ryumarumg · 7 years
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dammit I knew you fuckers were in cahoots
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pc-98s · 8 years
@kimikomuffin replied to your post “oh yeah i finished the next chapter of “old illusion, new fantasy”...”
I'm all for slice-of-life-with-bizarre-supernatural-adventures. If you think that's the way to go, go for it.
i think i’ll go with that, yeah. it’d be a lot easier (and probably more fun) to write
as an aside, i resumed work on the chapter i had in progress, with a sweet scene in mind, but somewhere along the way it just turned into mima being fairly rude and annoying marisa, while still attempting to make this cryptic gesture of kindness, and honestly i feel like that’s the most in-character thing i could write
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chaoseed · 8 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vjm8P8utT5g)
(Thanks to @kimikomuffin for sharing this with me)
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You know, I don't think I've ever specifically thought of Youngbro and Youngmom as straight-up switching the typing styles of Dave and Rose between the "parents", but: "TG: are you taking notes on how to be cute?? jesus get a fucking pen"
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rlyehtaxidermist · 8 years
I've seen like ⑨ different possible sources of information about when the Great Hakurei Barrier was created, and Bunbunmaru seems to put PoFV in "Season 120" according to ... whatever calendar the tengu use, so the difference in ages between Aya and the Barrier might be even bigger than that
The creation of the Great Hakurei Barrier is the epoch for the Gensokyo calendar.
The usual date I see for it is 1885 (which probably goes off the PoFV = 2005 theory), which neatly coincides with the introduction of the Ministry of Communication, a cabinet-level ministry for telecommunication (namely, electronic telegraphy) in Japan. Since widespread communication between humans, and the scientific advancement it facilitates, would be a death bullet for youkai folklore, I think this is as good a date as any.
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wakasagayhime · 8 years
Could you please be a bit more consistent about tagging anon hate? Thanks!
apologies, i’ve been on mobile all day so i havent been able to tag asks at all
unfortunately i dont really want to tag hate in particular so i can avoid having a way to see all of the negative things people have said to me/about me, i tend to look for things like that when im down which really isnt good for me so if thats what youre asking i dont think i can do that
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prokopetz · 8 years
I'd like to offer a recommendation: ICEY, which is basically The Stanley Parable if it was designed by Platinum Games. It's a high-speed hack-and-slash game with a female player character, and there's a narrator who doesn't have as much control over the situation as he'd like.
Hey, thanks - it was already on my Steam wishlist, but I’d heard both good and bad things. I’ll definitely pick that up before the sale ends.
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a thing that happened the other day:
Me: *drops a link to a post on my blog as part of a discussion*
Other person I haven't talked to in years but didn't know who they were: Oh, is that KimikoMuffin's blog? I haven't seen her in years!
Me: Yes, that is my blog.
Other person: !!!
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pc-98s · 8 years
@kimikomuffin so i finally read the rest of your SoEW au earlier and when marisa enchanted mima’s staff to use as a makeshift replacement for the flower thing i thought of peridot from cucumber quest??
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minion of darkness™ who is really just super gay for the heroine, uses astronomically themed wand to fly on. i don’t know if this was intentional or not but
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wakasagayhime · 8 years
I just want you to know that I almost tagged that post I just reblogged from you, which was exclusively about Kagerou, as "#wakasagihime", just because of the mental associations you've created.
this is what i strive for
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ununnilium · 8 years
*sends hugs and kittens*
Awwwwww! *mew!*
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My mind spontaneously came up with this exact guitar riff last night, so I threw this together in the space of like fifteen minutes. I probably won’t do an actual full-length version or anything ...
(I don’t have a guitar, I made it in MIDI using my SD-90. Yes, I have the same type of synthesizer ZUN uses, and I use it to make guitar riffs)
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pc-98s · 8 years
My takeaway is that Mima shares Marisa's "clinging to someone who shows basic non-hostility" and that's beautiful
honestly though????? someone give these lonely fucked up girls a hug (or, the way things are going, i guess it’s most likely that they’ll actually be hugging each other)
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duckgetsstuck · 8 years
If you'd said "MANIPUL8ED" everyone would have known exactly what you meant.
Oh no! That would have been perfect!!! 
For those who missed it, this is referring to this post and this following ask about it.
I feel I have missed a great opportunity. Gonna stuff that in my back pocket for later. I mean l8r.
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t-a-c · 8 years
Top 5 puns
1. “User was probated for this post”2. No pun in ten did3. Small medium at large4. Better Nate than lever5. I have no eye deer
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