lilymoonstars · 1 year
Kindred - Chapter 4 - Shadows of Doubt 💎🧙
At a time when she should be feeling more centred than ever, Willow is having a tough time honing her magic. Luckily for her, Rainier has just the thing to tack her mind off things
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lilymoonstars · 1 year
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As if I hadn't made my choice already 🥰😍
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lilymoonstars · 1 year
Choice of the Week
Mr Bell definitely has me a little curious.....
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lilymoonstars · 1 year
Well, it's been decided that the Duke leaves most of us feeling a little icky!
Whether you hate to love him or love to hate him, the Duke certainly leaves his mark!
Choice of the Week
I've really been enjoying re-visiting Desire and Decorum but oh boy did I forget how much I detested Duke Richards. Blurgh 🤮Let me know your thoughts on the Duke below
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lilymoonstars · 1 year
Desire and Decorum - Book 1 - Chapter 7 - Eye Spy 💎
Ahead of your night at the opera, join Prince Hamid on a behind the scenes tour.
Now we’ve had some quality time with all the Love interests, who is everyone’s favourite so far?
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lilymoonstars · 1 year
Desire and Decorum - Book 1 - Chapter 6 💎 - Dinner party from Hell
We’ve made it to the Town house in one piece and it’s time to have a word with Mr Marlcaster after he ditched us! This is not what we need before our first London dinner party. Can we keep the Edgewater name in tact? 
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lilymoonstars · 1 year
We're back with the Morrigan sisters in Chapter 3 of Kindred. Last time the ceremony did not go to plan and the sisters were bound together! Can they finally unite and join together as a coven?
How is everyone enjoying Kindred so far?
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lilymoonstars · 1 year
Desire and Decorum - Book 1 - Chapter 5 - London Calling
It’s time for LONDON BABY! Clara and the team are making their way to good old London town for Clara’s debut. They see more than they bargained for after Mr Marlcaster fails to show up” What’s Countess Henrietta up to now?
Let me know your thoughts below!
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lilymoonstars · 1 year
Choice of the Week
I've really been enjoying re-visiting Desire and Decorum but oh boy did I forget how much I detested Duke Richards. Blurgh 🤮Let me know your thoughts on the Duke below
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lilymoonstars · 1 year
It's all fun and games at the garden party until Duke Ick-chards gets involved. Save us miss Parsons!
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lilymoonstars · 1 year
We're late for the sewing circle and the countess will have our heads! If we master the art of the fan, maybe we can defeat her once and for all....
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lilymoonstars · 1 year
Kindred Chapter 2 Wait, we're not in Kansas anymore?! 🧙‍♀️🪄 Can the sisters unite their magic in time for the bonding ceremony or will discord run rife?
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lilymoonstars · 1 year
Chapter 1 of Kindred is here! Time to meet the Morrigan sisters and discover our powers🧙‍♀️
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lilymoonstars · 1 year
After being whisked off to the Edgewater, Clara meets her grandmother who does her best to play matchmaker with her and Mr Sinclaire. Something tells me we'll have to keep her and Briar apart! Our stepmother Countess Henrietta is less than impressed with our arrival, but what will our father think?
Desire and Decorum, Book 1, Chapter 1, part 2
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lilymoonstars · 1 year
Hi all!
I've started Uploading some videos covering the choices series and I'm kicking off with an old classic, Desire and Decorum! I never made it past Book 1 so it will be interesting to re-visit alongside you all! I plan on expanding some of the games I cover but I'll be focusing on Choices stories for the time being.
If you have any comments or suggestions, including any series you'd like covering, let me know! I do plan on covering the upcoming charmed series so keep your eyes peeled for that one 😊 Thank you! 🌼
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lilymoonstars · 1 year
How Do I Love Thee?
Chapter 5 - Horrible Untrue Things
Note - In typical me fashion, I have once again become very inconsistent with posting updates! It's been a hectic few months but I'm getting back into the swing of things. Enjoy the new Chapter!
Somewhere between the edge of sleep and waking, a gentle hand carded through your hair. It was something your mum had done since you were young, to help you fall asleep and chase the nightmares away.
“Hey sleepy head. Time to wake up.”
Eyebrows furrowing, you stilled. That wasn’t your mum.
 “I said GET. UP.” The hand tightened into a fist, yanking you roughly backwards. “Don’t make me ask again Parker.”
Blinking through the tears, your vision slowly cleared. Viktor was crouched at your side, smirking down at you. Slowly you remembered the woods. Screaming. Blood. Burning. That hadn’t been a nightmare. There were vampires in Crimson Beech and your mum had been left home alone with one whilst you were unconscious.
“W-where’s my mum, what have you done to her?”
