"How did you know if my feels where hurt or not! How can you even tell that!" She was crying now, tears going down her cheeks. "And telling the truth can hurt people! The truth can be mean and rude. Truth does not make it make right! You are just cruel."
Her voice was shaking, her cheeks where red, tears going down her face. How dare he say she was not upset, who was he to say what emotion she felt.
He raise an eyebrow at her, “Oh I am mean and rude for being truthful? I guess I am dealing with a child then.” he mocked glaring at her. “I did not have anything coming, I am honest and to the point, so sorry it offended your feelings which I bet they weren’t even hurt to begin with!”
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Urgh… this is why he hated children…they were loud and annoying and her little display of trying to be bigger only made him more angry.
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"You are just being mean and rude!" She almost shouted at him. She was so use to sweet, much nicer Yuugis she had meant. This one did not come off as friendly, or nice, he was strange and he was being rude...the strangeness and how different he was compared to the others was what made her nervous.
"I didn't even wanna hit you! But you had it coming." She really did not, she didn't mean to hurt him, just knock a little sense into him....maybe. Either way, now she was u[set about that.
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"Ouch!" he call out not expecting her to suddenly attack him so violently! "What did I do! Its mean to throw your wands at others!" he glare at her. A little tick off at the way she acted but surprise by her bravery.
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She was confused when she couldn't just locate him by tying to sense his presences. She wandered around the house trying to find where he would be that was probably small enough for him to fix in. She looked in closets and in cupboards...not find it  him. "...where is he."
"You are a magician… I don’t trust things you normally do.." he chuckled and he step back to give himself room.
"Alright.. start… right now!" and he moved quickly.
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Her cheeks where red, she was mad, and she bonked him on top of his head with her wand, then crossed her arms and pouted childish, facing away from him.
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"…You just said I make you nervous and that you think I am odd.. so why should I continue to caused you much more displeasure?" it was a simple answer.
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"...one...two...three...four...five...six...seven...eight...nine...ten...eleven...twelve...thirteen...fourteen...fifteen... sixteen...seventeen...eighteen...nineteen...twenty." She said finishing her countering, and removed the blindfold. "read or not, here I come."
"A game of hide and seek. You have this on so you don’t cheat. You have to count to 20 and then you can take it off."
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( Even if silent was in her high level form she would just as childish. )
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"It is just rude to just walk away! You didn't even say something like goodbye, or anything! Plus you called me be strange first! ..." She pouted, explaining it all, over reacting, in kind of a childish way.
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"…You just said I make you nervous and that you think I am odd.. so why should I continue to caused you much more displeasure?" it was a simple answer.
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"I wouldn't cheat!" She sounded slightly offended "but..uhh..okay...just tell me when I should start counting?" She slid the blindfold back into place.
concealinghope replied to your post:√
"Because.. we are going to play a game."
“…what kind of game?” She asked, still holding the blindfold, above her eyes, so she could see.
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concealinghope replied to your post:√
"Because.. we are going to play a game."
"...what kind of game?" She asked, still holding the blindfold, above her eyes, so she could see.
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"Hey! You can just walk away from me!" She said following him. How rude, first he goes off and makes her all nervous, by asking weird question. And then he just leaves? Very rude indeed.
"Because I am. I don’t really see how it is your business." She pouted and pulled her hat down more. He was just weird, he was making her nervous.
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Send in  √  for my muse’s reaction to yours blindfolding mine
She doesn’t notice until it was too late and she was blindfolded, and swung her wand at there she thought the person would be- it almost slipped her hands as she hit nothing.
"Wh- what are you..why." She paused, could now sense it was a Yuugi. She  used a hand lifted the blindfold up. "Why did you do this?"
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Send in * for my muse’s reaction to yours slapping mine on the ass
Send in ♔ for my muse’s reaction to yours pushing mine up against the wall 
Send in ✺ for my muse’s reaction to yours pulling mine up over their shoulder
Send in  √  for my muse’s reaction to yours blindfolding mine
Send in $ for my muse’s reaction to yours groping mine
Send in ☏ for my muse’s reaction to getting sexted by yours 
Send in ☼ for my muse’s reaction to yours sliding their hand up mine’s thigh
Send in ✆ for my muse’s reaction to yours propositioning them for a good time
Send in ✘ for my muse’s reaction to a booty call
Send in ⁇ for my muse’s reaction to walking in on yours while bathing
the nsfw meme list;
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"Because I am. I don't really see how it is your business." She pouted and pulled her hat down more. He was just weird, he was making her nervous.
No Yuugi wasn’t strange.
He was far from strange.
"Odd… yes, I guess so?"
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He didn’t know what else to say and why was she trying to hide? He can see her as plain as day! ….”Why are you hiding?”
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"Your hair is strange, so you shouldn't call people strange. I mean look at it,  it's odd....and I don't really know how I did it, I didn't even know I could." She pulled her hat a little using it to hide her face, she was a bit nervous. "So I really wouldn't know about the others...I did say i dragged me and Swordsman out here...I didn't really mean too though..."
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His.. hair? He reach to touch it, to feel the soft texture of it in his hands. “….I did not mean strange as in… hair. I meant strange as in.. I did not know you could do that..” he turn his attention back to her.
What an odd little monster he kept in his deck. A deck he forgotten now it existed. “….Are there others who can do the same as you?”
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"Uhh well I don't really know how I did it...but sure. It was a completely fluke..an accident." She laughed and a bit nervously and then mumbled out something out under her breath. "And I wouldn't be talking about things being strange with hair like that."
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She… spoke.. she could do that? Yuugi had no idea to be honest. He kneel down and stare at her more, “How…?” twisting his face side ways looking at her with big eyes, taking all of her in.
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"I guess but still...he can just be so childish at times, I mean he really needs to grow up." It must had sounded still coming from her, she was childish her self. And she probably looked ridiculous saying such thing while grumpily eating her cake. 
He grab a bottle of water and juice, figuring after so much sweet something else to calm it would be a good thing. He walked towards her and kept smiling, “Here we are and no need to look so grumpy little one. While he has played and toyed with your things he still likely very lonely and scared without admitting to it. ” he took a sit.
"So don’t be so harsh on him… after all you wouldn’t want him to do the same for you would you?" he asked.
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"Oh I should beat him over the head with my wand when I find him. I mean if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be in this mess!" She huffed and pouted. She understood that they need to find him, he would get himself into trouble if they did not. But she was still a bit angry with him.
Yuugi gave an awkward laugh, “Its not so bad and you know without you despite all the tease he cares for you and you are the one to pretty much help him around. Don’t be so hard on him…” but he knew she was annoyed and he doubt anything he did would change her mind about it.
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