lunas-tragedy · 1 year
Got back down to 64.7
It's getting better,
But it's still not enough
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lunas-tragedy · 1 year
Fucked it up fucked it up fucked it up fucked it up fucked it up
Gained it all back
I fucked it up
66.1kg can fuck me
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lunas-tragedy · 2 years
Down to 63.7kg. My new lw. Only 0.2kg to go
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lunas-tragedy · 2 years
Another 0.1kg down. 11 days to lose 0.3kg.
I can do it.
I can do it.
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lunas-tragedy · 2 years
Back to my lw after 2 months of losing and gaining the same 2lbs(1kg). 0.4kg to go
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lunas-tragedy · 2 years
Going on holiday with my family in April. Finally something to motivate me after a while of not trying.
Gonna lose 1kg from today.
Got to lose 1kg from today.
Will lose 1kg from today.
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lunas-tragedy · 2 years
Ran basically 3.5km today in half an hour fueled by only a 1/5 of a tesco cookie. It sound stupid but I'm getting good at this 'ana' thing
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lunas-tragedy · 2 years
got on the scale at the doc & i finally broke out of being 135lbs.
ya’ll i’m 126lbs😭🥺
so since i’m an actual witch, this post is gonna be a plateau breaking spell ✨✨✨
like charge, reblogs cast to get over that plateau & start losing weight again!!!!!
stay safe everyone!!!!
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lunas-tragedy · 2 years
Seeing this <<<<<
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lunas-tragedy · 2 years
Officially just lost all the Christmas weight. Its time for me to start taking ana seriously.
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lunas-tragedy · 2 years
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