lgtbq-ask · 5 years
Black LGBTQ+ Resources
It’s February, which means it’s Black History Month! Similar to how I made an LGBTQ+ resource post for Native American Heritage Month in November, here are some resources for Black LGBTQ+ people (as always, feel free to contribute if you have more resources!)
GLSEN Pages:
An article about supporting Black LGBTQ+ students (also links to the pages below and more)
PDF with information about Black LGBTQ+ Heroes
An article talking about a study by the National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) about the experiences of Black and Latinx transgender people in K-12 schools
Historical information from the US National Park Service:
Full study
(Chapter 7) A Note about Intersectionality
(Chapter 8) Making Bisexuals Visible
(Chapter 10) Transgender History in the US and the Places that Matter
(Chapter 13)  “Where We Could Be Ourselves”: African American LGBTQ Historic Places and Why They Matter
(Chapter 14) LGBTQ Spaces and Places
(Chapter 18) LGBTQ Civil Rights in America
(Chapter 21) Struggles in Body and Spirit: Religion and LGBTQ People in US History
Some Black LGBTQ+ Creators:
Angelica Ross (African American, trans woman, entrepreneur/actress)
Mickalene Thomas (African American, lesbian, contemporary artist)
Isaac Julien (Saint Lucian, gay, installation artist/filmmaker)
J Mase III (Black queer/trans, poet/educator)
Zanele Muholi (South African, lesbian, photographer/visual activist)
Oluwarotimi (Rotimi) Fani-Kayode (Nigerian, gay, photographer)
GLAAD article about 8 famous Black LGBTQ+ writers
Other Helpful/Informational Links:
GLAAD’s Black History Month Resource Kit
Reports and Publications from the National Black Justice Coalition
An article and various resources from the Human Rights Campaign about being African American and LGBTQ+
About the Black Pride Movement and the Center for Black Equity
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lgtbq-ask · 5 years
KTHNXBI - a new web series trying to figure out if bisexuality is a thing. 
Coming to a Youtube channel near you on Valentine’s Day ❤️
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lgtbq-ask · 6 years
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Are you feeling okay? If not, you can always send me a message and I’ll try to help you ♡.
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lgtbq-ask · 6 years
Don’t let people tell you because you have a penis or vagina, have breasts or none, have a period or not, or have whatever chromosomes, you can’t be the gender you are. This goes for trans and nb people. You are the gender you are and you can get there.
~ Luv Quinny
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lgtbq-ask · 6 years
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Feel free to add anything!
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lgtbq-ask · 6 years
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Trans people have a high risk of suffering from mental illnesses and are much more likely to commit suicide. The average life expectancy of these individuals is of 30-40 years. They suffer from great social exclusion and are in risk of bullying and being homeless.
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lgtbq-ask · 6 years
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Trans people don't regret transitioning!! Never forget that transitioning is not necessary in order to be trans and it doesn't make you any less of a woman/man. Transitioning is imposed by society, because they teach trans people to feel uncomfortable in their bodies, but your body is never wrong. You are not in the "wrong" body, having a penis or a vagina doesn't define your gender. Anyway, if you wanna take that decision you are free to do so and you should receive all support because it's a hard journey! All my love!
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lgtbq-ask · 6 years
happy transgender day of visibility to my trans followers !!!! i hope all of u have a safe day today❤️❤️❤️ if you’re cis, consider donating to a trans person in need!
