lilymoonstars · 1 year
How Do I Love Thee?
Chapter 5 - Horrible Untrue Things
Note - In typical me fashion, I have once again become very inconsistent with posting updates! It's been a hectic few months but I'm getting back into the swing of things. Enjoy the new Chapter!
Somewhere between the edge of sleep and waking, a gentle hand carded through your hair. It was something your mum had done since you were young, to help you fall asleep and chase the nightmares away.
“Hey sleepy head. Time to wake up.”
Eyebrows furrowing, you stilled. That wasn’t your mum.
 “I said GET. UP.” The hand tightened into a fist, yanking you roughly backwards. “Don’t make me ask again Parker.”
Blinking through the tears, your vision slowly cleared. Viktor was crouched at your side, smirking down at you. Slowly you remembered the woods. Screaming. Blood. Burning. That hadn’t been a nightmare. There were vampires in Crimson Beech and your mum had been left home alone with one whilst you were unconscious.
“W-where’s my mum, what have you done to her?”
Viktor’s laugh bounced off the stone walls as he stepped back into the shadows. “Oh no sweetheart, I wouldn’t want to spoil the surprise just yet.” 
“What do you mean? I won’t say anything about what I saw. Just please don’t hurt her.” You pleaded. The room was too dim, to see anything past its centre was a struggle. Your breath began to quicken, it was too dark, you needed to get out of here. The only light came from outside, seeping through the edges of the doors. You heard a low murmur of voices on the other side. Scrambling to your feet, you ran towards them, if there were other people here, they could get you out. Within seconds, silver eyes pierced you through the darkness and Viktor’s arms snaked around you, squeezing your bones to breaking point with his inhuman strength.
“No! GET OFF ME!” You yelled. In your panic, you managed to catch him in the head with your elbow.
The look in his eyes was pure murder. His fangs sprang from his mouth as he snarled, “you little- “
“Viktor!” It’s time, bring the girl through!” A voice barked beyond the door.
“With pleasure,” he snarled, grabbing you by the arm. “Welcome to the Nexus, little lamb.”
You trailed helplessly in his wake into the audience chamber. The room was ringed by marble pews which were currently occupied by several town residents, all of whom were focused solely on the two figures already on the chamber floor. When your gaze also settled on them, your stomach dropped. Cas stood at the end of the aisle, smirking in your direction and at his side stood principal Yao. Your talisman seared against your skin in warning.
“New students, nothing but trouble.” Astoria muttered. She looked at you with utter disdain before flicking her eyes towards an empty chair and turning back to Cas. Viktor caught you rubbing your wrist and snorted as he dumped you into the chair. Carefully avoiding the talisman, he grabbed your arm, waving it back and forth.
“Sweetheart, look around you, a little burn is the least of your worries right now.”
“What’s going on?” You asked, yanking your arm back.
“Cassie-boy here has been accused of hunting down a human inside town boundaries, which is very naughty.” He said, tapping Cas on the nose, who scowled at the nickname. “The Elders are very keen to get to the bottom of this.”
“So, am I some kind of witness then?”
Viktor laughed loudly, making your cheeks flush. “More like a loose end, little lamb. Astoria will be one of the judges in Cas’s case and believe you me, she’ll get rid of anything that puts him at risk.”
“Why is she so bothered by what happens to Cas?”
“Astoria is the head of one of the vampire families in Crimson Beech – The Venandi’s and Cas is part of her clan.”
Your eyes widened looking along the pews, there were at least 15 other people. Just how many other families were there? Hushed whispers broke out through the chamber. A man with Dark hair and blue eyes made his way to join Astoria at Cas’s side.
“Don’t worry little lamb. There might be a lot of us here, but there’s only one other family in Crimson Beech.” A darkness passed over his face as he tracked the new arrival. “The Clements, the champions of your pathetic kind.”
If that was true, then it was possible that you stood a chance of getting out of here in one piece. The burning at your wrist cooled a few degrees, taking the tension from your shoulders along with it. Your relief must have shown as Viktor didn’t allow you even a moment of peace.
“I wouldn’t let my guard down just yet if I were you, sweetheart. Champions always want something in return.”
“Right, everyone, let’s get started.” The mysterious man announced.
“Why the rush Lewyn? Hot date?” Cas taunted, completely uncaring of the tension in the room.
Astoria shot Cas a look that that should have evaporated him on the spot. “Do you have any idea how serious this charge is, Cas? We’re not talking about a simple tap on the wrist, you could be banished for this.”
There was a minute twitch of Lewyn’s mouth as he watched Cas grow still. “The solitary life is an awful fate.” Cas bristled but wisely made no further comment.
“For pity’s sake Lewyn!” How many times must we sit through the same old song and dance routine?” An older man in a tweed jacket rose to his feet. “He never learns any respect or from his mistakes. Just get on with the punishment and then we can deal with the human.”
“You’d love that wouldn’t you, Giles? As long as Venandi blood is being spilled, you couldn’t care less!” Another voice chimed in.
Bickering slowly broke out in an angry buzz amongst the crowd.
“You know, you really are lucky, little lamb. Our families don’t see eye to eye on much these days but if we can agree on one thing, it’s how to deal with nosey humans who know too much. Your fate is in their hands just as much as Cas’s is.” Viktor breathed against your neck.
“Silence! You are elders of this council, not children. We are all governed by these laws, and we will proceed as ordered.” Lewyn’s tone left no room for argument. A few glared defiantly but all chatter ceased.
“Cas, you know the laws forbid the hunting of humans inside the town boundaries.” Astoria said.
“But she wasn’t a townsperson. She was just a tourist passing through.” Cas said exasperated.
“She passed through the boundaries though, did she not?” Lewyn asked.
Astoria darted between the two of them, having sensed just how close Cas was flirting with danger. “Our records show that you only just fed, so why were you hunting the girl?”
“His reasons do not matter Astoria. He savaged that girl and has shown no restraint. It’s clear you cannot control him. He’s a danger to every human in this town and by extension us.” For the first time during the trial, Lewyn’s frustration with Cas was written clearly on his face.
“Look, what happened, happened. If you’re going to punish me, get on with it,” Cas sighed.
The patience Astoria had displayed so far had reached its breaking point. Snarling, she gripped Cas and spun him so fast you half expected his head to come clean off his shoulders. “Foolish boy! You have broken one of our most sacred laws. You should be begging for mercy, but you think this is all one big joke. You’re lucky we left you alive long enough to give your side of the story!”
Cas stilled as Astoria finished her tirade. He firmly removed his arm from her grasp, “I won’t be begging you for anything.”
“Be that as it may, you better start coming up with more than just attitude and fast. My patience is wearing thin.”
Cas weighed up his options before releasing a weary sigh. “The hunt started outside of Crimson Beech, but the human got away. I had no choice but to kill her. If she’d have made it back into town, that would have put us all in danger, you said so yourself.” He said, nodding at Lewyn, whose eyes narrowed.
 “If that’s truly what happened, why did you not say so when the trial first began?”
“Would you have believed me if I did? You Clements pile on me anyway, I just wanted to get through this as quickly as possible,” Cas huffed. “New Girl, you were there, you tell them.”
The silence was sudden or at least it seemed that way with how quickly the blood rushed through your ears. It was suffocating as every pair of eyes slid onto you. Silver searching your soul for any falsehoods.
“Is this true child? Do not be afraid, no harm will come to you.”
Your heart jack hammered against your chest. Even though Lewyn was smiling at you, there was something vacant in his gaze that you didn’t quite trust. You’d seen this evening how willing they were to toss Cas out of his clan, you weren’t naive enough to believe he placed a higher value on yours and your mother’s lives. So, you did what you had to, to give you both the best chance of surviving. You lied.
“I-I, uh,” you stuttered, “w-when I saw them, they were coming out of the trees, t-towards the town.”
Viktor’s laugh rumbled against your back. “My, my, a few days in town and he has you wrapped around his little finger already.” He mumbled, winding a finger through your curls. “Perhaps I should give Cas more credit.”
Your stomach twisted at his words. You already felt sick to your stomach with your own lies, at the memories of the girl’s screams as you ran. Was that really why Cas had gone out of his way to talk to you, so you would be his alibi? Whispers passed through the elders as Cas and Lewyn stared at you, united in shock.
Cas was the first to recover, beaming brightly at you. “See! I told you it was the truth!”
Relief washed over Astoria’s face. Your admission had exonerated Cas and now the immediate danger had passed, she quickly rounded on Lewyn. “It seems clear to me that Cas was acting to protect the Coven. I know you adore your precious humans but some of us have to make the difficult choices. You and your clan need to realise where your obligations lie. I demand we end this ridiculous farce immediately.”
“I cannot deny that Cas may indeed have saved us some trouble by disposing of the girl, however, I can’t help but wonder if you are behind the other murders outside of the town.” Cas floundered as Lewyn gazed at him, his tone furious. “You said it yourself, did you not? You began your chase away from the town and the human here just confirmed that. Now, those murders have drawn attention. The human authorities are conducting all manner of investigations and I don’t need to tell you how dangerous that is for us all.”
His gaze lingered on you for a moment as he finished speaking. Was he talking about your mum? Did he know she was digging in further to those murders?
“That has nothing to do with me!” Cas raged and Astoria was quick to match his fury.
“I’ll warn you now Lewyn, think very carefully before levelling such a baseless accusation against a member of my coven without speaking with me first.”
They continued to stare at each other until eventually Lewyn backed down, sighing in resignation. “Very well but let this be a warning to whomever is responsible, that there will be consequences once you are found.” The promise lingered in the air over every member in the Nexus. “Tribunal, what is your decision?”
An elder from each family stood to deliver their verdict. “Cassius Harlow, we find you guilty of breaking our core laws. You are sentenced to punishment by way of the Silver Brand.”
“What!?” Cas was in pure disbelief, “but the human sa- “
Solemnly, the Venandi elder raised their hand. “A crime must have its punishment Cas.”
Dumbfounded, he didn’t even resist as he was removed from the chamber. Not that it made much difference, the heavy oak doors did little to muffle his screams of pain. You blanched at the thought of what were they were doing to him in there.
“Easy does it sweetheart, you’re up.” Viktor said, pulling you onto the spot Cas was in only moments ago. “Try not to worry too much, lover boy will be back in one piece.”
The burning sensation of the Talisman reactivating was your only warning before Astoria bared your throat to the room. “Must we really waste a trial on this? I say we follow Cas’s example and dispose of the human here and now!”
It took every ounce of your will power to remain still and gather your courage. “Are you really going to punish me for trying to stay alive? For putting my family’s survival first? Cas was ready to kill me in those woods and I wasn’t about to let him. If I had, Cas would have been on trial for two murders and would most likely be banished by now.”
Thank God your voice remained steady. Astoria’s breath fanned over your neck, considering your words. It felt like an eternity before Astoria she shoved you away. She was scowling but spoke to you with begrudging respect. “It’s not everyday you see a human stand their ground against a vampire, but the issue remains that you know too much and you’re a liability to us.”
“Now Astoria, were you not the one arguing moments ago for one of your own to plead their case? The girl is here, let us listen to her.” Lewyn reasoned.
“It’s clear to me that each of us value safety. You for your coven’s and I for my family. I’d be an idiot to repeat anything I saw here today.”
Lewyn smirked, “I think we have a smart one here.”
The two elders resumed their positions, delivering the second verdict of the day. “Parker Reese, we find you not guilty of crimes against the coven. You have showcased incredible bravery and courage today. To kill you would be a true crime.” The Clement Elder smiled down at you.
“This is insanity,” Astoria scoffed.
“You know as well as I do, that the Tribunal’s decision is final Astoria. Even if you are callous enough to overlook the immorality of killing Parker, you can at least agree it will avoid any further undue attention coming our way. Her mother is quite tenacious and is already looking into these murders. If anything happens to her daughter, it will only add fuel to the fire.” Lewy stated.
“Count yourself lucky. For tonight at least, you walk free. I, however, will be keeping an incredibly close eye on you.” Astoria promised.
“Thank you both so much! I won’t breathe a word of this to anyone I swear! You’ll forget I’m even here.” Your growing relief was smothered as Lewyn edged closer to you.
“Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, Miss Reese. You and your mother will be watched very closely and if either of you put even one toe out of line, I will not hesitate to rip your throat out as she watches helplessly at your side. Do not disappoint me.”
