#so she just charges and destroys bosses
lusciiniia · 2 years
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(Point at Yanfei) I designate you a glass cannon with tank behavior
0 notes
punkshort · 8 months
somewhere to run | 6. the confession
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Pairing: sheriff!Joel x f!reader
Chapter Summary: Joel finds out the truth and convinces you to press charges.
Chapter Warnings: language, angst, PTSD type symptoms, mutual pining, domestic violence and SA (discussed after the fact), mental and physical abuse, detailed conversations about DV and SA (I didn't get too descriptive about the SA but I do use the R word a couple times) please let me know if I missed anything because there is a lot going on here
WC: 9K
A/N: as the title implies, we are going to get more details about what happened to reader in this one so once again, please heed the warnings and don't read if you think it will be triggering for you. I tried not to be too graphic.
Series Masterlist
Joel could hardly sleep that night. Instead of going to the station, he headed home so he could be with Sarah. She wondered why he got home so early from his date, but he dodged the question and the two of them worked together in silence - Sarah on her homework, Joel on his incident report. When she asked him why he was working from home, he just shook his head and said something came up. She was a smart girl. She knew something was bothering him, but she didn't push it and he was grateful.
He tossed and turned all night, his mind reeling while he looked at his phone every few minutes. He checked the volume, he made sure do not disturb was off, wondering if you would reach out, but you never did. Maybe it wasn't unusual for Patrick to not come home. Or maybe you heard what happened and you were mad at Joel. That worried him the most. The fear that his actions might have destroyed what fragile relationship he had left with you ate him up as he stared blankly at his ceiling.
Morning came too quickly and too slowly all at once. He rubbed his tired eyes as he dragged himself into the bathroom. When he leaned forward to turn the water on, he was met with a sharp pain in his chest. He glanced down, rubbing the area tenderly and realized a large bruise was forming from his fight the night before. He winced when he pressed on a particularly sensitive spot and tried his best to avoid the area during his shower.
After he dropped Sarah off at school, he headed into work, his heart beginning to beat faster the closer he got to the station. He had no doubt in his mind the whole town knew what happened last night, but he was too tired and too overwhelmed to care about their curious questions and senseless gossip.
When he walked in, he breezed right past Helen's desk with a curt nod, doing his best to avoid all eye contact until he was within the safety of his office. He booted up his ancient computer and waited, his thumb rubbing mindlessly against his lower lip as he stared out his window.
He would go to the diner today. He already decided he had to see you. The radio silence was killing him and he needed to make sure you were okay. He was embarrassed about the Facebook messages, even more so that you weren't the one to read them, but Patrick was right. They were not innocent. The words held more weight than they appeared, but he had to come to terms with the fact that you were not his, and then maybe with some closure, he would be able to move on.
The morning dragged on slowly. Bobby caught him at the coffee maker, already working on his third cup, depending solely on the caffeine to help keep him going.
"Hey, boss. You look like shit, but not as bad as him," Bobby said, pouring himself more coffee and jutting his chin to the back of the building where the holding cells were located.
"Feel like shit," Joel mumbled, leaning against the counter and taking a sip from his mug.
"Think you broke his nose," Bobby added, finally looking up at him. "Called the doc but turns out he's real busy this mornin', won't be able to come by til after hours. Such a damn shame," he said, sarcasm dripping from his voice. Joel understood what he was saying without him having to say it. The people in this town looked out for one another and didn't take kindly to a stranger hurting one of their own. They were leaving Patrick to deal with his injuries longer than necessary.
"I don't think I broke anythin', he did that all on his own chargin' into that table," Joel said, but Bobby shook his head.
"Not the way he tells it," he replied with a chuckle. "You'd think you nearly killed him, the way he's been whinin' back there."
"No doubt lookin' for a lawsuit," Joel said, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Don't worry, boss. You got a bar full'a witnesses. Hank already offered to give a statement and he was probably the only sober one there."
"Yeah, good. Thanks," Joel replied, pushing off the counter to head back to his office, trying to ignore the sideways glances of the men watching him from the bullpen. He shook his mouse and grimaced when he saw an email from the mayor looking to set up a meeting with him that week to discuss the incident. He knew he did nothing wrong, but the more attention this brought him, the worse he felt. Eventually, all of that talk would make its way back to you and Sarah, the truth most likely getting distorted along the way. He made a mental note to have a talk with his daughter that night as he slowly typed out a response to the mayor.
He swore he would try to get some actual work done, but he ended up spending more time staring out the window or at his phone, watching the minutes tick by til it was lunchtime and he could see you. Maybe he could pull you aside and talk to you in private. Maybe he could fix this.
The moment the clock read a reasonable hour, he jumped up from his seat and snatched his blazer from the coat hook, rolling his shoulders as he walked and put it on, then stifling a grunt when he felt a muscle in his chest pull from the effort.
He kept his head down as he walked down the street towards the diner, only glancing up once when he passed the pizza place. Your curtains were still drawn, no lights on that he could see, no sign of life.
A few people called out to him as he passed, but all he could muster was a tight smile and quick wave, not in the mood to get wrapped up into any conversations.
When he swung the door open, his eyes immediately went to the counter, searching you out but only finding Betty. Before he had a chance to look around the dining room, he heard María greet him.
"Where the hell were you last week?"
"I was here Friday," he muttered, looking around and avoiding her eyes.
"Yeah, with Nikki. Heard some stuff about that-"
"Is she here?" Joel asked, finally dragging his gaze to meet Maria's. She frowned and shook her head.
"No, she called in sick," Maria said, watching him carefully. "Joel, what's going on with you two? People are saying stuff about you and her husband, and-"
"She's sick?" Joel repeated, panic beginning to bubble to the surface. Maria nodded and shrugged.
"Yeah, people get sick, Joel. Hey! Where are you going?"
Joel didn't reply, he just hurried out the doors, nearly knocking down a middle aged couple as they were about to walk inside. He mumbled an apology as he jogged down the street towards your place.
Something was wrong.
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Your eye cracked open when you heard the doorbell, the heavy thudding in your head making you immediately nauseous. You groaned and squeezed your eyes shut, rolling back under the covers. Maybe if you were quiet, Patrick would think you were at work and he would leave. But the bell kept ringing, the sound pinging around in your brain making the headache you already had so much worse.
When he began pounding on the door and shouting from the street, you dragged yourself out of bed and wrapped yourself in a thin robe. You knew your body couldn't take much more, but letting him in would be better than allowing him to make a scene in front of the whole town, so you forced your feet forward, still limping from the day before.
You had to pause in the doorway to catch your breath as you clutched your side, wincing in pain as you tried to gingerly walk down the steps, but you were taking too long and he just kept pounding and shouting and the all noise was making you sick.
"Stop," you called out weakly, not convinced he would even hear you, but miraculously he did because the noise finally ceased, and you sighed a small breath of relief.
Shakily, you reached out to grip the doorknob, your fingers fumbling with the locks until you finally managed to twist the brass handle, opening the door just a sliver, worried people walking by would see your face. Then, unexpectedly, you heard Joel's voice instead of Patrick's say your name softly and before you could peer around the door, you went to quickly shut it with no success. His hand gripped the door tightly, but you held firm, hiding behind the wood.
"You shouldn't be here," you told him, your voice weak and broken.
"I know you're mad at me but I gotta talk to you 'bout what happened," he said from the other side. "Please let me in."
Unbeknownst to you both, you were talking about two different things.
"If he finds you here... no, you have to leave," you said, pushing the door again, but he didn't budge.
"Patrick?" he questioned, sounding confused.
"Yes, Patrick," you rasped, getting dizzy from exerting so much energy in your weakened state. "Please just go."
"He's in jail, did - no one told you?" he asked quietly, trying to keep his voice down.
"Jail?" you repeated, and your grip on the door loosened in surprise. Joel felt it and took the opportunity to open it further. You stepped back quickly, wrapping the robe around you tighter and trying to fidget with your hair to hide the marks, but you knew it was pointless the moment you saw his face after closing the door behind him.
"What the fuck?" he whispered, his jaw dropping as his eyes slowly raked over your face, neck and arms. Your lip was swollen and cut, the scab breaking open and beginning to weep the more you spoke. Your cheekbone had a light purple bruise blooming under your skin, as did your jaw. There was a small gash near your hairline and what looked like scratch marks down your neck, leading past your collar bone and below your robe. When you shakily brought your hands up to cover your face in shame, he saw the dark bruises on your wrists.
"Oh my god," he whispered, unable to bring his voice any louder. When he reached out, you flinched away and he felt like he had been stabbed in the chest.
"You should go," you said quietly, your eyes pinned to the ground.
"I can't," he said in utter disbelief. "I can't... why didn't you call me?"
You looked like you were about to reply but decided against it and instead still kept your gaze averted.
"C'mon, lemme take you upstairs and get a look at you," he said, reaching out again, but you stumbled backwards, nearly falling onto the steps.
"Please don't touch me," you told him, holding up a hand, and he nodded.
"Okay, I won't touch you," he said, trying to remain calm while his heart was breaking. "Let's just go upstairs, alright?"
Reluctantly, you agreed and slowly ascended the steps, Joel following dutifully behind. He ushered you over to the couch, making sure you were seated before he went to your bathroom, rummaging around in your medicine cabinet while you sat there, your face buried in your palms and trying not to cry.
He came back into the living room, trying not to make you feel worse by hiding his reaction, but it was hard. He swallowed and dropped his eyes to the assortment of first aid items in his hands.
"Did you take anything for the pain?" he asked, his voice thick, his throat tight.
"Not today, no," you admitted softly. He nodded and shook out two white pills from a bottle and handed them to you before getting you some water. While safely in the kitchen where you couldn't see him, he let out a shaky breath and squeezed his eyes shut, trying to calm himself down. How could this happen? How didn't he see it? He should have checked on you earlier. He never should have fucking let you leave with Patrick yesterday. Guilt racked his brain as he exhaled slowly and went back to you in the living room.
"Here," he said, handing you the bottle of water. You took it and popped the pills in your mouth, wincing as you swallowed them down.
He sat down on the couch next to you but was sure to give you your space as he picked up the antiseptic and some gauze.
"Will you let me?" he asked, holding up the items in his hand. You paused and looked at them, then him. His eyes were wide and soft and shiny with unshed tears. Slowly, you nodded and watched as he twisted off the cap and put some of the antiseptic on the gauze, first pressing it gently against the gash on your forehead, then making a fresh one for your lip.
At first, he dabbed at the cut gently, ghosting over your skin as if he were afraid. But then he brought his other hand up to caress your chin, his fingers feather-like and so careful that it made your eyes flutter shut, his touch unlike anything you were used to. When you finally opened your eyes again, his hands were gone and he was staring at you, the look in his eyes morphing from sadness to one you were much more familiar with.
"I'm gonna fuckin' kill him," he said menacingly, sending a shiver down your spine.
"Don't," you said, shaking your head, but his eyes darkened and his jaw was set.
"Why didn't you tell me, sweetheart? I could've done somethin'. I could've-"
"What? What could you have done, Joel? I've heard it all before," you told him, your lip trembling. "I've tried. Believe me, I've tried. And it never works. Nothing ever changes and it just gets worse."
Joel shook his head, still not understanding.
"I'm a cop, I coulda protected you. There's laws in place for this kinda thing."
"I've gone to the cops, Joel! More than once! And they all told me the same shit!" you exclaimed, getting worked up now. "Then I go home, and magically my statement goes missing, or my medical exam report, and I'm in worse shape than before because guess what? It makes him really fucking mad when his buddies on the force find out what he does to his wife at home."
Joel's lips parted as he watched your chest heave for breath, the energy quickly draining from your frail body.
"I... I'm so sorry," was all he could say. He couldn't blame you for not trusting anyone, especially him, now that he finally knew the truth. Everything was starting to make sense. His guilt was pulling him down and he felt like he was drowning in it. So many things he should have done. Should have seen. He should have helped you but instead he trotted Nikki in front of you to make you feel even worse.
"I can really help you, though. I ain't like that," he said, scooting a little closer to you.
"I've heard that before, too," you said sadly, dropping your gaze to the ground. "There's no getting out of this. I thought by running I could try to start over, but it's clear now he will never let me go." You closed your eyes as two tears fell down your cheeks. You wiped them away angrily, hating yourself for being so weak all the time.
Joel felt his chest squeeze, his heart breaking as he watched you fall apart. He needed to do something. He couldn't let you down. You needed to get out of this, or else it could cost you your life.
"Look at me," he said, waiting until your tears slowed and you forced your eyes open. "I promise I'll help you. I fuckin' promise you, alright? You ain't in Pennsylvania, I ain't his buddy, and I will do whatever I gotta do to keep you safe."
You searched his face, eyes all wide and your heart sliced open, lying on the table between you. You've been let down so many times, it was so hard to tell when anyone was being truthful anymore, but you couldn't deny what you felt for him. And what he felt for you. You knew something was there, something real and honest and pure. He wouldn't have any reason to lie to you at this point, so after a moment, you nodded.
"Okay," you whispered, and you could see the relief flood his face.
He sat back on the couch and rubbed his chin in thought, staring at the TV screen across from him that wasn't even on while the gears in his tired head worked overtime.
"Alright," he finally said, slapping his knees and standing up from the couch. "First things first: you gotta get to a doctor."
You immediately recoiled and shook your head.
"Absolutely not."
"I'm sorry, but you have to. I gotta..." he trailed off and chewed the inside of his cheek before pushing onward. "I gotta have a doctor take pictures."
Your face instantly crumpled and you buried your face in your hands once again.
"I'm sorry," he whispered for what felt like the hundredth time, getting down on one knee to be eye level with you. "But in order for this to work, they gotta record evidence, okay?"
"Joel, I can't," you whimpered, your face still covered, but he nodded and caressed the side of your head with his palm.
"Yes, you can. I'll be right there, okay? Unless you don't want me there, but I'll go with you if you want. Or I'll wait outside the door. Whatever you need, I'll do it. I'm gonna get you outta this."
You sniffled and finally dropped your hands to your lap, your gaze finding his.
"This is the last time, I promise you," he said, staring deep into your eyes. "I'll never let him near you again."
You thought his words over for a moment, the two of you sitting in silence, looking at the other. One trying to earn trust, the other trying to give it. Finally, you closed your eyes and nodded, giving your consent for what was to come.
"Okay," Joel said softly, dropping his hand from your face and standing up to pull out his phone.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm lookin' up the number of a doctor I trust. She's a woman, too. She's real nice and sensitive. I've used her for a couple cases in the past," he said, finding the number and dialing it, bringing the phone up to his ear. Cases. You couldn't help but feel like just another victim the way he said it, even though he didn't mean it that way. You listened as he spoke to her over the phone in a hushed tone, not giving too much of your information away but insisting it was an urgent matter. When he hung up, he turned to you with a weak smile.
"She can see you this afternoon."
"Oh," you said, glancing down at your appearance. You weren't expecting to leave the house that day and you weren't sure what to do.
"It's okay," he said, sitting down next to you again and resting his hand on your knee. "I'll take you through the backdoor of her office, no one'll see you. She'll be fast."
You nodded and looked up at him.
"Maybe I should shower," you said. He paused and shifted his gaze away.
"You, uh," he cleared his throat and rubbed his forehead with the pads of his fingers. He knew this would come up, one way or another. "I don't mean to get into too much detail, but if he..." Joel trailed off, finding it difficult to finish his sentence. "If he did more than hit you, you shouldn't shower," he finally choked out, unable to look you in the eye.
You froze, finally understanding what he meant. He kept his eyes fixed on the wall, his neck tensing, his nostrils flaring, as he waited for your response.
"I won't shower, then," you finally said, your voice strained.
His eyes slid shut and he dropped his chin to his chest. Oh, fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. He pinched the bridge of his nose while he tried to steady his breathing.
"I'll just go change," you mumbled, standing up while he nodded, still trying to breathe.
He did his best to collect himself while you were out of the room, but he could feel himself spiraling. What was he doing when it happened? Was he watching a movie with Sarah? Was he eating dinner? Was he getting ready for his fucking date with Nikki?
He could feel the tears welling up but he quickly wiped them away. You needed him to be strong. You needed someone to help you, to take care of you. He couldn't afford to be weak right now. He would let himself feel it later, when he was all alone at home and Sarah was asleep. When nobody needed him and he could just let the guilt and shame and sorrow wash over him.
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"Jesus, Joel," Carol muttered as she left the exam room. Joel jumped up from his seat, anxiously waiting for it to be over. He rubbed his palms against his pants, trying to wipe the sweat away. She sighed and looked up at him, taking off her glasses.
"So?" she repeated, shaking her head. "So, I have your evidence."
Joel nodded, waiting for her to continue.
"She's been through a lot," Carol said softly, walking him down to her office for privacy. She closed the door but he didn't sit down.
"She's gonna be lookin' for me," he explained, jutting his thumb over his shoulder.
"I'll be quick," she said, sitting down at her desk with a sigh. "There was significant scarring and healed bones, detailing years of abuse, and definitely evidence of some most recently."
"Yeah, I imagine anyone can see that by just lookin' at her face," he replied, but she shook her head.
"I didn't mean her face."
Joel felt his breath get caught in his throat.
"Right," he finally said, his voice cracking.
"She said her husband is a cop?" Carol asked, flipping open a yellow file on her desk. Joel nodded.
"Got him in lockup right now for swingin' on me at Hank's," he explained.
Carol's eyes glanced up at his and she quirked an eyebrow.
"Yeah, I heard something about that," she said, lacing her fingers together and looking at him closely. "Can I give you some advice, Joel?"
He shifted his weight, not sure where she was going with it, but nodded anyway.
"Don't take her statement yourself. Have someone else do it, alright?"
"Why?" he asked quickly, and she gave him a knowing look.
"Because it'll be gruesome, and you're too involved."
Joel frowned.
"Don't care what you've got going on with her, I'm just giving you some friendly advice. Let someone else do it," she said, her eyes softening. "Besides, you got into it with her husband last night. You don't want some hot shot lawyer tossing out her testimony in court because he can link together some personal relationship between you two."
Joel considered her words for a moment and reluctantly nodded. She was right. He was having a hard time keeping things separate, and he appreciated the clarity. He couldn't fuck this up for you. Not now.
"Anythin' else?"
She leaned back in her chair and shook her head.
"You'll have my report in the morning," she said. He nodded, thanking her again for seeing you on such short notice before exiting the room. He turned the corner just as you were opening the exam room door clutching a worn hoodie around yourself and looking around frantically before your eyes fell on him and you visibly relaxed.
"Hey, sorry. You alright?" he asked, his hands gently coming up to your shoulders to guide you towards the back exit. You gulped and nodded.
"Wasn't so bad," you said.
"Good. You did the right thing," he said as he held open the door for you and led you back to his truck.
Once you were comfortably seated and Joel merged back into traffic, you shot him a sideways glance and asked him the question that had been weighing on your mind since he came over that morning.
"Hm?" he said, twisting his head to the side to change lanes.
"Why is Patrick in jail?"
Joel's grip on the steering wheel tightened and there was an uncomfortable pause before he sighed.
"He came at me last night. We happened to both be at a bar at the same time, he was drunk and swung on me."
"What?!" you exclaimed, twisting around in your seat to look at him.
"I thought you knew since he didn't come home last night. Thought you were avoidin' me by callin' off work," he said, keeping his eyes fixed on the road.
"No, I had no idea. He hasn't been staying at my apartment, he has a motel room somewhere," you said, peering at his face, then dropping your gaze to his hands where you could see now his knuckles were a little red.
"Are you okay?" you asked after a beat, and he scoffed.
"Am I okay?" he repeated with a shake of his head. He looked at you in shock, the corner of his mouth turning up into a half smirk. "I'm fine. Can't believe you'd be worried 'bout me after what you went through."
"Of course I worry about you," you said softly, and he felt his heart melt. Why did you have to be so sweet? After everything you've been through, after everyone in your life has let you down, you were still so fucking sweet.
He wanted to say more. He wanted to say so much more, but he couldn't. He couldn't put that kind of stress on you. It would be selfish to tell you how much he thinks about you, how much he wished you were his, how he hasn't been able to get you out of his head since the moment he laid eyes on you. No, that would be wrong. It wasn't the right time, so he swallowed the words back from the tip of his tongue and focused on the road.
"What's next?" you asked him as he walked you up to your front door. Mercifully, the weather was threatening to downpour so the streets were quiet.
"Well, next you'll have to come down to the station and give your statement so we can formally press additional charges," he said, knowing you wouldn't want to hear it but he was surprised when you simply nodded your head.
"Okay. When?"
"Tomorrow?" he offered, and you nodded again as you unlocked your door.
"I'll have to call off work or come by after," you told him, stepping inside and turning to look at him.
"Listen, 'bout that," Joel began, and you frowned. "I gotta tell Tommy."
"No!" you cried, your eyes going wide with worry, but he shushed you and shook his head.
"I gotta tell him so he can keep an eye on things, alright? I won't be able to keep him in lockup for much longer and I can't be with you all the time to protect you, d'you understand?"
"Joel..." you whimpered, burying your face in your hands. He had to physically restrain himself from pulling you into his arms. He fucking hated seeing you like this.
"We can file a restraining order tomorrow but a piece of paper won't necessarily keep him away, and I can't risk it," Joel explained, his heart breaking for you.
"Okay," you sniffled, finally coming to terms with it. If you were going to do this, you had to trust him.
"Okay," Joel repeated. "Tommy served in the Army, he knows what he's doin', I promise. I'll tell him to keep it quiet, alright?"
"Yeah," you whispered, rubbing your nose with the back of your hand.
"And no more walkin' back from work in the dark. Take your car or get a ride. If I can, I'll drive you - " Joel pulled out his phone to look at his calendar, but you stopped him.
"I can manage, but thank you."
You looked at one another for a moment, both of you unsure what else to say. You were thankful for what he was doing but you weren't sure you had the words to properly express your gratitude. Everything you wanted to say felt so small, so insignificant. So instead of attempting to cobble together some sentence that wouldn't do your feelings justice, you stepped forward and wrapped your arms around his waist, burying your face against his warm chest. He quickly brought his arms up around you in return, gently placing his hands on your head and back as he held you carefully against him, as if he was worried you would break. He was absolutely certain you could feel how hard his heart was thumping in his chest, but he didn't care. He just wanted to feel you, to hold you, to keep you safe.
"It's gonna be okay," he told you, his voice heavy, and he felt you nod against him before pulling back, his chest suddenly feeling so empty.
"Thank you," you whispered, then spared him one more glance before heading inside, the door clicking shut softly behind you.
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Later that evening, after you had forced yourself to eat some soup and drink some water, you were settling in on your couch when you heard a soft knock at your door. You muted your TV and strained your ears to listen. It didn't sound like a familiar knock, not one filled with anger or urgency. You glanced down at your phone, wondering if Joel had sent you a text that you missed, but nothing was there.
Hesitantly, you made your way down the steps. Your fingers brushed the doorknob, but before you opened it, you spoke through the door.
"Who's there?"
"It's me," Maria's voice drifted through the wood, and you breathed a sigh of relief. You unlocked the door and met her eyes. She tried to hold back the wince upon seeing your face, but you still caught it.
"Heard you might need some help," she said, holding up a small plastic bag. You frowned, confused, until she tilted it open for you to look inside. There, you found a variety of makeup bottles and powders in shades that looked pretty close to your skin tone.
You opened the door and let her in. You could tell you were able to take the stairs a little quicker than the morning, and you hoped that meant you were healing because you really couldn't afford to miss more time at work.
"Cute place," she said, glancing around before following you into your living room.
"Thanks," you murmured, turning the volume back on the TV as she settled into the couch next to you.
"I hope you don't mind," she said, motioning towards the bag. "Joel called and told Tommy what happened... I'm so sorry, I wish you would've called us, we could've helped you."
"Thanks," you said with a shrug. "I guess I'm just used to dealing with it on my own."
"Well if you're ever scared of staying alone, we have a spare bedroom, so please don't hesitate to ask."
You gave her a small smile, hoping she could tell how grateful you were. With the exception of one cousin back home, nobody had tried to stand up for you before. Not even your own parents. The whole concept was so foreign to you, you weren't sure how to respond.
Maria seemed to sense this and she changed the subject, leaning forward to sift through the contents of the drugstore bag, pulling out item after item and holding it up against your arm to decide which shade would work best. She spent the next hour helping you cover your cuts and bruises, and by the time you were done, you didn't look half bad.
"How are you feeling?" she asked as she packed up her things and shoved her sneakers back on.
"A little less sore," you admitted. "I should be able to work tomorrow."
"Why don't you take one more day? Joel said you're going down to the station tomorrow, it might take more out of you than you expect."
You thought it over for a moment before reluctantly agreeing. Money was a concern, but you could wait one more day, and maybe you could pick up an extra shift over the weekend.
You thanked her as she headed down the steps and she reminded you again to call her and Tommy if you ever needed anything, and you promised you would.
When you were finally on your own again, you sat in silence, thinking about these people who barely knew you, who you essentially lied to, banding together to help you out. It was unlike anything you were used to, and you were beginning to think you may have finally found your home.
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The next morning, you paced around your living room, anxiously nibbling at your nails as you waited for Joel to ring the bell. He had insisted on picking you up. He said he could swing by after he dropped Sarah off at school, that it wouldn't be a problem and he passed by your apartment anyway. You didn't understand why he was so insistent: the walk was less than ten minutes, but you didn't feel like arguing.
You were checking your makeup job in the mirror for the fifth time when the bell rang. With a deep sigh, you pulled on your sneakers, slung your purse over your shoulder and headed down the steps. When you opened the door, he was standing with his back to you under a brown blazer and his arms crossed, trying to appear casual for anybody who might be walking by, but when he heard you step through the door he swiveled around quickly.
"Good morning," you said to him with a small smile after you were sure the door was locked tight.
"Mornin'. You ready?"
"Ready as I'll ever be," you said as he led you to his truck parked a little ways down the street.
"You really didn't have to do this, you know," you said again, glancing around to see if anyone was watching.
"I know," was all he said before opening the passenger door for you and giving you a hand to step up into the cab.
The quick ride to the station was quiet, only the hum from his radio filling the air as your fingers fidgeted in your lap. When he parked the truck and you made a move to open the door, he held a hand out.
"Wait a minute, I gotta talk to you before we go in there."
You dropped your hand to your lap and looked at him expectantly.
"I can't take your statement today, I'm gonna have another officer do it," he said, his words rushed like he knew you wouldn't take the news well. And you didn't.
"What?!" you cried out softly, anxiety already creeping up and squeezing your chest.
"I'm sorry, I can't," he said, taking a deep breath and glancing out the windshield before looking back at you. "There's a conflict of interest. Patrick assaulted me, and if I go and take your statement, it won't look good to a judge."
"Oh my god," you mumbled, rubbing your eyes with the heels of your hands.
"It'll be okay. I'll be right there the whole time. Right on the other side of the glass, okay? I promise, I won't leave."
He watched you for a minute, waiting for you to say something, and when you didn't he began to question himself.
"Unless you don't want me to hear, I don't have to-"
"No, I'd prefer you be there," you said quickly.
He nodded and took a deep breath in.
"I asked a female officer to do it. Her name's Beth. She's real nice, she's dealt with... situations like this in the past."
"Okay," you said softly, reaching for the handle, but once again he stopped you.
"One more thing. I gotta cut him loose tomorrow."
You squeezed your eyes shut. You knew this would happen, but it didn't stop you from feeling the overwhelming sense of dread that crept up your spine.
"It'll be fine. I'll file the restraining order today. If he comes within fifty feet of you, he's goin' right back to jail, okay?" he said, his hand coming up to rest assuringly on your knee.
"Okay," you whispered, finally opening your eyes to look at him.
"You can do this. I know you can."
You had to hold back the tears that sprung up when his words hit your ears. Nobody has ever believed in you, listened to you, took care of you the way he did, and he hardly even knew you. People who have been in your life for years, your own family didn't encourage you the way Joel did. On one hand, it was depressing to realize it took this long for someone to give a shit, but on the other hand, you were so, so relieved someone finally did.
