let-them-be-gay · 6 years
Secret to Him- Will Byers //Soulmate AU//
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Requested by: none
Tagging: @stanbrak because I know he'd want me to.
(A/N) Short, sweet, and gay. Like our holy boi Will.
It was a common accurance, you passed out on his bed. On the days he isn't completing a campaign with at Mike’s or even his own home, you gathered a bag and slept over.
It always made him happy. Seeing you walk up to his front door. He described it as happy. He knew it was something else. Something he'd never reveal to anyone else.
It would be a secret to him.
Joyce never told them to quiet down, neither did Jonathan. No matter how loud. They didn't want to disrupt the energy of a Will Byers they never got to see anywhere else. A smile of Will Byers that only (Y/N) would let them see. What went through his mind as you completely entranced him?
It was a secret to him.
It was a secret to him that while walking through the woods at night he caught you staring up at the stars, their light casting a silver and blue halo onto your skin. Breath clouding in the air, pink lips lightly turned up. That he thought you had been a true god all along. Magic forcing you perfect and flawless.
It was a secret to both of you that he walked up and stood beside you, nudging your finger with his own. Wrapping his hand around your cold one. His eyes staying trained on the stars, realizing that he couldn't find beauty in them anymore. You set the bar far above anything else.
Did that realization scare him?
It was a secret to him why his heart sped up and his eyes closed as you tightened your grip.
It was a secret to both of you why his eyes opened. A dull warmth on his cheek spreading to everywhere else. Why when he turned his head he leaned forward and closed your lips in his.
His secret was beauty. Beauty that you took hold of. Nothing compared to you. Beauty that closed his throat when you smiled. Beauty that calmed him and sped up his heart at the same time when you hugged him closer to your body, rocking back and forth in dance that sung a song to both of you. The lyrics?
It was a secret.
A secret he was fine with hiding. Because your secrets were his and his secrets were yours.
It was a secret to him that the mark on his hip bone wasn't yours, and the mark on your arm wasn't his. Oh how he wishes it was.
Your eyes open. You smile. He would never trade you for someone else. No matter the marks of their skin.
He knew the time would come for you to choose. Would you choose the same?
It was a secret to him that he saw he end of his world. A girl with an eerily familiar pattern on her neck.
“I met her Will. I met my soulmate.”
He waited in silence for the inevitable. Will didn't know a kiss could be so life changing.
You chose him.
“Why would you...?”
It was a secret to you.
A secret you two shared.
Your love would always be a secret to him.
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let-them-be-gay · 6 years
T'Challa- He Who Was Chosen
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Requested by Anon (y'all love this feature😂): Hiiii, Thank you LORT JESUS for making this blog. Can we get some quality T’Challa with a son. Maybe adoption, after the happenings of BP.
(A/N): Yoooo I loved this prompt. I made this one a bit weird formatting wise. There is a little story at the beginning for background but the brainstorm session left me gasping at all my INSPIRATION so the rest is straight up headcanons 😭👌🏻.
Tagging: @stanbrak
It was supposed to be a simple business trip to boost his social standing.
Go visit an orphanage in London, learn the details, and get some good pictures with kids.
It was when he and Nakia were finishing the trip, following the lady with the straight blonde hair, that a loud plead sound came from a room.
The three, including the lady named Lucia, walked back to see a baby boy leaning on the side of his crib. His (E/C) eyes blending with his (H/C) floof and duck patterned footie pajamas secured him as one of the cutest babies they had ever seen.
“Who is this little guy?” The question slipped from Nakia’s lips, almost on instinct, as she slowly walked up to the infant. She could feel her own heart flutter as your hand gripped her finger.
“Oh, he’s (Y/N). Little guy’s been with us since 3 months. Would you like to hold him?”
T’Challa agreed with little to no hesitation, smile growing on his face when your little body leant on his.
“Might I ask what happened?”
“His birth went fine, but his mother had a serious case of postpartum depression. His father walked in one night to find her trying to...cut him. His father took him and ran, calling the police. The police found all three and (Y/N) was safe, but his mother had already claimed the life of his father. It's really surprising, truly. He hasn't trusted anyone since he got here.”
They felt a small part of their chest ache, staring at the lonely little boy clinging to T’Challa like a life line.
“What is the adoption process like? How long does it take?”
“That depends. Paperwork and evaluations have to be done. Considering personal aspects to every adoption it might take a few weeks to a few months.”
“I beleive we have the time.”
