lun4recl1pse · 7 months
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Excerpts from 2 of my poems in my book "The Last Witch of the Moon"!!!!!
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lun4recl1pse · 7 months
"She is miserable. Cursed to forever be reborn but always keep the memories of her past lifes. The person she consideres her soulmate died multiple lifetimes ago. Somehow she can still not figure out how to be truly dead.
This series of poems follows a witch through mutliple of her life times. She will find love and pain but mostly she will find herself along the way."
The description of my poetry book!!!
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lun4recl1pse · 7 months
My book has like yearning and pining and longing and witchcraft, basically the definition of being sapphic, it's amazing
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lun4recl1pse · 7 months
If were to like...idk...publish a book about a sapphic witch who is immortal and trying to find a way to reunite with her soulmate, would anyone read it or like nah?
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