lunar-tone · 1 year
16 Era Soukoku short story.
It was a cold, storming winter night when Chuuya was startled awake from a loud banging on his apartment door. He blearily looked around, an empty wine bottle from earlier that evening still in his hand and his t.v playing some French drama show that he could barely even follow.
The banging on his door returned and Chuuya grumbled, getting up and rubbing the tiredness from his eyes "Yeah yeah I'm coming!"
Looking at the clock, The numbers showed it was 2:30 in the morning. Chuuya scowled, grumbling. He opened the door, already talking "This better be fucking- Holy shit! Dazai!?"
Standing at his door was his partner, Dazai. Dazai was shivering, a blanket curled around his shoulders and over his usual work attire, and snow could be seen melting into the fabric. The brunette gave a weak smile, lips blue from cold "H-H-Hey C-C-Chibi!"
The poor boy couldn't even speak properly from how hard he was shivering. Chuuya scowled, pulling Dazai into his apartment. "What the hell Shitty Dazai? Why the fuck are you freezing to death on my doorstep!?"
Dazai simply shrugged and let himself be plopped down infront of Chuuya's electric fireplace, unconsciously leaning into the warm air it was emitting "N-No heating in a sh-shipping container C-Chibi. Heater c-can only do s-s-so much"
Chuuya scowled, internally cursing the fact that Dazai lived in a shipping container. It was below fucking 30 C°! The ginger is surprised Dazai is even still awake. "Fucking hell dude, why didn't you come here sooner? Or stay at a hotel while the storm goes through? You could have fucking died! Fuck you still might-"
Chuuya busied around the other, grabbing soft blankets and heating pads, debating if he should make some hot chocolate before saying fuck it and walking to the kitchen to make some. Dazai shrugged "T-Thought I could do i-it. N-N-Never had a problem b-before. W-Why? You worried a-about me C-Chibiko~?"
Chuuya scowled, smacking Dazai upside the head as he set down the hot chocolate infront of the other "Fucking hell- is it so wrong of me to show a little empathy for your sorry ass? Besides I don't want to have to clean up your dead body!"
Dazai laughed lightly, stopping suddenly as he broke into multiple sneezes. When he finally stopped he looked at Chuuya with a pathetic expression "Chuuuuyyyaaaaaa!"
Chuuya rolled his eyes "Drink the hot chocolate mackerel, and stay near the heat. I won't have you dying in my apartment and staining my floors!"
Dazai grinned, slowly feeling the ever prominent cold fade away. He would never admit it, but having Chuuya fuss over him and worry made a warm feeling spread through his chest that he didn't quite know how to describe. "Fiiiine! Put something interesting on though hat rack! I don't speak French!"
Chuuya rolled his eyes, grabbing his t.v remote and searching for something stupid to put on. Settling on some sci-fi action movie, Chuuya stood up and stretched "Fuck I'm tired and my head hurts. I'm taking some medicine and going to bed, don't die while I'm asleep Bandage waster!"
Dazai pouted "But I'm still cold and wet!"
Chuuya groaned, walking into his bedroom without replying. Dazai pouted even more, flopping backwards and whining "Chuuuyyyaaaaa!"
Suddenly Chuuya was back in his field of vision, holding out a pile of pajamas to him with a few bandage rolls on top. "You know where the bathroom is. Take a shower and then go to sleep, Mackerel. We do have work to do tomorrow after all"
"Awww how sweet of my dog to bring his master clothes!" Dazai grunted as he was kicked in the side, snickering as Chuuya walked off grumbling under his breath. As the gingers bedroom door closed and locked, Dazai looked at the pajamas. They were in his size surprisingly, a black silk button up and blue silk bottoms. How Chuuya knew his skin was sensitive to cotton fabrics he doesn't know, but it warmed his heart none the less.
The next morning, the two never spoke about what happened, but Chuuya did shove a key to his apartment into the others hand and said to take the spare bedroom, so Dazai assumed that was Chuuya's way of asking him to move in. Despite the teasing, Dazai quickly moved his clothes and meager belongings into the spare room and made himself at home. Neither mentioned the warm feelings in their chest and how quickly they adjusted to having the other in their personal space. It didn't matter either way. They were content.
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lunar-tone · 1 year
So I used a incorrect quotes generator and got this
Dazai: I want to wake up with you every day for the rest of our lives
Chuuya: I wake up at 4:30 AM
Dazai: I want to see you at some point every day for the rest of our lives
Dazai: So that's the plan
Chuuya: Are you alright with constructive criticism? I don't want to sound mean
Dazai: No, Go ahead, I want to hear it
Chuuya: It fucking sucks
Dazai: That's not constructive criticism.
Chuuya: You often use humor to deflect Trauma
Dazai: Thank you
Chuuya: I didn't say that was a good thing
Dazai: what I'm hearing is, You think I'm funny
Dazai: Chuuya and I have the easy kind of chemistry where we finish eachothers-
Chuuya: Sentences
Dazai: Don't interrupt me!
Dazai, Pointing: May I sit there?
Chuuya: That's my lap
Dazai: That doesn't answer my question, Chibi
Chuuya: Go to hell shitty Dazai!
Dazai, tearing up: I wish I could
Dazai: You're the love of my life and my best friend, I would do anything for you!
Chuuya: I want you to eat 3 meals a day and have a decent sleep schedule
Dazai: Absolutely not!
Dazai: So what's for dinner?
Chuuya, staring at the the food they just burnt: Regret.
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lunar-tone · 1 year
Au where Dazai and Chuuya never stopped talking after Dazai left the Mafia
After the fight against Lovecraft!
Chuuya: Ugh... either take me to the extraction point or bring me home... your house or mine I don't fucking care...
