lifebloggery · 9 years
*nevous laughter turns to sobbing* actually no, but it's VERY LIKELY the last 4/13 for homestuck
heheheh.... let’s hope that hussie procrastinates a little more then, for my sake
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lifebloggery · 9 years
Happy 4-13!
thank you!!! and happy 4 13 to you all as well :) :) what a day.... i heard it’s the last ever for homestuck! :o
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lifebloggery · 10 years
Happy slightly belated birthday birthday from an appreciative follower who is not online much of the weekend, and may your next year be excellent.
thank you v much!! i hope yours is too!! :D
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lifebloggery · 10 years
imagine how is touch the sky
i personally prefer imagine how touch is the sky
or since imagine and sky are in a different colour:
how is imagine sky
touch imagine sky
the imagine sky
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lifebloggery · 10 years
The fact that time passes faster the older we get makes the inevitability of time coming and going more obvious
[wipes brow with a "theory of relativity for dummies" book]
1/15 is a smaller fraction than 1/14 huh........
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lifebloggery · 10 years
always alphabetize ur variables!!
(hahah thank you!!! :D)
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lifebloggery · 10 years
HAHAHAH OMG I had no idea Tumblr did that sort of thing. Oh god, I'm like real-life Dave, or Aradia, or Spades Slick or something. Some Homestuck character. Minus the deaths and ghost robots I guess.
don't rule out ghost robots just yet!!!!! the millenium is still young...... we will have the technology....... one day
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lifebloggery · 10 years
Whoaaaa happy birthday!!!
merci beaucoup!!! happy birthday to you too, in advance. or maybe in late?? such is the nature of time...............
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lifebloggery · 10 years
"existence is largely seen as a matter of space, but nothing could occur without time. to that end, doesn’t time create space?" I have a feeling that this was exactly the sort of questions Einstein was pondering when he came up with the idea of a unified spacetime. Relativity just makes the matter even more confusing.
yeah for example
Tumblr media
you sent this message to me 3 hours in the future!!?!?!?!
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lifebloggery · 10 years
sweet jesus I find myself pondering the inevitability of the passing of time myself.
of course, matter cannot be created or destroyed, which is p flummoxing too
but can't the same be said of time?? and isn't the concept of time even MORE awe-striking??? unlike matter, we cannot sense or manipulate time. it can be experienced, yes, but observed or analyzed? that's more debatable.
time is present in every speck of existence somehow, and we hardly think of it except in infinitesimal, measurable portions. existence is largely seen as a matter of space, but nothing could occur without time. to that end, doesn't time create space?
i actually know nothing about physics or philosophy so. this is just me blathering
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lifebloggery · 10 years
Happy birthday, Bloggery! May your 15th year be better than your 14th!
Hmm i think overall my 14th year was pretty good... so my 15th year is going to be ultrawesome!!!! i wish you well too :o
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lifebloggery · 10 years
happy valentine's birthday!
thank u!!!!!!! :D
(ps: nice icon heheh)
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lifebloggery · 10 years
omg i forgot that it was valentine's day until now!!! :O happy day of love everyone!!!!!!! and it is also my birthday??? i ... have a not ver y good grasp of time unfortunately. ANYWAY i'm 15 now
[wails at the thought of growing older than hs characters and also the infinite march of time is terrifying]
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lifebloggery · 10 years
Bloggery: Explanate
(^^ haha i should start titling all my personal posts like that)
You recall promising your followers an audio react soon.
... Oops.
Basically, I need a quiet time and place to do an audio react, and that hasn't been available AT ALL recently, especially since I come home at around 6 every weekday. My family is always home on weekends so that cuts out a lot of precious audio reacting time as well. Not to mention that I'm a tad swamped with homework at the moment. HOWEVER I think it would be worth it to wait for the opportune time to do an audio react!!! I know it's sorta holding up regular liveblogging, but I haven't audio reacted to a flash in sooo long, and I'm pretty excited for this one. I hope all of you are too~
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lifebloggery · 10 years
very sorry!!! especially since this is like.... two weeks in a row...... i'll try for tomorrow but i have homework too so??? we'll see.. again, SORRY!!!!!!
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lifebloggery · 10 years
no liveblog post this week, sorry!!! simply TOO MANY things are happening and i've also caught a rather bad cold :(
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lifebloggery · 10 years
did u know that the word knismesis means light tickling?? it has nothing to do with homestuck, but it's one letter away from kismesis and i thought the happenstance was funny since kismesissitude (is that the noun form of it?) has NOTHING to do with light tickling
more cool words here!
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