lucifers-silhouette · 28 days
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lucifers-silhouette · 1 month
I hope your finals went well!!
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Pairing: Alastor x fem!reader
Summary: Lucifer visits the Hazbin Hotel because his daughter called him, but there he sees a good friend he hasn't seen in a long time.
Warnings: Swearing
a/n: I know it's been a long time, but I just couldn't get myself to write anything because of my finals coming up and everything else going on. I also didn't want to write a bad third part, so I only wanted to write when I had some motivation to do so. I hope you all will like it. Part 1 / Part 2
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If you had known that one day you would see Mimzy again, you would have been the most holy person in your mortal days, and unfortunately, you weren't.
And as soon as everyone in the hotel registered the short woman's appearance, Lucifer dropped his grip on your hand, looking almost fearfully at your expression, which probably said more than a thousand words.
"Why is everybody gawking? Is it cuz I'm adorable?" The woman playfully said while posing as you gritted your teeth.
And not even a second later, Alastor immediately stopped holding your hand, "Mimzy!" The happiness was more than obvious in his tone.
"Alastor, sweetie, doll face!" In your mind you were already imagining how you could break every bone in her body. "How have you been? Good? Good," she said as she put her arms around your husband.
They even squeezed each other as they made contented sounds. "You good?" Lucifer whispered in your ear as you could almost feel your eye twitch.
"Splendid," you murmured back as the Ruler of Hell continued to look at you uncertainly, but your eyes never left the pair.
"I heard you were staying at this ritzy slob factory and I figured I'd stop by, say hi! For old times sake" you hated the way she talked about Charlie's hotel as the blonde walked even closer to Alastor, if that was even possible.
"Of course, Sweetheart! Everyone is welcome here" the enthusiasm still didn't leave your husband's voice as you balled your fists tightly.
"'Everyone is welcome' my ass," Lucifer muttered hatefully, squinting his eyes at the man dressed in red.
When Charlie asked how they knew each other, you tried to hold back as best you could, you knew what was coming.
And the moment Mimzy heard the question, an even bigger smile appeared on her face "Oh yeah. We go way back."
A little too far back, you thought.
"You know, this one used to frequent the club where I used to perform. He's the only one I knew who could pound whiskey like a sailor and then keep up with me on the dance floor," her theatrics continued as she did a little dance and received a compliment from Alastor.
"Ho ho, you should have seen her in her heyday," oh, how you wished you hadn't seen her then.
You remembered everything perfectly. Mimzy and Alastor knew each other before you married him, and you met her through him.
Alastor was always a huge fan of music, especially the music that was played at the club where Mimzy used to work. And one day he had had taken you out on a date. Of course you were excited at first, you had never been to that club before, you were expecting something spectacular since your husband was always talking about it.
And oh, how spectacular it was, Mimzy practically throwing herself at your husband like it was nothing. Now, you really weren't a jealous person, but the short woman brought out the worst in you.
At first you really tried to like her, but with every backhanded compliment, you began to truly despise her more and more.
It was obvious that she had a crush on Alastor, and that crush probably never really went away, or she just wanted to get you mad by sticking to him like glue.
"Oh, oh, my stars," she made her way to Lucifer as soon as she saw him, and you immediately made your way to Alastor while she was distracted.
"You never told me she was here," you said in a snippy tone as you approached him until you and him were face to face, just with you having to look up due to his height.
"My sweet, of course Mimzy would be in hell," he only said as he looked at the chubby woman who was currently engrossed in a conversation Lucifer had no interest in.
Before you could snap at him, the annoying voice was heard once more, "No way!" Mimzy shouted loudly as she made her way towards you, deliberately swaying her hips.
And before you could prepare, the short woman hugged you tightly as she stood on her tiptoes to lean closer to you, "Still the jealous little wench, I see," she snickered as you bit your tongue.
"Ah, just like old days," Alastor's smile still remained on his face as he looked at the two of you, obviously not having heard what his friend had just said to you.
I'll show you the old days, you thought when Mimzy finally let go of you. And then you all remembered that the tour of the hotel had to continue.
"Why don't you let the others help you settle in and I'll be back before you know it," your husband said to Mimzy as he took your hand and led you to Charlie and her dad.
"Behave," Alastor whispered in your ear as his static returned and you could only scoff.
"I'm the one who should behave?! Look at you!" You whispered back, even digging your nails into the hand that was currently holding yours.
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And while the tension between the two of you didn't go away, Mimzy already started talking to the others at the bar.
"How ya been, fur-ball?" She asked as she leaned her elbows against the bar, holding her face up with her hands.
"Good until five minutes ago" Husk wasn't happy about the whole situation, just like you, and it was obvious, and clearly ignoring his mood, she turned around to ask what Niffty has been up to.
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"I never understood why you liked her so much," you said, keeping the frown on your face as Alastor let go of your hand and wrapped his arm around your waist while Lucifer glared at him as Charlie showed him around.
"Jealous, aren't you?" He asked with his piercing smile, having already expected this reaction from you.
"She's the last person I would be jealous of," you snapped back, but in reality you knew she was everything you were ever jealous of.
Not only was she popular, but she was beautiful and confident. All the things you couldn't see for yourself.
Suddenly, Alastor laughed, even softly, I might add, as his hand rubbed your hip, "As it should be, you have nothing to be jealous of, love," your eyes widened.
He has never called you "love" before, unless it was to get attention or to make your marriage more believable decades ago.
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"Uh-huh... Thanks, pussy cat!" Mimzy said as she drank from the glass.
"Oh, fuck you" was the only thing Husk replied with as he walked away while Angel Dust made his way to the bar.
"So uh, you and Alastor are like what? Friends?"
A grin made its way across her face, "Well, that's your word, not mine, but I think it fits," Angel Dust didn't seem too convinced as he sipped from his glass, which didn't seem to make Mimzy too happy.
"Why so surprised?" She grunted as Angel Dust responded with "Well, just didn't know he had any of those. He's been here a while and is still a big, creepy mystery. I really don't know how his his wife handles him. What even is his deal?"
At the mention of you, her face fell for a split second, but she regained her composure as she began to tell them about when Alastor revealed himself as the Radio Demon.
"But underneath is all... he's a total sweetie. Put on some jazz and pour a couple fingers of rye, and he becomes a kitten!"
Sir Pentious and Angel Dust looked at her in shock, since that part didn't sound like the Overlord they knew.
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And once the tour was over and they made their way back to the bar.
"There you all are! I was starting to get real bored here," Mimzy's voice was slowly starting to make you mad once more.
"Finally," Husk grunted as he wiped the glass in his hands clean while Mimzy continued to talk.
"I bet she was the reason it took so long," obviously referring to you as she glared, "Nothing's been the same since the marriage," the short woman ranted, while you rolled your eyes at her as you suddenly felt Alastor's hand graze your back.
Looking up at him, his eyes were a fraction softer for once, as you couldn't look away.
"Since the marriage?" Lucifer asked, clearly confused as to what was being discussed.
"Their marriage, of course," Mimzy said with disgust in her voice as she nodded towards you and Alastor.
"You're married?!" Lucifer yelled as you flinched at the sudden loudness, while Alastor rubbed your arm in reassurance.
Fuck... you thought.
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lucifers-silhouette · 1 month
We Become We
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pairing: husband!lee minho x reader genre/warnings: friends to lovers, marriage of convenience, fluff, poor attempts at my trying to be funny, mc's gender is not specified word count: 1.02k note:  i am not dead yay. i tried my best since i haven't had time to write for almost a month so please take this as a peace offering ♡
Marriage. It��s an interesting concept, isn’t it? 