The sick fucker smiled the whole time he spoke. Before you could even register the fear flooding through your body, your world faded to black once more.
Upset Cas didn’t defend, mad at him for how little he thinks of humans but no problem using one to save his own skin. Throwback that you did the same with your lie?..
End note : As always, you can also follow the story on my Ao3 account: How do I Love Thee? - Chapter 1 - MemphisBelle - Choices: Immortal Desires (Visual Novel) [Archive of Or Own]
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erasethedarkness · 5 years
How Do I Love Thee: Into the Limelight
Ch.1: The End
Note: How Do I Love Thee? is a series that is meant to be a slow, slow burn. While ultimately a romance, readers will not find love and affection in the first few chapters- they may not even find it in the first parts, or “arcs.” The series is meant to lay down the foundation for friendships and then build on it towards romance. The reader character exists and influences this world as much as the canon characters do- therefore, the story isn’t just about the feel good moments, butterflies, and honeymoon phase- it’s about the development of the reader and her relationships.
With that in mind, I will let you all know that HDILT? will become an Aizawa x Reader x Yamada, and hope that the wait will be well worth it to those who choose to follow the series. :)
Summary: You’d spent that last 18 months on tour with your band, RUSE. Not only were you their lead singer and second guitar- you were the very reason for the namesake. After all, your quirk was just a ruse, wasn’t it? The band quickly grew in popularity thanks to your connections in the entertainment industry. Your uncle was the owner of a successful venue in Tokyo named Limelight, and it was there that many musicians made their first entrance into the real world of rock ‘n’ roll. 
Following the night of your last show, you met with your band manager. What was supposed to be a time of great relief and joy quickly turned somber. As fate would have it, you were returning home just in time for a funeral. 
Finally, the longest and largest tour you’d ever done was coming to a close. After over 75 straight weeks abroad with some of your closest friends and business partners, you were ready to return home. The tour tested the bonds of everyone present, serving as a trial for even the closest friends and lovers. Everyone needed the upcoming break from RUSE to work on new material, and more than that, to work on themselves and their families. Plus, your drummer and keyboardist just got engaged and had a wedding plan.
Tonight, as the band was performing their latest chart toppers, you shut your eyes tightly as you held a note, hunching over as your body began to glow. When the note came to an end, you snapped upright again, raising your fist proudly, and with your upward momentum, spectral fireworks flew out from the transparent, neon aura that surrounded you. Brightly colored sparks bloomed above everyone, bursting just like real fireworks, crackling in the air and decaying at the same rates without leaving any residue or harm to the venue.  And as always, the crowd was riotous with delight for your tricks and grand displays, the excitement lasting through the end of the show. It was as if your quirk was meant for this.
Your ears were still ringing as the stage lights dimmed, leaving you all in darkness as you finished the encore. Arena lights came on as you walked offstage, the crowd slowly but surely moving along, their chatter creating dull white noise. Leaving your mic and guitar onstage to be packed up by someone else, you slipped passed everyone, exhausted by the last display of your quirk.
You would have done more than just fireworks for your last show, but the back to back performances between last night and tonight drained you of your energy. All you had left was just enough to get you back onto the secured RUSE tour bus and collapse in a seat as everyone else tore down the set and packed up. In the past, you helped with teardown, but it became more and more apparent that you needed to rest almost immediately after each show- something you begrudgingly accepted after you fainted before you could even make it off the stage early in the tour.
In most cases, you slept through the beginning of the after parties and made a grand, late entrance. But tonight, as if the relief of finishing the last performance unlocked the floodgates of hidden fatigue, you slept clear until the next morning. You woke up in the hotel room you shared with your bassist, Emi Mizushima, tucked into bed wearing last night’s clothes. The digital clock beside the bed read 08:15, giving you close to ten hours of sleep. Quietly and considerately, you made it out of bed and to the bathroom, desperate for a shower and change of clothes. As you undressed, you placed your phone on the counter- only to see an unread message from your manager.
Text me when you wake up.
The message was short and undetailed- which was very unlike him. Marcus had no issue with carrying out conversations through texts, and would often leave messages to be responded to at the earliest convenience. Being told to message him when you woke up just didn’t sit right with you. What did he need to talk about that he couldn’t just text?
After you showered and changed, you sent him a message, expecting him to still be asleep. Emi was after all, leaving you to assume everyone was up late. But your phone soon vibrated with another message, and to your surprise, your manager was requesting you meet him in the hotel cafe for coffee.
“(Y/N)!” Marcus called for you after you finished ordering your drink. He was at a table that was tucked away from the open lobby that the cafe blended into. You waved to him in acknowledgement as you waited at the counter for your drink, somewhat concerned for the man who certainly looked like he’d seen better days. It looked like he was out as late as you assumed Emi and the rest of the band were, and just never went to sleep. That, coupled with his vague message only worried you even more.
“Hey… Are you alright?” you asked as you sat down across from him, placing your drink on the table and holding it with both hands. “You look like someone just died.”
The look Marcus gave you instantly made you regret your words. His brown eyes were tired, as if they’d spent the night grieving rather than celebrating. They lowered from you as he sighed deeply, the mug of black coffee in front of him cold and full. You two sat in silence as an indescribable weight began to stifle the air, breaking as you spoke again.
“Who was it..?”
“...Your uncle.”
Your heart sunk as he broke the news to you.
While you were passed out after the show, Marcus received a call that he took in private while everyone else headed to the bar to celebrate. He knew the number- it was the personal number of a man who created music legends and ran Limelight, a successful venue back in Tokyo. The man was a good friend of his, but more importantly at the moment, he was also your uncle. When he answered, the voice he heard was your aunt’s. Even in her heartbreak, she didn’t want to call you and ruin your fun, assuming that you were celebrating with everyone. Through painful sobs, she explained what happened.
It was a classic case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time- at least, that’s what everyone else would say. That’s what your aunt said, and that’s what your manager repeated. But as you listened to the break down of events, you found yourself disagreeing with the sad story they were spinning. Your uncle was a man of action- that’s exactly how he got to be so successful, and how he helped musicians and bands become successful as well. He built and nurtured his relationships, and he always found solutions to the problems that were brought to him- and even to some that were not. So to hear that your uncle- a man whose greatness could easily overshadow most of the pro heroes in the world- died creating an opening for a young woman to get away from an assailant- well, that didn’t sound like he was in the wrong place at the wrong time at all. To you, it sounded like he was exactly where he needed to be.
The young woman waited for him in the hospital as the doctors did everything they could, and she was the first to speak to the police with information on the attacker. It didn’t take long for the killer to be apprehended after they got involved. Even with tears trickling down your face, you knew that your uncle would have been happy with the way things unfolded. He was simply that kind of man, and knowing that he saved one person would have been enough to put his soul to peaceful rest.
Still, you were heartbroken that one of the people you most looked forward to seeing was no longer waiting for you. After your 12 hour flight from Cairo to Tokyo, you wouldn’t be sitting with your uncle and telling him about the concerts you performed and the wild parties that were just part of the job like you planned to be. Every time you came back, you’d stop by Limelight and reminisce over how different your last show was compared to the first, which took place right on his stage.
Marcus left you at the table after sharing another heavy silence with you. Today, everyone was returning to Japan. Homecoming parties were planned by families and friends to welcome back their touring rockstar, and everyone was ecstatic to be home. Even with the emptiness that stung at your chest, you expressed a genuine delight in seeing your family and friends. For this one moment- this reunion after eighteen months- everyone was happy and grateful for your safe return.
But it ended just as quickly as it came.
One wonderful evening gave way to several nights of mourning. In the time it took to prepare your uncle’s funeral, you found yourself in your aunt’s company more than anyone else. They had no children- you were the closest thing to a child for them. As if it was some cruel trick of luck, you returned just in time to help her through the hardest part of her life since her parents passed years ago. More often than not, you took care of the legal work while she cried beside you, her head just as blurry as her vision.
You planned most of the funeral, inviting honored guests to speak that were outlined in his will, and each responded, confirming that they would give a eulogy for the legacy your uncle left. When the day came, the cemetery was full of family, friends, and famous artists who had once performed on his stage.
Sitting with your aunt, you held her hand as she sobbed beside you. Without surprise, each invited speaker was eloquent and commanding with their eulogies- the ones you recognized were performers, after all, that had graced your uncle’s stage more than once. But the last- the last speaker, you had never seen.
When the honored guest took the stand, he had an entirely different presence than the rest. Standing tall with a forlorn expression, he passed a sidelong glance to the polished urn that stood out among flowers and memorial ribbons. His green eyes looked over the rim of his white-rimmed sunglasses before he bowed his head, seeming to collect himself to begin his speech. As he lifted his face, he pushed the glasses up into his long blond hair, using them as a headband to draw back the straight, almost silky looking strands that slipped over his shoulder when he lowered his gaze.
The man wasn’t a performer you recognized, and you were certain that your uncle never introduced you. He was a complete stranger, and you felt yourself becoming a bit guarded, intrigued as he took a deep breath that hushed the attendees. Your uncle introduced you to most of his friends, helping you build your connections when you were just a fledgling musician- so, just who was this man that your uncle made sure to include in his will as an honored guest that never once made your acquaintance?
“A hero, by definition, is someone who is admired for their courage, achievements, or noble qualities,” he began, his voice carrying to the farthest person, and somehow gentle like a whisper, “yet today, it has become a prestigious occupation. The job and duty of a pro hero is to protect civilians from villains and disasters, often- if not exclusively- with the help of their quirk.
But what happens when there isn’t a pro around?” His question hung heavily in the air, awaiting an answer that would not come from the audience.
You squeezed your aunt’s hand, sharing a glance with her before you both turned your attention to the tall blond. For the first time, you noticed the small pencil mustache over his lips, and just as you did, he started speaking again.
“Well, that’s when the real heroes shine,” he answered himself softly before recanting aspects of your uncle’s life that somehow seemed new to you. Even if you’d heard the story before, hearing it from the slender man who almost looked a little too sharp in his black suit for a funeral, added something different to it. The way he spoke of your uncle had a flourish to it that you could have sworn was manifested in the man himself. Something about him just seemed to embody a strange whimsy that enthralled you and lowered your guard. His eloquence lacked the haughtiness most people of honor and prestige seemed to carry with them, and by his last words, the room was in tears.
A small streak ran down his cheek when he left the stand. Handing your aunt a last tissue, you stood as he passed you and gave him a small bow of your head. His green eyes met yours, and he simply returned a fragile smile before you replaced him in front of everyone to conclude the funeral. With everyone departing, you lost track of him, and before you could make a proper introduction, he was gone.
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by EVoDanger
Disclaimer: How Do I Love Thee? is a series of vignettes that is meant to be a slow, slow burn. While ultimately a romance, readers will not find love and affection in the first few chapters- they may not even find it in the first parts, or “arcs.” With that in mind, I will let you all know that HDILT? will become an Aizawa x Reader x Yamada, and hope that the wait will be well worth it to those who choose to follow the series. :)
A few months have passed since your bassist showed you the picture of you and Aizawa napping together. While you originally thought about reaching out to him, you decided against it, eventually forgetting about it altogether. His name had all but left your life- until Midnight stopped by Limelight to see Present Mic during his airtime. She wanted his help to look out for the 1A teacher and hero, and somehow, it all seemed to fall on you. After all- Aizawa already helped you once. Surely he would do it again- especially if it meant protecting you from a stalker.
Words: 2183, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of How Do I Love Thee?
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, Multi
Characters: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight, Reader, Original Characters, Original Female Character(s)
Relationships: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Reader, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic/Reader, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Original Female Character(s), Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic/Original Female Character(s), Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic/Reader, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic/Original Female Character(s)
Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Slow Build, Slow Romance, Reader-Insert, Celebrity Reader, Friendship, Friends to Lovers, Friendship/Love, Male-Female Friendship, Matchmaking, Matchmaker Present Mic, Matchmaker Midnight, Matchmakers, Alternate Universe - Rock Band, Band Fic, Stalker, Business, pleasure - Freeform, Business or Pleasure?, Leather
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lilymoonstars · 2 years
How do I Love Thee?
Chapter 3 - Do you believe in Coincidences?
Your feet pounded against the ground in a steady rhythm, following the trails further through the trees. It felt as though you had been jogging for miles. You had woken up early that morning, hoping to be out of the house before your mum had left for work. No such luck. She looked exhausted, her clothes all rumpled, and case files strewn in front of her, most of which centred around attacks in these very woods. She had begged you to be careful. It was daylight outside and you promised to be a few hours at most. Eventually she had relented, unlike the crease in her brow.