T’Challa spoke with confidence in his words, Nakia standing proudly at his side. They both saw two futures for the baby in their presence. One they witnessed the closure to no less than a year ago. They wouldn't let it happen.
The second he brought you home you were the prince of Wakanda.
Ramonda and Shuri were head over heels for their Grandson/Nephew
The Dora Milaje swear their lives to you.
T’Challa makes it a point to have Okoye assigned as your personal guard at night. Standing proud above your crib.
All of wakanda sees you as a gift to the nation. Except for some.
And when the man who is whispered about, he said the child must be thrown to a river, is found.
Two gaurds gladly take him by the arms to follow Nakia and Shuri, both red in the face.
Everyone is surprised when they get to the cliff that neither of them motioned for him to be tossed, they motion for all to be quiet.
Breath catches in the crowd as they watch T’Challa rocking you gently and telling you the stories of their people.
Your people.
You grow.
It was a simple day and the royal family sat on the floor, one Dora Milaje standing in the corner.
They all chuckle or curve a warm smile at the seemingly random noise.
But you crawl forward and place a tight grip on the jewelry around Ramonda’s neck.
Specifically a bead.
T’Challa jumps into action, smiling and crouching next to you, pointing at the item in your grasp
“(Y/N), tell me what that is.”
“Beeh! Beh! Bead!”
He laughs and cradles your small body to his own.
A few months later and you are starting to learn to walk.
For once he cannot deny it.
He freezes as soon as you get up and start to speed waddle towards him.
You become the next child celebrity.
Shuri has two instagrams, one for making vines after vine died.
And another dedicated to posting pictures of you rocking style blessed by your family.
T’Challa making it a priority to make Wakanda’s public schools affordable and definitely comparable to prestige boarding schools all for you.
You get a normal child's life, with a few perks.
You bet he raises you to not notice the difference of your color of skin compared to your country (if you aren't POC!!)
Understanding the difficulties of helping those with poverty from a young age.
Yet he still gives you the lesson of: if there seems to be no more you can do, continue and realize that is only what others have accomplished before you.
If there's an important business meeting that you can't go on, he's bringing back gifts.
Your favorite is a plain Build-A-Bear with a cotton candy scent and a voice message of him singing lullabies.
Always gets proud when someone brings you up to him.
Your smile and laugh being the most notable features when someone is asked to describe their prince and future king.
Training to fight.
More like spending half your teen years convincing him lmao.
If/when you get married he is choking back tears.
Because his little boy is growing up.
A title is written for you, that holds for all of history.
(Y/N), The Chosen Prince.
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let-them-be-gay · 6 years
Losers Club- If You Died
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Requested by- @Anon
So sorry if this is crap and seems rushed (I know it does), but I am trying to overcome writers block and don't want to leave you guys hanging.
Bill Denbrough- He couldn't really remember the exact moment it all changed for him. He was in English, wondering why you weren't there, then the bell rang to let them out to lunch. He tried to catch up with his friends but the principal pulled him back before he could. It blurred into one big smudge. He continued to walk to lunch, the losers having saved him a seat, a slight ringing in his ears. Then Richie nudged his shoulder and he looked into the eyes of a confused and concerned Beverly.
“Bill, why are you crying?”
It hit him with a shocking clarity, and he bolted from the cafeteria.
Behind the school he leaned against the wall, silently sobbing his heart out. After Georgie, after all the shit he’d gone though before, you were mowed down by a fucking car. Henry Bowers’ car to be precise. On purpose. You were murdered.
Oh if he didn't have any other reason to hate Bowers.
Eddie Kaspbrak- Sick. Sick. Sick. Sick.
It was all he heard. Even if the words had been spoken a week ago they still punched him in the gut. His worst fear. It came alive in you of all people.
He remembered riding down to the quarry with the losers, when your bike started wobbling. He remembered the scattered gasps and curse words as you fell on the gravel, bike toppling over. Him running over to check if you're okay, words dying out as he sees your face. Flushed and fever so hot your lips are nearly purple.
They rushed you as quick as they could to a hospital. But even then, a few hours later the doctor came out to your parents and he overheard the conversation.
“He was too sick by the time he arrived... I'm sorry for your loss.”
That night his mom forced him to sanitize, take all his medications. That place was dirty Eddie, he was dirty, I can't let you die. That night he felt his body ache everywhere. And no matter what, every day without you it got 10x worse.
Stan Uris- He liked routines. Following a specific order.
Wake up. Struggle to get out of bed. Drink coffee until he's sick. Go to school. See something that reminds him of you. Have a life threatening panic attack. Suffer through the day. Go home. Crawl into bed and hope for you.
