lynnbanks · 2 months
Nail day
Say a TikTok and was inspired. Luke loves head/back scratches
Y/n just got back from her nail appointment and as soon as she opened the door she was met with her dopey-faced boyfriend who looked very happy to see her. A little confused by his excitement she steps into the house and into his awaiting hug “Hi Lukey what's going on? You look like you have something fun planned.” laughing a little at his odd behavior.
“What can't I be happy that my girlfriend is home?” he says in a pretend confused tone, still not letting her out of the hug. “ I guess you have a point there, so no big plans then?” he was up to something she just wasn't sure what just yet. “Well I don't have anything planned, I was hoping to relax a little and maybe take a nap.”
It isn't until they are in bed Luke lying on her chest half asleep while she runs her nails through his hair and down his back that it clicks “You planned this didn't you?” like clockwork she gets her nails done and he gets clingy. Luke is too sleepy to put up any fight just hums.
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lynnbanks · 2 months
I feel like Luke's body temp runs hot but his hands for whatever reason are always cold. When he slips his hands under your hoodie and around your waist to pull you to his chest you always let out a little gasp at the feeling of his cold hands ( not to mention how big they are basically covering your lower torso) while he lets out a “sorry baby” against your neck planting kisses.
You are just so warm and beautiful what do you expect him to do ; )
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lynnbanks · 3 months
Also been feeling Quinn a lot recently he has the voice of a doctor if that makes sense? Like when the doctor is talking to you and you are trying not to fall asleep with how calm it is. Lol this might be a unique experience idk
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lynnbanks · 3 months
Sorry, I'm back from the dead (I started working again 😵🔫) send some thoughts my way seriously don't be afraid every time I say this nobody does.
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lynnbanks · 3 months
Do you guys think Luke wears his retainers?
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lynnbanks · 3 months
(we know that Luke doesn't drink coffee but imagine he is dating a girl who drinks a little bit more than she should. i didn't know how to end it and it is kinda short I just wanted to put something out for yall.i am still healing after reading "before we were strangers" i hope you guys like it. <3 <3)
it was an average day in the life of a hockey player in the off-season; Luke was up with the sun to get ready for a day of training and decided to make his sleeping girlfriend a coffee to start her day with before he left for the morning; placing her coffee on the nightstand and waking her up by planting kisses all over her face "Good morning beautiful I made you coffee." her eyes were still closed, but she was smiling "Thank you lukey it is indeed a good morning. She opened her eyes to see his face and took a sip of her coffee "mmhh perfect I love you." dramatically flopping back onto the bed to put on a show for how good the coffee tastes making Luke giggle.
"I have to go, but I will see you later maybe we up meet for lunch if you are up for it." Y/n sits up to say goodbye." That works for me; love you see you later yeah?" Luke leans down to meet her lips " See you later baby I love you" leaving her to get ready for the day he texts her that he will call when he is on the way to the restaurant they go to all the time. When he shows up she is sitting in a booth and a straw in her mouth sipping on an iced coffee when she sees him she smiles and he leans down to kiss her forehead and then her lips before sitting across from her. "Hello handsome" she smiled at him "Hi baby you look beautiful today. I like that dress." looking down at her cream-colored dress with little red roses that he got for her as a gift for a date night last summer.
"thank you, my boyfriend, got it for me." she joked "Did he? he must have known how good you look in dresses." he flirted back with her making her blush at his compliment. Taking her in he noticed her shakey hands as she put her now empty coffee down why does she do this to herself he thought as he grabbed her shaking hands " I thought we talked about cutting back your coffee intake" he said kinda sternly this being the second time this month they are having this conversation. y/n looked at her empty glass before speaking " I know we have I just wanted a pick-me-up I will slow down lukey don't fret."