Viktor’s laugh bounced off the stone walls as he stepped back into the shadows. “Oh no sweetheart, I wouldn’t want to spoil the surprise just yet.” 
“What do you mean? I won’t say anything about what I saw. Just please don’t hurt her.” You pleaded. The room was too dim, to see anything past its centre was a struggle. Your breath began to quicken, it was too dark, you needed to get out of here. The only light came from outside, seeping through the edges of the doors. You heard a low murmur of voices on the other side. Scrambling to your feet, you ran towards them, if there were other people here, they could get you out. Within seconds, silver eyes pierced you through the darkness and Viktor’s arms snaked around you, squeezing your bones to breaking point with his inhuman strength.
“No! GET OFF ME!” You yelled. In your panic, you managed to catch him in the head with your elbow.
The look in his eyes was pure murder. His fangs sprang from his mouth as he snarled, “you little- “
“Viktor!” It’s time, bring the girl through!” A voice barked beyond the door.
“With pleasure,” he snarled, grabbing you by the arm. “Welcome to the Nexus, little lamb.”
You trailed helplessly in his wake into the audience chamber. The room was ringed by marble pews which were currently occupied by several town residents, all of whom were focused solely on the two figures already on the chamber floor. When your gaze also settled on them, your stomach dropped. Cas stood at the end of the aisle, smirking in your direction and at his side stood principal Yao. Your talisman seared against your skin in warning.
“New students, nothing but trouble.” Astoria muttered. She looked at you with utter disdain before flicking her eyes towards an empty chair and turning back to Cas. Viktor caught you rubbing your wrist and snorted as he dumped you into the chair. Carefully avoiding the talisman, he grabbed your arm, waving it back and forth.
“Sweetheart, look around you, a little burn is the least of your worries right now.”
“What’s going on?” You asked, yanking your arm back.
“Cassie-boy here has been accused of hunting down a human inside town boundaries, which is very naughty.” He said, tapping Cas on the nose, who scowled at the nickname. “The Elders are very keen to get to the bottom of this.”
“So, am I some kind of witness then?”
Viktor laughed loudly, making your cheeks flush. “More like a loose end, little lamb. Astoria will be one of the judges in Cas’s case and believe you me, she’ll get rid of anything that puts him at risk.”
“Why is she so bothered by what happens to Cas?”
“Astoria is the head of one of the vampire families in Crimson Beech – The Venandi’s and Cas is part of her clan.”
Your eyes widened looking along the pews, there were at least 15 other people. Just how many other families were there? Hushed whispers broke out through the chamber. A man with Dark hair and blue eyes made his way to join Astoria at Cas’s side.
“Don’t worry little lamb. There might be a lot of us here, but there’s only one other family in Crimson Beech.” A darkness passed over his face as he tracked the new arrival. “The Clements, the champions of your pathetic kind.”
If that was true, then it was possible that you stood a chance of getting out of here in one piece. The burning at your wrist cooled a few degrees, taking the tension from your shoulders along with it. Your relief must have shown as Viktor didn’t allow you even a moment of peace.
“I wouldn’t let my guard down just yet if I were you, sweetheart. Champions always want something in return.”
“Right, everyone, let’s get started.” The mysterious man announced.
“Why the rush Lewyn? Hot date?” Cas taunted, completely uncaring of the tension in the room.
Astoria shot Cas a look that that should have evaporated him on the spot. “Do you have any idea how serious this charge is, Cas? We’re not talking about a simple tap on the wrist, you could be banished for this.”
There was a minute twitch of Lewyn’s mouth as he watched Cas grow still. “The solitary life is an awful fate.” Cas bristled but wisely made no further comment.
“For pity’s sake Lewyn!” How many times must we sit through the same old song and dance routine?” An older man in a tweed jacket rose to his feet. “He never learns any respect or from his mistakes. Just get on with the punishment and then we can deal with the human.”
“You’d love that wouldn’t you, Giles? As long as Venandi blood is being spilled, you couldn’t care less!” Another voice chimed in.
Bickering slowly broke out in an angry buzz amongst the crowd.
“You know, you really are lucky, little lamb. Our families don’t see eye to eye on much these days but if we can agree on one thing, it’s how to deal with nosey humans who know too much. Your fate is in their hands just as much as Cas’s is.” Viktor breathed against your neck.
“Silence! You are elders of this council, not children. We are all governed by these laws, and we will proceed as ordered.” Lewyn’s tone left no room for argument. A few glared defiantly but all chatter ceased.
“Cas, you know the laws forbid the hunting of humans inside the town boundaries.” Astoria said.
“But she wasn’t a townsperson. She was just a tourist passing through.” Cas said exasperated.
“She passed through the boundaries though, did she not?” Lewyn asked.