Trees stretched for miles in varying shades of orange and yellow through the forest. Their leaves carpeting the forest floor muffling your steps. Boughs bent heavily overhead blocking out any trace of the sky above. The small pools of light breaking through the canopy above were the only signs it was still morning. Between drooping limbs, you glimpsed flashes of the lake in the distance. The water was cool and crisp on the morning air. Dirt paths eventually gave way to rocky shores. Pebbles crunched against each other breaking the quiet as you came closer to the water. Larger, moss-covered rocks decorated the lakes edge. You took everything in taking everything in.
Valleys of pine and maple trees surrounded the base of sheer cliff faces, reflecting perfectly in the serene waters below. Remnants of the early morning mist clinging to its surface. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky as you snapped a photo of the scene in front of you. It was so secluded and relaxing here. Being by the water had always calmed you. Closing your eyes, the world melted away until all you heard was the water gently lapping at your feet.
“Boo,” a deep voice said into your ear.
Startled you slid sideways off the rock and landed butt first into the icy water. Loud laughter broke through your shock as a smug looking Cas stood above you, admiring his handiwork.
“Very funny.” You snapped, hauling yourself up. The tops of your leggings were soaked and cold started to seep through.
“I certainly thought so.” He said, eyes flashing with mirth. “Funny running into you here.”
Rolling your eyes, you headed back towards the pathways. “Yet you found me.”
“I’m starting to think you’re not happy to see me?” Cas said following after you.
“Geeze, you think? What were you expecting? ‘Hey Cas, thanks for showing up and making me wet?’” A suggestive look crossed Cas’s face as you paused, realising what you had just said. “Not. Another. Word.” You warned.
“Don’t be like that New Girl, at least let me walk you back.”
Ignoring him you carried on. The cold was starting to seep into your skin, making you shiver. You’d barely taken five steps when strong hands gripped your hips, your back pressed firmly against a tree. Cas leant into you, his breath tickling your throat.
“Seriously, with all these attacks, who knows what’s lurking out there, hmm? Best we stick together,” he said, hid thumbs lingering against your skin. That shiver was nothing to do with the cold. In a daze, you stood there dumbfounded as he draped his jacket over your shoulders. It hung off your frame, his scent clung to it as you pulled it closer, wild and fresh.
“I didn’t take you for a gentleman,” you said.
“Who said anything about being a gentleman? I’m just giving a chance for you to ogle me a little longer.” He said, winking at you. “I’m much more interested in you though. How about we play twenty-one questions? I ask, you answer, no exceptions.”
He expected you to say no. He was looking at you the exact same way he did at the clothing store and just like then, you took the bait. Jutting out your chin, you stared at him defiantly, “I’m in.”
He looked at you for a long moment before he pushed himself away. “What’s your favourite colour?” He asked, not looking back.
“Blue?” You answered unsure, caught off guard. That was not what you expected his first question to be.
“What do you do for fun?” He said, helping you up a small slope.
“Umm, cooking. My mum’s specialty was TV dinners so unless I wanted to turn into one, someone had to step it up. I love anything that gets me out of the house, photography, hiking, stargazing. It’s nice to get lost in another world for a little while.”
“Where’s your dad?”
At least he cut to the chase. “He left my mum when I was 10. Nothing exciting or original, my mum worked long hours to support us, and my dad didn’t like it. He’s always been very traditional and stubborn. He met another woman; they have their 2.5 kids and the daughter from the failed marriage doesn’t really fit in. I get a card here and there but that’s about it.” The two of you walked in companiable silence, a mutual understanding passing between you. Sensing the shift in mood, Cas turned on a charming smile.
“Now, don’t say everything at once but what do you like about me most?” He asked, rolling back his shoulders and stretching his chest beneath his shirt.
“Well, it’s definitely not your modesty,” you snorted.
“Laugh all you want; I know you got a good look the other day.” He said it so casually it made your cheeks burn.
“You’re real,” you told him. “You’re honest about your thoughts and feelings – good or bad.” There was something admirable about that. For a brief second surprise flashed across his face as you continued through the woods answering more of Cas’s questions.
“Is there anything that you’d change about yourself?”
“My hair,” you said immediately. “The colour, the curls, it never does what it’s supposed to-.” Cas reached for your hair, tucking a wayward strand behind your ear.
“I kinda like it.”
Your face officially blended into your hair. Jolting in surprise, you tried to pull yourself backwards to put some distance between you, but Cas’s grip remained firm. The look on his face was devious asked his next question, “Who was your first kiss?”
This was the type of question you expected from him. The one you had dreaded. Who wants to tell people that they’re the 17-year-old who hasn’t been kissed yet? You avoided looking at him as your brain scrambled to come up with something. “Umm, w-well. I-. “
Cas chuckled next to you. You ducked behind a curtain of your hair, bracing yourself for his teasing. It’d be nothing you hadn’t heard before. “Was that entire city blind?”
Dumbfounded, you reflexively pulled away and this time he let you go, his gaze slid over you playfully. He had an annoying habit of overwhelming you.
“My friends are throwing a party tonight; do you want to come?”
“Thanks, but I already have plans.” He didn’t need to know they were with your pyjamas and TV.
Cas stared at you incredulously, “are you blowing me off?”
“I don’t think we’re quite there yet,” you quipped, “but I’m afraid so, even you can’t get what you want all the time.”
“Well, if you want to die of boredom be my guest, go ahead,” he pouted as you reached the edge of the forest. “I’ll be seeing you around New Girl, that’s a promise.”
“So just how hot are we talking here?” Tess asked with a serious expression from your phone.
“Like Jess Mariano meets Spike levels of hot.”’
Tess let out a long whistle, “Wow, you are in trouble! Is it bad that I wish it were me?”
“Down girl,” you laughed, “it was so bad Tess! I looked like such an idiot! I landed ass first straight in the water. If he hadn’t given me his jacket-”
“W-w-w-wait a minute! Hold the phone!” She said sitting up ramrod straight, “he gave you, his jacket!? It’s a sign!”
“A sign of what? That he forgot his jacket?”
“Aww, my poor, sweet, innocent Parker. Wake up and smell the cute-guy coffee! He wants an excuse to see you again, it’s textbook! Let’s review the facts, shall we? First, he turns up in the forest, where you just so happen to be. Second, he scares you just enough to make you land in the water. Third, after you refuse to go to a party with him, he leaves his jacket. Remind me to beat you over the head for that the next time I see you.”
“Tess, I love you but please put the corkboard and string away. I told you that I had plans already anyway.”
“With your pyjamas and blanket Parker! When a hot guy asks you out you go! It’s senior year and you promised to get out there and try new things. Do not stay small just because it’s comfortable, yes? Good. Now the next time you talk to me, it better be with a mouth that’s been locked with his, byeeee.”
Everything was ready and in T-minus 5 minutes, there’d be hot, fresh pizza. All the snacks were on the coffee table with extra gummy teeth and marshmallow ghosts for the occasion. The threadbare blanket covered the back of the sofa ready to shield you from harm. Every year the run up to Halloween meant it was time for a movie marathon. All the old classics dusted off and tonight it was the holiday’s namesake, which as it happened was also one of your favourites. Grabbing it from the top shelf, a shadow passed the window, the moonlight painting a silhouette across the floorboards. Your eyes met Cas’s through the glass. For the second time that day, you ended up in an undignified heap on the floor, a high-pitched squeak escaping your throat.
“Jesus Christ Cas! Are you trying to give me a heart attack!” You yelled, flinging the door open and marching through it, straight into his chest. Strong hands steadied your shoulders. “How did you-. You were just…” You trailed off, pointing at the window. Cas placed a finger against your lips with a gentle shush.
“Relax, New Girl. My divine presence has been known to render people speechless. Don’t blame yourself, you’re only human after all.”
Glaring at him, you swatted his hand away. “Next time, just use the door like a normal person.”
“There’s gonna be a next time?” Cas pondered, quirking his eyebrow.
“What do you want?” You asked sighing heavily.
“My jacket, the one that you stole.”
“Technically, you gave it to me,” you said, “come in.” Peering around, you spotted a vintage black Ford Mustang. “Huh,” you wondered aloud, “I got more of a motorcycle vibe.” Having made himself completely at home in the kitchen, Cas placed his elbow on the breakfast bar and propped his chin in his hand.
“Is that so?” His eyes held yours unwaveringly, your stomach fluttering nervously.
“The boots, the jacket, the chains. I’ll admit that the car matches your aesthetic though.” You told him as you placed the pizza on the counter.
A deep chuckle rumbled through his back. Resting his arms against yours on the countertop, “guilty as charged. I find there’s nothing better than a pretty lady purring underneath you. But the car is practical, we should go for a ride sometime.”
Damn him. How did he always find a way to make you flustered? Any ability to act like a normal human being flew out of the window when he was around. At least he knew you did a great impression of a skittish tomato. Some point during your mid-night crisis Cas had made his way over to a set of photos at the bottom of the staircase.
“That’s when me and my mum went whale watching, I’d badgered her for ages. I thought it was hilarious when one of them sprayed her, not so much when it happened to me,” you said nodding at the last frame. Your mum held you tight round your waist as you tried to flee. Spray rained down drenching you both. Hair stuck to her face; a bright smile covered your mum’s face whilst you screamed at the injustice of it all. Next to you Cas had grown quiet through your story. He was looking at the pictures with a mixture of anger and curiosity.
“Are you ok?” Quiet wasn’t something that you associated with him.
“You and your mum seem close,” was all he said in reply.
“It’s just the two of us, we have to be. But it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. What about you parents?”
His face immediately darkened, jaw ticking. “They aren’t around anymore.”
Way to put your foot in it Parker! “Cas, I’m- “
“So, New Girl, when are you giving me the rest of the tour? You’ve been a really bad host so far.” Clearly your previous conversation was over.
“It’s hard to host when you didn’t invite said guest to begin with. The ‘tour’ ends here anyway, upstairs is off limits.”
“Maybe that next time you talked about?” He said, sinking into your sofa as he scrolled through his phone. “What are we watching?”
“We’re not watching anything,” you said, throwing his jacket to him. “I’m watching a movie and you’re going to your party.”
“I already told them I had other plans, I’m yours all evening.”
“Lucky me.” You relented sitting next to him and pressed play. The opening score soon made the hairs at the base of your neck stand on end and you were soon lost in Haddonfield, until the lights went out.
“That’s better,” he said, curling an arm around your shoulders. “Scary films aren’t the same with the lights on.”
You didn’t answer him, you couldn’t. You dug your fingernails into your thighs, knuckles turning pure white as the bone strained against the skin. Panic clawed its way from the pit of your stomach and up your throat. Faintly, you registered Cas calling your name beside you, but your heart was beating like tiny fists against your chest, drowning him out. Now was not the time to panic. There was no way to explain a fear of the dark at your age. It would stop soon, it always did, you just needed to ride it out.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Cas said softly, cradling your face in his palms. “I never thought I’d say this but you’re not looking so hot.”
You chuckled weakly, “damsels in distress not your thing?” Your chest tightened, aching as though it was bruised. It was taking a lot of effort to speak.
He wasn’t giving up easily. His grip tightened on your face. Looking slightly uncomfortable he asked, “Do you- do you not like the dark?”
You shook your head, turning away from him. It wasn’t something you were comfortable talking about. You’d never spoke to anyone about this, not even Tess. The idea of him seeing you so vulnerable made you uneasy. Yet as much as he enjoyed teasing you, he’d never been cruel. Even now he hadn’t laughed or made you feel like an idiot. Risking a glance back toward him, Cas still had the same tenderness as he watched you.
“Nothing will get you whilst I’m here but just to make sure,” he broke off, lifting you effortlessly into his lap with your legs laid across him. He picked up the blanket from the back of the sofa and enveloped you in it, drawing you against his chest.
Okay, he was definitely trying to give you heart attack because this was not helping you at all.
He bent towards you and murmured “Like I said, you’re only human.”