Shaking and crying as he wishes he never knew you. Wishes he never had the chance to be so torn apart by someone.
Wishing someone said yes to going to the quarry with you. So you would have that much less of a chance of drowning.
Flipping through a little bird book you gave him, that you made him. His fingers skimming the pencil drawings.
It made it hurt a little bit less. But the amount of pain his chest held continued to gnaw at him.
Richie Tozier- The day started off weird. He tried to walk by your house to get your ass to school, but the entire road was blocked off the police tape. Then when he finally got to school, you never showed.
It all got weirder until everyone was dragged into the auditorium. The teachers no longer holding that usual- oh wow an assembly- bored look, but holding a look of disgust or upset.
An administrator walked up to the podium. His lips straining against his teeth.
“You might be wondering what this assembly is for. Well, last night we lost a valuable student last night. His parents... killed him.”
A hush blanketed the room. Richie stared on in horror. His parents were the worst you could get, the lowest of the low, they wouldn't even do that. A silent uneasy feeling started growing in the back of his mind.
How did someone by any means deserve...
“His name was one some of you might know. We will have a memorial set up at his locker in memory, memory of Mr. (Y/N) (L/N).”
His stomach turned.
He fainted right then and there.
Mike Hanlon- For once he wasn't out on the farm as the golden sun beat down on the grass. He was instead laying in bed, with no intention to leave.
He still had friends, yes. But the thought of having to have a life without you made him feel something he couldn't explain. Something heavy and space consuming, yet also so empty and cold.
He tried so hard. He tried so hard to hold himself up through it all. If he failed you, he could at least prove himself for his grandpa, right? From the second he heard the word “dead” to the time he could move on. As soon as he was in the privacy of his room, he realized just how difficult it would be. It didn't feel real, but grief’s pain was physical. So was the feeling of you being absent, even if you weren't in the room for the last month.
He cried.
He had nightmares.
He never had those before.
Ben Hanscom- He let out a sob of frustration, tears rolling down his cheek. His knuckles were turning white from how hard he held the pen.
And yet he still couldn't feel it.
His mother was there for him every second. Giving him love to fill the large you shaped hole in his little, fragile heart.
He couldn't feel that either.
He felt nothing.
All he could do was write. What he was writing, he didn't know. Maybe it was an apology? It couldn't be. He woke up to the the news. Was it a love note. A letter?
All he knew was that he couldn't put what he wanted into it. He felt useless.
Before he knew it, he was asleep at his desk for the fourth day in a row.
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let-them-be-gay · 6 years
Honestly my best work😩👌🏻👏🏻
Because @stanbrak said I wouldn’t
Finnigan X Male Reader
-You call him handsome
-He call you handsome
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let-them-be-gay · 6 years
Because @stanbrak said I wouldn't
Finnigan X Male Reader
-You call him handsome
-He call you handsome
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let-them-be-gay · 6 years
Eyehe if you want you can send me 23 requests in one go I'm bored and want to bring more gay into the world
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let-them-be-gay · 6 years
Jacksepticeye with a Tiny Boyfriend
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Request by @fnafcolt666
-so happy he's taller than someone for once
-You only going up to his chin
-5’4” people
-Will make an ahem little suggestion to wear his shirts
-You guys coming out would make people lose their shit
-Fans don't care septiplier sunk omg how small is he?
-Tumblr is crying
-Skin is fresh, crops are thriving
-The fan edits flood the tags
-His friends all find it sickeningly adorable
-You being in his videos all the time
-Fans are watching a subnautica video and suddenly you walk in eating chips and are right back out with a shirt
-Or, you are actually meant to be in the video.
-Like the legend of VR Horror with (Y/N) when at 22:34 Jack swoops in and picks you up
-Will melt at you in an oversized sweater
-With the little sweater paws he has tears
-Walking around holding hands and swinging them back and forth
-Fans finding you two and gasping
-“I was excited just to see you but holy shit he's so small”
-Jack dying on the side of the road cause you don't even look pissed just rejected
-Big Spoon JackaBoy
-Not even spooning, just him sleeping on his back and getting you to sleep on him
-Piggyback rides when you're tired
-Hell piggyback rides all the time
-You placing your hands on his shoulder, slight tip toes, kissing below his ear. Bonus points when you raise your little leggy
-Him wrapping his arms around you and kissing the top of your head
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let-them-be-gay · 6 years
Sup McGoats
Sorry for dying. I was studying
But really tho my soul is escaping me.