Astoria darted between the two of them, having sensed just how close Cas was flirting with danger. “Our records show that you only just fed, so why were you hunting the girl?”
“His reasons do not matter Astoria. He savaged that girl and has shown no restraint. It’s clear you cannot control him. He’s a danger to every human in this town and by extension us.” For the first time during the trial, Lewyn’s frustration with Cas was written clearly on his face.
“Look, what happened, happened. If you’re going to punish me, get on with it,” Cas sighed.
The patience Astoria had displayed so far had reached its breaking point. Snarling, she gripped Cas and spun him so fast you half expected his head to come clean off his shoulders. “Foolish boy! You have broken one of our most sacred laws. You should be begging for mercy, but you think this is all one big joke. You’re lucky we left you alive long enough to give your side of the story!”
Cas stilled as Astoria finished her tirade. He firmly removed his arm from her grasp, “I won’t be begging you for anything.”
“Be that as it may, you better start coming up with more than just attitude and fast. My patience is wearing thin.”
Cas weighed up his options before releasing a weary sigh. “The hunt started outside of Crimson Beech, but the human got away. I had no choice but to kill her. If she’d have made it back into town, that would have put us all in danger, you said so yourself.” He said, nodding at Lewyn, whose eyes narrowed.
 “If that’s truly what happened, why did you not say so when the trial first began?”
“Would you have believed me if I did? You Clements pile on me anyway, I just wanted to get through this as quickly as possible,” Cas huffed. “New Girl, you were there, you tell them.”
The silence was sudden or at least it seemed that way with how quickly the blood rushed through your ears. It was suffocating as every pair of eyes slid onto you. Silver searching your soul for any falsehoods.
“Is this true child? Do not be afraid, no harm will come to you.”
Your heart jack hammered against your chest. Even though Lewyn was smiling at you, there was something vacant in his gaze that you didn’t quite trust. You’d seen this evening how willing they were to toss Cas out of his clan, you weren’t naive enough to believe he placed a higher value on yours and your mother’s lives. So, you did what you had to, to give you both the best chance of surviving. You lied.
“I-I, uh,” you stuttered, “w-when I saw them, they were coming out of the trees, t-towards the town.”
Viktor’s laugh rumbled against your back. “My, my, a few days in town and he has you wrapped around his little finger already.” He mumbled, winding a finger through your curls. “Perhaps I should give Cas more credit.”
Your stomach twisted at his words. You already felt sick to your stomach with your own lies, at the memories of the girl’s screams as you ran. Was that really why Cas had gone out of his way to talk to you, so you would be his alibi? Whispers passed through the elders as Cas and Lewyn stared at you, united in shock.
Cas was the first to recover, beaming brightly at you. “See! I told you it was the truth!”
Relief washed over Astoria’s face. Your admission had exonerated Cas and now the immediate danger had passed, she quickly rounded on Lewyn. “It seems clear to me that Cas was acting to protect the Coven. I know you adore your precious humans but some of us have to make the difficult choices. You and your clan need to realise where your obligations lie. I demand we end this ridiculous farce immediately.”
“I cannot deny that Cas may indeed have saved us some trouble by disposing of the girl, however, I can’t help but wonder if you are behind the other murders outside of the town.” Cas floundered as Lewyn gazed at him, his tone furious. “You said it yourself, did you not? You began your chase away from the town and the human here just confirmed that. Now, those murders have drawn attention. The human authorities are conducting all manner of investigations and I don’t need to tell you how dangerous that is for us all.”
His gaze lingered on you for a moment as he finished speaking. Was he talking about your mum? Did he know she was digging in further to those murders?
“That has nothing to do with me!” Cas raged and Astoria was quick to match his fury.
“I’ll warn you now Lewyn, think very carefully before levelling such a baseless accusation against a member of my coven without speaking with me first.”
They continued to stare at each other until eventually Lewyn backed down, sighing in resignation. “Very well but let this be a warning to whomever is responsible, that there will be consequences once you are found.” The promise lingered in the air over every member in the Nexus. “Tribunal, what is your decision?”
An elder from each family stood to deliver their verdict. “Cassius Harlow, we find you guilty of breaking our core laws. You are sentenced to punishment by way of the Silver Brand.”
“What!?” Cas was in pure disbelief, “but the human sa- “
Solemnly, the Venandi elder raised their hand. “A crime must have its punishment Cas.”
Dumbfounded, he didn’t even resist as he was removed from the chamber. Not that it made much difference, the heavy oak doors did little to muffle his screams of pain. You blanched at the thought of what were they were doing to him in there.
“Easy does it sweetheart, you’re up.” Viktor said, pulling you onto the spot Cas was in only moments ago. “Try not to worry too much, lover boy will be back in one piece.”