Dazai, chuckling and nodding: Don't worry I got you buddy. I just need to drop the devil child off with Mori and then I'll be back for you.
He dumps Q at the extra time point, making sure he was picked up before turning around to go get Chuuya. He brings Chuuya back to his place but as he's opening the door to his dorm his name is called by his little student
Atsushi: Uh Dazai-San...? Why do you have a port mafia executive passed out in your arms...?
Dazai, smiling as if everything is right in the world as he continues to dream Chuuya into his dorm and dump him on the futon: Oh nothing much! Just making sure my dog doesn't die on me is all. That would be so annoying!
Atsushi, regretting ever asking: Dog...? You know what- it's too late for this. I'm going to pretend this was some weird fever dream. Goodnight Dazai-san
Dazai laughs as Atsushi walks off, turning back to Chuuya and definitely not mother henning him as he takes care of the other: Welp, guess I'm not sleeping tonight! Such a needy puppy I have haha
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lunar-tone · 1 year
15!Era Soukoku in Mori's office for the first time (you know the scene)
Dazai: I don't need a partner! This is so stupid!
Mori, looking at Rimbaud: Do you see what I have to put up with? My son is In such denial about wanting love! How tragic!
Mori, Chuuya, and Rimbaud all at once: You're not?!
Dazai, walking over to the window and attempting to open it: I'm committing suicide right here right now, I hate all of you, goodbye world
Mori, sighing: Don't kill yourself now, I need you to do woooork!
Chuuya:... So if you're not gay what are you? Cause you definitely arnt straight
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lunar-tone · 1 year
Chuuya, cursing in French and throwing things at Dazai:
Dazai: You know I'd love to reply but I don't speak Baguette Chibi!
Chuuya, now even more enraged: ITS FRENCH YOU UNCULTERED FUCKERD
Chuuya, picking up Dazai and throwing him out the window:
Dazai: CHIBI NO-
Fukuzawa and Mori, watching from the sidelines:
Fukuzawa: Should we stop them?
Mori: Not unless you want to be tossed out the window too.
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lunar-tone · 1 year
Chuuya visiting Dazai's shipping container for the first time: You know when you said you lived in a shipping container I didn't think you were serious.
Dazai: Why would I lie about that??
Chuuya, shrugging: I don't fucking know, you lie about the oddest things. Like that time you lied about liking boiled eggs WHILE EATING ONE.
Dazai, pulling out a boiled egg and biting into it: I have no idea what you're talking about
Chuuya, leaving: I'm so fucking done with you.
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lunar-tone · 1 year
Shin soukoku, watching the previous 2 generations of Soukoku be stupidly in love.
Atsushi, whispering to Aku: We'll never be like that right?
Aku, nodding: Never. How revolting.
Also shin soukoku: Wearing matching outfits, going on dates that they don't realize are dates, and just generally acting the exact same way.
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lunar-tone · 1 year
Dark Era Soukoku
Dazai: We should get married
Chuuya, blushing brightly and glaring: What the fuck why!?
Dazai: Tax evasion, duh. Plus I want your shit when you die.
Chuuya: Oh yeah? Well I want your shit when you die. Come on! Courthouse! Now!
The two walk away, leaving Kouyou and Hirotsu
Kouyou: I don't think that's how that's supposed to work...
Hirotsu: They work in mysterious ways. Best to just let them do as they please.
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lunar-tone · 1 year
Chuuya: No Dazai. We cannot keep it.
Dazai, holding a Crab to his chest and crying: BUT HE'S SO CUTE!
The crab pinches Dazai's nose: AHHH HE'S ATTACKING ME! BAD CRAB BAD CRAB!
Chuuya, shaking his head: Why are you like this
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lunar-tone · 3 years
Heated Passion - Nightkiller smut
(Heat, Dom/Sub, Master/servent, begging.)
Nightmare woke up slowly, eye groggy and looking around blarily. The first thing he registered is that he was absolutely boiling right now. Second thing he registered  is that he was in bed alone- meaning Killer had already gotten up. That in and of itself was unusual- seeing as how Nightmare was usually the first one up out of the two- and he doesn't remember their alarm going off. Sitting up in bed with a groan. Nightmare checked the time and almost choked on the air when he saw it was already 11 am.
Tossing the covers off himself, Nightmare moved to get up before gasping as a wave of heat crashed over him and made him very dizzy. He collapsed back onto the bed with a weak whine.
�� Am… i in heat…? Fuck… it wasnt scheduled for another week though… ”
Nightmare grumbled to himself, reaching for his phone again and checking the date. Nope- it was his heat week. It seemed he had lost track of time with how busy he and the others had all been lately.
He sighed in reluctance and curled back into the bed. He knew he wasn't going to be able to do much in this state- and if he left the safety of his room when his heat scent really picked up he would just be asking to be assaulted- his heat scent was extremely potent after all, and he couldn't blame his gang members for being unable to resist it. Error was the only one who could- and that was because he was a being of higher power- as loath as he was to admit such a fact.
A knock at the door startled him out of his musings and he turned to look over, only to see his mate entering the room with a soft look on his normally cocky face.
“Hey Moonlight. Sorry about not getting you up sooner but… i figured with your condition you’d want to sleep”
Killer spoke, walking over to the bed and sitting down on the edge of it. He reached out with a hand and cupped Nightmare’s face, Nightmare leaning into the touch.
“ Thank you… i’m going to need all the energy i can get- since im sure you’re going to do a number on me~ ”
Nightmare chuckled, looking up at Killer with a half lidded look. Killer smirked and nodded his head.
“You know it~”
Killer leaned down and placed a kiss to NIghtmare’s skull, pulling some energy bars out of his pocket and handing them to Nightmare.
“Here. Eat first and then i can start helping, hmm?”
