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I'm here exclusively to celebrate tgirl tummy Tuesday. I'm sure that's what all those pretty fireworks have been about. 🎆
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trying to find something out so please rb and give your opinion on these cookies specifically in the tags
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Serving big dork energy this Monday at work. 🌸
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Yesterday I got my labret piercing done and was also brave and went grocery shopping bare-legged. I'm in my "just do things" era and it's lovely, despite the days where nothing of substance gets accomplished. And that's okay too. This stuff ebbs and flows. 🌸
I hope y'all are doing well today and fighting your executive dysfunction back with claw hammers and dynamite - I see you and how hard you try, and there's hope for small victories. You've got this, you courageous little creature you! 🫂
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here's a random word generator--whatever word it gives you is now the thing you are the deity of
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one thing i wish i had learned earlier in my transition is that you have to heal your relationship to masculinity. as a trans femme, a "binary" one at that (if that's even a thing, which I don't think it is),my natural reaction in transition was to push masculinity as far away from me as possible. it reminded me of all the things about myself I was trying to change. after all, masculinity is what I was trying to escape, and years in the closet had poisoned my opinions of masculinity in others.
but that's not good for you, it's not good for trans mascs, it's not good for your relationships with men in general. men overall can be good even though many suck, but masculinity itself can also be good! it's not a negative! masculinity isn't trucks, football and chauvinism, it's good, caring fathers, it's protective older brothers, it's grandfather's teaching you how to fish and dudes being goofy and silly with each other in that way that only men who have let go of fear and shame do.
it is very easy and tempting as a young transfeminine person to lean into the "manhater" stereotype, but both tactically and also for yourself personally, I think it's a mistake. as a trans fem, cis society is going to contrast you against men at best, and portray you as a fucked up kind of man at worst. in your own head, if masculine is evil and wrong ontologically there are going to be parts of you you cannot change that fall into that broad category.
for the sake of your own mental health, for the men & boys in your life, and for society at large, you have to move past that pain and revulsion you have towards masculinity.
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It was nice the other day, so I went outside and started reading a Terry Pratchett novel my gf recommended to me. Thank you @living-in-eggshells for your kind, sage wisdom!
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Fuchsia Friday
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Happy Friday! I went outdoors this week to do a draw, and made some transfem cyborgs I'm quite pleased with. Truffle, however, remains a staunch critic.
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Cute? No. I look fucking hot.
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In other news: the zoom function on my phone sucks, but my ass looks fantastic 😘
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Ya know, I think everything is gunna be ok 💜
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I need some help and I hate to ask for it...
I need to get out of an abusive and unhealthy living situation. I basically own nothing and need to get an apartment of my own in a state that isn't actively removing my rights. I know a lot of people know about my relationship with @chrissy-kaos but we obviously don't live together. I've been living with someone who treats me very poorly and I need to be on my own. My roommate owns most of the furniture and pays very little of the bills. I don't even own a bed. My bills take up most of my income and I don't get help with that. Its hard for me to save anything at all to start a new life. I need to get my own place and my own things to be okay. I really need help. I won't be able to move till September without breaking my lease. So I need to save $3000 before then to get away, peacefully, from my unhealthy living situation and escape. Please help.
Cashapp - Zerosuitsammi3
Venmo - Zerosuitsammi3
Paypal - Zerosuitsammi3
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Two week HRT update: I have emotions now, and my chest is just a little bit sore all the time.
Obviously I had emotions before, but what I find kind of amazing is that only a week and a half after starting, I was able to actually cry at a movie. I almost never cry, and it's incredibly rare that it happens because of media. I read Where the Red Fern Grows when I was six and I didn't cry! I've watched all kinds of emotional shows and movies, read plenty of emotional books, played any number of emotional games, and sometimes I'd get close, but no tears would spill. It's kind of like I had a block of some kind.
But a few days ago I watched Coco again, because that's one of the things that got me the closest to crying and I wanted to know if it would push me over the edge now, and lo and behold, it did! It wasn't a ton of tears, but it was still more than I've cried in a very long time. I rewatched Moana a couple days after that and that one got me to cry too, though not as much.
It's weird because it's new, but it feels good! I know that's an odd thing to say, but it's been such a...not a problem in my life, but something that never felt right. It's nice that whatever mental resistance I had to crying is breaking down. I kind of thought it would happen, but I didn't think it would happen so quickly!
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Bi pride nails 💅
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About a million years ago (read: one week ago), I was tagged by @esmevirgo to post some pictures of myself, and I've finally remembered to actually do it. These are from one of our video date nights, and they also feature my first time doing my own makeup in full!
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I'm gonna pass this on to @rubynyoro-n, @majorasmouse, @kaylinity69, and @myfriendgoo94 if anybody feels like posting some selfies of their own! No pressure whatsoever if not, of course.
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If anyone can help a queer out with their medical bills and all being this pride it would be super appreciated!! 💜💜💜
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Some post-ttrpg indulgences, with tummy. ☺️
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