling guilty about the thought. He wouldn’t do that Bruce was a good man. 
In a daze my clothes came off and I was in the warm working through the motions of taking a shower. Rinse, lather and repeat. I hummed to myself. Once I was done I got out making me way to the closet, putting on a floor length long sleeved black dress then quickly running a comb through my long black hair. When I finished up I walked out into the silent living room. “Oh Bruce?” I called out lightly. looking left and right for him. When he wasn’t in the living room I continued on into the kitchen. The sound of sizzling food rang through the air along with the smell of bacon, an unusual choice for Bruce. Confused I looked into the room. “Bruce??” At first I only saw Alfred in an apron gloves on his hands. Then I saw the small body sitting on a chair. Taken back I walked further into the kitchen. It was a small boy. His hair was messing seeming as if it had been slicked back but had come undone after a rough night. He has on little plaid pajamas that I assume Bruce had Alfred purchase. My eyes wandered to Alfred hoping he would provide some explanation. “Ah good morning Mrs. Wayne would you like  bite to eat?” He smiled holding up the hissing pan. I looked at the boy who sat still his head remaining on the counter then to Alfred again smiling. “Oh no thank you Alfred. I’m just going to have water.” He nodded “Very well Mrs. The offer remains on the table” I smiled warmly at his walking over to the fridge filling up a glass. “Have you seen Bruce lately?” 
Suddenly I felt two strong arms wrap themselves around my waist. “I’m right here” He said happily. I turned around pleased to hear the tone of his voice. “Oh I have been looking for you. Did you meet our new guest?” I motioned to the boy. Bruce nodded “Y/n this is Maddox, Maddox this is my wife Y/n” Bruce looked deeply into my eyes. “She is a very kind lady if you need anything let her know” I smiled touching Bruce’s shoulder. The boy looked up at me slowly. His eyes were a crystal blue and he had a tattoo of a ‘J; on his face. Worried I turned to Bruce but continued on when the boy stuck out his hand. I shook his hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Maddox”  Curiosity roamed though his innocent looking eyes. “Daddy told me about you” He said looking further into my eyes. “Oh he did?” I said sitting down on the chair next to him. “Good things I hope?” Maddox nodded talking a small drink of the orange juice the sat in front of him. “Yep, he trusts you.” Bruce stood behind me placing his hand on my shoulder.  My eyes lingered on the boy trying to map out what I was dealing with. “Y/n could I talk to you alone” I nodded following Bruce into his study. He sat in his desk chair as I shut the door. “So when were you going to tell me you were pregnant?” I said comically. He smiled warmly but then lost the happiness in his eye. “What is it?” I said concerned. Quickly I made my way to his side kneeling down in front of him. 
“Bruce?” I said searching his eyes. He stood up making his way to the window. That night I fought him he surrendered only firing three shots. One at me and the other two at the cops behind me. Then he dropped his gun and put his hands up.” I got up walking over to be by Bruce’s side. “Where is he now?” I inquired seeing the pain shadowing his eyes. “he’s in Arkham” I rolled my eyes internally screaming. Joker was the biggest pain in the ass and my most frequent patient. “Fabulous” I muttered causing Bruce to laugh slightly. “What’s the story with the kid then?” 
He crossed his arms and exhaled loudly “It’s his son. I didn’t know he had one until we were sweeping through the warehouse we caught him in and…” He trailed off rubbing his forehead with his hand. “Bruce go sit down it will make it easier to talk about” He followed sitting on the coach that sat next to the door. I took a seat in his office chair waiting for him to continue on. “and… We found him in a room crying, his face was bleeding from being tattooed”  Bruce looked over at me dismay streaking his face. Sadness and shock pinged around in my brain but I masked it giving Bruce and encouraging nod. My personal feeling couldn’t interfere in this  “He was clinging onto who I am guessing is his mother. who was half dead with a belt strangling her neck.” He stared up at the ceiling seeming to zone out. “Neither Joker or Maddox know she’s still alive and they can’t know.” I nodded realizing what he was getting after by taking in the boy . “Are you hoping this will keep Joker in the Asylum?” Bruce nodded solemnly. “It sounds selfish but you should have seen it Y/N. He’s come completely unhinged. There were dead bodies everywhere just stacked on top of each other.” I furrowed my eyebrows. “Who were they?” He sighed rubbing his forehead again. “Thugs he broke out of Black gate, they were his own men” Bruce looked at me concern haunting his eyes. Part of me believed he cared for Joker not in a conventional sense of course but more in a way he wished  that Joker would let Bruce help him. I began to tread lightly. “Who is the mother?” Bruce sat on the coach seeming to mull the question around in his head. “Her name is Carmen” Images of a past patient echoed through my mind. 
She had long black hair and pale green eyes. She had come to Arkham from an asylum in California when she killed 5 doctors and 35 patients on some unstoppable psychotic rampage and was on a treatment plan for that of a paranoid schizophrenic with depressive tendencies. “Carmen from the asylum?” He nodded seeing to be relieved. “Joker requested to have you take Maddox or he would have he killed. I would rather him be here then anywhere else.” I clicked my tongue nodding. Thinking to myself why Joker would make that request. “Did he say why he wanted me to take Maddox?” Fear of going to work the next day clouded my mind. “No but as Maddox said he trusts you and maybe there is  a small part of him that knows you can turn around the damage and keep the kid off going down the path he took” My back began to ache and my mind was swimming with concerns. Bruce opened his mouth like he was going to continue talking but I  stopped him. “I need to go lay down. This is a lot to process” Without waiting his answer I left allowing myself to crash into the fluffy blankets. Bruce followed closely behind me quietly closing the bedroom door. “He can’t hurt you Y/n I will do ever-” I cut him off not wanting to continue on with the conversation. “Bruce please” 
He walked over to my side bending down to connect his lips with mine. I pulled him onto the bed wanting to feel his warmth. I knew that Bruce would never let anything happen to me. He pulled away momentarily whispering. “I’m sorry I never wanted to drag you into this mess” I smiled stopping him from continuing on only to devour himself with guilt. “Don’t be Bruce. I knew that by marrying Batman things were bound to get a little sticky sometimes.” He smiled so happily I felt my heart shutter. Quickly he pulled the blankets over our heads and began kissing my neck then my jaw until he found his way to my lips. 
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