Throughout the rest of the movie, it was impossible to concentrate. Cas was a distraction and he delighted in it. He found any reason to touch you, whether if was massaging your calves or his thumbs tracing the bottom of your back. It’d have been easier to be mad at him, but the dark was less of a problem with him around. It made you much jumpier, but he just used it as an excuse to hold you tighter each time. There was light at the end of the tunnel as the film was drew to a close. You’d been doing so well until Michael popped out from behind the couch and Cas chose that moment to brush his fingers against the back of your neck. Popcorn tumbled to the floor in an avalanche as you yelled burying your face into his neck. You breathed him in, the same wild scent that clung to his jacket. Hands threaded themselves through your hair, calming you. Nervously, you peaked out between your curls to find him grinning down at you.
“I’m not too sure spooky is your thing.”
“It’s not my fault you distracted me!” You protested.
“His brow furrowed in mock thought, “I’m pretty sure that is your fault, but let’s go back to how distracting you think I am.”
He was the literal worst, a nightmare in human form and he loved it. Amusement flooded his features as he gripped your chin, tilting your head back to him. He nuzzled closer to you, his mouth inches from yours when his phone rang. Untangling yourself you quickly shuffled to the other end of the couch. Anger flickered across his face before he answered. You needed to create some distance before you did something stupid. Val said this was what Cas did, he played around with new people until he was bored. You wouldn’t hold his attention for long and had no intention of being made a fool of.
“Sorry New Girl, we gotta call it a night. I have to swing by that party and pick up my friends. I’ll see you Monday? If you’re in need of my tour services, let me know, I know all my best spots.”
“On campus or off?”
“Psht, like I’d spoil the surprise.”
“Parker, what were you thinking? You can’t be alone in those woods, not with the attacks. I’ll go with you.”
“Gabe, that’s sweet but it’s fine. It was light and I’m in one piece.” You said, distracted by the zombie hoard in front of you. “But, if it makes you feel better, I’ll bring you next time.” GAME OVER flashed on the screen as a zombie tore into your neck. “I just hope you’re a better protector in real life.” He threw a cold French fry at your head as you continued through the arcade, looping your arm through his.
Gabe had invited you to the arcade earlier that morning. It was his workday, but he wanted to show you around a little more. His face had been alight as he showed you his favourite games. Admittedly your heart had turned to mush when he helped a little girl win a stuffed bear from the grabbing machine.
“Sorry, about that, I promised Alicia, I’d help her get one of those for a while.”
Shaking your head, you waved away his apology. “Don’t be, it was really sweet. Are you this good with all kids or is it just the girls who find you adorable?” You teased.
“Actually, I met Alicia when I was volunteering at the hospital. I spend a lot of time on the children’s ward, so I learned on the job how to deal with them.”
“How long have you volunteered?”
“3 years give or take. I mainly help out telling them stories, singing silly songs. Anything to put a smile on their faces.”
“You’ll have to play one for me sometime.”
“Y-yeah, sure.” He stammered. Was there anyway he could be more adorable?
“Well, well, well. If it isn’t angel Gabriel. Is this your latest charity case?”
The boy looked a few years younger than you. He was accompanied by a red head around a similar age to him and an older by who looked to be your age, with jet black hair and dark eyes that lacked any of the playfulness in Cas’s.
“What do you want Scott?” Gabe’s earlier carefree attitude had disappeared. He moved in front of you, sensing your unease.
“Nothing from you, Adalhard,” he spat. The red head placed a hand on his arm, a warning look crossing her face.
“We just wanted to settle a bet.” She said confidently. “Cas said there was a newbie in town and wondered how long it would be before your co-dependency kicked in. It seems I gave you too much credit. I was sure you’d at least make it to the first day of school before slobbering all over her.”
Scott snorted from her side as Gabe’s hands clenched at his sides. Taking a step forward, Gabe’s arm darted out before you could get closer. “I’m not sure what your problem is but Gabe has been nothing but kind since I got here. Maybe if you tried getting your own life, you wouldn’t feel the need to stick your noses anyone else’s.”
Anger coursed over her face as she bared her teeth in a snarl. “You might want to find a leash for your pet Adalhard, you’ll want to be keeping an eye on her.”
Before you could reply, a calm voice broke over the storm, “Margo, that’s quite enough. We need to go.” The older boy said to the others. He clearly held some authority as the girl shut up immediately and unwillingly the two younger ones followed him out of the arcade.
“Who were they?”
Gabe was quiet for a moment until they were out of sight. “That was Scott, Margo and Viktor, They’re part of the Venandi family.”
“I don’t understand why they were so rude to you?”
“The Venandi’s like to cause trouble for anyone who isn’t part of their family. You need to stay away from them Parker, they’re dangerous. Promise me.”
“After that warm welcome, I’m not exactly in a rush to spend time with them.”
Worry was still etched in Gabriel’s brow, but you were determined not to let them ruin your day. Linking your arm back through Gabe’s, spinning him round. “Come on, before the Addams family interrupted us, I believe you were gonna show me your moves.” You said with a playful twirl and shimmy. It seemed to work as the tension drained from Gabe as he laughed at you.
“I’ll agree to anything if it get you to stop doing that.”
With an offended gasp you pulled him in the direction of the DDR machine. “It’s so on Adalhard!”
As always, you can also follow the story on my Ao3 account: How do I Love Thee? - Chapter 1 - MemphisBelle - Choices: Immortal Desires (Visual Novel) [Archive of Our Own]
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lilymoonstars · 2 years
How do I love thee?
Chapter 1 - New Beginnings
Note: This story will be centred around female parker and male Cas. This will also contain spoilers so please proceed with caution!
The afternoon sun blazed bright in the sky. The autumn leaves aglow, making a crimson canopy of fire as you drove along the sleepy New England roads. It was clear to see how Crimson Beech had got its name. You sighed as grassy fields passed you by, already feeling a lifetime away from your life back in Boston. After your dad had left you, it had just been you and your mum in your tiny two-bed apartment. She’d thrown herself heavily into her work to help keep a roof over your heads and it was bound to catch up with her at some point. As it turned out that was 2 months ago. Your mum loved her job as a medical examiner, but she also loved a mystery. There had been several times you’d had to drag her home from her office at midnight or peel newspaper clippings from her face as you ushered her off to bed. This had led to several delays with her cases, which then led to her butting heads with her supervisors. Tensions reached a boiling point when your mum had refused to close a case, a decision that meant you now found yourselves on the way to Crimson Beech. This new job had appeared just when you needed it, a brand-new start. She hadn’t been able to talk about anything else. Resting your head against your window, you wished you could share her enthusiasm. You were starting your senior year in a small new town, in a small new school. Great. As if being the new girl wasn’t already hard enough, you had to do it in a town where everyone had known each other since they were in diapers.
“Not long now Parker,” your mum said looking over from the driver’s seat. “You’ll love the new house. The yard is even big enough for us to get that dog you always wanted.” Her eyes began to shine with unshed tears. “This is it, Parker. The new start we’ve been waiting for, I can feel it.”
With a half-hearted smile, you turned towards her. “I really hope so, mum.”
“Aaaand! Think of all the friends you can make!”
She was practically vibrating with glee. Rolling your eyes, you huffed a laugh and turned to stare at the ocean. Furrowing her brow your mum continued.
“Parker, it’s your senior year and about time you started enjoying yourself. I know you’ve had to step up since your dad left, but you can’t spend your whole life worrying about me.”
“Mum, we’re a team. We look out for each other, always,” you said as you took her hand.
She squeezed your hand back tight, “always.”
Dusk settled overhead as you pulled into your new driveway. The house was nestled at the end of the lane, a stone’s throw from the forest’s edge. It was surrounded by identical looking two-story homes, complete with white picket fences. It was a long way from your small apartment in Boston.
“Come on, we’ll take a box each and be done in no time,” Your mum called from the porch steps.
The first floor was mostly taken up by the kitchen diner, a small breakfast bar separating the kitchen from the living room. On the opposite side of the house, just to the right of the front door was a small alcove surrounded by windows.  The evening sun filtered through the and you could see a handful of stars in the night sky. The high ceilings in the room were accented with wooden beams, giving the house a homey feel.
Making your way up the stairs, you headed to the room at the end of the hall. It wasn’t overly large, but it was yours. You walked in, wheeling your suitcase along the wooden floorboards. The movers wouldn’t be here until tomorrow, but you’d kept the most important things with you. Unzipping the case, you pulled out a picture of you and your mum and placed it on your bedside table. It had been taken a few years ago on Halloween. You’d both dressed up as vampires to go see Dracula at the theatre. At the time it had seemed like a good idea, you thought most other people would do the same. It turned out they did not and you two had been the only ones in fancy dress, leading to a lot of strange looks being thrown in your direction for the rest of the evening. You had both laughed so hard, tears had streamed down your face, making your make-up run.
Next, you carefully untangled your fairy lights and strew them across the window ledge above your bed. Your mum had given you them when you had been much younger. You were able to put them up on an evening after your dad put you to bed and to roll them up quickly on a morning and hide them in your closet. You had been terrified of the dark as a child, something which you were still scared of to this day. The darkness made you feel claustrophobic and vulnerable. It had frustrated your dad to no end and his solution had been to lock you in your room without any light to help you “conquer your fears.” No matter how much you screamed, he’d refused to open the door. You don’t think he did it to be cruel, but it was something that at the age of 6, you couldn’t understand and only served to help your fears grow.  
On the wall to the right of your bed hung a cork board that was littered with photos, mostly of you and Tessa. You had been best friends since your school years and were inseparable. She was your sister in all but blood and leaving her behind was the worst part of the move. In typical Tessa fashion she had invited herself to come and stay with you, a demand rather than a request. You didn’t know if one town was enough to contain all of her excitement. You moved to unpack the rest of the suitcase. The last few personal touches making the space feel more like your own.
Exhausted, you collapsed backwards onto your bed, scrolling through your phone. Most messages were from people you knew you’d never hear from again, wishing you well and hoping “to stay in touch.” You kept going until you saw a message from Tessa.
“Hey P! Safe travels, let me know when you get there. T x”
“Hey Tessa, arrived in one-piece 😊 x”
“About time P! I was about to call a search party to find you!”
You rolled your eyes at her, at least you could count on Tessa to be the same. “Ever the drama queen T? I’ve only been gone half a day”
“But it was the longest half day of my life 😔 How are you settling in?”
“Haven’t seen much of the town yet, but the house is lovely, it’s just at the edge of the woods. It’s so pretty.” You went to the window and sent a quick picture.
“Small towns always hide something, plenty of things to go bump in the night! But that does look cuute! You’ll have to take me exploring when I come visit ❤”
“You’re starting to sound like my mum Tessa 😉 but for sure, once we’re all settled, you better get your ass down here!”
“Just try and stop me! Catch you later Parker x”
Placing your phone on the nightstand you got ready for bed, switching on the lights on the windowsill. You lay there for a moment, thoughts drifting
Nerves swirled in your stomach as your mind turned towards your new lives here. You were anxious for yourself but mostly though you worried for your mum. She needed this and you only hoped she’d stick to doing her job this time. Placing your phone on the nightstand you got ready for bed, switching the lights on by your windowsill as you went. Shadows danced around the room, mimicking the thoughts in your mind as you drifted off into a restless sleep.
You can also follow the story here: How do I Love Thee? - Chapter 1 - MemphisBelle - Choices: Immortal Desires (Visual Novel) [Archive of Our Own]
Hope you enjoyed chapter 1!
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lilymoonstars · 2 years
How Do I love Thee?
Chapter 4 - He's Beauty, he's danger
Note - Thank you all so much for your support so far with this story! I cannot begin to tell you how much I appreciate it all. I was a little disappointed when I heard there wouldn't be a second book, I feel like there are so many missed opportunities to explore this wonderful world and characters they created. So, I decided to funnel that energy into this story and mix in a few of my own ideas too! I hope you continue to enjoy, now on with the story!
As a quick aside, there is a tiny scene of violence towards the end.
“Parker! Hurry up, don’t be late on your first day. I made breakfast.”
That meant you weren’t having an aneurism and that was burning that you smelled drifting upstairs from the kitchen. Rolling out of bed, you walked in to see your mum flitting about the kitchen. Dashing between the stove, the toaster, and the coffee machine.
“Mum, do you need a – “
“I’ve got it!” she shouted, holding up her spatula. Dodging stray egg that was flung your way, you carefully took a seat at the breakfast bar, wary of disturbing the sea of papers laid out om the countertop. Inching to look closer, the clippings were swept away by a plate of scrambled eggs.
“Voila! What’s wrong?”  she asked.