Nightmare nodded, sitting up slowly and taking one of the bars and biting into it. They didn't taste like much but they had a lot of nutrients- which was good considering he couldn't eat normal foods while like this- his body got upset at them and he’d end up puking it all up anyway.
He ate the food quietly, Killer sitting at his side and rubbing a hand up and down his back soothingly. It was calming in a way, and Nightmare found himself leaning into the contact with a content purr.
Killer chuckled at the sight, finding it cute how relaxed he could make his mate in such a short amount of time- especially since he was always on high alert when in heat. Well- as high alert as he could be in this state. Luckily Nightmare had Killer at his side to help whenever he needed him.
Finishing his food, Nightmare looked up at killer with a curious expression
“ So… How do we wanna start…? ”
Killer only smirked and leaned forward, capturing Nightmare’s mouth in a soft kiss and pushing him down against the bed. NIghtmare giggled into it and wrapped his arms around Killers neck loosely, returning the soft kiss easily.
There soft kissing soon turned heated as Killer used his tongue to ask for entrance to the others mouth, which Nightmare gave easily, opening his mouth and giving a soft moan as Killer’s tongue darted in, tangling with his mate’s tongue and exploring every inch it could.
Slowly, Killer slipped his hands under Nightmare’s sleep shirt, beginning to gently caress his ribs and spine. Nightmare shuddered at the faint touches, letting out small whines. Killer chuckled and pulled back from the kiss to smirk down at his mate
“So needy and demanding already, aren't you Moonlight~?”
Nightmare huffed and looked away with a flustered expression, not deigning that with a reply. Killer raised a brow at that and sharply tugged on Nightmare’s ribs, making the other gasp and look at Killer in surprise
“Now now Moonlight~ You know not to ignore me~”
Killer purred with a smirk, Making Nightmare flush brightly and sending another wave of heat through him, this one going straight to his pelvis and forming a condensed cloud of magic there. Nightmare huffed and replied with a shy voice
“ Y-Yes sir… ”
Killer smirked, giving Nightmare’s ribs another sharp tug
“What was that~? I couldnt hear you~?”
Nightmare glared up at Killer with a furious flush, but pushed down his embarrassment and spoke louder
“ Yes Sir~! ”
Killer smirked proudly
“Good job~”
Nightmare flushed at the praise and whined weakly, shifting under Killer. Killer chuckled and began to caress Nightmare’s bones again- rubbing a knee up against his pelvis every few minutes, loving the gasps he was getting from the other.
Killer commanded, and Nightmare obeyed without any hesitation. His cyan ecto snapped into place and his large chest pushed against his shirt, and his plush thighs being emphasized in the shorts he was wearing. Killer hummed in appreciation, ripping away Nightmare’s shirt so his hands could grope at his breasts.
Nightmare gasped again, letting out a shaky cry as Killer roughly groped and squeezed his breasts- pinching and playing with the nipples as he did so.
“Look at you Moonshine~ So fucking gorgeous~”
Nightmare flushed brightly at the genuine praise, letting out a whine and looking away with a huff. Killer chuckled, having expected that reaction from the other. Killer leaned down and trailed kisses along Nightmare’s exposed neck, causing the other to moan and squirm under him.
“Relax Moonlight~ And let me take care of you~”
Killer murmured, and smirked when Nightmare began to relax after a moment. Nightmare turned his head back to look at Killer properly and whispered, sounding so small and frightened
“ I’m trusting you ”
Killer’s eyes widened and realized that this wasn't the time to indulge in his sadistic tendencies. Usually Nightmare liked his rough treatment but it seemed this heat didn't like it as much. That was fine- Killer could work with that no problem. He nodded and smiled softly at Nightmare, easing up on his grip on the others breasts
“I will not break that trust, Moonlight”
Killer rested their foreheads together, Beginning to gently fondle Nights breasts- a stark contrast to his rough groping from earlier. Nightmare relaxed under Killer and began to let out soft moans and whines. Killer smiled and purred at the sounds.
He moved his head down to Nightmare’s neck and began to gently kiss and nip at the area, leaving small love bites in his wake. Nightmare reached up and wrapped his arms around Killers neck, holding him close and humming in pleasure.
“ Killer…~ ”
Nightmare moaned softly, the sound sending a spike of arousal through Killer and causing his red ecto to snap into place- groaning as his cock strained against his shorts. Nightmare let out a small laugh and used one of his tendrils to rub at the bulge, smirking when Killer’s eyes shot open and he gasped audibly.
“You little teaser~”
Killer said, pulling back and smirking down at Nightmare- who had on a false innocent look
“ I have no idea what you’re talking about kills ”
Killer rolled his eyes, a soft mumbled ‘Sure you don’t’ leaving him before he lightly pinched at Nightmare’s nipples, making the darker gasp and moan, arching his back into the contact.
“ Fuck… Who’s the teaser now, asshole? ”
Nightmare retorted, making Killer smirk and twist the nubs sharply before leaning down and soothing them with his tongue. Nightmare gasped and placed his hands on Killer’s skull, resting them there as his eye fell closed and he moaned softly.
Using his free hand, Killer slipped Nightmare out of his nighttime shorts and ran his hand along the smooth ecto. He felt as Nightmare shuddered under him when his hand ghosted over the others wet folds. Killer chuckled
“So wet already~ How cute Moonlight~”
Killer smirked and Nightmare looked away with a flushed expression, but couldn’t help the needy whine that left him as he began to roll his hips into Killers hand, desperate for stimulation to his heated body. Killer chuckled but gave his lover what he wanted, slipping two fingers into Nightmare’s cunt.
