luminae-system ¡ 9 days
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Is this anything. was thinking about it while doodling and this happened. may as well post it ig
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luminae-system ¡ 10 days
top 5 tips for someone who is pretty sure theyre a system but dont know anything about their alters or plurality?
If I tried to order all my tips in order of recommendation we'd be here forever as I reorganize them endlessly, so I'm just going to give you the first five tips that come to my mind.
Don't try to push yourself to figure everything out immediately! It's fine and perfectly normal for self-discovery to take time. And you don't want to rush anything that might require delicate work, like the possibility of trauma that's been tucked away somewhere or conflict between alters just becoming aware of each other. As interesting as questioning would be as a speedrun category, you sadly cannot speedrun figuring out who you are and how your life may be changed in response to something like this.
Decide for yourself how you feel about roles and labels. You can have a billion of them, you can have none of them, you can make your own, you can have ones that seem "contradictory" at first glance, you can have super specific ones, you can have the vaguest ones known to mankind. Don't let anyone tell you how you should or should not feel about roles or labels.
Keep a journal! It can help so much to have something outside of your head to keep track of everything. Something you did was oddly plural? You feel this way about something whereas you felt this other way about it earlier? You think you might not be a system after all but enjoyed the introspection anyway? It's all there for you to get out of your system (no pun intended)!
Similarly to the last one, use a template to create profiles for your maybe-alters. You can branch outside of this later, but early on, when you're trying to figure out who everyone is and what you're doing, it can help a lot to have a clear-cut list of questions to answer (or pass on). And remember to include something silly or fun as one of the questions so it's not all super serious and intimidating!
If it turns out you are plural... don't neglect intrasystem bonding and your overall system health. It's easy to get caught up in how things are going in the meatspace; how you're going to balance your life out here, but... you all need and deserve some time and space to be yourselves, too. Accommodate for individual expression where you can. Organize bonding activities with your alters. Be polite to them. Don't push them to be open about themselves if they're not ready or berate them for not perfectly masking if they can't. Even if you don't see each other as individual people, you each have all of a person's needs for individuality and respect. Allow them to be themselves. Allow yourself to be yourself. And don't be afraid to care about each other. That's how you build a healthy system, like how you'd build any other kind of healthy community.
I hope these tips help!
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luminae-system ¡ 29 days
We made a less bright variant for accessibility purposes, hope that is okay.
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-Luminae system (They/them)
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This is the altpackgenic flag! Explicitly anti radqueer, it is when your origins are influenced by an alter pack/headmate pack/alter inspiration pack.
The green represents community. These packs are made by and for the community and can be used by and be helpful to anyone regardless of origin.
The yellow represents happiness. The happiness of community and helping others, as well as the happiness of creating these packs.
The white represents strength. The strength of being yourself in spite of everything, and the strength of the community to lift itself up and exist.
The purple represents creativity, as that's inherent to the community and for the alter/headmate packs.
And if I had to pick an emoji for this flag, I would choose 💭
Please do not start any discourse on this post. We would just like credit when asked who created this flag.
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luminae-system ¡ 2 months
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luminae-system ¡ 3 months
thank you so so much for the long and thorough answer, it was very comforting to know its not bad to want to keep delusions even if this is one.
Now I feel more at peace, and well, Daena is less annoyed with me now XD /silly
Danny (host) speaking here. Could any systems with psychotic symptoms help us out? Questioning everything and it's a mess.
Tw: long post, system questioning, doubts, venting, hallucination and delusion discussion, bc of that possibly an unreality warning?
Man, the awful thing about having auditory hallucinations is that now I am questioning everything I believe about myself to see if it could be a delusion.
And well, the first thing to question is the stereotypical "talking to the voices in your head!". Could I be really talking to myself and not another headmate? Daena says I'm stupid and she is very much real but I don't know what to think anymore
Our syscovery was years before the start of these recent symptoms so, maybe that is proof enough that we are truly a system, or maybe it is proof that I have actually been psychotic (as in. Having psychosis symptoms) for years and need to tell my therapist about my 'system' to try and get help for my delusion.
I don't even want it to be a delusion, I like the company of Daena, they are very nice to me in their own way, even if a bit rough around the edges. Maybe they did start out as an antagonist but she has proven very useful in taking care of ourself, they have talked me out of stupid things and been there to comfort me when nobody was available...
I don't know if I should try and ignore her and make her go away. If we are a system, it will be very asshole-ey of me to do and will set back a lot of progress we have made, but if I am not a system and I am truly just stuck in a long term delusion, then I should really try to get out of it, I think...
