llpoisell · 2 months
It starts with sorry
Vox slips up, he finally finds himself confessing after all these years of rivalry. But, It starts with sorry, doesn't it?
Chapter 1: Love me dead (WIP)
"I gave you SO MUCH" Vox shouted in the other man's direction, an uncontrollable amount of rage coursing within him as he balled his fist and lunged at him, only just missing as Alastor dodged his attack with a well timed sidestep.
Why was he feeling this anger, this rage? What was the reason behind all these emotions? He felt so enraged, so betrayed. Even after all these years, these feelings refused to leave him.
"You gave me nothing." Alastor bit back with a cold expression, eyes narrowing as he sent a tendril towards Vox, only for the TV demon to teleport out of the way. "Nothing?" Vox practically chuckled out, "NOTHING?!" He repeated, his tone turning twisted and violent, "I gave up everything for you! I GAVE YOU EVERYTHING!" He shouted, his voice glitching and full of emotion as he brought his hands to his chest. "I..did everything i could for you, Alastor." Vox said, his voice threatening to break, "But that.." he chuckled, "that was never enough for you, was it?" Vox asked, looking up to meet the other man's gaze, his expression slightly crazed.
Nothing. Alastor said nothing, standing there with an unreadable expression; his smile remained plastered on his face, his eyes were staring coldly into Vox's, his hands were balled into fists. It was like he wanted to say something, but was holding himself back.
"It wasn't, was it?!" Vox snapped, grabbing hold of Alastor's jacket, "WAS IT?" He exclaimed angrily in hopes to get a response, but still, there was no reply.
For a brief moment, there was silence. Though for the few seconds it lasted, it felt like minutes, hours even! It was ample time to collect himself, to think over things, yet he didn't. He couldn't. All he could feel was this anger, this burning rage as he looked into the eyes of a man he once loved, once cared for. For a split second, Vox's gaze almost softened, his eyes widening as they searched Alastor's face.
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Hiiii! This is a little WIP I decided to post ^^
Lastly, I'd like to apologise for this being out of character and poorly written, this is a WIP and will mostly be better once I've edited everything. I am very sorry, I am not the best at writing 🥲
I really hope you enjoyed what I have so far! despite this being rather crappy and bad, I do hope you somewhat liked it.
This is an au created by me and my wonderful friend (@culssi) She is extremely talented, especially when it comes to art, so please do check out her amazing work!
I did all of the writing, though I couldn't have done it without my friend and her miraculous ideas.
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