lonelyboyinlove1996 · 11 years
The gril and will have been dating for a while now and it hasnt really bothered me but tonight, for some reason its really bothering me. Right now im at her house, will live here too, and they just disappeared and left me with her sister that i cant really talk to. Last night they got in a pretty big argument and i thought that was gonna be it, so i could have my chance to love her, but it wasnt. I was so sure that she had feelings for me because the way she acts when its just me and her. Why must i love her
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lonelyboyinlove1996 · 11 years
So her and will are dating now and she is pretty much ignoring me. She's gonna drive me away like she did before with a previous boyfriend of hers. If the same thing happens with will as it did with the other... Im not gonna deal with it. So far its been... Meh. I hate it when we are all just watching tv or a movie and they just decide to kiss. It makes me feel horrible. Not only because thats the girl im in love with, but also i was really happy in my last relationship and it ended suddenly. In two months it will be a year sense we broke up and i haven't been in a relationship sense. I just wish i could find someone who will love me for who i am and its not a huge thing but i would like them to put out lol. 17 years old and im still a virgin. It really sucks, actually it doesn't suck seeing as how I'm not getting any. Im not happy with my life at all right now
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lonelyboyinlove1996 · 11 years
Well she's with will. This sucks
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lonelyboyinlove1996 · 11 years
She told me today that she has no intentions of dating will but she wants to flirt... Although i really do not approve of girls just flirting i want to stay on her good side. Plus it will be his fault for letting her do so. I dont know what i should do. Im really really scared of what her reply would be if i told her how i felt, and if she would just string me along like will... I really need some advice here...
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lonelyboyinlove1996 · 11 years
It happened
So just a i predicted she brok up with jack and will confessed his feelings for her... She said that she is liking him more and more every day.. So far thats all that really happened. She said that she didnt break up with for will though. She has been treated like garbage for the past few days and she needed to get away from it but im sure will played a big part in it.. I wish it was me :(
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lonelyboyinlove1996 · 11 years
Break up allredy
So for the past few days she has been hanging out with her neighbor...And her boyfriend does not like it. She told me that she found her neighbor atractive.. But i dont know if she has feelings for him. Im fearing the worst though. I have a feeling that she is going to break with her boyfriend for him that really sucks because i was going to canfess my feeling to her when they broke up. I really want her to be happy though, and breaking up with her boyfriend, who from now will be known as jack(not even close to his real name), is really what she needs to do. Even if she decides to date her neighbor, who will be know as will(not close to real), its better than jack. It just tears me up to think that they might date not that will is a bad guy it just that ive been in love with her for longer than will has even known her. For the past two nights will has been coming over her house and they have been watching movies together. It wouldnt bother me if i didnt know she found will attractive. :'( i thing they might have done something tonight i dont know im just super depressed right now
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lonelyboyinlove1996 · 11 years
So two weeks ago was my birthday... Now i understand that my dad is verry financially stable right now, and he wasnt able to get me any gifts for my birthday yet and he also had to miss christmas. All i asked is that we go out to eat this weekend when he gets paid but instead he decides that we should go to this hot wing festival this weekend(i hate bone-in wings and they may have had fun las time they went but i didn't at all) i mean its the last place i would want to go... And I'm feeling pretty confused about my childhood crush/friend that i mentioned earlier... It feels like she likes me in one sentence but in the next she's talking about she loves her boyfriend and in the next she'll talk about all the stuff that she hates about him.(most of the stuff she doesn't like is stuff that i don't do :(.... ) life is just shitty right now
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lonelyboyinlove1996 · 11 years
Spent more time still not sure
I spent more time with her recently and im still not sure if she has feeling for me. We played lots of games together and the las day i was there we watched movies with another childhood friend and her neighbor... Who also has feelings for her. But the notable thing about this is that i was on her bed and the two other guys were on the floor... But she sat next to me, though she did ask me to scoot over.... I moved over as far as i could but we were still pretty close. I just wish i knew if she had feelings for me. Im desperately in love with her and its killing me
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lonelyboyinlove1996 · 11 years
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made reblogable by request
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lonelyboyinlove1996 · 11 years
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me :(
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lonelyboyinlove1996 · 11 years
im in love with my childhood friend.
ok... hey im in love with my childhood friend. sense there is no names/locations for me i'll put it all out there. ive known this girl for probably 13 years (im 17) ive really liked her sense i started liking girls. she has a borfriend now and im not sure if she likes me... i think at one point she did though. one night we were siting on a couch in her room and she asked me if i liked her... sense i went to private school i didnt have any expirence wtih girls and didnt know this was a sign that she liked me and i said no... i will never forget that night its the night i lost the chance with the girl of my dreams. we spent alot of time together as kids. for many years we was with each other every weekend and i loved her and i thought there was no way that she would love me because i was fat, i was sure of it. now she's with a guy that is verry much like me... over weight plays video games and theres alot of little things that we have in common. i like her new bf we get along good as long as he's not puting on a show and pretending to like me to earn "brownie points" lol. recently we've been hanging out again, stiring up old feelings. there's things that she does that makes me think she likes me now though. when her bf isnt there we get along like two peas in an pod. but when he's there she's always ignoring me and up his ***. another thing she does is she smokes weed with me and her bf doesnt like it and doesent like it when she does it. the reason i just dont come out and tell her is because im still a childhood friend and i really enjoy hanging out with her and i dont want to ruin it if she doesnt love me back :( i wanted to make this blog to hopefully document my life/progress with my love
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