So what should I do? Should I hide my system from my therapist and psychiatrist, or maybe only from the psychiatrist? Should I be honest and open about it finally? I don't even know If I want to break the delusion.... do you always have to break them? Is it unhealthy to want them?
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luminae-system ¡ 3 months
Danny (host) speaking here. Could any systems with psychotic symptoms help us out? Questioning everything and it's a mess.
Tw: long post, system questioning, doubts, venting, hallucination and delusion discussion, bc of that possibly an unreality warning?
Man, the awful thing about having auditory hallucinations is that now I am questioning everything I believe about myself to see if it could be a delusion.
And well, the first thing to question is the stereotypical "talking to the voices in your head!". Could I be really talking to myself and not another headmate? Daena says I'm stupid and she is very much real but I don't know what to think anymore
Our syscovery was years before the start of these recent symptoms so, maybe that is proof enough that we are truly a system, or maybe it is proof that I have actually been psychotic (as in. Having psychosis symptoms) for years and need to tell my therapist about my 'system' to try and get help for my delusion.
I don't even want it to be a delusion, I like the company of Daena, they are very nice to me in their own way, even if a bit rough around the edges. Maybe they did start out as an antagonist but she has proven very useful in taking care of ourself, they have talked me out of stupid things and been there to comfort me when nobody was available...
I don't know if I should try and ignore her and make her go away. If we are a system, it will be very asshole-ey of me to do and will set back a lot of progress we have made, but if I am not a system and I am truly just stuck in a long term delusion, then I should really try to get out of it, I think...
So what should I do? Should I hide my system from my therapist and psychiatrist, or maybe only from the psychiatrist? Should I be honest and open about it finally? I don't even know If I want to break the delusion.... do you always have to break them? Is it unhealthy to want them?
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luminae-system ¡ 3 months
So yeah, its our birthday! The host (me, danny) is celebrating with our family in our behalf :D
Happy birthday to me! I am now 19, yaaay!!!!
[Pt: Happy birthday to me! I am now 19, yaaay!!!!]
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Feels weird man, last "-teen" year of my life. But that's growing for ya.
So uh, just wanted to post about it bc im updating my blog bios.
If anyone has an age dni where i fall into, feel free to block my old ass (i know its not personal, boundries are boundries)
Also, isnt it funny i was born in the gay month?? Amazing. Love it. I was born to be funky and queer and amazing
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luminae-system ¡ 3 months
verified ways to donate to gaza directly
Help a Palestinian family directly:
gazafunds.com - Donate directly to a Palestinian family in urgent need of evacuation, medical attention, rebuilding homes/businesses or more. Site run by Palestinians, all GFMs verified (full list here). Spotlights 1 stagnant GFM at a time. (*If you can't decide who/where to donate, just go to gazafunds.com & donate to the 1 GFM they show you!)
masterlist of 200+ verified Palestinian families' GFMs: Operation Olive Branch
Help provide tents: (*emergency as Rafah is being bombarded as we speak)
The Sameer Project: Currently providing tents & transport for families in Rafah who urgently need to evacuate to Deir Al Balah. Has a team on the ground in Gaza who have supplied tents to 1% of the displaced population in Rafah. Run by Palestinians. (paypal) (gfm)
@helpgazachildren: Currently helping Palestinians in a refugee camp in Rafah flee the Rafah invasion to Khan Younis. Funds go directly to Hussam, a Palestinian in Rafah who hosts a refugee camp. Funds will cover the cost of tents & transport fuel. Managed by a Palestinian @.fairuzfan. (gfm)
Food, cash & essentials:
Care for Gaza: Palestinian charity on the ground in Gaza distributing food, cash, medicine & other essentials to displaced families. Proof of their work found on their Twitter. (paypal) (gfm)
We Feed Gaza: Team of Palestinian volunteers in the heart of Gaza distributing food & water to 344+ families. More details & proof in their gfm. Vetted & promoted by LetsTalkPalestine. (gfm)
Direct Aid for Gaza: A Palestinian activist on the ground in Gaza distributing food, cash & other essential supplies to displaced families. Proof of their work found on their twitter. (paypal) (gfm)
Water (*only 2 weeks left to donate!):
Gaza Municipality's water campaign: The official Municipality of Gaza needs help rebuilding the water infrastructure in Gaza City to restore access to clean water & waste management services for the people of Gaza.
guide to buy & send esims to gaza (highly needed, esim supply very low)
Crips for eSims for Gaza: If you don't know how to buy esims, don't have enough $ for an esim plan, or don't have the capacity to manage them (e.g. topping up regularly), you can donate any amt to this team of volunteers who pool funds to buy & maintain gaza esims regularly (see their financial accountability document).
