loldalmatians · 1 year
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Collab with UrsaeRigor! Find them at artalley and kofi. They did the sketch, and I did the line art and colors. Enjoy :)
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loldalmatians · 1 year
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this show is the bane of my existence but idk. Fivey
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loldalmatians · 1 year
aziraphale and crowley have broken up without dating like three times now they're truly the lgbt representation we deserve
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loldalmatians · 1 year
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when I said “same ship, different font” THIS IS NOT WHAT I MEANT!!
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loldalmatians · 1 year
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i’m plagued by visions of a darker world
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loldalmatians · 1 year
Nimona looked between the two of them. "Did you... choose your names?"
Ballister frowned. "I believe so? They didn't actually let me, so the Queen had to choose mine for me."
"The rest of us chose, however," Ambrosius clarified.
"Uh huh. Well then, Goldilocks, care to explain why your name is Goldenloin?"
Ballister looked between Ambrosius and Nimona. "I don't see —"
"It's just that," Nimona continued, "you know, I've been around for a while. And after the first hundred years of solitude and banishment and whatever, you get a little bored. So, blah blah blah, I basically know every language ever. And Goldenloin is a wonderful synonym for, well, a lot of things."
"Things like what?" Ambrosius asked, a slight crease in his forehead.
"You know. Goodinbed. Sexhaver."
Ballister snorted.
Nimona grinned. "Fucksalot, even."
"Ambrosius Longschlong."
Ambrosius's cheeks went pink. "Alright, calm down."
"How old are you when you first start training?" Nimona exclaimed. "Like, three?"
"Ten," Ballister corrected.
"Who even knows what sex is at three?"
"We don't choose our names at three," Ambrosius said (Balliser muttered "ten" from beside him), "there's a whole week of classes on it about a month and a half before the actual knighting ceremony."
"A whole week just on choosing a name?" Nimona flicked a pink spark towards the ceiling. "That seems excessive. I grabbed mine in, what, thirty seconds? Just smushed a bunch of letters together and called it a day."
"We have to go through a lot of testing to see if the name's right for us," Ambrosius explained, "and the Director can reject it if they don't think it fits. Or they just don't like it."
"I remember she rejected at least three of Todd's suggestions," Balliser said. "How Longschlong got past her, I have no idea."
"I was a different person back then," Ambrosius protested, "not as mature as I am now."
"Wow, I didn't realise maturity levels could reach below zero," Nimona deadpanned.
"Hey now," Ballister said, "you have to give him some credit. Anyone else with a negative maturity level would have given up by now, but Ambrosius keeps powering on in denial!"
Ambrosius covered his face with his hands. "Both of you shut up."
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loldalmatians · 1 year
I think what a lot of people, who don’t have experience giving critiques, don’t understand is that saying what you did like in a work is just as important as saying what you didn’t/what needs improvement. Like even with the worst piece of writing/art it’s important to point out the positives, because otherwise it can be very discouraging and can feel like there is nothing redeeming about what you’ve created. 
It especially stings when that person has seen/ read what you’ve created a couple years back and they don’t bother to tell you whether you improved or not. Like come on. Be a bit kinder, pwease <3
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loldalmatians · 1 year
If you are in any way an artist, writer, animatior, poet, designer, if you do any kind of art you NEED TO watch this video, especially if you feel like you're stuck with your art!!!
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alt text: screenshot of the youtube video titled "7 deadly art sins" by CJ the X
It's not some 'do this not that bullshit', its not some 'this is good art and this is bad art' bullshit, it's not 'here are 7 things i don't like and it's just my opinion lol do what you want'.
It's dissecting 7 mindsets that make you more miserable as an artist or/and make your art stagnant. It is my bible. I rewatch it every month. It feels like a slap in the face every time, but a good slap in the face. I cannot recommend it enough, it deserves more recognition
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loldalmatians · 1 year
To all my writers who have a tough time with smut terms and not knowing which ones to use, I have found the holy grail for us.
This reddit user took a poll of 3,500 people and went really in depth with asking their favorite terminology, along with actual pie charts on what the readers preferred to see in their smut.
Here's the direct link to the Google doc with all the info!
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loldalmatians · 1 year
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loldalmatians · 1 year
I’m hoping some of my writblr friends can help this break containment but I have questions.
I’m doing publishing research and looking at self publishing. Can anybody who has self published talk about your experiences? Does your book get to the demographic you want it to? Do any self published books go into print or is it mainly online? It seems like a lot of people are for it over trad publishing but I think it still scares me a little.
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loldalmatians · 1 year
if you're still looking for art inspo/requests, i'd love some angsty shit of harry struggling to stay sober
Oh I can definitely do angst
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Also yeah, suggestions are usually welcome
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loldalmatians · 1 year
thinking about cecilos autistic rizz again
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loldalmatians · 1 year
Ballister Boldheart was the best knight in the Institute, and even after losing his arm and replacing it with a prosthetic, he was Still the best knight in the Intitute. He listens to music with lyrics that include "I don't give a fuck I'm the shit and I know".
He also has the biggest saddest brownest eyes in the kingdom. He will wreck you whilst looking like a Baikal seal.
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loldalmatians · 1 year
no because you don't understand. nobody understands. i watched nimona. you do not get what that means as someone who is genderfluid. you do not understand how it feels. nimona is the only representation i've seen on the big screen EVER. YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND HOW I FEEL RIGHT NOW.
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loldalmatians · 1 year
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loldalmatians · 1 year
being a dom is only cool if people like you. otherwise it's super embarrassing. if you're a sub you can be like "ahhh i wanna get fucked superrr hard >w<" and it's kind of endearing. if you're a dom and you say "i want to FUCK someone.. who will be mommys little KITTY today .." and no one actually wants to have sex with you, you may as well kill yourself. because there's no coming back from that
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