You’ve always thought so, at least. Two people agreeing to sign a legal document and tethering their lives to each other for whatever reason, be it love, societal expectations, familial pressure, financial security, etc. 
Yours happens to be a man named Lee Minho. The same man you’ve been friends with for as long as you can remember. The same man who asked you to marry him for a reason you didn’t get to learn until he was already down on one knee. 
(“I’m sorry, you want me to WHAT?” “Marry me. Please, I need health insurance.”
“Okay, yes, sure, whatever; now please get off the floor. People are staring.”)
Lee Minho, who, after dragging you to the courthouse and legally becoming your husband, finally elaborated on how his job would pay him more and cover both of your health insurances if he was married. So really, in his words, he was “doing you a huge favor” by marrying you. 
And, in all honesty, he really was. No, you didn’t have a ring to show off your new husband’s weird skill at finding loopholes in company policy, and you’re like thirty-five percent sure the two of you are committing some kind of marriage fraud, but does it really matter when you can finally start using the hot water in your dingy apartment without worrying if you’ll have enough money to fund your crippling caffeine addiction? The government will have to drag you kicking and screaming before you resort back to mankind’s cruelest form of torture: cold showers. 
Not to mention that marriage didn’t even change your relationship with Minho. And why would it? You’re still you, and he’s still him. He gets on your nerves just the same, maybe even a little bit more after he decided to frame your marriage certificate in his living room and send a photo to all your mutual friends. You’ll never forgive Minho for laughing at your helplessly panicked state when the group chat wouldn’t stop exploding with messages and incessant calls. 
You’re still his best friend that resides in his apartment four out of seven days of the week while he inhabits yours for the other three. Maybe that’s why, two weeks after your “wedding,” when it was time to renew your lease, Minho suggested with a simple shrug of his shoulders that you move in with him since “you’re here all the time anyway.” 
You’ve really got to learn how to say no to him because now you wake up next to your best friend/roommate/husband in his one bedroom, one bathroom apartment at the crack of dawn with a light pressure on your chest and fur in your face when his cats decide you need to wake up right now to feed them. 
Not to say you don’t like the new arrangement! No, that would be the furthest from the truth. 
Sure, you didn’t appreciate your skin care routine being interrupted by the unexpectedly high-pitched scream Minho let out when he saw you in a face mask for the first time, and what kind of person still has their phone’s brightness turned up all the way before bed? But who else would willingly tolerate your deliriousness before your morning coffee or indulge in your pleas to cook your favorite food three days in a row? 
Living with Minho has only made the purely platonic feelings you harbor for him grow stronger.
That’s what the fluttering in your chest means every time you see him, right? The reason for the smile that grows on your face when you hear the distinct jingling of keys at the front door?
Yeah, that must be why heat spread across your cheeks when he handed you his phone to text one of his friends back, because since when did the heart emoji make an appearance next to your pinned contact name?
You just care about each other, that’s all. It’s normal to want to make sure he arrived at work safely and ask how his day is going during your lunch breaks. It’s normal to start receiving back hugs before bed—a comforting weight as Minho’s chin rests on your shoulder while you apply the rest of the products to your face. 
It’s natural to have doubts about the nature of your relationship during an evening walk, acutely aware of his fingers lightly brushing against yours as you silently study his features illuminated by the soft glow of the scattered streetlights. What if he meets someone else and falls in love with them and wants a divorce and– oh. 
Has he always looked at you like that? With his gaze softening as it locks with yours? With the corners of lips lifting into the gentlest smile you’ve ever seen? With all the stars shining above you finding a second home in his eyes? A look so loving that it takes your breath away and you can’t tell if you’re about to laugh or cry in relief. 
And when you return home to get ready for bed, the familiar feeling of hands wrapping around your waist and a careful pressure resting by the crook of your neck quells the remnants of your worries.
It’s you and Minho. Minho and you, just as it always has been. Just as it’s always meant to be.
The distance between your bodies on the bed becomes nonexistent when you curl yourself into his side, laying your head on his shoulder and intertwining your legs with his as he immediately, unhesitantly, adjusts his arm, his fingertips finding purchase on exposed skin and roaming across the span of your back. A kiss to the top of your head is the last thing you feel before the gentle lull of breathing and the rise and fall of his chest begin to soothe you to sleep. 
Ah, marriage—what an interesting concept. Two people agreeing to sign a legal document and tethering their lives to each other for whatever reason, be it love, societal expectations, familial pressure, financial security, etc. 
You love your husband, and you’re beginning to think he loves you too. 
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liked this work? want to let me know how i did? please like, comment, and/or reblog; they are greatly appreciated my asks are always open ♡
taglist: @linospuddin @linocz @spicyhyunn
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lucifers-silhouette · 1 month
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— random texts pt.1 | bf.hyung line x f.reader
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𝜗𝜚 ݁ ˖┊: cw. nsfw (18+ mdni), crack, suggestive language, kys / kms jokes, cheating / breakup jokes, love in the form of insults, jokes about taking drugs (?), large misunderstandings about ringworm and aderall lmao, established relationships, all of it is jokes pls take none of it seriously
𝜗𝜚 ݁ ˖┊: maknae line | m.list
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🖇️ ‧ ₊ ˚ — chan
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🖇️ ‧ ₊ ˚ — minho
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🖇️ ‧ ₊ ˚ — changbin
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🖇️ ‧ ₊ ˚ — hyunjin
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lucifers-silhouette · 1 month
Fic Finding
Okay so I'm getting kinda desprate, so lets see if this helps.
Hey hey hey, I'm sorts new to using tumbler but like years ago I used to love this fanfic writing called @xiaomoon who then became  @LIXESQUE EXCEPT now I can't actually find them.
My bookmarks just lead me to the not found page and I'm :((
I don't know what to do, can I even access thier posts again ?there were some really good fics
I have a couple urls from them if it'll help:
I tried the wayback machiene, I could only reach thier master list:
What do I do??? is there a way or is it just hopeless??
Also this fic, but it's not as important rip https://6lueprint.tumblr.com/post/663652427950702592/a-scientific-answer-pairings-non-idolseungmin-x
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lucifers-silhouette · 1 month
As an Australian, I appreciate this so so so so much, I absolutely can not thank you enough for writing thisbsisjjsbz
the lantern room | l. minho ☼
⇝ Australia!Au: jeongin, seungmin, felix, jisung, hyunjin, changbin, minho, chan, woojin ⇝ Pairing: Lee Minho / Gender neutral reader
⇝ Genre: fluff, a little angsty tbh but its not bad at all. strangers to friends to lovers, lighthouse keeper and local penguin enthusiast minho!!
⇝ Words: 15, 416 (i know its adschjk)
⇝ Summary: Minho Lee was the local mystery boy. You didn’t know him, but you knew he looked after the lighthouse and fed the local penguins. That was until the storm.
⇝ A/N: vanta the cat based off of nathan the cat!! is my bias showing??? this is so much longer than my other ones im so sorry it’s just minhos so easy to write for n this idea i just kept unknowingly building on meaning it all takes ages to resolve ahbdbsjhgfd. very very special thanks to @briee-elle who beta read it for me and edited it and just saved my life basically!! ily bub
⇝ Music: here is the playlist i listened to whilst writing!!