Nightmare let out a filthy moan as Killer began to move his fingers, scissoring and pumping them in and out of the other slowly. Killer leaned down and swallowed up the sounds with his mouth, kissing Nightmare passionately. Nightmare eagerly returned the kiss, pushing up into it as his arms pulled Killer down flush against him.
Killer broke the kiss after a few moments, pulling his fingers out with a wet squelch. Nightmare whined at the loss of stimulation and looked up at Killer with a hazy, confused eyelight.
“Don’t worry Moonlight~ I just think it’s time we moved on, hmm~?”
Nightmare’s eye lit up with excitement and spread his legs wide for Killer. Killer purred in appreciation and removed his shorts, rubbing his length against Nightmare’s entrance and coating it in the wetness there, using it as lube. 
Killer pulled back and Nightmare yelped as he was suddenly flipped onto his stomach, his ass in the air.
“ K-Killer! ”
Killer chuckled and kissed along the back of Nightmare’s neck, his cock back against the others folds.
“Just changing up the position Moonlight~”
Nightmare sighed and nodded against the bed, huffing lightly. His tendrils moved and wrapped around killer loosely, resting there.
“ A little warning would have been nice… ”
Killer only chuckled in apology before lining himself and shoving himself in all the way to the hilt. Nightmare gasped at the sudden pleasure before moaning, clenching down on Killer, his walls fluttering. Killer grunted at the tightness- Nightmare’s cunt eagerly sucking him in.
“Hah~ You’re practically sucking me in Moonlight~”
Nightmare didn’t reply, flushed face buried in the pillows as he needly rocked himself back against Killer. Killer chuckled and rested a hand on Nightmare’s hips before beginning a quick but gentle pace. Nightmare gasped and moaned and purred under Killer, loving the gentleness but also beginning to crave the roughness
“ S-Sir~ H-Harder~! Please~! ”
Killer raised a brow before smirking, his pace turning bruising and the grip he had on Nightmare tightening.
“As you wish MoonLight~”
Nightmare cried out from the pleasure, turning his head to the side as tears escaped from his eye, his tongue lolled out the side of his mouth and an absolutely blissed out look on him. Killer loved it.
Nightmare was reduced to mere babbling, whining and moaning and begging weakly. With a wicked grin, Killer brought his hand up and roughly slapped it down hard on Nightmare’s ass- getting a startled yelp from the other that devolved into a moan.
Feeling the way Nightmare had clamped down on him at the slap, Killer continued to do it- thoroughly abusing the cyan cheeks, switching back and forth between each one. Nightmare wailed at each one, loving it.
When Killer began to feel himself nearing his release, He leaned down and spoke next to Nights skull.
“I’m gonna cum inside you’re tight little pussy Moonlight~”
Nightmare nodded eagerly, begging for it, begging to be filled and saying that he was close too. Killer reached down with a hand and rubbed at Nightmare’s clit in time with his thrusts, making the other wail and his walls flutter around Killer’s cock.
Killer groaned before shoving himself so far into Nightmare Nightmare could feel the head in his womb, the others red cum spilling into him. Nightmare moaned and came as well, the knot in his stomach releasing in a burst.
Finally, Killer pulled out and collapsed next to Nightmare, his ecto dissipating as he purred and pulled the darker to his chest. Nightmare purred in turn and curled against Killer.
“How was that Moonlight~?”
“ Absolutely wonderful. But i hope you’re up for round two in a few minutes because i’m no where near ready to finish~ ”
Nightmare said, smirking up at Killer. Killer chuckled and nodded his head in agreement.
“Sure- just give me like half an hour to get my energy back”
Nightmare stared in the mirror, eye wide in shock and breath caught in his throat. He had been feeling absolutely horrid the past week each morning so he had finally decided to check what could be wrong with him. He was a tree spirit after all- he couldn’t get sick. 
This wasn’t an illness though. He looked at his apple shaped soul and saw the grey/cyan soulling growing inside of it. His words seemed to finally come back to him as a knock sounded out at the bathroom door.
“MoonLight? Are you okay? Is something wrong?”
Killers concerned voice came through from the other end and Nightmare cradled his soul to his chest. He took in a shaky breath and called for the other to come in.
Standing with his back to Killer, Nightmare could feel the others worry. Turning around, Nightmare revealed his soul to the other and he could feel Killers shock
“Is… Is that… A soulling…?”
Killer asked quietly. Nightmare swallowed the lump forming in his throat and nodded.
“ It is. I’m pregnant Killer… ”
The shock seemed to be too much for the murderous skeleton as he collapsed in a dead feint.
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lunar-tone · 4 years
Puki how could you lie to us like this?
Hey guys! drinking a banana smoothie right now whats up.
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lunar-tone · 4 years
So- I'm making a Dreamtale AU. It's Called Night Insanity and I've got a pretty good base going for it right now. I may even write a book for it- Or just write one shots that take place in that multiverse. Anyway- Most Characters have the same general design. Dream and NM, being the main differences, do not.
In this AU, Before Dream could absorb the golden apple, Nightmare stabbed him with a tendril and he died. Nightmare then ate the golden apple and gained the ability to switch between passive and corruption- But he also gained his senses back.
He was horrified with himself and become consumed by grief and regret. After burying Dreams dust, Nightmare spent the next 500 years traveling the multiverse until he met Ink, and Startsd traveling around with him.
I wont go into too much detail here. Dreams a ghost that follows NM around, but Night thinks he's just a figment of his insanity. I haven't made Dreams ghostly design yet- But here's Nightmares!
Tumblr media
I'll let you all know when/If I made a book based on this. Drawing isn't really my Forte after all- Writing is.
If anyone wants to ask me- Or even the characters questions feel free too! I won't draw out responses but I will responde!