The burning sensation of the Talisman reactivating was your only warning before Astoria bared your throat to the room. “Must we really waste a trial on this? I say we follow Cas’s example and dispose of the human here and now!”
It took every ounce of your will power to remain still and gather your courage. “Are you really going to punish me for trying to stay alive? For putting my family’s survival first? Cas was ready to kill me in those woods and I wasn’t about to let him. If I had, Cas would have been on trial for two murders and would most likely be banished by now.”
Thank God your voice remained steady. Astoria’s breath fanned over your neck, considering your words. It felt like an eternity before Astoria she shoved you away. She was scowling but spoke to you with begrudging respect. “It’s not everyday you see a human stand their ground against a vampire, but the issue remains that you know too much and you’re a liability to us.”
“Now Astoria, were you not the one arguing moments ago for one of your own to plead their case? The girl is here, let us listen to her.” Lewyn reasoned.
“It’s clear to me that each of us value safety. You for your coven’s and I for my family. I’d be an idiot to repeat anything I saw here today.”
Lewyn smirked, “I think we have a smart one here.”
The two elders resumed their positions, delivering the second verdict of the day. “Parker Reese, we find you not guilty of crimes against the coven. You have showcased incredible bravery and courage today. To kill you would be a true crime.” The Clement Elder smiled down at you.
“This is insanity,” Astoria scoffed.
“You know as well as I do, that the Tribunal’s decision is final Astoria. Even if you are callous enough to overlook the immorality of killing Parker, you can at least agree it will avoid any further undue attention coming our way. Her mother is quite tenacious and is already looking into these murders. If anything happens to her daughter, it will only add fuel to the fire.” Lewy stated.
“Count yourself lucky. For tonight at least, you walk free. I, however, will be keeping an incredibly close eye on you.” Astoria promised.
“Thank you both so much! I won’t breathe a word of this to anyone I swear! You’ll forget I’m even here.” Your growing relief was smothered as Lewyn edged closer to you.
“Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, Miss Reese. You and your mother will be watched very closely and if either of you put even one toe out of line, I will not hesitate to rip your throat out as she watches helplessly at your side. Do not disappoint me.”
The sick fucker smiled the whole time he spoke. Before you could even register the fear flooding through your body, your world faded to black once more.
Upset Cas didn’t defend, mad at him for how little he thinks of humans but no problem using one to save his own skin. Throwback that you did the same with your lie?..
End note : As always, you can also follow the story on my Ao3 account: How do I Love Thee? - Chapter 1 - MemphisBelle - Choices: Immortal Desires (Visual Novel) [Archive of Or Own]
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lilymoonstars · 2 years
How Do I love Thee?
Chapter 4 - He's Beauty, he's danger
Note - Thank you all so much for your support so far with this story! I cannot begin to tell you how much I appreciate it all. I was a little disappointed when I heard there wouldn't be a second book, I feel like there are so many missed opportunities to explore this wonderful world and characters they created. So, I decided to funnel that energy into this story and mix in a few of my own ideas too! I hope you continue to enjoy, now on with the story!
As a quick aside, there is a tiny scene of violence towards the end.
“Parker! Hurry up, don’t be late on your first day. I made breakfast.”
That meant you weren’t having an aneurism and that was burning that you smelled drifting upstairs from the kitchen. Rolling out of bed, you walked in to see your mum flitting about the kitchen. Dashing between the stove, the toaster, and the coffee machine.
“Mum, do you need a – “
“I’ve got it!” she shouted, holding up her spatula. Dodging stray egg that was flung your way, you carefully took a seat at the breakfast bar, wary of disturbing the sea of papers laid out om the countertop. Inching to look closer, the clippings were swept away by a plate of scrambled eggs.
“Voila! What’s wrong?”  she asked.
“Just checking for burned bits,” you smirked over at her.
Sticking her tongue out she poured herself some coffee. “I have no idea what you’re talking about they’re chefs’ kisses”
“Keep that up and you’ll be recording my death next. Second hand embarrassment.” Groaning around your mouthful of food.
“Well, we can’t have that. Not on my baby’s first day as a senior!” She squealed, pinching your cheeks in excitement.
A few of the clippings had scattered over the floor beneath your feet. Slowly scanning the article, your suspicions raised as you read the heading, “Bodies found.” The rest of the clippings varied in date, but all covered the recent attacks in the areas. “What’s this?” You asked, pushing it toward her. A wave of silence greeted you as she guiltily fiddled with her jacket sleeves. “Great. Mum, we talked about this! You promised not to go snooping.”
“I just thought, I could be a fresh pair of eyes, you know?” she said abashed
“Mum. You are a med-i-cal examiner, not a detective. We’re not in the city anymore, you can’t afford to upset anyone.” In your best parent voice, you told her, “Terri Rees, look at me. Repeat after me ‘I will not go into the big, scary woods where horrible murders have been happening.” You waited.