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Keep reading
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lucifers-silhouette · 1 month
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𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fluff and general dumbassery
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: himbo!changbin, himbo!jisung, tiktok pranks and danni's shitty attempt at comedy
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: ngl i made felix shorter than the rest cause i just know his ass would'nt fall for this shit, my guy would probably be the one to do this prank on u 😭 similar to my last tiktok prank reaction, check it out here! reblog for a kiss, feedback much appreciated!
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your stupid tiktok pranks are the bane of this mans existence
such a boomer
stares at you like (ಠ_ಠ) as you’re trying to push him into your room to hide
he already has to deal with seven other idiots causing him emotional distress on a daily basis and yet here you are joining in?
breaks into a sweat as soon as the word ‘boyfriend’ leaves your lips
literally like ???? idk if you knew this but,,, I’M your boyfriend 
will dig his feet into the carpet as you’re trying to push him through the door and won’t move until you explain yourself >:(
you just think he looks sososo cute confused and frustrated so you crack pretty quickly 
after u explain he just does that disappointed dad sigh™️ and walks away 
if u weren’t such a cutie he would’ve ditched ur ass by now istg
so close to snapping 
can’t deal with ur shit anymore
(he loves you really)
(but fr he’s on his last straw, you stress him out)
literally just chilling on one of his rare days off scrolling through his phone when you strike
now ur all up in his face like ‘bro u need to hide! my boyfriend is on his way!!’
legit just stares you out for a minute straight before just
‘get tf away from me 😃’
and you can tell he’s not gonna fall for another one of ur stupid pranks but u also can’t give up now cause u made a bet with felix so
‘no i’m serious! he’s like two minutes away, hide!!’
will continue sitting there
trust me he thinks ur really cute but he also wishes you’d just stfu once in awhile
if you continue on with your little prank he’ll just turn around and say ‘nah, i kinda wanna meet this guy now’
there’s no winning with his stubborn ass trust me
was asleep
so peaceful
then suddenly a wild girlfriend (you) appears
you felt kinda bad for disturbing him cause !! he looked so cute !! all pouty and sleepy
but still tiktok pranks reign superior than ur boyfriends sleep
so fking confused and doesn’t know what tf is going on
his fight or flight kicks in as soon as ur panicked whisper of ‘quick! my boyfriend is on his way, you need to hide!’ hits his ears
tucks and rolls right underneath that bed
will peek out from under the bed and be like ‘this good? ��’ pls
himbo!changbin for the win
will hide for a good half hour before he realises 
i’m the boyfriend
bitches about it for at l e a s t two weeks
gets so worked up about it lmao
will be in the middle of a nice ~peaceful~ snack 
before being rudely interrupted
just stares u in the face with that real bitchy eye squint he loves to do
‘oh u think ur funny’
and you almost give up on the prank cause he’s just giving you the side eye while munching on his snack
loves to make you feel dumb 
he gets so annoyed over it but the more you insist on him to hide the more he actually starts to believe it
deep down he knows it’s a joke but also gets jealous over this non-existent side piece you have <3
‘okay fine, ill hide. but only cause ur cute.’
hides all grumpy in the storage cupboard with his snack
all you can hear are angry chewing noises
(ex: soobin)
another one to bring this up in future and bitch over it
whenever you ask him to help you with smith he’ll just be like
‘oh why don’t you get your boyfriend to help you’ and walks away
petty af but we been knew
but he’s pretty so you let him have it
so :o
listens very intently as you explain that your boyfriend is on his way and immediately goes into panic mode
‘okay i have a plan’
freaks out and drags you into the empty space below your stairs while shushing you
1/3 bimboracha 
‘he won’t find us here’
doesn’t understand why ur laughing ??? this is serious ???
9/10 chance he doesn’t know what’s actually going on
another one that takes way too long to figure out that he’s your boyfriend 
so close to organising an intervention against ur tiktok pranks
will make a 20 minute powerpoint on why tiktok should be banned in the dorms and will make you sit through the whole thing
idk just don’t do this to him, his dramatic ass wouldn’t be able to handle it
lee felix tiktok king™️
already knows what you’re trying to do before you even do istg
he’s ten steps ahead of you at all times with this tiktok shit
catches you looking at him out of the corner of your eye all morning and giggling and kinda had an idea of what you were planning
also he saw ur tiktok likes
this isn’t a cute little prank anymore this is a competition
on guard as soon as you strike and ready to shut that shit down
‘felix, quick hide in my closet! my boyfriend is gonna be here soon!!’
literally just goes
‘i’m ur boyfriend stupid’
and that’s that
there’s no fooling him
you planned to strike while he was asleep cause that’s the only time ur sure he won’t just immediately dismiss you and be like ‘tf are you on?’
swats you away a good three times as you try to shake him awake
does that grumpy teenager thing where he pulls the covers over his head and just hopes you’ll leave
if he can’t see u then u can’t see him
groans as soon as he hear that stupid tiktok line leave your mouth
just goes
‘okay?? i’m asleep anyway??? literally just hang out with him in the living room and go away???’
does not give a shit
you really wanna get him though
so you invite hyunjin over
and as soon as he hears another guys voice coming from the living room you bet ur ass he’s practically throwing himself down those stairs
just stares at you and hyunjin 
so fking out of breath
grumpily walks back up those stairs and you s w e a r  you heard him mumble ‘bitch’ under his breath 😭
but also will do whatever you say cause he’s whipped af
human personification of that one hamster meme when you come rushing up to him freaking out about how your boyfriend was on his way over
panics with u
he doesn’t like seeing you stressed :( 
but in the middle of ur ranting he’s like
‘okay wait i can just hide in there- wait, boyfrIEND?! BUT I’M UR BOYFRIEND!!!1!!!!!11!!’
literally doesn’t know what to do when you just shush him
stays hiding in there until you take pity on him and tell him to come out
does his little walk of shame out and just stands there for a good five minutes staring at you
has never felt betrayal like it
has trust issues now
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© 𝐬𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐬𝐦𝐬 — 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝. 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠/𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐭𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝.
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lucifers-silhouette · 1 month
Needy nerd Seungmin who has a crush on you but he’s sure you don’t even know he exists. Jisung drags him to a party and you’re there. He hides behind a corner to look at you dancing with your friends, he’s so focused he doesn’t notice someone slamming into him so suddenly his glasses fall.
Needy nerd Seungmin who’s surprised when, while searching for his glasses, he sees a blurry hand offering him the aforementioned glasses. The moment he puts them on his nose, your face is brought into focus. He’s so embarrassed he just stands still looking at you, mouth agape and blinking rapidly. “Have fun!” you wish him as you leave and he wants to hide.
Needy nerd Seungmin who’s sitting in class and is ready to be an asshole to whoever just sat near him because people talk during class and he hates it, but when he raises his head he sees you and he’s back to the party, motionless save for his eyes that are blinking a bit too fast. You give him a small smile and get ready to listen to your prof.
Needy nerd Seungmin who spends the whole class trying to come up with something to tell you, only to end up speechless when, the moment class is dismissed, you turn to him and ask “Seungmin, right? Do you want to study together?” He can only nod, trying not to make a fool of himself. What he doesn’t know is that you’ve been trying to get his attention for the best part of this semester.
Needy nerd Seungmin sitting near you in a corner of the library, it’s empty and quiet because it’s a Friday night and almost everyone else is partying and living their college lives. He’s only pretending to study because you are wearing a skirt and he can see the skin of your thighs. He wants to know what it’d feel like under his hands, under his mouth.
