damaramegido · 7 months
happy birthday, trivia girl!
FACT: Bart Simpson's prank calls to Moe's Tavern--and Moe's explosive reactions--are an homage to the Tube Bar prank calls, which were made in the 1970s and circulated on bootleg tapes. In these calls, two young men would ask the bar owner, "Red," to call out various fake names, and Red would regularly respond with profane threats after catching on...which will no doubt seem very familiar to any Simpsons viewer!
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theothin · 2 years
I know "we are alternate universe versions of each other" is like, an old joke by now but I love getting reminded of the fact that you love DK64 it is SO UNDERRATED and EVERY TIME SOMEONE MENTIONS IT I JUST GO AAAA (also what's your favorite level? I don't think you ever told me)
DK64 is great. first game I played extensively, and I think frantic factory is where I started. excellent place
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not-terezi-pyrope · 8 months
My novel, Total Entropic Denial, is now available to read for free on Royal Road!
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April Pearce's world feels like it just might be falling apart. Her restaurant job leaves a taste in her mouth almost as bad as the food they serve their customers, her kinda-sorta girlfriend is probably, almost-definitely mad at her, and despite her best efforts, she can't seem to stop her neuroses from leading her face-first into bad decisions and bloody accidents. But as if that wasn't bad enough, now it seems that there might be a very real chance that she's losing her mind. As a series of inexplicable and increasingly horrific occurrences lead April to question the fundamental nature of her reality, staring an incomprehensible truth in the face will strip her down to the deepest marrow of her soul, and leave her straddling a line between two twin terrors; that she's either going insane, or, even more terrifyingly, that the things she's been seeing are absolutely real. Following those questions to their conclusion will lead her to new horizons, throw her into conflict with unexpected enemies, and make her even more unlikely friends. As the boundaries of reality start to crack wide enough open to catch glimpses of the horrors that lie outside of their confines, the scope of her struggle starts to tend towards a yawning infinity. Wherever this path may end, one thing's for sure; once we get there, nobody will be able to shut their eyes and ignore the consequences.
Total Entropic Denial is my experimental Science Fantasy/Horror novel, with the guiding ethos of experimenting with high concepts while also getting extremely weird with it. This is the largest creative project I've ever undertaken, taking up almost the entirety of my 2023, so it'd really be cool if you'd check it out!
Total Entropic Denial features queer characters and relationships, alien worlds and creatures, and body horror. It is a mature work that at times deliberately seeks to provoke, so I will up front provide the following:
Content Warnings: Violence Blood Explicit gore Explicit sexual content Shocking content Situations of ambiguous sexual consent Depictions of homophobia Depictions of transphobia Death Existential despair
The book fully free and available to read online at the above link. I would have liked to have optional monetization, but unfortunately I can't add a PayPal donation link to the Royal Road listing without exposing my deadname. In the event that a significant number of people want to do that, let me know and I'll figure something out. In the meantime, please leave a review and/or share the book around!
Additionally, I want to give big thank yous to @ericvilas, @fipindustries, and @theothin for beta reading this for me, as well as other help and encouragement received!
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fipindustries · 7 months
btw, and just so you guys know this.
happy valentines day guys, i truly love all of you, big hugs and kisses specially to @ericvilas, @theothin,@jenlog,@mrcatfishing,@not-terezi-pyrope,@lumsel,@verminfang,@sigmaleph,@magic5ball,@lipstickchainsaw,@obsidianchild,@st-just,@artbyblastweave,@yumantimatter,@intimate-mirror, and many more i just cannot remember off the top of my head.
all my hearts to you guys, you make life worth living <3
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saxigenouscorviform · 5 months
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jonsilverstone · 7 months
I finally tried my hand on this hilarious post. :D
Credit to @rosegoldlips @bigscaryd @animatedamerican @shinelikethunder @ericvilas @amatalefay
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bananonbinary · 4 months
watched the doctor who episode Space Babies with @ericvilas and im still so fucked up that they went through the whole "the TARDIS is translating everything from weird space languages into English" bit and the after-translating result was....
Pacifico del Rio.
which is.
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sigmaleph · 2 years
ran into @ericvilas at pride today!
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mathprofessorquotes · 4 years
If you move this equation into complex numbers, it becomes infinitely easier. Unfortunately, physics is a real science, meaning the problem is getting back to the real numbers and not getting trapped in the complex void.
Physics teacher, on complex impedance
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loreweaver-universe · 5 years
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@ericvilas ...You know, I can’t really dispute that, and I’m a little upset about that.
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chongoblog · 6 years
Ok but for real if you do a react video with Penny and others, if one of you is desynced, instead of saying "holy crap it's Minecraft Steve!" to avoid spoilers, you should say "holy crap it's Sans Undertale"
Unfortunately, I won’t be doing a reaction video with Penny, since she’s gonna be covering it live, and I’ve got work stuff. I AM gonna be making a reaction video, but it’s unfortunately gonna be just me
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damaramegido · 1 year
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serious political debate with @ericvilas, @spyinthelandofthedead, @not-terezi-pyrope, and @theothin
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theothin · 6 months
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with @ericvilas
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not-terezi-pyrope · 11 months
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My boyfriend @ericvilas and I went on a trip to hang out with @fipindustries and her girlfriend @obsidianchild! Had a really good time, here are some fun pictures.
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fipindustries · 2 months
pick your fave from my faves
tagged by @theaudientvoid
i have to put five of my favourite characters of all time and then tag five peope so...
@not-terezi-pyrope, @ericvilas, @theothin, @mrcatfishing, @thecurioustale
feel free to participate or decline!
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max2019info · 6 years
is there a link to the Discord? The one I found by Googling was expired
we’re unaffiliated with the discord & none of us are in it.
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