And as much as he would like to not "fret" she makes it hard when most days she will have two cups of coffee before she has had a meal and walks around dizzy from too much caffeine. " did you even eat breakfast?" her silence tells him all he needs to know "Y/n are you kidding me you have to stop doing that it is not healthy." y/n sighed " I know I will stop I promise"
The next day before Luke leaves He brings her tea instead of coffee "Luke." she says staring up at him but he doesn't back down "Y/n" she deflates against the headboard " Luke I hate tea." he pushes the hair that has fallen in her face behind her ear and hands her the mug " just try it you won't know until you actually give it a chance." she rolls her eyes and took a tiny sip her face contorted in disgust " Luke it so bad." he rolled his eyes at dramatic reaction " baby you can't keep drinking coffee like its water you will run yourself to an early grave; will you give it a chance it might make you feel better instead of making you crash after every cup."
Y/n had cut down to one small cup in the morning and tea when she needed a pick-me-up and both Y/n and Luke had noticed a difference; she slept better at night and surprisingly she had more energy throughout the day and Luk didn't have to worry about her dizzy spells anymore.
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lynnbanks · 3 months
Just finished reading Before We Were Strangers by Renee Carlino I don't know what to do with myself I will never recover. How will I make it through life after this book? If you haven't read it then you definitely should and if you have then you know the feeling. I love them they deserve the world.
10/10 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
(I am on a camping trip crying my eyes out trying to not wake up my family)
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lynnbanks · 4 months
Send me stuff guys I want to talk to y'all
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lynnbanks · 4 months
Luke was too rough
Her hands grip the sheets beside her desperately looking for an anchor to earth. Luke has her legs spread as far as they can to fit himself between them trusting hard and deep “Feel that baby?” he asked as he pushed on her lower stomach causing her head to roll back as well as her eyes “That is me mh fucking you so deep.'' They haven't seen each other in a week with him going to see his friends and y/n visiting her family and it has only made everything more intense and rough just like it always is when they are away from each other.
Until Luke thrusts a too-deep hitting her cervix “Luke stop stop stop!” she squeals out pushing on his lower stomach to get him to stop before turning over onto her stomach with her knees to her chest “What happened baby did I hurt you?” Luke is panicked. It all happened so fast y/n couldn't do anything but nod her head face still on the mattress.
“I'm so sorry, how can I make it better?” she shook her head not being able to talk yet, and grabbed his hand. She sat there for 5 minutes before she could talk without it hurting. Luke was getting really worried “Do we need to go to the hospital?” trying to catch her breath “Just- went too deep Lu that's all I'm okay,” she said gently turning on her back to look at him
“It's not ok I hurt you I'm so sorry.” he sounded mad like he found out some guys pushed you or something but the anger was directed at himself “I'm ok now Luke it's fine.” he shook his head before pulling on some sweats and walking into the bathroom for a rag to clean her up.
“Luke.” he doesn't look at her just continues to clean between her legs so she grabs his wrist stopping him “Look at me Luke.” he does and she sees the look of guilt on his face “I'm okay You have always been big we just got carried away you don't need to worry about me.” he lets out a deep breath “I am worried about you and I feel like a piece of shit for hurting you It won't happen again.”
He said the last part more to himself to y/n “I want you to see a doctor just to make sure everything is okay.” y/n pulled him to lay next to her so she could cuddle up to him “ I will call them tomorrow please don't beat yourself up about this Luke.” he drew patterns on her back staring into space “ I won't I promise.” and he was lying through his teeth.
The next day y/n woke up very sore with some lower back pain and had breakfast in bed from her still very guilty boyfriend. After breakfast, she gave her ob a call just to see what she had to say. After her call, Luke hounded her about everything she was told: “She said that it happens to women everywhere all the time and to not do any sexual activities until it heals.” Luke looked happy enough with those answers and she thought they would move past this whole ordeal.
She was wrong, it had been two weeks since they last had sex and Luke hadn't so much as cuddled with her for more than five minutes at a time he barely touched her, and every time they kissed she initiated it. When she sat on his lap to watch a movie with him she could feel him tense up “Luke you know you can touch me right?” He looked at her like she was crazy. “Of course I know I can touch You just pulled me from my train of thought is all.”
They were about 30 minutes in when Y/n started kissing his neck she started small and worked her way up getting more and more confident especially when he let a groan slip “Baby we are getting to the good part.” y/n didn't stop her kisses just turned his head to plant one on his lips he tense before giving in and kissing her back. It got pretty heated and y/n moved to be sitting straight up on his lap and tugging at the bottom of his shirt.