Needy nerd Seungmin who whines way too loudly when you grab his hand and put it on your thigh, looking at him under your lashes. “You can move your hand a centimeter for each page you’ll actually study.” He’s already hard in his slacks, but now that he has a goal, he's gonna be a very fast student.
Needy nerd Seungmin who whimpers when, hidden behind a bookshelf, you suck on his neck. You touching his cock through his slacks, palming him, is too much for him, and he comes pressing against your hand.
Needy nerd Seungmin who’s like a puppy the moment after he just came:, licking at your neck, nosing at your skin and begging you to let him touch you properly.
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lucifers-silhouette · 2 months
🥹🥹🫠🫠🤕🤕🤕🥰🥰🥲🥲🥲☺️☺️☺️☺️🥺🥺🥺 ITS SO CUUTEEEE
Isn't it Delicate?
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[ completed ]
synopsis: after three years of no contact, when you get paired with lee minho for a course project you get to build back the friendship you both had left behind. It would have been perfectly fine if the reunion hadn't brought out your suppressed feelings for the boy you had bottled in years ago, but of course when is life ever that simple?
pairing: gender neutral! reader x minho
genre: smau, university au, ex-friends to close friends to lovers, fluff, angst
character introduction
1. long time no see
2. first day of class
3. hi y/n
4. do they know?
5. soonie doongie dori stan
6. study sessions
7. at the lovestay cafe
8. you're really good
9. come home
10. outside your dorm
11. maybe just a little bit
12. the performance
13. drunk texts
14. only want you
15. stop reading my chat
16. what did minho do
17. <3
18. movie night
19. cats >>>
20. such an obedient kid
21. i'm jealous
22. you know joy
23. it's complicated
24. can't even look at him
25. thank you for existing in my life
26. the last exam
27. he had it coming
28. they're talking again
29. I don't swing that way
30. back to square one
31. the confrontation
32. too drunk to care
33. I'd love to go
34. the picnic
35. you'll never lose me
several years down the lane
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lucifers-silhouette · 2 months
Blood lust memes Part.2!
Story on ao3, made by Babygrillbree.
Some has already happened, others are what I interpret the characters will act like towards us.
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lucifers-silhouette · 2 months
SKZ OT8!Fake Texts - Valentines Day Edition❤️
Genre: Suggestive and Fluffy, a good mix of both
Warnings: There's a different relationship for each one of the boys. I put the relationship next to their names, Felix is super sweet, Cursing, Chan's bubble messages today gave me inspo, Binnie is suggestive
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Chan - Best Friend
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Minho - Boyfriend
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Changbin - Talking stage (But hooking up)
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Hyunjin - Best Friend
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Felix - Boyfriend
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Han Jisung - Boyfriend
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Seungmin - Freinds w/ benefits
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I.N - Best Freind
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lucifers-silhouette · 2 months
Alastor x reader with Morningstar reader? Where Alastor is their lover (hates the term boyfriend) only in private and literally no one knows but husk.
It was rather difficult keeping your relationship with the hotelier a secret.
But Alastor insisted.
He didn’t want everyone in your business,’private affairs should stay before the two invloved’ is what he had told you.
So you respected your lover’s wishes.
It had been a rather busy week at the hotel. Your sister had burned your brain for new ideas to incorporate into the bonding exercises.
You plopped at the bar, tapping the wood for Husk to make you a drink.
You smiled in appreciation when he gave you a double shot, happily throwing it back with a sigh.
You wouldnt see Alastor til later on as he was busy with some business.
”Never thought Ill see you so worn for wear princess” the cat mused as you gave him puppy eyes for another shot.
You sighed “I’m exhausted. Charlie has all these ideas and she’s got me all frazzled. I-I just want a break and some time to just think” 
He hummed as he cleaned your empty glass
”Then just tell ‘er. Charlie has enough support that you can have some time to yourself. I think the both of you deserve some alone time.”
You groaned. Husker was the only person who knew you and Alastor were a couple. 
I mean when you catch a Princess of Hell making out with the Radio Demon what else could they be?
You mulled it over, it had been awhile since you and Alastor had some real alone time. The two of you had been working around the clock to help Charlie maintain the hotel.
And you really missed the red demon.
”I don’t know Husk” you fiddled with your hands
”He’s got so much on his plate and I don’t want to be a burden” you pouted.
Husk let out a low chuckle “Trust me Princess. He needs it as much as you do, Hell probably even more. He’s been more aggravating than usual”
You smiled at the cat. Maybe Husk was right.
Just as you went to say something, buzzing static reached your ears.
You smiled when you saw Alastor, happy to see him after a long week.
Alastor made his way to you and sighed in relief once he wrapped his arms around you.
You pressed a soft kiss to his cheek, cupping it as you made him look at you “You look tired”
The red demon hummed “Nothing I can’t handle my dear I assure you”
Husk sucked his teeth, mumbling under his breath “yeah right”
Alastor threw him a glare that made you giggle.
You straightened his bow tie “Husk said you’ve been out of sorts and suggested we take a well deserve break. How bout we tell Charlie were gonna go recruiting for a few days? I think a little trip is needed” You scratched his undercut, making him melt.
”How can I say no to spending time with you darlin” he smiled, whisking you away to go find Charlie and put on a show.
Maybe you’ll keep your secret just a little while longer….
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lucifers-silhouette · 2 months
Charlie: “Men’s section”… more like where the hot women shop
Angel Dust: “Women’s section”… more like where the hot men shop
Sir Pentious: “Soup section”… more like where’s the clothes
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lucifers-silhouette · 2 months
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My Charming Red Savior [5]
・❥ You make a deal with Alastor, uh oh?
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
x: i actually enjoy alastor’s room a lot, esp that little pocket dimension he’s got going on. thought we’d take a chapter and play around with it!
~ 6.1k words
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When you stepped into Alastor’s room, the last thing you expected to see was the opposite wall divulging into some swampy void of tall, dark trees as fog rolled across the grass. You swore you could even hear the faint sounds of bullfrogs calling across the flooded expanse.
A bayou in the middle of the hotel? Alastor must have done this, no doubt. Stopping just past the threshold to the large room, you pointed a questioning finger towards the swamp. 
“What is that…?” 
“Just a place to test my powers,” Alastor brushed past you, and the soft, orange lights nearby flickered to life as he entered beside you, “Somewhere the consequences of my actions won’t affect the outside world.”
“Correct,” Alastor seemed to be enjoying educating you on magic and what he was capable of, as he continued to undo his coat near the doorway as you explored, “The limits of my powers continue to expand, and anyone with a good head on their shoulders would do well to understand the potential risks involved when playing around with demonic forces. This is a sanctuary I can do that without causing chaos inside the hotel… and a quaint little view as well.”
“Is it real?” Your gaze skimmed across old black-and-white photos of demons you didn’t recognize.
“An illusion carefully crafted with years of work. I’ve fine-tuned it to display scenes closest to my memories from before.”
“It must remind you of home,” you said softly, eyes tracing an alligator skeleton nailed to the wall, a string of small, flickering lights snaking around its ribs and up its tail. 
Even if Alastor never mentioned it without a little prodding, it seemed as if his old home on Earth was something he continued to keep close to him. He still had a passion for music, for southern food, and his drive to keep everything the way it was only further displayed his fondness towards his life on earth. What wasn’t there to miss when you’d end up in a place like this for eternity?
