What’re ya gonna do? Gonna cry? Gonna get mad? Gonna turn into a big monster and start destroying all the things you previously held dear?
Gonna make all your surrounding friends and loved ones have to band together in an act of comradery and love to console you? Gonna make both sides see the error of their ways in the aftermath and realise that even though the damage has already been down there’s always room to do better?
Huh? Are ya? Are ya?
Yeah that’s what I thought.
Me too.
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the wide range of fantasy high gods is so fucking funny tho like brennan naming logran soulforger (the dwarven god of the forge, master crafter, estranged from his followers due to the unending log of work and tasks he owes to every other being in existence, the personification of quiet acts of service as a love language and how care is found at the very core of every creation-- it is how we living beings begin to manifest that nebulous feeling into a material form) and ollie (the dwarven god of kickflips and skateboarding) back to back. the two genders
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I don't know man. The playplace should have been demolished, but I think it's better to chew on gum until the flavor is gone than to get bored. Things fade, you know, like plastic in the sun. Half a tube of bright pink PVC turning pink, and white, and thin.
Do you remember the Nick hotel? How the baseboards were cracked? The water park? I never went myself. It's the sort of thing that only exists in red-eyed digital photos that you printed at a Costco.
I wonder where laserdiscs ended up? Like physically, where did they all go? Iridescent sand, bismuth ozymandias. How come the speakers at the mall never worked? How come they always sounded so far away? At least the tile was clean.
Even back then, you knew you were late to something. So many rooms were too big. Not enough people showed up, I guess. I remember my dad telling me that one day TVs would become computers but it ended up the other way around. I never wore holes in my clothes, I had to buy new ones so often. He told me one day they would come in cans, you could paint a TV on the wall. Wouldn't that be something.
I met a girl at the park once who was just like me. I had snuck my Nintendo DS out in the pocket of my hoodie. Hers was silver, mine was a shade of red you don't see much anymore. We played Mario Kart under the slide where our parents couldn't see. I never saw her again. I can't think about her.
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I hate existing out of time. I hate being in this strange inbetween in what matters and what doesn’t. Drifting here in wasted space. Clinging to what little agency I have. It’s control. It’s about control. Because everything else isn’t. I lay here and I rot. I decay. By bones crumble and I want to be dust. But instead I’m here. In between. Forced to be and to have been. It hurts to have been and it will continue to hurt to be. Until every makes been and being compound unto themselves, and the inbetween pushes itself outwards, so scared of being and has been that it all becomes inbetween, and where there is no more being and when I have been no more there will only be until. I will be trapped forevermore in the when and where to. Stagnant in how’s and why’s. Where both ends stretch out too far to recover from. Forced to miss being. Forced to ignore has been. Ignorant to the glory of will be.
Finally, .
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Tree Sap.
I feel sick. I sicken myself.
A spiritual sickness
With an ever-thickening bleakness
An ever-tightening weakness
Burrowing through my body and dripping it’s rich sap.
Writhing and coiling through each crack.
Thrusting through, ever-spiralling downwards, wringing itself of its grim sap.
Ridding itself of vigour, of ichor
Gorging itself on ambrosia, on carrion.
Bulging with meat until it can’t help but resemble what it is not.
Stolen zeal. Unwarranted slumber.
Finally, it lumbers, and creaks
“You sicken me”.
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Hot Summer Day.
Hot summer day
I’ve had enough of you
I’d like to get away.
Although it’s tough when you
Turn to look my way
I often find myself
Hunting for the shade.
I’ve had too much of you
Or not enough of you
Hot summer day.
I think I’m in love with you
Hot Summer Day
How do I tell you though
On this, hot summer day?
Your beauty blinds me like
A sweet summer ray.
How do I ask if I
Could fall in love with you
Spend all my time with you
We could enjoy the view
Of this, warm sunny day.
I can’t wait for you to come my way
I can’t wait for you
Hot Summer Day.
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Shark toothed lesbians fr fr 🔥🔥🔥
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how sad, how lovely - connie converse
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Two words. Werewolf. Baseball.
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Giggling and full on laughter during sex is good and freeing get sillier !!
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A window for two
New building. New view.
No key? No need.
It’s all, for free.
Made for you. For you to see.
A view for two.
I’d like to see
A window through you
A reflection of me.
I’d like to see
A window for two
For the world to mean
Your eyes through me.
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Why does all the art of angels have to be hunky handsome men and women with 90% of their titties out? Like how tf am I supposed to be holy and virtuous when you got me down this bad!?
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I can’t wait till we make it to Mars and we can collect all of the abandoned rovers and probes.
Humanity can be reunited with the children of generations long past, finally able to be put to rest.
Like the end of a long battle, finally able to rest beneath the soil having done their duty diligently.
I salute the brave rovers and probes, may we be reunited in the stars one day to give them the rest they deserve.
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I spilled a whole cup of chocolate milk in my microwave this morning
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I aspire to eat noodles out of a pot
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Today is a finite entity, I am infinite. I will surpass today.
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God I’m just so stressed out over the thing I don’t want to do that I’m perfectly capable of doing!
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