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let-them-be-gay · 6 years
Dating Ben Hanscom would include...
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- Let's get this out of the way
- Ben is definitely Pansexual
- he won't care if your male, female, or neither, he will love you.
- but that doesn't mean he isn't afraid.
- he's growing up with a boyfriend, in 80's Derry, Maine.
- his mom is on the fence about it, but will be accepting
- since she isn't referenced in the movie I'm going off of the book but she does love him.
- she feeds him so much because food makes him happy and the only reason she is so protective of him is because of the disappearances.
- so in the perspective of his safety, she is skeptical. In perspective of you making him happy, go right ahead.
- he will write poems about you
- about how when your hair gets wet it sticks to the back of your neck
- about how sweet your laugh sounds as it echoes through the Quarry
- when Henry chooses to be a fuck face, you will be there
- and damn will Ben love you even more
- he doesn't want you hurt of course, he's just never had someone love him so much
- and on the days that Henry beats you up or shoves you into lockers just for you existing
- he will be there
- he will be there to pick you back up, take you to the nurse and hang out after school at his house
- jamming out to New Kids On The Block while you cradle a sprained wrist.
- some of his favorite memories include you and him at the library, reading books and fingers tangling together under the table, no body the wiser.
- he cries to himself the night that you have to move away, your father getting a job offer somewhere better
- and he won't lie, he cried to himself 27 years later. When you still took like you, but much older.
- when you look at him like he was something you lost and never thought you would ever find again.
- when that finger on your left hand has no ring, but does months later.
- After IT was gone.
- He pulled an old little poem out of his white suit pocket and read it in front of everyone there. Alive or not.
Your eyes shine with happiness
Breaking through the darkness
I can feel it too
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let-them-be-gay · 6 years
Dating Chosen Jacobs would include...
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- Okay if you dated this boy he would be absolutely in love with you
- When he first falls for you he has the pretty ritual reaction of "huh, I'm gay"
- Then he's the boy that no matter how PERFECT HE IS, he still believes he has no chance
- But he does and
- Almost faints when you say yes.
- His parents are okay with it, they are just a little confused and might need the basic truths and boundaries for any questions.
- He will sing for you, don't forget it.
- If you start dating before he gets casted for IT.
-First off you can and will freak out with him, like who wouldn't?
- But then he has to leave for filming and shit hits the fan
- You can pry the thought of him getting homesick from my cold dead hands
- Since he has to stay to finish the film and his parents want to but can only pay for one person...
- a few phone calls later and you are on your way to visit for a week
- God bless the main man Andy Muscietti
- After filming for the day the losers club is screwing around and he hears your voice.
- isn't even fully turned around before he hugs you
- the losers club doesn't care he's gay.
- they have the general consensus that he needs happiness and if a male provides that who gives a damn
- if your smaller than him
- piggyback rides
- if your larger than him
- attempted goddamn piggyback rides
- the fans would love you
- but of course there are the fans that aren't to fond of love
- any hate thrown your way??
- angery boi
- his social media is still pretty polite but irl he's shaking and you have to calm him down
- but if any shit makes you cry
- politeness gets thrown to the window
- will spill absolute tea while making you some
- and he would rally troops of fans while he's at it
- dates would be anything domestic and simple really.
- and it would totally be capped off by going to the park just to find dogs and pet them
- how do I end this uhh,,
Chosen is a precious boy, gbye👋🏻😚
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let-them-be-gay · 6 years
*~Hello There~*
Welcome to my blog! Where all of your male reader desires can be answered!
I will accept requests for Fics/Headcanons/Prefrences
Please keep in mind that I am a human being. The length/detail content of my writing is up to me and my desire for that prompt at that time. There is a slight chance I will go back to revise a piece of writing in the future.
Prompts I will consider:
-Nsfw Themes (of age/aged up FICTIONAL CHARACTERS, RealLifePeople IF OF AGE ALREADY)
-Trigger Warnings: Suicide, Death, Panic Attacks, Gore, Referenced Murder
Prompts I will never consider:
-Nsfw themes with underaged/ aged up real people
-Any mental/physical conditions I have no knowledge of/ am uncomfortable with
-Trigger Warnings: Rape, Abuse, Described Murder
Remember I am a human being, if I get a prompt I am allowed the will to refuse it right there on the spot.
Fandoms I Write for:
-IT 2017
-The cast of ^
-Stranger Things
-the cast of ^
-Steven Universe
-Black Panther
- Hamilton
All of them bois- all of them
Shane Dawson
Please ask me!! I'm forgetful!!
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