“Indeed,” Alastor nodded slowly, and you watched his signature red suit slip slowly down his back. Underneath, a crimson dress shirt shimmered softly in the ambient light. Thin, leather straps hugged tightly across his chest and back, before wrapping around his shoulders for one and down his sides to latch tightly on his dress pants. 
The chest suspenders accentuated his slenderness, shaping the pointish frame of his suit to lovely lines like the noticeable curve of his hips. His thin, feminine waist was as prominent as ever with the straps keeping his shirt nestled tightly against his skin, revealing a more sophisticated figure than what his tuxedo suit had to offer.
You prayed Alastor would turn around to face you, only so you could see how yummy he looked from the front while he placed his signature red coat onto the hanger next to the door. You struggled to keep your eyes up as they traveled farther and farther down his firm back until—
Wait, a second. Was that small, dark red tuft of fur that was nestled against the small of his back, actually what you think it is? 
It jutted out from the top of Alastor’s pants, relaxed against the tight fabric. As the demon walked towards the bookshelf, arm raising towards a vintage radio, it swished cutely behind him. You zoned in on the ball of fluff, mouth slightly agape.
Heat instantly crept onto your cheeks, your fingers twitching, itching to reach forward and wrap your fingers around the plush fur. Alastor’s tail looked as soft as his ears, and that made your face only boil hotter as you imagined how his hair must feel similar. The thought of burying your face in him like a pillow made you smile dopely, before the realization of what you were thinking made you clamp your lips into a thin line.
Smacking a hand over your face, you tried to hide your embarrassment as Alastor moved a few feet further away, completely oblivious to your flustered figure ogling him.
What was wrong with you?! Here you were supposed to be helping him with his wounds but instead you were too busy drooling at how pretty he was!
Alastor’s tail was much more reactive than his ears, and as his fingers fussed with the radio dial, the increasingly audible jazz tune that began to waft through its speakers had that tuft of fur beginning to rise. White peaked from his underfur, as it slowly lifted in a silent expression of pleasure from the demon, as the music began to pour from the radio crystal clear.
You could understand why he was so intent on keeping it hidden underneath his suit. It didn’t seem like Alastor had complete control of his tail, and there was no doubt he saw it as a ‘weakness’ that other powerful demons could use against him somehow.
You thought it was adorable, and somehow, you’d convince Alastor of that too. 
A gentle jazz beat with words you didn’t recognize wafted through the air, as Alastor turned to face you with a satisfied grin. Your eyes instantly shot up to meet his own, but not in time for the demon to notice your strange, heated demeanor and the way you cracked a quick, innocent grin. 
He definitely caught you staring at his ass, and now you had other things to stare at with how snug that leather strap was across his upper body, and the way it seemed to only make his chest puff out even more. You definitely weren’t having a hard time controlling your gaze as Alastor sidled to the desk, a playful glint from his monocle as his eyelids lowered slightly. 
“Find something of interest?” He hummed, cracking a charming smile as he slid his claws gently across the oak desk’s surface, tracing lines downward until he landed at the top drawer. Pulling it open as you averted your gaze, eyes searching for anything of interest.
“Why, yes,” you nodded, putting a hand to your chin in dramatic thought as your attention landed on the bookshelf Alastor had just moved away from, the rows of books on full display, the titles unreadable in the dim light.
“You love to read, unsurprisingly.” You smiled as Alastor pulled a small medical kit from the drawer, turning to face you slowly, “Do you have a preferred genre?” 
“Murder mysteries are a favorite of mine,” He nodded, striding over to the twin vintage cushioned chairs that sat next to the fireplace, “The fear and the adrenaline that spikes through the protagonist as they try to find the killer before the killer finds them, a thrilling hunt from both sides.”
Alastor giggled at that, placing a hand to his mouth as if recalling a fond memory as you slowly joined him next to the fireplace. It flickered with bright green light, licking at the metal railings keeping its size in check as Alastor stood beside the chair, gesturing you to sit.
“You’re the one injured,” you frowned, plopping down into the chair as you took the medical kit from his free hand, “It should be me doing these things for you.” 
“Manners don’t go out the door just because there is blood present, I am still a gentleman,” Alastor replied with a waggle of his finger, before he took a seat near you, his claws tapping against the chair’s arm rhythmically with the jazz music. 
The warmth from the fire had your eyes drooping slightly, exhaustion tickling the back of your scalp. Even though it was technically still early afternoon, almost getting blown up multiple times, meeting the king of Hell who also saved your life, and being in the center of the two power demon’s bickering had drained you. 
Alastor’s room was very serene, the soft jazz lulling you into a tranquility that had you sinking further into the chair. The deep brown, neutral tones of the antique furniture that framed the room, along with the orange lights that flickered softly along the walls were easy on your eyes, and you smiled softly as you unclipped the medical case’s lid and opened it slowly.
With invisible hands, Alastor’s chair moved forward without effort, scraping softly against the dark red carpet beneath before stilling right as his legs were about to brush against your own. Skimming through the contents of bandaids, your attention landed on packaged tiny alcohol wipes and thin white gauze. Placing the two items on your lap, you leaned over and placed the medical kit on a side table nearby. 
Lifting a hand towards Alastor, you beckoned him forward and he slid his fingers into your palm. He leaned forward as you pulled his hand into your lap, one elbow against the arm of the chair, a hand cupping his chin as he watched you tenderly dab his cuts with the alcohol wipe. The smeared blood against his skin was cleaned off as you worked, and Alastor only silently judged you on the strange, affectionate behavior.
Why would you care so much about a few scratches on his hand, when it meant nothing in the long run. It's not like the rose was made out of angelic steel, yet you fretted simply because he could still feel the sting of the thorns on his tender skin.
For any other demon, Alastor would have slapped them across the face with a tentacle for suggesting to look after him in this way. Why would he reveal any kind of weakness to someone who could use it against him, or view him as what, fragile, delicate? That was not something The Radio Demon could have for his image.
Except, your intention was nothing but pure since the first time Alastor had met you. Even Charlie, the sweet and naive woman he’d come to grow fond of, still had her reasons for treating Alastor with great kindness. He was beneficial to her hotel’s success, and as long as he felt welcomed, he’d help her turn her dreams into reality. Since he began climbing the political ladder of Pentagram City, anytime someone wanted his presence was to use him. 
You, on the other hand, had no ulterior motive. Even when you learned from your friend the terrible things they claim Alastor committed, your curiosity and kindness towards him never faltered. 
You had never asked for his help, even going so far as to deny his assistance when it came to putting that snobby boss of yours back in line. Every time the two of you had crossed paths, it had been him initiating the meeting, him making the first moves for you to notice his presence, him seeking you out. 
And now, even seeing Alastor in any kind of vulnerable state, your soft and gentle demeanor didn’t waver, didn’t dull knowing he wasn’t a second-to-none overlord that could take on any threat as he’s so valiantly demonstrated before.
You didn’t value him any less for his injuries, and in truth, your image of him only improved knowing he was just a man in demon form. Someone with insecurities, human emotions like pain and jealousy, and a good eye for flora.
Except, Alastor wished you’d be paying less attention to his grievous wounds, and instead of focusing on the question you were rudely interrupted trying to answer this morning. 
“Come to a decision on your stay at the hotel?” 
Your hands halted in mid-air, the gauze between your fingers while you had been finishing up wrapping his fingers with the white tape. You had been thinking this whole time about different haircuts to subtly introduce Alastor to improve the only slightly lacking feature on his figure.