“Just checking for burned bits,” you smirked over at her.
Sticking her tongue out she poured herself some coffee. “I have no idea what you’re talking about they’re chefs’ kisses”
“Keep that up and you’ll be recording my death next. Second hand embarrassment.” Groaning around your mouthful of food.
“Well, we can’t have that. Not on my baby’s first day as a senior!” She squealed, pinching your cheeks in excitement.
A few of the clippings had scattered over the floor beneath your feet. Slowly scanning the article, your suspicions raised as you read the heading, “Bodies found.” The rest of the clippings varied in date, but all covered the recent attacks in the areas. “What’s this?” You asked, pushing it toward her. A wave of silence greeted you as she guiltily fiddled with her jacket sleeves. “Great. Mum, we talked about this! You promised not to go snooping.”
“I just thought, I could be a fresh pair of eyes, you know?” she said abashed
“Mum. You are a med-i-cal examiner, not a detective. We’re not in the city anymore, you can’t afford to upset anyone.” In your best parent voice, you told her, “Terri Rees, look at me. Repeat after me ‘I will not go into the big, scary woods where horrible murders have been happening.” You waited.
Crossing her arm, her features set stubbornly with a pout, she grumbled “I will not go into the big, scary woods where horrible murders have been happening... mum.”
“With great age comes great responsibility.”
“Well, little miss responsible, get that butt in gear or you’ll be late for your first day!” Swooping down, she planted a kiss on your head and hurried out the door.
Nerves swirled in your stomach as you padded up the stairs. The first day jitters were strong as the reality of the day set in. Taking the red crop top and jeans you figured that if you didn’t feel confident, you could at least try to look it. Grabbing your leather jacket and with a last swift nod to the mirror, you braced yourself for the day ahead.
“Here you have it, Crimson Beech High in all its glory.”
You and Gabe walked up the entrance stairs, watching the passing students file slowly and steadily through the front doors, trying to cling to the last moments of the summer. Two or three stopped to greet Gabe as you passed through the halls.
“Wow, Mr popular, however did you make time for little old me?”
“AS good student council president makes time for his people,” Gabe said with mock arrogance. “Now, Ms Reese, I must ask that you keep interruptions to an absolute minimum for the duration of the tour. It has been known to take upwards of ten minutes to complete and we have a lot of sights to see. Ah! Take this vending machine, for example. Circa 2010, it’s a rare, vintage model and if you look very carefully, right at the back you’ll see a mouldy chocolate bar still in its original wrapping.”
Stifling your laughter, the two of you walked the central grounds on your way to the admin building.
“This is the main quad or ‘hangout,’ it’s a popular spot for free periods and lunch. We have picnic benches on the South side of campus if you enjoy a quieter spot.” A nearby group of girls chattered excitedly about the latest episode of America’s most Eligible.
“Where the most important topics are discussed too.”
“LOOK OUT!” A boy with glasses cried through the courtyard. Out of the corner of your eye, a football was spiralling through the air on a direct path to your face. This was it. Your worst nightmare. A notorious dropper, public humiliation was 20 metres away. Weighing up your options, you decided to commit to the catch. It was either eating a football to the face or potentially become a hero on the first day. You raised your hands, but long arms snapped around you to make the save.
“Parker! Are you ok!?” Gabe gasped, his face crumpling in concern.
“Apart from going full Stefan on me and stealing my glory, sure”
He didn’t look convinced, but he relented. “Come on then, there’s one more thing I want to show you.” A large, glass cabinet stood outside the principal’s office. A golden statue of a woman donned in a trench coat and a crossbow strapped across her back, encased inside.
“Remember when I said people believe this town was founded by vampire hunters?” Gabe said over your shoulder, “I wasn’t kidding. If you believe the stories, Crimson Beech was overrun by vampires feeding on humans and savaging them.” A forlorn expression you didn’t quite understand settled over his face. “Hunters took it upon themselves to save humans and protect the town, eradicating the vampires within.”
“Neat. Vampires do fit in well with the small-town aesthetic. I’ll be on the lookout for fog and crows too.” You joked, trying to lighten the mood.
It worked as Gabe chuckled back, “duly noted, as long as you stay inside the town limits, you’ll be safe from any blood thirsty vampires.”
Doors ricocheted off the walls, echoing down the corridor as Cas slammed them open. A hush followed him down the corridor. Freshmen and seniors alike were quick to part in droves before him, each eager to avoid his murderous gaze falling upon them. In a futile attempt, Gabe was the only one brave enough to step forward to stop Cas on his warpath. “Cas, take it easy.”
Barely breaking his stride, Cas yanked his arm away sharply. His face contorted in fury, “where is he?”
A chorus of sniggering answered his question, several students pointing in his direction. “See? I told you he was a psycho,” one of them muttered snidely.” In a split second, Cas brutally slammed him into the lockers by the throat.
“Come on man, it was just a joke.” He said hoarsely, the confidence that fuelled him earlier was fading fast. His own hands weakly trying to prise away the fingers on his neck. Malicious glee spread across Cas’s face as he took in the pitiful attempts.
“Does it look like I’m laughing Danny? If it’s a joke, then laugh!” Cas demanded, slamming him backwards a second time for good measure. Danny’s feet were kicking uselessly against thin air, completely at Cas’s mercy. “You keyed ‘psycho’ into my locker, didn’t you? How about I show you what a psycho can do?”
Danny’s eyes widened in fear. Survival instincts kicking in, he swung wildly at Cas’s face, catching him square in the jaw. You gave a sharp gasp whilst Cas stood there unphased. One arm kept Danny pinned in place, he looked directly at you other his shoulder, his eyes never leaving yours as he wiped blood from his mouth. Forgotten, Danny fell to the floor in a heap.
“New Girl, I’ve died and gone to heaven, you look positively delicious. Are you here to kiss me better?”
“If you want to kiss me that badly Cas, just ask next time. No need to be so dramatic.” Whispers grew to a steady buzz, but you ignored it all. Everything from his sparkling brown eyes to the sharp lines of his jaw drew you in. He was beautiful danger.
“Cas Harlow!” An angry voice bellowed. A woman dressed all in black strode in his direction. Whatever had remained of the crowds quickly dispersed in hopes of avoiding her fury.
“Good morning principal Yao!” Cas greeted nonplussed.
“My office now!” She said, spinning on her heel and taking Cas with her.
“Parker, you promised to stay away from the Venandi’s, they’re dangerous.” Gabe said accusatorily.
“I know I did but what does that have to do with Cas?”
“Cas is a Venandi. Scott and the others, those are his siblings.” The morning bell sounded overhead as Gabe walked you to your first class. “Before I forget, are you free tonight? We usually throw a party in the woods to celebrate the start of school, you should come and meet everyone.”
“Oh, um,” you hesitated, “I’m not sure. I promised my mum I’d stay out of there.”
“Those attacks were way outside the town limits. I promise you’ll be safe.” Gabe assured.
Considering for a moment, you nodded, your mum had asked you to enjoy yourself. If everyone else was going it had to be ok, safety in numbers and all.
“To be absolutely clear, you aren’t leading me to my impending doom, right?” You asked Gabe, hopping over a particularly large branch.
“Parker, you’ll be fine, we’ve been holding this for 6 years and no one has died yet. Trust me.”
“That would be a lot easier if you hadn’t said yet.” Ignoring Gabe’s eyeroll, you carried on, “I’m just saying that this is textbook slasher flick stuff. The charming class president, the campfire, the deep, dark woods. Then bam, you reveal you’re a serial killer and everyone else is dead.”
“Aww you think I’m charming.” Gabe sang.
Shoving him, you trekked deeper into the forest. Distantly, music echoed through the trees. Fairly lights twined in the branches above, guiding you to a small clearing. Lanterns were placed around a small circle of chairs, emanating a soft glow. Gabe’s friends stood at the drinks table, waving you both over. A girl with shoulder length brown hair met you half-way, encompassing you in a bone crushing hug. “Parker! I’m so glad you made it! I was worried Gabe was going to keep you all to himself.” She smiled brightly. You’d only briefly met everyone at lunch, but you had the feeling that Libby wasn’t the best with personal boundaries. Luckily, Jade was there to rescue you.
“Libby! You’re going to crush her!” Jade said, dislodging her.
“Just because you hate any form of physical contact Jade, it doesn’t mean everyone else does.” Libby sulked.
“Libby’s got a point Jade. We need to make the most of it. Who knows when Gabe will let her out again,” Aiden joked.
A pink blush coloured Gabe’s cheeks “Shut it Aiden. I’m class president, it’s my responsibility to make sure she’s ok.”
“A responsibility you’re taking very seriously.” Aiden sniggered.
Wedging herself between you and Gabe, Libby threw her arms over your “shoulders, come on, we just finished setting up musical chairs.”
“Isn’t that a kid’s game?” You asked unsure,
“Not how we play.” Jade said mischievously, pushing Aiden into a chair, “in our version, the chairs are already occupied.”
“A game? I’m always up for a little friendly competition.” Stepping through the trees, Cas made his way down, someone else hot on his heels. Everyone froze at the sound of his voice, unsure what to do. The warm atmosphere frosting over. He was either completely oblivious or enjoyed this immensely. In the brief time you’d known him, you assumed it was the latter.
“I don’t remember you being invited Cas.” Gabe said. He was usually so warm that the ice in his voice unsettled you.
Cas stretched out in his seat, folding his arms behind his head. “That’s funny, I could have sworn this was a party for the start of school for all students. Now, I’m no straight A, teacher’s pet like you Adalhard but even I know that include me.”
“And I thought to celebrate going back to school, you had to turn up in the first place.” Gabe said through gritted teeth. Cas’s Cheshire cat grin spread even wider before his gaze landed on you.
“As thrilling as I’m sure your monologue on the architectural integrity of the library was, someone, aka me, had to make sure New Girl didn’t die of boredom. What do you say?” He asked, patting his lap.
“Why don’t you bite me instead Cas.”
Surging forward in his seat, he curled his hand behind your neck, drawing you closer. “Is that an invitation?” He spoke softly into your ear. His fingers slowly threaded through your hair, brushing it aside from your neck. Your eyes fluttered shut at his closeness. “I think you’ll find I have more than enough bite.” Snapping his teeth, he relaxed back into his seat.
“Cas, you need to leave,” Gabe barked, fury coating his words. Cas’s playful demeanour extinguished immediately. He’d been angry at Danny this morning but the tension between him and Gabe was palpable.
“Calm down Golden boy, no need to be so protective over your new pet. I promise not to do anything to her, that she doesn’t want me too at least.” He said, winking at you. Aiden caught Gabe before he got any closer to Cas.
“Don’t let him get to you, we want to make sure Parker enjoys the party, remember?” His words eased the tension from Gabe’s shoulders.
The music started up and you felt Libby follow behind you. “Damn Parker! How did you get Cas Harlow’s attention?” She hissed in your ear. “He never gives anyone the time of day! I mean he’s definitely hot if the whole asshole vibe is your thing.” She was doing her best to sound casual, but you caught the lingering look she gave Cas over her shoulder. Her mouth curved into a sly smile, “Gabe’s also pretty popular and he’s definitely interested in you. I don’t know if I feel sorry for you, or I want to be you.”
The music cut out away before you could answer. Gabe was too far behind, and Aiden’s lap was already occupied. He gave you a sympathetic smile as you bit the bullet and made your way over to Cas. Perching on top of his thighs, his hands snaked around your hips, pulling you flush against him. Tingles erupted over your skin where his fingers grazed your waist. “Does this bring back memories for you too?” You tried to laugh him off, but you sounded breathless to your own ears. One look at him told you he noticed. “I was wondering when I’d get me hands on you again, especially with Golden boy stealing most of your time. Don’t tell anyone though, it doesn’t really fit with ‘the whole asshole vibe.’”
“How did you-. “ You wondered as your stomach dropped. She might be Gabe’s friend, but you wanted the ground to swallow her whole.
“I have my ways,” he hummed into neck with faux innocence, twirling his fingers around your curls. Being this close to him made your head spin.
“Looks like you have competition Gabe,” Jade jeered from Aiden’s seat.
“I’m not too worried, the night isn’t over yet,” he replied stonily, tracking Cas’s every move.
“Oh, but you should be,” Cas muttered silkily from your shoulder. His palms gliding over your stomach as you rose to your feet re-joining the circle. Separation helped slow the spinning inside your head, yet as the music slowed for the second time, and you orbited the chairs you found yourself back with Cas.