As Joel led you into the station, he kept his head held high, ignoring the glances shot your way and you did your best to do the same. You followed him towards the back, and you hesitated a brief moment before entering the interrogation room, pushing all the bad memories to the back of your mind and focusing on the present.
You needed to put an end to this, once and for all.
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You were doing okay. It was half an hour into giving your statement to Beth, and Joel was right. She seemed very kind and patient, and you relaxed after speaking with her for just a few minutes. Or maybe it was because you knew Joel was just a few feet away, watching from the other side of the glass, just like he promised. Whatever it was, you were doing better than you expected.
You had gotten through the bullet points of your history with Patrick. You had detailed how you met after you graduated from high school, how he had just gotten back from basic training with the Marines and was applying to join the Philadelphia police department. You explained how at first, things were great. He was loving and kind, for the most part, but you had been inexperienced and didn't recognize the red flags when you saw them. Like when he got overly possessive at house parties, and especially so when he started drinking. At first, you had thought it was sweet, but then he started getting a little rough. You explained at the time, he would apologize the next day and promise not to do it again, but a few weeks later, he would inevitably go back on his word. The cycle repeated itself over and over for a year, until he proposed one night in front of your entire family, and you had felt pressured to say yes. You had hoped it was just nerves, that eventually you would be excited about marrying him, but it never came. He had rushed you into planning the ceremony and you were only engaged for a few short months. And again, you fooled yourself into thinking everything was just happening so fast, that it was so stressful planning a wedding and that one day, you would be happy.
You couldn't remember the argument that caused him to first hit you. To really hit you, enough to leave a nasty bruise, but you remembered the shock, and you remembered the pain and the fear. And once again, he had apologized the following day, and you forgave him. Because you were weak and scared and confused.
"Did anybody in your life notice?" Beth asked, her eyes filled with what appeared to be genuine concern.
"I hid it at first, but eventually, yes, people noticed," you admitted, fidgeting with the edge of your shirt.
"Did they offer to help you?"
"My cousin," you said, looking down at your hands. "She helped me... she helped me find a clinic so I wouldn't get pregnant."
"Did Patrick know you were on birth control?" Beth asked gently while scratching away with her pen on paper.
"No, I didn't think he would like that."
"Why not?"
"He's made comments to me in the past about wanting a big family, and I was afraid to tell him no. I was afraid he would hurt our children, too," you said, still staring down at your hands.
"Has he raped you?" Beth asked bluntly, and you visibly balked.
"Oh, um," you faltered, the word for whatever reason sending shockwaves through you. You knew the answer, but you just hated admitting it.
"Yes," you finally said, your voice cracking, so you cleared your throat and took a sip of water.
"I'm sorry," Beth said quietly, catching your gaze and giving you a sympathetic look. "I won't ask too much today, but you need to know if this goes to trial, a judge will ask for a lot more detail. You can get a lawyer and they will help walk you through it when the time comes." She reached out across the table to place her hand on top of yours, her thumb rubbing over your knuckles. You nodded, wordlessly telling her to keep going.
"When did it start?"
"Right after we got married, I think."
"How often?" she asked, pulling her hand back so she could focus on writing.
"A few times a week, I guess? I mean, I don't know what counts. A lot of the times I wouldn't be in the mood and he would pressure me, other times were more... deliberate." You swallowed and glanced quickly at the mirror behind Beth, suddenly regretting asking Joel to listen.
"Did you tell your parents?" Beth asked, glancing up at you.
"I told my mom, yes."
"And what did she say?"
"She told me it was a wife's duty to... be available to her husband. She didn't think it was rape." You spit the last word out like it was poison on your tongue. Beth winced but tried to hide it by looking down at her notes.
"And when would he hit you?"
"It varied. Most of the time it was when he was drunk or high. He promised me all the time he would get help, but he never stuck with it."
"Did you ever have to go to the hospital?"
"Yes. A few times. He's broken my arm twice, fractured my hip, and I've had a few concussions. On one occasion, he strangled me until I lost consciousness. I had to be admitted for a bruised trachea." You absentmindedly rubbed your arm and neck as you spoke, your fingers gliding over the old wounds.
"And you've gone to the police before?" she asked.
"Yes, a couple times, but -" you could feel your resolve breaking, and you bit your lower lip to keep it from trembling. "But he always did something to make it go away, and then he would get really mad. One time when I went to file a complaint, he had a cop friend of his lock me in a room just like this one for a whole day. To teach me a lesson." You twirled your finger around the sparse room, tears glistening in your eyes. "They didn't let me out, I couldn't use the bathroom, I didn't have anything to eat or drink. I was all alone."
You stopped talking and tucked your chin against your chest, trying desperately to keep the tears at bay. You wiped a shaky palm against your cheek, drying the tears that fell before you looked back up.
"There were times he would be gone for two or three days at a time and come back, all strung out and crazy... those were the times, the times I went to the police, that I ended up in the hospital. So I stopped asking cops for help."
She nodded as she wrote, giving you a minute to collect yourself before her next question. You glanced up at the mirror again and wondered what Joel was thinking. Did he leave? Or was he still there? You almost hoped he had left. You were feeling too vulnerable as it was, but the thought of him looking at you with pity after this was over made your stomach turn.
"I've done this before," you said suddenly, pulling her attention off the page. "And it always ends up the same. Please tell me this will be different."
"It will be different," she said immediately, her jaw set. She put her pen down on her pad and laced her fingers together. "I'm so sorry the justice system as failed you so tremendously, but we will do everything we can for you now that you're here."
You nodded and wiped more of your tears away before she handed you a box of tissues from a small cabinet in the corner of the room. Taking a deep, shaky breath, you met her gaze once again.
"What else?"
"I think that's enough for today," she said, flipping the pages closed on her legal pad. "We got your doctor's report this morning, and combined with this statement we will start the process of formally pressing charges. After that, if he pleads not guilty, it will go before a judge. But let's take it one step at a time, okay?"
"Okay," you said quietly, gathering your purse and following her out of the room. Your eyes immediately drifted around the hallway and then the bullpen, searching for Joel, but he was nowhere to be found. You frowned as Beth led you towards the front lobby, prepared to walk home, when you heard his voice call your name just as you were opening the door.
"I'll take you home," he said. His face looked hardened and his eyes looked distant.
"You don't have to," you began, but he just shook his head and gingerly cupped your elbow, directing you out the door and into the parking lot.
The ride back was silent. He didn't even have the radio on. You glanced out your window nervously, trying not to read too much into it, but when he dropped you off with barely a comforting word or any acknowledgement of what you confessed, you were convinced your greatest fear had come true. Now that he knew it all, now that he finally heard the truth, he couldn't look at you the same.
You were glad Maria had the foresight to tell you to stay home that day. You were mentally exhausted. Rehashing everything and then Joel's reaction put you in an awful mood. By 4pm, after lounging around watching mindless television and checking your phone constantly for any sign of life from Joel, you decided to just make yourself an early dinner, take a shower and then go to bed early.
As you were stepping out of the shower, the water finally turned off and all of the day's makeup covering your wounds down the drain, you heard your doorbell ringing incessantly. Repeatedly. Urgently.
A jolt of dread shot down your spine, but you remembered Joel said Patrick wouldn't be let out until tomorrow. But what if he got out early? What if he made a phone call and Joel was forced to release him?
Wrapped in a robe, your hair dripping down and soaking the thin material, you jogged to the living room and checked your phone. Surely, if Patrick was released, Joel would have warned you, but you didn't have any missed calls or texts. Then the pounding on the door started, making you jump out of your skin.
Slowly, you crept down the stairs, your hand gripping the doorknob tightly, your fingers hovering over the lock.
"Who is it?"
"It's me," you heard Joel's voice say from the other side, and your eyes widened in shock. You glanced down at your robe, little streaks and drops of wetness trailing down the shiny material.
"Uh, can you -"
"Please open up, people are startin' to look at me like I'm crazy."
With a sigh, you unlocked the door and stepped back, clutching your robe tightly against your chest. Joel squeezed inside and shut the door quickly behind him before turning around, his eyes raking quickly up and down your body before looking you in the eye.
"You were in the shower."
"Yeah," you said, glancing around anxiously before looking up the stairs. "Did you want to come up or something?" He just nodded slowly, his eyes flitting down once again as you led him up the steps.
"I got worried, I was ringin' the bell but I guess you couldn't hear it," he explained, taking off his shoes and shrugging off his blazer.
"What were you worried about? He's still in jail, right?" you asked, handing him some water before sitting down on the couch.
"Yeah, I just... I shouldn'tve left you alone earlier. I shoulda stayed." He stood there, a glass of water in his hand, the other rubbing over his mouth nervously.
You stared at one another for a moment, both trying to figure the other one out. He was breathing faster than normal, his chest rising and falling rapidly under his white button down shirt.
"Why are you here, Joel?" you finally asked, your heart starting to beat faster. "Because if it's out of pity, I don't want it."
"It's not -" he cut himself off and shifted his weight before setting the water down. "It's not pity." He took two steps and sunk down into your couch, his elbows on his knees as he stared at the floor, trying to figure out what to say.
"It's not fair," he finally said quietly. So quietly, you almost didn't hear him. "Everything that's happened. It's not fuckin' fair."
You scrunched your nose, confused, as you looked at him still staring down at the floor. You were about to open your mouth and ask him what he meant when he spoke again.
"I never shoulda let you leave with him that day. Somethin' felt off, I felt it in my gut-" he sat back to press his hand against his stomach for emphasis. "But I let you go. And he -"
He couldn't finish his sentence, his throat closing up as he fought to blink the tears away.
"It's not your fault, Joel," you told him, resting a hand on his broad shoulder but he stood up quickly to pace around the room.
"I'll never let it happen again," he muttered. "Never gonna let him near you again. I'll fuckin' kill him if I have to, he's never comin' here again." His voice was rising as he spoke, his breath coming in short stutters as he rubbed his forehead with the pads of his fingers, eyes wide and crazed as the panic seized him.
So it wasn't pity. It was guilt that brought him to you.
"Joel, calm down," you said, standing up to reach out to him, but he kept pacing.
"Oh fuck, I'm never gonna forgive myself," he whispered, pressing the heels of his hands into his eyes.
"You didn't do this to me, he did," you assured him, trying to get him to stop moving. "You're helping me, Joel. You're the only one who ever really tried to help me. There's nothing to forgive."
He finally paused and glanced at you, his breath a little shallow as the panic began to subside.
"I'm gonna get you outta this, I promise," he said, his voice sounding more steady.
"I know," you replied, nodding your head.
He took a deep breath in through his nose and tore his eyes away from you to glance at his watch.
"I better go," he said regrettably, looking back up at you again.
"Okay," you said, following him to the door and leaning against the wall as he put his shoes back on.
"D'you need anythin'? Did you eat? I can -"
"I ate, I'm fine," you told him with a small smile. "Thank you, though."
"Alright," he said after a moment, then forced himself to open the door. Before he stepped through, he looked back at you over his shoulder. "I'll see you tomorrow."
"I'm working dinner tomorrow," you told him, suddenly feeling crestfallen you wouldn't see him for lunch.
"I'll see you tomorrow," he repeated, more firm this time. You slowly nodded and wrapped your arms around yourself, hoping he couldn't see through your robe.
You listened sadly as his heavy footsteps descended the stairs and the door shut softly behind him. You knew him well enough at this point that he would have turned the lock on the knob before he left but you still wanted to peek down the steps to check. Your eyes widened when, to your surprise, he was still standing there at the bottom of your stairs, his back leaning up against the door. His eyes flicked up to meet yours when he noticed movement, and you saw Adam’s apple bob in his throat before he spoke.
"I can't leave."
You looked at one another for a long moment, your heart slamming in your chest, knowing what this meant. You were sick and tired of always trying to do the right thing. Where did it get you? How could you even fool yourself into thinking you had any obligation to Patrick anymore? Joel knew everything now. He knew what he was doing, so you said the words that were on the tip of your tongue. The words that you knew would open the door for something both of you wanted so desperately, you could taste it.
"Then stay."
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Taglist: @harriedandharassed@merz-8@sarap-77@nandan11@anoverwhelmingdin@fandomscollide@survivingandenduring@honeyedmiller@pedropascalsbbg@southernbe@pedrosfanny@gobaaby-blog-blog @eloquentdreamer @yomiyasxx @mrsparknuts@missladym1981@spacedoutdaydreamer @cosmic006533-blog @prettyinpunk85@maried01 @sunnyskyapplepie @sawymredfox@gobaaby-blog-blog@stevie75@mxtokko@sleepylunarwolf@lizzie-cakes@laurrrra@annieispunk@here4thedilfs @navystandardheatingoilcap @slugz-writes-shit@devilbat@ashleyfilm@scp116@tragerlover@iveseenstrangerthings50 @yvonneeeee @brittmb115@lulawantmula@abbysgirlll@ro-nahime-things
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circeyoru · 1 month
Future Power Couple = Requested
The Request
[Sung Jinwoo x S-Rank Player!Reader]
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- A new Player has joined the System.
That was months ago. You have received noticed on how well this new Player did from time to time, sounded like the System was mighty happy with this Player’s progress. Well, it wasn’t like you could do anything when you knew this person was in the same situation as yourself. While it was good that the System helped you level up to be the strongest S-Rank Hunter, you were sort of a test run for the real Player. You didn’t like being used as a trial run. 
You returned back to Korea after your exchange a bit too late. By the time you returned, the Jeju Raid ended in success with a major lost. Had you known he joined the raid, you would have joined too. Min Byung-Gyu and you were close but different, while he was the only Healer class S-Rank, you were his opposite as you were the only Assassin class S-Rank in Korea. Still, the uniqueness of your singular class among the fighter and mage class made the two of you bond like siblings with him being the other one.
So, without question, you attended his funeral. That’s when you caught a glimpse of the new S-Rank Hunter the Chairman was talking about. Sung Jinwoo, a mage class, former E-Rank and the Weakest Hunter of All Mankind. It was clear as day that he was the new Player the System noticed you all those months ago, and continuously praised. But that was all that happened, you didn’t stray away from the main objective that day and it was to honour your brother-like friend’s sacrifice and work.
“Can you join Hunter Sung to deal with a gate that appeared in the middle of the road?”
“Ha?” You side eyed the phone next to your ear. Just your luck that you were immediately given a dungeon to clear, and with Jinwoo no less. “He can handle it himself, right?” After all, he was raised by the System and leveled up to the point of gaining S-Rank. “There’s no need for me to join him.”
“You could see him in action.”
It was an enticing offer. You’ve only heard of Jinwoo’s powers and abilities, never did you see him fight or what he actually did during the Jeju Raid, since you were distraught about your friend’s death. You hummed and tapped your feet repeatedly, you want to go and don’t want to go. “Fine! Send me the location!”
Chuckles could be heard on the other side. “Haha, thank you for your work.”
Clearing a dungeon with a lack of teammates was nothing compared to what you usually do. You were the Association’s exclusive S-Rank Hunter, also known as The Underworld Assassin, due to your class and the fact that you do the Association’s dirty work. You were a feared Hunter unlike those that were treated as celebrities. 
While Jinwoo seemed to be stopped by an officer in charge of the gate, you came up behind her. “Hey, let him pass, he has permission from the Chairman.”
It was obvious that she flinched from your sudden appearance, “Huh?! Oh, yes! Please!”
“Let’s go.” You told Jinwoo without sparing him another glance. All the better if he didn’t follow behind you and you had to deal with this situation alone. Just ilke always.
To your surprise, he followed. The two of you eyed each other when you got a good look at your surrounding. No doubt thinking of the same thing. This was definitely a Red Gate. It felt like a scam and it is one.
“I can handle it on my own.” Jinwoo proudly stated while his Shadows appeared behind him.
“Yeah? Well, I was sent to clear this dungeon by the Chairman too.” You glared at him, taking out your weapons from your inventory. 
“You’ll be in my way. I have an army to help me.” Jinwoo gestured to his Shadows. 
“Relying on your soldiers to do your work?” You teased with a smirk. “Some Hunter you are. I can manage all on my own.”
In the end, admist your argument with Jinwoo on who would clear the dungeon, the two of you had already destroyed the surrounding forest, weaker monsters and boss while Jinwoo’s Shadows tried to calm the two of you down. The argument only ended when you accidentally slipped and fell through the reopened gate, while pulling Jinwoo with you of course. 
(It was Tusk that used his gravitational ability, Beru’s idea, and Igris’ agreement that made the two of you fall for each other. Literally.)
After your first raid with the Hunter, your System gave you stupid quests to meet with Jinwoo outside of work. Ridiculous missions like <Meet Your Partner!> or <Have A Meal> and Jinwoo got the same. The two of you worked out your little secret to growing strong. Turns out he was approached by Norma Selner as well, an offer to join their country’s ranks. Similarly, both of you declined. 
“You’re too slow.”
“You’re too stiff.”
“Your form is weird.”
“You’re not acting like a mage.”
“An assassin doesn’t use bow and arrow.”
“A mage doesn’t use daggers.”
“Want to get punched?”
“Want to get stabbed?”
It was decided that once in a while, S-Rank Hunters would gather at the training grounds to train together and even have mock battles. Whenever you and Jinwoo were in the same hall, the two of you would immediately get into a spat then a mock battle. Because the two of you had the System and quicker recovery, you two would let loose. No unique skills and back-up (Jinwoo’s Shadows), just pure physical talent. Which always result in childish bantering back and forth between blows. 
Your mock battles with Jinwoo always have to be timed else it could and would go on for hours. Cha Hae-In would rush to drag you away while Jinwoo had to be held off by Baek Yoonho and Ma Dongwook. Then the two of you would be sitting in the dialogically opposite spot glaring at each other, even resulting to making weird faces and hand gestures. The other Hunters could only sigh, unable to bear with the consequence if they stepped between you two.
Look at his silly face… Definitely not a better S-Rank Hunter than me. You looked away while drinking your water for a moment. But his speed is impressive… It’s been a while since I could let loose.
Being feisty again. Isn’t an assassin purposed to be quick with their target? Jinwoo would sneak glances at you while Hae-In requested to train with you and compete with a mock battle. Holding back? Guess mock battles with me is more fun. Ah, that form really brings out all the right qualities…
“They’re at it again.” Woo Jinchul sighed, calculating the damage cost that was done during the mock battle you had with Jinwoo. 
“Young love is wonderful isn’t it?” Chairman Go Gunhee chuckled, watching the two of you look at each other when the other’s attention was elsewhere. Of course, noticing the facial expression change and the faint blush on your faces. 
Jinchul groaned at the numbers, “We might as well have an entire island as their battle grounds.”
“That would give them the privacy needed.”
“Yes, that would help with the cost—” Jinchul did a double take to what the Chairman said, “Pardon sir?”
Gunhee only smiled and turned to his trusted aid, “If the two most powerful Hunters in our country were officially a couple, don’t you think they’d be a power couple?”
“...I suppose…”
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Note: Yay! This is my first request for Solo Leveling! Hope it's done as you expected or wanted, Anon! Feels like everything's all over the place, but it's what it is. Enjoy!
Circe Y.
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ashwhowrites · 10 months
Older! Eddie Munson x reader, who works at at store with Eddie, Eddie, who's in charge of her bc she's the new one in the store, they sometimes get kind of flirty with each other, and one night after work they go to a bar and end up sleeping together, turns out Reader is the daughter of (it could be Steve or Billy) and Eddie's like what the hell, and he's scared because he thinks Reader's dad is gonna destroy him, punch him really bad (or something like that?) Eddie stays away from reader except from work. They both miss each other, and then they talk and when Eddie tells her what's his concern she's like my dad already knows he's not mad at you he wants to meet you
I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it. Thank you for requesting <3
Billy's daughter
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Y/N was in college, on her own, and knew she needed a job. It would be impossible to afford anything. She wandered around her small college town and looked into every store to see a help-wanted sign.
She cheered as she saw a help wanted sign, it seemed to be a small store. She walked in and took in the small room. Shelves stacked with snacks, candies, and a row of beverages. She saw a man, maybe in his forties, at the front counter. He had dark curly brown hair and it was tied into a low bun. Loose pieces framed his face, which called attention to his sharp jawline. He had soft pretty brown eyes.
"What can I help you with today?" His voice was low and deep. She couldn't help but feel her knees weaken just by looking at this stranger.
"Looking for a job!" She said
Eddie gave her a look up and down. Without missing a beat he said "hired."
And that was a week ago. She found out his name was Eddie and he was the manager of the store. He was indeed older, with no kids and no ring on his finger. He didn't talk about a girlfriend, and the way he flirted with Y/N, made her think he was single. At least she hoped.
Since she was new, she worked all her shifts with him. He trained her and kept an eye on her. The job wasn't that hard and she probably didn't need to train for as long as she was. But she wasn't going to complain about the extra time she got with him one-on-one. She never could wipe the smile off of her face when she saw their names written next to each other on the calendar. She noticed there were a few employees, and she never worked with them or even met them. But she was okay with that. She'd rather have all that time with Eddie anyway.
She felt stupid to have a crush on her boss. But she couldn't help it. He was a walking sex dream. His tattooed arms, and his smokey cologne. His sexy smirk and the way he teased her when she got embarrassed for staring.
He was charming, she had to admit that. He knew how to make her heart flutter. He flirted with full confidence, he knew she had a crush on him. She made it obvious with how she stuttered and practically fell over her feet in front of him.
"You didn't hear one word I said, did you?" His sexy chuckle made her body hot as she blinked repeatedly. She didn't notice he even started talking, and she didn't notice he was done with helping the customer. How long was he talking to her?
"Well, that's about," he looked down at his watch, "ten minutes this time. Kinda a new record." He teased. The wink he sent her way didn't help the butterflies in her stomach.
"You were talking to me for ten minutes? Why didn't you get my attention sooner!" She said, smacking his arm lightly as he laughed.
"Your little dreamy look is adorable. Your eyes get huge and your mouth is slightly open." He continued to tease her as she smacked him over and over. She felt like she was in middle school, hitting the boy she liked while he hit on her.
"It's not my fault!" She said
"It's not mine!" He argued back, his smile bright and his dimples popped.
"It is! You're so hot and you know it. And you use it against me!" She said, her brain barely realizing what she was saying.
"Nah uh, baby," his finger waved in her face, she was embarrassed by how badly she wanted to wrap her mouth around it. The nickname baby went straight to her cunt as she shifted. "I use the crush you have against you, not my looks. It's fun to watch you get so," he said, whispering as he moved closer to her face. His nose was practically against hers. "Squirmy and horny."
She felt the air get stuck in her throat, and she was pretty sure he was close enough to hear her choke on it. She didn't know what to say, she just stared into his eyes. She leaned in, her eyes flicked down to his lips.
But she felt the feeling of cold air as he smirked and leaned back. His face was now feet away from hers as he chuckled.
"I don't kiss my employees." He winked.
She felt so much relief when she finished her shift. She needed a cold fucking shower after all the teasing Eddie put her through.
"Wanna go get a drink?"
Now she was tipsy at a bar, and all her respect was out the window. Eddie teased her and teased her. She was horny and he knew it. So no shame in acting on it. He was telling a story, but all she heard was blah blah blah. She chugged the rest of her drink, then slammed it down on the table. She didn't wait for his story to be done, she smashed her lips on his. She was desperate, and he could feel it. Her hands went to his chest, as she gripped his shirt in a tight grasp. She yanked him closer by his shirt and slipped her tongue in his mouth. She moaned in delight when he kissed her back. His tongue was wet and warm against hers as his hand held the back of her head. She wanted him to touch her everywhere. From the kiss alone she was burning in delight and lust.
"Wanna get out of here?" He asked against her lips.
"I can't wait that long." She whimpered and it was true. She needed him now.
Eddie nodded and grabbed her hand. She followed behind as he led them into the one-stall bathroom. Her first time with Eddie was in a dirty bar bathroom, and she didn't care. Her back was slammed against the door as he locked it. Her hands immediately went to yank down her pants and panties. She pushed off Eddie's jacket as he worked on unbuttoning his jeans. He slipped out his cock from his jeans and hissed at the coldness of the air. He didn't mind since he was seconds away from being in her warm cunt.
She reached behind and gripped his ass as he pushed himself inside of her.
It was fast, rough, and desperate. Their teeth clashed as they kissed and her head smacked against the door with every thrust. But her body has never felt better.
Eddie dropped her off at home since she was too buzzed to drive. Her car left at the store parking lot so she had to ask her dad for a ride.
"Eddie Munson is your manager?" Billy asked as he pulled up to the store.
"Yeah. Isn't he cute?" Y/N gushed. She couldn't believe just last night he was pounding into her. He made her have so many butterflies, that it felt like a zoo was in her stomach.
"Ew but sadly, many girls thought that in high school. Just be safe with an older guy, okay?" Billy said. Weirdly, he was cool with Y/N dating whoever she wanted. He raised his daughter to be smart. She was an adult and he couldn't stop her from dating anyone. He valued his relationship with his daughter and didn't want to lose it over being controlling. That's exactly how he learned to hate his parents.
"He's a good guy, I promise I'm safe." She pecked her dad's cheek as she got out of his car. A huge smile on her face as she walked into the store.
Eddie felt his palms get sweaty when he saw Y/N pull up in Billy's car. He hadn't seen Billy since highschool and honestly was still terrified of him. His icy blue eyes sent Eddie a glare as he drove off. Why was Billy driving her?
"Hi handsome," Y/N said, leaning over the counter to peck Eddie's cheek.
"Why was Billy Hargrove driving you?" Eddie asked, ignoring the kiss on his cheek.
"He's my dad," Y/N said it like it was no big deal. She simply shrugged and went into the office to clock in.
Now Eddie was even more terrified. He fucked Billy's daughter. And not in a romantic way. He fucked her raw in a bar bathroom like she was a whore. And he knew something happened because why else would Billy glare at him as he drove off?
"So! What's the plan for tonight? Wanna go see a movie?" Y/N asked, oblivious to Eddie practically shaking in the spot next to her.
"I think last night was a mistake," Eddie said he didn't think it through. His focus was on Billy and the fastest way to escape a beatdown. Breaking Billy's daughter's heart? Yeah, he didn't think that through.
Y/N felt the breath get caught in her lungs but in the worst way. Her eyes immediately got wet as Eddie's words sank into her skin, the same skin he sank his teeth in hours ago.
"Um, why?" She asked she tried to hide the fact she wanted to cry. She knew her crush was dumb. He probably enjoyed the little cat-and-mouse game. He got her so now he was done.
"Because I feel like it was!" He argued. He was hiding his fear behind anger. But he had no reason to be angry at her. But he was. He was so pissed that she didn't bother to tell him who her dad was. Yet again, why would she? She didn't know Eddie knew her dad. It wasn't like she did it on purpose, but Eddie punished her like she did.
"It wasn't to me. I like you and I think you like me too." She tried to understand him, was it all an act?
"Well, you thought wrong. Sorry to see that you got your hopes up." He talked to her like she was nothing like she meant nothing. And it crushed her more than he'd ever known.
Neither spoke for the rest of their shift. She felt embarrassed to be so excited about how she thought today would go.
When she came in the next day, she was shocked to see someone different behind the counter. She read their name tag and realized it was just another employee. One that she saw countless times on the schedule. She wasn't stupid, she knew Eddie went and took away all the shifts they would have together. She hated how much it hurt.
A week went by and Y/N still hasn't seen Eddie. Billy noticed the change in his daughter's attitude. She didn't talk much about it, just the gist that Eddie wasn't interested anymore. She tried to seem like she was fine, but Billy knew she wasn't. But it wasn't his place to be involved. He felt sorry for her. They spent many dinners talking about Eddie coming over so she could have her dad meet a potential boyfriend.
Y/N was shocked to see Eddie back behind the register. After two weeks of him ghosting her, she didn't expect to see him again.
She didn't say a word, walking past him as she clocked in. She craved to hear his voice, and she wanted to cry and beg for him to just give her a chance. She knew she could be worth it. She didn't know what about her wasn't good enough.