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lunar-tone · 4 years
DreamShatteredMare NSFW
Spanking, Masochistic/Sadistic undertones, Dubcon
Shattered shared a look with Dream. Nightmare, whether knowingly or not, had embarrassed them earlier in public and they were not about to let that slide. No, Their precious partner needed to be punished for such transgressions.
Nightmare stopped, turning to look at their boyfriends in confusion. They had just gotten back to the castle and they had stopped walking beside them. They shivered as they saw the look their boyfriends were sharing.
“Oh Nighty~” Dream sang, Walking towards Nightmare with an innocent look on his face. Nightmare watched Dream uncertainty, unsure what exactly their twin was doing.
Dream trailed his hand across Nightmare’s shoulders, moving in front of them and cupping their face gently “You know… That little stunt you pulled earlier was terribly embarrassing~”
Nightmare tilted their head in confusion. They didn’t know what stunt exactly their twin was referring too- They had done quite a bit today after all. Perhaps it was when they had ‘accidentally’ spilled their milkshake on them earlier? That seemed to be the only incident they had truly been ‘bothered’ by.
Nightmare squealed as they felt their hands be bound by tendrils. Turning their head, Nightmare spotted Shattered behind them, grinning at them deviously with an almost predatory look in his eyes.
“Dream boat is right Nighty~ You need to be punished~” Shattered purred, right next to Nightmare’s skull. Nightmare flushed cyan, body shivering pleasantly. 
Shattered’s grip tightened on Nightmare momentarily as he teleported the three of them to their shared room. Nightmare felt as Shattered sat on the edge of their bed, yelping when they were bent over the goopy skeletons lap.
Nightmare flushed cyan and desperately wished to hide their embarrassed face in their arms, but was unable to due to Shattered restraining them.
Dream climbed onto the bed after them, positioning himself near Nightmare’s rear end. Dream trailed his hand down Nightmare’s spine slowly, sending small pulses of magic through their body in an attempt to coax the others ecto out.
Nightmare felt their ecto fill out from Dreams tender touches. Dream grinned in triumph and Shattered allowed his tendrils to slither over Nightmare’s body, slowly pulling the others clothes off.
Nightmare shivered as the cold air hit their false flesh. “How are you guys gonna punish me?”
Dreams response was to give Nightmare’s ass a rough squeeze, hand coming up before slapping down harshly, a loud smack echoing through the room as Nightmare yelped.
Nightmare’s face burned brightly as they realized what their punishment was. “O-Oh”
Dream rubbed Nightmare’s false flesh with his fingers slowly, Loving the small shivers he was getting in response to his touches. Watching, Shattered chuckled “We can do this the easy way or the hard way Nighty~ All you have to do is apologise~”
Nightmare shot Shattered a defiant look, shaking their head. They refused to apologise. Shattered and Dream both chuckled, Dream’s hand smacking Nightmare’s ass roughly once again.
“Then let the punishment begin~” 
Nightmare squirmed in Shattered’s hold, desperately trying to get free but Shattered’s grip was strong. Nightmare yelped when they were spanked again.
Shattered chuckled and cupped Nightmare’s face, forcing the other to look up at him “Your punishment won't stop until you apologise, Nighty~ I wonder how long you’ll last~?”
Nightmare felt heat flood his core from Shattered’s tone of voice, their body involuntarily reacting. Dream chuckled when he noticed Nightmare beginning to become wet. 
“Are you getting aroused brother~? Do you like it when i spank you like this~?” Dream purred, hand roughly coming down and smacking Nightmare’s ass cheek again. 
Nightmare let out a whine, Face burning with embarrassment. They hated that they couldn’t deny that a part of them liked this- that this was arousing them.
Shattered licked his teeth at Nightmare’s whine, grinning down at his partner. Dream alternated between gently rubbing Nightmare’s false flesh, soothing the stinging sensations before roughly spanking the guardian of negativity again.
Every hit caused a small whine to emit from Nightmare, along with more slick to gather at their entrance. Beneath them, Nightmare felt as Shattered’s ecto began to fill out, being painfully aware of how hard their lover was.
Shattered leaned down, Whispering next to Nightmare’s skull huskily “Look at what you’ve done to me moon flower~ I can’t help but get all excited at those lovely little sounds you’ve been making~”
Nightmare whimpered, both from Dream spanking them again and from Shattered’s whispered words. Nightmare felt cyan tears begin to gather in their eye socket as Dream switched to spanking the other half of their ass.
Shattered purred as Nightmare’s tears slowly slipped down their face, leaning down and licking at one of the salty tears “Are you ready to apologise Nighty~?”
Nightmare shook their head, Whimpers and whines leaving them as tears slipped down their skull. Shattered let out a shuddered breath as he turned to face Dream “Nighty here doesn’t want to apologise yet Dreamy~ How many more are you going to do~?”
Nightmare gasped as their ass was roughly squeezed, Dream chuckling from behind them “Hmm… I think 20 more~ Maybe then their tongue will have loosened up~?”
Nightmare whimpered as they were spanked once again. They could feel as Shattered’s tendrils travelled along their body, wrapping round their breasts and playing with their nipples. One tendril went down and teasingly rubbed against their clit.
Nightmare’s eye widened as they gasped, humping down on the tendril that teasingly moved away, making Nightmare whine desperately as they looked up at Shattered with a teary eye. “Shattered Please~”
Shattered and Dream both chuckled, Dream roughly squeezing Nightmare’s ass before slapping him again. Nightmare gasped and whimpered. “Ah ah ah Moon Flower~ If you want that sweet pleasure you need to apologise~”
Nightmare whined, overwhelmed by all the sensations along their body and desperately searching for more pleasure. Dream chuckled and trailed teasing kisses up Nightmare’s thighs, stopping just short of their entrance, warm breath teasingly hitting Nightmare;s wet folds.
