lucy387 · 3 months
*points to a pair of random fictional gay men that I'm currently obsessed with for no reason and will be for the next month* These are my babies and I love them
*pushes the ones that I'm not currently obsessed with back into my basement* Hush children you can come back out when (if) your hyperfixation returns
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lucy387 · 3 months
the problem with reading and writing leading to a strong vocabulary is that you tend to know the vibe of words instead of their meanings.
if I used this word in a sentence, would it make sense? absolutely. if you asked me what it meant, could I tell you? absolutely not.
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lucy387 · 1 year
you ever see a ship you love so much and saying "i ship them" isn't enough. like no you don't understand they give me mental illness
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lucy387 · 1 year
i don't just obsess over a ship, it becomes an integral part of my personality and i don't apologize for it
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lucy387 · 1 year
you are not a machine. you are more like a garden. you need different things on different days. a little sun today, a little less water tomorrow. you have fallow and fruitful seasons. it is not a design flaw. it is wiser than perpetual sameness. what does your garden need today?
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lucy387 · 1 year
I'm obsessed with this lately
I mean:
"if a man talks shit then I owe him nothing"
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lucy387 · 1 year
The story of my life, basically
u ever remember one of your fandoms “oh yeah thats right im into this too” and then dive head first into the rabbit hole again
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lucy387 · 1 year
A powerful third wheel
Based on a prompt by @writing-prompt-s
TW: some mentions of war happening and basically a world ending, but nothing described.
I'm tired. Usually I'm always tired, but today it's too much. I've been like this for a while and I think that I deserve an explanation now.
So, let me explain:
I'm Apollo, and I'm 153 years old. Yes, I know. I'm ancient.
A few years before I was born a prophecy was made about me. Well, not about me, about my siblings.
It said that there would be a time when chaos would unleash on earth and two siblings would be the ones to put an end to it. They would be twins, one an incarnation of all that is good and the other of all that's bad.
They would be ferocious fighters and would lead the survivors to victory.
The only problem is that the prophecy made a tiny mistake: the babies born to save the world were not twins, but triplets.
So, guess what, I'm the awful third wheel.
My sister Eirene, is the representative of good on earth. She could create flowers, wind, water, animals, among other things, out of thin air. She is kind and caring, but incredibly brave.
You mustn't underestimate her by her innocent look, because she is ferocious in battle, though always merciful when it is deserved.
On the other side, is my other sister, Eris. She is the carrier of destruction on earth. She iniciates fires, catastrophes and disharmonys to bring the world to ashes.
Contrary to Eirene, she will not have mercy with anyone who goes in her path. She is ruthless in the battlefield and not scared to get hurt.
And then, there's me. Just me.
When we were just kids, we were taught the prophecy that had fallen upon us. Although nobody understood why I even existed, they didn't dare to say it. Not with my sister's around.
They were recognized as the heroes they were ment to be when we were just two years old. An ancient master came to our home and saw us.
Saw Eirene, with her snow white hair, her light grey eyes, freckles, delicate hands and shinning smile.
And Eris, with her hair dark as the night, dark brown eyes and a weirdly wicked smile for a two-year-old.
And finally, saw me, with golden hair, hazel eyes and shy crooked smile
Since then, we were raised to know all about my sisters' future, learning how to fight, how to protect, how to speak properly, blah, blah, blah.
Basically, everything that every kid finds incredibly boring.
We were praised like gods and lived in wealth, thanked for things that we hadn't even done yet, things that I would probably never take part in.
A few decades from now, on our 100th birthday, the chaos unleashed. It was just as the prophets had said, fire raining on earth, earth shaking uncontrollably, things exploding for no reason at any time, all the missiles created by human race to prevent war being released with no one who authorized it, etc.
It was indeed something horrible to experience.
Luckily, my sisters had learned a lot during all those years that prepared them for this exact moment.
The thing that seemed so impossible, but at the same time, was destined to be, happened. They joined, good and bad, to fight and protect.
It was amazing to see them giving orders, commanding armies and rescue teams, saving lives and taking them.
I never stayed too far back. Even if my "destiny" was not like theirs, I could still help. So I did. I helped with the rescue teams, I took civilians to safety, I made sure everyone had a roof, a blanket and provisions and left to the next mission. During these years, my familiy's wealth was actually worth something.
