Dear Diary,
Marky introduced me to one of his friends in our chat room. We finally met up in person at one of the stations a few days ago.
Her name is... Pizzazz or something. It’s too long to remember. I just call her Pezz. She somehow talks less than Marky, who still doesn’t have the best grasp of the inkling language. In fact, she really doesn’t talk at all, now that I think about it. Although she makes up for it by being very... animated. The kinda girl who jumps up and down when she’s happy, stares at you with big eyes when you’re talking, makes a lot of really weird facial expressions... stuff like that. She’s very fun to mess around with.
Marky brought out one of his weird octo gadgets. AKA a giant metal ball. With a glowing number 8. It’s an 8-ball. They’re octolings. Clever. Marky was super jazzed to use it, but Pezz just hissed at it and hid behind a crate. I’ll admit it was fun to play with. Weirdly light for a metal ball, but whatever. We pushed it around with our ink and ran each other over and stuff. Pretty wild. Kinda wish Pezz would play with us too so I could get to know her better, but she just pouted behind her crate. Maybe I’ll see her again sometime.
Honestly, I should bring up the idea of Splatfests to them. Marky is really into the concept of Turf Wars, and Pezz is so excitable, she’d probably make a good hypesquid octo.
What would be a good theme to get them interested...
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Chat Log 6
Marcus-No.521: I have question
AgentOfChaosJr.: Yeah?
Marcus-No.521: Can I invite friend?
AgentOfChaosJr.: Um... I guess? Who are they?
Marcus-No.521: A friend
AgentOfChaosJr.: I got that part.
Marcus-No.521: She nice
Marcus-No.521: Very lonely and sad
Marcus-No.521: Needs more friends.
AgentOfChaosJr.: Alright then. The more the merrier. What's her name?
[Marcus-No.521 added Pezzottaite-No.44 to the group.]
AgentOfChaosJr.: Hi... Pezzottaite? Is that your name?
Pezzottaite-No.44: :O
Pezzottaite-No.44: :-)
AgentOfChaosJr.: Not much of a talker I guess.
AgentOfChaosJr.: I'm going to call you Pezz cuz that's easier to remember.
Pezzottaite-No.44: c≔ c≔ c≔
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Dear Diary,
I wonder what happened to Inkopolis after I left. Apparently the last Splatfest was final one (I mean, it was literally called the Final Fest) but I wonder if anyone’s doing any homebrew fests? I read a magazine that got left on the train, apparently that one famous Octo lady I can never remember the name of opened up all her weird stages to the public. Including the one with Pearl and her epic battle cry. Seems like the perfect opportunity to host some mini-fests. I hope they’re having fun up there.
I wonder if the octos down here know about Splatfests? Probably not, right? I heard it’s more of a squid thing.
I bet Marky would like Splatfests.
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Chat Log 5
AgentOfChaosJr.: Would it be too much to ask why you have black eyes?
Marcus-No.521: Yes
AgentOfChaosJr.: Aight.
Marcus-No.521: Your claws?
AgentOfChaosJr.: What about them?
Marcus-No.521: How you earn them?
AgentOfChaosJr.: Ha. "Earned".
AgentOfChaosJr.: Imma be honest with you, I didn't earn them at all.
Marcus-No.521: Then how?
AgentOfChaosJr.: I touched some weird goo that was on a note that a mystery person gave to me.
Marcus-No.521: Eww
AgentOfChaosJr.: Hahahaha, remember when you kissed my hand?
Marcus-No.521: I hate you
AgentOfChaosJr.: ε>
Marcus-No.521: Um... where you get note?
AgentOfChaosJr.: Some mystery person. I dunno who they are. They just started sending me nice notes.
AgentOfChaosJr.: At some point they stopped though.
Marcus-No.521: Wierd
Marcus-No.521: They still cool though.
AgentOfChaosJr.: Thanks man.
AgentOfChaosJr.: Also don't tell anyone about the goo thing okay?
Marcus-No.521: My lips are seals
AgentOfChaosJr.: I'm sure they are.
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A Message From The Author
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Hey guys! It’s Weasel! I’m the author of littleinkling-bigsquare!
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So I’m sure you’re wondering where I’ve been...
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Or... maybe you haven’t. It’s been a really long time since my last entry, huh?
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Yyyyeah, sorry about that. I swear I’ve got an explanation. A real one this time.
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Truth be told, I’ve been wanting to update the story for a long time now. I’ve been struggling to find the motivation on top of some personal life stuff that complicates things.
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(It doesn’t help when my computer just up and dies either...)
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Can I be honest for a second? I never really planned for my blog to get this far in the first place. I started it as sort of a dumping ground for me to vent about how bad I am at Splatoon 2 (still am), under the pseudonym “Junior”. Junior used to be sort of a self-insert, but I got tired of just writing about her being shy and bad at Turf War.
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That’s when I decided to actually start writing the story! I introduced the Subway as a place she could be herself, then there was Mabel, her claws, Chaos VS Order changing her view of the world, and now the Deepsea Metro and Marky! I even added new formats for story-telling, like opening the ask box, Junior’s doodles, and the Chat Logs. I might even start doing an “Ask Weasel” segment of the ask box, so that you guys can ask me anything you want!