Medical Aid:
Gaza Wound Care (urgent): Palestinian doctors in central Gaza treating injured/sick children & mothers in neglected displacement camps far from hospitals. Facing a severe shortage of medicines, medical equipment, and supplies. They need funds for their current campaign to battle infectious diseases in refugee camps. (paypal) (gogetfunding) (gfm)
international charities: Palestine Red Crescent Society, Palestine Children's Relief Fund, Medical Aid for Palestinians
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luminae-system ¡ 4 months
Living with the Haters
Hey folks - we had made a post not long after the influx of TikTokers came over with our thoughts on the situation and some advice and encouragement. In that post, we mentioned that they would probably get bored and leave. We still think this could happen, but as time goes on and they dig their claws in, it seems more and more likely that they might be here to stay. So here’s our thoughts on things as they are now and how we can work together to keep our community safe.
1. Do Not engage with them!
We’ve seen that a lot of these users are gaining traction and having a hearty laugh due to others sending them asks inciting violence, calling them out, or begging them to change.
Let us say right now that sending someone threats or suicide bait is NEVER okay, no matter how bad of a person you think they are. No exceptions. It’s not good to try and build ourselves up by tearing others down. Not only will this tactic just not work, it will only inspire these folks to be bolder, brasher, and more unkind. Hate from others does not inspire change - it only strengthens resolve.
So please, refrain from sending hate to any anti-endo posting in the #pluralgang tag! Give these people the attention they deserve - absolutely none at all!
2. Keep yourself safe and BLOCK!
Someone posting in the tags wishing violence on endos? Block!
Someone making cutesy “endos you’re not real and will never be valid uwu” posts? Block!
Someone posting in our tags “Why I think endos aren’t real/Why endos are harmful”? Block!
Someone making fun of endos, plurals, our community, and the labels we’ve coined to describe our experiences? Block!
Someone angrily slinging slurs in our tags? Block!
Someone crossposting their posts with plural inclusive tags (#pluralgang, #actually plural, etc) and also endo hate tags (#endos fuck off, #anti endo, #kys endos, etc)? Block!
Block anyone who makes you uncomfortable! Block anyone who denies you the right to define your own experiences in language that works best for you and your system! Block anyone who uses our inclusive tags to spread hateful ideas! Block liberally, block without remorse!
If you have any sideblogs, make sure to block these users from those blogs so that they cannot access any of your posts! Blocking a user from your main will not keep that user from viewing your other blogs. You can block on a sideblog through your Account Settings on Tumblr desktop version - reach out if you need any help with this!
3. Stay positive and active in our tags!
Don’t stop using #pluralgang and other inclusive tags because they’re getting overrun with TikTokers. Keep using them! In fact, use them even more! Post positivity, gush about your system, have discussions and conversations about plurality, post art, post poetry and personal experiences, just keep posting! We can reclaim our tags if we work together to fill them with posts that spread warmth, kindness, and earnest experiences. Make plural prompts! Ask questions! Post doodles! Take part in ask games! Make shoutouts for your headmates! Be your most authentic self, and don’t be ashamed for loudly and boldly being who you are!
In conclusion:
As more and more users block those who are spreading hate, they’ll find they have less and less content to hate on and interact with. They’ll be posting only for each other, and it won’t be as fun for them because there won’t be anyone to offend and trigger. This is what we’re aiming for!
And in the mean time, we can celebrate plurality how we choose! We can boost each other and lift each other up while simultaneously ignoring and avoiding those who seek to drag us down. Let’s work together to keep the plural community on Tumblr a beautiful, vibrant, and uplifting space!
Thank you so much for reading this! Stay safe out there, and take care!
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luminae-system ¡ 5 months
We have so many anti-endos blocked that we aren't seeing their posts as much anymore.
Blocking works. It also stops them from getting attention because they'll be posting to a void.
Block all anti-endos, especially the ones sent by that bullying content creator.
They'll be hateful to the void if we all block them.
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luminae-system ¡ 5 months
Hello! We don't have the most active blog out there, but we do have bursts of activity every now and then!
Remember to block and report, they just want attention. Like a flame, with no oxygen (attention) they will die out (get bored and stop spamming our tags)
Can some pro-endogenic blogs interact with us please?? unfortunately we keep seeing antis on here and its making us frustrated :(
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luminae-system ¡ 5 months
Hey everyone, with all the hate that’s been posted lately in the “#pluralgang” hashtag, please do what you can to keep yourself and your system safe.