That pulled him from his love-drunk daise “Stop trying to get undressed we aren't having sex.” he said it so straightforwardly that it took her by surprise. “Um, right, sorry, I thought we had something going there that is my fault for assuming that boyfriends and girlfriends have sex or can stand to be around each other at all,” she said with tears in her eyes before getting up to go to their room “y/n wait. I didn't mean it like that." She ignored him and ran up the stairs. She wasn't normally this emotional but then again Luke had never denied her of anything.
Luke had no idea what to do of course he wanted to have sex that wasn't the issue he just couldn't do it if it was going to hurt you and he promised he would never do that. After letting her cool off for a while he knocked on their door before letting himself in. “ go away” she had been crying and that broke his heart “ I just want to talk about it. I love you and I don't want to see you cry.” y/n sat up and looked at his dead in the eyes “ then leave.” and flopping back down on the bed.
She knew she was being childish but she was upset and pent-up “Just listen to what I have to say please. when I saw you in pain knowing that I caused it I didn't know what to do with myself and I never wanted to cause you pain ever again. I'm sorry I was scared and upset that I hurt you and I hurt you again by not giving you the attention you deserve.” y/n sat up and pulled him into a hug “ I'm sorry if I made you feel guilty. It's just that we already have so little time to be together during the session I got into my head and we both work well with clear communication so we should stick to that next time we are feeling some type of way.”
“ I completely agree and just so you know whenever you are ready to finish what we started downstairs I am totally up for that.” y/n tackled him to the bed before he could say anything else
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lynnbanks · 4 months
Elias Pettersson x Hughes reader maybe Jacks twin. They hid the relationship from Quinn because she is scared what he will say but we he finds out on him own it kinda goes to shit and they all start fighting with each other just to get to a happy ending
This whole thing started when Elias asked her to go to Sweden with him this summer. They had been dating for over half a year and he wanted to take her to get to know his family better and see where he grew up. The problem is none of her family was in on her relationship with him and she is scared they are too deep into the lie to say anything.
Y/n had first met Elias during Quinn's first NHL game. After the game, they all went to dinner to celebrate Quinn. On that trip, she and her parents went to check out one of the colleges she was thinking about attending.
The next time she saw Elias was when both her older brother and her twin brother played against each other for the first time. On that trip, nothing crazy happened. They shared a few more laughs than the last time but in Elias's eyes, she was still Quinn's little sister.
She got accepted into a good school in Vancouver close to her brother (idk anything about Vancouver or the schools) it was super hard for her to be so far from Jack and the rest of her family but he convinced her it was good for her “we are both living out our dreams you deserve to do what you want to do.”
It wasn't until December of last year did they start to act on their feelings. She had been around Quinn and his team a lot and they got along too. She was even friends with some of the wives and girlfriends. And if Quinn hadn't gotten super sick last December she probably wouldn't be in the situation she was.
She had stayed at the apartment he shared with Elias to take care of her poor big brother only to find out she had a lot of stuff in common with his roommate and she really enjoyed his company.
After that, they stayed up all night on the phone meeting up for coffee in the morning, sneaking out to go to the movies. They wanted to tell Quinn but if they did and he didn’t approve of it or he just became the third wheel all the time ruining his relationship with both.
They decided to just keep it between the two of them for a little and that turned into a lot longer than they thought. And now here she was stressed out and anxious. “Lias I have a bad feeling about this.” They are sitting on the couch at the lake house Quinn had invited Elias to stay with them for a little while to hang out on the lake. her on his lap while he plays with her hair. “ It's time baby we already waited too long. If we wait anymore it will just cause more trouble.”
Instead of answering she groaned and flopped into his chest “ they are going to be so mad.” And just like that Quinn walks through her front door with a brown bag probably full of food. “ I brought som- oh” he doesn’t say anything, just stairs as they separate “ hi Quinn what did you get!?” Act like nothing happened, she said to herself.
“ What were you two doing!?” He is still just staring and Elias speaks up “ Quinn it is long overdue that-“ “Don’t bullshit me what is this!” His voice got louder “How long has this been going on.”