Eddie found himself wanting to say something but he knew he shouldn't. He knew he should apologize and leave her alone. He hurt her more than he did anything else. A damn good reason for Billy to give him a black eye.
The shift went slow and Y/N wanted to tear her hair out. No customers, so the two sat in silence for hours. She felt his eyes on her every so often but she refused to give in. He made it clear she was an idiot child with a crush and that's all she was.
She checked the time on the clock, she had another two hours and she wasn't sure she could handle it. She thought fast and the lie sped off her tongue.
"Is it cool if I dip early? I've got plans." She asked.
Eddie jumped at the sound of her voice, he was prepared for a whole day of silence.
"Um yeah, that's cool." He wanted her to stay. Even if he was too chicken to talk to her, he liked having her near. He liked knowing she wasn't anywhere, she was right there with him.
It wasn't his place to ask, but his stomach turned at the thought of what the plans were.
"Is it a date?" He asked. He tried to sound nonchalant about it, just making casual conversation. He looked over at her, this time surprised to see her looking at him.
"Yes." She said Eddie hated the answer and he hated the way she looked right into his eyes to tell him. Once again, it wasn't his place to have his heart feel like it was squeezed in her hands. It wasn't his place to feel a sick feeling in his stomach like something was stuck in his throat.
Neither said anything more. She walked out of the office and clocked out. She gathered her things, a silent wave to him as she walked past. Inches away from her car when she heard the tiny bell of the door and footsteps behind her.
Her arm was tugged and her body was wiped around. Her body smashed against Eddie's. Before she knew it, his warm lips were on hers. She tried to fight it, she tried to fight it so hard. She could feel his lips repeatedly pressing against hers, just begging for her lips to move against his. His hands gripped her elbows as he desperately held on to her.
"Please." He begged against her lips, his eyes were closed. He was too scared to look at her. He waited and prayed she'd kiss him back.
But all he felt was a sting on his right cheek as she slapped him right across the face. He groaned at the impact but knew he deserved it. Then finally, her lips pressed against his. Her hands wrapped around his neck as she passionately kissed him. She needed one moment of weakness.
Eddie whimpered as she pulled away. His lips chased after her but she moved her head. She removed her arms from him and pushed his hands off of her.
"Please don't go on that date."
"Why, Eddie? You made it clear it was all in my head." She explained, her heart felt the familiar sting.
"I lied! I like you so much. And that night wasn't a mistake. I've wanted it since I met you. You're beautiful, sexy, and sweet. I knew you liked me so I went for it. I don't regret it. I didn't know Billy was your dad, once I found that out I panicked. I figured he'd be pissed at me for going after his young daughter and I was scared he would punch me. Which I see runs in the family." He said as he pointed to his cheek. A red mark forming.
"Why didn't you just say that!" Y/N groaned, smacking Eddie's arm in the flirty way she used to. "My dad and I have a close relationship. And he wanted you over for dinner. He's fine with you being older. He's way more pissed at you for sleeping with me than ignoring me."
"Billy wants dinner with me?" Eddie was shocked.
"Well, probably less after you ignored me for weeks." Y/N shrugged. She enjoyed making Eddie sweat.
"I'm so sorry about that. I truly am." He apologized.
"I forgive you. Next time, don't be an idiot. Just talk to me about your fears. Otherwise, a relationship will never work."
"A relationship? I like the sound of that." Eddie smiled.
"Me too." She winked, moving in to press her lips against his again.
"Alright, my dad should be here any minute. Are you ready?" Y/N asked. She and Eddie were closing the store while they waited for Billy to pick them up. Billy refused to let Eddie meet them at the restaurant, he said he'd pick them up and they would all drive together. Which terrified Eddie, but he couldn't lie he always wanted to be in the same car as the famous Billy Hargrove.
"Yes. Just one more thing!" Eddie said, leaning over the counter to smash his lips on hers. She giggled into the kiss and held his face.
"Thought you didn't kiss employees." She teased, he smiled against her lips.
"I'm not. I'm kissing my girlfriend."
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spinningwebsandtales · 5 months
Imagine Kafka Taking Care Of You At A Kaiju Cleanup Sight
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Kafka Hibino X FemReader
Rating: T
Warnings: Kaiju gore, blood
Word Count: 1.3k
(A/N:) I have been so dang excited about the Kaiju No. 8 anime! I have read the manga since it came out and when they finally announced it getting an anime adaption, I freaked out. So yesterday was so awesome, I watched it three times! XD So I apologize for the fangirl I'm about to become and hopefully all the other Kaiju No. 8 fangirls can appreciate what I'm about to do! Until next time happy reading! ~Countess
You just knew your bosses hated you. It wasn't unusual for companies like Izumo Tech requesting specialists to go out in the field and oversee the kaiju cleanup crews. Only to make certain that they were receiving the best parts of the kaiju to create weapons, armor, and various forms of gear for the brave men and women who take the battles to the front line. But for some unfortunate reason you were the one being constantly sent out to supervise. It had to be done, even though the majority of the cleaning crews did their jobs right, but you'd be out of a job if you didn't go. This time you were to watch and take note of the Monster Sweep Inc. crew. The best of the business and always making sure they sent nothing but the parts Izumo requests. This wasn't the first time you had overseen this crew and you enjoyed being around them. What you didn't enjoy was dodging spurts of blood, or tripping over entrails, or squishing eyeball pieces under your shoes. The Defense Force always left a mess and it was the brave and iron stomached men and women of the cleaners.
Rubbing at your temples, fighting the oncoming headache, while your driver navigated the destroyed streets of the city. Your bag across your knees and the seatbelt strapped tight. You said a small prayer for the poor white shirt you unwittingly wore today. The car squealed to a stop as you couldn't go any further in the vehicle. Giving you a sorrowful smile, your driver let you out before backing out as fast as he could, leaving you alone in front of a giant bloody kaiju mess. Heaving a large sigh, the tainted coppery tang of kaiju blood filling your nostrils, you got to work.
"Hey Kafka," Masahide called to the dark haired male.
Kafka lifted his face shield wiping sweat from his forehead before heading to Toku's direction. Dread settled in the pit of his stomach, sensing he was being dragged into something else. He just hoped it wasn't entrail duty like the other times. But when Kafka saw you standing at Toku's side everything became clear, but it still didn't mean he was dodging entrail duty just yet.
"(Y/N) just got here. She's being assigned to your side since you're closer to the parts Izumo Tech are looking for."
You gave him a small wave, holding your bag tightly and standing as straight as could be. Making yourself as small as possible seemed like the safer option of keeping clean. You and Kafka knew each other pretty well by now as you had been on several scenes with him and the crew. You had become his charge every time you were on scene and it wasn't unusual for you both to go out for drinks and dinner afterwards. Majority of the time the other guys would join but sometimes you both were alone. So in Kafka's care you always felt safe as he tried his best not to splatter you with any kaiju fluids. Majority of cleaners didn't like you around, thinking that you were only here because the company thought they were doing their jobs wrong when it was the complete opposite. So it wasn't unusual for you to get doused in gore in an act of retaliation.
"Welcome back," Kafka said giving you a warm smile.
"Looks like you guys have your work cut out for you this time," you replied.
He sighed, shoulders sagging in defeat, "They keep upping our finish dates every time a kaiju is dispatched. They're really working us to the bone."
"Well if anyone can do it and handle it it's you guys," you offered him what little encouragement you could.
"Thanks." Kafka walked past you leaving you a little confused as he went to the company van. He tugged a large protective jacket from a bag on the floorboard before setting it on your shoulders. You gratefully slipped your arms inside and zipped it up to your chin. It swallowed you but you wouldn't complain.
"Thank you so much!"
Kafka blushed, "Didn't want your pretty shirt to get messed up."
"I didn't know I was coming out into the field until I came to work," you grumbled. "I would have dressed accordingly. Please continue like I'm not even here."
"I couldn't do that even if I tried," Kafka laughed. "Follow me. Some idle chat would do me some good."
Time passed by quickly as you and Kafka fell into easy chatter and before you both knew it lunch break was called. Majority of the time the smells of the dead kaiju killed your appetite but some form of luck came your way as the wind was right. Blowing the majority of the stench in the opposite direction. But still you couldn't do anything more than nibble on a few veggies you had packed in your bento. Kafka noticed you barely eating, so he dug around in his cooler. Tossing you a can, you caught it, barely.
"Ginger ale," he said at your confused glance. "It'll help settle your stomach. I carry them around just in case I'm on entrail duty. I also have some nausea pills somewhere too." He started to pat around in his pockets.
"No that's okay," you hurriedly grabbed his wrist. "This is more than enough thank you."
Sipping at the cold beverage and testing out a few bites of your lunch. You were able to finish most of it, but didn't push your luck as you had a couple more hours of staying on sight. The bark of the tree you leaned against, bit into your back. But you enjoyed the moment of just being able to take it easy. It was a rare thing to get to enjoy the slow pace of life. Between kaiju attacks, rushing around for work, and the fast pace of just life in general; you didn't find many times like this. Kafka, now finished with his lunch, leaned backwards cushioning his head with his hands. He breathed deep relaxing as the sun danced across his skin.
"Want to grab something later together," Kafka asked. His shoulders shaking as his nerves almost made him redact his question. You carefully slid your hand over, tugging at his sleeve, Kafka removed the hand you wanted from behind his head. You clasped his tightly in your grip, threading your fingers together causing him to stiffen. He knew he was sweaty and it only made his hand sweat worse and he didn't know how you felt about that. But you didn't let go.
"I would like that a lot," you replied. This time resting your head on his shoulder. "Thanks for taking care of me Kafka when I come here."
He gulped, "I enjoy it and want to make sure you're safe."
That had always been the thing. Nobody made you feel as safe as Kafka did. Accidents happened all the time at the sights of kaiju clean up and while it was dangerous for everyone involved. With Kafka you felt like at his side was the safest place that existed. Kafka squeezed your hand, closing his eyes and relishing in the touch of you. He would keep you safe no matter what. As he felt it as his duty as a man and friend. That is just who Kafka is deep down in his core. He squeezed your hand tighter resting his head on top of yours. Taking in the moment with you before you both got back to work. Yeah if you were by his side it was the safest place you could possibly be.
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venusjaynie · 1 year
Jim Halpert x fem!Schrute!Reader
summary: You're the newest employee, and also happen to be Dwight's sister. Jim doesn't realise how different Dwight and you are at first, but after being desk-mates for a whole day, he gets well-acquainted with you and is pleasantly surprised to learn that you're very different from your brother.
warnings: none!
word count: 2k
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Dwight parks the car in the car park of the Dunder Mifflin, Scranton branch, and you step out, smoothing down your clothes as you do so. Dwight had insisted he pick you up and drive you to the office for your first day. He may be an idiot, but he's nothing if not protective. He lifts your bag out of the back of the car and decides that he will carry it for you.
"Okay, look, I'm not gonna lie to you. This is gonna be intimidating for you. Working alongside me as your brother alone is pretty daunting, not to mention my sales record being one of the best that the company has ever seen. But don't be nervous, alright?" Dwight says, as you enter the building and make your way to the elevator. You nod your head in response, trying to calm your anxiety.
Despite your older brother's feeble attempt to comfort you, nerves have settled in the pit of your stomach. You're quite apprehensive to meet this 'Jim' character that Dwight is always complaining about. He seems annoying, and you don't want anything to distract you from your work today. You need to make a good first impression on the boss. Dwight seems to admire him, so you think he must be respectable.
The elevator stops and the doors slide open, and Dwight looks down at you.
"You ready?" He asks seriously.
"Ready as I'll ever be." You reply, taking a deep breath. He hands you your bag and leads the way to a door that says: 'Dunder Mifflin Paper company'. The two of your walk into the office, and are greeted by the receptionist.
"Hello, Pamela." Dwight says in his monotone voice.
"Hey, Dwight, who's this?" She looks over to you, and smiles, and you make an attempt to smile back, but your nervousness probably turns it into more of a grimace.
"This is my sister, you have her details already, Pam, you knew she was coming." Dwight rolls his eyes, and Pam makes a face that clearly says 'shut up'. You giggle at that, and walk over to Pam's desk.
"Hi, I'm Pam. If you need-" She was cut off by the door to another room opening, and someone shouting. You turn around to see what the commotion is, but it looks to be that you are the commotion.
"Oh! Who's the new girl? She's cute. Pam, do you have a sister none of us know about, because you two look identical." The man is looking at you, but not at your face. His line of sight is about 12 inches below your face, actually. You immediately realise what he is referring to, and turn around to Pamela to see her reaction to the mans crude comment, but she doesn't seem to react, and look as if she's used to it.
You choose not to voice your displeasure to his remarks, but Dwight, however, didn't take that same route.
"This is my sister. I respect you, Michael, but if you ever make any sort of sexual remark aimed towards my sister again, I will have to destroy you." He steps toward Michael, staying true to his dramatic nature, and Michael just awkwardly laughs and calls Dwight an idiot.
"Of course I know this is your sister, God, Dwight, I'm not stupid. I was kidding anyway." Michael turns back towards you.
"You must be Michael Scott, my new boss?"
"Guilty as charged, my dear. Now, lets see, where can we fit you in? There's a seat over by Stanley and-" He starts.
"No, Michael, she should sit across from me, that way I can keep an eye on her." Dwight interrupts him.
"Okay then, you'll sit across from Dwight, next to Jim. Now, if you'll excuse me I have a call to make to Jan." Michael retreats back to his office, and Dwight point to your seat. You're slightly nervous to be seated next to Jim, but you don't argue with your brother, because to argue with Dwight is simply a waste of time.
"Hey, newbie. I would introduce myself, but I'm sure Dwight has already told you all about me." Jim says, looking at Dwight with a smile.
"For your information, yes, I have. And she knows your name is Jim because Michael just said it, idiot." You laugh at Dwight's response, and then again at Jim rolling his eyes in feigned annoyance.
You talk to Jim for a little while longer, and then he gets up to grab you both some coffee from the break room. You realise you should probably get some work done, and you turn on your computer, but after staring at the screen for a few minutes it hits you that you actually don't know what you're doing. While you have a sales background, every company has a different way of dealing with sales calls.
"Dwight? What's the protocol for a sales call here? Is there a handbook, or a script I need to follow?"
"No, you just make it up as your go along. Look, Michael is all about customer satisfaction, and personalisation of orders, so just be nice, okay?"
"Okay, I can do that." You reply.
"Of course you can, you're a Schrute. You'll figure it out." You nod in response.
Dwight hands you a small pile of leads to get you started, and you start to dial the first number.
In the break room, Jim and some of the other employees are talking over some coffee, and you overhear some of what they're saying as you walk up to the door.
"So, what do you all think of the new girl?" It's Jim that asks. His back is turned toward the door, so he doesn't see you approaching
"She seems sweet. Sweeter than Dwight is anyway." You can't tell who says that, but you know it's a woman.
"Is that really a way to measure how nice someone is? Comparing them to Dwight?" Whoever says that gets a few laughs from the others. It's almost hurtful to hear them talk about your big brother that way. Sure, he has is quirks, and he can be abrasive or harsh sometimes, but that's just who he is.
"I don't know guys. She seems sort of odd to me. I mean, she's nice and all, but she's a Schrute." The small blonde women scoffs at whoever makes that comment. You know her. You've seen her in Dwight's house a few times when you're visiting. She doesn't stick around for long when she knows you're there, but Dwight thinks very highly of her.
You don't realise how long you've been standing there until Pam comes up behind you and asks if you're okay.
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Just zoned out for a second." She eyes you wearily, but doesn't question it.
"Alright, you coming in?" She asks, motioning to the breakroom, but you shake your head, not totally sure you want to have a work break with the people that clearly dislike your brother.
"You sure? It might be fun to let everyone get to know you." After a moment or two of deliberation, you accept her offer and follow her through the doors, offering a shy smile when the others turn to look at you.
"Hey, new girl. How you finding the job? I'm Ryan, by the way." You nod, and shake his outstretched hand.
"It's alright. Dwight's been helping me out if I need it, but I think I'm doing pretty well."
"God, I just can't believe you're Dwight's sister. You're so different." You don't really know how to respond to Ryan's comment, and luckily you're saved by someone, who you still don't know the name of.
"If you need anything, and don't want to ask Dwight, me and Stanley are happy to help. I'm Phyllis." Phyllis seems sweet, and a man, presumably Stanley, just hums at her statement. You can't tell whether he's agreeing or not.
"Thank you, Phyllis, but really, Dwight's helping me whenever I need it." She just nods. The room goes quiet, and you just have to ask what these people think of your brother. "Hey, um, do you guys not like Dwight?"
No one answers.
"Ah, I see." You speak to no one in particular, and give the group a tight-lipped smile.
"It's not that we dislike him... we just disagree with how he handles certain situations." Pam speaks up, and you nod at her, still not entirely sure why people feel like this about Dwight, but truthfully you don't really care enough to pry.
"Alright, well, I'm gonna go back out to my desk, so I'll catch up with you guys later." You get up and turn to leave before you're stopped by Jim.
"Hey, newbie, wait up. I'm heading back out there too." Jim gets up and joins you on the walk back to your desk clump, and he tells you how Dwight and he have a 'charming back and forth banter' type of companionship.
"I don't know, Halpert. Dwight seems to have a different view of your relationship." Jim laughs at your answer.
"Really? What's he told you?" You shake your head and tap the side of your nose, indicating that it's a secret, and Jim playfully rolls his eyes.
By the end of the day, you've gained 5 clients, which Dwight tells you shows promise. Jim congratulates you on a successful first day, and offers to walk you out to your car.
"Well, Dwight's car, but, sure." You smile as Jim picks up your coat from the rack and hands it to you, and the two of you say goodbye to Pam.
"Why'd Dwight drive you to work? Do you live with him and Mose?" He asks while you walk down the stairs of the building.
"No, God, no. I love my brother, but I don't think I could live with him." Jim chuckles at your words. "He drove me to work because he wanted to make sure I was okay. He knows I get really anxious about meeting new people and stuff, so he just wanted to calm my nerves as much as he could."
"Huh, I never saw Dwight as the 'calming nerves' type."
"In our family, blood relation is everything. I spent my whole life with my siblings, and we didn't really have many friends between us. So he grew very protective of my and our sister, Fannie." Jim looks somewhat shocked, but you just smiled, being used to that reaction from people who know Dwight as harsh and, slightly, rude.
Neither of you speak for a moment as you near the door, and you can see Dwight tapping his wrist watch while staring at you, so you think it best to get a move on.
You make a move for the door, but Jim beats you to it, and holds the door open for you.
"Thanks, Halpert."
"No problem, newbie." He walks to the car, and as you're about to open the door, he speaks up.
"Hey, I'm, uh, really glad you're gonna be working here." He shoots you a shy smile, and you lightly brush your hand against his arm.
"Me too, Halpert. See you tomorrow, yeah?" He nods, and turns to leave, but adds,
"If you ever want a ride to work that isn't Dwight, here's my number." He hands you a little piece of card, evidently his business card, and you slip it into your bag.
"Thanks, Jim. I may just take you up on that offer." You reply, smiling at him and stepping into your brother's car.
"So, what d'you think? Jim's as awful as I told you, right?" Dwight asks while starting up the car.
"He's not so bad." You respond, with a soft grin on your face. Dwight doesn't reply, but eyes you wearily before checking your temperature with the back of his hand against your forehead, and you swat his hand away, laughing as his antics.
"You gonna come back tomorrow?" He asks after a while of silence.
thinking of making this a series, or just doing part two!
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katshelluvacritic · 8 months
Charlie Morningstar is probably one of the worst written characters I’ve seen in the series.
(This one’s gonna be a long one…)
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Ok…. So I watched all six episodes and to be honest I’m pretty much pissed off by this character specifically. This might be more of a rant rather than a critique, so I do understand that not everything I say in this will end up being as constructive exactly but I genuinely need to get this off my chest, especially since she is a character I’ve specifically and recently been hyper fixating on before the show released…
(Side note: I realized the post was very long so, to have it be easier to read I added titles for each section! Hope this helps)
> Charlie lacks the qualities of being a main character.
Now besides the piss poor excuse of an introduction for her (and the rest of the cast) in the main series, I honestly question why exactly Charlie specifically is the “protagonist” in the first place (and I say protagonist with the biggest of quotes here, you’ll see why).
In the first episode of the series “overture”, we don’t really see much of her character, most of the time we’re shown screen time of Vicky (a nickname I made for v*ggie since I’m not gonna call her by her genitalia thank you) trying to make an ad for the hotel and even when we do get the screen time of her, she’s barely doing anything other than hearing viv’s self insert- I mean- Adam just go on and on about whatever he’s talking about.
And when Charlie does go on to explain her plan to redeem sinners she’s just interrupted and then stands there when they start singing hell is forever, she doesn’t “go off” like the hazbin Twitter says, she just stands there and then tries to say something only to get interrupted again and again and then gets pushed out of the meeting room before going back to the hotel to see it’s spread across in the news that the next extermination happens in 6 months.
Now although one might argue “Well didn’t Charlie at one point said in the show that giving orders is so mean?” Well yes but again, Charlie is literally the princess of pride ring, you would think that since her parents are literally rulers of pride, they would’ve probably teach her how to stand on her two feat, especially if your RUNNING A HOTEL. And the thing is, she has stood up and did so in episode 6 and the goddamn pilot (which is at this point is probably canon due to Charlie calling it the hazbin hotel instead of happy hotel), even going as far as to fight Katie Killjoy because she thought it was stupid.
Not only that but the episodes after overture, her screen time lessens until somewhat in 5 and 6. She doesn’t really appear that much in the between these episodes to the point where she feels like a supporting character rather than a protagonist. And when she does get screen time, she’s either forgettable at best and infuriating at worst.
> Charlie’s character is poorly written and just dumb.
In the episodes past overture, she’s literally rock solid stupid that I literally screamed in real life multiple times “you’re a fucking idiot” because of how frustrated I was from what she was doing, In episode 2 she literally trusted sir pentious to go to her hotel even though he almost destroyed her place and in episode 6 thought it was a hunky dory idea to let a person who literally exploded buildings to take charge of giving her employees a “good time”. Yes it could be played off as her being naive but if she’s that naive of a person then maybe she shouldn’t be a boss of a hotel to rehabilitate sinners.
Heck, in episode 4, Charlie gets pissed off and turns into her demon form because val literally started hurting Angel when he followed him into the room (and rightfully so) but when angel tells her to leave and drags her out of the studio, she’s just in her normal form and fucks off??? Reminder she’s literally the princess of hell! She could beat the shit out of val if she wants to, why did she just fucked off after angel had her leave?
“But Kat, what if something bad happens to angel if valentino dies?” Like what? If it was explained that if an overlord dies then the sinners that made a deal with them die too or something like that then yeah, that would make sense but we don’t know that whether or not that’s the case, if anything angel could be just fine after Valentino dies but we don’t know that.
And even when Charlie had the opportunity to go out there and apologize to him herself after he stormed out of the hotel, she and Vicky just send Husk to do it. And I have to ask, WHY? HUSK didn’t know what was happening to Angel earlier. HUSK wasn’t at the porn studio that Angel was working at. CHARLIE WAS….
“Well Kat, what if Charlie was scared about making things worse?” Fair enough, but again sending Husk is a stupid idea, I feel like it would’ve AT LEAST made sense if she sent Vicky out there. Because Charlie didn’t know if husk could fight (if you could even call it that, all he did was throw cards at people), BUT SHE KNEW VICKY COULD THOUGH. But nah we gotta do it for the ship right?
And then Charlie had the gull to be crying that angel forgave her after she fucked up, like shut the fuck up… it’s like if viv looked at a bunch of chars that had the optimistic care-free ‘ish personality and thought that meant making her as pathetic as a baby crying that they didn’t get a lollipop from their mommy.
Like I’m gonna be honest with you, it’s literally gone to a point where I think Orel Puppington (aka the 11 yo Christian kid who worships Jesus and gets harmful lessons from other Christians) makes a better Charlie Morningstar than the Charlie Morningstar herself!
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And that thought is justified when he tried to go help people in Sinville, “Kat he ended up turning into a pimp at the end of the episode” yeah but AT LEAST HE TRIED TO ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING! Which leads me to another question….
> How is Charlie gonna redeem sinners exactly???
Like honestly, I’m serous with this one. How is Charlie gonna redeem these guys?
I ask this because in the series, she barely does ANYTHING to help these guys, she and the rest of the characters just sit around and then do an activity that is the equivalent of something you would do in kindergarten except it’s with ADULTS.
I don’t know about you but If your idea of helping people is doing just that and nothing else, then the only thing the people around you are gonna get is them being annoyed at first and eventually walking out with thinking your not helping them but rather just treating them like a baby who doesn’t know anything, and the only thing your gonna get personally is nothing because you did dick all.
Like other than that she pretty much just whines about sinners not going to her hotel and oh gee I wonder why, it’s not like your not doing anything to help these sinners not committing sins anymore, oh definitely not, your absolutely being helpful.
“Oh but Kat! Charlie was born in hell, how can she know how to help people? She’s not from the human world so, she wouldn’t exactly know how to help these people!” I would tell you to look at the world building for the series and it’s spin off but that’s a whole other can of beans that I don’t wanna cover today and this is already getting to long, so y’know what? We’ll go with that.
If Charlie didn’t know how to help people and was trying to figure out what she can do to help sinners get better, then why didn’t she just ask her employees for suggestions? Y’know, the other sinners who were from the human world and had experiences while they were alive and such?
Yeah, I get that not all of their advice would be exactly good or healthy (since they’re sinners who’ve done many bad things after all) BUT ITS AT LEAST SOMETHING FOR FUCKS SAKE!!!
She literally does nothing, she just expects you to immediately get better after some improvisations or whatever other activities she does and once you’ve done one nice thing then boom you’re close to redemption.
> Conclusion.
Charlie Morningstar is (like I said in the beginning) probably one of the worst characters in the hazbin hotel series, she at best a stereotype of the “everything is sunshines and rainbows” character tropes and at worst is a pathetic excuse of a main character and is nothing but a rotten shell of her character from the pilot.
I would go on about how her design’s also bad but I’m sure millions of people have already said the same issues and I’ve already posted my redesign of her before the show dropped.
I might plan on posting a rewrite of her or maybe explain my problems with another character or episode but I don’t know.
But until then, I’ll see y’all later!
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399 notes · View notes
starillusion13 · 5 months
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Pairing: Bf!(boss unit except one) x f!reader
W.C: 9.1k
Genre: Fluff, Mafia, Angst
Warnings: keeping secrets, innocent reader(?), mafia deals, murder, blast, tracking device, spying on someone, anonymous mail, tying up with rope in basement, unconcious, feeling sorry, sad, regrets, forgiveness, lots of kissing, anniversary surprises lol, getting shot, mention of blood(not detail) idk what to add anymore
1 month late birthday gift to @mymoodwriting sorry🥀
Network: @kvanity-main
🎀 Your anniversary was supposed to be held in a month.
The excitement was brightly visible on your face and you had a lot of arrangements to make. Going out to different stores and contacting some very important people who all are of potential help in some urgent scenarios. It's been five years since you were in a relationship with the mafia gang, NCT. Yeah, some people won't believe you if you say that you are the secret girlfriend, because your appearance and attitude is far from the ruthless behavior of the bosses--- your boyfriends.
The first one to notice that you were busy was Jungwoo, as he is the one who doesn't go out of the house often. His hacking job lets you both to spend more time with each other and well, this makes him throw cocky looks to others. You have told him repeatedly not to tease others because of that, but who is he to listen to?
You have almost planned everything for the upcoming day, obviously keeping it a secret from them. And this made Jungwoo suspicious of you. Earlier he was ignoring your weird attitudes and your now and then excuses to go out but one day when you were out for a long time, he followed your location. Well, he tried to but he couldn't track it.
How the hell is that even possible?
Now, he can't obviously charge you for messing up with the tracking device as you aren't aware of any of these. So, he decided to talk this out with his gang members.
