lil-mangoz · 3 years
User Interface Assets : Professional Awareness Module (2021)
For this project, as part of a university assignment, I was contracted by a level 6 group (RedPunchGames) to create some assets for their upcoming game. I had the responsibility of creating and designing UI graphics and assets for their inventory, hotbars and menu screens. This blog post will show you through the journey of creating and putting these assets together
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This first screenshot depicts the moodboard I put together to have a better understanding of the theme and idea of what the team were going for. Ideas came predominantly from Fable and Path of Exile.
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This screenshot shows the inventory panel concept. We can see the inventory panel stays consistent with the style of the slots.
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This screenshot shows the hotbars I created for the team. This includes the health bar, as well as the mana bar and experience bar. Icons for each graphic were created from scratch.
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The hotbars uploaded as their own graphic.
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The two graphics used for the inventory panel.
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Prototype sheet for each inventory slot graphic.
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Each inventory slot uploaded as their own graphic.
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lil-mangoz · 3 years
Graphic Design: BluRay Disc, Film Poster and Case Concept. (2019)
University work from 2019. This assignment was to create various designs with either Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator to create a movie poster, as well as a movie cover and disc cover design. I enjoyed this assignment thoroughly for my first year at university and scored high marks for these designs. This blog post will guide you through the process of how I came up with this concept as well as the process it took to create these final designs.
Here is the final concepts for all three designs for the BluRay Disc, Film Poster and BluRay Case.
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My first concept sketch for the film poster. I tried to think of ideas that have made iconic film posters in the past, such as simple yet effective colour schemes.
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Halfway through editing my film poster in Photoshop.
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Halfway through my BluRay Cover for my film, Clockwork. I have taken very similar elements from my film poster to use.
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And below are the final designs!
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lil-mangoz · 3 years
Graphic Design: Livestreaming Mobile App Concept.
The completed result!
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First sketch for the concept.
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First Draft for Mobile Interface Design based off the sketch above. This will be a livestreaming app, predominantly for gaming. I have made the basic shapes of where certain content will go which can be seen by the named layers.
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Second draft for mobile interface design.
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lil-mangoz · 3 years
test title
test post
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