Y/n is so nervous her voice shakes “ since December.” Her voice is small and her eyes welled with tears “ You have been fucking my little sister for seven months! Are you kidding me right now?” His voice is accusing
Elias stands to try and de-escalate the situation “Quinn it is more than that and we wanted to tell you but we didn’t because of this reason right here.” Quinn shook his head “don’t try to blame this on me. Does Jack know?” This broke the dam of tears she was holding “so you are just keeping secrets from your family now?” He turned to Elias “And you know exactly how I feel about teammates dating my sister.”
This is a rule all of her brothers have had for as long as she can remember and she knows that “ this is crazy. Did you really think you could just hide this for the rest of your life? What is Jack going to think when he finds out that you have been lying to us all?” When she doesn’t answer Elias sees her crying
“ I know that you are mad but you don’t get to talk to her like that.” Quinn shook his head before turning to leave he said “This is bullshit and nothing like y/n or you Elias you were one of my best friends.” And that stung both of them.
Before Quinn can leave Jack comes in “Hey what is going on in here?” he looks confused and then concerned when he sees Y/n crying “She is keeping secrets and lying to us all.” Quinn says in a voice that she could only describe as disappointed
“ What is he talking about?” He directs his eyes to his twin, forcing her to come out and say it all “Me and Elias have been seeing each other since December… and he wants me to go to Sweden for a few weeks.” Jack looks very taken aback “What?”
“She has been fucking my teammate and lying about it.” Quinn snapped “She is not just a fuck mate Quinn stop talking about her like that.” Elias says now getting frustrated himself “Why didn't you tell us? Or me I'm your twin that's what we do” y/n shook her head “ I just wanted to be something other than you guys' little sister and Elias gave me that and he treats me really good ok?”
She wipes the tear from her face and takes a deep breath. “ I'm sorry I didn't tell you I really am but I wanted something for myself and I'm not a little girl anymore and I'm tired of you treating me like one.”
Jack is looking at her and Quinn is looking at the ground.
“ if he treats you right and you want to be with him so be it it's just that you didn't tell any of us and it is a shock that's all,” Jack says always so forgiving of his twin Quinn on the other hand not so much “ if you two want to date fine. just not in my house.” before leaving the room for good this time.
Y/n doesn't know what to say Jack takes notice of his sister's shock and Elias's sad features before saying “Hey don't take that to heart he is adjusting.”
Y/n stands to hug her brother “Thank you for understanding. I'm sorry for not telling you sooner.”
Jack rubs her back reassuring her “If he makes you happy then I'm happy. And I am sure he will come around, just give him some time and enjoy your vacation.”
They had been gone for three weeks and she tried her best but the thought of her having to choose between Quinn or Elias if she ever wanted to speak to him again was weighing her down. Elias took notice of his girlfriend's mood and decided to do something about it. When she got back to the room that night she saw her suitcase out and being packed “What is this Elias?” he came from the closet with some more of her clothes “You are going home.”
Her heart dropped “What are you talking about Lias I thought we were leaving next week?” he stopped what he was doing with his head hung low “ I can't do this with you anymore okay? we have to end it.”
The pain in her chest moved all over her body “No we don't why are you saying that?” she moved to pull her clothes out of her suitcase, tears falling as she did.
“Stop.” Elias took her wrist holding them to his chest. “ I won't make you choose and I am not going to be the reason you don't have a relationship with your brother.” his voice is thick he is trying not to cry just as hard as she is crying “Don't do this, I love you, Elias.” he pulled her to his chest
“ I love you too, that is why we have to stop. You have a red-eye flight to Michigan in two hours. It's nonrefundable, you are getting on that plane. There are no exceptions.” his voice left no room for argument but she did anyway all the way to her gate where he left her with a kiss on the head and a small “I love you”
Jack found her the next afternoon when Elias asked if she had gotten home safe. She was sobbing into her pillow in her childhood bedroom “What happened?” Jack said in a way you would think he is talking to a baby “ he broke up with me and sent me home.” Maybe it was because she was crying like a baby. “Why would he do that you said you guys were having fun?”