“We have to stop meeting like this, especially when we have company.” Studying his face, you caught the tiny cut at the corner of his lip. “My offer still stands.” He said, hands squeezing your hips. Curiosity buzzed inside you; he wasn’t expecting you to take the bait. You were just the scared girl who needed saving from the dark. Playing with Cas was going to burn you, but you were prepared to dance in the flames. Carefully tracing his cut, you brushed your lips at the edge of his. For a second his eyes flickered with surprise before quickly darkening to something else entirely. “Don’t look now but I think Golden boy is two seconds away from hulking out.” Sure enough Gabe was glaring daggers into Cas’s back. “Calm down, you can have your toy back,” he carelessly shouted over his shoulder.
Toy? Of course, this was a game to him, well two could play it then. He was using you to get at Gabe, you couldn’t fool yourself about his intentions.
“The night isn’t over yet Cas,” Gabriel snapped.
“You really can’t stand not being first choice for even a second, can you?” Cas snorted derisively.
“For crying out loud, I am here you know. Whatever is going on between the two of you, leave me out of it.” You snapped. Gabe at least had the decency to look embarrassed, Cas just stared at you intrigued but for once didn’t say anything further.
“What did you do to those guys Parker? They’ve always gone back and forth but tonight they’re going for the jugular!” Libby exclaimed.
Unfortunately for Libby, your patience was wearing thin tonight. “So now this is my fault? How am I supposed to know? Cas and Gabe are both big boys Libby, I’m not responsible for them.” Libby was dumbstruck as Gabe pulled you down onto his lap. “I don’t think you understand the rules of this game,” you said.
“I’m sorry about earlier,” he said forlorn, “I was acting like a total jerk. He just really knows how to get under my skin.”
“Then why do you let him?”
A trouble look clouded his face, “just some old wounds that haven’t healed yet.”
“How pathetic Adalhard. The only way you can get her is to take her hostage.” Cas said, something dark in his tone. Libby looked slightly put out, forgotten in his lap. Slowly and deliberately, you draped yourself over Gabe. Every inch of you pressed against him and Cas watched you liked a hawk.
“Gee Cas, what’s wrong? If you ask nicely, Gabe might let you play with his toys.” You suggested innocently.
“You’ve been in my arms all night long; I don’t need to ask nicely for anything. If you’re real patient though, I’ll show you a good time real soon.” Nodding to his friend, Cass tipped Libby off of him unceremoniously, “let’s go, I’m bored.”
Chatter slowly picked up again after his exit and you excused yourself to warm up by the campfire.
“We all know what’s causing these murders.” A blonde said obnoxiously over the crackling of the fire. “Demons,” he revealed after a long pause. The others shared a look of disbelief but made no move to challenge him.
“Have you actually seen any of these so-called demons?” You asked.
“W-well no,” he stuttered, “but I still wouldn’t want to be in the woods at night.”
Dramatically turning to the left, then the right and back to him, you said, “Don’t look now then but that’s exactly where we are.”
Laughter erupted around you, “she got you there Tyler!” as his face flamed.
“I meant alone. If you’re so brave, I dare you to go for a stroll down that track for five minutes.” There was no light at all along the path, the darkness growing the deeper it stretched. You’d already broke your promise to not go in the woods alone, if your mum found out about that, she’d be worried sick.
“Aww is someone scared?” Tyler mocked.
“I’m not scared. Not of you, your stories or anything else in these woods.” Striding past him you propelled yourself down the path before you could second guess yourself. After the first few minutes, the path was getting narrower and narrower whilst the canopy got denser. Panic began to cloud your brain. Taking several deep breaths, you took out your phone and switched the flashlight on, carrying on further. A loud snap sounded between the trees making you swing the beam wildly before spotting a broken twig under your shoe. Laughing to yourself, there was no need to be scared, it was just the woods. At night…. Where people had been murdered. Oh God, what the hell were you doing?! Getting yourself killed to prove a point! You needed to-
“HELP!! HELP ME, OH GOD PLEASE HEEELLLLPP!” A blood curdling screech tore through the forest. Branches tore at your face and hair as you ran towards it. For a single moment you were alone, eyes darting trying to find whoever caused the commotion. A solitary figure stumbled through the treeline ahead. The sight was enough to make you vomit. A girl swayed on her feet, her front stained heavily in a deep red, a river of blood pouring from her neck. She was trying to stem the flow with her hands, but it was no use. Whatever attacked her had shredded her throat to ribbons. Strands of flesh dangled between her fingertips. She was halfway towards you when a shadow appeared behind her, slamming her into a tree. “Please help me,” she begged, the words gurgling from her throat.
“Shut up!” The shadow growled. Finally, they stepped into the moonlight enough that you could make out bright silver eyes, long fangs, and lilac silver hair. Cas!? No way was this real. What Gabe told you were just stories, right? It had to be a prank because you were the new kid. Stumbling backwards over some tree roots, you hit the dirt with an audible “Ooof!”
Dread curled around you like a vice as Cas whipped his head towards you. His face was unrecognisable, contorted into a visceral snarl, giving you a front row seat to just how sharp those teeth were. Teeth that less than an hour ago had been inches from your own neck. “Goddamn it, what are you doing here?”
“Cas? W-what are you d-doing? We n-need to get her to the hospital,” you stuttered in shock.
“No can-do, I’m gonna need you to come with me.” Clawing yourself back to your feet, you sprinted across the clearing. An inhumane roar blasted your eardrums, “get back here!” You could hear his footsteps getting closer, you weren’t getting out of here. Hopefully, you could buy that girl enough time to find help. Screwing your eyes shut you waited for the inevitable when suddenly he was sent flying backwards.
“Get away from her!” Gabe yelled, cracking a branch against Cas’s ribs. Shoving you ahead, he sprinted with you back up the track.
“Gabe, wait! That girl was hurt, we have to help her.”
“Parker, listen to me,” Gabe said seriously, “there is nothing we can do for that girl, but we can get you to safety. Now you need to come with me and do not stop until we get to your house.”
At your doorstep, Gabe brought a gold chain out of his pocket. A small, jewel encrusted charm hung from it as he clipped it around your wrist. “No matter what DO NOT take this off, please. If it warns you something is here, hide until I can get back to you.”
“But Gabe, what was that back there?”
“There are real vampires in this town Parker. That charm will tell you when one is near who wants to harm you. Now get inside, it isn’t safe.” Shoving you through the door, you watched as he ran back to the forest. Wasting no time, you bolted every door and window, checking in on your mum who was sleeping soundly.
For the last several hours you had been tossing and turning. Everything from the past few hours playing on repeat in your head. Vampires were real and living in Crimson Beech? Did everyone know? A burning sensation interrupted your thoughts as the talisman seared your wrist. Your bedroom door opened softly. “Hello Parker. I wish the circumstances were better, but I am so glad to see you again.” A streak of movement stopped at your side before a sharp whack landed across the base of your skull. The last thing you saw before the world faded to black was a piercing pair of silver eyes.
End note : As always, you can also follow the story on my Ao3 account: How do I Love Thee? - Chapter 1 - MemphisBelle - Choices: Immortal Desires (Visual Novel) [Archive of Or Own]
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lilymoonstars · 2 years
How do I love Thee?
Chapter 2 - New Gal about Town
Note: This story will be centred around female parker and male Cas. This will also contain spoilers so please proceed with caution!
Suitable for teen audiences and up
With a gratifying thud you dropped the last box on the floor in the living room which was currently doing an incredibly good impression of a junkyard. A sea of boxes and pieces of furniture now filled every space, it was a hoarder’s paradise. It didn’t seem possible for two people to have so many possessions, much less that it had fit in the old apartment.
“Mum?” you called walking back through the house, taking care not to bump anything. No answer. She wasn’t in the kitchen anymore either. Nothing had been unpacked but an open box of baby photos and a trail of Styrofoam peanuts scattered up the stairs were useful clues. Sure enough when you got to her room, she was sat on the floor encircled by photos.
“Really? I turn my back for one second and you’re trying to commune with the seventh circle of hell?”
Her sniffling grew louder as she handed over a photo. “I j-just can’t b-believe it. How can m-my b-baby be starting her s-senior year? Your bum u-used to fit in the p-palm of my hand a-as I r-rocked you to s-sleep. N-now your bum doesn’t fit in my palm anymore and you’re all grown up and soon you won’t need me anymore!” She broke off suddenly dissolving into wails.
The photo was of you at 6 months old, wrapped up warm against the Boston winter chill. Try as she might to get your attention, she failed miserably but had the biggest smile on her face as she pointed at the camera. Her eyes shining with pure love and happiness. Both of you together like always.
“Mum, this is exactly why I gave you kitchen duty,” you sighed.
She looked up from the floor with her best puppy dog eyes on full display. Damnit.
“Come on. We both need some fresh air and it’s about time we went exploring too. Plus, I seem to remember someone promising me a shopping spree!”
“I guess I did,” she laughed. “Phew, moment over! Let’s go get my baby some new threads!”
Your insides curdled in embarrassment. “For both of our sakes, please never say that again.”
Arms laden with bags filled to the brim with school supplies, you headed to the small boutique next to the library. Crimson Beech was much larger than it had appeared the other night, the past two hours had been spent exploring the main promenade of town. A small bell tinkled overhead as the door opened. The shop was small but had modern furnishings. Sunlight poured through the glass storefront illuminating the pure white décor inside. Clothes filled the shelves inside, offering a lot more choice than you expected. Squeezing past two girls in the centre aisle, you headed to a pair of faded blue ripped jeans.
“They would go great with these!” A girl said enthusiastically at your side. In one hand she held a deep red crop top that crossed over at the bottom. In the other was a quilted black leather jacket embossed with gold studs. “The red will compliment your hair beautifully,” she promised, “trust me, I know what I’m talking about.”
It was a little more daring than your usual choices. The over-sized white jumper and faded jeans you had on paling in comparison. However, the whole point of this move was for a change and maybe this was a good first step. It definitely screamed ass-kicking confidence.
“I’m Phoebe by the way,” she introduced herself.
“I’m Parker, I’m new around here,” you offered with a small, awkward wave.
“Trust me sweetie, we don’t get new blood round here often. Everyone in town knows who you are.”
Heat flooded your cheeks at her words. Any hopes of you had of blending in unnoticed disappeared.
“Parker! What do you think about this?” Your mum asked holding a purple dress and long, knitted cream cardigan. It looked very cosy, perfect for the autumnal weather outside. Taking it from her, you headed towards the changing rooms. A few minutes later you walked back over to your mum with a twirl.
“What do you think?”
“You look stunning Parker! Very pretty and smart. Go get changed and we’ll pick up some food.”
“Wait! I have one more outfit I want to show you!”
Locking the door, you were pulling on the outfit Phoebe had helped put together when there was a knock at the door.
“Just a second!”
“Parker, I’m sorry. I just had a call from my boss, he wants me to come in for a de-brief on one of my cases.” A credit card slid beneath the door. “Take my card, my treat. Love you!” She shouted, her footsteps receding down the corridor.
Pocketing her card, you went to the larger mirror at the end of the changing rooms, hoping Phoebe would be around for a second opinion. Pulling self consciously at the bottom of the top you worried if it was a little too much. Your red curls cascaded past your shoulders as you freed them from under the jacket collar. It was a little wild but taming it was a losing battle. Phoebe had been right though; it did go well together.
A low whistle sounded from further in the store as you made eye contact with the boy in the mirror. A wolfish grin covered his face as he stalked towards you. He was completely unashamed as his eyes roved over you from head to toe. “Much better, this one is my favourite.”
Your face burned. How long had he been there?
“Not too long,” he said, shrugging his shoulders.
That had been out loud!? If there was ever a time for the ground to open and swallow someone whole, this was it. He looked at you like a predator with their prey as he took his lower lip into his mouth. He prowled ever closer, his black combat boots thudding against the wooden floor. He dressed in black head to toe save for the white shirt that stretched across his chest under a black leather jacket. The only colour on this was his silver-lilac hair, pairing well with the silver piercings in his left eyebrow and ear.
“If you stare any longer, I’ll have to charge you. My eyes are up here New Girl,” he drawled. His voice filled with smug satisfaction.
Over his shoulder, you spotted the two girls from earlier whispering and giggling behind their hands and anger sparked inside you. “So are mine but that didn’t stop you.”