“Well–I, um, about that…” you started, grimacing at the way the words fell out of your mouth were scrambled under his intense gaze, “I have been thinking, but I mean, there’s a lot to think about. First off, while I believe Charlie really has something going on here with the hotel… I don’t think I fit the criteria.”
“Of course you do!” Alastor chuckled, as if you had just said the silliest thing to have graced his ears, “If a harlot and that slithering simpleton have a chance at leading a virtuous existence, then I'd say the cards are in your hands for that too!” 
You were about to open your mouth, before he leaned back into his chair, slipping his bandaged hand out of your grip and back to his side to inspect it carefully. 
“And, I’m quite confident you could find a more fulfilling job here at the hotel, instead of under that spineless wretch of a man,” Alastor continued, reclining back into the chair as he tilted his head in thought.
“Not to mention, complimentary room and board? My, you’ve got a very tantalizing offer right in front of you, any sorry bloke off the street would be jumping at the opportunity you’ve been given.”
Was that true? Alastor was really selling this to you, and you reached up a hand to soothingly scratch your neck as you thought. Would it be so bad to stay here? 
Your thoughts from earlier this morning replayed in your head. There wasn’t anything specifically keeping you from denying the offer. You worked a dead-end job around people you were uncomfortable with, the place you were renting was small and falling apart, and you had nobody holding you back. Your friends were there, but weren’t close in your circle. Which kind of meant you didn’t have a circle… except these new demons at the hotel. You were warming up to them, and they weren’t too bad.
Did you really have a shot at redemption? Were you worthy of eternal happiness?
What if having such made you a laughingstock, what if joining these people made you a target of Heaven? That wouldn’t be good, and you were a nobody with no power that 
“Al…” You sighed with a groan, placing your head into your hands. Why did you have to be so indecisive?!
“Why don’t we make a deal?” Alastor's smile cracked wider, the curves of his lips becoming sharper as an unreadable expression crossed his eyes.
“A deal?”
“Just a simple thing,” He smiled innocently, leaning  “No contract or handshake necessary, I believe you are trustworthy to hold up your end with just words.”
God, he was super close to you now, practically nose to nose as he looked at you expectantly. A playful glint shimmered in his red monocle, and your breath hitched at his proximity. 
“What kind of deal?” You finally whispered, heat creeping onto your cheeks.
“You want to learn my interests, want a peek into my life above, hm?” He inched closer to you, smile widening as you leaned backward, “If I take you directly to the source, show you life as I lived it, then you must move to the hotel and stay for one month.”
‘Source’? What did he mean by that? And, if you agreed, you had to stay for a month? But, he was going to open himself up and share his past life with you, which meant a lot to you. 
His eyelids lowered again, something you had noticed earlier when he caught your ogling. Were they lowered in amusement? Some amateurs attempt at bedroom eyes? You could hardly think straight with how close he was to you, a hundred routes of where things could go next skimming through your mind.
Maybe that was just a delusion of yours, wanting Alastor to show more interest than just pretty flowers and a ring that he seemed to sport on you just for show. You barely knew the man, but his kindness and, oh, and that voice… you were just so impatient.
Alastor wasn’t a big physical romantic, you could tell. Which meant you needed to take things slow, respect his space and his pace. He flustered so easily when you complimented him, obviously new to the whole romantic thing in general, and that only made you want to do it again.
Which meant, it would be you that would have to make some moves this time. Even if they were small, it seemed any act of affection would send the deer demon into a tizzy. A kiss on the cheek? Too brazen. A flower crown for his antlers? A little too cottage-girly for him, perhaps.
“I enjoy your excitement at my proposition,” Alastor broke you from your thoughts, as he smiled widely at your dopey expression again, “But I’ll need you to agree with words, darling.”
You really needed to learn to keep your facial expressions in check, it was embarrassing how easily Alastor had been able to catch you mid-daydream so easily. 
“...Okay.” You finally whisper, and energy crackles inside the room right as the words leave your lips.
“Wonderful!” Alastor beamed, rising from the chair in one smooth motion, his good hand wrapping around your forearm suddenly before pulling you up beside him.
Blinking, you felt him slip an arm around yours before tugging you across the room. The jazz from the radio seemed to increase in volume the closer the two of you stepped closer to the pocket dimension a few feet away.
You halted right at the edge, the croaking from the frogs, and distant calls of the owl grew louder as you lifted your head towards the looming trees. The sky was starless, a large, dark blue shadow masking the scene at night as the fireflies danced. What was Alastor planning?
“Just a moment, I need to grab my cane,” he left your side, walking back to the fireplace as your gaze stayed frozen on the swampy atmosphere ahead. 
You leaned forward, trying to get a better look around the weird little pocket-dimension. Even the air inside changed, you could practically taste the humidity in the air as it began to stick to your forehead.
Did the grass still feel like grass, even in a powerful illusion like this? You had no idea Alastor was capable of this kind of magic, especially such vivid scenery. Slowly, you lifted a foot over where brown wood melted into greenery, still hesitant to touch the strange grass.
You held a breath as you crossed the threshold, the sounds of grass crunching beneath as you walked into the wetland. You could feel the water in the soil squelching as you walked slowly, towards nowhere in particular as you twisted your head at the unfamiliar area. 
Thick, swampy vines curled around large trunks and snaked into deep, mucky waters. The way was illuminated by the flickering bodies of fireflies as they danced almost rhythmically to the soft jazz in the background. Sometimes, the surface of the water nearby would ripple, and you swore the shadow of a long body of something stalking underneath the surface passed right next to you.
When you turned to face the line of trees in the distance, two pairs of glowing, yellow eyes met yours. A silhouette of a four-legged creature, tall with branching antlers that tickled at the leaves above its head. The two of you locked eyes for a few moments, and you opened your mouth slightly in awe as it stood elegantly before you.
“My, you are quite a wanderer!” A chipper voice exclaimed behind you, and you pivoted with a yelp to face the static-laced voice smiling softly toward you.
“This place is really amazing,” you laughed, twisting your head to find the buck had disappeared, “It actually feels like we’re back on Earth, almost.”
“It gets better,” Alastor hummed beside you, extending a hand that you accepted with gentle fingers as he grasped you softly.
“Well, how do I look?” He leaned closer to you, puffing his chest slightly as you skimmed across his pretty figure.
Your hands tentatively lifted to adjust the slightly angled black bowtie near his collar, and Alastor only watched you carefully as you fixed it back into place. 
“Perfect,” you sang with a smile, and he mimicked your expression with glee.
“Always a charm, my doe.” Alastor winked, before he slid his arm through yours once more and stood shoulder-to-shoulder beside you. 
His smile was playful, as he glanced at you standing tense beside him. You had a sneaking suspicion he was going to teleport you again, or do something magically stomach-twisting that had you wishing for a paper bag on the side.
“Now, close your eyes…” 
You followed his instruction, squeezing them shut with a deep breath.
You barely had time to exhale before the wind around you turned to a deathly chill, and the humidity was zapped from the air as that familiar feeling of weightlessness had you tightening your hold on Alastor.
You felt him shifting beside you, although you couldn’t imagine into what as your eyes stayed shut tight, cold gripping at your shoulders. It felt like the ground was alive, transforming right beneath you with barely a tremble as you held your breath tightly. 
Then, your ears popped and you felt the grass beneath your feet shift to firm, rocky pavement. There was music, jazz again, but this time the words were audible as women's voices sang with the bumping rhythm. 