“ He said he wasn't going to make me choose so he chose for me.” Jack's heart broke for his twin “I tried to fight him on it but he sent me home.” she was shaking with anger and sadness “I'm sorry this is happening to you. Is there anything I can do to make it better?” she pulled the blanket up for him to slip in with her “Will you stay with me till I fall asleep?” “ Of course.” and he did just that.
As soon as she was out he went to find his older brother walking straight up to him “You better fix this right now!” Quinn looked at him confused “ I don't remember breaking anything what are you talking about?” Quinn said getting annoyed “Our little sister just cried so hard I thought she would cough up a lung and it is your fault.”
Quinn is still a little lost “y/n? I thought she was in Sweden.” Jack shook his head, getting more frustrated “No she is sleeping after sobbing herself to sleep because her boyfriend dumped her and put her on a plane because he didn't want her to have to choose a brother over dating him.” Quinn had a look of realization “Yeah you did that you need to fix it. Him separating himself so that you will talk to your little sister says all that needs to be said now get your head out of your ass and do something about it.”
Quinn knocked on y/n door 15 minutes later “Go away please.” she sounded so defeated so instead of listening to her he let himself in “Oh god what do you want?” “I want to know what happened.” y/n rolled her eyes “Why so you can throw a fit and ignore me for a month no thank you.” she rolled over facing the wall
“ no, because I want to know if I need to beat him up or not,” he said half joking but she did not find it funny at all “No Quinn if anything you should be beating yourself up because he is a good friend and he didn't want me to not have my big brother that is why he dumped me and shipped me off to Michigan.” the thought of it made her cry again “ you know what happened now please just leave me alone.”
Quinn didn't say anything else; he just walked away to make a call. “ hello?” Quinn took a deep breath “Did you really break up with her because of me?” it was a stupid question he just needed to hear the answer “Yes Quinn is that all?” Elias was already going through a breakup that he didn't want and he did not feel like fighting his ex-best friend
“ listen Elias I'm sorry for my reaction that was a dick move on my part I was blindsided by the whole thing you are my best friend and it was weird for me to see you with my sister but the way I am seeing her now I would much rather be uncomfortable then for her to be heartbroken.”
Taking a deep breath “When can you get here?”
17 hours later
Y/n just finished getting dressed after Jack had forced her to shower. She honestly didn't have the energy to fight him. When she walked to her room she was met with Elias sitting on her bed stopping her in her tracks “ Lias what are you doing here?” She wanted to hug him but she wasn't sure if that was allowed. “ Quinn called me and said he wanted to say sorry in person.” after that Quinn walked in motioning for her to sit she did
“ I just wanted to apologize for the way I handled this whole situation. It was wrong of me to lash out at you. I love you both and I know you are both good people so I will respect it if you two make each other happy. Who am I to judge?”
Y/n looked at Elias for a split second before turning back to Quinn “ I'm sorry we lied to you that was not fair of us to keep a secret like that.” Elias spoke up “ I am sorry for lying but I won't apologize for loving your sister. She makes me really happy and I want to be with her.” turning to look at y/n when he said the last part “And if she will have me I would like to continue dating her.” Quickly looking at Quinn to see his reaction Quinn just smiled and shrugged
She pulled Elias into a bone-crushing hug “I Would love to be your girlfriend Elias
Not my best work. Time for me to get some shut-eye 💋💋
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lynnbanks · 4 months
Boyfriend Elias Petterson
Ok so for Elias I feel like he is very much the cuddle bug in the relationship always wanting to touch her in some way
He blushes from his ears to his toes every time he sees her dressed up. This makes her blush.
Is very protective when they go out in public; he has to have her hand in his until they are in a somewhat clear area and he can see her
When they fly together he will put her head on his shoulder so she doesn't wake up with a kink in her neck
Every morning he wakes up before her and puts her pills and vitamins on her nightstand with water so she never forgets
He also makes sure she eats breakfast every morning whether he makes it or has it delivered so that she will “have fuel to start your day off strong”
Learned how to braid hair when she broke her arm last summer so she wouldn't have it in her face
Now he braids her hair every time she has a headache or is overwhelmed to help calm her down
He is very big on prep. Makes her cum at least once on his face or his fingers.