"Are you sure of the suspicion?" Taeyong asked with a dark look. He was already tired with the day and now one of his members is sitting in front of him with a doubt. He glanced at the rest of the members across the room but they all were pretty much similar attentive to the hacker like him. He sighed and urged him to speak more.
The hacker nodded and proceeded, "she is acting differently and when I asked her last week. She was in a hurry to reply as if she would spill secrets if she spoke more than necessary."
"Maybe she is tired. You know her café has a lot of work." Mark stated and Jaehyun nodded his head in agreement. They know very well how dedicated you are to your work and something that might be keeping you busy these days.
Jungwoo shook his head, "No. The surprising fact is that she is barely available at the cafe."
"Then where is she going every morning?" Winwin asked and glanced at him from the corner of the room. And this caught everyone's attention.
Jaehyun remembered his interaction with you from two days back over the call.
"When I asked to pick her up from the cafe, she denied and told me about having extra hours but ended up coming home by riding someone else's car. As far as I know no one from her cafe owns that car." he stated and looked around.
"What? And you are telling me now?" Taeyong banged the table with his fist making the ones sitting near to him to flinch. Doyoung licked his lower lips and ran his fingers through the hairs. He was still putting in the pieces together and hoping that whatever they were thinking should not be the actual case.
Are you hiding something from them?
Or are you planning for something to destroy them?
Mark put his phone beside him on the sofa, "Dude, don't think like that. We must be wrong somewhere. Don't doubt her for anything."
"You are not suspecting her for anything right?" Winwin looked at his leader expectantly who in return just poked his cheek with the tongue and turned towards Doyoung.
"Tell everyone to keep a closer look on her." he said and looked at everyone, "all of you will see what's the matter with her. If she is not going to the cafe and not talking with us that much. Then we should find out what's the matter that she is suddenly acting so differently."
"Mark, don't argue with me now."
No one spoke anything after that. Four of them left the room, leaving the leader with Doyoung. The latter's eyes followed how frustratingly the leader was brushing his hairs back and sighing.
"I know, you are not doubting her like the way you are showing your anger."
The leader rested his elbows on the table and held his head with his palms, "I don't want to blame her for anything. I trust her so much but I want to know what's up with her. I love her so much, Doyoung."
Doyoung walked towards him and patted his back comfortingly, "we all love her, Taeyong. If she ever betrays us then nothing can hurt us more than that."
"I don't want to hurt her. She is precious to me. I want all these to be just a misunderstanding."
"She is not betraying us. We will just find out what's the matter with her and then everything will be fine."
The latter just nodded and tears fell from his eyes similarly like the one standing.
"Where are you going?" Jungwoo asked as he saw you hurrying towards the door. You were smiling all the way down the stairs while looking at the phone. His eyes were staring at you with curiosity and adoration. When he repeated the question again, you glanced at him away from your phone and raised your brows.
"Uh..I..somewhere...do you need something?"
"No. But where? Do you want me to go with you?"
He was taken aback by your sudden scream, "what? Why are you shouting?"
You awkwardly laughed and brushed your hairs, "I'll be off to the place and will return quickly. Don't worry."
As soon as you took a turn, someone grabbed your forearm and made you turn around. The turn was so sudden that you almost lost your balance on your heels, "What the hell! Jaehyun?"
"It's late afternoon. I don't think you are going to the cafe right now. Your workers told me that you will be there in the evening. So where to now?" His tone was low and demanding.
His grip was firm and you glanced at the hold then at his face. He had just showered after returning home. The others were not there yet and these two were only at the house so you decided to leave without them noticing you but it's not the case now.
"Hey, I'm just going to meet someone." you smiled at the end of the sentence.
"Who? Let me take you there."
You held his wrist to take off his hand from yours, "No, it's okay. I can go there alone. He will be just a few blocks away and......and then everything is fine."
"he? Y/n, who is this person? Do I know him? Have any of us seen him before?"
"Oh my jealous baby, Jae. Come on, don't think like I am a child. And you don't have to know everyone."
He stepped closer to you, tugging your hairs behind your ears before holding your hands and smiling down at you with a soft look, "I just care for you too much, Y/n. I don't want anyone to hurt you. Please be safe out there as you know your life is always at risk because of us...and dont hide anything from us."
You couldn't hear the last words but you smiled at him, "I will be safe. I promise."
He leaned forward to peck your lips and then planted a soft kiss on your temple. Jungwoo came up behind you and hugged you, nuzzling his nose in your neck inhaling the recently applied perfume, you smiled at the tingling sensation. He whispered, "if you can't keep yourself safe. Then I will kill everyone who will hurt you."
You grabbed one of his hands and brought it to your lips, planting a kiss, "I know. I am always safe with you all."
You were safe. Your preparations and secrets, everything was safe. Only two weeks left and you couldn't contain your excitement. Skipping steps towards the flower shop, you were greeted by the familiar man holding a rose in his hold and smiling endearingly at you. Your smile widened brightly and a soft laugh escaped your throat when he kneeled down in front of you, "A rose for my queen." He extended his hand towards you and you took the flower from his hand.
"Oh please shut up, Wooyoung."
He again stood in front of you and smoothed his blazer and pants. The look was stating that he was on his way for the meeting but still his playful nature and his childish laugh was not setting right with his appearance.
"Why? I can call you anything."
"Just wait until I tell this to my boyfriend." you chuckled while looking around the flower shop, "Where is the owner?"
You never used your boyfriend's name in front of anyone, always referring to some silly names or simply 'my boyfriend'. No one has ever seen your so-called boyfriend but they know you always have the adoration while speaking of him—- of them.
"I don't know about him. Hey! Why are you asking for the owner when I'm here?" He whined and you shook your head in disbelief with the attitude.
"How old are you? And I need him to choose some exact flowers for the decoration and a perfect perfume to give my boyfriend." you smiled at the thought of surprising them with everything. He nodded with a pout and stood by your side while you were staring at some beautiful bouquets, "Is your boyfriend nice? You can tell me if you have any problems. You have said he lives outside this country but if he turns out as a cheater. I will show him hell."
"Of course, Wooyuong. There's nothing to worry about. I am fine and he is a very nice man. Maybe someday you can meet him and also, I'm doing all these preparations for our anniversary."
The owner just entered the door and greeted you both when the other one smiled at you before exiting the door.
One week left for your anniversary.
"So, I was right. She is going to this shop almost every day and according to Winwin, our enemy's last location was this shop."
They couldn't believe the pictures and the tracking location of the devices that were showing on the very big screen displayed in front of them. The undercover spy has clicked the pictures of you meeting with a young man well dressed up in a suit and you were hugging him with a smile, also in another picture, you were receiving flowers. The different gestures between you both were assuming that there was a deeper bonding than they can think of. Everything was pretty much fine until the call list and tracking device of yours and their enemy matches exactly.
"Jungwoo, have you gone to this shop before?" Taeyong asked when he placed himself on the sofa.
The hacker shook his head, "no, I never bought anything from there. I thought she knew the owner of the shop, that's why she is going there but it turned out she is meeting the owner of the device who is apparently our enemy. We need to find who is the owner. Winwin even followed her one day and guess what? They were planning for a big event and also went on a date."
"A date?" Mark had a confused look on his face.
Jungwoo nodded and Jaehyun continued, "yeah, she is meeting these certain people every often and that's why you can't find her in the cafe. And this one person is very common."
"That's Wooyoung, a member of the gang, Ateez. the shop owner is his best friend, just for cover." Winwin started from beside Doyoung who quickly turned towards him in surprise.
Taeyong scoffed in irritation, "So that's him? He blew our basement? I was so sure that somebody leaked our plan when we were having the mission in a different state and look, he took that advantage to attack on our base."
"And you think?" Doyoung raised a brow.
"She...she told him?" Taeyong didn't even want to say it but still he did. He blamed you. He doubted you. There was no other option left other than suspecting you with their recent events going on around them. He curled his fingers into a fist, suppressing the anger and hurt.
Mark leaned back into his chair, "we must be wrong somewhere. Or things have not been placed in the correct way."
"No. When I told Jungwoo for the first time, neither me nor him believed this but after one week of research. We are sure that she is involved with this." Winwin himself didn't want to believe what he was voicing out.
His own voice was betraying him. Was your love for them just a facade to destroy them in the end? Were you playing with their feelings? What? NO! This can't be, you are not like that. He couldn't convince anyone, maybe he was not even trying to convince anyone. No one was ready to believe that you were planning something worse behind their back, just to destroy them to get in with a man. The man who is apparently their enemy's gang member.
Mark stood up. A sad look visible on his face, fighting back the urge to cry in front of them. He couldn't hear more about suspecting you. Even if you are wrong, he still wants to see you and love you. His gaze shifted from the leader towards the large wide window, the setting of the sun was visible, "our anniversary is in almost 10 days. I hope we won't be doing something to ruin the day."
The words hit them altogether. Anniversary...they have bought a lot of gifts for you and they have arranged a trip for all of you to spend time together.
He turned around and Taeyong closed his eyes, heaving a sigh. Everyone was in disbelief and fighting whether they should blame you or...or what? There's nothing to think about anymore.
"Hey!  you all here?" your cheerful voice broke the silence. The atmosphere was already tense inside the house but your presence was making it worse. To your oblivion, they shared glances between them when Jaehyun noticed some things in your hold. His jaw clenched at the sight and he stepped towards you.
"Who gave you this?"
You furrowed your brows before looking down and then a smile cracked on your face. Everyone noticed the shift in expression when you held the flowers tightly, "Um...someone. A friend?"
"Friend." he scoffed and glared at you. His expression surprised you and then when you looked around the room, you noticed others were looking at you with no emotions visible. It felt so distant as if you were missing something. But what's even the matter? Mark was standing on the first step of the stairs, when you caught his eyes, there was a hurt look— the look of betrayal.
"Mark-" the young boy didn't wait to hear you when he abruptly turned around and ascended the stairs, without even looking back at you. What happened?
"Where were you?" Doyoung asked with folded hands above his chest, supporting himself against the table. His dark and sharp eyes staring at you, waiting for a quick reply.
"I...I went to the cafe."
"You were not there. Don't lie. Just tell me exactly, where were you?"
Taeyong darkly chuckled, "of course to meet her friend. Right? So, had fun on the date?"
Jaehyun turned to him, "don't pretend that you don't know. You went on a date with your little friend, right?"
You shook your head when Jungwoo pointed at your large plastic bag, "what's all these?"
You tried to hide it behind your back only to get yanked away, "why are you hiding it?" He glared at your action.
"What's wrong with you all?"
"What's wrong with you? Are you planning something behind our back?" His words hurt you. No, it shocked you. Are they doubting you for something?
The phone in your pocket started ringing and when Jaehyun didn't loosen his grip on you, you snatched your arm away and glared at him. Fishing out the phone, you held it to your ear and greeted the person. Before walking towards your room, you snatched away the plastic bag from him and no one protested but watched you going away.
No one moved from their places but only Winwin followed you behind.
Three days have already passed since that day.
You didn't talk with anyone normally. Everytime, they would be looking at you accusingly or asking you some weird questions about why you were hiding things from them.
but , there was nothing to hide in the first place---- except for the celebration.
Only one week left and when you just wanted to go out finally to arrange the last things of the preparation. Doyoung blocked your way.
"You are not going anywhere."
Jaehyun came up behind you and harshly pulled you to a particular direction, "your game is over, y/n. Just give up now. You can't hide anything from us now."
The other one walked just closely behind you, gun in his hand. "I can't believe you that after the things we did, only for you to betray us."
"Please Jaehyun...Trust me. you must be wrong somewhere. I am not hiding anything. I promise." Your voice was broken yet he was not glancing at you but dragging you towards the stairs. The grip on your wrist tightened when you tried to pull your hand away. The wrist was burning from his harsh grip.
There were two uncoordinated footsteps from behind you both and when the youngest of them spoke up, you glanced at them. Mark was trying to stop the leader from stepping forward but the latter was just fuming and when he caught your glistening eyes, he sent a glare at you.
"please..." you whimpered when he took the turn and stopped at the first step of the stairs. He inhaled sharply and glared at you before glancing at the leader.
"take her downstairs." He simply ordered and the latter nodded.
Mark held Jaehyun's other hand, "No. Don't. Please, we should listen to her. We must be wrong somewhere. Please don't take her there."
But he dragged you down, stumbling over a few places but he didn't care. No one cared at the moment. As if your voice was not even audible to their ears.
You have never been to this place before and the dark, dimly lit room with a damp smell was making churn in your stomach. The others were already present inside the room and their focus was on you— the helpless figure. He harshly pulled you towards the chair behind the interrogating desk and made you sit on it. Your head turned towards each one of them, no one was having any sympathy for you. Maybe they had but trying not to show it.
"Why are you doing this? Please get me out of here." tears were flowing down your cheek. Before you could wipe off your tears, Jungwoo gripped your wrist and tied them to the armrest. Winwin took away the phone from you and placed it on the table. Taeyong placed himself on the chair across from you and stared at your tied up form. Doyoung stood beside him, palm resting on the head of the leather chair.
"So, from where should we begin?"
You remained quiet. Not because you didn't want to talk but because you didn't know what to say. Mind still processing the situation and why they all were keeping you tied up like a criminal. Do they not trust you?
You stared at him with silent tears falling from your eyes. Jaehyun and Jungwoo stood beside you on both sides, neither of them speaking anything and not even looking at you. Only glancing now and then.
"How do you know Wooyoung?" the leader asked the first question and leaned forward on the table.
Doyoung tilted his head to the side, "yes. Even that day he gave you those flowers. Having good times with the enemy. Right, y/n?"
"Enemy? He is my old friend from university."
The leader was not buying your words, "our enemy is your friend now. Since when are you against us?"
"What are you saying, Taeyong? I would never. I..." you were almost spilling the secrets but held back the words that were about to come out from your lips, "we just recently reunited at the flower shop. He was just...helping me out with something."
"Helping you out to chalk out a plan to kill us?" Winwin offered you an option for your choice of words. You shook your head at him and returned to face the leader. He didn't have any emotions for you. No more those endearing smiles and caring eyes looking at you but a strong and accusing eyes blaming you for everything.
"No, it's not like that."
"There's no point in you lying on our face. You can't fight back, y/n. There's six of us and only, you alone."
You parted your lips and tried to shift forward when Jungwoo held you back. You raised your head to look at him but he just avoided your eyes. Does he hate me so much?  "You all should understand this. I am alone, I can't do anything to harm you all and... I can never think of hurting any of you."
"Don't pretend to be the innocent one like always." Jaehyun spat at you. "It was all a facade to make us trust you. To make us weak for you so that you can easily break into our life and destroy us from the core."
"Jaehyun..." you whispered his name but a long silence followed your longing gaze on him. How could he blame you like this? They never used such a tone with you.
"He is correct. It was only you who knew about our absence for a whole week from the city and during that exact time, Ateez attacked our warehouse. Isn't this a coordinated plan?" Taeyong was irritated with each word coming out of his mouth.
"And you think I told him?"
Winwin caught your attention, "of course. The enemy whom we were tracking has his every location around you. His every location was colliding with yours. The flower shop belongs to them and it's just undercover to hide their spies in that busy street. Your activity was very frequent during the time of the blast."
"It must be a coincidence...I am not aware of all these." you plead to them for mercy but none of them were convinced. It all seemed as an act to break away from them and to run to their enemy for help.
"We thought that too but you have a deep connection with him. Even keeping your meet-ups a secret from us. Don't think of us like fools."
"Mark, you are a fool. All of you are foolish to think of me going against you. He is just my friend and we were just hanging out after some arrangements and if I knew he was the menber of a gang, I would never have spoken to him. But...but he won't hurt me or any of you. He doesn't even know you all are my boyfriends."
"Because for your benefit. So that you can go on dates with him." Jaehyun scoffed at the end of the sentence.
Taeyong slammed his hand to gain your attention back on him. His eyes were raging and he was fuming with anger. You flinched at the sound and scaredly turned towards him when he spoke up, "Now tell me, what do you want from us?"
You shook your head and bit your lips to prevent yourself breaking down more.
"I said speak up, y/n!"
Your broken voice and hiccups echoed the room, "I...I want n-nothing. I just want......your love."
"Shut up!"
"Jaehyun, keep quiet." Doyoung shushed the tall man beside you but you were already hurt too much. You were exhausted after crying so much, the unfamiliar and confined environment was suffocating you. You just wanted to get out of the place and run away, far away and hide from them. You were scared to say anything anymore or they could have done something more.
"You are going to stay here unless you are willing to tell the truth." Taeyong said and stood up to turn towards the door.
You shook your head frantically to not to leave you there. But no one minded your scared form. You were nothing more than a liar to them.
"Please listen to me..."
Jaehyun grabbed your cheeks, his fingers digging into your flesh, "you are only going to speak the truth or else shut your mouth." he harshly jerked your head to the side.
One by one everyone left the room except the one who was almost standing silently since he came here. He stayed back inside the room. When you noticed his gaze on you, there was a hurt look like that day.
"Why did you do this?"
"I did nothing."
He looked up at the ceiling and then at you, "then please confess the truth. I can't see you like this."
"I'm telling you the truth, Mark. he is just my friend. I didn't help him with anything."
Doyoung came back to the room to find the younger one standing at the door. He informed the younger one to stay with you, not to leave you alone down in the basement. He nodded his head in acceptance. You don’t know if It was because they told him to stay behind out of love or they think you could try to run away from them.
Mark actually wanted to stay with you though. He just can't leave you alone.
Doyoung stepped inside the room to take the phone from the table. When he came in sight of your vision, you looked away to avoid him. He waited for a moment but left the room eventually when you didn't look at him.
"Mark, don't get swayed by her?"
They had some whispering conversation outside the door and you zoned out to think about the day, how you were so excited to finally wrap the different gifts for them and then prepare the last arrangement because this last week was supposed to be spending time with them together. But everything went down the hill.
When Mark returned inside the room, he saw you sleeping on the chair uncomfortably. He stepped forward and tugged your hairs behind the ears to have a clear look of your face. You looked so peaceful but your face was stained with sweat and tears. He caressed your soft skin and tears fell from his eyes, he was sorry to you. He untied your wrists and pulled you on his lap on the floor. Resting your head against his chest, his fingers stroked you and he lulled you to sleep.
"I'm sorry, y/n."
The next two days were just you refusing all the foods they offered and you were getting weak. Even if they didn't hurt you physically, but their words, their hatred looks and their harsh and hurtful touches with their accusing tone was enough to break your every inch.
Doyoung didn't let you stay in the basement but kept you locked in his room. He promised his leader that he won't let you escape the house.
Just before the two days of your anniversary, they got an email from someone. It was labeled with a secret code so when they clicked on it, they found out that it was from someone unknown. They have sent some confidential documents. Jungwoo didn't waste any time before clicking open it only to get a shock. Everyone scooted closer to him.
'How is Y/n? Suspecting her now? Oh, poor girl. Don't worry. I will kill her soon anyways. '
There were all the details under the small links. Whatever they saw was right but the actual explanation to their assumption was what you were saying, not how they interpreted earlier. Wooyoung was just your friend, nothing more and he didn't have any intention to harm you or others. Ateez didn't even attack their base.
Then who is this person?
Is he alive?
Jaehyun threw the glass away in frustration.
"Where is this shit? I will kill him."
Winwin quickly followed some images, "the dreamies are trying to track the id. Hyuck is currently scanning the codes. but... I don't know why this person wants to kill her."
"I'm not leaving her alone for any more second."
Doyoung jogged towards the room only to find you sleeping beside the window stool. Taeyong followed him closely behind and he noticed the dried tears on your face and the other one was quick to pick you up in his arms, "y/n, look at me. You don't have to be here anymore. I'm taking you out of this place. I'm so sorry."
Your breathing was so faint and it scared him.
He peppered your face with kisses, you were so weak and exhausted. There was no reply from you and he shook your body again.
"She must be unconscious. Let's clean her up and let her rest for a while. When she wakes up, I will feed her." Taeyong offered him.
They both nodded and exited the room. Promising to themselves that they won't ever let you be in this sort of situation again.
When they appeared in front of the others, they saw your unconscious body in his hold. Their hearts clenched at the sight, the pain striking through their body.
How could they just blame you and act deaf ears to your pleadings?
"I'm coming with you." Mark approached him and took you in his arms before going towards his room with Doyoung trailing behind him.
Taeyong ordered Jungwoo and Winwin to contact Dreamies for further discussions about the situation and let others disperse to their respective activities.
No one was willing to leave your side but they had no option other than waiting for you to get consciousness. But Jaehyun quietly walked towards your room to take a glimpse of you.
He was hesitating to enter the room but eventually stepped inside and found them inside the bathroom. They were carefully looking after you.
"Is she okay?"
His sudden voice made the two males turn their head towards him, "of course she is. We are here to keep her safe."
After a while, you were dressed in a pair of comfortable top and loose pants. Mark carefully tugged you in the bed before sitting beside your sleeping figure and caressing the hairs, Doyoung sat near your legs and Jaehyun kept his distance from the bed.
"Let her rest for a while. Taeyong will bring her the food."
They all left the room but Jaehyun went near to you and caressed your head, kissing your temple he whispered, “I’m so sorry, love.”
After a while when you woke up, only to find Taeyong sitting by your side with medicines and food placed on the table that he pulled beside the bed. Your head was spinning a bit but still he helped you sit up and placed the pillow behind you to make you comfortable. Before you could say anything, he caressed your head and smiled at you, following a kiss to the side of your head.
"I'm sorry, Y/n. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. I was so wrong about you."
You remained quiet and just observed how he lifted the bowl from the table and stirred the soup, tasting a spoonful and turning towards you with a spoon.
"What do you mean?"
"y-you are not mad at me anymore? Please trust me-"
He put the spoon back into the bowl and placed a finger on your lips, "I trust you. Y/n, I love you. I'm regretting treating you like that. It hurts you a lot to see us blaming you for something you didn't do. But I promise you, you will never have to be like this again. I will make this up to you."
"Really? And others...Are they?"
"they are equally sorry, y/n. we just couldn't help but think all that......why were you at the shop though?" he quickly asked you the thing that was still bugging his mind.
"Um...you will know soon. It's a secret." You expectantly stared at him to see his reaction but he just smiled when he brought the spoon to your lips. You quickly parted open your lips to taste the spoon and hummed in the wonderful warm taste. It melted on your tongue like you were melting under his touch.
"I won't ever hurt you."
"I know, Taeyong. You have so much responsibility but I think I made you scared going out here and there. But trust me it's a good secret, nothing to worry about."
"Can't you tell me now?" he pouted and blinked at you.
"No. Then what's the point of the secret?"
"Is this about-"
Someone entered the room and he was quick to sit on your other side and hugged you from the side.
"I'm so sorry baby. Please forgive me. I don't want you to stay away from me." he nuzzled his face in the crook of your neck and your fingers entangled with his hairs when he leaned to your body more. Taeyong was still making sure to finish the soup and shook his head at the boy clinging onto you.
"Hey, Mark. It's okay. I was just shocked with you all behaving like that." You said slowly and he nodded, muttering a flow of apologies. The leader wiped your mouth when you finished the food and handed you the medicine to take but when you refused it. Both of them tickled you and joked around and ended up with Mark holding you down on the bed and the oldest one putting inside the medicine and handing you the glass.
Three of you spent some time together before Taeyong left when he caught a call from Jungwoo and he hugged you before pressing a long and soft kiss on your temple then hurrying to take the call. Where you and Mark ended up cuddling together.
"That night..." he was spooning you while your back was pressed against his chest and his one leg was flung upon yours. His fingers were playing with yours when you both were watching the screen displaying a movie.
You hummed in response, "you made me sleep on your lap. I woke up from a nightmare but I felt so secure with you. Thank you."
"I love you. I love you so much baby."
"I love you more, mark." You turned around and cupped his face. Your eyes searched for a particular emotion before pressing your lips to his. He was surprised by your move but when you tried to pull away your face, he held the back of your neck and pulled you closer, making the kiss rough and passionate. Both fighting for dominance but still enjoying the power of each other. You smiled and squirmed when he slid his hand under your tee. His kisses traveled down to your jaw and sloppily kissed your cheek. Admiringly, watching each other, he dipped his head down and bit the soft flesh of your neck, he groaned when you moaned his name. When he hooked a finger with the band of your shorts, you held his wrist.
He quickly stopped his actions and looked at you, cupping your cheeks and shock visible on his face. You chuckled at his reaction and he worriedly asked you, "Is there something wrong?"
It's not like you haven't done this before with him but there was something for which you wanted to wait.
"Can you wait for one more day?"
"Before our anniversary?"
You nodded and he smiled before pecking your lips.
"Of course, I can."
The day before the celebration. You asked them if you could go out. They felt as if they did something wrong that you were taking permission like a child. You bit your lips and stared at them when they were all similarly staring back at you.
Taeyong broke the awkward moment, "I think someone should speak."
"You did just now."
He glared at Jaehyun, who looked away holding back his laugh. The others snickered and you laughed loudly. All of their attention turned back at your standing figure in an elegant knee length dress.
"You all can go with me."
"We?" Winwin asked you and you quickly nodded.
They all looked at each other before agreeing and stood up. The one that was hesitant to come near you was Jaehyun. When they all walked towards the door, conversing and joking among them, he remained at the same place. He felt someone entangled a hand with his and when he looked down at his side, you were smiling brightly at him.
"Let's go, my prince."
You pulled him towards the door. But he was staring at you like a lost man, who knew nothing other than the directions you would give him. He smiled when he noticed the dress you were wearing was the one he gave you on your birthday last time.
"I'm trying to forget about that day so please don't remind me."
He stopped in his track and you turned towards him, "what happe-"
He pressed his lips to yours. He was laughing between the kisses when you were trying to say something. He pulled apart and you glared at him before looking at your appearance on the phone screen.
"you ruined my lipstick."
"I would have ruined you but it's okay coz it's just the lipstick for now."
"Jae..." you groaned but he grabbed your chin softly and other hand quickly went up , a finger wiping away the smudged out portion and then patted your cheek with the clean fingers.
"you look beautiful like always."
Doyoung came back and pulled you both towards the car.
The car ride was fun. Except for Jungwoo clinging onto your side ans asking you the same question repeatedly, "why can't we know the secret now? Please, y/n."
"I am surprised all of you are in a gang."
Taeyong chuckled, "don't add him. He doesn't do anything other than hacking and intruding other's business from his private place."
He scoffed in reply, "at least I keep company with our girl. Right?"
You nodded. It's not like they were not serious with their job. When the work mode is on, you wouldn't even match the people who are the same with the ones you are currently laughing with. Even you get scared. Okay, last time you really got.
Arriving at the mall, you quickly got out of the car to make a quick call with your friend. You told her to receive the perfumes and flowers from the shop tomorrow morning and keep them in the café. You wanted to celebrate your anniversary at the café and your friend was helping you to get all the orders ready for tomorrow so that today, you can spend your day with the boys.
You bought a lot of things, some necessary and some unnecessary. Jungwoo was with you and others went off to other places.
"you are buying us gifts but not letting us buy for you."
"Why? I can buy it today. Wait, I can buy for you everyday."
"Don't show off." You turned around to look at the dress when he picked one from the other row and handed it to you, "wear this tomorrow. This is so perfect."
"are you serious? Do you know my size?"
He smirked and bent to whisper in your ears, "I know every inch and curves how they would fit them and how it would be easy to rip off."
Your eyes went round and you hit his arm when he burst out laughing, "Jungwoo!"
You snatched the dress and walked towards the trial room and when you put on the dress, it seemed like it was the one for you. As if They will marry you tomorrow. Marriage...
Jungwoo knocked at the door and when you opened it, he pushed you inside and locked the door behind.
"what happened?"
"I don't want others to get to see you before me." his gaze moved and his breath hitched. You were looking more beautiful than he projected an imagery picture of you in the dress in his mind.
He pecked your lips and then your temple, "you look like mine. I love you, y/n."
"Always yours. I love you so much Jungwoo."
Done with the things you wanted to buy. Jungwoo went to where Jaehyun was and you were alone walking through the newborn section and smiling. You picked up a pink baby wrap towel and someone back hugged you.