Crossing her arm, her features set stubbornly with a pout, she grumbled “I will not go into the big, scary woods where horrible murders have been happening... mum.”
“With great age comes great responsibility.”
“Well, little miss responsible, get that butt in gear or you’ll be late for your first day!” Swooping down, she planted a kiss on your head and hurried out the door.
Nerves swirled in your stomach as you padded up the stairs. The first day jitters were strong as the reality of the day set in. Taking the red crop top and jeans you figured that if you didn’t feel confident, you could at least try to look it. Grabbing your leather jacket and with a last swift nod to the mirror, you braced yourself for the day ahead.
“Here you have it, Crimson Beech High in all its glory.”
You and Gabe walked up the entrance stairs, watching the passing students file slowly and steadily through the front doors, trying to cling to the last moments of the summer. Two or three stopped to greet Gabe as you passed through the halls.
“Wow, Mr popular, however did you make time for little old me?”
“AS good student council president makes time for his people,” Gabe said with mock arrogance. “Now, Ms Reese, I must ask that you keep interruptions to an absolute minimum for the duration of the tour. It has been known to take upwards of ten minutes to complete and we have a lot of sights to see. Ah! Take this vending machine, for example. Circa 2010, it’s a rare, vintage model and if you look very carefully, right at the back you’ll see a mouldy chocolate bar still in its original wrapping.”
Stifling your laughter, the two of you walked the central grounds on your way to the admin building.
“This is the main quad or ‘hangout,’ it’s a popular spot for free periods and lunch. We have picnic benches on the South side of campus if you enjoy a quieter spot.” A nearby group of girls chattered excitedly about the latest episode of America’s most Eligible.
“Where the most important topics are discussed too.”
“LOOK OUT!” A boy with glasses cried through the courtyard. Out of the corner of your eye, a football was spiralling through the air on a direct path to your face. This was it. Your worst nightmare. A notorious dropper, public humiliation was 20 metres away. Weighing up your options, you decided to commit to the catch. It was either eating a football to the face or potentially become a hero on the first day. You raised your hands, but long arms snapped around you to make the save.
“Parker! Are you ok!?” Gabe gasped, his face crumpling in concern.
“Apart from going full Stefan on me and stealing my glory, sure”
He didn’t look convinced, but he relented. “Come on then, there’s one more thing I want to show you.” A large, glass cabinet stood outside the principal’s office. A golden statue of a woman donned in a trench coat and a crossbow strapped across her back, encased inside.
“Remember when I said people believe this town was founded by vampire hunters?” Gabe said over your shoulder, “I wasn’t kidding. If you believe the stories, Crimson Beech was overrun by vampires feeding on humans and savaging them.” A forlorn expression you didn’t quite understand settled over his face. “Hunters took it upon themselves to save humans and protect the town, eradicating the vampires within.”
“Neat. Vampires do fit in well with the small-town aesthetic. I’ll be on the lookout for fog and crows too.” You joked, trying to lighten the mood.
It worked as Gabe chuckled back, “duly noted, as long as you stay inside the town limits, you’ll be safe from any blood thirsty vampires.”
Doors ricocheted off the walls, echoing down the corridor as Cas slammed them open. A hush followed him down the corridor. Freshmen and seniors alike were quick to part in droves before him, each eager to avoid his murderous gaze falling upon them. In a futile attempt, Gabe was the only one brave enough to step forward to stop Cas on his warpath. “Cas, take it easy.”
Barely breaking his stride, Cas yanked his arm away sharply. His face contorted in fury, “where is he?”
A chorus of sniggering answered his question, several students pointing in his direction. “See? I told you he was a psycho,” one of them muttered snidely.” In a split second, Cas brutally slammed him into the lockers by the throat.
“Come on man, it was just a joke.” He said hoarsely, the confidence that fuelled him earlier was fading fast. His own hands weakly trying to prise away the fingers on his neck. Malicious glee spread across Cas’s face as he took in the pitiful attempts.
“Does it look like I’m laughing Danny? If it’s a joke, then laugh!” Cas demanded, slamming him backwards a second time for good measure. Danny’s feet were kicking uselessly against thin air, completely at Cas’s mercy. “You keyed ‘psycho’ into my locker, didn’t you? How about I show you what a psycho can do?”
Danny’s eyes widened in fear. Survival instincts kicking in, he swung wildly at Cas’s face, catching him square in the jaw. You gave a sharp gasp whilst Cas stood there unphased. One arm kept Danny pinned in place, he looked directly at you other his shoulder, his eyes never leaving yours as he wiped blood from his mouth. Forgotten, Danny fell to the floor in a heap.