“All you have to do is apologise brother and we’ll give you all the pleasure in the world~”
Nightmare seemed to be warring with themself, Their pride refusing to let them apologise but everything else screaming to do so just to feel that pleasure their body was desperately searching for.
Nightmare gasped as Shattered rubbed teasingly against their clit with a tendril, finally coming undone “I’m sorry! I’m sorry please! Please just let me feel good! Please mates! Please!”
Nightmare hiccuped, tears streaming from their eye as they finally apologised. Dream grinned and pulled his pants down, revealing a dripping yellow cock that he rubbed teasingly against Nightmare’s folds.
“Don’t worry brother~ We’ll give you what you want~” Dream said, Him and Shattered changing their position.
Nightmare was now on all fours, abused ass up in the air as Dream continued to rub teasingly along their folds. Dreams hand travelled down and began to play with their clit.
Nightmare let out a gasping moan. Shattered moved in front of them, sighing in relief when his own dripping cock finally sprung free. Grinning down at Nightmare, Shattered grin.
“This is your reward for finally apologising~”
They were lucky that the castle was empty at the time, as none of them were at all quiet- Nightmare’s screaming moans and pleas echoing off the walls.
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lunar-tone · 4 years
Dreamscape - Dreammare Drabble
Dream opened his eyes blarily, blinking rapidly in an attempt to get rid of the blurriness in his vision. Sitting up, Dream looked around the fuzzy landscape in curiosity. It took him a moment to realise he was in the Dreamscape.
Dream furrowed his brows in confusion. He very rarely ever used the Dreamscape- The last time he had purposefully sought it out was before his brother's corruption. Refusing to dwell on those memories, Dream stood up and began to wonder. There had to be a reason he was here after all- He just had to find it.
Dream wondered for what felt like an hour, but was probably only a few minutes. Time travelled weirdly in the Dreamscape after all.
The area around the positive guardian was beginning to darken, going from soft blues and yellows to dark blues, purples, and black. Dream frowned- Normally he couldn’t enter Nightmare’s half of the Dreamscape. His brother always had a barrier up, but there was no barrier now.
Taking cautious steps into the darker area, Dream headed towards the center. If his brother was in here, that was probably where he was. As Dream got closer, he began to hear crying. At First he thought it was someone’s Nightmare he was hearing, until he reached the center and saw his brother curled into a ball, cyan and purple tears streaming from his singular eye socket.
“Brother…?” Dream called out tentatively, making Nightmare snap his head in his direction to look at him. The darker twin looked like an absolute mess. His tendrils were gone, nowhere to be seen and the goop that normally so heavily coated him seemed to be extremely thin in some areas. Dream could even see the dip into his brother's hidden eye socket.
“What are you doing here!? How did you get in here!?” Nightmare snapped at Dream, glaring as best he could- though it wasn't very threatening and didn’t seem to have its usual bite behind it.
“There was no barrier between our two area’s.” Dream looked at his twin in thinly veiled concern “Brother… you’re crying. Do… you want to talk about it?” Dream offered, giving Nightmare a nervous smile. He didn’t believe the other would accept his help.
Nightmare wanted to scream no and shove Dream out of his area, but he didn’t have the strength and the yearning in his soul just wouldn’t go away. It had only gotten stronger since Dream had arrived.
Throwing his pride to the wind, Nightmare lunged at Dream and pulled him into a tight hug. Dream yelped at the sudden extra weight, falling to the ground with Nightmare sobbing into his chest. Dreams eyes were wide before softening as he carefully enveloped his brother in a hug.
“Shhh, It’s okay Nighty… I’m here” Dream murmured, The old nickname slipping from his mouth easily. Nightmare froze at the name, before even more tears fell and he gripped Dream tightly.
Rubbing a soothing hand along the back of his Brothers skull, Dream hummed a lullaby from their shared childhood under his breath. The song had the intended effect, as slowly Nightmare began to relax.
“Talk to me Nightmare, please…” Dream said, practically begging. Nightmare sniffled and looked up at Dream with a half cyan, half purple eye. Dream hid his surprise at the dual colouring well.
“I… I’m so Sorry Dream.” Nightmare got out, squeezing his eye shut as the goop slowly began to disappear from his body, leaving behind scarred white bones. “I’m so sorry for hurting you… i never wanted to hurt you but i was just so angry… so full of hatred that i couldn't tell friend from foe anymore…”
Dream hushed Nightmare as he gently cupped his twins face, which was only half goop now. For the first time in a long time, Nightmare saw through both his eyes. “You don't have to apologise Nightmare… I should have been a better brother to you. I should have noticed something was wrong. I should have done something instead of waiting. I put you through a lot of pain, but never have I ever blamed what happened on you okay?”
Dream said sternly. More tears slipped down Nightmare’s face as all the goop finally melted away, Leaving Nightmare in his passive form for the first time in centuries. “I… I…” Nightmare choked, leaning forward and burying his face in Dream's chest, sobbing uncontrollably and no longer able to speak properly.
Dream smiled softly and simply cradled his brother to his chest, planting small kisses along the top of his skull soothingly. “It’s okay NIghty… I”m never leaving you alone again, okay? I’ll be with you forever”
Nightmare nodded against Dream, sobs slowly beginning to stop as Dream used his aura to calm the other down. Nightmare smiled gratefully “Okay… promise me then. Promise me you wont leave me alone again!”
Nightmare demanded, hands grabbing the edges of Dreams cape and turning into Fists. He looked up at Dream with fuzzy purple eye Lights and Dream felt his soul squeeze in his chest.
Planting his forehead against Nightmare’s, Dream smiled “I promise Nightmare, i will never leave you alone again.” Nightmare leaned forward even more and closed the distance between them, kissing Dream fiercely and using his magic to seal the promise- a special ability the two of them had to make sure they would keep their promises and deals.