"why are you buying this?" his deep voice sent a shiver down your body.
"I am not buying...just watching... they are so cute. Look at this, Taeyong."
He pressed a kiss on your cheek, "We can someday when we will have a baby."
You turned around when his arms dropped down, "it will be soon."
He smirked to see the excitement on your face, he tugged your hairs before raising a brow, "so am I getting the hint to spend some time with me and then we can expand our family. You and I and our daughter."
"you want a girl?"
"I'm fine with both but to have a girl. I love the idea of mini you running around the house and us all chasing her around."
You hugged him tightly, "I love you, Taeyong."
"I love you too, my princess."
"Wait for tomorrow, please."
"Of course."
You all went home after almost buying the whole mall and Jaehyun was casually showing off and showing smirks that he brought the costliest items. Oh boy! How wrong he is. He should just see the expenses of Taeyong. Winwin whispered to you that he would be sleeping with you because both of you haven't spent a night together. You agreed quickly.
After the dinner when you were going towards the room, Winwin asked you to go with him to the garden and of course, you would.
"So why are we here?" you were staring up at the sky while sitting on the outdoor swing with him by your side.
"I'm sorry." He muttered quietly.
"I know."
He turned towards you and shook his head, "don't forgive us so easily, y/n. we don't deserve it."
"Then don't say sorry. Stop reminding me about that. Think about tomorrow and let us enjoy the night."
He caressed your head, " you are the sweetest one. The innocent one in our life and I don't want to hurt you but still I did."
"And I forgive you."
He sadly chuckled and pulled you closer, "Can you tell me the secret for tomorrow?"
You stared at him and waited if he wanted to say something but when he didn't, you kissed his cheek and smiled, "No. You have to wait."
"Are you planning a surprise? For us?"
"Maybe...or something more than you can expect."
He furrowed his brows when you caressed his cheek softly, "see...you are the innocent one now."
"really?" he grabbed your neck and pulled you in for a hungry and deep kiss. You were laughing and clutching his shirt. His other hand was caressing your back and hands, melting you under his control. He pulled apart and started panting for air.
"And now?"
"still the innocent." As the words left your mouth, he swept you in his arms and turned round and round. Both of your laughs echoed in the garden.
"I love you...I love you...I love you, My innocent girl."
"I love you too, my innocent boy."
Your teasing made him tickle you in his hold and you laughed out more.
Taeyong was watching you from his balcony with the wine in his hand. He was smiling ear to ear seeing you so happy.
He would keep you safe till the end.
Finally THE DAY.
Winwin woke you up, calling out your name lightly and keeping you close to him. He peppered your face with kisses and you were giggling all the way when he scooped you in his arms and took you to the bathroom to get ready. You looked at the mirror and felt so happy, quickly did your morning routine before running down the stairs to greet your boys. But you could only find Doyoung at the table preparing the plates and decorating it with the final touch.
The house looked amazing.
"Don't tell me you all did this within a night."
"Then What do you think? You were blind to not notice it till yesterday?"
You reached near the table and when you went to pick up a pancake, he swatted your hand away and you whined.
"Let others come. No eating before greeting."
"No greetings to you."
You turned around and folded your hands above your chest, he chuckled and with slow steps went behind you and snaked his arms around, resting his head on your shoulder.
"Happy Anniversary, My love." He kissed your shoulder, the deep round neckline of the dress gave him access to your soft flesh. Your hairs were tied up and he kissed the crook of your neck and his teeth grazing the skin and licking the jaw, "I love you, y/n."
"Doyoung, I love you. Happy Anniversary."
He turned you around to kiss you. His kisses are always soft and takes his whole time to devour the moment. Just like now, he didn't care what others will see but he just wanted to show you his love for you.
You were smiling all the while but the sweet moment got interrupted by the one who could enter the place without any sound but to disturb you both, he purposely made sounds.
"Did I interrupt something?"
"Yes. My love life." Doyoung spat at him and groaned but didn't let you go when the other one laughed and came near you.
You pulled apart from the kiss and looked at Taeyong. The other one was back hugging you and nuzzling his nose into your neck.
Taeyong cupped your cheek, "happy anniversary, princess."
"Happy anniversary girl's dad."
"Nothing." You laughed out and noticed Jungwoo and Winwin entering the place when one of them muttered a quiet happy anniversary to you because he was always shy in front of others but the other one had to make it dramatic.
"Everyone. Present here. Wait two are missing."
All of you were watching his stupid act, standing on the chair. He craned his neck to look at the stairs and waited for a few seconds before Mark and Jaehyun walked down with bright smiles on their faces.
"Okay here we have Mark and Jaehyun. Then We have Winwin at the table. Mr. Taeyong and Doyoung with our special girl, y/n." He stepped forward to you and took out a flower and kissed it before extending it to you, " a token of love for my precious soul."
"Thank you. Happy Anniversary to my dramatic love."
"Happy Anniversary, y/n." He pulled you away from the one hugging you and stepped towards the table.
You sat between Jaehyun and Mark and they both greeted you following with a smile and soft kiss. Doyoung cut a piece of the pancake and brought it to your lips. You chuckled and quickly ate it.
"Are these all for me?"you asked them.
"Yes. All for the special one." Mark excitedly said and kissed your cheek.
Winwin cleared his throat from across the table, "so what should we do today?"
"Give her the gifts."Mark proposed the idea but you quickly shook your head.
"No not now. My surprise is still left."
"Wait. Yeah, the secret. So tell me." Winwin happily nodded and stared at you.
"No. Get dressed. We are going to my cafe and then everything will be revealed."
"Of course, Doyoung."
They all quickly dressed up in some denims or leathers but of course they were looking fine individually. You couldn't take your eyes from one of them. Are you even matching with them?
You looked down at your dress and Jungwoo grabbed your shoulders to face them.
"How is she looking?"
The moment their gaze fell on you, everyone stopped, everything was still, a look of adoration and love painted across their faces. They approached where you were shyly looking away when Jungwoo was keeping you in place.
"You look like my queen, love." Taeyong took your hand and kissed the back of your hand. Jaehyun kissed the side of your head and pulled you towards him, "well, we have something more to say but let's go to the cafe first."
"Then let's go."
It didn't take much time to reach the destination but as soon as you stepped inside the door. You started to feel nervous and that did get noticed by them. They were mesmerized by the wonderful decoration that you did and planned for the day. Somewhere, they felt sorry to even blame you for keeping secrets for this. Doyoung didn't leave your hand when you were showing around the details you organized which perfectly matched all six of their likings but the moment they came across the pink box with a letter on top of it. You stopped them.
They all turned towards you.
"There's something I want to tell you."
Taeyong smiled at you, "go ahead."
"No. First you gave me the surprise and then I did so now it's your turn to tell me first and then I will. How about this?"
Mark smiled and approached you, hugging you from behind and then you noticed Taeyong pulling out a box from his leather jacket.
"Woah! What's that?"
You knew your friend's voice and when you heard her screaming from outside, you ran towards the door and pushed it open.
The boys shouted out your name but you didn't listen and searched for your friend outside the cafe.
There was no one.
No one on the silent and peaceful afternoon street. You felt weird because you were so sure that you heard your friend call out for you so many times.
Are you hearing things?
You felt someone watching you. You looked in each direction but you couldn't see anyone. The boys already exited the cafe.
"Who was there?" Winwin asked while looking around.
"I heard my friend calling for me."
"Then where is she?"
"I don't know."
Doyoung stepped in front of you and held your wrist, "let's go inside. Maybe she was fooling around."
You nodded and turned around with them.
But the moment you took a step.
All of you heard a gunshot.
What happened?
As soon as they saw you, blood was flowing out of your chest. You got shot? Who shot you? They frantically looked around but there was no one in their sight. Doyoung sat on his knees when he felt your limp body leaning on him.
"It's okay, y/n. I will save you. Just wait for a while. We will take you to the hospital soon."
He held your hand when Mark was searching for a way to stop the flow of blood. But his mind was not working and processing the things to do.
The day started with so much joy and love but suddenly what just happened?
Both of the men by your side were scared. Scared to lose you. You were fighting back the urge to seep into sleep but clutched his hand tightly to stay awake. Mark was repeatedly telling you to keep your eyes open.
"Baring the car. Do it fast." Taeyong pushed Jaehyun towards the car but you weakly called out their names and asked them to come to you.
"Just take her to the hospital. Now!"
"Mark. No...I-i don't think I can make it."
"No no y/n. You can." He pressed your hand, which was clutching your chest.
"Taeyong, tell me what you wanted to say. Please"
"Let's go to the hospital."
you shook your head and looked at Winwin, "Can you bring me the pink box? please..." you coughed. Jaehyun already went to bring the car and you were clutching Doyoung's hand tightly. tears escaping your eyes even though you didn't want to cry. Winwin jogged inside the cafe and quickly he picked up the note and the box and wasting no more time, he went towards you.
"Get inside." Jaehyun opened the door for you all.
"Taeyong, tell me please."
he was hesitant to tell you at that moment but wasting unnecessary time means risking your life more. your breath was heaving and Mark was trying his best to keep you awake. Winwin approached the scene and when you noticed him, you weakly smiled at him.
But Taeyong pulled out the black box from his jacket and opened it. your glistening eyes blinked slowly, everything was blur, you could feel a small thing placed on your palm. Taeyong took your hand away from Doyoung's shirt.
you brought the thing closer to you.
It's a ring.
before you could say anything. you all entered the care. you were still looking at the ring. When Jungwoo noticed your fixed gaze on the ring and your grip was about to loosen. He curled your fingers and held your fist tightly. 
Taeyong held back his tears and weakly said from the passenger seat, "we were going to ask you to marry us. A proposal ring."
you heard them. you wanted to say a lot of things but you couldn't. you wanted to say something else at the moment.
"Winwin, give the box to Taeyong." he was quick to follow your words. Jaehyun was often glancing at you from the rear mirror and to the front. their base hospital is a bit far away and they couldn't risk you reaching there so whatever problem they have to face, they were going to if they had to go to the city hospital.
Winwin kept the note in his hand and it was shaking in his hold. 
"trust me...i love you......" you weakly whispered but the one holding you heard it.
"Y/n...y/n...don't close your eyes...please..hey stay awake."
you didn't open your eyes.
nor you were clutching his hand.
"drive faster!" Taeyong almost shouted at him.
Mark hesitatingly asked, "what's inside the box?"
Taeyong stared at it for a while and then when he opened it. A tear dropped inside the box. Jaehyun's breath hitched and looked at you but your eyes were closed. 
aren't you going to smile at him? atleast for the last time.
Congratulations! It's a girl.'
Mark snatched the box from him and his eyes went wide. he urged the other to open the note and there it was, you have ranted everything like always and in the end,
'I collected some flowers for each day after I got the news of pregnancy. I could tell you earlier but I wanted to say it on a special day. I am not hiding anything from you except this. Just trust me. I want to give it to you all as a surprise.'
Jungwoo brought your hand to his lips to plant a kiss.
Doyoung pressed a kiss on your temple, "I trust you."
Are you just going to leave them now?
They won’t trust anything anymore when you didn’t even say the final goodbye.
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Note: please I want to thanks to people for reading and reblogging. Reviews are always appreciated. Spread love not hate. If my favoritism is showing with some members then please try to understand oz they are my bias.
Taglist: @mymoodwriting @justhere4kpop @anyamaris @yeoobin @icchyi @jwnghyuns @piratequeen-queenofgames @dinonuguaegi @oreharuuu @hwanring @sanwifesstuff @kiwiisnthereoops @kiwiraccoon @hyuukah @kazscara @aceofspadesbiofalltrades @nvdhrzn @meowmeeps @vtyb23 @haechansbbg
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wilcze-kudly · 6 months
If worked for the team who made Avatar TloK. How would you rewrite TloK?
To be completely honest, rewriting tlok wouldn't fix all it's issues. Tlok just needed to have longer seasons, an actually established amount of seasons so they weren't pressured to make every single season a complete story for fear of not getting more time.
But let's say, hypothetically that I murdered mr Crabs or whoever is in charge of Nickelodeon and removed any studio meddling from the show.
My perfect world would include:
More filler episodes that focus on a singular character. Think Sokka's Master or the Painted Lady. The Krew are all fascinating characters with a lot of potential, however, due to the runtime of the show, their storylines are rushed... or completely nonexistent. Give me more details of Mako and Bolin's childhood. Show me emore of Asami struggling with her father's arrest.
I'd try to cut down on the westernisation of the show. I can see why these foreign aspects slipped in, since the closer the Avatarverse inches to our modern times, the more blurred the lines become. At least to my whiteass. I'd try to lean towards silkpunk, rather than the much more west based steampunk. It would be a fascinating endeavour to imagine what a world with mostly eastern influences would look like.
I'd make Vaatu the overarching villain/final boss of the story... it would require a bit of moving around of the timeline but I think I'd structure it as: Red Lotus> Kuvira> Amon> Vaatu. However I'd blur the timeline more. Make Amon a background threat in the eariler seasons, only for him to rise in popularity and power after people see what benders like Kuvira are capable of, for example.
This would also allow for certain villains to become redeemed or at least helpful in some way, later on. Mayhaps Amon and Kuvira team with the Krew to defeat Vaatu in some way.
Also, instead of destroying Vaatu completely, I'm leaning towards Korra absorbing him, in a way. Yes Vaatu is a dark spirit, but 'darker' urges are necessary for humans' survival and happiness. Korra embodies the duality of man very well. I think it would be a fascinating idea to see the Avatar become the embodiment of both light and darkness.
In general, making Vaatu and Raava more morally ambiguous, rather than the simple good spirit/bad spirit thing they had in the og show would be a fascinating concept.
I'd do my best to pull away from the show's original centerist narrative. Have Korra learn from the villains and make active changes to the world, showing her growth as an Avatar and person. Perhaps she's reluctant to see the Red Lotus' point of view at the beginning of the show, but sympathises with Amon at the tail end of the story.
Make the entire Krew queer. And talk about queerness more, in general. Have the characters have open conversations about queerness in their respective enviornments and cultures. Tlok already has a very queer undertone to it, even before korrasami became canon, but touching on this subject more overtly would provide great opportunity for characterisation and worldbuilding.
Have the story span several years. Watch the Krew grow up. Tlok works very well as a coming of age story even in its original form. Have Vaatu and his darkness and chaos symbolise the uncharted waters of maturity at the end of teenagedom. This especially works if Korra merges or accepts him like i suggested.
There... that's some basics. I think that most of my criticisms of the show could mostly be solved if the studio wasn't being a bitch but well. We can't have nice things, can we?
I took a while to answer this ask because it was genuinely such an interesting, but overwhelming question.
Also now I have wayy too many ideas about a potential tlok rewrite, so feel free to ask me about that if you want to hear me ramble.
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bluegalaxygirl · 4 months
Amnesia (KidKiller X Reader) P1
Plot: After an explosion reader wakes up in a hospital with no memory of the past few years, her parents want to take her home so she can recover and get back to a normal life while the Kid pirates want her back on the ship where she belongs.
Warning: Bad language, Violence, Death and Blood.
Reader is Female, Poly Relationship, established relationship, Kid X Reader X Killer, Reader is a member of the Kid pirates and is in charge of the money, Budgeting and negotiating the best price.
< Previous part ..... Next Part >
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Gunfire, cannon fire, yelling and screams fills the air as the Kid pirates take on the many marine ships in search of the treasure they were carrying. There's never a real plan when your with the Kid pirates since Captain Kid usually charges in head first destroying anything and everything in his way but Killer made sure to give the crew an idea of what to expect and how to go about things. The crew split up into groups taking on different ships in search of the treasure while others stayed on the Victoria firing cannonballs at the marine ships that were coming as backup. If they found the treasure then they would load it onto a smaller ship to send it back to the Victoria Punk before sinking the ship or calling out to their Captain, so he could continue his destruction. Several ships had already sunk thanks to Kid going a little crazy on the violence, it seemed random but the pirate Captain has been doing this long enough to know just by looks which ships won't carry any kind of treasure. It didn't matter if his crew were on those ships since they knew well enough to stay out of their captains away and get off any ship he was going to attack. Killer went straight for the biggest ship knowing thats where their leader is, The marine was only ranked a captain, he honestly expected a higher rank with how many ships there were and how much treasure and weapons their supposedly carrying, but he couldn't complain. While the few crew members he was with searched the ship and took out the low ranked marines Killer fought against their leader slashing and kicking at the man who could hardly keep up with the first mates movements and speed.
Heat used a rope to swing from one marine ship to another, he rolled before pulling out his sword and slashing a marine that ran at him before standing up right. He has no chose but to switch groups since the ship you were on had explosives, his fire would make things worse, but he had confidence that you can handle it and get the ship away from the fight so it doesn't hurt the crew. Heat scans the deck seeing marine body's scattered all over, but he couldn't see any of his crew until a girl with short blonde hair runs out of one of the rooms carrying two large bags of what sounded like gold coins. "Heat, what are you doing here?" Hip yells seeing her crew mate and running up to him before coming to a stop "That ship has explosives on them, be careful in case the others do too" Heat reply's earning a frustrated sigh from the woman "Great that's just what we need, The Boss is still going mental, Killer is fighting a Captain a few ships over and now some of the ships might have explosives" She groans as other members of the crew start running over holding wooden crates and bags of gold. "Get the treasure back to the Victoria and tell the others to be on the look out, I'll inform Killer and Kid" Heat order the group who all nod before running off to the boat that will take them back to their ship. With Killer a few ships away and Kid further than that he knew he would have to swing his way over using the ropes while also fighting any marines that got in his way.
The marine Captain pants while holding his stomach after being slashed by Killers blade, other marines came in to help only to be quickly taken out by the first mate. Using the last of his strength the marine yells while running at the masked man bringing his sword down to slash at the masked man but Killer easily doges it while spinning his blades and cutting the marine captain in half. Two thunks hit the decks floor but after that it was silent, no more yelling, screaming or gunfire from the ship he's currently on until someone lands on the deck. Killer turns ready to fight only to see Heat, his friend letting go of the rope before stepping closer, anxiety wells up inside the masked man since head is supposed to be with you "Some ships have explosives but Hips group found some of the treasure" Heat explains as quickly as he can while looking out at the other ships seeing his Captain bringing a big mental hand down on one braking it in half and making it sink. Killer sighs before turning to look over at Kid "HAY KID" The first mate yells managing to get the captain's attention who jumps over to the ship their on, landing hard on the deck his boots cracking the wood bellow until he releases some of the metal on his arm making him much lighter "You found the treasure yet?" Kid asks walking over to the two, Heat nods but looks back to the ship you were on, his eyes widening when noticing it was heading towards the Victoria Punk "What the fuck is she doing?" He didn't mean to yell it out loud, but he didn't think you would bring the ship closer, unless it wasn't you doing it.
Killer and Kid jump at the sudden yell of their friend since its highly unlike him to yell, turning their attention to the ship he's looking at Killer places a hand on Heats shoulder turning his crew mate to face him "What is going on?" The masked man's voice was calm but there was a bit of worry in his voice "That ship has explosives on it, Y/n was supposed to steer it out to sea not towards the Victoria" Heat panics but soon hears Kid let out a laugh "Don't worry, look its turning away, our feisty girl's got this" The captain smiles watching as the marine ship heads further and further out to sea before starting to turn going to head to the marine ships that are coming as backup, the three relax knowing you now have the ship under your control "Alight lets get ba-" Kid goes to order when a cannon goes off soon followed by an explosion, his eyes widen as the ship you were on burst into flames and rips apart, a wave of hot hair rushes across the sea causing the water to ripples and bounces forcing the marine ships to crash into each other. The sound of creaking, cracking and yelling rings through the air as the marines and the Kid pirates all try to get to safety, marine ships thats crash into each other start to break apart making masts fall either hitting another ship or crashing into the water. The three covers their faces with their arms as the hot air reaches them almost forcing them back a bit while the marine ship their on sways a little, once the burning wave of heat passes the three look up from their arms seeing the burning mast of the ship you were on cracks apart and fall into the water as the ship starts to sink.
Kid curses out loud his heart pounding in his chest at the thought of losing you and the members of his crew that were on that ship, His legs move before he can tell them too starting to run off jumping from ship to ship, the explosion made all the ships move loser together so it was easy for the captain to jump from one to the next. Killer felt his heart stop for a second, but he hoped you had gotten off the ship before it went up in flames, The masked man was quick to follow his captain "Heat, get the rest of the crew back to the Victoria" Killer yells back stopping Heat from following. The first mate knew that with the marine ships still crashing into each other and falling apart that the rest of the crew is in danger. The two only stop when they make it to the last none sinking marine ship, but they were still not close enough. The burning ship is too far out to sea, the only things they could make out were pieces of wood floating and black shadow's under the water although they were too far away to know if it was a part of the ship or a person. "Kid, we should get the crew back to the Victoria, take out the other marine ships, and then we can look for Y/n and the others" The first mate finally speaks snapping the captain out of his spiraling thoughts of how they might find you, he didn't like the idea of backing off but on the other hand Killer was good at planning and it would be easier to find you and the other crew members without all the fighting and other marine ships around. "Shit, fine." Kid growls at Killer who nods letting his finger loop over one of his captains.
It didn't take too long for everyone to gather what they could and make it back to the Victoria, Kid sank a few ships on the way back and once all the crew other than your group was accounted for the Victoria unloaded Cannon fire ripping apart the marine ships along with some of the back up ones. Seeing they were out matched by the pirate crew the other marine ships fled out to sea, with the air around the sea now silent and night falling, Kid orders his crew to head over to the slightly burning marine ship and look for the rest of the crew. In groups the crew put small boats in the water and headed out as the Victoria sat in the water close by, their lantern's helped in the fading light while Killer and Kid stood in the dinosaurs skull looking out at the almost fully submerged ship. The wait was long making the already worried and tense atmosphere worse, when ever a lantern lingered too long hope and relief ran through the two but when it moved on with no call outs that feeling quickly vanished. Killer slowly moves his hand closer to Kids linking a finger with one of his captains who quickly grabs his hand holding it tight "We'll fine them all" Kid whispers mainly to himself but Killer nods stepping a little closer while squeezing his captains hand "They'll be fine" The first mate whispers back knowing Kid is worried about the crew but mainly you, the two don't like to show favorites but your their partner, their lover, it breaks their heart thinking of you hurt or gods forbid dead in the water.
Heat stands by the railing near the ladder waiting for the crew to find someone, anyone, guilt runs through him since he should have been on that ship with them. Wire tried to comfort his friend, but he knows until they found you and the others that guilt wouldn't be going away. A few boats soon head back bring them some hope but as they get closer its clear mainly by House's face that something was very wrong. House is your best friend on the ship and the doctor so for her normally cheerful face to be lifeless made them think the worst. Heat and Wire help them up onto the ship as Kid and Killer make their way over stopping as House looks down at the deck with a sigh "I'm sorry captain we didn't find anyone" Her hands clench into fists at her side as Hip walks over placing her hand on the doctors shoulder in comfort. "A few of us managed to check some of the inside but there are only dead marines" Hip continues for House who starting to shake a little trying not to cry in front of everyone. Killer grits his teeth feeling a crushing weight press against his chest, he didn't want his mind to wonder but it did, were you further inside the now sunken ship where they couldn't get too? Or where you at the bottom of the ocean? Kid looks down at the two girls unsure of how to react to the news, he was beyond angry but not at them, his crew did a good job, but he's also upset and frustrated the feeling of wanting to scream and break something consumed him. After a while of silence and Kid's glare out at sea getting more and more angry Wire ushers the crew who are still on the deck away from the situation.
Heat refuses to go though instead he walks up to his two longest and oldest friends "I-I'm sorry… I should have been on that ship with them. She told me to leave but i should have forced them all to come with me… I'm so sorry" Heat pants a little while gripping his arm tight, he's never felt this way before, guilt is something a pirate shouldn't feel but at the moment thats all he could feel. Kid sighs knowing his friend isn't at fault for this, no one thought that the marines would fire at their own ship knowing their men were still on it "I don't blame you" Kid suddenly states before turning and storming off, his boots heavy and loud on the deck as he tries to control his anger and hurt. Killer lets out a breath trying to clam himself down, he places a hand on Heats shoulder giving him a simple nod that tells him that its not his fault before running after his captain. Kid kicks open any door in his way as he heads to the bedroom, his mind fixed on one thing as Killer catches up to him trying to calm the red head down, hoping he wouldn't put holes in anymore walls or doors. "Kid, i know your angry, i am too but i'm sure she's out there" Killer tries to calm Kid but the captain ignores him while kicking open the door to their bedroom, luckily the hinges didn't break this time so Killer closes the door behind them knowing it will give them both the privacy they need at the moment. Heading straight for a chest of draws Kid looks over the small wooden box sitting on top of it, but he couldn't bring himself to open it.
The box contains three Vivre cards, Yours, Kid's and Killers, but he was scared that when he opened it there would only be two along with a pile of ash where yours should be. Killer sighs taking off his mask and placing it on the bed before walking over and placing a hand on his lovers shoulder "She's alive, i know it, we'll find her" The first mate moves his hand down to hold Kid's hand. The captain turns his head now seeing the face of the man he loves, it helps calm him a bit, but he still can't bring himself to open the box. Killer knows the man too well some times, so he squeezes Kids hand while the other moved to the box, unlatching it he can't help but hold his breath before opening the box. Relief flowed through the two as their eyes landed on your card, it was slightly burned at the edges but it was there which means your alive. They knew your hurt but the corners have stopped burning away which means you or someone has managed to patch you up as much as possible. The two let out a breath as Kid goes to picks up your card only for it to move slightly to the side, raising an eyebrow the captain looks to the window that the card was moving towards, it was just open sea. Killer picks up the card lightly feeling it with his fingers as it twitches in his hand trying to move in the direction you are "Either she's drifting out to sea or the marines have her" Killer sighs either way it was bad but at least now they have a way of finding you "If the marines have her then they most likely have the others too" Kid sighs while pinching the bridge of his nose while letting go of Killer and heading to the door, he places his hand on the handle but doesn't open it instead waiting for his partner to put his mask back on and join him "We'll set sail and follow the Vivre card" Kid states as Killer nods walking over to the door while fixing his mask into place.
----- You, Bubblegum, Boogie, Gig and Emma -----
Boogie breaks the surface of the water taking in a deep breath for air as he lifts you up out of the water, Gig reaches out helping to drag your uncontuse and bleeding body into the large slab of wood that was once part of the marine ship. Unfortunately for the group it was currently floating out to sea, the Victoria punk hardly visible from how far out they all are, the rippling waves forcing them further and further out to sea. "Shit, what do we do?" Emma asks as she leans over your body unsure of where to put her hands, Your head was bleeding badly but the gash on your shoulder was also oozing blood. "Stop sitting around and put pressure on something" Boogie yells as he gets onto the board of wood before crawling over and placing his large hands on your shoulder. Emma nods and places her hands on the top of your head trying to feel where the blood is coming from with slightly shaking hands. Gig nods at the orders starting to look over your burned legs, he may not be a doctor, but he knows better than to touch the burns in case they get infected, so he looks over your torso seeing blood and pieces of glass and wood sticking into your skin. "We need to get her to House" Gig gulps unsure how to help since the only doctor is on the Victoria Punk which is getting further and further away. Before anyone can answer or do anything a cannon ball lands next to them in the water the three shielding themselves while also trying not to fall off the slab of wood as the water ripples on one side almost toppling over.
A small marine ship glides through the water behind them soon coming to a halt as the cannons are aimed at them along with guns that several marines are holding "Your under arrest, put your hands up, and we won't kill you" A marine in a white coat steps closer yelling at the group bellow him, Gig growls while gripping his fists but the three are way out numbered and hurt with hardly any weapons so Boogie clears his throat while keeping pressure on your shoulder "Fine, we surrender" Emma and Gig turn to look at him in shock but the man sighs and looks down knowing they have no chose, Their Captain was too far away, you were injured and the three were just floating out to sea, they had no where to go. It was their best option, at least they would all get medical treatment and a place to rest, Their crew will come after them so there was no need to worry, Kid will set them all free soon. The Marines cuffed everyone before dragging you all onto the ship, forcing everyone who's awake onto their knees. The white coated marine looks the group over before sighing and turning his back "Take them to the cells" He waves his hand while walking away, Emma's eyes widen at his words "Hay wait aren't we going to get medical treatment… Our friends hurt" She calls out while struggling against the marine who's holding her cuffed hands behind her back, the white coated marine stops in his tracks and laughs throwing his head back while holding his stomach "Why would i help a bunch of pirates?" He asks before walking again some of the other marines laughing along with him.
