mad-d-world · 1 month
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leftover neon makeup stims | source source source
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mad-d-world · 3 years
madd with chronic pain culture is wanting to give your parames the same disability but also part of the reason you developed madd was escapism from the constant pain so you're conflicted
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mad-d-world · 3 years
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mad-d-world · 3 years
Why maladaptive daydreaming (MaDD) should be classified a dissociative disorder
Maladaptive daydreaming summary
Dissociative disorders summary
Diagnostic criteria
(~1100 words)
Keep reading
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mad-d-world · 3 years
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Jack Kelly from Newsies (2017) has Maladaptive Daydreaming Disorder
Requested by: anon
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mad-d-world · 3 years
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Ponyboy Curtis from The Outsiders has Maladaptive Daydreaming Disorder
Requested by: anon
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mad-d-world · 3 years
☁️ MaDD Tags Masterpost 🌙
Here is a master list of all the tags we use in the MaDD community. Please tag your posts correctly in order to avoid a messy & unclear feed! Suggestions and boosts are very much welcome. I’ll update this post as necessary.
5/7/19 - added “paramay” (sorry I’m late with this one)
💭 Tags to use: 💭
⭐️ maladaptive daydreaming / actuallymadd - The main tags to talk about MaDD specifically. Information, thoughts, resources, questions, all of that goes here. (Variations include: madd, actually madd, maladaptive daydreaming disorder, maladaptive daydreamer)
⭐️ paraportal - This is where all the posts about paras, characters, paracosms and worlds should go in order to keep the main tags clean. This includes writing, boards, poems, art, thoughts, ideas, etc, as long as it’s about paras & paracosms. (Variations include: para portal, madd boards, madd art)
⭐️ madd positivity / madd humor - Encouraging posts & general positivity around MaDD. This includes fun relatable content and memes.
⭐️ madd negativity / madd pains - This is the place for all the dark, painful and negative things that MaDD can cause. This sometimes includes memes.
⭐️ madd recovery / madd tips - Tips & tricks and inspiring words to help you overcome MaDD. Be careful with madd tips as there can be tips there to help you daydream, but in general it is about recovery.
⭐️ madd experiences - Neither positive nor negative, this tag is simply to talk about your experiences with MaDD, ask questions and connect with others.
⭐️ paraday - An event tag where people let their paras ‘speak’ on their blogs or make a new blog that is ‘run’ by their paras. Here is the paraday masterpost.
⭐️ paramay - Another event that runs during the month of May. Here’s the challenge info for 2019.
⭐️ madd music - Anything to do with daydreaming + music goes here. If you’re looking for new music, this is a great place, as people post a lot of songs & playlists.
💭 Things to avoid: 💭
⚡ Don’t tag MaDD-related things as “mdd” or “md”; this stands for ‘major depressive disorder’ and they have asked us in the past to not use these for MaDD. Please be kind & remind people to not use them.
⚡ Please keep para/paracosm related posts out of the main tags, instead use “paraportal” to talk about them! Our community is growing fast & there’s more and more para stuff cluttering up the main tags.
⚡ Reminder that most of these are for immersive daydreamers as well. You’re free to use tags like “paraportal” & “madd humor”, but please keep away from things like “madd negativity” & “madd pains” as this is to talk about MaDD exclusively.
⚡ If you do not have Immersive Daydreaming or suffer from MaDD, please do not post in our tags (unless you have a question). You’re free to reblog a lot of content, tho everyone has their own feelings about this so make sure you’re good to go. You are however encouraged to reblog helpful information & spread awareness.
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mad-d-world · 3 years
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