‘I’m just a little Jackie Horner,’
‘Since I met my sugar cane,’ 
“Are you going to keep your eyes shut the entire time?” Alastor prodded beside you, his tone laced with amusement as you relaxed slightly at the sound of his voice. 
Taking a deep breath, you crack an eyelid, the darkened atmosphere easy on your vision as you slowly open your eyes to reveal a scene straight out of a history book. 
You were standing in the middle of a cracked, paved road, illuminated by a stretch of tall lamps that cast warm orange tones across the street. Buildings with tall shutters for windows beckoned an invisible finger for you to follow, as spicy, southern food hit your nostrils and the sounds of riled entertainment reached your ears.
‘I left a light lamp on that old corner,’
‘For the moon in lover’s lane,’ 
They all held porches that spanned the entire front of the house-sized buildings. Darkened, silhouetted figures laughed above your head, as you stood there in awe. 
There were a few cars parked on the sides of the street, with thin, flimsy wheels reminding you of distant times when vehicles were just starting to reach the public eye. 
It really felt like you had stepped into the past, everything reminisced to a world before TVs, social media, and WiFi. When newspapers and radios ruled supreme, people came together and danced on the streets instead of dancing behind the camera on silly apps. 
‘When I take my sugar to tea,’ 
‘All the boys are jealous of me,’ 
“Welcome to New Orleans in Roarin’ Twenties!” Alastor beamed beside you, gesturing to the long row of storefronts, the air humming with lively energy and pulsing with vibrant rhythms of tunes long forgotten. 
You jumped at the sound of a baritone horn blaring from beside you. A steamboat filled with flickering lights and singing, boisterous voices chugged past you, its large wheel churning as water cascaded from the paddles. 
A figure turned to you, masked in shadows before they raised an arm and waved across the water towards you. Your lips curved wider with a smile, before lifting a cautious hand and returning the gesture.
‘When I take my sugar to tea,’ 
‘All the boys are jealous of me,’ 
You felt someone bump into your shoulder, another one of those mysterious figures that filled the street. 
“‘Scuse me, miss,” the stranger tipped his hat apologetically to you, bowing slightly as he brushed by.
‘So I never take her where the gang goes,’ 
‘When I take my sugar to tea,’
You twisted your head to finally get a good look at the strangers around you, before your eyes widened at the sight of a doll-like man, his mouth sewn into a wide smile. Black buttons glinted at you from where his eyes should have been, as the man placed his hat back on and turned away. 
You didn’t have time to process the sight before Alastor was pulling you down the street, a live band played outside one bar, the paint mashing keys to a much faster rhythm as two women swung each other across the sidewalk with laughter and the clicking of heels. 
Alastor pulled you along until the two of you stopped at a bakery storefront. Shadowed puppets flowed around you, as your eyes landed on a steaming plate of deep-fried goodness sitting patiently on a table right outside the doorway. 
“Beignets,” He hummed, handing you a pastry, “A cultural classic in these parts.”
‘I’m a rowdy dowdy, that’s me,’
It reminded you of a tiny pillow, sugar coating its surface as you squished the crunchy delicacy before lifting it to your lips.
Taking a bite, the warmth of the bread bloomed across your body as the food traveled down your throat. Your tongue reached out to swipe at the leftover sugar hanging on your lips, as you smiled with pleasure. 
‘She’s a high hat baby, that’s she,’
Alastor only watched you with a soft expression, a hint of amusement in his eyes as he watched you fill your mouth.
“You seem to be enjoying that,” he remarked, a hint of satisfaction in his voice.
You nodded enthusiastically, your mouth still partially occupied by the delicious treat. “It’s amazing! I’ve never tasted anything like it before,” you exclaimed, your words muffled by the pastry.
“Well, there’s a lot of things you have yet to experience, my doe!” He sang, before tugging you along with a static-laced chuckle.
As the two of you strolled down the bustling street, your eyes caught a small crowd surrounding a man in a tall, black hat as he smiled charmingly at the audience.
The magician, dressed in a dapper suit adorned with intricate patterns, stood before a small crowd, his hands moving with precision and finesse as he dazzled onlookers with his feats of magic.
Curiosity piqued, you and Alastor paused to watch the spectacle unfold. The magician’s fingers danced across a deck of cards with effortless grace, manipulating them in ways that seemed impossible. Cards vanished into thin air only to reappear in unexpected places, leaving the crowd gasping in amazement.
Alastor only glanced at you unamusingly, and you laughed softly at his facial expression. Magic card tricks were nothing in comparison to what he was capable of, and you were sure he could wow this illusionary crowd in a heartbeat.
The two of you turned, halfway down the street now, as Alastor pointed at a few different sights. He even introduced you to instruments you’d never heard of before as the two of you continued on. 
“Have you ever performed?” You turned to him, another southern treat in your hand as you kept pace underneath the gas-lit lamps above. 
“On the streets? No, not like this,” Alastor shook his head, his nails clicking against his cane rhythmically with the music wafting from a bar nearby as the two of you stood near the edge of the river. 
You had gotten your hands on a small cup of Duchess Potatoes, a light, creamier version of the classic spud. Placing a small spoonful in your mouth, you swirled the flavors across your taste buds as you watched Alastor stare out at the open expanse of water.
“Once in a while, I’d stop at an old friend of mine’s jazz club, and on the nights I had a few extra drinks in my system, I'd lend my voice to the flappers as they danced.” 
“That sounds like fun!”
“It was,” He nodded, recounting the memories with amusement, “Mimzy would always tease me that I'd make better use as a flapper than a radio host. Sometimes, I think about life if I would have 
You laughed softly, imagining such a scene of Alastor dancing in a high skirt and fishnets. 
It wasn’t until the doors to a bar at the end of the street burst open, and large instruments were dragged through the threshold and out into the streets. Men gathered, readying their musical weapons for another nightly show as onlookers turned their attention to them. 
“Do you hear that?” He asked with a large, devilish smile as he turned to face the small crowd gathering. Couples glided in, teasing each other as they paired around the pianist and his band of stringed instruments. You watched his ears twitch slightly, twisting towards the rising noises.
“It looks like they are all going to dance!” You replied next to him, and Alastor turned to see interest gleaming in your gaze. He watched you for a few moments, before his crimson eyes landed on a trolly that was moving its way down the large street and towards the band.
You felt fingers lace around your wrist, and the gentle tugging from beside you as you met Alastor’s mischievous gaze.
“Let’s make sure we don’t miss it, then!” He winked, before he pulled you towards the lumbering vehicle. 
With wide eyes, you watched Alastor take a running start and gracefully leap onto the back of the trolley, hanging tightly to the railing as he beckoned for you to join.
You watched for a moment, before taking a deep breath and running to catch up with the trolly. Laughing, you reached out a hand to grasp Alastor’s as you closed in on the back of the vehicle.
You felt a sizzle of magic drag you an inch forward, and your fingers laced with Alastor’s as he pulled you beside him. He snaked one hand securely around your waist as you leaned out from the side of the vehicle, the wind whipping against your face as you watched the street lights flicker past. 
“I used to time myself on how fast I could make it on,” Alastor’s voice broke you from your awe, and you turned your head to meet his gaze, “I’m not sure if I've improved since my younger days.” 
You only smiled softly, the proximity of his touch hot on your mind, but you didn’t speak a word as the trolley continued on its path, the bar’s lights flashing with life as you beelined towards it. 
