lunisbunker67 · 3 days
Happy Birthday Castiel.
While I recently found out about the Chuck won Theory. I really hope you’re celebrating it in Heaven with your Winchester family and not in the Empty
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lunisbunker67 · 7 days
as funny as them queer baiting with jarlos and doing destiel 2.0 in true supernatural fashion i’m like really hoping they. don’t
this show has been actually good and they were hyping up the representation in the show pre release
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lunisbunker67 · 7 days
Carlos my love 🥰
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Tag list under the cut, reply if you wanna be added 🥰
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lunisbunker67 · 9 days
I don’t know why this song reminds me of Demon Dean breaking Crowley heart. Crowley realizing Demon Dean played him for a fool feeling hella betrayed.
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lunisbunker67 · 30 days
No, it will not go well. Cas will give theme so much “im upset sarcasm” then they argue on why Dean dean death is stupid or not.
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Cas is still majorly pissed about Dean's ridiculous death. The reunion doesn't go that well...
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lunisbunker67 · 30 days
I would first like to say that the reason I have disappeared was because I had job at a camp. I am planning on posting more supernatrual ralted things.
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I don't like to post anything political. But hearing that the DMC played Carry on my Wayword Sun. Made me believe that so one can escape the power of Superbatrual.
Jensen performace was outstanding! I do remember watching videos of him being shy when it comes to performing. Ha, The Weight moment. Look at him now he's belting, head banging, dude is just basically jamming.
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lunisbunker67 · 3 months
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“You know, it was like this flashback. You know they say that, when you're about to die, your life flashes before you. In my mind, I was flashing back to Lazarus Rising and seeing him walk through the barn with the sparks flying, and all of the sudden, all of these clips in my mind of Castiel and walking into the lake, and all of these things that are ingrained in my memory.”
Jensen - and by extension, Dean - was remembering the first time he said hello to Castiel, and the first time he had to say goodbye.
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lunisbunker67 · 4 months
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Guess who just made my day?
ID: a post from Misha of an image of Castiel showing off his Angel wings. The wings are all different colors of the rainbow, blue, purple green, orange, yellow.
Note: I want Angel Wings with the Queer Pride flag colors.
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lunisbunker67 · 4 months
Songs I Think Dean Winchester would Manly Cry to
I know Dean would never be caught dead listening to any of these songs but if he heard them on the radio tears would immediately fall down his face and he’d sit in silence for the rest of the car ride having a full on crisis.
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lunisbunker67 · 4 months
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Neomi got so tired of the eye fucking between those two.
Image Description: on the top of the photo is an image of Naomi with some text. Naomi: “Fuck Dean Winchester” On the bottom half of the picture is an image of Castiel. CAs: “I’m trying”
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lunisbunker67 · 4 months
We've come a long LONG way
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And so did Jensen to be honest
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lunisbunker67 · 4 months
Mi processo de pensamiento mientras mirando Supernatural S01E02
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Podemos hablar de como el Wendigo esta atrapando humanos como si son Pokemon? Solo que no es para formar equipos
Senti muy mal por Sa, esta que me olvide del susto. Grite hijo de to puta madre
tambien olvide la cantidad de ansiedad que tuve en las primeras temporadas cuando San y Dean jugaban a fingir.
El sobreviiviente del Wendigo, Sir Shaw acabe de activad mi Siri
No creo que el Wendigo planeara dejarlo con vida, el tuvo mucha suerte
oooffff Sam no esta de humor para cuidar personas. Pobrecito, esta passando un momento dificil y no puedo culparlo.
Ay guey, viendo este tipo devorado, entre todos los monstruos que cazaron. Esta fue una de las cacerías en los que nunca participaría.
Odio a John, pero me gusta como escribe su diario.
Me encanta la conversación sincera del Dean y Sam
Roy, deberías haber escuchado. Dispararle lo pone de mal humor, y correr tras el lo hace feliz.
Sam y el joven caminando por el ogar del Wendigo. Vaya ansiedad.
"Es hora de comer, maldito bastardo." Esto, esto vive en mi mente.
Sam los dice que se pogan detrás de el. Si Dean no llegaba a tiempo, quedarse allí no terminaría bien para ninguna de ellos
Yo también odio campar tradicional Dean.
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lunisbunker67 · 4 months
This does bring me comfort
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some comfort
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lunisbunker67 · 4 months
bitches need to stop making love confessions to their goofy yet emotionally repressed best friends in life or death situations. and by bitches I mean edwin and, of course, castiel.
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lunisbunker67 · 4 months
I just heard the news about Walker. I think season 16 is calling for Misha, Jensen and Jered. Because theirs shows got canceled.
If season 16 were to happen, they better have Destiel written very well.
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lunisbunker67 · 4 months
My thought process while rewatching Supernatural S01E02
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Can we talk about how the Wendigo is catching humans like Pokémon’s. Only it’s not to form bonds.
I felt so sad for Sam, until I forgot about the jump scare. I did yell son of a bitch
I also forgot the amount of anxiety I had in the first few seasons when Sam and Dean play pretend.
The Wendigo survivor Mr. Shaw, just triggered my Siri.
I don’t think the Wendigo was planning to leave him alive, dude was very lucky.
Ooff Sam is not in the mood for baby sitting. Poor dude is having a rough time and I can’t blame him.
Oh, hell no! Seeing the dude get devoured, out of all the monsters they hunted. This was one of the hunts I would never participate on.
Not a fan of John, but I like how he journals.
I love Dean and Sam’s heart to heart conversation
Roy, you should’ve listened, shooting it makes it grumpy and running after it makes it happy.
Sam and the kid walking through Wendigo’s crib. Yay anxiety!
“It’s chow time you freakin’ bastard” This, this lives in my head rent free.
Sam tells them to get behind him. If Dean didn’t show up on time, just standing there would not end well for neither of them.
I hate traditional camping 2 Dean.
That’s the End
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lunisbunker67 · 4 months
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I bet that it’s not just you.
Image description: on the top half of the image is 2 pictures side by side.
On the left side is Jensen I believe making some funny gestures, while Jered looks serious.
On the left side, Jensen looks serious, while Jared sticks out his tongue while making a peace sign.
On the bottle half of the image has black text with a white background, that reads. “Is it just me or does the first pic seem to be Jensen posing with Sam and then the second is Dean posing with Jared.
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