He is much bigger than her and they have run into issues with that a few times so prep is a must.
He definitely talks her through it even if he is fighting not to bust right there at the feeling of her clamping down on him.
“G-good girl, let go baby I-fuck I got you, did so good always so good for me.”
His accent is thicker when he is really focused and Gray loves it
Sometimes when he is super into he will speak Swedish and that does something for her
Was not a big fan of Head before he met Grayson but the girl has got an oral fixation and just about everything she does drives him crazy
After care is big for him not only to make her feel better but also to make him feel better. He checks for bruises or scratches just to make sure he wasn’t too rough on her (this ties into the need for prep). After asking her a million times if she is okay or if she needs anything it is straight to bed for cuddles
I am going to post more about them send in some questions you have about the two and I will answer some 💋💋
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lynnbanks · 4 months
Just want to let y'all know if you are sending me stuff I am not ignoring you I just don't know how to work this app and I'm trying to figure it all out lol
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lynnbanks · 4 months
Part 2 of Hidden Pregnancy
“You keeping this from him is going to break his heart” and it did.
Luke showed up an hour after he got the call, not his choice but what can you do? When Jack called him to tell him what happened his heart dropped. Luke has always been protective of y/n especially when it comes to her health because it hasn't always been that great. But the new medication should be helping with all of that.
But if you ask him it is making it worse. She had been more tired than he had ever seen her, more moody than normal and not to mention it wasn't doing the job it was supposed to be if she was passing out. This has happened before but never when he was away and it scared him.
And getting to the hospital an hour after the fact did not make him feel any better. Only after parking and finding her room did he feel a little relief; and that was gone the second he opened the door and saw her face it was obvious she had been crying and Jack looked pale and nervous and none of this was helping his nerves.
“Hi baby, how are you feeling?” he says while running a hand through her hair and scanning her for anything wrong. “ I'm going to go find something to drink,” Jack said getting up to leave but before he could open the door the ultrasound tech came in asking to take y/n back to get her ultrasounds done.
Luke looked confused. “An ultrasound?” y/n really didn't know how much more of this she could take. The ultrasound tech says “Yeah it shouldn't take too long, we just want to make sure everything is ok with the baby.” Luke's heart is starting to beat at an alarming rate he turns to look at y/n but she is avoiding his gaze like the plague.
Before he can form the words to ask what the fuck she is talking about the tech is helping her into a wheelchair and pushing her down the hall. Luke is quick to follow not wanting to panic or cause a scene but he needs answers.
When they got to the room the tech left to grab something and y/n climbed on the bed still avoiding his gaze “y/n what is she talking about? What baby?” y/n finally looked in his direction “Our baby…” “W-what do- what does that mean OUR baby y/n?” y/n can't look at him anymore turning her head “ I'm pregnant Luke.”
“ Okay, are we ready to get started?” the ultrasound tech asked her hands full of the supplies and papers she left to grab “From the charts I have you haven't actually seen your OB yet?” y/n answered her voice horse “no I'm not scheduled till Friday.”
The tech smiled and said, “Well I know the circumstances aren't ideal but this is usually a big deal for first-time parents. Are you dad?” she asked Luke “Um I'm yes” he said trying not to get choked up “Congratulations. How long have we known?” y/n speaks up refusing to look at Luke.
“About 3 weeks now. I'm around 11 weeks I think.”
Luke can't believe what he is hearing 3 weeks his girlfriend has been keeping the news of a baby from him. Why would she do that? The tech continued to ask questions while she prepped the sonogram machine. The air was tense as she put gel on y/n stomach and rubbed the wand around her stomach.
Until she turned the screen toward the two of them showing a tiny blob “ok that is baby and if we move a little this way is the heartbeat.” The fast thump thump thump filled the small room causing both Luke and y/n's eyes to fill with tears. Luke reaches out for her hand and squeezes it. They don't look at each other, just holding her hand is enough.
They stayed like that until the tech finished the exam. Everything she said after was a blur, everything but “ looks like the baby is doing good and checked all the boxes.” which lifted a weight off of both of their chests. “ I will come back with discharge papers and you will be good to leave.” be for walking out leaving them alone once again.