“New Girl, I’ve died and gone to heaven, you look positively delicious. Are you here to kiss me better?”
“If you want to kiss me that badly Cas, just ask next time. No need to be so dramatic.” Whispers grew to a steady buzz, but you ignored it all. Everything from his sparkling brown eyes to the sharp lines of his jaw drew you in. He was beautiful danger.
“Cas Harlow!” An angry voice bellowed. A woman dressed all in black strode in his direction. Whatever had remained of the crowds quickly dispersed in hopes of avoiding her fury.
“Good morning principal Yao!” Cas greeted nonplussed.
“My office now!” She said, spinning on her heel and taking Cas with her.
“Parker, you promised to stay away from the Venandi’s, they’re dangerous.” Gabe said accusatorily.
“I know I did but what does that have to do with Cas?”
“Cas is a Venandi. Scott and the others, those are his siblings.” The morning bell sounded overhead as Gabe walked you to your first class. “Before I forget, are you free tonight? We usually throw a party in the woods to celebrate the start of school, you should come and meet everyone.”
“Oh, um,” you hesitated, “I’m not sure. I promised my mum I’d stay out of there.”
“Those attacks were way outside the town limits. I promise you’ll be safe.” Gabe assured.
Considering for a moment, you nodded, your mum had asked you to enjoy yourself. If everyone else was going it had to be ok, safety in numbers and all.
“To be absolutely clear, you aren’t leading me to my impending doom, right?” You asked Gabe, hopping over a particularly large branch.
“Parker, you’ll be fine, we’ve been holding this for 6 years and no one has died yet. Trust me.”
“That would be a lot easier if you hadn’t said yet.” Ignoring Gabe’s eyeroll, you carried on, “I’m just saying that this is textbook slasher flick stuff. The charming class president, the campfire, the deep, dark woods. Then bam, you reveal you’re a serial killer and everyone else is dead.”
“Aww you think I’m charming.” Gabe sang.
Shoving him, you trekked deeper into the forest. Distantly, music echoed through the trees. Fairly lights twined in the branches above, guiding you to a small clearing. Lanterns were placed around a small circle of chairs, emanating a soft glow. Gabe’s friends stood at the drinks table, waving you both over. A girl with shoulder length brown hair met you half-way, encompassing you in a bone crushing hug. “Parker! I’m so glad you made it! I was worried Gabe was going to keep you all to himself.” She smiled brightly. You’d only briefly met everyone at lunch, but you had the feeling that Libby wasn’t the best with personal boundaries. Luckily, Jade was there to rescue you.
“Libby! You’re going to crush her!” Jade said, dislodging her.
“Just because you hate any form of physical contact Jade, it doesn’t mean everyone else does.” Libby sulked.
“Libby’s got a point Jade. We need to make the most of it. Who knows when Gabe will let her out again,” Aiden joked.
A pink blush coloured Gabe’s cheeks “Shut it Aiden. I’m class president, it’s my responsibility to make sure she’s ok.”
“A responsibility you’re taking very seriously.” Aiden sniggered.
Wedging herself between you and Gabe, Libby threw her arms over your “shoulders, come on, we just finished setting up musical chairs.”
“Isn’t that a kid’s game?” You asked unsure,
“Not how we play.” Jade said mischievously, pushing Aiden into a chair, “in our version, the chairs are already occupied.”
“A game? I’m always up for a little friendly competition.” Stepping through the trees, Cas made his way down, someone else hot on his heels. Everyone froze at the sound of his voice, unsure what to do. The warm atmosphere frosting over. He was either completely oblivious or enjoyed this immensely. In the brief time you’d known him, you assumed it was the latter.
“I don’t remember you being invited Cas.” Gabe said. He was usually so warm that the ice in his voice unsettled you.
Cas stretched out in his seat, folding his arms behind his head. “That’s funny, I could have sworn this was a party for the start of school for all students. Now, I’m no straight A, teacher’s pet like you Adalhard but even I know that include me.”
“And I thought to celebrate going back to school, you had to turn up in the first place.” Gabe said through gritted teeth. Cas’s Cheshire cat grin spread even wider before his gaze landed on you.
“As thrilling as I’m sure your monologue on the architectural integrity of the library was, someone, aka me, had to make sure New Girl didn’t die of boredom. What do you say?” He asked, patting his lap.
“Why don’t you bite me instead Cas.”
Surging forward in his seat, he curled his hand behind your neck, drawing you closer. “Is that an invitation?” He spoke softly into your ear. His fingers slowly threaded through your hair, brushing it aside from your neck. Your eyes fluttered shut at his closeness. “I think you’ll find I have more than enough bite.” Snapping his teeth, he relaxed back into his seat.