Boogie growls kicking at one of the marines trying to force them to let him got, but they punch him in the face as the others are dragged off bellow deck to where the cells are. The four are thrown into a dark cell only lite by a single candle hung up high on the metal wall, the cell door closes and locks before the marines give them a smile and walk away. "Bastards get back here" Gig yells after them struggling to get to his feet with his injured leg and hands behind his back. "Guys?" A familiar voice calls out in happiness, Bubblegum steps out from the darkness his hands cuffed in front of him unlike the others, he was hurt a bit but has a reveled smile on his face. "Bubblegum, your ok" The three yell as the tall blue haired man runs over to them only for his smile to drop at seeing your body still bleeding on the floor "Oh shit" He states as the others sigh letting him over to you and kneel down to inspect your wounds. "Their refusing to treat any of our wounds.. what do we do?" Gig asks as he sits with his back to you his hands trying to hold pressure on your shoulder, but he couldn't tell if they were in the right place or not. Bubblegum adjusted his hands for him helping Gig put pressure on the right place before looking around the room trying to think of what they can use to help you out. "The blanket and candle, we can use the blanket to stuff the wound and then the wax over the top to hopefully seal it… Boogie hoist me up" The blue haired man walks over to the metal wall with his crew mate who kneels down letting the blue haired man sit on his shoulders.
It was a struggle to get the candle Bubblegum trying to balance as the ship slight sways but with their combined heights it wasn't long until Bubblegum grabbed the candle and pulled it out of its holder. The flame would be a better idea to use on your wound but the wick was short and it was their only sauce of light, if your blood got on the wick it would put the flame out, and they would be screwed. Emma runs over and grabs the blanket in the corner, it was thin and short, it would be batter as a pillow cover than a blanket but it'll have to do. Rushing over to you, Bubblegum gets to work, stuffing the blanket into your shoulder wound that Gig lets go of once he's told too. It hurt seeing you not move in any way, normally people would flinch or groan in pain but you were silent and unmoving while the blanket is stuffed into your shoulder, just like they though the blanket didn't do much to stop the bleeding which is why the candle came in handy. The others watch as Bubblegum lets the melted wax land on your shoulder wound coating the blanket and stopping the blood from seeping through, it will hopefully cause enough pressure to build stopping the bleeding all together but it'll take a bit of time. "What about her head?" Gig asks as he watches your shoulder stop leaking blood but your head was still bleeding, Bubblegum puts what's left of the candle down and starts looking through your blood soaked hair seeing a thick cut going from your forehead to the middle of your head, what ever hit you split the skin and may have busted your skull.
He thinks for a second before pulling his shirt off and ripping it to wrap around your head hoping it will stop the bleeding, he didn't want to put wax on the wound if there was a chance it might touch your brain. "I-i don't know, this will have to do for now" He sighs but Boogie leans over bumping the mans shoulder with a small smile "You did great for not being a doctor" The two let out a small laugh trying to cheer themselves up in this awful situation. "I'll take a look at the rest of you now, ok?" Bubblegum asks looking over his bruised and cut up friends who nod at him letting him do what he needs to, Boogie and Gig end up having to take their shirts off ripping them apart to help stop some bleeding, once done the four take a breather and relax for a bit, there was worry in the air but all of them had faith that their crew would come for them. "Where do you think their taking us?" Emma asks as she looks out the bars of the cell and into the dark hallway trying to make out what's around them, Gig shrugs as Boogie sighs "I don't know but i don't think it matters" The three raise an eyebrow at their crew mate wondering what thats supposed to mean, Boogie lets out a small laugh while leaning his head back against the wall "The captain as Y/N Vivre card, so they'll find us" The others relax knowing he's right, their captain will find them and get them out of here.
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Hi! A bit of a different one after I thought I had. The student cast in HL would be 39-40 yo when the 1st World War begins. How would they react to it individually? Would they follow the Ministry's prohibition to get involved or would they do like many of the wizards who did join some kind of war effort (like Newt and Theseus Scamander)?
SEBASTIAN SALLOW: He only gets involved if he believes dark wizards are taking advantage of the bloodshed or instigating it. It wouldn't have been the first time magic users have tried putting muggles against each other for their own benefit or entertainment.
OMINIS GAUNT: He wants nothing to do with it. Nothing personal to the muggles, but if they want to destroy each other, he's not obligated to stop them. Humans have been inventing new ways to kill each other since time began, this won't be the last time something like this happens.
ANNE SALLOW: She'd rather not get involved. It breaks her heart that people would do this to each other, but wizards can't solve all the world's problems. Now, if she happens to come across innocent muggles trying to flee the violence, a quick concealment charm wouldn't hurt.
IMELDA REYES: She uses her platform as a superstar athlete to speak out against the violence the wizarding world is allowing to happen under its noses. "How long before wizards are found when the attackers suspiciously can't bomb an area? How long before muggle wars find our own doorsteps?" Her words are controversial, but it gets people talking. That's what she wants.
NATSAI ONAI: She can't just stand by and watch innocent people die! These wars are started by unscrupulous leaders that force their people to fight their battles for them, it's disgusting. She's in the trenches (literally) stopping battles as subtly as she can. She's wanted by the ministry for her meddling, but she doesn't care.
GARRETH WEASLEY: He's a successful business man, he doesn't have time for such moral conundrums. Nevermind that some of his concoctions can be used for subterfuge. What the customer does with his product is none of his concern. wink And nevermind that he has locations all over Europe that have muggle fronts for food and medicine. WINK
LEANDER PREWETT: He's an auror for the Ministry, one of their best. He's been charged with catching one Natsai Onai. He doesn't believe the Ministry is doing the right thing, refusing to help the muggles, so he really struggles to find Natty. She's a slippery one. That's what he tells his boss.
AMIT THAKKAR: He's studying abroad at the time of the war and is nowhere near Europe at the time. He only reads about it in wizarding papers that bother dictating muggle news. War is horrible and tragic, but is unfortunately part of the human condition. Even wizards war with each other. He focuses on the stars.
EVERETT CLOPTON: He's never had a high regard for rules. He's part of an underground network of wizarding folk secretly helping the muggles. While someone like Natty would be over in the trench warfare, he's focusing on the homefront in England, just trying to keep folks alive while the new airborne threats bombed the cities.
POPPY SWEETING: Her priority has always been with beasts. Even when humans are at their worst, they bring it on themselves and she's concerned for the innocent beasts caught in the crossfire. She's on rescue mission after rescue mission to get rare and common beasts alike away from the front lines.
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imtryingbuck · 4 months
The Library
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x OFC!Theo
Summary: Bucky has to marry a woman who surprises him more and more as their story goes along.
Word Count: 1,355
Warnings: nothing much other than cheating being mentioned
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Over the next few days Bucky notices that Theo always stands off to the side, always standing with her head down and hands in front of her, he also notices that she flinches whenever he accidentally touches her or when someone raises their voice.
He and his men and women are in his office finishing up business. Now that Bucky's in charge he wants to run the business a lot better than how his father and his grandfather before him ran it, he wants to run more of a legitimate businesses. Ensuring the women who dances in his strip clubs are more protected and feel safe whilst they're at work, not like his father who didn't care about the customers getting forceful.
Bucky had even gone as far as telling the women that they weren't allowed to have sex with any of the customers on property grounds, he expected some of them to kick off but instead they all breathed a sigh of relief and thanked him as they left.
When George found out about his plans he told him he was being ridiculous and that the women were there to meet the men's needs. Bucky had never been like his father, he didn't see women as objects, he never cheated on the few girlfriends he did have, never once laid a hand on a woman. And because he wasn't like his father he kept doing what he was doing, protecting his workers and making sure they never did anything they didn't want to do.
George also called him a pushover, that wasn't the case. Bucky gained more and more respect from his workers, the women even brought more women to him from other clubs. The staff in the nightclubs all respected him more than they did George.
"Buck you need to talk to Theo, Martha said that she's creeping some of the staff out" Steve told him.
"I'll try, it's so hard when her heads always down and how is she creeping them out?"
"Because she's standing in the corner of the hallway Bucky" Natasha explains before Steve can.
"Plus you've got to try harder man" Steve now says.
"I know alright I do it's just-I don't know"
"Does Dot know that you're married?" Sam asks, practically spitting the name out.
Bucky and Dot were high school sweethearts, that was until he walked in on her naked and on top of a naked Brock Rumlow. It destroyed him, he really did love her.
And for her to sleep with the guy who she knew was his rival struck deep.
Dot became useless to Brock after Bucky broke things off, he didn't see or hear from her until seven months later when she showed up pregnant claiming it was his.
George was smart for once and told Bucky to have a paternity test done on the baby which he did, and he got his heart broken for the second time by the same woman when the test came back stating that he was not the father.
There is a reason for Sam to bring her up and saying her name in disgust was because Bucky fell back into the trap that was Dot. He would sleep with her, when the friends - more like family - found out they were pissed. He reassured them that he wasn't going back to dating her and what was between them was purely just sex, nothing more nothing less. Dot then grew bored of him and moved on to a married man, so Bucky met this nice woman and dated her for nearly a year, he was happy. That was until the wife of the man who Dot was sleeping with had found out, divorcing him and he know no longer wanted Dot. Dot came running back to Bucky who like a fool broke up with his girlfriend and started sleeping with the brunette again.
"Yeah she rang me all giddy saying she was my mistress, before I told her that I wasn't going to be seeing her anymore" Bucky told them all.
Despite not knowing Theo or have been yet to speak to her, they don't wish her to get hurt even if it's by their friend/boss.
"Good. How she take it?"
"She screamed and cried. Honestly it was painful to listen to."
"Let's get off the Dot train and talk about Theo" Nat grumbles.
"I’ll talk to her Bucky" Wanda speaks before anyone else can.
"Would you?"
"Of course" she smiles.
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Wanda left the office and sure enough she sees Theo standing there in the corner. "Hi Theo" noticing your head dip lower than back up as if she was greeting her "can I show you the library? Follow me"
Going down the corridor and taking a right she leads Theo to the library, the high ceiling room was warm and cosy with large windows letting in natural light.
Shelves lined either side of the room with books from all periods and genres filling them. Indoor plants dotted around the place, some hanging and some standing tall and some small. In the middle of the room sat a mustard coloured couch with both back cushions being different colours one green the other purple, there was a multi-coloured knitted blanket folded neatly on top. A marbled square coffee table was placed in between the couch and two beanbags. On either side of the couch stood two large Kentia palm plants.
"This room was empty till I begged Bucky for me to have it, if you ever need to go somewhere and get away from us all you're more than welcome to come in here, nobody comes in unless it's me or it's important." Wanda says when she notices Theo's eyes widen and looking around.
"What kind of books do you like? I bet I'll have it, everyone always buys me books for my birthday so if I do you can borrow it" she smiles softly but when Theo's head shakes her smile fades. "You can speak Theo it's okay" she tries.
Clearing her throat "I-I can't"
"Of course you can they're mine so of course you can borrow them"
"I-I can't read" Wanda's heart cracks not only at her confession but at the sadness of her voice.
"O-oh. That's okay though I can teach you" Theo's eyes dart from Wanda to a painting that hangs up on the wall, hoping she would get the hint. Luckily she does. "Do you like painting?"
"I've never tried."
"Steve's an excellent drawer, me not so much" Wanda says "maybe if I get some paints and brushes you and I can learn together? Would that be okay?"
"I-I don't want to cause any problems"
"You wouldn't Theo. There wouldn't be any problems, this is my room and I can do whatever I want to do in here" Smiling once again, her smile widens when Theo nods. "I'll get all the supplies we'll need tomorrow. Hey pass me your hand I want to show you something"
Timidly Theo puts her hand into Wanda's as the redhead leads her over to the couch. "If you lift this up, like so, here are all my snacks. I have to hide them from everyone otherwise I won't ever get any" Her thoughts are thrown off course when she hears a laughter fall from Theo's lips, whose eyes are comically wide and staring straight at her.
"I'm so sorry" Theo stutters out.
"No no don't apologise, please don't ever apologise to me Theo”
"O-okay" Theo offers a small smile.
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Bucky lightly knocks on the door to Wanda's library, when he doesn't receive a response he pushes the door slowly open and his heart does a double take.
Curled up on the couch are Theo and Wanda, a book lays open on the floor.
The peaceful look on Theo's face takes him slightly back, this is the first time he's ever seen her face clearly. Taking the knitted blanket he unfolds it and places it gently over the sleeping women.
His stands at the doorway just a little bit longer committing Theo's beautiful face to memory.
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Tags: @sapphirebarnes @bellabarnes1378 @unaxv @skulliecadaver-blog
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warsofasoiaf · 3 months
Alright. I'll bite. What do you make of sad boi Vlad, sorry, I mean Messmer the Impaler?
When I first saw Messmer the Impaler in the trailer, there was some stuff that I figured out going in. He was a demigod, responsible for Marika's brutal purge in the Land of Shadow. A genocidal warlord waging a war so brutal that no one outside of it could ever be made aware of its existence. Given my experience with FromSoft games, I should perhaps have known better than to simply accept it all at face value. Messmer has been stated by Miyazaki as being one of GRRM's favorite characters that just couldn't find his way into the base game. What we get is brutal, as FromSoft loves to give.
Messmer is barely hinted at in the first game, an off-hand reference to a "forgotten son" which could have easily been applied to Mohg or Morgott, cast off into the Subterranean Shunning Grounds. The Impaler's Catacombs, and the bodies of giants on the Mountaintop, impaled as befits Messmer's sobriquet. His vibrant red hair suggests that he was a son to Radagon, and this has some issues with the timeline. He must have been in the Lands Between, and not the Lands of Shadow, after Radagon's marriage to Renalla in order to successfully have Rellana, the Twin Moon Knight and sister to Rennala, join his crusade. However, he is an "older brother" to Radahn, who was borne of Radagon's union with Rennala. That means Marika must have had Messmer either before her marriage to Godfrey and the position of Elden Lord (before she became a god) or she had taken Radagon as a lover while Godfrey was her consort making Messmer a bastard. Of these two, I actually like the second thematically, Messmer being shunted to do the cruel, unfortunate, unwanted task of destroying those without the grace of Gold in the Lands of Shadow.
As further proof that Radagon was Messmer's father, Messmer, like Malenia and Miquella, was born with a terrible curse. From birth, Messmer was afflicted with the Abyssal Serpent, a terrible, transcendent curse that Marika tried to cure in vain. First, she attempted to cure him with the Blessing of Marika, but it availed him not. Much as we see with Malenia and Miquella's curses, the power of Marika and/or Radagon is incapable of ending the afflictions inflicted upon the children of their divine self-cest by other Outer Gods. What Outer God afflicted the Abyssal Serpent, and what relation this serpent may have had, if any, to Rykard's blasphemous studies regarding the God-Devouring Serpent, is unknown. When that failed, Marika plucked out Messmer's eye and placed a seal of grace upon him, sealing the serpent away, a seal which holds until the Tarnished forces Messmer to unseal it during their boss fight. This is fascinating, because we do not see a similar seal of grace placed upon Malenia to seal away her rot or Miquella to restore his ability to age. Maybe the Abyssal Serpent is a wholly weaker curse that it could be sealed by the grace of gold. Maybe Marika permanently weakened herself with such a seal that she could not replicate the feat with her other cursed children. Whatever the case, we do know that whatever Messmer had to keep the serpent in check, it lasted until his death when he willingly surrendered it - it did not creep out of his body the way the Scarlet Rot leaked out of Malenia and infested the Haligtree.
At some point after the incorporation of Caria into the Golden Order, Marika charged Messmer with going into the Land of Shadow, to cleanse the land with flame. All those without the guidance of grace would perish by Messmer's flame. Messmer would serve as the focal point for the wrath of the Hornsent, and as death centered in the Lands of Shadow with the spectral gravestone piling higher and higher, it was Messmer who they cursed. Messmer would pursue this crusade with abject cruelty with an assortment of troops, commoners, nobles, from across the Golden Order's lands. Those who followed Messmer were of mixed loyalty - his Fire Knights were said to truly know him and his serpentine nature, while Black Knight Commander Andreas and his son Huw rebelled when they learned of the serpent within. Rellana was known to be absolutely loyal in her belief, as was Commander Gaius, both would rise to be Messmer's senior leaders, and swore away any rights and titles they would have in the Lands Between to pursue his crusade. And pursue it he did, breaking Belurat Tower Settlement and sealing away the Divine Gateway, impaling the Hornsents great Dancing Lions and destroying them as a people, now reduced to mere fringes and scattered survivors desperately hiding from Marika's crusade.
Messmer however, is not simply a cackling villain. Deep under the Shadow Keep, he tends to the wounded jars that the Hornsent brutalized, trying to give what comfort he can to Marika's people, tortured in the Bonny Village, butchered and melded into viscera to be made into saints for the Hornsents own attempts to create divinity on earth. When his men betrayed him, he gave them honorable burials, wanting to give regard to their intent both to come with him on the crusade and stick to his beliefs.
Marika's intentions were to seal Messmer away, to consign him to the Land of Shadow, fearful of the serpent that he carried within him. When Messmer marched to the Land of Shadow, it was a one-way trip. He would be forgotten by the Lands Between, cursed by the Land of Shadow, and he would receive no sense of recompense. Messmer burned inside just as he burned those with his flames, and yet, he was committed. Even as it continued with no end in sight, he continued to throw the Hornsent into the great Furnace Golems, continued to dispatch troops to wander the Land of Shadow and slay those without the grace of gold. His troops began to resent Marika, even in the Shadow Keep, statues of Marika are often decapitated as the people realize they're perpetually sentenced to stain their souls for eternity, a new twist on hell. The cruelty once given to Marika's people by the Hornsent is now visited back on them, forever, trapping everyone in a negative nexus from which neither body nor soul escapes.
Messmer as a boss is a tremendous presentation. From his first words, he sounds properly menacing - and yet your presence makes him wonder. Why does a Tarnished, bereft of grace and banished from the Lands Between, now come to take the mantle of Elden Lord? His moves are sinewy and flowing, like a snake. He looks lean, hungry, ever bit the sinister villain he was depicted in the trailer. He dances, jumps, and integrates his spear and flame spells artfully. He constantly puts pressure on the player, and his combos are fast but predictable. He can summon spears to impale you, and use the same flame spells that his Fire Knights used that kept pestering you as you climbed up the Specimen Storehouse, as well as a big one of his own creation.
When Messmer is wounded enough, he realizes that his own strength is insufficient, he apologizes to Marika, and tears out the seal of grace within his own eye, unleashing the Abyssal Serpent in his body. His new move set adds visually impressive serpents, such as the Orb of Messmer being in the abyssal serpent's mouth, and his dive engulfing him in serpents. His form changes as well, not just his empty eye socket. His legs change to look like serpent scales, he sheds his armor like a snake. The Hornsent, if he was summoned, exalts in the glory of Messmer's new form, as to the Crucible, the melding of life and the taking on of aspects of it was considered holy. The snakes not only make Messmer more intimidating, but they distract the player from dodging, incentivizing panic rolling and upping the pressure while decreasing Messmer's punish windows. It's a proper fight, start to finish.
When the Tarnished finally cuts him down, Messmer falls, cursing Marika for the things she compelled him to do. To become a figure of hatred due to the circumstances of his birth, to wage a war for Marika's glory that he could never share. To be separated from his siblings - Radahn who he regarded with fondness as a younger brother, and Melina who was also cursed with visions of fire (and possibly also inherited the Gloam-Eye from the previous Empreyean of the Godskin Apostles thus making them share in a curse contained within their eyes), and possibly others - after all, everyone seemed to love Godwyn the Golden.
Messmer: genocidal warlord and deeply wounded fighter. Commanded to be despised, he did the despicable to the despicable, and the genocide that defined Marika's life would in turn define Messmer's, until all that was left was a bitter shell wrapped around a curse, cut down by the Tarnished, cursing the mother that condemned him.
Thanks for the question, Mist.
SomethingLikeALawyer, Hand of the King
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curhinlupez · 2 months
I am finally back to posting, and oh boy, my vacation was wild!
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So it all began when I was busy in Subcon Forest, soulmaxxing and shadowmaxxing with my bro Snatcher like we always do.
Until my girlfriend and Gideon Graves came up and surprised us with a gift card for Waffle House.
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I was hyped to go to Waffle House, but the closest and only Waffle House on the planet was in Mafia Town.
So me and Snatcher packed our things to take a trip to Mafia Town.
Sadly, my hot cat girlfriend couldn’t come, she said she was busy hanging out with Gideon.
And so, we got to Mafia Town.
It’s a pretty town, but what I loved most about it was that everyone was SO stupid, so I could make them sign my contracts with NO QUESTIONS.
I got like 24 soulless servants by the time I left.
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But not everyone signed my contracts…
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There was this woke brat who denied signing my not very sketchy contract.
Like, who does this little brat think she is? What makes she think she can talk back at the High Value Snatcher Males???
Schools with their woke ass stranger danger videos have such a tight hold on today’s youth, it isn’t even funny.
I mean like, I hate those woke ass stranger danger videos SO MUCH. Schools think they’re so “progressive” with their stupid ass “street smart” videos and classes. Kidnapping would be so much freaking easier without them, but some dushbag thought it would be REALLY GOD DAWM FUNNY if we tought kids about staying away from strangers. Like I hate this shit SO MUCH, SO SO VERY MUCH.
But one good thing that came out of this bitch, is that she mentioned someone that sounded like my good Snatcher pilled emo friend, Matthew Patel, and said he was being held hostage by the Mafia.
We were thinking about killing her with our Snatcher Male Powers, but after she told us that information, we let the wretch live.
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After chatting with that woke beta minion female, we headed to The Mafia HQ, where they were holding our emo High Value Snatcher Male friend. While at the headquarters, we stole everyone’s souls who was there.
Matthew could hang in there. He could possibly be being tortured or killed, but he could possibly suck it up buttercup for a bit.
I mean, Snatcher was tortured and killed, but he turned out fine.
Also, the brat we were talking to was there, but she was cheering me on, so it was all good.
After 30 minutes of stealing souls, we finally get to the Mafia Boss, who was sentencing our Shadowmaxxing Soulmaxxing expert friend with mystical powers to death.
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But we stopped him in his tracks.
He starting rambling about some bullshit about money, and being payed, and probably some confusing shit about the economy, and transactions, and Gideon Graves, and shit like that. But I wasn’t listening, I don’t know how the economy works or how money works.
I dropped out of high school to be a full time professional High Value Snatcher Male, of course I don’t know how money works. And like, what does money, the economy, and Gideon Graves have to do with Matthew Patel??? What’s all this talk about Gideon Graves participating in the economy by paying The Mafia Boss a good amount of money to kidnap Matthew??? Huh??? Why does he need the money??? Is this like some kind of math problem???
This is why I live in the woods.
So anyways, we destroyed the Mafia Boss.
Matthew remembered he had mystical powers and could untie himself very easily.
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Once we have defeated the Mafia Boss, we crowned Matthew the new ruler of Mafia Town. With Matthew now in charge, he vowed to rule over his new kingdom with an iron fist and to make it a better place. And to show gratitude to the mustached girl, we have bestowed upon her to be vice minister.
You know, mustache girl isn’t as woke and minion male as I thought she would be. I thought she would be all into stranger danger and being street smart, and yeah, she kinda is, but really, she’s just a pretty cool kid. She isn’t too woke, I was just angry she wouldn’t sign my obviously sketchy contract. So to show my appreciation towards her cheering me on while I steal everyone’s souls, I will grant her the title as a Jr. Snatcher Female. She has great protential to become a first ever High Value Snatcher Female one day.
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After all of that, we finally went to Waffle House and ate a lot of bacon.
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Man, this was a long post..
SnatcherMaleQuote of the Day:
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justanotherhh · 7 months
something i haven't seen much of so far is analysis of charlie's journey from the perspective of someone who also needs to change how she engages with others (vaggie too, but that feels more obvious as she's an ex-angel/exorcist and a sinner)
when charlie tries to help angel by confronting valentino it's been built to in the other episodes, because it's made very clear that she doesn't respect sex work -- she's got that "we need to save them from themselves" type attitude you see a lot with people who haven't done critical analysis into their own biases from a position of mildly-to-severe privileged disgust and haven't engaged with the perspectives of sex workers as people who can frame and understand their own experiences (whatever work they engage in and why they do sex work to begin with). same for her opinions on addiction
the scene where angel has to do a reenactment with sir pentious frames addiction as
something to be judged
something pitiable
something predatory
which isn't exactly a great way to bring angel onboard with the programme/make him feel less like shit. meanwhile the anti-sex + weirdly heteronormative attitude is also present in that scene by having sir pentious dress up as a virginal young girl in an anime-type school uniform with a big lollipop (the irony of this being practically indistinguishable from a porn setup feels very intentional), who declares that "she" won't be having sex before marriage as the great crescendo (sidenote, monogamy in the afterlife sounds.... like a long time to be monogamous......... yzma voice: "why do we even have marriage??")
angel, up until his duet with husk, is having it made clear again and again that the people seemingly helping him find the essence of his being inherently gross. he likes sex -- yeah there's the performance/face he has to wear to get through the day, but i think the bdsm club was a sincere suggestion and vaggie literally calls it disgusting/shoots it down without thinking about how to do so respectfully (again, she's an ex-angel/exorcist, she has biases of her own to contend with, but also the implications that nobody in heaven is having fun sex or negotiated kink and bdsm... tragic. do they even have a sex club called consent up there?)
charlie is a fairly conservative person at the beginning of the story. yes, she wants to help, but her framing of what "help" looks like doesn't take into account her own biases; presumably she grew up with the idea that "sinners are bad people" as much as anyone else did, if not more considering lucifer gave up on the sinners and that's been her environment from birth -- cut off from the people she's supposedly in charge of, but "hearing stories." (in both the pilot and happy day in hell she clearly has a fondness for the sinners, but it's as an outsider, someone who does not relate to them, and generally there's that overtone of "royalty doesn't know shit about what anyone is going through" which, charlie being a ruler, i wonder if that will be a focal point or just something to accept, it's not a dealbreaker for me, just something i noticed, esp as helluva boss has poked on power dynamics in hell along those same lines). the yearly murdering of demons is, likewise, something that is simply status quo and so even getting to a place of "hey maybe we shouldn't do that" is big and was inevitably going to create more cracks in the logic of black-and-white heaven-or-hell, so it's cool that that's where we the audience get to first meet her -- right as those threads are about to start unravelling
but at the very beginning, in some ways she echoes elements of characters like adam and lute (who are of course far more in-your-face, being villains) in her original assessment of what makes someone "a bad person" -- it causes her to create a system that doesn't actually work, and then of course the hotel is destroyed, but next time they'll build it to be better! (metaphor *jazz hands*)
why is angel in hell, is the question later asked. is it because he was/is an addict? because he drinks? because he does sex work? because he likes sex? (it may be because he's killed people/was in the mafia, but we don't have all the context yet, for now those are the things people know in the story itself) at the beginning charlie isn't asking the right questions, questions that would need her to go into herself and challenge her own biases, but throughout season 1 she goes from merely proclaiming that "everyone" can be saved, to sincerely challenging the idea of "needing to be saved" from things that shouldn't be judged in the first place. "if angels can do whatever and remain in the sky." yeah, how are we stipulating what's allowed and what isn't hmmmmmm? stay tuned for s2
(and youknow, apologises to angel for overstepping his boundaries, so it's not like angel doesn't know that she does care for him, ep4 gives a lot of development for their relationship as well -- it's the tipping point for a lot of what comes next)
interested to see how that challenging will continue in s2. she's gone from "we have to make you into a good person by cutting out things that make me (and others) uncomfortable from a conservative/purity-based judgemental framework" to "why do we have these systems of judgement in the first place?"
tl;dr angel changed a looot in s1 but so did charlie. she understands better now that the work she's doing is going to look very different from what she'd first anticipated, and poking at her own biases in relation to angel helped that journey and brought her closer to actually understanding and relating to the people around her
(there's another element here about charlie and vaggie as queer women in this particular universe, but it's a slight tangent so... different post)
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absurdthirst · 1 year
Bodily Exchange {Modern!Pero Tovar x F!Reader}
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 12.3k
Warnings: Mafia AU, prostitution, oral sex (male receiving), derogatory language (slut/whore), biting, spitting, slapping, spanking, rough sex, anillingus, anal fingering, anal sex, oral sex (male and female receiving), 69, mentions of murder, poisoning, mentions of childbirth
Comments: Pero Tovar is your father's right hand man. Tasked with babysitting you one weekend while your father is out of town, he is tempted by your attempts to get him to fuck you. He warns you that he will destroy you, but you don't care.