They sit in silence for a minute before Luke speaks up “You have known for 3 weeks and didn't think to tell me?” She can tell by his voice that he is holding back just how mad and hurt he really is. “ I was scared.”
“That isn't an excuse y/n that is our baby I have a right to know.” y/n can't do any more of this “ I don't want to talk about it.” Luke looks at her tired appearance; he hates that even when he is mad at her she still gets what she wants from him. Shaking his head he sits down and waits for the discharge papers.
They make it all the way home without saying a word to each other and y/n gets in bed without saying a word while Luke cries in the bathroom for a good 15 minutes before getting in bed next to her. How could she keep something like this away from him? Did she think he wasn't a good enough partner to raise a baby with? What if they were seriously hurt today? Did she not want him to be by her side with all of these new unknowns?
He only sleeps for 2 hours before getting up for practice he decided he would let her sleep in and when he gets back they will talk about all of this he even left a note saying just that. On his way out he runs into Jack he doesn't say anything just pulls him into a hug. “How are you doing?” Luke shrugged “Why wouldn't she tell me something like that?” Jack shook his head “She told me a little bit about it after the doctor outed her but I think you guys should talk to each other about it. I will say I know that she is acting with fear, not logic.”
Luke kept that in mind when he got home and found her in the bathroom throwing up everything in her system. Getting down on the floor with her and rubbing her back “Let it out, baby. Good girl.” when she has literally nothing left to give she sits up flushed and wipes her mouth. Luke grabbed some mouthwash and handed it to her. She swished it around and spit in the toilet.
Still sitting on the floor Luke pulled her into his lap
“ I'm ready to talk about this y/n,” he says her name so she knows he means business “Okay.” it comes out as a sigh. “ I just- why didn't you tell me? That isn't like you to keep secrets.” she shook her head and pulled herself closer to him “ I'm scared I don't want you to leave me.” it sounds silly the thought of these two ever not being together.
“Why would I do that? Because you are pregnant with our baby You really think I would do that?” she wipes the tears that fall from her face “ I know it sounds dumb but I have this fear that I will have to do it alone just like my mom and my sister; I can't do it, Luke.” he tries to soothe her by rubbing her back “ y/n by not telling me you put yourself in a place where you were doing it alone anyway. And if I'm honest it kind of upsets me that you ever thought of me in the same light as those boys.” he takes a deep breath “ I love you that will never change ever and from now on we are doing this together. I don't want any fears we might have to prevent us from telling each other everything I want to be there for it all.” y/n nodes her head yes in agreement
“ We both are equally responsible for this baby. I know I can't physically carry the baby right now but I will take the weight of everything else and we will do it together.” Luke pulled her up to look at him “I couldn't be happier that you are the mother of my child you are my best friend this doesn't change that okay?” y/n shakes her head yes pulling him in for a kiss “I'm sorry Luke no more secrets I promise” She leans her forehead onto his “I love you. And just so we're clear I don't think of you like that, I was just clouded with fear. And if I'm honest I am really excited to be having a baby with you.” Luke smiled big “We are having a baby! Can you believe it?” with all of the fear out of the way there was only room for excitement and they were going to enjoy the whole journey together.
Y'all know the deal. Hope this is good I really can't tell enjoy and let me know what you think. 💋💋
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lynnbanks · 4 months
I'm working on the second part but I am going to be out all day so it will be a little later. And I am going for a more angsty feel than I have ever done before so kinda nervous
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lynnbanks · 4 months
Ooh! Maybe a Luke x reader where it’s an unexpected pregnancy? She holds off telling him cause she’s afraid of his reaction, and accidentally tells Jack first.
She had no idea she was with child until her latest doctor's appointment where they made her take a test before she could be prescribed her new medication. One second she is worry-free and excited to get lunch with her boyfriend after her appointment and all of a sudden the thought of doing anything makes her sick.
“We know from your blood work you are pregnant but unfortunately you will have to go up to the 7th floor to make an appointment with an ob-gyn.” and y/n is still very much in shock and just shakes her head yes. Walking out of the doctor's hands shaking “What the fuck am I going to do.”