His grin stretched even wider. “So, she does speak,” he murmured inching closer to your face, “I was worried that I’d stunned you so thoroughly with my beauty that you’d never recover.”
“No, you almost suffocated me with your overwhelming ego, but I think I’ll make a full recovery.”
A bark of laughter burst from him, ringing through the store. “Oh, New Girl, I like you. Something tells me we’ll be seeing a lot of each other.
“Cassius, turn your you-ness down a few notches,” Phoebe warned.
His face soured. “I’ve told you not to call me that.” He spit at Phoebe before focusing back on you. “Get the outfit New Girl,” he said, twirling one of your curls around his finger, “It suits you.”
A little dazed, you didn’t notice him leave.
“Don’t mind Cas, he just likes messing with people. In a few weeks he’ll move onto someone else.”
Blankly nodding at her, you bought your outfits and headed to the hospital. The whole way trying to convince yourself you’d be happy if he did.
Like everything else in this town Crimson Beech hospital seemed much bigger than a town this size needed, the outside showed that it spread over several floors. Glass doors opened with an exhale leading to a skylit covered atrium. The smell of bleach hung heavy in the air as porters bustled patients back and forth, trolley wheels squeaking across the linoleum. A large, stone staircase led to the open balconies above. To its left was a reception area with plush leather seating, making up a generous waiting area. The staff looked rushed of their feet. There was already someone in the waiting area and you sank into one of the leather seats opposite.
“Umm excuse me, can you help me? I’m a little lost.” A friendly smile lit up his face, so unlike Cas’s earlier.
“Sure, where abouts do you need to be?”
“I’m not sure to be honest! My mum’s the new medical examiner, I’m trying to find her office.”
“You must be Parker! I’m Gabe, nice to meet you!”
Blinking in surprise you weren’t sure if it would ever stop feeling unsettling that everyone knew who you were. After his initial excitement, he must have registered your look of surprise.
“.. That was a weird thing to say when we haven’t met wasn’t it? Let me start again, I’m Gabe. I volunteer for Dr Lewyn on the children’s ward. He’s your mum’s new boss. He said that you’d both be arriving soon.”
There was something endearing in his awkwardness. He exuded a warmth that immediately put you at ease.
“The medical examiners’ office is om the 3rd floor, I’ll take you there.” He said leading you to the elevators. “What do you think to Crimson Beech so far?”
“It’s taking some time to adjust; I’m not used to strangers knowing who I am. The town seems very charming though it’s like something out of a fairy-tale.
“Just wait until you hear some of the stories of the towns founding. Legend has it that Crimson Beech was discovered by vampire hunters. Honestly!” He insisted at the look of disbelief on your face.
The elevator doors slid open into another lobby as Gabe led you down another corridor. “How about you? Have you always lived here?”
“Born and bred. My ancestors go all the way back to when the town was founded.” He stopped outside a door half-way down the corridor. “This is your mum’s office.”
“Thanks Gabe.”
“Wait,” he called, causing you to turn back around. “You’ll need someone to show you around on your first day. If I get your number, maybe we can arrange to meet?”
Giving a mock gasp, you placed a hand to your chest, “Gabriel! Was this all a ploy to get my number?!”
His mouth open and closed comically for a second until he finished lamely, “I’m senior class president, it’s my job.”
Taking pity on him, you called yourself from his phone before handing it back over. “I’m expecting one hell of a tour,” you teased before disappearing inside.
“Speak of the devil, here she is! Lewyn this is my daughter Parker,” she introduced as you shook his hand. He looked to be about your mum’s age but there was something about his piercing blue eyes that seemed ancient. A coldness that eclipsed Gabe’s earlier warmth.
“I’ll leave you to it Terri, I’ve already taken up too much of your time already. Thank you again for coming on such short notice. These animal attacks are becoming concerningly frequent and with losing our last examiner so unexpectedly, we were really in need of some help. Nice to meet you, Parker.” With a slight nod he turned and left the office.
“So? What do you think?!” She squealed, spinning in her chair, “I can’t believe it’s all mine!”
“I’m really proud of you mum.” you told her honestly.
“And you heard what Lewyn said! There’s been a series of mysterious attacks that need investigating!”
“That’s funny, I heard animal attacks.” A warning tone colouring your voice as she waved your concerns away. “Mum, no. Don’t start this again. This is what happened last time and why we’re here now.”
“I know, I know, I’m sorry!” She said as she enveloped you in a hug. “I’m just excited to be working cases again. I promise it won’t be like last time, ok? Now let’s go get some take out and watch a rubbish movie, yeah?”
As she gathered her things and ushered you to the door, you really wanted to believe her and if it hasn’t been for the case files that peeked over the top of her bag as she locked the door, you may have.
Note: Thank you all so much for your likes and comments on the stories so far! It's lovely to hear that you're enjoying the story so far!
As always, you can also follow the story on my Ao3 account: How do I Love Thee? - Chapter 1 - MemphisBelle - Choices: Immortal Desires (Visual Novel) [Archive of Our Own]
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erasethedarkness · 5 years
How Do I Love Thee: Into the Limelight
Ch.2: A Loan Of Trust
Click for Ch. 1: The End
Note: How Do I Love Thee? is a series that is meant to be a slow, slow burn. While ultimately a romance, readers will not find love and affection in the first few chapters- they may not even find it in the first parts, or “arcs.” The series is meant to lay down the foundation for friendships and then build on it towards romance. The reader character exists and influences this world as much as the canon characters do- therefore, the story isn’t just about the feel good moments, butterflies, and honeymoon phase- it’s about the development of the reader and her relationships.
With that in mind, I will let you all know that HDILT? will become an Aizawa x Reader x Yamada, and hope that the wait will be well worth it to those who choose to follow the series. :)
Summary: After your uncle’s funeral, you continued to help your aunt with handling his estate, seeing to it that his will was carried out. Near the end of sorting through things, you met with his lawyer to take care of what he had left for you. It wasn’t money, and it wasn’t some simple piece of property, either. What he left for you was a surprise that you didn’t know how to handle, especially with the stipulation that you had to share it with a man you didn’t even know. But… maybe he knew what he was doing better than you could speculate.
In the middle of the following week, you received a call from your uncle’s lawyer to address the rest of his will. While you were planning his funeral and contacting guests on your aunt’s behalf, you read over the legal document and found one hell of a surprise. Turns out, he had something planned for you that wasn’t a portion of his fortune like he’d left the rest of the family.
“Mr. Faria is ready for you now.” The firm’s secretary approached you with a smile, then escorted you to the conference room. Behind the fogged glass, you could make out two figures sitting adjacent to each other, and heard their muffled voices and laughter. The young man knocked on the door, opened it for you when the voices faded and closed it once you stepped through.
“(Y/N), welcome! Glad you could make it so early in the day.” An older man- you’d guess late 50s- greeted you with a smile, taking your hand and giving it a firm shake before guiding you to a seat. “I imagine you’re quite a night owl with the kind of lifestyle you lead. Has it been difficult to adjust to life now that you’re back from the tour?”
You raised a brow at the lawyer’s overly friendly tone and speculation, quirking it in an unamused and subtly baffled expression as you sat down.
“Not… quite,” you answered flatly, deciding not to entertain Faria’s behavior, “Constant travel, jetlag, a seven hour time difference, and planning a funeral make it easy to adjust to waking up early.” Your words came deliberately, establishing a clear boundary from the start that was not to be crossed lightly again. Seeing the surprised expression on the older man’s face, you pressed your lips together in calm, unapologetic smile.
Just as you were about to speak, the other man in the room cleared his throat and drew both sets of eyes to him. You didn’t forget that you weren’t alone, but as a woman who was often in the public eye, you were exceedingly conscientious of the way you allowed others to treat you.
A pleasant smile- much kinder than yours at the moment- was pressed on a familiar set of lips. You’d seen them before and watched the way they moved, his words and tone at the time a clear example of his oratory skill at the funeral. This time, however, he seemed entirely different. He even looked entirely different.
“Good morning, Mr. Yamada,” you greeted with a formal address as the lawyer took a seat beside you, surrounding you with men on both sides. The one- Mr. Faria- looked proper, as a lawyer should. The other, however, was dressed in black leather and studs, looking as much a rockstar as some of the ones at your uncle’s funeral. He even sported leather fingerless gloves. Most noticeably, however, was the way he pulled back his hair. The undeniably beautiful strands that draped over his shoulders when you last saw him were slicked up and back into an almost outlandish blond plume, and the sunglasses that previously adorned them sat in front of his eyes, replaced by a set of headphones.
“Mornin’, Ms. (Y/LN),” he answered with a small yawn. It seemed like a genuinely tired one to you, and your smile fell into a more neutral and natural expression. “Mr. Faria, let’s get this started? She may be good, but I am tiiiired!”
The lawyer chuckled at Yamada’s exaggerated tone and shifted gears from being overly friendly to strictly business. On the conference table, he had documents spread out in front of you. A copy of the will sat on top of other papers- deeds, titles, city ordinances, and others you couldn’t make out at just a quick glance.
“Of course. As you both know, William was the sole proprietor of Limelight. In the case of his death, he had arranged to split that proprietorship in two- which is why you are both here.”
Finally on the topic of business, your guarded and almost standoffish demeanor dropped. The two men leaned in towards you, following the paperwork and making sure not to infringe on your space, rightfully assuming that you would not stand for it if they had. Faria went into the legal responsibilities that were involved in owning a venue like Limelight, sparing no details and pausing often to make sure you were both following.
“Now that you both understand what accepting this responsibility would entail, please decide whether or not to accept William’s last wishes,” Faria concluded as he leaned back in his seat, giving you space to lean forward and look closer at the papers. Despite pulling away from you, his leer remained, seeming to impatiently demand an immediate response.
“...Mr. Faria, could I have a moment to speak with Mr. Yamada privately?” you asked, setting down the copy of your uncle’s will and looking to the lawyer. He smiled politely and obliged your request, instructing that you have his secretary call for him when you were ready.
“You alright? Seemed like ol’ Faria was grating on you a bit.”  
“Hahhh..” you scoffed quietly, looking from the door to the blond whose face was suddenly a lot closer to yours, sunglasses sloped downwards on his nose while green eyes peered at you. Arching a brow, you leaned back and scooted your seat away from his with a rock of your hips. “I’m sure he means well, but it doesn’t suit a lawyer to approach a client so whimsically when it’s their first time meeting, and the business in question centers around a recent death.”
Yamada leaned back into his seat, leaving your personal space as he pushed the white frames back up so the sunglasses sat properly once more. He yawned again, stretching and folding his arms behind his head as he relaxed, and swiveled his chair to face you. “So, what d’ya think?”
The way he asked for your opinion seemed so much less demanding than how Faria had. Your eyes lowered to the will that you picked up again, reading over the section detailing the fate of Limelight. Even though you knew he was waiting on your answer, it felt like you could actually think about it and, on top of that, be honest.
“Of course I want to go forward with these arrangements,” you answered after a pause, placing the will back down and turning in your seat to face him. Seeing the man decked out in leather was so different than seeing him in a black suit, and something about it simultaneously comforted and off-put you. “But… I’m also concerned this would mean the end of my time with RUSE if it means I won’t be able to go on tour again.”
“That’d be silly, (Y/N),” he giggled softly with a wider grin, stretching his arms again before placing his hands on his knees and leaning towards you. “Will’d never want to interfere with your musical career and you know that, don’tcha?”
You sighed, leaning your head back and pressing into the chair. His informal vernacular was so different from the eulogy he presented that you wondered for a moment if his quirk had to do with a second personality, but you doubted it. Despite the discrepancy in Yamada’s words and tone, the presence behind them didn’t change. They still felt like they came from the same person, his playfulness carrying the same je ne sais quoi as his eloquent speech.
“...But what would become of Limelight if I’m gone for over a year again?”
A still quietness settled between you two. Your eyes lowered to the unsigned paperwork as you turned your body back to the table and rested your elbow on it, chin in hand.
“Well, I think you’ll just have to trust me.” His suggestion came without that cheerful, melodic tone that accompanied the rest of his words today. He dragged his chair to sit beside you again, and leaned onto the table with his body facing you.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Yamada, but I’ve only just met you,” you answered the suggestion with polite detachment, “This is the first time we’ve exchanged words, and the second time we’ve really even seen each other. Trust doesn’t just happen like that.”