Co-written with @storiesofthefandomlovers
**Follow @absurdthirst-writes and turn on notifications to stay up to date on all new fics.
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Click Keep Reading only if you have read the Rating and Warnings and understand the warnings may not be complete to avoid listing spoilers. As AO3 says 'creator chooses not to use warnings'. You also agree that you're the right age to be consuming anything here.
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“That’s it….fuck….” Pero groans, fingers twists tight into the dark strands of her hair. Fisted together as he pushes her head down on his cock. “Suck it, girl, it’s what I’m paying you for.” Her lips around his cock are good, her sputtering and gagging on his length making him twitch. Ready to spill down her throat if she would just fucking suck. He’s got places to go, people to hurt but he needs to get his rocks off. He’s going to have to tell Georgina that this whore needs to be trained a little better. How are you gonna charge a hundred bucks to suck a man’s cock and you can’t get half of it down your throat? He hisses when her teeth scrape the vein, although he doesn’t yank her head back. Instead he pushes her head down even more, making her speed up her pace as she bobs on his cock. “Come on, fuck.” He grunts. “Gonna blow - fuck- blow my load down your throat.” He promises, feeling the familiar pull of his balls drawing up. A few grunted thrusts into her mouth later, Pero is cumming. Shooting ropes of cum down her throat while she tries to swallow it all and fails. Spit and cum dribbling down her chin and sliding down her skin. But she stays wrapped around his cock until he’s done, pulling out of her mouth with a soft plop. Pero reaches over for his wallet, pulling a hundred dollar bill out and tossing it to her. “Get outta here.” He orders, reaching for the cigarettes that were laying on the table and pulling out a smoke to light when his phone starts ringing. Grunting, he presses talk with the cigarette between his lips. “Tovar.” 
“Tovar.” Your father is on the other end of the phone, “I need you at my place. Come right away. No fucking stops.” He growls and hangs up the phone without saying goodbye. 
You roll your eyes, crossing your legs as you sit in your father’s office. “I don’t need a babysitter. I’ll be fine by myself.” You huff, looking across the gilded office. 
“With the Lockharts on my ass, I don’t want to leave you here alone.” 
That makes you roll your eyes again, “I won’t be alone. I have an entire fucking mafia in town.” You don’t want his right hand man on your ass at all hours of the day just because your dad is going out of town.
Tovar strolls into the house an hour later like he owns the place. Perhaps it’s because he has say so over anything that happens here. Only the boss can overrule him. He’s arrogant, cocky and has one hell of a temper on him. Sniffing, he glares at the guards outside the old man’s study and nods. “Open the doors, boss wants to see me.” He demands.
The doors are opened and you look up from your phone to see Tovar walk in, his stance is cocky and you want to roll your eyes as he throws a wink at you as he stands in front of your father. “Tovar. Took your time.” Your dad huffs and Tovar shrugs, “what can I say? I needed to collect some money.” He pulls an envelope of cash out, tossing it on the wooden desk and you notice the way his knuckles are bruised. “I need to go out of town. You need to stay here. Look out for her.”
Tovar’s jaw clenches and he wants to argue, to tell the man that he’s not a fucking babysitter, but he looks over at you and sees how you are steaming where you sit your pretty privileged ass. You aren’t happy and that makes him smirk. Nodding, he agrees to the order. “Sure thing. I’ll keep the princess safe.” He promises. “Locked in her tower.”
His words make you narrow your eyes. You hate being called princess and you hate being locked in this fucking house. It’s been your life for as long as you can remember and you wish you could escape but you know you’ll be killed if you ever try to make it alone. “Charming as ever, Tovar.” You roll your eyes, recrossing your legs and you see his eyes flick down, making you smirk slightly.
It’s Tovar’s turn to smirk now. “Glad you approve, Princess.” He dismisses you with huff and turns back towards your father. “Anything I need to be on the lookout for? Any specific dangers? Because I’m not going to keep all the fucking staff on.” He hates having eyes everywhere. Not when there’s a security system that he knows covers every inch of the grounds.
“Well, the fucking Lockharts are on my ass as per usual. The motherfuckers are threatening my daughter and I won’t stand for it. They don't want me to do the deal with the Garin’s and I’ll be damned if they dictate to me. I’ll do what I fucking want. But I won’t risk her. So you’ll be watching her while I’m away.” 
You huff, standing up, “I’m not a child. I know how to protect myself. Been doing it since I could walk.”
Tovar snorts and shakes his head. “Yeah, princess? You gonna glare at them when they come to kill you? Beat them with your purse?” He chuckles. “Or maybe offer them something else?” 
Your father growls and shakes his head. “It’s Tovar’s job to keep you safe and you won’t try me, girl.” He tells you sternly.
You take one step towards your father who narrows his eyes and you retreat, huffing and crossing your arms again. “Whatever. I’ll remain here in this prison while you go do whatever the fuck you want.” You lower your arms and stride out of the room, past Tovar who winks at you and makes you scowl. 
Your father leaves the next day, Tovar arrives with a duffel bag and you watch as he dismisses several staff for the weekend, wanting less people around. “Less witnesses to my murder?” You tease, leaning against the kitchen counter.
“What’s the matter, princess?” He snorts. “Can’t make your own dinner or do your own laundry?” He doesn’t want people around because he doesn’t want them talking about what he does. If a man wants to bring a woman into the house and fuck her, that’s his own business. He’s not going to let you ruin his plans for the weekend.
You stare at him, hating how sexy he looks standing in the kitchen. That scar on his eye makes him look deadly and you hate that it turns you on a little to think about how he got it in a fight when he was younger. “I’m fully capable of looking after myself. Thank you very much. In fact, I prefer it. I’d give anything to be able to escape this house. I can’t even bring a boyfriend back without risking him being shot by my father or his cronies.”
“Boyfriend.” Pero scoffs and shakes his head, hating how his stomach lurches at the word. “Men aren’t boyfriends, princess.” He tells you with a smirk. “Men, real men don’t want to go on picnics or hold hands.” Stepping closer, he lifts a brow at you. “They want to fuck. Hard, and often.”
You inhale sharply as he looms over you and you shake your head at him. “Not every man is like you, Tovar. Some men are tender and kind. Some men want to nurture women, not just use their bodies. Were you like this when you arrived from Spain as an eighteen year old? Or did it develop after too many women rejected sweet, little Pero?” You coo mockingly.
He growls, reaching up and grabbing your neck, eyes flashing with anger. “Don’t test me, princess.” He warns you. “I am not your little boyfriend you can tease and push around.” He squeezes your throat slightly, satisfied when he sees your eyes widen and you nod hastily. Only then does he let go and step back.
Your cunt bottoms out as you heave a breath and you can’t believe he just did that to you. What you can’t believe even more is that you liked it. Fuck, you loved it. The look in his eyes is dangerous but you compose yourself and step towards him. “What if I want to test you?” You challenge, keeping your head held high. 
He pushes against you, his body rigid against yours but he doesn’t touch you, “don’t test me,” he repeats, “I’ll destroy you, Princess.” His words make you swallow harshly and this time, when he steps back, he leaves the room. You lick your lips, needing some water after that encounter, and you know you’re going to have fun winding Pero up this weekend.
Tovar sneers as he looks at his phone, debating on calling Georgina to send one of her girls over to the house. Needing to work out some of the tension that is swimming in his veins and making his cock hard. He can’t touch you, even if he could wipe that smug smirk off your face. You aren’t his to touch and your father would kill him. “Mierda.” He hisses, shoving his phone in his pocket. He doesn’t want to deal with anyone right now and it’s pissing him off. 
Your aim this weekend is to make Pero crack, use that roughness he has flowing through his veins to make you scream his name in pleasure, to - as he so eloquently put it - destroy you. You bite your lip, looking at the tiny shorts you’ve decided on to wear around the house and the bralette that covers barely anything. You wouldn’t wear this if the house was full of staff but it’s just you and Pero now. Dressing and making your way downstairs to the kitchen, you find Pero at the counter, staring at his phone, and you stride past him to open the fridge. “You want some dinner, Tovar?” You ask, pulling out the pasta sauce you made a couple of days ago without turning back to look at him.
Looking up, Tovar drops his phone, making it clatter onto the counter. “Shit!” He hisses, fumbling for it clumsily and looks up again to glare at you. “What the hell are you doing?” He demands, his eyes glued to your ass as it hangs out of your shorts and he wants to grab both cheeks and bite them.
You turn to look at him, a sweet smile on your face, “what does it look like I’m doing? Making dinner, you moron.” You roll your eyes and close the fridge, finding the spaghetti and you bend over to grab the pot from the drawer, smirking because you feel his eyes glued to you. Perfect, it’s exactly what you wanted.
Tovar growls, knowing that if he says something about what you are wearing, you will win whatever little game you are playing. He won’t let that happen. Instead he presses a button and puts the phone up to his ear. “Georgina…send two girls over to the boss’s house.” He speaks into the phone. “The one with the big tits and the nympho.” He doesn’t say goodbye, just closes the phone and leans back in his chair. “Hope you have enough, princess.” He hums. “More mouths to feed.”
You want to roll your eyes but you refrain, knowing he will win if you do that. “I can make enough food for your friends.” You offer him a sweet smile, scowling as you turn away from him. “Just don’t stain the sheets. Poor Martha has more than enough work to do than cleaning up after your whores.” You quip and turn on the stove to begin making dinner.
He rolls his eyes, annoyed that his little trick didn’t work. He hadn’t called Georgina for real, he didn’t want a white anymore. He wanted you. “Shut up, princess.” He grumbles and pushes away from the counter to go check the camera feeds.
You smirk, glad that he’s annoyed, and you continue cooking, suddenly no longer hungry now that he has whores on the way to the house. You eat alone while he “monitors the cameras” and he comes into the kitchen while you are cleaning up, his food on the side waiting for him to heat it up. “Your friends aren’t on their way?” You ask, leaning forward on the counter, your tits pushed together and you bite your lip when you notice his gaze dip down. He’s not immune to you and that’s thrilling.
“Changed my mind.” He grunts, looking back up at you. “Figured you’d be jealous if I fucked them where you could hear. The one with the big tits is a screamer.” He shrugs as if it doesn’t matter to him. “So don’t invite your ‘boyfriend’ over for some shitty sex.”
You sigh sadly, “I don’t have a boyfriend so there’s no worry about me having ‘shitty sex’.” You huff and stand up straight, turning to grab the plate of food to heat it up for him despite him being a dick. “Here’s your dinner.” You set it down on the counter for him, setting a beer down beside it. You huff, “here you go, asshole.” You are annoyed with him but fuck, that scowl has your stomach twisting with lust.
When you turn to walk away, Tovar reaches out and grabs your wrist, tugging you back to him. “Be nice, princess.” He growls. “I am not like your father’s other dogs. I will not kiss your ass and cater to you.” He knows that is why your father chose him to stay here. He wouldn’t hesitate to kill anyone if that is what it would take to make sure that he kept you safe like he was supposed to. “Although I will spank your ass until you cannot sit if it will sweeten your tongue.”
You smirk, leaning against him as you look up at him, “promises promises, Tovar. We both know you wouldn’t dare spank me. My daddy wouldn’t approve.” You tease and Pero snorts, “your father wouldn’t approve but your daddy isn’t here, I am.” He chuckles darkly and you swallow harshly, “exactly. You don’t have the balls to follow through. You’re all mouth. I bet you can’t last more than a few minutes fucking a woman. Too self absorbed with your pleasure. Especially since you pay. Guess you can’t get it for free” You mock him, pulling your wrist away from his grip.
“I can get it for free, princess.” Tovar retorts. “I pay so I don’t have to worry about cock hungry bitches begging for me to fuck them getting in the way of my work.” He smirks as he watches your eyes narrow with anger and he twirls up some of the pasta you made and pops it in his mouth. “Good girl.” He teases after he chews and swallows, sending you a wink when you don’t say anything else. “Now run off back to your tower and pout about how mean I am.”
You glare at him, wanting to stomp in frustration, but instead, you start to form a plan to ruin his night. You step back, a smirk on your lips as you make your way to the door, “enjoy your dinner Tovar.” You announce sweetly before you leave the kitchen and make your way to your room, already trying to decide what to change into to “watch tv.” When you decide on the black lace number that you had bought for your previous boyfriend before he was scared off, you change into it. It’s nightwear but you can hardly consider it that when it’s practically see through and hits just below your ass cheek. You slide into your slippers and make your way downstairs to the living room, knowing Pero will come across you from somewhere. You can’t stand him, hate how cocky he is, but you know he could wreck you, make you scream his name, you want him. Far too much for your own good. You know what he is, who he is, but you still want him inside of you.
The thing about babysitting you is that it’s boring. He chafes at being unable to do what he wants. Despite his threat and want, he wouldn’t bring a whore under the roof where you are, it would be disrespectful. Not because he gives a damn what you think, he just knows you are a lady, one who doesn’t mix with that type. He huffs, dragging himself from room to room with a bottle in his fingers. Taking a swig every few minutes. The house is secure, you two are the only ones in it and there is nothing to do. He walks into the living room and rolls his eyes when he sees you sprawled out on the sofa, until he realizes what you are wearing. “Mierda.” He hisses. “Hijo de puta, what are you wearing?”
You look over at him from the television, biting your lip to stop your smirk as he growls at you. You shift, sitting up, and offer him an innocent look, “I am ready for bed. This is what I wear to bed, Tovar.” You huff and flop back against the sofa, eager to see what his next reaction is. Probably storming out…that seems to be his speciality.
Tovar stares at you for a moment, a scowl on his face before it transforms into a dark and wicked smirk. He lets his eyes drag up and down your nearly nude body as he leers. “I did not know the princess was a whore.” He grunts. “You must get a good price to have a man fuck your cunt. Tell me, do you wish to have Georgina manage clients for you?”
You hiss, quickly shifting off of the sofa to stride over to him. You waste no time in slapping him but he catches your wrist, too quick for you. “You’re a pig. Just - I was trying -” You are practically shaking with rage. 
“You were just trying…?” Tovar mocks you, your wrist still in his grip. 
“I was trying to get you to fuck me but I guess that was a momentary lapse of judgement.” You growl, trying to get out of his grip and when he doesn’t let you go, you move to slap him again with your free hand.
Tovar grabs your other wrist and smirks, dragging you closer so your tits are pressing against his chest. “You could not handle me, princess.” He sneers. “I am not a gentle man. This - this scrap you are wearing would be torn off of you and you would wear bruises for days if I did what I wanted with you.” Leaning in, his lips are so close to yours, breathing into your mouth. “You would scream until that pretty little throat of yours is hoarse and cry fat tears as I destroyed your pussy for any cock but mine.”
His words combined with his accent have your knees almost buckling and you gasp, surging forward to press your lips to his but he pulls back to stop you. You choke out a whine of frustration, “I want that. Please Pero. Please fuck me. Destroy me.” You beg breathlessly. “Please sir.” You add for good measure, wanting to see if he reacts to that.
He shouldn’t. He shouldn’t touch you. Your father would kill him, kill you. Still….he’s always done what he’s wanted and you’re begging for him to fuck you. Always wondered how your spoiled ass would act when you were fucked properly. He lets you go, shoving you back from him gently. “Go to bed, princess.” He orders you harshly, watching as your eyes lose their sparkle - dejected when he refuses your overture. “Go and wait on your bed like a good little slut. Panting for my cock.” He needs to check the doors and arm the system and he wants you to squirm, to wonder if he’s going to fuck you.
His words make your cunt drip and you nod, knowing he could leave you high and dry but you have to take the risk. The reward of him possibly fucking you like you’ve never been fucked before is worth it. You make your way to your room, leaving the nightie on while you lay down on the bed, swallowing harshly as you wait for him to either leave you hanging or come into your room and wreck you. The anticipation has your heart pounding and you sit up on your elbows, waiting for what turn this night takes.
Even though his cock is starting to harden, Tovar takes his time. He checks every door and makes sure that there are no open entry points when he sets the alarm. The indoor cameras have already been shut off, he hates being recorded inside a place like a home. There is no need for it and he’s thankful your father knows that, so it doesn’t seem suspicious. He even stops by the room he was to sleep in to brush his teeth and make sure that he is decent for fucking you. Smirking as he walks to your room and pushes your door open.
Your heart practically stops as he opens your door, your eyes meeting his dark, hungry, gaze and you know he’s here to ruin you. That thought alone had you ready to cum. Sure, you hate the man but he’s far too sexy for his own good. One night to indulge before you go back to loathing him. “Took you long enough.” You scoff, rolling your eyes at him.
“Keep it up, princess.” Tovar growls as he steps inside the room and closes the door behind him. The click of the lock echoes through the room and he smirks. “One chance to say no.” He tells you. “Tell me now and you will go to bed nice and innocent. If I stay, you will do what I want, when I want, how I want.”
You don’t say no, cunt dripping onto the sheets and he stands at the foot of your bed, looking down at you. “I want you to fuck me.” You plead, “I want you to take what you want from me.” You know you sound pathetic but he does this to you, makes you into some needy little whore that only wants him. Maybe it’s because he’s such an asshole, you like them mean.
He stares at you for another moment, watching you wait. Your tits heaving as you breathe and when you open your mouth to beg again, he lashes out. Grabbing your ankle, Tovar drags you down the bed to where you are splayed out in front of him and ignores your shriek of surprise. Ripping the lace that covers your tits, his eyes flash for a split second before he ducks his head down and bites one of your nipples harshly before he sucks it into his mouth, his other hand groping the other.
The roughness of his touch has you moaning his name, reaching for his hair to pull him closer but he grabs your wrists, pinning them with his free hand then he continues squeezing your tit. “Oh God.” You arch your back into his touch, still in your panties despite the lace now fluttering to the floor.
He isn’t gentle. He sucks and bites and runs his tongue over your breasts until they are covered in marks. Indentions if his teeth are all over your skin. Skin puffy and swollen from the pressure of his mouth. He moves back, smirking down at his handy work and slaps your tit. “You like that princess?” He demands roughly.
You are shocked at his rough treatment, unable to believe how truly punishing his act is but you are dripping wet and speechless. “Ye-yes. More. I want more.” You plead, hands still imprisoned by his. You know you will feel his marks for days but you love it, it’s what you wanted from other lovers who could never do it properly.
Chuckling darkly, he slaps your tit again. “Such a little slut. You parade around your father’s house acting like such a princess, but you are just a little whore who needs a cock shoved in her mouth, aren’t you?” He wants to fuck your face, imagined it. Planting his knees on the bed and straddling your stomach, he holds your wrists down and unbuckles his belt with his free hand. “I’m going to fuck that smart mouth of yours, princess. Make you gag on me.”
You want him to have a struggle so you keep your mouth shut until he grabs your jaw, forcing it open and you love it, keeping it open while he grabs his cock, pushing it into your mouth. You wrap your lips around him, eyes watering when he pushes back into your throat immediately.
Snarling, Tovar lets go of your hands so he can grip your head. Immediately starting to fuck your mouth ruthlessly. Harsh swings of his hips as he pumps his cock into your mouth and down your throat. Loving how you gag and sputter when he pulls back. “Fuck.” He hisses. “Fucking take it, look at those tears. Already crying and I’ve barely touched you. You want to stop, princess? Give up?”
You shake your head and open your mouth, eager for him to continue using you. His chuckle makes your cunt clench and you moan when he pushes back into your mouth. “Such a greedy little slut.” He coos with that accent that has you moaning around him, practically close to cumming without him even touching you.
Tovar fucks your mouth, watching your eyes as his cock plunges into your throat and he slides his hips back down he can feel the way the skin of your throat bulges. “Good little whore.” He grunts, feeling his body start to tense up, knowing that he will have to stop in a few thrusts. He doesn’t want to cum down your throat right now. “Are you wet? Is your cunt dripping from sucking my cock?”
You swallow harshly as he lets you breathe. You offer him a smirk, “why don’t you find out for yourself?” You challenge, managing to pull your wrists free from his grip as you start to jerk his cock.
He reacts without even thinking about it, reaching out and slapping your cheek. Not hard enough to leave a mark, but just sharp enough to make you gasp and freeze in shock. “Did I tell you to touch me?” He growls, grabbing your wrist again.
Fuck, that nearly makes you cum. You whimper and he grabs your chin, “do not do anything without my permission.” You nod as best as you can and he squeezes your chin. 
“I- I’m sorry sir.” You gasp out and he smirks, making you whimper again.
He watches for you another second before he shuffles off of you, flipping you over onto your stomach and dragging your lace panties down. “You taunted me and said I would not spank you, Princess.” He reminds you. “Time to eat your words.”
When the first smack hits your skin, you cry out. “Oh shit.” You moan when he hits you again. Your cunt must be dripping by now, this is what you wanted from him. You wanted this violence, you wanted this  feral treatment.
“Such a fucking brat.” He growls, enjoying your cries. He’s not stupid, he can see the slick starting to coat your thighs from how turned on you are getting. You like this. His hand slaps your ass cheeks again and again until he can see welts and he knows you will feel it sitting down.
“You’re such a - a fucking asshole.” You taunt him, squealing when he smacks your ass even harder. When his hand shifts in the next smack, slapping your pussy, you moan out. You know his palm must be slick with you.
He chuckles, grabbing your ass with both hands and pulling your cheeks apart. Watching both of your holes flutter and spasm. “You like it.” He tells you, leaning down and spitting on your hole, just to be even more of a dick.
When he spits on you, you whimper, but when he pushes his thumb against the puckered hole, you practically shake with need. He’s in control and you love it. “Please.” You beg breathlessly, needing him to touch you. You need more.
He throws his leg over yours and straddles your thighs. The saliva on his cock has dried but he knows you are slick enough. Instead of warning you, he shuffles forward and guides himself to your cunt and pushes deep, burying himself to the hilt.
He takes your breath away as he pushes into you, making you reach for the sheets to cling to them as he pushes into you without warning. “Oh my fucking God.” You finally choke, closing your eyes as he stretches you more than any other lover you’ve had.
Tovar growls, slapping his hips against your ass before he pulls back to set a hard pace. You feel fucking incredible and he wants to tear you apart. Make you cry out his name and show you exactly what you asked for. Each time he hammers back into you, he pushes sounds and squeals out of you, making him smirk. “G-good, no?” He hisses, grabbing the back of your neck to hold you down while he fucks you.
You pant against the sheets as he fucks you, hard and fast. Unrelenting in his efforts to ruin your pussy for any other person on earth. You moan his name again, “it’s so good. So good. Keep going. Please. Keep - keep going. I need - I want to cum.” He’s hitting deep and each time he hits that spot, your eyes roll into the back of your head.
Tovar moans at the way your tight cunt takes him. Squeezing him as he drills into you. He pauses, pushing down on your ass and he changes angles, fucking down into you like a rag dog.
“Oh my - fuck yes.” You moan at the new angle. He’s unraveling you and you whimper when he pushes deep inside of you, his hand smacking your ass and you revel in the sting. “Pero. I’m gonna - you’re gonna make me - oh fuck!” You squeal, letting him push deep and you try to cry out when you clamp down around his cock but your voice breaks, going hoarse from the way he’s made you scream.
Tovar groans as you cum around him. Keeping his pace frantic to chase his own pleasure. Pulling you up to your knees and upright so your back is against his chest. His hand wraps around your throat. “Fuck, princess.” He hisses. “Gonna make you drip my cum all night.”
You gasp when he squeezes your throat, making your cunt flutter around him again, and you pant when he thrusts a dozen more times, pushing you onto overstimulation. You shake against him when you cum again, clamping down on his cock just as he buries himself deep and fills you with spurt after spurt of hot cum,
He groans roughly, biting down on your jaw while he rides out his high, squeezing your throat again. Slowing his thrusts down until he is grinding into your cunt and finally stopping. Tovar pants into your ear for a few moments before he pulls out of you. You are completely naked and he only pulled his cock out of his jeans.
You flop forward, unable to support yourself as he lets go of you. His cum drips out onto your sheets but Pero just tucks himself back into his pants. “Oh my God.” You choke, unable to speak or breathe or do anything but lay on your now ruined sheets.
“Mouth isn’t so smart now, is it?” He taunts, admiring your limp form as you are spread out and dripping him. It’s a beautiful sight, but he would never tell you that. Instead, he purses his lips and contemplates what he needs to do. Should he stay or go back to the room he is supposed to stay in. He decides to leave. “Sleep tight, princess.”
You hear the door shut and you close your eyes, unable to decide what you wanted from him after he fucked you into a stupor. You wonder if he wants more from you tomorrow, and you wonder why he wouldn’t clean you up. Then you snort to yourself. This is Pero Tovar, he doesn’t do aftercare. You manage to force yourself off of the bed to clean yourself up and you crawl back into bed, falling asleep instantly.
When you come into the kitchen the next morning, Tovar is sitting at the bar scrolling through his phone. The fact that there are donuts from your favorite shop is only because he wanted donuts this morning. Not because he was feeling like he should do something for you. And since he got donuts, the double shot latte you drink was just a natural extension of the order. He glowers at you when he looks up, pleased to see you walking gingerly this morning. “Afternoon, princess.” He huffs, even though it’s only nine o’clock.
You spot the donuts and latte, eyes wide with surprise but Tovar just looks back at his phone. “Did you- you got this for me?” You ask and he rolls his eyes, looking up from his phone. 
“One of the donuts is a Boston Cream Pie. Figured it was appropriate.” He chuckles and you roll your eyes but your heart flutters at the fact that he did this. He could’ve just not bothered at all if he didn’t care at least a little. You sit down, hissing a little, and notice the smirk on Pero’s face. “Did you sleep well, princess?” He asks and you nod, “I passed out not long after you left my room.”
He snorts, pleased that he had worn you out. “Soak in a bath with epsom salt.” He tells you gruffly, knowing you are sore. It will help you. “Then you will be fine. Unless you just have delicate skin.” It’s a taunt, wanting to see you spit back at him. Despite domineering you last night, he actually enjoys your smart mouth. Picking up his own coffee, he takes a sip and watches you as you open the box of donuts.
You scoff, “wasn’t too delicate last night, was it?” You retort, wanting to ask if the coffee is poisoned but you won’t lower yourself to his level. “I’ll take a bath after I have my coffee. You wanna join me?” You tease, hating that you want him again despite your body aching.
Tovar raises his brow at you and shrugs. “Sure.” He grunts, amused when your eyes widen in shock. Obviously you hadn’t expected him to say yes. “What? I take baths. How do you think I soak when I’m sore from beating a man to death?”
You wince slightly as you clench around nothing at that thought. Fuck, he’s so capable, so deadly, and yet he has only given you pleasure. You stare at him while you drink your coffee, wrapping your lips around the straw and he chuckles, sipping his own iced coffee. “I’ll go start running the water.” You announce once you’ve finished your drink and you walk over to him, leaning down to press your lips to his cheek, licking his scar as you pull back, “don’t keep me waiting, Tovar.”