So yes, today I am tired. Exhausted, actually. But happy, so, so, happy. Because the war ended three days ago.
I must say, I'm not only tired because of the war. I'm tired for not understanding why I'm here, when it was not meant to be. The twins, they were the ones ment to exist.
I could've been born later, and that wouldn't be confusing, that would be normal. But it's like the universe decided to play a game with me. Because not only was I born with them, but I was also inmortal. Like I could've been something important, but not quite.
So I spend most of my life feeling useless and worthless. That I did not deserve to be celebrated next to the wonders that were born the same day as me.
I don't think that anybody ment to make me feel that way, specially not my parents, but that's how it was for me.
So now, for the past three days, I'm lost. Because this sort of existencial crisis that was always following me close, waiting for the right time, caught up on me.
After the end of the war, the earth seems to be lost. Because no one know what's good and what's not, as most of the people alive was either born in war, or were too young when it started to remember what it was like before.
Now, I'm sitting on a swing, in an almost completely destroyed park, watching the sun rise, for a new day of uncertainty.
For everyone, it seems like we are about to go to another war, this time between ourselves. Because that is all most of them know.
Suddenly, I hear a branch crack next to me, and when I turn around I see one of the old temples' masters. I had him called, because I need help to understand.
-Good morning Mr. Apollo -he greeted me
-good morning Master- I responded
He sat down on another swing next to mine.
-i heard you were looking for me- he commented, calmly
-yes- I doubted for a second and remembered my manners- I terribly sorry for calling you at sunrise
-No harm done- he answered simply
-i need to ask you something
- go ahead
-i... I want to know what, or who, I'm supposed to be- I said, finally getting out what had been choking me my whole life
-I am afraid I don't understand what you want me to tell you- he told me, now looking at me curiously
-Well, my whole life I felt like I was supposed to be someone, but then found no purpose to guide me in any direction. I was born inmortal, with the burden of knowing that I would never be as important as my sisters. That I was laughed at by the universe, who decided to NEARLY make me a hero, but not exactly- I continued
-i see- he said -so you need to know If there is something I'm my studies that will help you find this purpose you so desperately seek
-As a matter of fact, there is-
-Is there?!- I asked, surprised
I expected him to give some apology and tell me that he had no idea. Frankly, this was a shock
-Yes. You see, I have studied the prophecies surrounding your family for quite some time. Neither of them mentioned a third sibling. But, I took the liberty to read the first prophecy that was made.
' it said that two SIBLINGS would be representations of good and evil respectively. It said nothing about them being just two, or three'
'so, I continued my research and it appears that a prophet, who lived hundreds of years before the other prophecy was made, predicted what I believe to be very much like you'
-What did he say?- I asked, eager to know
-He said "a man, born to live through a terrible catastrophe that would appear as the end of the world, raised between good and bad, wouldn't be a pawn in war's game, but the balance that will equilibrate the world, bringing hope and maintaining peace among lost people"- the old master told it like a story that left my head spinning slightly
I felt like for the first time in my life I could actually breath properly.
-So, what your saying that I'm supposed to be the one to restore balance in this broken world?
-I believe that's how it's meant to be, yes
And, well, that is something. After a life of feeling like an useless third wheel, I ended up being a very important one.
So I suppose, it's time to help lost people now and, rule? I gues, so...wish me luck.
Hi! If you got here, thanks for reading this LONG thing. I saw this prompt and thought to myself 'i need to write this' so I did.
I'm not used to writing anything that is not Harry Potter related, so this is new.
There is something that you might find interesting idk
The names of our triplets are from Greek gods
Apollo, among other things, is the god balance, argument and reason
Eirene was a goddess considered to be the one to bring peace
Eris was the goddess discord and the representative of envy
So, yeah, I spent a lot of time investigating names, and ended up with Greek inspired characters.
Thanks for reading, hope you liked it 💗
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lucy387 · 1 year
In a few years I'm supposed to decide what to study. And there are SO MANY THINGS that are just so interesting, how am I supposed to choose? How do people do that? It's impossible
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lucy387 · 1 year
I need a longer weekend because I need more time to do nothing.
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lucy387 · 1 year
Music is such a good therapy
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lucy387 · 1 year
Leo, obviously 💫💗
reblog with supporting evidence
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lucy387 · 2 years
Queen 👑
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Taylor Swift’s NYU commencement speech, but it’s just her jokes
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