The trolley was fast, as it sped by the large steamboat, which honked as if in greeting to the passing vehicle. The trolley replied with a jingle of its own, before the boat disappeared farther down the river.
The trolley began to slow a few feet from the band, which you were thankful for, unsure if you had the physical form to tuck and roll successfully had you needed to make a quick exit.
Alastor landed on the pavement with a thump, twisting his grip so he could help you down with both hands firmly placed at your sides. 
“Let’s hurry before we miss it!” He sang, before pulling you along towards the crowd. The pianist thrummed the keys, inciting the dancers to twirl faster and they were lost in a hypnotic bustle of bodies fluidly maneuvering against each other. The sounds of shoes hitting pavement echoed along with the drumming beat, twisting in a tune of its own creation as you and Alastor moved closer.
But, why did it look like he was going to pull you in the center? Weren’t the two of you just going to stand back and watch? 
You didn’t have time to answer your own questions before you were in the center of the dancing couples. You froze with the spotlight on you, the jazz ringing in your ears as your shoulders softly pumped to the music.
Alastor took your hands carefully, his legs beginning to move in practiced motion as you stood there awkwardly.
“I can’t dance!” You squeaked. 
“It’s the Charleston, darling!” His voice cut through the romping rhythm, sending you a charming grin as he began to move his feet, “It’s not too hard, just follow my lead!” 
Taking a deep breath, you tried to steady your nerves as you focused on Alastor’s movements. His feet moved with precision and fluidity, his body swaying effortlessly to the beat of the music. You tried to mimic his steps, clumsily at first, but with each passing moment, you found yourself growing more confident as you fell into sync with his rhythm.
As the music swirled around you, you lost yourself in the dance, allowing Alastor to guide you with gentle precision. His hands were warm and reassuring against yours, his touch sending shivers down your spine as you moved together in perfect harmony.
The sounds of shoes hitting pavement echoed in time with the drumming beat, creating a hypnotic melody that seemed to envelop you in its embrace. The world around you faded away as you focused solely on the dance.
With each step, each turn, you felt yourself letting go of your inhibitions, allowing the music to flow through you like a river. You spun and twirled with glee, lost in the intoxicating energy of the moment, a smile spreading across your face as laughter bubbled up from deep within your chest.
As the song reached its climax, you and Alastor moved as one, your bodies intertwined in a symphony of movement and sound. In that fleeting moment, there was no past or future, no worries or doubts – there was only the here and now, the exhilarating rush of the dance, and the feeling of Alastor’s touch against your skin. 
As the music faded into the night, you found yourself breathless and exhilarated, your cheeks flushed with exertion and excitement. You turned to Alastor with a grin, your eyes shining with newfound confidence.
“I can’t believe I just did that!” You exclaimed, the thrill of the dance still coursing through your veins. Alastor chuckled softly, his gaze warm and affectionate as he tilted his head towards you. 
“You were marvelous, my dear,” he replied, his voice filled with pride. “But then again, I wouldn’t expect anything less from someone as extraordinary as you.”
You returned the smile, a breathless laugh escaping your lips as you swayed next to him. The music was beginning to die, the scene slowly falling away as the grass began to replace the tiled, stone pavement under your feet. 
Never did you imagine you’d find yourself dancing near glistening waters, eating the delicacies that the human world once had to offer. 
Never did you imagine, Alastor would be such a good dancer! And, dancing with you, no less! 
“I think my hunger for information has been quenched, for now,” you smiled playfully, eyes locked onto Alastor as the world around you shifted. 
“Good,” Alastor smiled satisfactorily, before a mischievous glint reflected through his monocle, “Now… I believe it's time to hold up your end of the deal.” 
Right. The part where you had to move into the hotel. One month. Not a year, not forever, just one month. Couldn’t you decide by then? 
Yes, you could. You could come to a decision now, honestly, but something else was itching at the back of your mind. An act of affection that would no doubt get a reaction from the demon in front of you. 
“I think you’re onto something…” You nodded slowly, pulling Alastor's hand toward you with a sly smile.
Alastor’s eyebrows furrowed at your behavior, as his fingers lifted closer and closer towards your lips. 
With gentle reverence, you pressed a soft kiss to each of his fingertips, your lips lingering against his skin for a moment longer than necessary. Alastor’s breath caught in his throat, a startled look crossing his features as he watched you with wide eyes.
Finally, the roles had reversed. 
For a brief moment, the world seemed to stand still as you held his hand in yours, your lips leaving a trail of warmth in their wake. The touch of your lips against his skin sent a fire igniting inside Alastor, one he was struggling to contain. 
A flush of color spread across his cheeks, a rare display of vulnerability that took you by surprise. His usual composed demeanor faltered for just a moment, revealing the depth of emotion hidden beneath the surface.
“Y-you…” Alastor stammered, his voice barely above a whisper as he searched for the right words. But before he could find them, he was interrupted by the sound of laughter echoing in the distance, the moment broken by the world slowly shifting around you.
Clearing his throat and regaining his composure, Alastor withdrew his hand from yours with careful movements. 
“Well, I suppose we should be getting your things,” he said, his tone carefully neutral. But the faint blush on his cheeks betrayed the lingering effects of your gesture.
Behind him, the fireplace illuminated the non-magical side of Alastor’s room, the vintage clock displaying arms that had barely moved an inch since you left on your little adventure. 
“Seems so,” you replied with a honeyed tone, batting your eyelashes at him as he adjusted his bowtie with clumsy fingers.
If you had looked down while flustering the poor man, you’d have noticed his tail high, white fur on full display behind him. Instead, you brushed past him and back into the confines of normalcy.
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awwww man, we made it, alastor finally has his girl staying at the hotel! and a lil kissy kiss :3
i hope you guys could understand what was going on lmao i spent like an hour or two looking up pictures of new orleans, southern food, and steamboats 😂
thank you with your patience on this part, have a great day! 🤍
tags 1/2 🏷️
@the-tortured-poet @anonymousewrites @coleisyn @froggybich @chewbrry @watchinthestarz @mechanicalmari @luxmessorem @kottenox @cherry-cola-100 @the-shark-named-sharon @rae-pottah @just-trash-yeah-thats-it @corpsebridenightamare @pweewee @nijiru @ourfinalisation @anuttellaa @nonetheartist @bunnypeew @cryptidghostgirl @hxzbinwrites @lunaramune @enigmatic-blues @thytorturedpoet @vanhelsingsbigtoe @mixplara @blue122 @zardward @loser-bby @sirens-and-moonflowers @diaouranask @luzzbuzz @theredviolets @the-attention-whore @girl-nahh-two @moonmark98 @asianfrustration13 @fairyv-ice @missam @beezgobuzzbuzz @valentique @dory-98 @mo-0-o @willow404 @karolinda007-blog @nightreverie @luujjvi @amoraneuro @kimmikreates
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lucifers-silhouette · 2 months
Jealous Stray Kids Texts
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Slightly suggestive at parts!
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538 notes · View notes
lucifers-silhouette · 2 months
Angel: do you even know who Lady Gaga is?
Alastor: presumably the wife of Lord Gaga.
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lucifers-silhouette · 2 months
Incorrect Huskerdust quotes
Angel: Alright, bro. I’ll see you next week.
Husk: Sounds good, man.
Angel: I think we just accidentally kissed…
Husk: Quick! Do something manly!
Angel: (High-pitch moan)
Husk: (panic intensifying) What the fuck was that?!
Angel: (crying) I don’t know, man. I’m so sorry!
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