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lgtbq-ask · 6 years
if straight girls knew of even half of how much lesbians and bisexual girls hold themselves back and restrain themselves and dilute themselves in order to appear non-threatening and non-predatory to those same straight girls
once we’ve made you aware of our orientation, we barely allow ourselves to look at you and smile at a joke you just told, in case you’d assume we’re into you, just because we smiled at you once
but guys can catcall, make inappropriate comments, talk about girls as trophies, talk about how they ‘become a real man’ only after they’ve had sex the first time, break girls down into body parts, take revealing clothing as an open invite for sexual interest, go on about how good they are in bed after receiving an initial ‘no’ as if their dick is a product that the girl just doesn’t know she wants yet and the guy didn’t sell it on his first try??? and many more things
@ straight girls, please. please. take your homophobic hypocrisy and realise that girls who like girls are not your enemy.
if we flirt with you, because not all of us have amazing gaydar and sometimes we just gotta try, and you’re not into us? if you just say so, the most likely scenario is that we will sincerely apologise and then move to the other side of the room or in any other way leave you as well alone as we possibly can.
we are not your enemy.
and we don’t like girls just because you’re girls. you are not body parts. you are not a trophy. we don’t call your outfit cute because we want to get between your legs. you are not new territory that we want to conquer. you are not an area on a map that we want to mark with an “x” so we can brag about how we’ve been there.
you are not a pussy that we want to defeat.
the predatory lesbian and the hyper-sexualised bisexual is a myth.
we are not your enemy.
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lgtbq-ask · 6 years
Your young so you've still got a chance, don't comit to being a lesbian. If you do you'll never have kids and if you don't do that you'll turn into a crazy cat lady. Its not about hurting your feelings, this is about your future mental health and finding actual genuine happiness and purpose. Get out of this awful echo chamber and find a guy instead of waiting to hit the wall. Please don't become a greek tragedy
can y’all imagine being this dumb
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lgtbq-ask · 6 years
Reblog if you're not homophobic
Every url that reblog’s will be written in a book and shown to my homophobic dad. 
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lgtbq-ask · 6 years
having studied about lgbt representation in korea and things of that sort, what is your opinion on idols like HOLLAND? Idols that are openly LGBT. Do you think it is a marketing strategy or is it a way to open people's minds?
I want to start with saying that while I’ve studied this topic and read many articles about it, probably the most valid opinion would come from a LGBT+ Korean person who has grown up in Korea and experienced this themselves, so just keep in mind that I don’t know everything about Korea as an foreign LGBT+ person living in Korea!! And if anyone has anything to add pls do!  But I will do my best to provide sources for my opinion on this topic.
That being said, I don’t think for HOLLAND (or the other idols I have looked into in the past for research) being openly LGBT is a marketing strategy to promote his debut. (keep reading for the explanation with sources ~ warning, it is long)
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lgtbq-ask · 6 years
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What LGBT+ Looks Like is an online project focused on amplifying the voices and sharing the stories of LGBT+ youth, specifically ages 13 to 21. This project has been running since October of 2016, however we are running out of submissions! Please send in submissions, donate, or follow us on any of our social media accounts to support this project!
🔹 Website: whatlgbtlooklike.wordpress.com
📷 Instagram: instagram.com/whatlgbtlookslike
🐥 Twitter: twitter.com/whatlgbtlooks
☕️ Ko-Fi: https://t.co/BhhvugEbTm
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lgtbq-ask · 6 years
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lgtbq-ask · 6 years
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To participate in this study, please use the following link: bit.ly/2AiTBYm
Also, feel free to share this study with your friends and colleagues!
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lgtbq-ask · 6 years
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Are you feeling okay? If not, you can always send me a message and I’ll try to help you ♡.
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lgtbq-ask · 6 years
So I like this girl and I wanna take her out But Whats a good date idea ?
ANSWER: Oh, good question!! It all depends on the girl, though. If you know what she likes, decide something according to it. My go-to-date is going to the cinema, and afterwards having dinner or going out for ice-cream or a cup of coffee. Avoid hanging out before the cinema: it’s better if you can use the movie as an ice breaker for a nice conversation. Keep it simple. If you don’t have money to go to the cinema, another date idea is to go to a park and just have a nice walk, feed the ducks, maybe bring some snacks and talk about random stuff. Some girls may like going to a mall or to a theme park. But, in my opinion, those are better options for later dates or when you’re already girlfriends. Good luck!! 🖤
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