lexthelegendary · 5 years
Dear Coronavirus... Why Now?
Dear Coronavirus… Why Now?
Hey guys! I just wanted to pop in for this Truthful Thursday to tell you how I feel about the spread of this Coronavirus. Honestly, I am not happy about it because it
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didn’t cancel school for me in a good way. I’m not in high school or below so I’m not some young kid that is happy they don’t have to get up early anymore. I am a 21-year old who just spent 4 years working towards a degree that will…
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lexthelegendary · 5 years
Be Someone Worth Remembering
Merry Motivational Monday! I know I went missing for a week because as people are trying to socially distance themselves, I have been trying to sleep. I still have to work every night. On top of working every night, I have homework because I still got one more month in this semester of college before my canceled graduation (lol thank you Coronavirus). I have been exhausted, but I am coming back…
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lexthelegendary · 5 years
Surviving Your Twenty-Somethings
HUMMMMMMP DAAAAAAAAAAYYY is here guys and this blog is near and dear to my heart because I’m just now entering my 20s (I’ll be 22 July 14th so mark your calendars) and I don’t know everything, but I do know this sugar honey ice tea is tough! Now, obviously, I’m not the one that is going to be giving this advice this week because I just entered my twenty-somethings, so I had to get outside advice…
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lexthelegendary · 5 years
Give Yourself A Pat On The Back... Life is Hard
Give Yourself A Pat On The Back… Life is Hard
Merry Motivational Monday yall! This Motivational Monday is giving you the hug and back rub you need sometimes, just virtually. I want you to know that you need to give yourself A pat on the back because life is hard. If you made it this far and haven’t given up then give yourself a pat on the back. Like literally right now stop reading and give yourself a pat on the back. Moment of silence for…
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lexthelegendary · 5 years
Be Your Own Peace
Be Your Own Peace
HUUUMMMMMPPPPPP DAAAAAAAAYYYYY is here well not really. I had to take a mental health day and not do anything but try to rest. So, I didn’t post my hump day advice so instead, it is Truthful Thursdays. Let me tell you, I AM GOING THROUGH IT! Not really, I’m just in my head about what’s ahead for me, but I’m putting that in the hands of the man upstairs. So, off of my drama and onto the topic for…
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lexthelegendary · 5 years
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Be Your Own Peace HUUUMMMMMPPPPPP DAAAAAAAAYYYYY is here and let me tell you, I AM GOING THROUGH IT! Not really, I'm just in my head about what's ahead for me, but I'm putting that in the hands of the man upstairs. So, off of my drama and onto the topic for this week's Hump Day Advice, which is, being your own peace
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lexthelegendary · 5 years
You Need A Mental Health Day.
You Need A Mental Health Day.
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This Motivational Monday is about motivating you to take the time you need to recuperate. This generation and generations before us, spent a lot of time at work or trying hard to find a way to live out there dreams. We don’t even think about a mental health day. Do you know how important these days are? We are literally trained by our jobs at this point that the work you do for a company is more…
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lexthelegendary · 5 years
Procrastination Is Your Worst Enemy
Procrastination Is Your Worst Enemy
It’s HUUUUUUMMMMMMMPPPPPPP DAAAAAAAAAYYYYYY! I think the more and more I do these Hump Day Advice Wednesday’s, the longer hump day gets. Anyways, today’s topic is all about procrastination and how to avoid it. I am the queen of procrastination. In fact, I will wait until the literal last second to do something because I keep putting it off. I decided I can’t keep doing that. So, when I was making…
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lexthelegendary · 5 years
Dear Future Me...
Dear Future Me…
For this Motivational Monday, we are doing something a little different. A year or two ago, I wrote an If I Could Turn Back Time blog talking about what I would tell like my 15-
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year-old self. This piece I’m going to talk about what I want to tell myself five years in the future. When I started this blog was doing group therapy and the lead therapist made us write letters to ourselves that she…
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lexthelegendary · 5 years
Invest In Yourself Always
Invest In Yourself Always
HUMMMMMPP DAAAAAAAY!!! Hey guys, thank you for coming and tuning into Hump Day Advice Wednesday’s. Today’s topic is about investing in yourself. I was scrolling on Facebook when I saw the picture I am using as a header for this post. It wasn’t something I haven’t seen before, but it stood out to me this time. The picture shows A woman putting tips from her job in a jar labeled “DREAMS” and two…
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lexthelegendary · 5 years
Why Compare Yourself To Someone Else When You Are You?
Why Compare Yourself To Someone Else When You Are You?
Today’s Motivational Monday is about appreciating the person you are and not comparing yourself to the people around you. We live in an impressional age sadly. We get excited by those who have more than us wishing we were them. We see the big houses on Instagram, the fancy and expensive vacation, and the curvy bodies and want that, but who says that their life is better than yours?
There are…
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lexthelegendary · 5 years
It's The Year of Reciprocation
It’s The Year of Reciprocation
Today’s Hump Day Advice is about reciprocation. I won’t be too long this week on this blog post but 2020 is the year that family, friends, partners/significant others, co-workers, boss, etc reciprocate the same energy that you are giving them. I have been in a series of situations with people around me where they want something from me, but aren’t willing to give me that same energy. Energy is…
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lexthelegendary · 5 years
Manifest Everything You Want.
Manifest Everything You Want.
Today’s Motivational Monday is manifesting everything you want. I started learning about manifestation when I watched the secret with my mother a couple of years ago. I was intrigued by how people literally got everything they wanted by writing things down, looking at a vision board, and speaking things into existence. All the testimonials in that documentary inspired me to start manifesting…
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lexthelegendary · 5 years
Never Suffer in Silence
Never Suffer in Silence
This Wednesday’s Hump Day Advice is dedicated to those going through life with a closed mouth. I know a lot of people have heard at some point in their life, “closed mouths don’t get fed.” If you haven’t heard that, then I’m sure you’ve heard, “speak up”. Although there is a harsh truth to that, not everybody can speak up in the time of need or say how they feel when they feel it. As someone who…
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lexthelegendary · 5 years
Are You Too Comfortable?
Are You Too Comfortable?
I’ve decided with my want to be a starter, a continuer, and a finisher that I’m going to be more consistent with my posting. There will be a motivation Monday and Hump Day Advice Wednesday. For PQL’s first Motivation Monday, we will be talking about comfortability with life. With that being said, continue reading!
Are you too comfortable? When I ask this question, I don’t just mean in your bed…
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lexthelegendary · 5 years
What Are You Waiting For?
What Are You Waiting For?
We hear all the time, “Life is short”. We all know that is a known fact. Life does not last forever and it most certainly doesn’t slow down for anyone. With my understanding of this, I decided to make a change in how I maneuver. For the longest time, I was coming up with certain ideas that I felt was worth the time to pursue, but I didn’t have the motivation to keep being consistent. As I sat with…
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lexthelegendary · 5 years
You Got This!
Photo by Godisable Jacob on Pexels.com
The past couple of months have been quite mind-boggling to me because well I’m about to graduate from college soon (Cue graduation music! buuuum bumbumbum buuuum buuuum REMIXXX) and how did that happen? I literally blinked my eyes once and graduated from high school. With one more blink, I will be walking across the stage receiving my diploma with a…
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