I can't tell Luke I'm pregnant, what if he leaves, what if this tears us apart, what if we are bad parents, what if I am ruining his career? All these what-ifs with nobody to pull her out of it.
She makes it to the spot where they agreed to meet for lunch “Hi baby how are you feeling?” Luke asked, taking in her pale face and shaking frame “Did everything go okay? You don't look too good.”
Pulling herself from her thoughts “Yeah um I-they had to take some blood so I'm a little shaky that's all.”
“Well, we should probably eat then!” He says it with a big smile, happy to see his girlfriend after just a few hours apart. and she couldn't be the one to wipe the smile off of his face so she decided to not bring up what the doctor had just told her.
3 weeks later y/n is now 11 weeks pregnant and has just about all of the early stage symptoms. Her first appointment with her ob-gyn is next week and she is terrified. Luke is starting to notice some changes in her too. She is more distant, and emotional this morning. He caught her throwing up after breakfast and when she was done she acted as if she had been caught doing something bad.
“Let's get you to bed sweet girl, you need some rest.” y/n can't tell if it is the fear, the guilt or the baby growing inside of her but she feels like she is about to throw up the very little food she has been able to keep down. “ you must have caught what jack had last week,” Luke says covering her up
And it is that exact reason Jack was home early from practice 3 days later to find his brother's girlfriend passed out on the floor in the middle of the apartment. And is sitting with her in the emergency room till Luke can switch with him. All is fine until the doctor walks into her room “Hi my name is doctor brown this is Emma she will be taking notes for me while we talk”
pulling out her stethoscope to do a plus measurement test “So what are we in here for today?” before y/n can say anything Jack says it for her “She was passed out on the floor of our apartment.” the doctor nodes her head “In your charts, it says you are in the early stages of pregnancy. Do you know how far along you are?”
the room goes dead silent “The reason I say that is because it is normal to be dizzy during the first few weeks but if it is causing you to faint we definitely want to check in with your OB to make sure mom and baby are doing ok.” y/n can feel the tears fill her eyes this was not happening right now
“ I'm assuming you are Dad?” the doctor says to Jack who looks just as pale as she did when she found out “Um n-no no that would be my brother” he says looking at y/n who looks like she might have a mental breakdown at any second
“Oh I'm sorry um well from what I am seeing everything looks good but we still want to do an ultrasound just to cover all our bases. We will have someone come in just a few minutes to get that done for you,” she says, pumping some hand sanitizer into her hands “My only suggestions would be lots of rest and to drink lots of water and if everything is all good with the ultrasound you should be out of here pretty soon.” be for leaving me to fix this mess alone.
“ Did you know?” Jack asked and all y/n could manage to do was sob into her hands and shake her head yes “Does he know?” she shook her head no “Oh y/n” he said as if she was a lost puppy coming up to hug her tight while she let it all go “I don't want him to leave me.”
She was full-on sobbing “What, why would you think that?” “ I am ruining his life!” Jack pulled away to get a good look at the girl he saw as a little sister breaking down in his arms “Hey it takes two to tango and it's not fair to him for you to say that when he doesn't even know.” y/n hadn't thought about how unfair it was to judge Luke for a reaction she didn't know he was going to have
“ I'm scared; every woman in my life has done it alone. I know what it looks like and I can't do it.”
Jack is rubbing her back trying to soothe her as best as he can. “Luke is nothing like those guys ok and if he did ever turn out to be one of those guys you know me and Quinn would be right by your side as you kick his ass.” y/n laughed a little at that “ but you keeping this from him is going to break his heart.
Let me know if y'all want Luke's reaction if I keep writing right now it is only going to get worse. I also love doing y'all requests. And again grammar spelling and all of the above don't exist here.💋💋
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lynnbanks · 4 months
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lynnbanks · 4 months
awwww i love ivy already !
i cant wait to see ivy meet luke! oo and jack
Omg, I am just now seeing this I really need to figure out this app I'm so sorry. But I definitely want to build on that au it is a little intimidating but this is very encouraging 💋💋
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