Dream was surprised by the kiss, and almost pushed Nightmare away when the feeling of rightness came from his soul and he melted into it. One hand cupping Nightmare’s cheek while the other slid around the smallars waist, Dream dominated the kiss easily.
Summoning his tongue, Dream smirked into the kiss and licked at Nightmare’s teeth, a silent request for entrance. Nightmare seemed nervous, but opened his mouth. Dream’s tongue darted into his twins mouth and tangled with Nightmare’s own, eliciting a small moan from him.
Pulling back in order to breathe, The twins looked at each other with twin looks of love. Dream chuckled “Didn’t expect you to be so bold brother~” He teased, smirking as Nightmare flushed purple and buried his head in Dreams chest again, whining.
Dream summoned some blankets and pillows for them to lay on and leaned backwards, pulling his brother down with him and curling around the smaller protectively. “You’re probably tired brother. Sleep, i’ll be here when you wake up”
Nightmare nodded tiredly, only now realising how exhausted he was, and rested his head near Dreams chest, falling asleep listening to the steady thrum of his twins soul.
Planting a small kiss to the crown of his brother's skull, Dream closed his own eyes and fell asleep. He hadn't fallen asleep this easily in centuries. In their chests, the twins souls pulsed and began to fix the damaged connection between them.
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lunar-tone · 4 years
Help them! Please! This person is amazing and doesnt deserve what is happening to them!
Hey guys. So,,, it’s happening.
My parents are kicking me out.
I have until the end of December to find a new place to live. If not, I’ll be out on the streets, because they won’t let me stay, and I have nowhere else to go as of now.
I’m 19 years old. I’m a college sophomore in America, I’m thousands of dollars in debt with student loans, I have no job, no license, and no car.
When quarantine happened, I was laid off at my job. Since then, I haven’t been able to find another, despite my attempts. I have a little less than $100 to my name, thanks to my parents emptying my bank account to pay for this year’s tuition and class materials. It’s very likely that I won’t be able to continue my education due to all of this.
I thought I had more time. I’m terrified. Being homeless is the worst nightmare anyone ever has to face, and I don’t want to face it. I’m stuck, none of my applications for jobs have been accepted, I have no place to go, and I’m running out of time.
Anything you guys can send my way will be immensely helpful.
If you want to help, my PayPal is at [email protected]. I am offering reward fics for any donations made through PayPal if you send me proof of donation.
I am also accepting Ko-Fi payments here: (Support me on Ko-Fi). I am offering fandom/OC/pride/general moodboards for Ko-Fi donations if you send me proof of donation, and one Ko-Fi = one moodboard. Two gets you two, three gets you three, and so on.
Here’s a Carrd with more detailed information on offered rewards for donations.
If you can’t donate, but want to help, please reblog this around.
I have two months. Please consider donating.
Below the cut is… a list of things I have faced while living in my parents’ house. I’m including this in my post to… hopefully give whoever looks a sense of what kind of people my parents are.
(TW for description of emotional, verbal, and physical abuse, sui// self h/rm mention):
Keep reading
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lunar-tone · 4 years
if you have ever suffered from…  
• depression 
• anxiety 
• eating disorder 
• self-harm
• ocd 
• bipolar 
• feelings of guilt and hopelessness 
• suicidal thoughts 
can you please reblog to show support for people who also suffer. you are not alone.
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lunar-tone · 4 years
Conffessions - Error/Ink
Error leaned back with a huff, back hitting the ground as he stared out at the endless stars above him. He was in Outertale, his favourite place to be.
Error fiddled with the scarf around his neck, face heating up at the very thought of the person who had gifted it to him.
“ G-G0dd@mmit. Stup1d s0ul and it’s stup1d em0ti0ns ” Error grumbled. Sitting up, Error pulled out the vial of Ink that Ink had given him if he ever wanted to talk. Ink had a similar thing set up with him, Error having given him some of his strings to tug on to call him.
Error desperately wanted to slam the bottle onto the ground and tell Ink how he felt, but he was so very scared. Ink didn’t have a soul of his own after all, and sure he had the vials, but what if that wasn't enough? What if Ink wasn't capable of feeling romantic love? Or what if he just didn't like Error that way!?
His anxious thoughts caused his glitching to pick up and so Error shoved the vial back into his pockets with a huff.
Maybe he should talk to someone about this? Keeping these emotions bottled up like this couldn't be good for him. Who would he go to though?
Nightmare was out of the question. His best friend was good at a lot of things, but the way of love was not one of them - Especially considering him and Killer we’re STILL dancing around each other.
Blueberry was also out. His excitable friend was amazing, but Blue would probably freak out if he told him and would probably just try to get him to tell Ink upfront.
Dream, Maybe? Dream was pretty good at this type of thing, right? He and Cross we’re having a baby soon too, weren't they? And Dream is definitely calm enough to not make a huge deal out of it.
Decision made, Error stood up and opened a portal to underswap, The AU That Dream and Cross had settled down in.
Stepping through, Error cautiously made his way through the bustling town to where he knew Dream’s house was. He had to be careful though, Less Stretch find out he’s here and come to kick him out. Again .
Luck was on Error’s side for once it seemed, as he made it to the small, cozy house that belonged to the guardian of hopes and dreams.
Walking up the porch, Error paused in front of the door, Hand raised to knock. What if they were out? What if he was bothering them? What if Cross suddenly decided that he hated him for everything he did to him despite having long since forgiving him for it?
Error shook his head. No! He had to do this, or else his Soul would continue to flutter around in his chest and make his head dizzy.
Pushing his anxieties down, Error knocked loudly on the door.
