Tim Burton’s Live-action Dumbo | Disney Film Review
My review of Tim Burton’s Dumbo!
Hello everyone and welcome back to Lize in Disneyland! Almost a week and a half has passed since I saw the new Dumbo film, and I’ve finally got around to sharing my thoughts with you all. So, here is what I thought of Dumbo!
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Top Five Disney: The Bronze Age
Top Five Disney: The Bronze Age
Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog! Today is the fourth post in my Top Five Disney series. This is where I split the Disney films into their eras and rank them.
Odyssey splits Disney films into nine different eras, but two of these eras are before the company began making full-length feature films. However, the seven eras that follow those two match those detailed on Disney Avenue. These…
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Self-care Princess: Ariel
My next instalment of self-care princess!
Hi everyone, and welcome to the fourth post in the blog series I’ve created called self-care princess. For 11 months, on the second Monday of the month, I’m going to use one Disney Princess as the subject of a blog post where I pick what ways I think each princess would practice self-care based on their actions in their own film. Some will be easier than others, and if you have any thoughts,…
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5 Ways DLP differs to Disneyland
5 Ways Disneyland Paris differs to Disneyland
Hello everyone and welcome back to Lize in Disneyland! For today’s blog post, I thought I would talk about the ways in which Disneyland Paris differs to Disneyland, as I’ve been to both within the last 12 months. Feel free to drop your thoughts in the comments down below!
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March favourites!
My March favourites!
Hello everyone, and welcome back to Lize in Disneyland! I’ll admit, March has been one of the worst months for views on my blog since I got started – but that’s okay. I took a little break this month, because I find running a blog, a YouTube channel, and an instagram exhausting sometimes. But I’m back, and I’ll probably start posting mainly twice a weekly, occasionally three times.
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Disney Life Wrap-Up | March 2019
Disney Life Wrap-Up for March
Hi everyone, and welcome back to my blog! I’m so sorry I’ve been quiet – I had almost a week off from blogging after my birthday post – but that’s because I was in Disneyland Paris, and if you’re interested my vlogs on my YouTube are in this playlist.
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25 Disney has taught me in 25 years
25 Disney has taught me in 25 years
Okay, so I’m really excited to finally be sharing this blog post with you! Today, I turn 25 years old, and I decided to share a Disney quote from each year I was born. So I’ve chosen one film for each year of my life, and a quote from that film. I really hope you enjoy it!
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Disney Spring Essentials
Wednesday, according to the calendar at least, is the first day of Spring! As a child, I always remember it being on my birthday. But that’s on Thursday and I have a super exciting blog post coming that I’ve been working on for a few months now!
So today, just like I did for Winter, I’m sharing my essential films to watch this season!
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Extreme Disneyland Paris Bucket List
My DLP bucket list!
Hi everyone, and welcome to another blog post! With my trip to Disneyland Paris getting closer, I wanted to write the most ridiculous bucket list I could think of – things I’ll never achieve – because I’ve realised in 2019 that our lists and our goals don’t always have to be met.
So here are my five ridiculous bucket list items for Disneyland Paris!
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Disney Baking: Victoria Sponge Cakes
My birthday-themed Disney baking post!
Hello everyone, and welcome back to my blog! With my 25th birthday being one week today, I asked my Mom to bake my favourite cakes to celebrate. We added a little Disney twist so that I could use them for this month’s baking post!
The recipe is for twelve mini Victoria sponge cakes, so adjust the recipe to make less or more.
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Self-care Princess: Aurora
What Aurora does for her self-care!
Hi everyone, and welcome to the second post in the brand new blog series I’ve started called self-care princess. For 11 months, on the second Monday of the month, I’m going to use one Disney Princess as the subject of a blog post where I pick what ways I think each princess would practice self-care based on their actions in their own film. Some will be easier than others, and if you have any…
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Top Five Disney: The Silver Age
My ranking of the Silver Age animated films!
Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog! Today is the third post in my Top Five Disney series. This is where I split the Disney films into their eras and rank them.
Odyssey splits Disney films into nine different eras, but two of these eras are before the company began making full-length feature films. However, the seven eras that follow those two match those detailed on Disney Avenue.…
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Fairest of All [REVIEW]
My latest Disney book review!
Hello everyone and welcome back to Lize in Disneyland! If you’re new here, please consider following my blog so you never miss a post.
Today’s blog post is my final book review from my January TBR – finally! I have fell really behind with my blog and I have so many blog posts I need to write, so please bear with me whilst I try to play catch up.
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Adventures: Blackpool
What we got up to in Blackpool!
Hello everyone and welcome to Lize in Disneyland! If you’re new here, please consider following my blog so that you don’t miss any of my posts. If you’re a returning follower, welcome back and I’m sorry this post is so late!
I went to Blackpool with my boyfriend Joe last November, and I apologise that it’s taken me until MARCH to write the blog post about it, but your girl’s been busy.
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March Goals
My goals for March!
Okay, so March is a busy month for me. It’s my boyfriend’s birthday, my Dad’s birthday, and my own birthday. So I always struggle in March to be productive on my blog, YouTube, etc. So I completely don’t mind if I don’t achieve these goals as family and being present in my life this month is far more important.
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February Favourites
My Feb faves!
Another month is over, which means it’s time to share with you my favourites! I’ve got to be honest, I’m not enjoying blogging much at the moment, so don’t be surprised if I take a little break. But you all seem to be loving my content so let’s share the posts you enjoyed this month!
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Disney Life Wrap-Up | February 2019
My Disney Life wrap up!
So, another month is over, and I’m here to share with you what I’ve been watching on Disney Life this month! I’ve also discovered the music section which is coming in very handy, but I’m strictly going to share with you what I watched this month…
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