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But then... I dunno. Now that Splatoon isn’t getting any more major updates, it’s harder to come up with new concepts. And I’m not the best at formatting, I’ll admit. I know my 10th step before I know my 1st, and getting there is always a chore. The numbers started getting to my head too. 1 or 2 likes with no reblogs... not very encouraging numbers.
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Wait wait wait! I’m not here to beg for likes and reblogs! If you ghost my content, that’s fine too!
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I’m just here to say that more Junior content is coming. Hold me to that. I can’t promise it’s coming soon, but I can promise that I’m working on it and that I want it to be the best it possibly can be. And hey! If you want more content from me, I’m on Deviantart under the username PoisonousWeasel! (although it’s very new, and it’s mostly for my fakemon region work... if your into that, you can check it out!) But don’t worry, more stories about Junior, Mabel, and Marky are on their way!
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Dear Diary,
I didn’t know what I was expecting. But here I am.
It all started when Marky invited me to his “special station”. I figured it was just a normal station, but when we got there... it looked exactly like Manta Maria. Just... EXACTLY like it. A giant ship in the middle of the Metro. I knew this place was weird, but... wow.
So we hung out for a while. He brought out a Rainmaker that we messed around with for a while. It really does feel... kinda nice. To have a friend who you feel comfortable goofing off with.
I really didn’t want to upset him. I was scared I would. But I just need answers. We were just talking casually, so I tried to be nice at first. Just a casual, “hey, why are you wearing sunglasses? It’s super freaking dark around here”. I felt really bad when he got quiet. One of those I-wanna-take-back-everything-that-ever-hurt-you kinda moments.
It was when he looked at me and said “You promise you are my friend?” that I got scared. But I wanted him to trust me. And I trust him. I really do. We haven’t known each other for long, but... I felt like I understood him.
His eyes were black.
His eyes. Were black.
I honestly don’t know how to wrap my head around it. In the moment I just said “Whoa, you look so cool!” because, yeah, he did. Like an action superhero. I could tell he wasn’t expecting that reaction. He looked happy in that shy kinda way.
But like... black eyes. Wow. Glowy too. It was nuts. I didn’t push him anymore, I didn’t want to make him any more uncomfortable. Even though I really super wanna know what the shell is up with these green octos. Green, black-eyed octos.
It’s kinda epic. But also not.
Because I feel like something bad happened to him.
Well, I’m gonna make sure nothing bad ever happens to him ever again.
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Something I doodled on the train. Hanging out with Marky has never made me feel so short.
This is a totally accurate scale drawing of me and Marky and definitely isn’t me being salted about my smallfry stature.
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When you visited the statue was there a telephone there?
Telephone? What telephone? I mean, maybe there was some stuff there. Everything was broken and covered in goo. But I don’t remember a telephone specifically.
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Dear Diary,
The Metro just feels so big and daunting. I’ve been to so many stations, but I feel like there’s still more I haven’t seen. And the more I see, the less I feel I understand what happened here.
So... I know I don’t wanna be rude. And I’m not even sure I’ll get a straight answer... but I need to ask Marky about what happened. Maybe Padre will know something too. I’m just sick of being in the dark all the time. At the same time, I feel like “why is your skin green” is an insensitive question. He’s probably not telling me for a reason... but why?
I’ll just make sure to be nice about it. If he doesn’t wanna talk, he doesn’t wanna talk. I’ll just ask someone else then. I hope I’m not being mean when I talk about this kinda stuff. He freaked out when I was talking about the statue. Probably some shaky history. But I wanna be considerate.
Still though, I hate not knowing what the shell is going on...
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Chat Log 4
Marcus-No.521: Are you okay
Marcus-No.521: ???????????????????????????
AgentOfChaosJr.: Clam down, man, I'm fine.
AgentOfChaosJr.: *Calm
AgentOfChaosJr.: I'm telling you, nothing happened up there. You're overreacting.
Marcus-No.521: I worried about you
AgentOfChaosJr.: You didn't even tell me what's wrong with the place!
Marcus-No.521: Evil
AgentOfChaosJr.: Why?
Marcus-No.521: ...
AgentOfChaosJr.: The view at the top was pretty. And the jellies were nice.
Marcus-No.521: Something else
AgentOfChaosJr.: What?
Marcus-No.521: please talk
Marcus-No.521: about something else
AgentOfChaosJr.: ... Are you okay?
Marcus-No.521: NO
AgentOfChaosJr.: Alright, I'll stop talking about it.
Marcus-No.521: be safe
AgentOfChaosJr.: Yeah...
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Remember when I used to post daily yeah me neither
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Dear Diary,
FINALLY, the train left the statue. It was getting pretty boring there.
I’ve really been thinking about it for a while now. Marky and his friends... they really were worried for me. But why? I really feel like I missed a lot of goings on in the Metro. It wasn’t even just worry, they were genuinely terrified of that place.