Movement could be heard from inside and a muffled ‘I’m Coming!’ could be heard. Error stepped back, prepared to bolt at a moment's notice. 
The door opening startled him out of his thoughts, and Error looked up into the surprised face of Dream.
“Error? What a lovely surprise! What brings you by?”
The former destroyer smiled nervously and fiddled with the ends of his scarf. “ Can 1 c0me in? I… N3ed t0 talk t0 you. I ne3d advice ”
Dream grinned brightly, Eyes turning to stars briefly before turning back into golden pin pricks. Dream stepped aside, revealing to Error his rather large baby bump. Dream motioned Error inside.
“Advice, Huh? Don’t know how much help i’ll be, but i can try!”
 The two made their way to the living room, Which Error noticed was baby proofed to hell and back. Error chuckled as he looked around. Dream sighed exasperatedly beside him. “Cross went a bit overboard on baby proofing the house, as you can see”
“ He’s exc1ted t0 be a dad ” Error shrugged, taking a seat on the couch. Dream sat down opposite to him, though Error noticed he had slightly struggled doing so.
Noticing Error’s stare, Dream huffed “I hate being pregnant. This baby is making moving so difficult”
Error chuckled at Dreams complaints, getting a huffed giggle from the guardian in return. “Anyway, What did you need advice on?”
Error wrung his hands together nervously, his face flushing as he attempted to hide in his scarf. Dream looked at this reaction before smiling almost devilishly “Ooooo~ Who’s the lucky skeleton who’s managed to win your heart~?”
“ A-Am i really th@t 0bvious? ”
“Ooooh yeah. Whoever it is, you see whipped”
Error huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. “ It’s… 1t’s Ink ”
Dreams squeal of delight almost made Error teleport out of there immediately “I knew it! Oh, you two would be so cute together!”
Tilting his head, Dream giggled “I’m guessing you're here to ask how to confess to him?”
Error nodded, Turning his gaze back to Dream, his blush having died down finally. Dream hummed, leaning back and striking a thinking pose.
“Well, first of all- Are you okay with touching him? Cause i know your haphephobia is getting better, but i know you still have moments”
Error paused at that. Was he okay with Ink touching him? Error thought back to all the times the two had accidentally touched, or where Ink had hugged him in excitement before remembering and backing off.
Everytime it happened, His soul would flutter happily in his chest and a blush would threaten to take over his face. “ I.. My S0ul flutters 3veryt1me he t0uches me… ”
Dream smiled softly “That’s good. Then considering how dense and oblivious Ink can be, you’re going to need to be direct and obvious about your feelings.”
“Honestly, I would suggest just grabbing him and kissing him, haha”
Error’s face exploded into colour at the thought, his glitching intensifying and his thoughts screaming. Dream just laughed at his reaction, the little shit.
“Oh, you’ve got it bad… You're acting just like cross did when we first got together!” Dream laughed, both at Error and at the memories.
Finally calming down enough to speak, Error looked at Dream seriously “ W0uld that g3t through to h1m? ”
Dream Smiled, nodding “Yup! Like i said, the more direct the better, and i don’t think you can get anymore direct then that”
Decision Made. Error stood up and made his way to the door. “ I guess i h@ve a squid to k1ss ”
“Pfft- Bye Error! Let me know how it goes!” Dream laughed from, waving at Error’s back as the glitch walked out of the house, easily opening a portal to the doodle sphere. 
Walking through the portal and closing it behind him, Error began to looking for Ink.
Luckily it didn’t take very long, as Error found Ink laying on one of the floating areas in the sphere, drawing something.
“ I-INK! ”
Startled at the shout, Ink screamed as he shot up and backwards falling onto his back as Error came to stand over him, a smug smirk on his face.
“E-Error! Hi! What are you doing here?”
Error grabbed Ink by his scarf and pulled him up, staring into the creator’s mismatched eyes nervously. Ink had a small rainbow blush on his face as he laughed nervously “uh- Error? W-what are you doing?”
“ Something 1’ve been me@ning t0 do for a l0ng time ”
And with that, Error pulled Ink closer to him and closed the gap, kissing Ink passionately. Ink yelped, surprised at the sudden kiss, before the waves of Love and compassion that we’re coming from Error finally hit him.
Moaning slightly, Ink went limp in Error’s hold and kissed back just as passionately, pupils turning to hearts as his eyes slipped closed.
Spurred on by the noise the smaller of the two made, Error wrapped his arms around Ink's waist while Ink’s arms slipped around his neck.
The two pulled apart, breathless as they stared into eachothers eyes. “ I love you, Ink. ”
Ink’s face finally exploded into a full rainbow as what just happened hit him and he buried his face into Error’s neck, attempting to hide his blushing face.
Once he calmed down a bit, Ink leaned back and looked up into Error’s eyes, as the other waited nervously for a response.
“I… I don’t know if it’s love… but my head gets dizzy whenever i see you smile or laugh, and i cant help but smile at the very sight of you and…”
Ink leaned up and kissed Error again, staring determinedly into the glitching skeletons eyes “I don’t need my vials to feel things when i'm around you, and if that isn't Love then i don’t know what is- so”
“ I love you too, Error ”
Soul swelling with happiness at his feelings being returned, Error leaned down and Kissed Ink again, picking the other up while doing so and spinning them around. Ink laughed into the Kiss, just as happy.
They settled down on the ground, cuddling together. Error's head nestled on Ink’s shoulder as Ink returned to his drawing, feeling more at ease than he’s ever felt now that he was in Error’s arms.
Unknown to either skeleton, a small window had been made not that far from them, and on the other Side Cross and Dream grinned happily at the two- Before Cross cursed angrily
“Damn- I owe Nightmare 20$ now”
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