lsashling · 1 year
Christian Allister and Speak Now Taylor are an unexpected combination 😂
But hey I've been obsessing over Speak Now lately (for obvious reasons!) and whenever I hear the line “Give me something that'll haunt me when you're not around” Christian wearing Gianna's hair tie on his wrist for 3 whole years is all I can think of!!!
What do you think? Does the line suit him? ✨
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lsashling · 1 year
Manifesting this conversation because can you even begin to comprehend “I wake up screaming from dreaming one day I'll watch as you're leaving and LIFE WILL LOSE ALL ITS MEANING. FOR THE LAST TIME”????????????????
“That's the kind of heartbreak time could never mend”
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lsashling · 2 years
To new beginnings 🥂
Excerpt from: Bound By Twisted Fate @ Wattpad
#lovestorytaylorswift❤️ #lovestorytaylorswiftedit #amovitielloedit #amovitiello #amogreta #amoandgreta #gretafalconeedit #gretafalcone #firstpost #wattpadstories
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lsashling · 2 years
When Taylor Swift said "Don't want no other shade of blue but you / no other sadness in the world would do" and when Maxon Schreave said "Break my heart. Break it a thousand times if you want. It was only ever yours to break." >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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lsashling · 2 years
It's funny how Taylor warned them years ago that there's nothing she does better than revenge.... And still they dared to play her... I mean duh... Look what you made her do!
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lsashling · 2 years
Is orange called orange because orange is orange?
Or are oranges called oranges because oranges are orange?
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lsashling · 2 years
Just read somewhere that dimples are formed because a certain muscle in your cheeks is shorter than it ideally should be, and hence, when you smile, that short muscle pulls your skin inwards...
In simple words... Dimples are formed due to an imperfection...
It's funny how' others' opinions make us admire and envy one imperfection we see in others while feeling insecure about the other we have ourselves...
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lsashling · 2 years
writers, it's okay...
A couple days ago I made the post below, but it has since then been added with a whole variety of even more valuable reminders for writers, so I've decided to compile every addition into one big post.
to be proud of your own writing
to write something self-indulgent
to celebrate your achievements
to have a bad day of writing
to hype up your own writing
to be kind to your characters once in a while
from @scriptmedic
to write and publish something that isn't perfect
to make mistakes
to receive criticism and incorporate it for the future
to ignore criticism
to get excited about your own work
to grow out of things as a writer
to save some stories for yourself
to write the thing
to not write the thing
to be gentle with yourself
to be honest with yourself - about the bad but also about the good (there's probably more right than wrong with your story)
to like your own work
to treat your works like the hobby you love (from @starblazekirara)
to write things that are seen as ‘edgy’ or ‘not taking itself seriously’. You can go either way in talking your story too seriously or not seriousness at all, sometimes it’s just fun (from @imnotsures-posts)
to SELF. PUBLISH. it's also okay to go the traditional route. Do what works for you, not what please those around you *CoUgH* looking at you mom *cOuGh* (from @spitefueledwriting)
from @wanderlustspider
absolutely love one of your characters
absolutely hate one of your characters
be absurdly descriptive
not be good at descriptions
have a ton of dialog
have very little dialog
have short chapters in your book
have crazy-long chapters in your book
be better at poetry than chapter-book storytelling
be better at chapter-book storytelling than poetry
have an interest in one style/genre/voice more than others
erase everything and restart at the beginning
start in the middle and work around it
start at the end and figure out how everything gets there
take a break (even really long ones)
be proud of what you create (this was kinda covered in liking your own work, but even moreso to be proud of it)
stare at a blank page
only write one sentence/paragraph after staring for 2 hours at said blank page
write for 12 hours and only get 500/less words out (just make sure you snack and get some water, okay?)
hear the voices of your characters in your head on a daily basis
cuss out said characters when they shut up just as you sit to write
from @magnoliabloomfield
to stay in your comfort zone
to make small daily word goals
for the the only work you do on your story to be in your head some days
not make word goals at all
to save all the compliments people have given you on your writing and look at them whenever you need a personal pep rally
to only write fanfiction and still be a “writer”
to make your best guess about something instead of looking it up because you know if you do look it up you’ll fall into an internet search rabbit hole and only resurface a week later with a new hyperfixation and never finish the thing you were working on before.