Now that I think about it, the goo that the jellies were studying... looked a lot like Marky’s ink color. Kinda weird and turquoise and... soapy? I dunno, it just had a weird texture. And Marky said he lost his memories, so maybe something happened at the statue that like... ugh. I’m getting ahead of myself. I really don’t know much of anything about this place, and I don’t even know where to start searching.
You know what the goo reminds me of? The stuff that gave me my claws.
What IS this stuff!?
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Dear Diary,
Well, Marky and his friends finally showed up to the statue. Well, I say “showed up”, really they busted in as if it were an action movie or something. They made a big show out of it, shooting stuff and running around. It was pretty funny how seriously they were taking it at first, until I realized that they were actually in hardcore violent panic mode. I didn’t even have time to say hi before Marky grabbed me by the wrist and dragged me out of the statue while screaming something in octoling. It was... an interesting experience.
Somehow the “I can’t leave” aspect didn’t hit them until we got to the train. I had to explain AGAIN that it won’t be moving for a while. At least they seemed satisfied with me just not being in the statue anymore. They hugged me and were crying and stuff. Still have no idea why. They just kept saying the statue was “evil” and not elaborating. Eh, they were happy, so whatever.
... Next time I go sit on the statue, I’m not telling Marky.
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Dear Diary,
Still at the giant statue. It’s pretty boring, to be honest. I’m really not interested in whatever the jellies are researching. The views are nice, though. It’s weird having a sense of time again.
Marky for some reason freaked out majorly when I told him I was staying here. I have no idea why, he didn’t say what was so wrong with this place. It’s just a bunch of jellies doing their job. He said something about how I’ll “sanitize” if I stay here? I think Padre said something about the evils of “sanitization” once. What, are they afraid of me brushing my teeth? Eh, whatever. Marky said that he’s coming over (to “rescue” me, I guess), so I’ll be glad to see him again.
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Chat Log 3
Marcus-No.521: Where you?
AgentOfChaosJr.: It's "Where ARE you"
Marcus-No.521: Where ARE you
AgentOfChaosJr.: LOL, I'm just hanging out at this weird giant statue for a few days.
AgentOfChaosJr.: The train hasn't moved since we stopped here so I'm kinda stuck for a while...
Marcus-No.521: Giant
Marcus-No.521: Statue
AgentOfChaosJr.: Yeah? You know it? I think it's called the NILS or something.
Marcus-No.521: no
AgentOfChaosJr.: Oh, you don't?
Marcus-No.521: NO NO NO NO NO
AgentOfChaosJr.: Whoa! Calm down, dude!
Marcus-No.521: evil there
Marcus-No.521: you will sanitize
AgentOfChaosJr.: Excuse me?
Marcus-No.521: leave now
Marcus-No.521: GET OUT
AgentOfChaosJr.: SLOW DOWN DUDE! I just said I can't leave! The train will be stopped here for a few days at least!
Marcus-No.521: oh no
AgentOfChaosJr.: Just chill. The jellies here are fine. It's perfectly safe.
Marcus-No.521: We coming
Marcus-No.521: We save you
AgentOfChaosJr.: Okay? I don't need saving, but come by if you want.
AgentOfChaosJr.: Also, it's "We WILL save you".
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Dear Diary,
The train is stopped at this weird statue for a couple days. Padre told me to “make myself comfortable” because apparently we’re gonna be here a while.
I feel like I remember this place. Maybe... the Final Fest? There was this large statue near one of the Shifty Stations. I think it might be the same one? It’s kinda totally destroyed. Probably from the fact that whoever built it put it on water. Why would you even DO that?
There were a bunch of jellies inside doing some sort of research. The statue felt a lot bigger on the inside than it looked on the outside. It was like a whole skyscraper in there. A couple jellies escorted me around the place and showed me their experiments, but it was mainly some science junk about humans. Apparently they were really smart and overly ambitious, and then destroyed the entire everything with a giant Inkstrike or whatever. Ha, losers.
The inside was kinda interesting. Lots of goo that they told me not to touch (looked a lot like the goo that gave me claws). The real main attraction is the outside. I was able to climb up the statue with my Splattershot (thanks, Marky) and I’m kinda camping on it’s head for now. The view is inkredible. I got here just as the sun is setting over Inkopolis. Just how small the city is really makes me realize how far from home I am.
I wonder if I’ll ever go back?
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Dear Diary,
I was able to meet up with Marky again. He really gets around, I wonder if he takes a different train? Or he probably has a few spawn points set up.
We had arranged to have a Turf War together, just to pass some time. It was only us two, so a 1v1, and Marky was kind enough to bring me a weapon and ink tank (finally). It’s just a normal Splattershot Jr, but at least I know how to use it. The stage we ended up battling at was called “Matchmaker Station”, and it was just a small, flat square of ground with 2 pillars and 2 statues that looked kinda like cats. And when I say small, I mean SMALL. I can’t believe it’s possible to play Turf War in a place like this.
If I’m being honest, it really wasn’t. Marky was using a Blaster, and he was playing for splats, so maneuvering around was easier for him. But he really floundered at actual Turf Control. I mean, considering I cut the time from 30 minutes to 3, which caught him off guard. I won every battle we had, but only because the stage was so small. We need bigger areas down here!
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