“Then consider it a loan of trust until we get to know each other better as business partners. If you can trust pro heroes with your life, then surely you can manage this.”
Your brows furrowed and you tilted your head, looking to him with confusion at the relevance of his assertion. “Isn’t that a bit different?”
“How so? You’d trust me with your life, but not your uncle’s venue- which he also named me a joint owner of? I’m hurt, (Y/N),” he teased at the end with a lighthearted smile and small chortle.
Your bewildered expression sharpened, but then softened and fell into a gentle, sincere and somewhat melancholy smile. “You have a point, Mr. Yamada. I’m… sorry, I didn’t realize you were a… hero, by profession.” The way you spoke was suddenly so much more lenient and almost tender despite the words being on the more formal side. Embarrassment in forgetting that he, too, was listed as an equal proprietor and not knowing- or even guessing- that he was a hero seeped onto your cheeks in a refined, but present blush.
Without missing the opportunity, Yamada brought his hand to his chest, flattening his fingers against his jacket with an exaggerated gasp.
“What? You mean to tell me that you’ve never heard of the amazing voice hero? The one and only Present Mic?! I’m- I’m flabbergasted!”
For the first time, your smile grew and you looked away with the smallest laugh. “I’m sorry! I’ve- uh, I’ve been gone for so long,” you offered as a flimsy excuse. In truth, you just didn’t keep up with pro heroes. The only celebrities you were interested in were musicians and performers.
“I’ve been a pro hero for years!” he hollered, only making you giggle more with his melodramatic exclamations and wearing away at the graveness you brought into the conference room. “Don’t- oh, don’t tell me you’ve never even heard of my Friday night radio show?” Yamada lowered his sunglasses and looked at you, green eyes almost puppy-like with his eyebrows knitted together above them. “I even broadcast from Limelight and everything…” he added with a childish whine.
It wasn’t long before he lifted your spirits, engaging you in a way that no one else dared to since your return. While most people expressed their deepest sympathies, some did try to cheer you up, only their efforts felt as distasteful as Faria’s attempt when he greeted you. But Yamada’s playful sarcasm and wit struck just the right chord with you that was enough to make you laugh and become more lax with his almost endearing banter. You couldn’t help but wonder if this was part of his hero persona, or if it was part of who he really was. Just like entertainers, it wasn’t uncommon for heroes to present themselves differently when in their costumes.
Reassured by the man who started off as almost a complete stranger to you at the beginning of the day, you requested Faria’s return and continued your meeting on Limelight’s future and ownership. With due respect and courtesy, Yamada followed your lead and placed his signatures beneath yours on each form, and within half an hour of making you genuinely laugh for the first time in over a week, concluded the meeting with a solid handshake and smile at you. Faria gave each of you a copy of the signed documents, keeping the original on file at his firm should you need to revisit them and make any changes. With business concluded, you left the office in a much better mood than you started with, and it was obvious to you that it was because of your new business partner walking beside you.
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erasethedarkness · 5 years
Hey, want a weird request? What about a MHA Characters x Reader, where the Reader straight up tells them that they are not real and are characters from a show, brought to life by her imgantion because she was lonely and ended up falling for either All Might and Aizawa?
Woo! I feel like it’s been a really, really long time since I’ve done a request. Thank you so much for this one, and I’m sorry it took suuuuch a long time. I really appreciate the patience for it! 
I hope you enjoy this! I had a lot of fun writing it, and it was easy to get into, and hopefully means I’ll be getting to some other requests as well as continuing HDILT. :) This one got very lightly political, but I feel like I should give a little heads up about it. Again, very lightly. But it happened.
Summary: With another heat wave going on, most people stayed inside, clinging to air conditioned spaces for dear life. This was the perfect opportunity for you to get some painting done- after all, you were born and raised in the midwest. This wasn’t new to you and you were certain you’d be fine.
Theme Song: I Knew I Loved You - Savage Garden
Reader: Female
Words: 1708
Pairing: All Might x Reader
I knew I loved you before I met you…
It was the middle of summer, 2019. Advisories to stay indoors and bring pets inside were everywhere- on TV and the radio, sent out in work newsletters and emails. Everywhere you looked, there was some sort of notification warning you to do whatever you could to avoid the sweltering heat and humidity of the midwest. There was even a post going around on Facebook where a police station officially cancelled all criminal activity due to the extreme heat, asking aspiring criminals, seasoned veterans, and those who were just bored to simply please stay inside.
Fortunately for you, this wasn’t all that new. Having grown up with this fickle weather and being around it your whole life, a little bit of wet air and heat was nothing. Did you like it? No. But you could handle it, so you weren’t going to let it confine you to home.
As you set up your easel by the lakefront under the cool shade of the trees that hid your little sanctuary from the view of others, you sighed deeply. What an inconvenient time for a headache to develop. With a small roll of your eyes, you sat down in front of the canvas, looking just past it at the bridge overgrown with golden bougainvillea flowers. A small smile pressed onto your lips at the view- this was easily your favorite landscape to paint. In the past, you were only able to capture its full majesty in late summer, but thanks to global warming, summer started so much sooner- to the point where the flowers were in full bloom by late July.
Inspired once again, you put in your headphones and ignored your headache until you couldn’t notice it any longer. The more you stared into the mass of yellow, the more you lost yourself, completely entranced in your brush strokes. Your gaze constantly fixated on the bridge and your canvas, switching back and forth between blinks. Everything else blurred together in your peripheral, and soon, you were so tunnel-visioned with your painting that even parts of the canvas and scene that weren’t being worked on started to blend together.
“Huh?” Your brows furrowed as you made the quizzical little sound. You’d been staring so intently and letting your hand work mindlessly that you just now noticed a handsome, broad smile beaming at you. Placing your brush and palette down on the tray beside you, you dropped your head to the side with the most confused expression. “Uhhh… All Might?”
“YES!” He declared, jumping from the bridge to you in an unreal leap. “I am here!”
You gawked at him for a moment, taking out your headphones and slumping back into your seat. What in the world was happening? The man was straight out of an anime about aspiring teenage heroes- there was no way he could be standing in front of you.
Yet he was all you could see right now. His muscle form blocked out the sun and hid the lake, bridge, and flowers from you. The yellow of his suit replaced the bougainvillea you were painting, and his smile looked just like what you imagined it would if he was real. In fact, he looked exactly like what you daydreamed he would. This was too good to be true- you were certain of it.
“You’re… not real,” you stated with empty conviction. “You can’t be real.”
“Oh? Why not?” he asked, placing his knuckles on his hips and bending over to bring his face close to yours. How could he maintain that smile?
“Because you’re an anime character. You’re just a figment of my imagination that I-…” You trailed off, lowering your eyes as your confusion sunk into a sadness you were all too familiar with.
Seeing this, All Might crouched down, squatting with his arms resting on his thighs, hands hanging between his legs. He tilted his head to try to look into your face, that smile softer but ever present. It was like he never stopped smiling in his muscle form, and you admired that. You loved it.
“What’s wrong?” he pressed gently.
“…You. You don’t belong here. I just…”
“You just made me up?”
Silence fell as you let the words sink in from a man you knew wasn’t there. How could he be? This was impossible in every sense of the word. Slowly, you nodded, lifting your eyes to look at what could only be a mirage.
“Yeah… I just made you up,” you sighed with a deeper huff. “It’s just… things have been really lonely lately. And you…” you paused for a moment, “when I first saw you, I thought you’d just be a stereotypical hero, kinda like Superman, y’know?” You forced a smile on your lips, watching as he moved to sit down beside you, head practically level at yours despite the fact that he was on the ground and you in a chair.
“That’s an odd compliment,” he chuckled. You scoffed and giggled lightly, the smile on your lips softening.
“Well, that part isn’t the compliment. You’re not the cliche I thought you’d be. And honestly, I fell in love with that. All your flaws that were overshadowed by your big dreams and the weight of carrying One For All- the lone path you took, and the way you hid the real you from everyone so they could keep believing in heroes- I couldn’t stop myself from falling for you. People aren’t selfless like that in the real world.”
“Hmm…” All Might brought one of his hands to his chin, rubbing it with his thumb and index finger in thought. “That isn’t such a bad thing though. If people were selfless like that, they’d practically be martyrs. A hero’s purpose is to protect the people, (Y/N). Maybe it’s a good thing your reality doesn’t have heroes like me.”
“How can you say that? If we had heroes like you, All Might, I feel like the world would be so much better. It’d be so much safer for women, people of color, and everyone in the LGBTQIA+ community. Children wouldn’t be torn from their parents, immigrants wouldn’t be detained or deported, and global warming wouldn’t destroy the earth in 50 years,” you argued in earnest, as if you could plead him into reality- and part of you- part of you really wished you could. “And I- … I wouldn’t be as lonely.”
“Even with heroes like me, evil would still exist. These problems wouldn’t miracuously disappear, despite how much my existence might deter them. It’s a theme in the show, isn’t it? One For All has passed down from one host to another because this fight is more than just power against power.
And… if I were real, (Y/N), I would only break your heart. I’m a hero first, and you could consider that a tragic flaw of mine. But even if you could love it, it’s still a flaw, and you’d still be lonely.”
A quietness settled between you two as you both looked away from each other. How dare he rain on your daydreams- why couldn’t he just say he’d be with you if that was a possible reality? Wasn’t he supposed to be the perfect All Might for you? He was in your head, after all.
“Besides, I’m such an old man,” he added with a lighter tone and a bit of laughter, looking back to you with his unwavering smile. “The world needs more of you than it does me.”
Your brows furrowed as you returned the gaze and tilted your head. “More of me? But I’m not a hero or anything special. I’m just a girl who watches anime, reads fanfiction, and reblogs fan art.”
All Might’s smile softened as he looked from you to the flower laden bridge. “You undersell yourself with words like “just,” (Y/N). You watch anime, read fanfiction, and reblog fan art. Do you really think it “just” stops there? You’re supporting creators. Fan artists and authors have it rough, and your support means everything to them. It keeps them going and reminds them what they’re doing isn’t worthless- that their dreams are valid.”
“How is that going to make the world any better though?”
“… It already has for someone.” He turned his face back to you, smiling with great encouragement. “I think it’s time for you to wake up, (Y/N).”
“What?” you asked, confused by what he meant. Before he could answer, that headache from before returned in more than full swing. The pressure in your head felt like your brain wanted to break past your skull, and honestly, if that was going to help, you weren’t all that opposed to it right now. Dark blue and black spots began to speckle your vision until you couldn’t make out All Might’s smile, and then everything went black.
A soft and steady beep began to bring you back, the sound like a little ECG. Coldness gave you goosebumps- you hadn’t noticed the heat before when you were talking with All Might, but suddenly you were aware of how cool and almost chilly it felt. With half a breath, you opened your eyes as more white noise began to differentiate itself. Footsteps, phones ringing, and voices… so many voices.
It clicked almost immediately that you were in a hospital bed. The pain that you blacked out to remained, but much duller and right behind your eyes and ears. You turned your head and looked for the ‘Call Nurse’ symbol, pressing the glowing red button when you found it. Within a minute, a nurse strode in.
“Hello, Miss (Y/LN). How are you feeling? I paged the doctor and she’ll be in shortly. Is there anything I can get you? Water?”
“Uh… yeah, sure. But, first, how did I get here?” you asked, your body catching up with how much you were processing.
“Oh, a gentleman brought you in. Said he found you slumped over at an easel. It must have been a pretty sight to draw you out in such extreme weather.” She smiled at you, taking the empty, plastic cup and disappearing for a short moment to fill it. “Here you go. Drink slowly. The doctor will be in soon.”
…I think I dreamed you into life.
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erasethedarkness · 5 years
You were back posting and then gone again.  Not complaining, just hope everything's doing alright.  Anyway, I've consumed so much of other people's work, including your amazing writing, I felt the need to give back.  Hope you're thirsty, and this brightens your day. https://archiveofourown.org/works/20155333/chapters/47750371
Yeeaaahhh.. u.u things kept popping up, honestly. Getting ready for a trip, moving, cancelling said trip, getting ready to start burlesque classes and working on cosplays, and now I'm just kinda bad at reblogging a lot. I'm working on it though, as well as a few other works (like a fluffy Aizawa one shot, HDILT, and some fantasy writing too). I love you so much though and I am freaking excited AF to check out what you wrote after work! ;)
🖤x. EVo
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