imitate the style of a writer you like to help you find your unique voice, which is likely going to be a hodgepodge of your favorite bits of a lot of people and that’s fine, you don’t have to be 10000% unique and original, it’s kind of impossible, you just have to be authentic.
from @otaku6337
to take breaks (including single-work hiatus and-or all-works year+-long breaks, whatever you need)
to reread and enjoy your own works
to write works outside of your usual genres/fandoms/tropes/ships
to self-promo your work
to be realistic or even minimal about your writing goals, and your expectations for yourself
to try something new and experiment
to fall back into comfort zones
to enjoy the process more than the end result
to enjoy the end result more than the process
from @lorei-writes
not to want criticism at all at a given time, and to say so,
[fandom] to write things which generally fall out of the preferred genre of your fandom / are unusual for your fandom,
to take breaks,
to share details about your own work,
to write stories without needing to finish them,
to let some ideas go
from @l-lend
To set boundaries on what you write about
To seek out kinship in other writers, and be that group of gremlins cackling and plotting
To want to share your ideas and concepts
from @korribanarchive
To not want feedback from random internet people
To write things purely for yourself
To write things you will never publish
Sorry for the lengthy post, and for any potential repeats. Just believe these additions are very important to the community 🫶
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lsashling · 2 years
Okay but like am i crazy to think Speak Now tv on Dr. Blondie's Birthday??
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lsashling · 2 years
I think we don't talk enough about the line "Loves me like I'm brand new" from CIWYW...
Like... Tay used to have a very public life... There were speculations around her every single move... People used to think they have her all figured out...
And then this GORGEOUS Brit guy with OCEAN BLUE EYES and FIT LIKE A DAYDREAM comes along and acts as if the theories and speculations of the media and the critics don't exist... He tries to get to know her and starts with a completely blank page... As if she's a normal person, a complete stranger and not THE MUSIC INDUSTRY...
Joe is pushing my expectations in guys scarily high!
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lsashling · 2 years
From 'wind in my hair, I was there, I remember it all too well' to 'karma is the breeze in my hair on the weekend', we healed.
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lsashling · 2 years
Midnight Rain is years after mourning, crying, wondering, accepting, and moving on with Champagne Problems.
And High Infidelity is what would've been if she hadn't... Dropped his hand while dancing.... Left him out there standing.... Crestfallen on the landing.... With Champagne Problems.....
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lsashling · 2 years
Definitely won't mind a 10 minute version of Maroon.... Or 20 or 30 minute version lol... In fact, I think I NEED it.... That song hits in the gut!!!
maroon kicks you right into nostalgic land and buries you 6ft under
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lsashling · 3 years
My ex boyfriend texted me today, saying he missed me...
He said he missed our easy banters... And I remembered how easily those "easy banters" would turn into serious fights and he'd stop responding to my texts and calls and sometimes even block me and I'd end up crying my heart out in my room with my palms covering my mouth so that my family won't hear my sobs....
He said he still couldn't forget the way my eyes sparkled when I looked at him... And I remembered how he'd lock eyes with and smile at other girls even when I was standing right beside him...
He said seeing other guys made him realise how secure he felt in the relationship... And I remembered how I'd cut off ties with so many of my male friends just make him feel secure because he thought every other guy had a thing for me...
He told me how some of our old friends still accidentally addressed me as "HIS GIRL"... And I remembered how lost and empty and worthless and completely at a loss of my individuality I felt when we broke up...
He said I used to make him the happiest guy in the world... And I remembered what a FUCKING FOOL I'd been all that while...
It was then that I finally realised... We'd been in a relationship WITH EACH OTHER... But we'd both lived a very different relationship...
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lsashling · 3 years
This is totally random and I doubt this shitpost will gain any traction, but reblog and tell me what fictional character would send you to the opposite end of your sexuality spectrum.
I’m bi, but Dolores Umbridge would turn me heterosexual in less than a millisecond
Let’s hear it, folks!
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lsashling · 3 years
Someone in a hushed voice: Tiaras, diaries, necklaces and trophies available
Voldemort shouting frantically: I VOLUNTEER!!!
This Meme is not mine.. Just wanted to repost it😂😂😂
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lsashling · 3 years
*rubbing hands together*
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Come on. I’m ready.
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