We recommend blocking any user who tags their posts both with “#pluralgang” and “#endos fuck off” or some variation of an endo hate tag. These people are desperate for negative attention, itching to start fights, and trying to build themselves up by tearing others down. It’s best to not engage with them at all, just block!
It’s extremely likely that these folks will eventually get bored and move on if we don’t give them the attention they’re looking for. The TikTokers who moved here are most likely just fishing for hate content to rack up views on their TikTok accounts anyway. Please look after yourselves and keep your systems safe from unnecessary harm!
And as a quick reminder, on this blog we love and support systems of all origins, no exceptions!! Y’all are real, you’re valid and lovely, and we promise you DO make the plural community a better place simply by existing in it.
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luminae-system ¡ 6 months
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Just a little thing we made at work yesterday. Plural bubbles!
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luminae-system ¡ 6 months
Here’s some positivity for those with P-DID!
Unfortunately, P-DID (or partial dissociative identity disorder) is not often talked about or discussed online - many folks with P-DID may feel left out of spaces focused on systems and complex dissociative disorders. However, P-DID systems absolutely belong in the plural community (as long as they wish to be here), and provide a welcome and cherished perspective to the vast experiences of plural folks and those with dissociative disorders! To all those out there with P-DID, this one’s for you!
☀️ Shoutout to systems with P-DID with distinct alters or parts who don’t experience switches!
🧡 Shoutout to those with P-DID who don’t identify as plural or a system!
🌹 Shoutout to P-DID systems who have difficulties interacting and making connections with their alters!
✨ Shoutout to those with P-DID who struggle with dissociation and often feel disconnected from themselves, their bodies, and their surroundings!
🔸 Shoutout to P-DID systems with alters who mostly control the body through passive influence or being co-conscious!
❣️ Shoutout to those with P-DID who have to deal with trauma responses including, but not limited to, flashbacks, anxiety, nightmares, high stress levels, intrusive thoughts, or anything else!
💫 Shoutout to P-DID systems who identify as specutien or having a frontstuck host!
🏵 Shoutout to those who are in treatment for their P-DID, and to those who are functioning well on their own and don’t want to seek treatment!
🎈 Shoutout to those who are questioning whether or not they have P-DID or are taking the steps to get a diagnosis or self diagnose!
🌙 Shoutout to systems who wish P-DID was talked about more and better understood in system or CDD spaces!
✴️ Shoutout to P-DID systems who are grateful for their alters and their plurality, and to those who wish they could be singlets!
We hope that everyone with P-DID who sees this can have an amazing day today. Know that you belong in spaces for systems, trauma survivors, and those with complex dissociative disorders just the way you are. We appreciate and value your perspective, and are so honored to be able to share these spaces with you!
Please do your best to treat yourself and your system (if you identify as such) with kindness and compassion today. You are so loved, and we hope that your future is filled with peace, comfort, healing, and self-acceptance. Thank you so much for reading, and take care!
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luminae-system ¡ 6 months
Same person-- crap, said emotional abuse but meant neglect, I had neglect in the comments.
Disorganized attachment develops from a parent's consistent failure to respond appropriately to their child, or by a parent's inconsistent response to their child's feelings. For example, a depressed parent not being emotionally available or correctly responsive to the child (ie, reacting with anger or pessimism to things instead of understanding). A parent that displays contradictory responses (so anger today and acceptance tomorrow) only makes the attachment style worse because it confuses the child.
Anyways, I'm rambling, I hope the direction helps you figure things out. Good luck, genuinely.
Understood by context, don't worry.
Thanks for the rundown!
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luminae-system ¡ 6 months
Someone trying to help
First message: shorter and less useful version, leading predictor of DID is actually disorganized attachment. This is usually emotional abuse and it's common that parents are well meaning.
Second message: well, hell, hopefully someone that needs to see their trauma is valid can see this
Third: less useful version, DID alters typically don't appear until late adolescent and typical system realization is early 20s. Typical, not the only way. Just typical.
Fourth: if you're struggling and need help, who cares what other people think, you deserve help
Thank you, this makes me feel better. I'll need to research the attachment style and CDD link, hadn't thought about it but it makes a lot of sense. Will probably make a follow up post with whatever I can find just for the sake of others who may need it too.
Again, thank you!!!!
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luminae-system ¡ 6 months
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Starplurid : a plurid in which the system have a collective identity relating to stars or identify with stars in a way that affects the system collectively.
[pt: starplurid]
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tags: @radiomogai @ix-c-999 @pluralterms @system-term-archive
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