“Cas, you need to leave,” Gabe barked, fury coating his words. Cas’s playful demeanour extinguished immediately. He’d been angry at Danny this morning but the tension between him and Gabe was palpable.
“Calm down Golden boy, no need to be so protective over your new pet. I promise not to do anything to her, that she doesn’t want me too at least.” He said, winking at you. Aiden caught Gabe before he got any closer to Cas.
“Don’t let him get to you, we want to make sure Parker enjoys the party, remember?” His words eased the tension from Gabe’s shoulders.
The music started up and you felt Libby follow behind you. “Damn Parker! How did you get Cas Harlow’s attention?” She hissed in your ear. “He never gives anyone the time of day! I mean he’s definitely hot if the whole asshole vibe is your thing.” She was doing her best to sound casual, but you caught the lingering look she gave Cas over her shoulder. Her mouth curved into a sly smile, “Gabe’s also pretty popular and he’s definitely interested in you. I don’t know if I feel sorry for you, or I want to be you.”
The music cut out away before you could answer. Gabe was too far behind, and Aiden’s lap was already occupied. He gave you a sympathetic smile as you bit the bullet and made your way over to Cas. Perching on top of his thighs, his hands snaked around your hips, pulling you flush against him. Tingles erupted over your skin where his fingers grazed your waist. “Does this bring back memories for you too?” You tried to laugh him off, but you sounded breathless to your own ears. One look at him told you he noticed. “I was wondering when I’d get me hands on you again, especially with Golden boy stealing most of your time. Don’t tell anyone though, it doesn’t really fit with ‘the whole asshole vibe.’”
“How did you-. “ You wondered as your stomach dropped. She might be Gabe’s friend, but you wanted the ground to swallow her whole.
“I have my ways,” he hummed into neck with faux innocence, twirling his fingers around your curls. Being this close to him made your head spin.
“Looks like you have competition Gabe,” Jade jeered from Aiden’s seat.
“I’m not too worried, the night isn’t over yet,” he replied stonily, tracking Cas’s every move.
“Oh, but you should be,” Cas muttered silkily from your shoulder. His palms gliding over your stomach as you rose to your feet re-joining the circle. Separation helped slow the spinning inside your head, yet as the music slowed for the second time, and you orbited the chairs you found yourself back with Cas.
“We have to stop meeting like this, especially when we have company.” Studying his face, you caught the tiny cut at the corner of his lip. “My offer still stands.” He said, hands squeezing your hips. Curiosity buzzed inside you; he wasn’t expecting you to take the bait. You were just the scared girl who needed saving from the dark. Playing with Cas was going to burn you, but you were prepared to dance in the flames. Carefully tracing his cut, you brushed your lips at the edge of his. For a second his eyes flickered with surprise before quickly darkening to something else entirely. “Don’t look now but I think Golden boy is two seconds away from hulking out.” Sure enough Gabe was glaring daggers into Cas’s back. “Calm down, you can have your toy back,” he carelessly shouted over his shoulder.
Toy? Of course, this was a game to him, well two could play it then. He was using you to get at Gabe, you couldn’t fool yourself about his intentions.
“The night isn’t over yet Cas,” Gabriel snapped.
“You really can’t stand not being first choice for even a second, can you?” Cas snorted derisively.
“For crying out loud, I am here you know. Whatever is going on between the two of you, leave me out of it.” You snapped. Gabe at least had the decency to look embarrassed, Cas just stared at you intrigued but for once didn’t say anything further.
“What did you do to those guys Parker? They’ve always gone back and forth but tonight they’re going for the jugular!” Libby exclaimed.
Unfortunately for Libby, your patience was wearing thin tonight. “So now this is my fault? How am I supposed to know? Cas and Gabe are both big boys Libby, I’m not responsible for them.” Libby was dumbstruck as Gabe pulled you down onto his lap. “I don’t think you understand the rules of this game,” you said.
“I’m sorry about earlier,” he said forlorn, “I was acting like a total jerk. He just really knows how to get under my skin.”
“Then why do you let him?”
A trouble look clouded his face, “just some old wounds that haven’t healed yet.”
“How pathetic Adalhard. The only way you can get her is to take her hostage.” Cas said, something dark in his tone. Libby looked slightly put out, forgotten in his lap. Slowly and deliberately, you draped yourself over Gabe. Every inch of you pressed against him and Cas watched you liked a hawk.
“Gee Cas, what’s wrong? If you ask nicely, Gabe might let you play with his toys.” You suggested innocently.
“You’ve been in my arms all night long; I don’t need to ask nicely for anything. If you’re real patient though, I’ll show you a good time real soon.” Nodding to his friend, Cass tipped Libby off of him unceremoniously, “let’s go, I’m bored.”
Chatter slowly picked up again after his exit and you excused yourself to warm up by the campfire.