He growls, nearly reaching for you again but he doesn’t. He knows you are sore and will need to soak. The truth is that he probably fucked you harder than any of the whores he fucked, but he had wanted to show you what he was capable of. To give you what you wanted. You don’t want him because of his good looks, you want him because he’s dangerous, rough. So that’s what he gave you. He finishes his drink and stands up, leaving his phone behind as he makes his way back to your bedroom.
You are naked as you bend over the bathtub to turn off the hot water just as Tovar enters the bathroom. You look back at him with a smirk, his dark eyes trailing down your spine to your ass. "I'm gonna soak, you wanna sit with me or you got better things to do?" You tease, loving that dark look in his eyes.
“If I did, I’d be doing them instead of standing here.” Tovar scoffs, reaching for the hem of his shirt and pulling it over his head. He’s not been nice but he can sit with you in a tub. Especially if he can get you to ride him. “Keep it up and I’ll spank you again.” He warns.
You internally wince at the idea but you step into the water, moaning at the heat before you sink down, hissing slightly at the sting before you lean back and look at Tovar who is pushing down his pants. You shift forward to allow him to get in behind you and when he’s in the water, you lean back against him. “Is this okay?” You ask, knowing he’s prickly about physical contact.
Rolling his eyes, Tovar reaches for you, dragging you back against his chest more firmly. “Shut up, princess.” He rasps in your ear, muscles relaxing in the hot water. He knows it has to feel good for you, he rode you hard last night. His hand slides up and cups your breast, squeezing lightly. “Just rest your cunt and your ass.” He tells you. “It is sore, no?”
You relax against him, “yes. It is. I- last night was - it was amazing.” You tell him, smiling softly as you close your eyes and allow yourself this intimate moment with him. His hand massages your breast and you just enjoy the hot water on your sore skin. “You really did a number on me last night.” You joke softly.
Tovar snorts, pinching your nipples before he continues to grope them. “It’s what you wanted.” He reminds you. “You wanted the asshole who takes what he wants. But you cannot say I don’t make a woman cum now, can you?” He’s smug about that, leaning in and biting down on your neck. Not as rough as last night, but there is a sting to his teeth.
You whimper, hating how smug he sounds but you can't disagree with him. "No. I can't say that. I - I want more." You admit, turning your head to kiss his jaw. You wonder if he will reject you or if he will embrace you again. "I want you, Tovar." You plead, knowing you are sore but you don't care, you need him.
Letting go of your breast, Tovar grabs your jaw and stares at you for a moment. His cock is already half hard from just being naked in the tub with you and he chuckles darkly. “Cock hungry little whore.” He teases. “If you want it, you’re going to have to do it yourself.” He hums, letting go of your face and leaning back in the tub. “Fuck yourself on my cock, if you’re so eager. Ride it like the little slut you are.”
You bite your lip, shifting away from him, and you shuffle onto your knees as best as you can in the bathtub to face him. His cock is hard when you wrap your fingers around it, your cunt wet from the anticipation of having him inside of you again, and when you position him, you slowly sink down on him, mindful of the slight ache. “Shit.” You moan at the way he stretches you out. “You feel - it’s - you’re so thick.”
There’s a reason he wanted you to ride him. In this position, you are more in control of how you take him, wanting to give you time to get used to him if you are too sore or pull off if you can’t. Will he make fun of you? Absolutely, but he’s not a total monster. “All me princess, not some toy.”
You want to roll your eyes but you can't. focusing on sinking down onto his cock. He stretches you out and you are sore but the pleasure is fading out the tinge of pain. You grip his shoulders, sinking down until your ass is pressed against his thighs. "I have an IUD by the way. Since we never - we didn't get a chance to discuss that." You allow yourself a few moments to get used to his cock inside of you again.
He shrugs, unconcerned with it. He knows you have birth control because your father runs his mouth too much. You didn’t know he knew though, so it makes him seem like a bigger asshole. “Good to know, princess.” Leaning back, he watches your face, the micro expressions showing that you feel uncomfortable but the pain isn’t too much. He should know, he watches people’s pain tolerance daily.
You can’t believe he doesn’t seem to care about your IUD, most men would be breathing out in relief. Instead, Pero just stares at you, watching you as you adjust to him and finally, the ache passes. You whimper, starting to lift your hips so you can slowly sink back down onto him. His hands are gripping the tub and you slide yours down his chest, admiring his tattoos and various scars from near misses.
He smirks at you, enjoying the way your pussy flutters around him, letting you touch him how you want. Still, he keeps his hands on the tub, knowing that if he reaches for you he’s going to take over. You aren’t quite ready for that yet. You still have brief flashes of pain when you sink down too fast. “Maybe your cunt isn’t up for fucking.” He teases. “Maybe you should put my cock in your ass.”
You inhale sharply at the comment, wondering what he would feel like in your ass. “I haven’t - no one has ever - none of my boyfriends ever wanted to do that. I don’t know what to do.” You admit, not opposed to the idea. You kind of like the thought of him being the first one to take you like that.
“Oh you are a princess.” He chuckles, finally sliding hand into the water and caressing your ass before he slides his fingers between your cheeks. “You want to find out what it’s like? Have my cock in your ass? Filling up every hole you have?”
You gasp when his fingers press against your puckered hole and you whimper when he starts to push a digit inside of you. “Tovar. Please. I- I want to find out what it’s like. I want you to be the one to show me.”
Tovar hums, pushing in just enough to slip past your resistance and then he pulls his finger free. “Stand up and turn around.” He orders you roughly. “Bend over and show me your ass.”
Your legs shake slightly as you stand up, turning away from him, and you grab the edge of the tub as you bend over, showing him your swollen cunt and puckered hole, already fluttering with anticipation.
He doesn’t tell you what he’s going to do. Figuring you would tell him that it’s nasty or that you don’t want him to do it. Forgetting that he does what he wants. Grabbing your hips, Tovar leans in and buries his face between your ass cheeks, his tongue swirling around your puckered hole and flicking over it as he starts to voraciously eat your ass.
“Oh my God!” You squeal, unable to believe he’s doing that. You grip the edges of the tub tighter and moan his name as his tongue swirls and dips into an otherwise unexplored part of your body.
Tovar chuckles, enjoying the way your entire body tensed when he surprised you. He keeps a tight grip on you, rocking you back onto his tongue as he coaxes the muscle open enough to push inside.
You are surprised by how good this feels, unused to the sensations and you whimper, grinding back onto him while his tongue starts to probe deeper inside of you. “Oh shit. I-” You bend over a little more, gasping his name when he continues.
He knew you were filthy. Knew it. Humming, he makes sure that he gets you nice and wet before he pulls back so he can sink his thumb inside your tight little hole while he continues to lick around it.
He works you open with his thumb and you swear you are about to collapse. He bites down on your ass cheek and you moan his name, reaching back with one hand to tangle your fingers in his locks, pushing him back into your flesh.
“Greedy.” He rasps out, pulling his thumb out so he can push two fingers inside you. You’ve never had someone inside your ass and he will have to work you open so he doesn’t rip you.
His fingers bring new sensations you've never experienced before and you fucking love it. You rock back onto his fingers and he works you open enough to take his cock. You pant, head dropping between your shoulders and you desperately need him inside of you now.
When he feels like you are loose enough, he pulls his fingers out of you and slaps your ass. “You will need lube, princess.” He grunts at you, “more than my spit this time. Get your lube, I know you have some.”
You step out of the bath, lucky to have some extra lube in the drawer.  You have a few bottles just in case you wanted to use your toys in the shower. You grab the bottle, careful to not slip on the tile and you hand it to Pero before stepping back into the tub.
He smirks and flips the cap open. “Don’t say I don’t care about you, princess.” He jokes as he squirts a very generous amount on his hand and tilts his hips up out of the water to smear on his cock. “Fucking an ass without lube is painful, so I’m being nice.”
You watch him lube his length up and you shift to straddle him. “Plus you’re my first.” You remind him, noticing the softness that appears in his eyes for a moment. You caress his chest, “put it in.” You tell him and he reaches around you to place his cock at your puckered hole, spreading more lube with his fingers and he lifts his hips to slowly push into you. You hold your breath, bracing yourself as he takes your hips, letting you lead and you lower yourself another inch onto his cock.
Tovar clenches his jaw, hissing at how fucking tight you are. It’s like a hot vice around his cock and he loves it. “Easy.” He groans out, not wanting you to go too fast. There will be plenty of time to fuck your ass hard once you are use to him and begging for more. “We will get there, princess. Sink down on my fat cock.”
You slowly, so slowly, sink down onto his cock and he stretches you out for the first time. “Fuck. I- this feels different.” You murmur and he caresses your hips. 
“Good different or bad different?” He asks and you exhale shakily, taking another inch. 
“Good different.” You confess and sink down a little more, slowly edging his cock into you until finally, your ass is pressed against his thighs.
Tovar leans in and kisses you roughly. It’s not a timid, hesitant kiss. One that takes full command and he groans into your mouth when you open for him. Pulling you close while his tongue slides against yours as you adjust to the feeling of being full in a different sense.
You moan into his mouth, tangling your fingers in his hair, and you start to move. A tiny rock of your hips and he grunts into your mouth, spurring you on. You continue, gaining confidence and you start to rock on his cock. “Oh shit. That- that feels good.” You admit breathlessly.
He grins, watching your eyes glaze over before they flutter closed. Still kissing you while you whimper and whine as you work your hips. His hands move to your waist, helping you just a little. Not enough to force you to move if you don’t want to but you moan louder.
You rock onto his cock, picking up the pace as you get more confident and comfortable. Your eyes are closed and you throw your head back as you start to enjoy how he feels inside of you like this. “Fuck baby. This - this is better.” You confess, glad to give your sore pussy a break.
He snorts, smirking as he leans back and lets you move. “Yeah? You gonna cum from my cock in your ass?” He asks, moving one hand down to your cunt to press his thumb against your clit.
When his thumb presses against your clit, you whine his name and he chuckles when you move a little faster on his cock. “Is this good for you?” You ask, knowing he hasn’t really said anything since you sank down onto his cock. Maybe he’s already bored of you and he’s just entertaining you.
He glares at you, incredulous that you would ask such a stupid question. “I am trying not to blow my load, princess.” He hisses, rubbing your clit faster. “Your ass is tighter than your cunt and you nearly squeezed it off last night.”
His words send you closer to the edge, grateful that he is enjoying this so much. You moan and rock a little faster, crying out when he rubs your clit just right. “You gonna - you gonna cum inside of me, you gonna fill me up?” You lean in to nip his jaw and he rubs your clit a little harder, pushing you over the edge. “Oh fuck!” You yelp, shaking as your cunt clenches around nothing but you grip his cock in your ass.
“Fuck!” Tovar growls, unable to stay passive anymore now that you’ve cum. He grabs your hips harder this time, thrusting up into you and making water slosh out onto the floor but he doesn’t care. All he cares about is fucking your through your high and filling your ass up so you can drip his seed again. “Fuck, princess. Gonna cum- you’re gonna fucking make me cum.” He growls, pushing his hips up harshly and pulling you down as he buries himself in your body and floods your hole with hot waves of his cum.
You lean against his chest while his cock throbs inside of you, making you moan his name and kiss his neck. You’ve never been so pleasured before and he only touched you last night. He relaxes beneath you, cock still inside of you, and you tilt your head so you can softly kiss him, just breathing him in while you both enjoy your orgasms.
Tovar closes his eyes, not wanting to move right this second. You are a great fuck, and he is worn out. Panting softly as he lets you kiss him as you curl against his chest. “Be gentle when you get off, Princess.” He murmurs. “Now you will be sore everywhere.”
You snort, “you’ve ruined me Tovar.” You admit and he sighs, caressing your back. 
“Call me Pero.” You smile against his chest, “Pero.” You murmur his name and kiss one of the many scars on his chest. After a moment, you reluctantly move, gently shifting off of his cock and you hiss when you shift over to the other side of the tub, watching him relax while you start to clean up.
He smirks as you get an uncomfortable look on your face, knowing you are unused to the more realistic aspects of anal sex. You’d probably only ever read flowery romances that involve it and gloss over the dirty details. “You’re going to have to go take a shit.” He tells you with a chuckle. “Only way to get it out.”
You wrinkle your nose, “wonderful. Better go grab some water to drink.” You joke, stretching your legs out and he caresses your foot. “I need to get your cum out of me.” You shift to stand up, grabbing the nearby towel to wrap it around your body. Your body is sore but you love it, wanting to spend the rest of the day watching movies on the sofa.
He snorts, knowing you are embarrassed by the idea of taking care of that in front of him and stands. “I’ll go grab your water and you clean up, princess.” He tells you, knowing you want to have some privacy.
You watch him wrap the towel around his waist and you walk over to him, grabbing the back of his neck to press your lips to his. You pull back after a moment, pecking his lips. “Thank you.” You murmur, stepping back and turning towards the sink so you can start to clean up after he’s gone.
Pero walks through the halls, water dripping and he stops by one of the other bathrooms so he can clean up himself quickly. He figures you will want to change the water in the tub before soaking again. He can’t fuck you again, you would be too sore. Once he's cleaned up, he goes back to the kitchen and grabs the water and your donuts to leave in your bedroom to eat after.
You smile when you are cleaned up and in your room, finding the bottle of water and donuts. You settle onto your bed, figuring Pero will find you if he wants, and you start a movie. Eventually, you fall asleep from the exhaustion of getting fucked hard by the Spaniard. You are woken up by kisses on your neck, a hot body behind you and you snuggle back into the warmth, "Pero." You murmur, still hazy from sleep.
“Go back to sleep.” Pero orders gruffly, seeing how exhausted you still are. He had gone to check the house and come back to find you asleep. He wraps his arms around you and slides his hand under your shirt to cup your tit. He wants to sleep with you right now, indulge in a nap and have your soft, warm body next to his. “I’ll eat you out while you suck my cock when you wake up.”
You smile softly, "sounds good." You close your eyes, drifting back to sleep while his hands caress you. You dream of him, imagining him taking you out for dinner. The right hand man of your father, a murderer, a criminal, treating you like a princess. It's a beautiful dream but you soon wake up to Pero snoring on his back, your body curled around him, and you smile when your thigh nudges his hard cock in his jeans. Your smile turns into a smirk and you carefully work on unbuttoning his jeans. He stirs but settles down and you pull the zipper down, carefully reaching into his jeans to pull his hard cock out. You lean down, flattening your tongue along the underside.
Pero’s eyes shoot open and for a moment he has violence in his orbs, until he realizes what is happening. His hand cups your cheek and he moans, your tongue pressed to the head of his cock. “Brat.” He rasps. “Waking a man from his sleep because you are horny again.” Anyone else would think that he is pissed from his tone, but he is already grabbing you to drag you up to kiss your mouth harshly. “Take your shorts off, princess. I will lick your sore pussy while you suck on your favorite treat.”
You don't hesitate to shuffle off of him, pushing your shorts and panties down. You toss them aside and straddle his chest, reaching down to take his cock back into your mouth. He grabs your hips, pulling you back to hover over his mouth and he groans, sliding his tongue through your folds. You moan around his cock, closing your eyes as you start to bob your head.
Pero eats your pussy like he had eaten your ass, vigorously and enthusiastically. He groans into your folds and flicks his tongue over your swollen clit. Twitching inside your mouth as you swallow around him. He closes his eyes and pulls your hips back more, encouraging you to sit on his face.
You grind back onto his face, no longer shy, and you moan as he sucks on your clit. You hollow your cheeks around his cock, taking him deeper, and spit starts to dribble onto his crotch as you gag around him. You pull off for a moment to catch your breath just as his tongue slides into you, "fuck Pero." You pant, gripping his cock and you jerk him before you wrap your lips around his cock.
He would laugh, taunt you for how wrecked you sound but he’s too busy enjoying you. Your tangy arousal coats his tongue as he flicks it deeper inside you and he wants you to scream again. He likes the way you scream his name when you cum. Greedy for this time since your father will be back tonight or tomorrow. Then this little episode will be over. Pero groans into your folds and angles his chin to press against your clit while he tongue fucks you.
You continue to take him down your throat, holding your breath while you take all of him, nose nestled in the coarse hair at the base, and you pull off of him after a moment to gasp in air. You rock your hips and his chin grinds against your clit. “Oh shit Pero. I- I’m gonna - oh fuck.” You cry out as his cock remains in your hand, your body shaking while you cum again.
Pero slurps up your arousal, working you through it and happy that you soak his face. When he finally pulls his lips away, his chin and cheeks are covered in your juices. “Fuck, princess.” He groans. “Suck me off or I’m going to fuck you again.” It’s a lie, but you don’t know that. 
You want him to cum down your throat so you eagerly take him back into your mouth, hollowing your cheeks. You give him the sloppiest blow job, spit dripping from your mouth and you choke around him but continue, wanting him to cum. You reach down to fondle his balls, rolling them between your fingers as you take him past your gag reflex.
He chokes out your name, fingers digging into your flesh as he tenses up. So close to cumming again and when you swallow around him, he’s done. The small cry of pleasure isn’t as loud as yours but he’s breathless, lifting his lips while his cock starts to throb. Pumping smaller spurts of cum down your throat since he had cum so much this weekend.
You swallow every drop, wanting to please him after he’s made you feel so damn good. You caress his thighs while he pulses in your mouth and when he groans out that it’s too much, you pull off of him, spit and cum on your chin as you try to shift off of him, flopping down on the bed beside him with a pleasured smile. “Shit, that was amazing.” You sigh, wiping your chin with the back of your hand.
Pero snorts, leaning in and pressing his lips to yours. He doesn’t give a damn about his cum, or yours, he just wants to kiss you again. “Such a little slut.” He teases, sending you a small wink before he kisses you again.
You like this side of Pero. Playful and teasing. Affectionate. Much better than the gruff asshole you have come to know during his time working with your father. “Do you ever get bored of this life?” You ask him softly after a few moments when he pulls you into his side. 
“What do you mean, hermosa?” He asks and you bite your lip for a moment. 
“I mean…working for my dad. Killing people. Don’t you want more? Don’t you want a family? To settle down?”
He knows that’s not possible. He’s in this life until he dies. It’s the way it works. “You don’t know what you’re saying, princess.” He huffs, his fingers stroking your arm gently. He’s imagined it, but it’s so far out of reach, it would be like trying to go to the moon. “It doesn’t happen for people like me. You- you’ll marry some pencil dick and have six kids.” He growls, not liking the idea. “I’ll be taken out by someone younger, hungrier, when I get too old to watch my own back.”
You frown, "not if- not if you were the boss and you had a son." You bite your lip when he scoffs and says "how would I be the boss, Princess? The only way would be if your dad died and you and I-" He freezes and you look at him, waiting for his reaction. "You don't mean that." He says and you shift to sit up, looking down at him. 
"Think about it. You could protect me. You - you might never love me but I could live with that as long as we were happy as a unit. I could give you a family and you take over from my father. You are his right hand man anyway. You know how it works. I don't - my father has talked about me marrying that asshole from the Irish family - William Garin - to unite our families. I don't want that. I want you."
Pero watches you for a moment, searching for any kind of trick or backstab in your eyes. It’s dangerous just to talk like this and he’s never trusted anyone to even seemingly consider it. Although he’s thought about off-ing your old man before. He thinks about watching you with that blonde bastard and he shakes his head. “Princess, you better make damn sure you know what you’re getting into.” He growls, reaching for you again. “Just because we are married doesn’t mean you’ll get your way all the time.” He grabs your jaw and kisses you roughly before he adds, “you better give me a son.”
The fact that he just agreed to marry you has your heart pounding in your chest. You wrap your arms around his neck, “I promise.” You know you can’t control it but you hope you can please him, you want him to want you, to love you. You press your lips to his, sliding your tongue into his mouth and he kisses you for the first time without having sex.
“Sweetheart, I’m home!” Your father calls out as he enters the living room and you look over at him from the sofa, Pero sitting in the chair across the room, lips still wet from your kisses. 
“How was the trip?” You ask, standing up and walking over to your father, giving him a kiss on the cheek. 
“It was…tedious but I got what I wanted. How was your weekend? Did Tovar look after you?” He asks and you look over at his right hand man, a smirk on your face, “oh yes. He looked after me.” Your tone is innocent but your smirk is anything but. 
“Did she behave?” Your father asks Pero who stands up from the chair.
“She was fine.” Pero is nervous but on the surface he looks pissed off like he normally does. It’s not everyday you kill your boss, the man who took you in when you were nearly homeless and newly arrived from Spain. “Need to talk to you about something, boss.”
You look at Pero as he guides your father into his study across the first floor of the house. You bite your lip, the guilt creeping up but you know this is how it works in your families. No one dies of old age. Your father wants to marry you off to the son of his enemy, knowing you’ll be mistreated but he wants their land, their shipping paths. You can’t allow him to do that to you.
Pero follows your father into his study quietly. “So the girl was a problem and you didn’t want to let her know you were ratting her out.” He chuckles as he walks over to his decanter and pours himself a drink. He doesn’t offer Pero one, but then again, he never does. Pero waits while the man takes a gulp of the liquor, taking grim satisfaction in his greed for the alcohol. “Well, what did the girl do?” He huffs, looking at his second in command. 
Pero shrugs. “Nothing. She complained about marrying William Garin and offered herself to me if I killed you.” He tells the man honestly.
Your father chokes in the liquor, a laugh escaping his lips. “Oh come on. You and I both know you’d never do that. You - you wouldn’t kill me. I saved you, I made you what you are. She’s a silly little girl. She’s marrying Garin and that’s it. She won’t have a choice in the matter. We need their shipping paths and to keep them on our side. Besides Tovar, you aren’t exactly husband material, are you?” Your father laughs and takes another gulp of the booze.
Again, Pero shrugs. “Maybe not. I am rough, demanding, brutal.” He admits, looking down at his scarred hands. Hands he has beaten men to death with without a second’s hesitation on your father’s orders. It was true, he had made Tovar the man he was. Which was why it was sad that he couldn’t see this coming. “But your daughter’s pussy is tight and her mouth is fucking talented at sucking cock.” He taunts. “So I think it’s a good deal.”
Your father splutters, steam practically coming out of his ears as he glares at Pero. “What the fuck did you say?” He growls, striding towards the Spaniard. “Is that what she’s done? She’s been your whore for the weekend and convinced you to take me down? I’ll fucking kill her. She won’t be marrying Gavin, she’s gonna be killed. You- you will do it. Oh how bittersweet. To be killed by the man she seduced. You’ll do it now. Go. Before I change my mind.” Your father orders Pero, furious with him but he knows how conniving you can be. You’re your mother’s daughter. He pours another glass of booze, downing it in one gulp.
For the first time since he was taken under your father’s wing, Pero defies the man’s order. Instead of going and murdering his only daughter, Pero smirks and crosses his arms over his chest. “What are you doing?” Your father spits furiously. “You are not going to kill me.” 
This makes Pero chuckle and nod towards the decanter. “Amigo, I already did.” He tells the former boss, dropping his arms and striding towards the older man to shove him down into his chair. “It is your daughter’s love for you, and mine, that made this clean.” He growls into the older man’s ear. “Just relax and know that your last minutes will be pain free, old man. Your daughter, your empire - is now mine.”
Your father chokes, slumping down in his desk chair, his eyes full of shock and terror as it sinks in that he’s about to die. He swallows harshly and is starting to struggle to breathe. Pero stands there and watches him, his dark eyes full of unknown emotions and your father tries to speak but fails as his breath is robbed from him. He’s wheezing now, hand slamming down on the desk as he tries to relay his anger towards Pero until he finally falls face first onto the desk, his eyes glazed over as the last breath leaves his body.
Pero hears you behind him, turning his head and sighing softly. He had made sure that when they do the toxicology report, the poison won’t be reported so there will be no foul play. The cops in the area are all in his pocket anyway so he doesn’t see an issue. “It’s done, princess.” Pero grunts at you, aware that despite everything, the man was still your father and you are going to be upset at the way this had to play out. “No regretting it now.”
You don’t regret it. Your father was planning to ruin your life…just like your mother’s life was ruined before she died. You wrap your arm around Pero’s waist, “I don’t regret it. I am getting what I wanted: you.”
Pero growls, pissed off as he rushes through the long, sterile halls of the hospital. He knew he shouldn't have gone out of town, but he hadn’t trusted anyone else to take care of business and you weren’t due yet. Now he’s almost missed it. 
You had called him, screaming from the pain and telling him that the baby was coming when he was nearly four hours away. You couldn’t have a baby in that amount of time, could you? He doesn’t know, but he had ordered his men to fucking hurry. 
Growling out your name to the nurse at the station, Pero slaps his hand down on the desk, demanding to see you. “Where is my wife?” He hisses.
You stare down at the baby in your arms. Pero was too late to see the birth but you understand, your water broke early and the little baby in your arms is 2 weeks ahead of schedule. You can’t stop staring at the baby and just about manage to look up when Pero rushes into the room. 
“I’m too late.” He hisses, angry with himself. 
You shake your head, “it’s okay. It’s okay.” You promise, tears stinging in your eyes now that he’s here. “I’ve disappointed you anyway.” You choke, knowing how much he wanted a boy. “It’s a girl.” You announce, bracing yourself to see his face fall. You had decided to keep the gender a surprise, Pero was old fashioned in that sense and you were anxious but agreed to wait until the birth.
“Another girl.” Pero grunts. Mia, your two year old, is the spitting image of her mother. A happy, bubbly thing that fills the once quiet house where you had grown up with squeals and laughter. Newborns had terrified Pero when she was born, although he has gotten better about fearing that he is going to break them. So now, Pero leans over to scoop up the baby from your arms and look at his newest daughter. “You caused your mama to cry, niña.” He coos gruffly, falling instantly in love with the sleepy eyes staring up at him. Smirking, he looks over at you. “What do you want to call her, princess?” He demands. “Boy names have been all you have been thinking of.”
You watch him with his daughter, your heart clenching at the acceptance in his eyes, the adoration. “You aren’t - you’re not angry with me? We had - she’s a girl. You wanted a boy and I’ve given you two girls.” You choke, tears still streaming down your cheeks, overwhelmed by giving birth and now your husband’s disappointment.
Pero scoffs, scowling at you until he notices the tears that are flowing. “Don’t be stupid.” He murmurs softly, stroking the baby’s head and pressing a kiss to her crown of hair before he lays her down gently in the bassinet the nurses have put beside your bed to turn to you. “You have given me two beautiful, healthy daughters.” He reaches it and wipes your tears away. “I am not angry. How could I be angry with the woman I love giving me children? I do not care if we have boys. Our daughters will run our empire.”
Your eyes widen as he unknowingly says he loves you. He’s never said it, even during your wedding. He’s shown it sometimes, like when he’s soft when he fucks you, but he’s not an emotional man. You love him, desperately, and you’ve told him that but he’s never said it back. You haven’t had expectations of it so you’re shocked to hear him say it now. “You- you love me?” You choke out, staring at him.
Rolling his eyes, as if you are stupid for believing otherwise, he kneels down by your bed. “I killed my boss for you, princess.” He reminds you quietly, his fingers sliding down your cheek and he takes your hand. The one that he put a ring on the day after your father’s funeral. “You think I would do that for anyone? I had power, I had money. I did what I wanted. But I did that so I could have you.” He murmurs, bringing your hand up to his lips to kiss the back of it softly. “I love you. And I love our daughters. I will continue to kill for you if I have to. Te amo.”
His words make you cry and you pull him close, as close as you can, and press your lips to his. Hearing him say it has you soaring and you can’t regret what happened that weekend. It got you the family you’ve always wanted and a husband you adore. “Te amo, Tovar. I love you.” You murmur against his mouth. “Maybe we can try for baby number three.” You tease and Pero chuckles. 
“If you want, Princess. Although I think I’m going to go gray early with four princesses.” He jokes and caresses your cheek. 
“Worth it though.” You run your fingers through his hair. 
“Yes you were.” He murmurs, offering you a rare smile. You were worth it. Pero Tovar has it all and no one will take it away from him, he’ll kill to protect what’s his.
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