“We all know what’s causing these murders.” A blonde said obnoxiously over the crackling of the fire. “Demons,” he revealed after a long pause. The others shared a look of disbelief but made no move to challenge him.
“Have you actually seen any of these so-called demons?” You asked.
“W-well no,” he stuttered, “but I still wouldn’t want to be in the woods at night.”
Dramatically turning to the left, then the right and back to him, you said, “Don’t look now then but that’s exactly where we are.”
Laughter erupted around you, “she got you there Tyler!” as his face flamed.
“I meant alone. If you’re so brave, I dare you to go for a stroll down that track for five minutes.” There was no light at all along the path, the darkness growing the deeper it stretched. You’d already broke your promise to not go in the woods alone, if your mum found out about that, she’d be worried sick.
“Aww is someone scared?” Tyler mocked.
“I’m not scared. Not of you, your stories or anything else in these woods.” Striding past him you propelled yourself down the path before you could second guess yourself. After the first few minutes, the path was getting narrower and narrower whilst the canopy got denser. Panic began to cloud your brain. Taking several deep breaths, you took out your phone and switched the flashlight on, carrying on further. A loud snap sounded between the trees making you swing the beam wildly before spotting a broken twig under your shoe. Laughing to yourself, there was no need to be scared, it was just the woods. At night…. Where people had been murdered. Oh God, what the hell were you doing?! Getting yourself killed to prove a point! You needed to-
“HELP!! HELP ME, OH GOD PLEASE HEEELLLLPP!” A blood curdling screech tore through the forest. Branches tore at your face and hair as you ran towards it. For a single moment you were alone, eyes darting trying to find whoever caused the commotion. A solitary figure stumbled through the treeline ahead. The sight was enough to make you vomit. A girl swayed on her feet, her front stained heavily in a deep red, a river of blood pouring from her neck. She was trying to stem the flow with her hands, but it was no use. Whatever attacked her had shredded her throat to ribbons. Strands of flesh dangled between her fingertips. She was halfway towards you when a shadow appeared behind her, slamming her into a tree. “Please help me,” she begged, the words gurgling from her throat.
“Shut up!” The shadow growled. Finally, they stepped into the moonlight enough that you could make out bright silver eyes, long fangs, and lilac silver hair. Cas!? No way was this real. What Gabe told you were just stories, right? It had to be a prank because you were the new kid. Stumbling backwards over some tree roots, you hit the dirt with an audible “Ooof!”
Dread curled around you like a vice as Cas whipped his head towards you. His face was unrecognisable, contorted into a visceral snarl, giving you a front row seat to just how sharp those teeth were. Teeth that less than an hour ago had been inches from your own neck. “Goddamn it, what are you doing here?”
“Cas? W-what are you d-doing? We n-need to get her to the hospital,” you stuttered in shock.
“No can-do, I’m gonna need you to come with me.” Clawing yourself back to your feet, you sprinted across the clearing. An inhumane roar blasted your eardrums, “get back here!” You could hear his footsteps getting closer, you weren’t getting out of here. Hopefully, you could buy that girl enough time to find help. Screwing your eyes shut you waited for the inevitable when suddenly he was sent flying backwards.
“Get away from her!” Gabe yelled, cracking a branch against Cas’s ribs. Shoving you ahead, he sprinted with you back up the track.
“Gabe, wait! That girl was hurt, we have to help her.”
“Parker, listen to me,” Gabe said seriously, “there is nothing we can do for that girl, but we can get you to safety. Now you need to come with me and do not stop until we get to your house.”
At your doorstep, Gabe brought a gold chain out of his pocket. A small, jewel encrusted charm hung from it as he clipped it around your wrist. “No matter what DO NOT take this off, please. If it warns you something is here, hide until I can get back to you.”
“But Gabe, what was that back there?”
“There are real vampires in this town Parker. That charm will tell you when one is near who wants to harm you. Now get inside, it isn’t safe.” Shoving you through the door, you watched as he ran back to the forest. Wasting no time, you bolted every door and window, checking in on your mum who was sleeping soundly.
For the last several hours you had been tossing and turning. Everything from the past few hours playing on repeat in your head. Vampires were real and living in Crimson Beech? Did everyone know? A burning sensation interrupted your thoughts as the talisman seared your wrist. Your bedroom door opened softly. “Hello Parker. I wish the circumstances were better, but I am so glad to see you again.” A streak of movement stopped at your side before a sharp whack landed across the base of your skull. The last thing you saw before the world faded to black was a piercing pair of silver eyes.
End note : As always, you can also follow the story on my Ao3 account: How do I Love Thee? - Chapter 1 - MemphisBelle - Choices: Immortal Desires (Visual Novel) [Archive of Or Own]
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